The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.i.s.s.
as stated 12 years ago - was and is
to help me and my potential PEERS
to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,
and - as holograms - all of Creation!
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"


See below:


The FELT days 287 ~ of the next 15 FELT years [see linear time-line]

1 5   y e a r s  = 5 4 8 0   days   of
g e f u e h l t e - g e f u e l l t e   Z e i t   
"inmitten der Ewigkeit",
f e l t - f i l l e d   t i m e  
"amidst eternity"
from the beginning of my 76th till the completion of my 90th year [unless I'll die after all]
The feeling chosen from a day is exhibited in max. 7 lines per day since August 28, 2013
My role in the manifestation of the Tent-Vision is implied also in the biblical tent quote!

2004-06-21-Shabbat, Solstice- still 5192 days

song: akhush ve-akhug kol tnu'ah be-rigshi






June 21, 2014-OHEL 132 from 365

And they brought the Dwelling to Moshe:
the TENT and all its implements....
and the fragrant smoking-incense
and the screen for the entrance of the TENT...
Exodus 39:33+38 [translation Everett Fox]

Sie brachten die Wohnung zu Mosche:
das ZELT mit all seinen Geraeten......
und das Raeucherwerk der Geduefte,
und die Schirmung des ZELTeinlasses..
Exodus 39, 33+38



On my way of letting go of the Elah for now, I enjoy the different perspective from under its branches and twigs and I imagine tents in the niches of the hills

A "khavayah" of joy and a "khavayah" of fury ----with accidental people in my desert-wadi,
sculpted for Maya in response to her appreciation for
"your capacity to see and feel so many details and absorb all that passes around you in the world"





learn more about "the red tent"}


See below: 2009_11_03
and 2010_09_26-10_17 Continuation of the Wave of Gratitude
Closeups to my Past, Finetuning to my Present, Nourishment for my Living -
- which enhance and enrich my experience of "Mika's Heaven on Earth"


Click! and click again to stop! And if you want to do yourself a favor, join in! Sing!
May my throat's overtone singing today - unite all my denied parts and lost fragments with me - today!

{2 - 2005_04_19}
"Learning to feel better requires that you become better at feeling"

On June 21, 2014, I inserted some critical remarks...

"Allow each emotion to introduce itself to you.
Allow Emotion to express its vibration.
Every emotion has a signature vibration.
You must get acquainted with your emotional vibrations."

2014-06-21 - If so, is the lips' "vbvbvbvb" or "shshshsh" and the throat's "grgrgrgr",
which I do and teach, not enough? In any case, it is a first step of learning to vibrate!

From "Listening to Healing Fragmented Will" [2010: I can't find this on-line any longer] in:

"This is Mother.
My intent and desire is to help you learn how to develop
a relationship with your emotional body, your Will.

At the foundation of all healing
is a healthy, respectful relationship with all aspects of Self.
In order to heal, you must have communication with all these parts of Self.
I would like to address the healing of the emotional body.


wants to judge, doubt, deny,
evaluate, justify, rationalize,
theorize, hypothesize, scrutinize.

just wants to move
in accordance to the vibration
that commands it.

By virtue of Mind's inherent nature,
Mind interferes with the natural progression of Emotion's movement.
Mind disrupts, alters and prevents Emotion from moving.
Mind complicates a very simple process.
Mind revels in complexities.
Is it any wonder?
For that is the job Mind was hired to do.

If your desire is to heal your fragmented Will
you must get to know Her first.
You must earn the trust of your Will
before She will begin to speak to you.

Allow each emotion to introduce itself to you.
Allow Emotion to express its vibration.
This is the language of your Will.

To heal Her you must honour Her.
To honour Her you must listen to Her speak.

Every emotion has a signature vibration.
You must get acquainted with your emotional vibrations.


If you cannot truly
segregate the varying vibrations

in your emotional spectrum
then you do not know your Will
and you cannot recognize Her many voices.
How can you listen to many voices speaking simultaneously?
Can you feel Anger without Fear?
Can you feel Joy without Guilt?
Can you feel Love without Shame?

Have you ever experienced one singular emotion on its own
without influence from another?
2014-06-21: that's exactly what I'm thinking about, especially since Chana Bloch in her video quoted Stephen Hawkin saying:
"If it's not two feelings at the same time, it's not a real feeling".

To understand the language of your Will
you must learn to recognize the signature vibration of each emotion.

Start with a simple exercise:

Introduction to Your Will

1. Release Mind of Its obligations and responsibilities.
Acknowledge Mind for all the work It does,
the multi-tasks and functions of assessing and reporting
on both internal and external worlds.
When was the last time you authorized a vacation for Mind?
Give gratitude to Mind for Its exceptional abilities
and grant It leave for much deserved R & R [rest and recreation?]!

2. Arrange the appropriate environment.
It must be quiet, warm and devoid of outside stimuli.
It must be safe.
Will only speaks in the presence of safety.

2014-06-21: that's exactly what is the problem: "safety" means: a situation where I don't have to feel shame".
And if so, the toddler, who is never alone, and the grownup who is rarely alone, cannot vibrate their feelings.

3. Issue an invitation to your Will.
Share your intention to let Her introduce Herself to you.
She will be skeptical at first
because She has not felt welcome in the past.
That's OK. She is practicing Self-care.
Her hesitancy is the result of
previous judgment and subsequent repression.
Share your heart's desire to get to know Her.
If you are being honest with yourself
She will feel your truth and will step forward.

4. Invite one emotion at a time to step forward.
We'll use Anger as an example.
2014-06-21 Why this example?
Used also in the "Conference of the Way of Feelings".
Anger isn't even a true feeling,
it's a cover-up for fear or shame or pain!

Ask Anger to introduce Itself to you.
Feel Anger's vibration.
Feel the resonance of Anger's tone.
Feel Anger's harmonic.
What does Anger sound like?
What words does Anger choose for expression?
Where in Body do you feel Anger's vibration?
How does it feel to be angry?
[Sept. 26, 2010: Anger is a simple emotion,
even a child can identify it.
The problem starts with emotions that have no name!
For instance:
- I'm among too many people and feel "out of place".
- I'm with familiar people, and one of them is "nervous".
- I miss intensity in action or interaction, in doing or talking.]

October 7, 2013:
Even these emotions are identifiable.
I chose them from situations where I am with other people.
What about situations in my alone-ness, all-one-ness,
in moments,
when all "issues" of my carefully chosen routine are followed,
including the "chores" of finishing this or that insert or creation
on Healing-k.i.s.s,
or seeing this or that program,
recorded from the few TV channels to which I limit myself.
What about the feelings of "Not-Doing", "Not-Learning" anything at all?
After so many years I still cannot find their "vibratonal signature"
but if I let my lips and throat quiver and tremble, I can "stay with them"!


Stay present with one emotion at a time.
This is very important.
If you sense other emotions wanting to rush in
simply recognize they are over zealous.
They have been silenced for much of their existence.
Extend patience and compassion and reassure them
they will all have equal opportunity to express.
If you feel compelled to negate the emotion
reassure Mind that it is safe to relax.
It is safe to be vulnerable to the Will.
She has no intent to harm but rather to be known.

5. Move through the spectrum of your emotional body
familiarizing yourself with the identities of each vibration
based on how It feels.
How does it feel to be
For the purpose of this exercise remain focused on the intent
which is simply to be introduced to your feelings,
so that you may become familiar with them
and recognize them in the future.
This is the process of getting to know your Will.

Developing a healthy relationship built on trust takes time.
Have patience with Self.
This is not the time for exploring the pain held by each emotion.
It is simply an introduction.
This is the time for learning what each emotion feels like
so you can recognize them individually when they express.
Until you can recognize
what emotions you are truly feeling at any given time,
you cannot safely navigate through the triggers of pain.

You must learn to identify your feelings,
understand their unique expression
and honour them without judgment.
If you judge your feelings
they will not express
and will remain suppressed and compressed
until they revolt in survival mode.
This is not a healthy expression of your Will
but is the result of chronic solitary confinement.


If your true heart's desire is to heal your fragmentation
you must start by developing a relationship with your emotional body.
Only when you learn how to listen to your emotions
can you bring your fragmentation out of the gap and home in unity with Self.


Practicing this fundamental exercise
allows expression of your emotions without judgment.
Only when you can release judgments of your emotional body
is it possible for your fragmentation to begin speaking.
The most difficult element of this exercise is 'allowance'.
You must give yourself permission to feel.
You must allow each emotion to step forward
and introduce itself to you.


To alleviate Minds' need to judge
you could perhaps view this exercise
as an introduction of the cast of characters in a play.
Each character has a role in the overall presentation of the drama.
The absence of any one character
affects the performance of the other characters

and alters the authenticity of the original story.
Incompleteness paints a different picture altogether
and communication of the story is adversely affected.

You cannot learn your truth unless you allow freedom of expression."



From "AS ABOVE SO BELOW" by Damon Toth

Continuation of what I quoted on November 2-3-left frame,

(s. also the quote on Oct. 26-27 about
"How I am responsible for the perpetrators/victimizers")

p. 288-289
.. Not only are we feeling horrible when we are in our personal gaps,
we are creating from that place also...
Much of the things that we have all created for ourselves in our lives
and ultimately, in our world,
have been from some place within our gaps,

and we wonder why life is never the way we want and desire it to be.

The whole point to healing is
reclaiming every part of our souls
from all of our gaps
so that we can begin to manifest life
from a place of our highest truth
and greatest desire.

... Instead of trying to tell these feelings to go away
or doing your best to ignore them or sleep them off,
keep your thoughts there with them and let them know
that you are listening now
and are there to witness what has been going on with them.

These are your soul's pieces who have not ever felt your love...


Once these feelings move out of your gap,
you will no longer feel that way any more.

Feelings change as your consciousness changes,
and your consciousness changes as you give your feelings movement.


Chapter Fourteen

How ... we can heal our insecurities

......You can look at insecurities as areas of self-hate ...
... When we look at where our insecurities are coming from,
understand them and accept them,
they will evolve and will no longer be insecurities of ours.


The Earth agreed to let us play out our self-hate
until her life was in jeopardy.
The Earth has never needed us
and it was an act of love to take us on.
The Earth is the most magnetically polarized planet in creation,
it is the Motherhead.
If it is allowed to be destroyed,

creation will soon be drawn into the black hole that will take its place.

p. 308-9

It's about going back into your life and looking at it all over again,
feeling it all again, seeing it all again.
The gap has your past in it,

and the past is never the past until it has been healed.
Denial is about forgetting your past and believing it doesn't matter.
Bring your consciousness into those places again,
and be there for all of those feelings you have been shutting out.
Go in with older and wiser eyes
and talk to those parts of yourself that are still hurting.


The original idea...
believed to be the best for every soul's development
was that all souls would be given Free Will.
The idea was

that our Wills would draw us to what felt good to us
and move us away from anything that did not feel good to us

["Abraham" calls this "our Emotional Guidance System"]
...What began to happen was
that we would not always move away
from that which did not feel good to us.
We began to move in the ways

that we thought others expected us to move
in the ways that we thought our Father wanted us to move.
We began to do this more and more and have been doing it ever since.


p. 312-14
Feelings are magnetic and when they move in us,
they pull in more light,
and light is spirit consciousness.

When more of our spirit consciousness gets pulled in to us,
the faster our magnetic centres vibrate and move.

Gaining consciousness ...
is about knowing every part of yourself
and acceptng every part of yourself.
It's about knowing every feeling
that you are feeling
at any time.
it's about knowing all of the thoughts
that come into your mind at any time,
it's about knowing the parts of your body
and what they are doing at any time.
It's about knowing what is going on around you
and being able to change it
to suit your

To do this, we need to route out our insecurities and move the emotions
that these insecurities are showing us are there.
A great way to recognize where we are not accepting a part of ourselves
is by looking into our insecurities...

p. 315

I can't emphasize enough how important it is
to look at our beliefs about ourselves and about life
when looking at our insecurities.
It is our minds that cause us to be insecure about something.
Our minds make judgments about
how things are and how things should be,
and when we do that,
we judge the emotions that come up when we think those things.

If I judged that there was something wrong with being poor for example,
then any time I thought that I had little money,
the feelings that would come up then in me around having little
would automatically feel judged as wrong or bad to feel.
If it was a feeling of terror of not having enough, or shame,
or feelings of failure for not having enough, or all of them at the same time, then my mind would not allow my Will to express these feelings
because it has judged being poor as bad or wrong.

What you are telling yourself is
that it's wrong to be poor
and therefore it is wrong to feel poor.

Now you have created insecurity in yourself about money,
and every time someone brings up the subject of money
you will get triggered.
You have to tell this part of your mind
that there is nothing wrong with being poor

so that your mind will allow those rejected feelings that are in your gap
to move.

That is just one of many judgments we have all made about life.
Most of our thoughts are judgments
so you can imagine how much of our Wills have been cast out.

p. 316

It is sad when you look at
how many of our emotions are actually acceptable to us and others.
When we make judgments about things we cut off other possibilities.
That is why it is so important to look at what our beliefs are,
as beliefs are judgments, they mean the exact same thing.
Some judgments are necessary and are to be used wisely,
but when almost every thought in our heads is a judgment,
we are in deep trouble and existing outside of the flow of creation...

... Someone walks by you and doesn't wave or say hello.
You get triggered by this and your insides feel like they are on fire.
You feel rejected and hurt,
You feel unloved and unworthy.
Your mind , of course, would never allow you to feel this way
so you instantly hear yourself saying in your mind
how rude and inconsiderate that person was.

The emotions that were in you
that have not been given much acceptance by you
started to come up again,
but your mind didn't want to be there with those feelings
so it turned around
and blamed the other person for being rude and inconsiderate

p. 317-8

For someone else who is more emotionally polarized,
they may not blame the other person for not saying hello,

they may take it on internally and feel like it is their fault somehow.
When I first started looking for my insecurities,
I would sometimes stop counting at 60-70 of them in any particular day,
and I have always thought of myself as a very confident person.
You can watch TV
and every time your mind makes a judgment
you will know you are being triggered.

Go into yourself and find out why you were triggered
and why you made that judgment.
Every time you will find out
that there is a part of yourself wanting to express.

You're watching TV and a woman showing off her big breasts ....
You may be small breasted and feeling unattractive because of it,
so instead of feeling unattractive
because your mind doesn't like to be present
when you are feeling unattractive,
you turn around and make a judgment that it is cheap looking etc.


... So now that you have a pretty good idea
of how to find your insecurities and areas of self-hate in yourself,
how do you heal it?
It's not as hard as you think
and can be a lot of fun once you get the hang of it.

All you need to do is recognize
that you have been triggered and say to yourself:
"OH, I guess I got triggered about not being waved to,
I guess I have some feelings of rejection to look at here!"

Once you recognize that you've made a blaming judgment,
you quickly move to how you actually feel about it,

and then those feelings are able to get your attention
and float out of the gap.

Many times,
just recognizing that you noticed a place of insecurity in yourself
will be enough to get the ball rolling.
Don't be surprised if a couple of months later,
the same thing happens and you don't get triggered,
and you laugh to yourself at how you reacted months before.

p. 320

Breaking physical habits is another way to find out
what your beliefs and insecurities are....
the habit that you got yourself into
was your mind's way of staying clear of feeling those things.

Every day you wake up and put the coffee on because you tell yourself
that it is the only way to get yourself stimulated and moving,
that you need outside stimulus to get you active.
Underneath the habit are your feelings of terror

that you cannot create the energy yourself to get moving and stay moving.
When we break habits,
we are starting the process of looking at all of our insecurities.
Once the habit has been broken
we will naturally find out what has been hidden by the habit.

In our lives we have all that we need to heal ourselves,
and we also have God there to help us...

The problem God has with that is when a part of us asks for help,
but we have another part of ourselves,
usually in our subconscious, that ... doesn't believe in God,
or believes that God will not hear us or help.....

[that's very much "Abraham",
and it's also the Shma Yisrael:
"love ...with all your heart",
which means according to the Midrash:
"with you good impulse and with your bad impulse"]

p. 321

The more places of insecurity you find and heal,
the better you are going to feel about yourself.

The healing happens when we understand and accept the feelings
that we have judged as unacceptable to feel.

You will have a lot fewer buttons that get pushed
as you have far fewer triggers.
Someone can say something to you after a while
and it will roll right off of you like water off a duck.

You are loving yourself
and it is making a big difference in how you feel about yourself.

The other thing that happens when we heal certain areas of ourselves is
that we no longer need the trigger to get us moving.
It is our Wills in the gap
that create the circumstances
by which they will become triggered,

...What we are holding in our subconscious,
which are the part of our soul
that we have no conscious awareness of and are gapped from us, ...
will call to us situations and events
that are designed to wake us up to let us know that we have gapped feelings
that need to be accepted and expressed.
If our subconscious has to do that for us,
then many times we are not going to like it.

The events that will be called in
will be as powerful as the force that is holding down those feelings.
If I absolutely refuse to look at my terror, for example,
and no amount of triggers will get me to look at my feelings of terror,
then something big must happen to get me to finally look at it...

p. 322

As we heal and love back all of ourselves,
we bring into our consciousness all that is unconscious
When this happens, we begin to see
how we have been creating our own reality all along.
We then know that we have been solely responsible for everything
that has happened to us at some level.

p. 324
We now know all about our denied Will being held outside of us,
but what about our lost light pieces being held outside of us also.
We can't deny any part of our soul,
which includes our thoughts or Spirit parts.
Many of us have thoughts
that make us nauseous and cringe every time we think of them.

What most of us do is ignore them or repress them
because we have judged them as wrong or bad to have.
When we do this, they go into our gap also.

Our thoughts cannot be disciplined or controlled,
that doesn't work.
When we try to do this
they get disconnected from us
or find somewhere else to go.
Our thoughts need to evolve.

[Doesn't this contradict Abraham's Teachings?]


p. 336
If we are to manifest Heaven here on earth,
with all of its unlimited possibilities,
to live forever in joy and bliss,
then we need to make it happen for ourselves.
We make it happen
by loving every part of ourselves
Our souls will begin to grow
as we love ourselves ,
and we will be vibrating faster and faster
until every part of our emotional body
and our physical body
is vibrating at the speed of light,
along with the spirit part of our soul.

When all three are vibrating together at the speed of light,
we are being unconditionally loving in our hearts,
as our hearts are only as big
as the love we have for all of our soul,
and that's when the magic happens

and the dance with creation begins.
Leading up to that moment
will have its own pleasures in store for us,
as healing is a process.

When this happens
we will see Heaven all around us,
and we will know that we've finally made it.
This is not a fantasy, it will happen;
the physics of it are just as real as the prophecies foretold.
This cannot take lifetimes
if you plan to be on Earth over the next few years,
it needs to happen soon,
and there is no time left to waste.
Even if one person on Earth
healed themselves completely,
it would make a tremendous impact
on the rest of us.
The reason for this is
that every time we heal,
we call in more of God's loving light
into our soul here on Earth.
When this happens,
there is now more of God's loving light
in our world,
which then helps to get other people's Wills moving again also.

The more light we call in,
the more it affects everyone in the world.

Someone in Puerto Rico, for example,
can call in a lot of consciousness to their soul,
and this will affect everyone else around the world instantly.

The increased consciousness
that is brought in by anyone
will now be held in the Earth's magnetic field
for all to draw from.
That is why it doesn't take all that many people
trying to heal
for it to wake up millions upon millions of people.
Once their Will gets moving this place will light up
like New Year's Eve, and fast!

It can be done in a matter of years only
once people get rolling,
and they are.





from Abraham/Hicks: The Vortex p.17
[this is the continuations of what I quoted in the right frame on November. 3]

Our Vortex, and the Law of Attraction
It is our desire
that, through reading this book, you will discover
a new sense of clarity
about how your physical life experience fits into the greater scheme of things.
We want you to remember
and why you are here in this physical body.

Abraham/Hicks: The Vortex p.18-19

Most of all,
it is our desire that you regain
your sense of worthiness
and absolute Well-Being
and, it is our desire
that you understand the important role that you fulfill by being here
in the  Leading Edge,  contrast-filled  time-space  reality.

… You are extensions of Source Energy,
and when you became physically focused, …
your Non-Physical aspect began to expand
because of the existence and experience of your physical aspect.
It was your clear intention
to come forth into your magnificent physical body
and to interact
with the variety of intentions and beliefs and desires of others
upon your planet
for the purpose of expansion.

You understood
that by your exposure to the variety that surrounds you, on all subjects,
you would naturally come to specific conclusions of improvement.
You knew that by living an unpleasant experience,
a request for an improved experience would be born.
You knew that a request, or asking, or desire
would emanate from you Vibrationally;
and that your Inner Being
would be aware of your new request
and would follow it
and focus upon it
and become it.

You knew that your Inner Being would immediately become
the Vibrational equivalent of every request
that your physical environment inspired.
[Does this mean
that even the most pain-shame-full memories
can – after moving the pain and shame time and again -
be integrated as :
"what I let happen against the knowing of my inner guidance,
showed me,
through me and with me in the future!" ?]

When you give thought to something,
you begin the attraction process of the essence of that subject
into your own life experience.
Once you have activated a thought-Vibration within yourself
by giving your attention to the subject,
the progression of expansion occurs.
In other words, the more attention you give to any subject,
the more active the Vibration of that subject is within you.
And the longer that occurs, the more powerful the attraction is,
until, eventually, you will have irrefutable evidence in your own experience
of that active Vibration.
All things that happen in your experience
come because of the requests that you are sending out with your thoughts.

Abraham/Hicks: The Vortex p.20

Each time your physical life experience causes you to ask for something,
a Vibrational, rocketlike request shoots forward
and is received by your Inner Being

and becomes the Vibrational, expanded version of your request..
When the Law of Attraction,
the Universal manager of all Vibrations,

responds to the clarity of Vibration
offered by your newly expanded Inner Being,
the result is
a powerful swirling Vortex
of attraction.

So here is this Vortex of becoming—
a Vortex that contains all of the requests,
all of the amended requests,

each and every detail of each and every asking
that has emanated from you—
and the Law of Attraction is responding to that.
Envision this swirling, swirling, swirling Vortex
and the power of attraction that is amassed
as the Law of Attraction responds to this pure, nonresisted, focused desire.
The Vortex is literally drawing in
all things necessary
for the completion of every request
it contains.

All cooperative components
are being summoned and are coming
for the completion of these creations,
for the answering of these questions,
for the solutions to these problems.


Abraham/Hicks: The Vortex p.21

The purpose of this book is:

• To help you remember who-you-really-are

• To help you remember
the purpose of your physical experience

• To restore your feeling of self-appreciation
for what you are accomplishing here in your physical body

• To help you remember that you are, first and foremost,
a Vibrational Being

• To help point your awareness consistently
toward the swirling Vortex of Creation,
which contains all that you desire
and all that you have become.

…you get what you think about, whether you want it or not.
And chronic thoughts about unwanted things
invite, or ask for,matching experiences.
The Law of Attraction makes it so.

Abraham/Hicks: The Vortex p.22

Relationships, or co-creating with others,
is responsible for nearly all of the contrast in your life.
They are responsible
for the troubles of your life and your greatest pleasures.
But, most important of all,
the relationships that you experience with one another
are the basis of the majority of the expansion that you achieve;
The interaction, intertwining, and co-creation of relationships
enhances your individual experience enormously.
Your greatest joys and your greatest sorrows
come from the basis of your relationships,
but you have more control over whether you experience joy or sorrow
than you realize.

Abraham/Hicks: The Vortex p.23

We call that post-manifestational awareness:
vibrating with no deliberate direction of thought,
but then noticing the results of the thoughts
only after they have manifested into something real or tangible,
such as a low balance in your bank account,
an unwanted physical condition,
or an unpleasant relationship.

It is possible to become aware
of the attracting of an unwanted situation
and to head it off
before it comes into full realization in your experience
by becoming aware of, and utilizing,
the wonderful Emotional Guidance System
you were born with.
But most people
indiscriminately give attention to whatever is in their view,
and then accept the inevitability
of their emotional responses to those thoughts.

They accept that there are bad things out there in the world,
and when they focus upon those bad things,
they expect to feel bad—and they do.
When you focus upon a subject or situation and you feel bad,
it is not the subject or the situation
that is the reason for your bad feeling.
You feel bad
because the thoughts have caused
a Vibrational separation in you.

In other words,
you have chosen to give your attention to something
that the Source within you is not giving attention to.
And it is with good reason
that the Source within you is not giving attention to the thing
that makes you feel bad when you do.
Source understands the power of attraction
and does not want to add to the creation of unwanted things;
and when you do, you feel bad.
Every time.
And, conversely, when you think thoughts
during which you feel passionate or happy or loving or eager,
you are choosing thoughts
in which the larger part of you is also completely immersed;
but instead of causing a separation between you and your Source,
you are now creating a partnership or relationship
with power and clarity and Well-Being.

There is no understanding on any subject that is of greater value to you
than the understanding of the existence
of your personal Emotional Guidance System

Abraham/Hicks: The Vortex p.24

.. If you will make a determination that,
from wherever you stand and no matter what you are focusing upon,
you will reach for the bestfeeling thought
you can find from where you are,

then you will develop an ongoing relationship
with your Inner Being, with Source,
and with all that you desire—
and your life will become consistently joyous.
That was your plan: to sift through variety,
come to personal clarity about what you prefer on topic after topic,
and then to come into alignment with your eternally evolving self.

Abraham/Hicks: The Vortex p.25
Are We Tolerating Others, or Allowing Them?

As you focus longer still upon something that you do want,
not only will you no longer feel pain,
but you will feel positive emotion,
such as interest or eagerness or happiness.

But since we are all somehow connected,
how can a person learn to allow the uncomfortable things
that are occurring in other people’s lives?

All understanding comes through the comparative living of life.
…. When you, in your physical body,
give your attention to unwanted things,
you cause a disparity in the Vibrational relationship between you and You,
and your negative emotion
is your indication of that discord or lack of alignment.
And in that absence of alignment,
you are of no value to the person
you are worrying about or angry with.

And …, since you cannot control the circumstances of the lives of others, you have no real choice
—if it is your desire to be happy—
other than to withdraw your attention from their uncomfortable situation.

But won’t others feel abandoned
if we withdraw our attention from the pain they are experiencing?
Don’t we have some responsibility to help those in need?

Here is an opportunity to begin to understand
a basic flawed premise of your society:

Flawed Premise #3:
If I push hard enough against unwanted things,
they will go away.

You live in a Universe that is based upon the Law of Attraction.
That means that this is an inclusion-based Universe,
not an exclusion-based Universe.
In other words, in an inclusion-based, attraction-based Universe,

Abraham/Hicks: The Vortex p.26

there simply is no such thing as “no.”
When you look at something wanted
and you say “yes” to it,
you are including it in your Vibration;
and it then becomes a part of your Vibrational offering,
which means it is a part of your point of attraction,
which means—it begins to come to you.
But when you shout “no” at something,
you are including it in your Vibration, also,
so it then becomes a part of your Vibrational offering,
which means it is a part of your point of attraction,

which means—it begins to come to you.
You are of no advantage whatsoever to anyone
who has your negative attention.
When you observe something in another
that causes you to feel bad while you are observing it,
your negative emotion is your indicator
that you are adding to something unwanted.

In the early stages of negative emotion, you merely feel discomfort,
but if you continue your focus upon unwanted things,
unwanted things will begin to appear in your own experience
in increasingly prominent ways.

Whenever you know what you do not want,
you always know more clearly what you do want,
so in a poignant moment of awareness
of another person’s undesirable situation,
you automatically launch
your version of an improved situation
forward into your Vibrational Reality.
Now, your work,
your value to that person,
your value to yourself,
your natural state of being . . .
is to give your undivided attention
to the idea of improvement
that has hatched from your interaction/observation.
And as you learn to do that,
not only will you be of increasing value to others,
But you will see
how your relationships with others
add immeasurably to your own becoming

Abraham/Hicks: The Vortex p.27

Learning the Art of Allowing

… every contrasting experience
causes an expansion of who-you-are
because the larger Non-Physical part of you
always moves to that point of farthest expansion.
But if you continue to look back
to the events or circumstances or reasons
that caused the expansion,
you then hold yourself in opposition to the very expansion.
You disallow it—and then you feel bad.
The Art of Allowing is simply your allowing yourself,
by virtue of your deliberately chosen thoughts,
to keep up with the expansion of yourself.
And since the expansion is happening—
because the contrast of your time-space reality
insists that it does—
if you are to be happy,
you have no other choice than to keep up.
The Broader Non-Physical part of you,
to whom you have an Eternal relationship,
is one who loves.
When you are not loving,
you are not practicing the Art of Allowing.
The Broader Non-Physical part of you is one
who knows your worthiness.
When you feel unworthy,
you are not practicing the Art of Allowing.

Here is an opportunity
to begin to understand another basic flawed premise of your society:

Flawed Premise #4:
I have come here to live the right way of life
and to influence others to the same right way of living.
And what feels right to me must be the right way of living for all.

You did not come into this physical experience
intending to take all of the ideas that exist
and whittle them down to a handful of good ideas that everyone agrees on.

Abraham/Hicks: The Vortex p.28

the opposite was your intention.
You said, “I will go forth,
into a sea of contrast;
and from it, more ideas will be born.”

You understood
that joyous expansion would be born from diversity.
But as you attempt to control them (through influence or coercion),
you discover that not only can you not contain them—
but your attention to them brings more like them into your experience.

Your current society
is waging a war against illegal drugs, a war against poverty,
a war against crime, a war against teenage pregnancy, a war against cancer, a war against AIDS,
a war against terrorism . . .

and all of them are getting bigger.
You simply cannot get to where you want to be
by controlling or eliminating the unwanted.

The flawed premise
“My group’s/our way of life is the only correct way,
therefore all other ways must be stopped,
because when I look at what I do not agree with, I feel bad”

is the basis of the majority of unhappiness on your planet.
Not only do those being pushed against feel the pain,
but those doing the pushing feel it as well.
In fact, the unhappiest, least fulfilled among you
are those who are pushing against others,
because, in doing so,
you are disallowing the most important relationship of all:
the relationship between you and You.
[on Oct. 2, 2010, I'm adding today's e-mail quote , Abraham 1997]
It is seen as the powerful diversity that stimulates thought,
and from the Nonphysical perspective, you enjoy that diversity.]

From page 28 onward back to the sequence pages in
"About the Books called Right Use of Will", on Nov.4, 2009




2010_09_26-10_17 Continuation of the Wave of Gratitude
Closeups to my Past, Finetuning to my Present, Nourishment for my Living -
- which enhance and enrich my experience of "Mika's Heaven on Earth"


Day 19, Sept. 26, 2010
Gazing with Gratitude

Connect eye to eye with another while expressing
Gratitude. This opens a direct channel between each heart through the eyes, allowing truth to flow easily between you, charging energetic pathways with current possibilities ~ and creating a sacred moment as each recognizes, reflects and returns flowing expressions of Love and Gratitude.

To experience yet another level, let go of saying words.

Simply direct your energy, projecting Gratitude as
light-in-action, through your gaze, body gestures,
and emotions.

Be fully present to note and appreciate how others receive and return this silently spoken message of Love and Gratitude. Pay special attention to how this feels to you.

Remember: Conversations/possibilities/opportunities
may arise and surprise as you gaze-a-way in Gratitude. Keep what's worth keeping and return the rest to Love.


Pay special attention to children when practicing this
activity. You will find delighted amazement and brightened faces as you grace these young hearts with your Love and Gratitude gazes.


When you are grateful, your heart is open -- open towards others, open for surprise. In the days since the Wake-up Call we have seen remarkable examples of this openness: strangers helping strangers often in heroic ways. Others turn away, isolate themselves, dare even less than at other times to look at each other. Violence begins with isolation.
[This simplification triggers me! What is it that causes a person to isolate him/herself????]

Break this pattern. Make contact with people whom you normally ignore -- eye-contact at least -- with the agent at the toll booth, the parking lot attendant, someone on the elevator.
[Again: this simplification triggers me! I do everything in order to NOT look into people's eyes. Either they feel confused and embarrassed (even my older grandchildren!) or they see it as an invitation to talk and begin a relationship, which would soon become a burden on both of us! With how many people can we have a meaningful relationship?]

Look a stranger in the eyes today and realize that
there are no strangers. You can feel either grateful or alienated, but never both at the same time. Gratefulness drives out alienation; there is
not room for both in the same heart. When you are grateful you know that you belong to a network of give-and-take and you say "yes" to that belonging. This "yes" is the essence of love. You need no words to express it; a smile will do to put your "yes" into action. Don't let it matter to you whether or not the other one smiles back. Give someone an unexpected smile today and so contribute your share to peace on earth. ~ David Steindl-Rast,
[If I have no choice but interacting with a bus-driver or with a shopkeeper, then I do just this: I smile and I radiate gratitude and appreciation, hoping, that for this moment the other person will love him/herself. But I cannot allow myself to greet the life-guard in the pool or the swimmers in the jacuzzi with a smile, leave alone with a word. That's why I hide my gratitude and appreciation behind my lowered eyes.]


Day 20, Sept. 27, 2010

Consider ...

Just as Gratitude is give and receive, so it is, too, with trees. These grow both up and down (branch and root),continually exchange water, ground us in the NOW
and offer comfort, protection, and a daily changing view.

Just for today :
Let's give thanks for our arboreal friends, their verdant
presence and watery essence as living, loving messengers
of time.

Look around for a nearby tree. Breathe deeply it's vibrant
nature. Take a moment to appreciate it's unique-ness,
stage of growth, and continual state of change ~ as
well as it's subtle way of mirroring the symbol of Gratitude, like this:

* tree rings*                *leaf stomata*             * tree knot*

Remember, the Buddha attained enlightenment under the
Bodhi tree, then expressing Gratitude for its' shelter and
assistance in his emancipation. Perhaps it's time to sit
a bit and listen, listen again, then listen deeply to the tree next to thee.



Since there is still space in today's gratitude column,
I want to refer to a sculpture, which I created today
about the prophecy, given to me in July 1985,
when I drove and parked my bus for the first time,
a prophecy (through my dead mother)
which came to new life
on Sept. 14-15, 2010,
and which today presented itself as the "keystone"
for my page "MY ORDEAL", begun in 2002:

"For whoever has despised the day of small (beginnings)
shall rejoice and shall see!"

Day 21, Sept. 28, 2010

Home is our sacred place of rest, relaxation, and

Existing on many planes ~ in our hearts, as daily living
space, our Beloved planet Earth, as well as
Source-God-Creator ~ home is wherever we are.

At the heart of H(OM)E is OM, the universal sound
of Gratitude.

Expressed by toning (sounding), a state of peace is
achieved as One lets go ~releasing all distraction and
illusion of separation.

Imagine ...

By expressing our Gratitude (OM), we create peace at
home - near and far, within and without - for all to live
and love as One.


Do you hear it? Peace is quietly advising,

"Hey Love, I'm coming H(OM)E!"


Just for today:

Let's call our soldiers home- the splintered aspects of
ourselves enlisted to guard and protect our delicate nature, sacred space and sovereign rights as Divine beings.

With our hearts, send forth a prayer of peace: "Our time of forgetting is passed, and we remember all as
One." It is time to lay down our defenses, to declare peace in our hearts, and it will be so in our lands, as well.


The universal sound of attraction is Ah ...The universal sound of gratitude is Om. These sounds are sung on one note (this is also called "toning").

Technically speaking, Ah is sung for 20 minutes in the
morning and Om for 20 minutes in the evening (the most powerful times being sunrise and sunset) and right before bed sing "shalom" which is the combination of the two.

However, any amount of time toning is great, and you can even do this in the car while commuting. A clear intention is all that is required. My favorite way to meditate is lying down, and if I fall asleep, it's all that much better!

In my case, I discovered that I'd sing Ah in the morning and forget to sing Om at night. Then I'd feel a bit guilty for forgetting to be grateful! So I devised my own system where I'd sing Ah and Om on the same breath so I'd be guaranteed to accomplish attraction and gratitude all at once! (That may not be technically correct, but the Universe ALWAYS
understands our intentions.)


For those (k)new to toning with OM, here is a great
introduction and guide. enjoy!

Sept.28, 2010 -   At 6:30 I woke up, FEELING what?    No feeling of love and zest, that's for sure,
though I've all the exterior settings, which should guarantee zest and love (I'll document my day!).
But I was aware, that I felt "something", and so I did, what for 33 years I've been training to do:
to breathe, i.e. vibrate my feeling, accept, 'womb' it, and I DID find zest and love towards my day.
Then (after peeing and drinking my urine) I - back in bed - enjoyed, that still nothing was expected from me.
No need 'to function' except for a small thing: Nella, the dog, begged me to take her down to pee.
I took my digital recorder with me and  -during those 10 minutes rehearsed some songs, as usual.

The song , mentioned in "My Ordeal", and the coincidence of 'qtanot' came up strongly and I saw:
There is another coincidence, not only 'Kfar Truman' and 'qtanot', but the visit of Regina's family:
It was for Regina, my dead sister's firstborn, that I had translated that song into German in 1983!

Later she turned away, and even the death of her mother/my sister in 2004 did not make her return.
Now her twin daughters, born Dec. 1992, urged their parents to visit their family in Israel (Oct. 12-22).
With the song about "yom qtanot" and "akhat ha-qtanot", "I, one of the smallest in your kingdom",
I now know- more clearly, overwhelmingly than ever before, - that the qtanot mean my assignment:
It is but one "small thing": to live every feeling in every moment, vibrate it, womb it, let it guide me.
Then everything that should create my Conditions of Heaven-on-Earth,
- grate-full-ness, zest-full-ness, full-fill-ment -
will follow without effort, stress or strain.

Later on this day:
My feelings of guilt are almost never about what I did or not did to other people,
but about what I could not savor in wonderful experiences, like those with Mika.

I feel ungrateful, and not worthy of all these gifts
and also handicapped, uncapable to feel pure joy.

I want to copy here the sculpture of 2002 in "My Ordeal".

Vexed Christa











Four-foot bronze statue created in 1975
by Edwina Sandys, Winston Churchill's granddaughter

When everyone thought I was fulfilling my dreams,
and was either glad for me or envious of me,
I crawled around at the bottom of my ordeal:

What was I doing here? Living in a bus? What for?

I came across an old collage of mine around a quote from St. Hildegard of Bingen:

"The longing of the soul,
in which the blessed human turns to God
seeking the work,
which s/he is meant to accomplish,
will not ever be quenched."

This is bad English, but I can't come up with anything better.
And I feel right now, with tears in my eyes, that only a German could have written that.
She, a woman, expressed about 850 years ago, what I have been experiencing from the age of six:

"The eternal dilemma:
Should I take the initiative, or should I let life happen?"

From an old collage:

"Idyllic scenes:
- An improvised Bible lesson
with Kuti
(a visitor
from Kfar Truman,
who advised me to park my bus there
in order to train
- Maya, my dog,
with the help of a dog-trainer family,
see the coincidence "Kfar Truman" below!!!!)

- The now painted bus,
with the "Bat-Sheva" plant

I took with me (from my former flat),
and which now creeps up the bus,
a table and chairs on the "porch" -
and indeed,
there were moments of intense happiness,
the kind of which I had almost not known,
but more dominant was the suffering
and the powerlessness in the face
of the non-accomplishment
of many dreams."
I was 47 on these photos, with a full life behind me,
my family, my books, my teaching, "Partnership".
But all I had learnt, loved, suffered, done, lived,
was nothing more than
"just getting prepared, just maturing" towards the "actual work".

"Die ganze Arbeit ist stille sein" - "The whole work is to be silent",
was a saying by Goethe, which I wanted to apply, but could not.


Day 22, Sept. 29, 2010

Consider this:

Abundance = currency = current see

Giving thanks for that which you currently "see"
sets a pattern, allowing the Law of attraction
to create a way for you to receive all you believe

Just for today:

Peacefully focus on what IS, giving thanks for current
resources, surroundings, companionship, opportunities, silence and sound.

As you feel "in the flow", Gratitude glowing within,
shift to a space of intentional creation. Allow your
heart to manifest an optimum pathway, a vision
leading you through intended experiences filled
with bliss and joy.

You may choose to lend your voice to this process,
toning Ah-Om as you visualize, emotionally appreciate
and intellectually assimilate your intended manifestation.

(remember: Ah = Attraction, Om = Gratitude)

As you enter this state of intentional manifestation,
allow Gratitude to be your guide, continually shifting
focus to appreciate an abundance of currency you are
able to currently see!


The above exercise utilizes all four brainwave patterns,
creating a unified field in sync with your highest good, and that of others, too. Consider using this daily to flow beyond attitude to aptitude of Gratitude!

For reference, these four brainwave patterns are:

Beta = Senses and Logic
Alpha = Flowing Emotions
Theta = Intellectual or conceptual
Delta = Unified Intent


Cafe Gratitude co-creators, Terces and Matthew Engelhart, share their experience, wisdom and insights into how to live a thriving, great-full life in their book, Sacred Commerce: Business as a pathway to awakening. We have been profoundly inspired by these simple teachings, and by witnessing the
integrity, ingenuity and creativity that radiates through Matthew and Terce
To explore more on the philosophy of Cafe Gratitude's founders, and the book Sacred Commerce, go here.

... you always feel good
when you're in a receiving mode.
When someone offers you a compliment,
do you receive it,
or do you sort of just shrug it off?
There's something about believing
that you must justify your existence through your effort
or through your perseverance,
through your struggle.
And many of you just have not practiced the receiving mode.

--- Abraham 2001


Day 23, Sept. 30, 2010

Art by Bruce Harman -Harman-Visions: Rainbow Heart
Rainbows ~
full spectrum visualizations of watery manifestations
bridging earth and sky     right before our very eyes.

Rainbows offer a sensory confirmation
that change is in the air,
using present elements to create a shift in perspective -
full spectrum, that is.

So it is with manifesting intentions.
By shining our light (attention, intention) through water (our bodies being 70% water, brain 85%)
an arc connects all that IS with all that may BE.

What is this arc, this connection, this bridge?
Simply this: Intention
Intention bridges emotion with possibility.

Like a rainbow ~ arcing through watery time,
bending Light to reflect colors sublime ~
our intentions bridge heaven and earth ~
connecting emotion with matter,
possibility with manifestation.

In Gratitude we stand with this Bridge of Light,
a prism revealing the colors of white
in remembrance - We are One as living Love.

Remember - One may wait for rainbows to arrive,
or intentionally create one by spraying water into Light.
Either way you choose ~ relax,
enjoy and revel in the wonder of these watery hues.

Light reflects off water at a 42 degree angle to create a rainbow ~ 42 Days of Gratitude = Full Spectrum manifestation. Whohooooo!

Our intention to invite Gratitude into our Hearts
is birthing a New Reality.
Just imagine the wonders waiting to greet us
as we continue to practice conscious co-creation!

Thank you, Beloveds, Thank you ~
for this is a Collective manifestation
and cosmic reflection of our choice
to Be Love and Go Gratitude!

A full-spectrum intention, indeed!

Day 24, October 1, 2010

As you prepare to eat of earthly treats
~ be it morning, noon, or night ~
intentionally project Love and Gratitude
to bless and perfect your food.

Whole fruits and vegetables are high-water content
- containing anywhere between 65% (potatoes and
yams) to 95% (watermelons).
As water reflects our intentions,
changing its crystalline structure -
so, too, do the waters in our foods -
creating a meal in harmony with the body,
and in resonance with the highest good of all.

Plant life emits an energetic signature,
as shown in the Kirlian photograph of an apple.
Imbueing our food with Love and Gratitude
opens a gateway, connecting our physical bodies (earth, water, fire, wind) with Source,
amplifying currently available stores of energy
to uplift, nourish and strengthen our bodies.

Returning waves of appreciation also roll through every heart and hand that tilled, planted, and harvested the Land ~ as well as confirming to the Mother plant its offspring are well-received ~ encouraging a continuous bounty and abundant supply of earthly treats for all to eat!

"Because we live in a fast food culture, with larger & larger urban populations and fewer rural farming communities, we have more and more of an emotional, spiritual and physical disconnect from our food supply, and from knowing where & how our food is grown.

By making food production and consumption a form of communication with the Divine, we will individually
and collectively develop the Will Forces, the Heart
Forces & Soul Forces within we so desperately
need to strengthen us to perform our task upon
the Earth at this crucial moment of cultural
transformation -- the end of the Age of Competition,
Industrialization and Oil and Global War, and the
beginning of the Age of Co-operation, Environment-alism, Renewable Power and Global Community. By being prayerful in our gardens and our fields, in our kitchens and dining rooms, we learn to acknowledge the Divine Spark within all life forms on earth, from the smallest to the most predatory -- humans.

~ A simple act of Reverence, opens us to Grace, grounds us in the present awareness of our lives, and links us energetically to all with whom we are connected. Gratitude & Reverence open the gate to remembering our Spirit Selves. We pass through this doorway to the invisible world of Nature spirits. When we engage the Spirits of Nature, we further open ourselves to invisible nourishment -- to the unceasing incalculable flow of universal life force energy which creates, which fulfills & which moves through us all."
~ Satya Center - recipes, tips, and valuable insights!


From Immanuel's archive 2001, one of the first digital photos: "20010317YON AND ALON IN THE FIELDS" ~~~ "20010317 YON AND ALON ON THE BRIDGE"
It is Shabbat morning, Oct. 2, 2010, and the first photo on the tiny slideshow on my screen moved me very much:  my two grandsons, Jonathan  and Alon.
Both are in the army now , in so-called "fighter-units", one on land, one at sea,  and as they here walk through the green field (s. Nomi Shemer's sad song),
I pray for them, to find the bridge above the muddy waters, between the "honor", still to be found in army and war, and true self-respect ,found in   Z E S T .

Day 25, October 2, 2010

As Gratitude becomes a waking pattern within YOU, so it will be with others, too!

Remember to practice Gratitude as you drift to sleep and Wake to Dream, flowing beyond thoughts to breathe with ease ~ in and out, give and receive. This silent prayer of Gratitude, as emitted by the multitudes, creates an ebb and flow ~ a gentle shifting ~ during this time of mass-transformation.

Listen ... do you feel it?

A world waking to Love and Gratitude, drifting to
shift peacefully as One.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ...

There is space in this column for mentioning a movie
by Emanuele Crialese, which elated and uplifted me:
Respiro ["BREATH"] [German title: Lampedusa] ~~from a video :
To my regret I could not find an image of what for me was the most elating scene: a crowd of moving feet underwater - belonging to the people of the Island, who are bringing back to life and earth "a nonconformist" Grazia (GRACE!) in SOLIDARITY with her loving husband and son - not only from drowning, but from being shipped off into isolation to a mental hospital. "The director Emanuele was inspired by the legend of a nonconformist who apparently committed suicide in the sea and was brought back by prayer."

Grazia - hidden by her son in a cave, looking out to the Sea-
reminds me of Myself in Noah's Cave above the Dead Sea
Loving wife ~ loving husband meet each other underwater
Day 26, October 3, 2010

*Breath of Gold by Vicki Krieger: Heartfelt Originals

Speaking words of Gratitude is much more than 'Thank You' - it is an intentional journey to the heart - to gather, collect, and reflect that which benefits all.

Gratitude gives us clarity, strength, and fortitude to
speak our truth, be our word, and Live as Love.

Speak Gratitude into your conversations with others. Beyond words, let this Source force energy-in-motion (emotion) flood your conversations with appreciation for what IS.

Be committed to feeling each word. Does it feel like
Gratitude to you? Will others feel it, too? Let this be
the intention - the standard - for verbal communications.

Also, listen for returning Gratitude, making note of changed atmosphere, outcome, or opening possibilities.

As you listen to the words of others - seek to discover
the gift of Gratitude present in each syllable, sound and
sentence. Feel the Love as Logos - the Word.

As you prepare to respond, Go to Gratitude.

Words of truth, beauty, freedom and Love will
spill forth to uplift and edify the exchange, flowing
from the heart to Now.

As grateful words pass between you, misting the atmosphere with watery thoughts, others will benefit, too - a collective pool of current conversations waking with Love and Gratitude!

Know: Each word spoken is recorded in our saliva -
a vibratory reflection of the essence of the message. Being nearly 99% water,
saliva holds a "memory"
of all that passes through our body/mind/spirit.
A healthy human produces nearly 600 milliliters of saliva each day - enough to fill a 12 oz. bottle.

Join with me.
Come forth in gratitude.
Speak Thy golden words of LOVE,
Emanating from Thy heart;
Creating golden sparkles of Breath Divine.

As we speak our golden breath,
As we come forth in gratitude
With our "golden speech",
Blessings are bestowed upon all.
Like the ripples in a pond,
Ever increasing
Ever far reaching
Ever engulfing
Into the eternal Pond of Love
Into our Creator's arms
As One. ~~~ Amen.


Day 27, October 4, 2010

Go to your heart and ask "Who am I grateful for?"
As an image, a memory, an inspiration surfaces
- trust and follow this inner prompting.

Now write a thank you note to this person.

Allow your heart to guide your hand as you relate,
appreciate and edify another
for their gift of Gratitude to you!
Let go of any pressure to deliver this message.
Rather - focus on content, essence and expression
of the full-ness of Gratitude brimming within.

As you appreciate others for their gifts to you,
an energetic portal of universal support is opened,
accelerating the Law of Attraction to deliver more.


A psychology professor at the University of Michigan,
Peterson regularly gave his students an unusual homework assignment.
He asked them to write a "gratitude letter,"
a kind of belated thank-you note
to someone in their lives.
Studies show such letters provide long-lasting mood boosts to the writers.
Indeed, after the exercise,
Peterson says his students feel happier
"100 percent of the time."
~ Lauren Aaronson

The outside pool [s. below] is closed now, and I hurry up
to take a picture of this soothing light-shade, water-city
"synagogue-chapel", which is nothing but a tent! s. more

October 4, 2010, 8:00

Tears of despair: "when will my potential PEERS get it? "
While reading one of ever so many "spiritual messages",
this morning from the regular compilation of Jean Hudon,
I scream for what is missing so badly in their very vision.
The vision of 'oneness'~'peace'~'harmony'~'abundance'!
Every child deserves water, food, shelter, a clean planet!
Yes! But what then? What about boredom, or -positively:
What about zest-full-ness and full-fill-ment?
In a movie on a theme-day of fairy-tales in 3SAT-a princess said:
"As a princess I've nothing to do but arrange fancy parties!"

I ask "God": "How do YOU create feelings of zest and full-fill-ment?"
"He" tells me, that "zapping" into any of the uncountable experiences
of the rays and colors of the One light or the waves of the One ocean
is not only exciting, full-filling in itself,  but creates new experiences.
When I "
drive backward" to reel in "The Harvest of my personal life"
or peep out into millions-billions of facets of  the  Miracle of Creation,
it is always a different context from which I "zap" into an experience
-be it of my individual self or of others or of History, Nature, Mankind,
and the context together with the experience of which I become aware,
form a new composition, a new picture, and ~ create a new experience.

Now, on my way down the Wadi of Compassion, to my swirl in the pool,
I screamed at myself: This "Pure Joy" business of yours is all nonsense!
[see the intro to my journey to France and Ireland in June-July 2010, and its purpose]
If unconditioned joy were possible, there would be no need for creation.
It's like with "pure love". Yes as long as HEART was one,
"the Love of Original Heart
found something missing in its experience.
Love is of course its own celebration,
its own completion and fulfillment.
Love needs nothing else,
and desires only more Love.
Original Heart had all the Love it desired,
but for one thing.

Heart had no one else with whom to share this Love.
Heart was alone.

... It was all Love, and only Love.
And whenever Heart became completely aware of itself as One,
it realized it was alone ~ the one and only One...
fully realizing its oneness ~ and its aloneness....

"Heart realized ... its desire for true,  p e e r  level companionship,
to have a companion who was just as whole,
and yet truly separate and distinct, not just a part of Self.

Original Heart is beginning to re-member itself again ~
as New Heart, now in Body ~
and looking out through human eyes,
moist with Original Love.
And yes, beginning now to see ~
that there is indeed ~ another."

My Yom-Kippur [fasting from all action and interaction] showed me by contrast,
what the purpose of manifestation, duality is [in addition to loving others!]
to have this "
wake of the swan" to experience   a l l  the  t i m e.
Life truly isn't about doing, accomplishing, achieving anything,
be it private richness or saving the World.
In the pool the words came to me to a song in "All is illuminated",

seen on 3Sat's "theme-day" about Jews and Judaism in German speaking countries today.
If doing, talking, making decisions, taking a new turn in life etc.
is needed, in order to produce zest and full-fill-ment,
it will flow naturally, effortlessly
from zapping from the context of my experiencing
into this moment of breathing
into whatever I see, hear, remember, think, dream, by day and by night...

Only if I can savor, reel in, harvest "the culmination of all other moments"
can I become what I'm meant to become: a Creator
(which in case of "Bastian-Atreyu in the Neverending Story" , one of the relevant fairy-tales,
which I watched (having read the book 28 years ago), meant for them to know their wishes].

Though the passages about "Driving Backward" ,
both in "God's Page" and in "Four Steps to Wholeness" refer
to general 'Guidance', towards healing into wholeness,
I now discern in them the clue to feeling full-fillness in life.

"You will begin to notice little differences in your life
as you make your way toward the front of the bus.
As you move closer to me
you'll notice more synchronicity

and deeper meaning in events.
There'll be more things that go well for you,
and a growing sense of wholeness in life.

Your senses will expand with richer colors,
more melodious sounds and deeper feelings.

....."Yes, I drive backward.
.....In not facing toward the future,
I follow the deepest guidance available,
the miracle of Creation itself
....Facing backward... I experience all of Creation
streaming out behind like the wake of the swan,
or the flow of a river where I am the source.
"As I evolve through time, Creation evolves with me.

[continue to read there: the advantages of Facing Backward
and the disadvantages of facing forward toward the future]

"Four Steps to Wholeness"
"When you have the future behind you
and you're solidly in the present,
you are looking toward the past.
The vast memory bank of your own experiences
plus the experiences you know of others
offers expert guidance as well.

And if I wonder,
how my visions and dreams will manifest,
I read:

From Four Steps to wholeness Discussion: >The Future:
When you receive a vision of the future,
it comes to you as part of the plan.
And that's all you need to know about it
or do about it.
It's there, and it's safe.
It will come to pass more or less as you envision it,
the essential elements will all manifest.

...the best view of the moment
is not looking out from it into the formless void of the future.
The best view from here is to look back upon this moment
as the culmination of all other moments.

From Four Steps to wholeness Discussion:>Driving backward brings me present

"Turning around and facing backward
is the same as 'going within',
in that it changes your attention
from looking outward toward the future
to looking inward toward where it has all come from.

.....compiling linear time into a single present moment...

your tendency has been
to lift out of issues and situations that would bog you down.
In driving backward you now have the opportunity
to explore the bog and retrieve the goodness
that had been overlooked before in leaving too hastily.

[this message ends with advising the questioner to let go of the "God-Father" image
you may not be grown up enough
to be wholly on your own,
your own creator."

October 5, 2006- Two grandfathers, two grandsons:
While swirling, swimming in the inside pool,
lyrics in 3 languages created themselves
to the tune of the song, which was heard,
when this Ukrainian guide of an American tourist
walked through the sunflower field to that cabin.
There they found the survivor of a Jewish village,
in which all inhabitants had been slaughtered,
except the grandfather of the American,
and - the grandfather of the Ukrainian...
The latter had risen from among the shot bodies

and his son and grandson never learnt,
that he was a Jew...  until this moment!
"Is the war over?" the woman anxiously asked
Here is my song (see the tune on SongGame last day)


This image, cut out from the trailer of "Everything is illuminated",
I shall always see in front of my eyes when I'll sing this song

I'll experience all that has been created,
I'll feel~womb all that has happened,
I am World, and the World is in me.

October 5, 2010, evening:
Once again I have rehearsed and modified this song today over and over again,
and felt always elated, when I reached the line of "I celebrate what is right with the world".
Did I influence the world visibly today?
I watched 3 regular programs, "Nano" and "Kulturzeit" in 3SAT and "Making Order" in Channel 2, Israel.
About ten contributions and interviews reported wonder-full "things", that are happening , in Israel, in Germany, in the World.
I cannot even start giving examples for "lack of time", but tears of joy were filling my eyes again and again....

And as to the "megalomanic" last line, which cannot be understood in linear time:
I could feel this throughout this day: Joy, and how it was radiated on others.
The concrete experience today:
accepting - and drawing practical conclusions amd 5 hours work from this acceptance =,
that I have to dedicate myself wholly to mediating the encounter
between my Israeli children and grandchildren and my dead sister's German children and grandchildren

Day 28, October 5, 2010

Allow Gratitude to spark a creative awakening
~ a flash of originality ~ highlighting Universally personal tools at hand, urging further commitment to conscious creation by confirming intentions are presently manifesting Now.

Consider this:
originality = origin-a- lit(e) -y(e)

Sparks of Gratitude highlighting the (k)new you!

Enjoy this exercise, a short meditation to assist perception of incoming bright ideas, sparks of genius, and emerging brilliant-ness - while optimizing conditions for the (k)new to Be noticed.


Breathe deeply. Again ... real-easing all resistance to
peaceful-ness. As you lovingly thank you for being YOU, feel this inner gifting shifting current states to flow in unison with Now.

Quietly, imagine with the minds eye a light, small yet bright, glowing in a pool of darkness.

This light, rising to shine by way of sheer will, deeply
present to surface easily, is guidance for roaming
attentions, a space for focus to Go and rest.

...Breathe deeply once more. Ahhhhhhh .... Exhale gratefully while allowing this light to expand, flooding beyond boundaries of what you currently see, rippling to spill past you, to flow through all possibilities true.

Allow a moment to appreciate this contrast, this shift, this state of flaming Grace.

Calmly witness this light draw back to push toward its Source of Origin, feeling each fractal wave of waking change embracing, comforting, inspiring and guiding You to Be One, with Light, as Love and Gratitude.

Quickly, now, return this light to it's original size, while noticing altered states of being ~~~ an immersion of current awareness in Joyfull-ness, blissfully emitting an afterglow, an enlighten-meant,
a bright-ness to glorify Now.

Intuitively remember this light IS Gratitude, a bright
(k)new possibility shining before you. Embrace this light with Love, giving thanks for its presence, essence, and ability to shift at will - to Go, grow and return with ease and speed ~~~a spark of creative originality awakening within YOU, manifesting intentions as Love and Gratitude

Day 29, October 6, 2010

For the cycle of the Wave of Gratitude, we will be moving through the global aspects of Gratitude - those that have direct effect on the whole, while being Universally personal.

You see - our gathering has been daily connecting
with the power, promise, essence and message of
Gratitude while re-creating patterns within the Self.

Re-creating these patterns allows our collective
consciousness to tap into a growing flow of Love and
Gratitude aiding quick shifts into empowering
paradigms that serve NOW with grace and ease.
We've also extended our Gratitudinal connections beyond
the Self to our community - enlarging our affinity range.

Affinity is "A relation between biological groups involving
resemblance in structural plan and indicating a common origin.

So our affinity range is the depth, distance, and degree
of connection to the Divine plan and our common origins.

As we recognize the resemblance between ourselves, and
the world around us, our Gratitude begins to accelerate as
Intelligent change-in-motion~ extending our affinity for all creation, opening opportunities for recognition of
commonalities, releasing the illusion of separation
while creating mass identification as One Source,
One Love, One You and One Me, too~ all gathered in the name of Gratitude.       A common origin, indeed.

Let's give thanks for the courage to choose a (k)new path
~ remembering together we are better, as we co-create a
World of Love and Gratitude.

"God is revealed in all Creation. We humans belong to the
whole interdependent community of life on earth. Rejoice
in the beauty, complexity and mystery of creation, with
gratitude to be part of its unfolding.

Take time to learn how this community of life is organized
and how it interacts. Live according to principles of right
relationship and right action within this larger whole.

Be aware of the influence humans have on the health and
viability of life on earth. Call attention to what fosters or
harms earth's exquisite beauty, balances and interdepen-
dencies. Guided by Spirit, work to translate this understan-ding into ways of living that reflect our responsibility to one another, to the greater community of life, and to future generations."~ [Orange County Friends Meeting Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) Santa Ana, California]

Day 30, October 7, 2010

To re-view our recent journey,
through the personal- communal-collective aspects
of Gratitude,
let's consider the progression of the experience:

To begin, we remember to listen within ~
immersing our physical consciousness
in a cocktail of empowering endorphins,
witnessing first-person what Gratitude feels like -
that Gratitude IS.

Next, to witness this power reflected by the "outer"
life, as external manifestations begin to mirror
Divinity within - intentions arriving in the form of
(k)new relationships, financial abundance, ecstatic
excursions or blissful peace ... be these business, pleasure or play.

As others, too, begin to resonate in harmony with Gratitude, continual confirmations arrive, satisfying the logical mind, ('hey! this works!') allowing current awareness to take up residence in the center of our being - the heart.

Then, as Gratitude begins to wake and roll through hearts and minds worldwide, a glorious shift takes place. We 'think with our hearts and love with our minds' ... flipping this existence in honor of abundance, love, joy, bliss, peace and prosperity.

Write here, rite now ... re-create a pattern.

Consider for a moment a current feeling of resistance, be this idea, experience, or possibility - one that keeps you from feeling the universal flow of Love and Gratitude.

Quickly make note of its presence. Love it. Now Let Go. As you do, feel Gratitude returning to fill this space - remember, nature abhors a vacuum and will quickly deliver a (k)new intention ~ one purely Divine, in-line and on time to assist a shift, a mass transformation happyning Now ... Within YOU

... and so many, many others, too!

*** Jasmuheen offers this on resonance and Gratitude, excerpted from a list of 33 Universal laws:

# 10. Law of Resonance: Like energies attract like particles due to their electromagnetic fields; so whatever we send out in thought, word or action, is amplified and returned to us.

# 25. The Law of Gratitude: The Law of Gratitude is governed by the Law of Resonance. This law states that the more we express our gratitude for the things we enjoy in life, the more we will attract to ourselves things to be grateful for.

Once you start deliberately offering thought,
then you can never offer enough action to keep up with the thought.
Once you access the Energy that creates worlds,
a huge vortex comes into place,
and there's just not enough action for you to keep up with that.
And so, what you have to do is visualize every step of the way,
envision you happy in the process.
Envision things in place, envision people catching on.
Just envision it working.
Skip over the how and the where
and the when and the who --

and just stay focused upon the what and the why.


I feel more and more delighted and elated by what I become aware of:
How my 365 days of InteGration into GRATe-Full-ness in 2007

are now resonating back to me from the Wave of World Gratitude.
I'm in a almost constant flow of feelings of grate-full-ness,
but 2 days ago something happened, that would cause every human to feel grate-full:
Mika could have died when she fell down the steep, winding staircase in her flat,
but since she rolled herself into the posture of an hedgehog,
and though bumping 9 times from rail to rail and step to step
she had barely any bruises, when she "arrived".
See the coincidences which illuminate this "staging".




Eve of Shabbat, October 9, 2010,
the birth of Tamir's&Hilah's son from the womb of water.
New Moon of the month Cheshvan, with its prayer for rain,
rain in the north and the center of Israel,
Nomi's song of the 12 months, sung already by Mika:
"in Cheshvan the first rain comes down and dances on my roof"
According to my understanding of Shabbat
(see my "falsification" or transformation of the common belief) ,
"oneg shabbat" means to find and do what I desire,
and what I desire on this evening,
is to create a sculpture about a new understanding:
Except for watching some "celebratable" [a new word,
like "debatable", "questionable"...]
TV reportages -
I wanted to immerse myself in water,
not in physical water, as I did twice in the pool today,
but in the astounding discovery [shame, shame!] ,
that the second day of the biblical Creation
is not about "differentiating between water and dry land",
but between water and water!
How did I, such a Bible-expert, miss and discover this?
Mika is - since Succot - learning about the biblical Creation ,
and when Efrat brought her to kindergarden, she called:
"I'm having a dispute with Mika:
What was created on the second day?"

To save my honor, I must say, that I didn't argue,
but clicked "Genesis 1" on the online concordance,
and admitted my erroneous belief to Efrat.
Then I googled for "Second Day of Creation",
and found this image with this explanation in German:
"This view of the Baltic Sea seems not to show much.
But I was fascinated: People once believed, that the sky above them was water, and that a "dome" (Luther: "Feste", in other translations "firmament") prevented the waters from above to rush and hurl down on the earth. On this image there is no clearly defined horizon. Water and sky coalesce.
Why not assume, that they are one
and that above us ranges a heavenly ocean
that is connected to the oceans of the earth?"
From a blog: a holiday diary
"Und Gott sprach: Es werde eine Feste Zwischen den Wassern, die da scheide zwischen den Wassern. Da machte Gott die Feste und schied das Wasser unter der Feste von dem Wasser über der Feste. Und es geschah so. Und Gott nannte die Feste Himmel. Da ward aus Abend und Morgen der zweite Tag."
(1. Buch Mose/Genesis Kapitel 1 Vers 6 bis 8 Lutherübersetzung).

Auf dem Foto oben sieht man die Ostsee bei Haffkrug an einem sehr trüben Junitag. Ein Bild das auf den ersten Blick wenig aussagt. Mich jedoch hat dieser Anblick fasziniert.

In der Zeit aus der die oben zitierte Schöpfungs-geschichte stammt glaubten die Menschen dieses Kulturkreises der Himmel über uns bestehe aus Wasser. Durch ein Himmelsgewölbe oder - wie es Luther formulierte - eine "Feste" die Gott am zweiten Schöpfungstag errichtet habe würden diese Wassermassen davon abgehalten auf die Erde zu stürzen. Das es hin und wieder regnete stützte diese Vorstellung.

Wie kann man auf so eine Idee überhaupt kommen? Johann Gottfried Herder hat die Auffassung vertreten, der biblische Schöpfungsbericht habe seine Wurzeln in der Naturbeobachtung der damals lebenden Menschen. Dieser Blick auf die Ostsee zeigte mir, daß hier die Antwort liegen könnte: Kein klar abgegrenzter Horizont ist sichtbar. Wasser und Himmel gehen ineinander über. Weshalb sollte man aus einem solchen Anblick nicht schliessen, das sie eins sind, sich über uns ein Himmelsozean erstreckt, der eine Verbindung zu den Meeren auf der Erde hat ? Vielleicht hatte der Verfasser der Schöpfungs-geschichte solch ein Bild vor Augen als er diesen Text schrieb.

August 27, 2012: Herder 1744-1803

Ein Traum, ein Ttraum ist unser Leben
auf Erden hier.
Wie Schatten auf den Wogen schweben
und schwinden wir.

Und messen unsre traegen Tritte
nach Raum und Zeit

und sind - und wissen's nicht - in Mitte
der Ewigkeit

["Bei Herder muendet das Einzelerlebnis in ein weites Zeit- und Weltgefuehl']

God said:
'Let there be a dome
amidst the
and let it differentiate
[I don't agree with Fox' translation "separates"]
waters from waters.'
God made the dome
and differentiated the
that were below the dome
from the
that were above the dome.
It was so.
God called the dome Heaven!

[Christa-Rachel: this means "there is water"!].
There was setting,
there was dawning:
second day
Genesis 1: 6
-9; translation: Everett Fox,
the only one who followed Buber & Rosenzweig

The voice of the YHWH
is upon the
waters ...
YHWH is upon
Psalm 29:3

For My people have committed two evils: they have forsaken Me,
the fountain of living
and hewed them out cisterns,
broken cisterns,
that can hold no
Jeremiah 2:13

Yes, and then I came to think deeper about the wondrous animation,
which Immanuel and Efrat created for the homepage of,
9 years ago
I now followed the animation step by step with print-screening the main scenes of it:
My children had now idea of the Jewish-mystical interpretation of "man" (mannah)
as "mayim from above and mayim from below"
symbolizing the merging between the divine male semen with the divine female juices.
Nor did they know how - in April 2000 - Godchannel explained the splitting of "Original Heart".

In their animation the one heart twists itself until a drop descends and another drop ascends .
They meet and they merge and become one drop, that now transforms and extends in circles,
until light rises from it and takes the unclear mystical triple form of some of mankind's symbols,
which was once a drawing of 5 year old Tomer...


Day 31, October8, 2010

Breathe deeply ...

Now peacefully focus on creating a state of Gratitude
deep within you. As you begin to recognize the shift within, quietly give thanks for remembering the presence of this powerful tool for transformation.

As you offer a heartfelt 'thanks' to you, an energetic
amplifcation of this Source force energy magnifies the
essence, presence, and power of Gratitude within ...

Creating harmonic waves resonating with others, too, who are now heart-fully focusing on Gratitude.

As each heart holds a pattern of Gratitude, a resonant wave begins to flood beyond our bodies -connecting each heart in harmony with the frequency of Gratitude ~ creating interwoven fields, fractals of energetic transformation and doors of possibility between each being choosing to vibrate with Love and Gratitude.

Just imagine what the surface of the earth might look like as we become standing waves, immersing ourselves, the planet, Yes! all creation in a hearty wave of Gratitude.

Now imagine what might happen as we all choose to enter a state of Gratitude - in unison, as One ...
... a splendid happyning to manifest, indeed!
"You create a morphic body of living coherence magnetically and sonically in the Earth. Thereby you create a literal resonance information path to deliver the information from the human heart into the Earth's grid and back. Sacred architecture would be in the language of biology's morphic resonance and structural stability.

This is not just a large galactic mouthful to swallow from a little data set which says human feelings shape the Earth's field. This is what we all intuitively know in our own deeper heart. It is time to listen to the voice of our deep feelings from the heart. Learning to self-manage our thoughts and emotions is automatically
"Earth grid engineering" and is not just saving the Earth; it is preserving our memory of the principle for making a collective and whole body, so that the planet Earth can take its true place in the universe, a planet of love and light." ~ Dan Winter

Day 32, October 9, 2010

You may remember the Go Gratitude experiment began
with a vision of creating a world wide wave of Gratitude, invisibly waking at the heart of humanity ~ no devastation, no destruction. Rather, a massive tidal wave of change, re-connecting our water bodies to Love, assisting with Re-membering Hue-manity as Divine.

How quickly we have evolved beyond the initial 42 days,
extending our affinity range - gathering, connecting,
co-creating and manifesting miracles - as Love, with

Thank you, Thank you, Thank YOU!

Now, you might wonder why 42?

Initially, this worked as such: It takes 21 days to create a habit, so doubled to 42 we move through to Mastery of Gratitude.

Evolution of Spirit, one might say.

Guess what?!?!? 42 continues to be revealed as a Divinely inspired space of time.

Beyond being the angle light reflects off water to create a rainbow (42 degrees), ....It is also the numerical value of Gratitude, like this:

7+ 9 + 1 + 2 + 9 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 42

So~ perhaps evolution is Mastery-in-action, full spectrum living as the ability to view our world in a (k)new way ~ much like light, meeting watery time, co-operating to create rainbows gracing our lives sublime.

And a (k)new view on evolution?

Let's read it backwards, then listen, listen again, deeply.

(k)NO(w) IT ... U LOVE!

The number 42 stands for the TRINITY. It is the number of the inner purity of the soul of humanity; uniting the subconscious with the conscious mind. It represents the CREATIVITY OF HUMANITY or the united forces of male and female to create this number's
keyword. Are you ready to receive it? The word is LOVE!!
The negative expression of this key is the IDEA of
separateness. The #42 governs our sacred contracts,
harmony, marriage and meditation. Another word
for this number key is Co-Operation.
~ Jeanne L. Thompson

To explore more on the number 42, we put together a running list of revelations and connections. In-Joy!

Day 33, October 10, 2010

Re-connect with a current intention,
letting go of
who, where, what, why or how
will make this manifest Now.

... witness waves of appreciation,
flowing through all creation,
~ evanescent sparks from the center of our hearts ~ returning to journey
as messenger, message, and Sage.

Imagine Gratitude as a wave,
flowing to grow beyond you.
Now listen to the heartbeat within ~
taking you beyond thought to a place of Being.
Allow space to rest in this place of creation
- quietly immersing
to disperse wisdom, power and Love within.

Consider recording or sharing what emerges,
in order to create a reference point
- a Gauge for you, and others, too,
to note our progress
as we manifest miracles through Gratitude.

"Through the words of another time,
the ancients invited us
to embrace our lost mode of prayer
as a consciousness that we become,
rather than a prescribed form of action
that we perform upon occasion.
In words that are as simple as they are elegant,
we are reminded to be "surrounded"
by the answer to our prayers
and "enveloped" by the conditions
that we choose to experience.
In the modern idiom,
this description suggests to us
that to effect change in our world,
we are invited
to first have the feelings
of the change having happened.
Gregg Braden

What I yearned for ever since the age of six, is prophecied for this day - 10~10~10
(see Maitreya durch Julia am 25.8.2010    in   "Learn&Live Overview
Das Ergebnis der harmonischen Konvergenz und die Entscheidung der Menschheit
Chapter: Die Entscheidung der Menschheit an der harmonischen Konvergenz und die Bildung des neuen Menschenkörpers

Alles , was ihr denkt und fühlt
hat nun einen ungleich größeren Effekt auf das euch umgebende Ganze als zuvor,
denn es kommt direkt an- bei eurem Nachbarn.

.....Euch fest in eurem Zentrum verankern und Liebe sein.

In dem Bewusstsein,
dass ihr dadurch die euch umgebenden Zellen- die anderen Menschen,
mit eurer Liebe, eurem Licht und der Kraft eurer Herzen

In dem Moment, in dem genügend Zellen- oder Individuen
im Herzraum des neuen Menschen geankert haben-
sich das Herz des Menschenkörpers vergößert hat-
steigt er auf.
Und mit ihm die Menschheit.

Dies kann in einem Augenblick geschehen.
Oder noch weitere zwei bis maximal vier Jahre dauern.
Das liegt vollkommen an euch.
Seid euch bewusst darüber, dass Eure Verantwortung gewachsen ist.
Ihr tragt sie nunmehr nicht mehr nur für euch selbst.
Mit jeder Handlung, jedem Gedanken, jedem Gefühl,
das ihr in die Welt sendet-
tragt ihr zu deren Gestaltung bei-
zur Formung des neuen Menschen.


Ihr „programiert“ damit die Herzzellen des neuen Menschen-
also achtet mehr noch, als je zuvor auf das, was ihr denkt und fühlt..
Nehmt es in euer Herz
und werdet euch über die Konsequenzen eures Handelns, Fühlens und Denkens bewusst,
denn ihr seid nun wahrhaft eins.

Die erste Gelegenheit für den neuen Menschenkörper, die neue Ebene „erneut“ zu erreichen
wird der 10.10. diesen Jahres sein.
... Es ist ein Tor, ein Knotenpunkt, eine Gelegenheit-
wenn ihr bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt den neuen Menschenkörper
mit genügend Schwingungen der Liebe und des gemeinsamen Miteinander
angefüllt haben solltet-
so dass sich das kollektive Herz der Menschheit vergrößert-
so wird er aufsteigen- zumindest in einer Etappe..
Ihr selbst bestimmt von nun an , was geschieht.
Die Reise des Einzelnen allein ist nun zu Ende.
Und ihr reist gemeinsam.

Das ändert nichts daran, dass jeder für sich- innerhalb dieses Menschenkörpers-
in seinem Universum lebt und ihr aus eurem Zentrum heraus euer Sein gestaltet-
doch ist nun alles auf das Miteinander, das Gemeinsame fokussiert.

Denn der alleinige Aufstieg ist momentan nicht mehr möglich - außer innerlich-
doch ankommen werdet ihr alle gemeinsam.
So habt ihr entschieden.
... diese Entscheidung ... trägt die Signatur eurer Liebe zur Menschheit-
zu  euren  Weggefährten  über  so  lange  Zeit .
Den Männern, Frauen und Kindern dieser Seinsebene.



Nourishment in 1999-1982-1984




If we had a child, or anyone,
and we caught them doing something inappropriate,
we would not amplify it with our words.
We would identify what it is we do not want,
and then out of it would come
the rocket of desire of what we do want,
and then we would just
visualize, visualize, visualize,
until we find peace within our vision.
When you make someone and their action
the heart of a vision
that you've spent time on --
your relationship improves,
your experience is better,
and they receive the benefit of the experience.
But if you catch them, and see them, and worry about it,
and put mechanisms in place to prevent it,
now you have not only amplified it,
you have now made a commitment
that is hooking you both into that,


Letter from Taize , October 1982.
Frere Roger with his Taize Community,
his edited diary and his monthly (?) posted paper-letters
were a source of comfort and nourishment for me for years,
especially during the preparation for "walking in Abraham's Bus-Steps,
i.e. the beginning of what I thought was my vocation....

"We should not overlook or despise our own gifts,
for that would be a way of rejecting God himself.-
God entrusts to each of us one or more other persons,
and that is already a call.
- not to give advice, but to listen, to understand
just as we need to be listened to and understood.
Often we can understand others better
because of our frailty and weaknesses.
They can become a source of life:

the valley of tears is transformed into a place of wells.

[See now the integration of Psalm 84:7 into a triple prophecy-song]

The following note I just now discovered in one of my 2 Bibles.
October 20, 1984, exactly 26 ago.
26 is the numerical value of YHWH or of ahavah + ahavah [love]

At that time I used to question "God" via several means:
Tarot Cards, I Ching, the Bible , Buber's Chassidic Stories.
"What inner approach should I have in coping with the bus-problems
with wisdom and courage?
This is not a time to achieve all kinds of exterior things,
but to learn to be aware in each moment,
what I truly want from myself and from others, and to realize this,
in the joy of creation, that will catch on also to others.
My task in the world is to experience life, all I am, all my power,
all my needs, all my feelings, all my desires, to be a whole person.
Today I'm on the way into the [exterior[ world,
but If I continue not to experience myself and not to know what I want
the result will be "tied down, blind, frustrated."
And how shall cih be Destiny and Situations for others?
"As for me, I am soft-hearted, though anounted as king"
(2. Sam. 3:39)


Rabbi Ohad Ezrachi, once my rescuer from Noah's flooded Cave,
challenges us Jews:

"Through blood and fire we became monotheists,
or King Josia and the great Godess"


Day 34, October 11, 2010

Imagine our symbol of Gratitude as a human halo

Divinely designed to rest on our heads,
linear time curving round to rise beyond Now
as receiver, translator, and illuminated believer.

On the flip side of the symbol? An 'e' ~ for ecstasy.
~ Ecstatically grateful, crowned in glory ~ all by choice,
temperament, and inner voice.

Plus! Gratitude, re-presented by this physical symbol, allows our logical minds to perceive the possibility, mechanics and presence of an energetic ring, lightly toted above our earthly Being. As this logical mind feels satisfied, releasing control to higher guidance, an extension begins to make manifest the peace within - moving beyond
["moving beyond"? instead of "moving and healing and evolving them???????]

fear, terror, anger or rage to embody Love as Light, with Gratitude present and in-sight! "
[ Love as Light"? And what about the magnetic essencem without which there is no Light- the Will? the Feelings?
Oh , please, you people of the Wave of World Gratitude! do not once again and once more trample over the Mother!]

Oh! and consider this: Ecstasy is rooted in the Greek
word, ekstasis, meaning to stand outside oneself, to
feel your sense of self projected to a point outside
that occupied by your body [lacking grammar and syntax].

[Spirit, the light, the electric essence, and Will, the magnetic essence, now want to unite as Heart in Body, in your Body, in my Body, on this Earth!!!!!!]

Ecstatic Gratitude - Hellllloooo, Halo!

"As you focus on the physical heart and generate the feeling of appreciation, or gratitude, a waveform of energy begins to flow throughout the body--carried by the magnetic fields of the heart, which emanate outward from the physical heart to encompass your entire body. As the flow of energy begins throughout the body, there is a spontaneous arising of ecstasy--cellular ecstasy.

~In working with this method your attention is, again, on the heart, generating feelings of appreciation and gratitude. And as you sense ecstasy beginning to arise in your body, you shift your attention to the field around your body. This field of energy looks very much like a luminous egg when viewed clairvoyantly.

~There is a central line or axis that runs through
the center of this field, and it happens to also run
through the center of your physical body--through
the top of the head and down through the perineum.
This line is the central axis of the magnetic field that
comprises the subtle energy body. This body, or field,
extends above the head and below the feet a few inches,
to a several feet, or even yards. In certain highly charged energy states, the axis and subtle energy body can expand much farther than that.

By shifting your attention to this central axis and to
the field surrounding your body, you allow the
ecstasy to move out from the physical body into
the field. This is very positive and creates powerful
harmonic patterns that bring you into resonance with the waveforms of accelerated evolution that are flowing
through your galaxy. ~ The Hathors, through Tom Kenyon

October 16, 2010 In the face of so much sun, I missed water - but a few minutes later, when I opened the "Weather of Israel",
I saw this cloud eruption - probably above a Mediterranean beach.

Day 35, Oct. 12, 2010
- today's article does not resonate with me

Day 36, October 13, 2010
Reflection of Gratitude

*image by Stacey Robyn ~ Choice, Divinity and Grace*

Focus on enjoying present Peace within ...
Letting Go ...
Letting Go ...
Letting Go ...
too [to?] flow as timeless Now.

Enjoy this space,
present yet flowing,
an eternal growing of (k)new views,
appreciating subtle shifts as watery hues wake and roll ~ shimmering reflections of all that IS,
in light of what may be,
honoring what has been ~
in order to be peace, be peace-full, be peace-full-ness. Ahhhhhhhhhhh Yes

A personal story:
During a time of mass personal transformation,
I was offered an opportunity to travel to China
to teach English and travel.
With NO immediate funds available,
or any clue as to how they might be arriving -
I signed on the dotted line,
and committed myself to the adventure.
Intuitively, I knew at the time
it was an exercise in being peace,
letting go to be fully present,
and enjoying flowing with the current of the journey.

With a grateful heart, a short time later,
I stood before the bridge pictured above,
a witness to my own magnificent ability
to manifest my intentions.
Peace flowed through my entire being
as I realized the reflection before me was an illusion - in an instant, elemental influences would alter,
re-arrange, and distort my view.
However, by holding the experience,
the meaning, the gift in my heart,
this state of peaceful Gratitude
transcended time to simply BE ...
An eternal Now within ME.

I am grateful to be here with you,
to bridge our experiences
in support of our mutual dreams, darings
and adventurous wanderings.
Thank you, thank you, thank for your presence
on this amazing journey!

Thank you for co-creating World Gratitude.

Perhaps you, too, remember a moment,
THE moment, ONE moment
when you (k)new you were powerful beyond measure, and all the heavens were present
to deliver earthly treasures.
Consider sharing at the FORUM or on Facebook,
in order to add to our memories
the collective success's enjoyed by many as ONE.


Shabbat, Oct. 16, 2010

Got you, God!

Though it is not an "earthly treasure", what I desire,
You in Me are guiding me to the  CORRECT   DESIRE!

Concerning my dead sister's quest which I heard as:
"Give your whole heart to my daughter's 10 days in Israel!"
I mediated between Regina~her husband~2 daughters
and each of my children's, Regina's cousins' , families
The encounters were excellent, as I saw - or was told!
But as to me, my very being keeps triggering my niece.

Contradictions in how she conveyed her expectations!
as well as 'mystical' technical bugs of communication
I 'let go', 'let go', 'let go' of my former understandings.
It is as if my sister was pushing us against each other,
so that we can no longer avoid to heal our relationship.
Spirit's advice to not approach The Mother until asked,
is it right in this case, too?    
October 17:   Yes! it is right!
I do have to approach her, in her family's circle,
and "pray" (s. Gratitude Day 38), that she'll trust me,
that I contain and melt away her pain concerning me,
without justifying myself, without putting things right,
w i t h o u t  talking, without falling prey to my hurt ego:
'I don't deserve 27 years of rejection from my niece.'
After Ursel's death I thought I was done with Germany.
But with the coincidence at our mother's grave
[s. below]
I know, that the integration of "Cross" and "David-Star"
has to be accomplished between 'Regina' and 'Rachel',
and only from there between Christianity and Judaism,
and from there - finally - between Germany and Israel!
[The book, which was given to me by Yanina, when we visited her,
tells clearly, what my niece' problem was with me, in 1983 till....
- see a quote below, after Day 38 of the Wave of Gratitude, Oct. 15]

Day 37, October 14, 2010

*Return of the Golden Mean by B. Xolotl

Imagine Gratitude rippling peacefully beyond you. Take note of the rise and fall,
the crest and the trough,
as it flows to grow beyond Now.

Originating at the sacred heart-space within,
each beat creates waves of Love and Gratitude rippling through you
physically (water), emotionally (vibration),
and spiritually (frequency).

Now, imagine two hearts gathered in Gratitude ~ waking ripples growing to meet and greet
while forming (k)new space for creation between, like this:
Let's continue growing
this resonant field of Gratitude
by envisioning hearts and minds
world-wide connecting and co-creating,
Divinely aligned as One.

Unified, yet uniquely defined,
as Divinely aligned spheres
of clearly intentioned time,
these rippling waves of Love and Gratitude
heart-fully connect
Me to You, Us to Now,
all that IS
with who, what, when, where, why and how!


"... your current lives consist of
many holograms layered upon each other -
this layering effect creates an overlapping.
The space where the hologram intersects is called a "Vesica Pisces".

"This center space where the intersection occurs
is unique in that it is a pathway or gateway.
It is not entirely ruled
by the universal laws of your 3rd dimensional reality - it is therefore a place
where there is an unlimited ability to connect
with 5th dimensional frequency and higher,
it is the Morphogenetic or Quantum Field.
Within this space exists
a fabric or matrix of light fibres
that contain information
that can be plucked or vibrated.
When the fibers or order of the information is altered you affect change in ALL directions
outside of your linear time & space.
You can navigate the infinite realms of pure potential
from this space."

"Visualize yourself in the 1st circle.
In the 2nd circle visualize it pulsating
with radiant rainbow liquid light.
See the circle's intersecting
and creating the Vesica Pisces.
Once you can see this
- place yourself in that space and proceed
to connect through your heart chakra.
From your heart in true authenticity and purity
allow your imagination to dream your new reality." ~ the Arcturians


October 16, 2010:
A vast filament of magnetism
is cutting across the sun's southern hemisphere today.
Run a finger along the golden-brown line

in this extreme UV image from the Solar Dynamics Observatory and your digit will have traveled more than 400,000 km:

A bright 'hot spot' just north of the filament's midpoint
is UV radiation from sunspot 1112.
The proximity is no coincidence;
the filament appears to be rooted in the sunspot below.
If the sunspot flares,
it could cause the entire structure to erupt.


Day 38, October 15, 2010
Imagine Gratitude is an instrument of Peace
- gracefully unifying heart and mind,
and so releasing the boundaries of time,
to freely enjoy riding the currents of creation ~~
a 'Peace' of Love flowing to Grow and BE
the Great*Full*Ness of Life.

Peace is wholeness
-- a Divine Union of Now with All that IS --
Micro mirroring Macro,
and uniquely complete.

Being Peace is to re-member
the sacredness, beauty and perfection of creation,
and so is a release ~ an ease ~
a calm comfort waking
through our being
to fully appreciate NOW --
by focusing our attentions on the gift of the Present!

Look at the symbol - there is an 'Inner Piece',
embraced by the Great*Full*ness of Life.

All by Divine design~
a symbolic reflection of our b'earth rite to thrive and in-JOY
a state of Inner Peace...

Being Our Peace Prayer/Meditation ~

In order to effectively usher in the new paradigm of peace
through a group collective effort of prayer/meditation,
it is important that we create a feeling-based prayer
in which we are being our prayer.

The ancient Essene-Kabbalistic teaching
(on which Greg Braden's "Isaiah Effect" is based)
has a specific word for this technology of prayer-- l'hitpallel.
It is a unique expression, which is profoundly different than
the contemporary meaning of prayer
that infers praying to God
or begging God to change God's mind (as if God is outside of us).

... The Native American shamans did not pray for rain,
they prayed rain.
L'hitpallel is... about us being our prayers,
in other words, to hear our own prayers by being them.

This is the key technology.
We create a feeling of peace,
rather than a prayer asking for peace.
In l'hitpallel, we are actively and intentionally filling our hearts
and having a feeling-based experience
of what it is that we are creating.
It is feeling that what we are praying for has already happened,
and for this we stay in a state of thankfulness.

~ Peace Every Day Initiative; Peace by being Peace

An answer to my quest: how to approach my niece....
Jean Shinoda Bolen: Crossing to Avalon, 1994, 2004

p.17-18 Sometimes someone actually appears in our waking lives upon whom we project a part of the dream of who we could become. Such a person can be as symbolic as a dream figure and imbued with the same quality - the promise of new life and meaning. They attract us with a promise - a potential to heal us - which we either correctly intuit or miscast upon them. ... When there is a call to the soul, we do fall in love with such a person upon whom we project these yearnings to be seen and loved as divine and beautiful beings.
While the person who captures such projections and thus captivates us may have qualities that drew the projection, others not similarly en-chanted do not see what we are seeing; they are not 'in love' as we are. ... Such attractions may seem destructive, to resemble the attraction of moths drawn to light, because what often follows is a phase of decon-struction of structure and disassembling of priorities, the metaphoric death of some phase of our lives. This may also lead to disillusion-ment. Projections cannot be sustained. What happens when he or she turns out not to be as magical and wonderful or spiritual as we had imagined? We may then be plunged into a period of confusion or darkness that is about the soul.
Out of an often-unrecognized need to lead a spiritually meaningful and emotionally authentic life, we project soul upon someone, something, or some belief that then draws us. If the new perspective or the attraction then disrupts our lives and what drew us away from our former stability loses the magic, a dark night of the soul results.

Day 39, October 16, 2010

Seed balls: Complimentary growing partners held together by nutritive materials, wisely spread about the earth to replenish land, nourish inhabitants, and encourage strength through diversity.

Created to sprout during optimum conditions, allowing Mother Earth to activate Divinely designed coding within, these time capsules of living, loving possibility are present, accounted for, and prepared to go/grow Now.

You see, we have been gathering to replenish the Earth with (k)new seeds balls of Light, in hue-man form, all coded for creation, and mixed with Love and Gratitude.

We, the Seed Balls, are spread across all lands, yet intimately connected. Through intent, and by being aligned with the Heart's calling, we will grow to thrive, beautify and enliven all creation.

Each Seed Ball has been planted, catalyzed, and nourished by our world wide wave of Gratitude ... each held sacred at the Heart of YOU!

Imagine the unfolding like this:

Gratitude > Seed > ME > WE >Go > GROW> WORLD> LOVE> Replenish> Peace.

Consider: Even our symbol of Gratitude, by
divine design, is a seed ball. Centered within is
a seed, sprouting round as a (k)new possibility, held safe by a community-created sacred space, at the Heart of Gratitude.

Now imagine you are this seed, embraced by the Great*Full*Ness of Life. In order to Go, this seed must grow Now and break. Break free of all that it used to be, and rise toward the Light in order to bloom and thrive!

.... Here you will find a Dream Seed, planted upon the altar of the Heart of Humanity, gathered into a ball of Gratitude, and opening to shine the Light of Love for all to see.

Our waking dreams are these Seed Balls of possibility. Together we are preparing the way to thrive and In-JOY life ... All by Aligning with the Heart's calling and Embracing the Great*Full*Ness of Life! ...
* The blessing seed - by Alison Dexter*

"... When you recognize your own shadow issues and bring those to the light with understanding and forgiveness you are doing global service work on a personal level.

Your sacred heart is the vehicle of all transformation. When you consciously embrace an experience of fear with even the smallest shift of vibration into trust or hope, you own your power. Each and every time you consciously initiate a new response you open the door to more light and claim more of your personal power.

Remember you are a transformer. Step into your magnificence and own the ability to make a difference in each moment. Remember you are the one who carries the vision. You are the one who seeds your reality with your deepest knowing of truth and light. You are here to anchor the new reality and the new shift of consciousness in the collective. It is within your heart chalice that the vision of love and peace will be anchored and brought forth. " Peggy Black, Morning Messages

Also - In-JOY this great site sharing guidance on how to make Seed Balls. A friendly way to spread the Love! ~ Making Seed Balls ...


Day 40, October 17, 2010
* artwork courtesy Michael Benjamin*

Greetings Beloveds, ...
Together, we have journeyed beyond realms of time,
exploring inner sanctuaries
to heart~fully view our world
through the eyes of Gratitude.

Beginning with the personal aspects of Gratitude, our journey
has taken us through a communal perspective, beyond Global,
delivering us to Now -
refined, strengthened, empowered, and connected.

Miracles, synchronicities,
and evolutions of Divine multiplicities
have been experienced, witnessed, and shared - within our growing family of Gratitude
- and beyond.

Be ecstatic!
as you are in the company of powerful beings
of Love and Light, connecting with their energy
to form a grid of Gratitude encircling the Earth.

Open your heart to celebrate
an experience, memory, insight or ah-hah!
received during our time together.
As you connect, release the details,
simply tapping in to the feeling.
This feeling, as energy-in-motion, is a Master Key ~ opening all doors of possibility - for you,
and all others, too
who choose to live in Love and Gratitude.

This discipline
- the ability to shift into a pure state of Gratitude - will allow our intentions
to be-come manifestations
with ease, speed, and grace
by opening our hearts to believe and ... to receive.

You see, as our bodily waters crystallize,
peacefully reflecting
the geometric perfection of Gratitude,
so will all other bodies of water, too.

On October 19th - Day 42 -
we invite everyone worldwide
to join with us for a Gratitude meditation ceremony. At 11:11, everyone's local time,
we will be entering a space of Gratitude
by clearing our thoughts, expectations,
or attachments -
opening ourselves to be aligned
with the Heart's calling
and embracing the Great*Full*Ness of Life.
Most importantly, breathe into your heart.
Listen to the space between each breath,
for this is where Love resides.
Feel yourself being Aligned
with the Heart's calling
and Embrace the Great*Full*Ness of Life.

By nature, this will co-create a wave of Gratitude, planet-wide, rolling through hearts and minds,
to bridge what has been with what will BE
~ and so usher in the Age of Peace and Illumination.

You may also have plans for a personal celebration!
Please feel free to post these
on Facebook or at the BLOG.
Sharing inspired ideas on ways to celebrate
will assist others by opening (k)new possibilities
for experiencing Love and Gratitude.

As to the last two days of
"The Wave of World Gratitude", read online

The standard of success in life isn't the things. It isn't the money or the stuff --
it is absolutely  the amount  of  JOY   you  feel.

[Abraham , Oct. 15th, 1996, -e-mail quote on Oct. 16, 2010,
see more of Abraham in "Learning to Want"]

The name of a restaurant in the Street of the Templers,
the "German Colony" of Jerusalem

A tombstone without a tomb, without a name in the Templers' graveyard,
where Maria Guth, the mother of Christa-Rachel and Ursula, is buried

on Friday, October 15
, 2010, in Jerusalem,
with the family of my dead sister's eldest daughter

See context and links in "Mika's Heaven-on-Earth"!

"This is my revenge!" said grandfather Shim'on. "It is your victory", I said.
Tamir, my friend, Shim'on's youngest son, produced a son at the age of 39,
The holocaust-survivor Peleg does not lack grandkids from his 4 other kids,
but there was no male child, who would bear Shim'on's family name Peleg!

I was elated about the synchronicity in Jerusalem:
my German family on the day of Tamir's son's Brith.
But for my niece [left, behind] the crowd was a strain....

Yif'at, the sister of Hila,
Tamir's wife,
Re'i-Benyamin's mother

Dominika & Christina,
my German grandnieces,
next to Ralf, their father

Though it is not Shim'on who is in the center,
it's him ( to the right) who his holding Re'i Benyamin.

Hila, the mother, and Tamir, the father,
will now bless the circumcised son.

"Maria Guthe" (instead of Maria Guth), exclaimed Meir, the Messianic Jew, guard and guide of the Templers' split cemetery, who was there by chance.
Unlike in the morning at 6:30, when I used my key to get in, the gate now was wide open ~ "Rachel Our-Mother" Street seemed to run right into it!

"For 10 years I've answered the question of tourist groups about this grave: 'I only know, that this woman must have loved Israel!'"
See, how I grasped, that he was right! [Oct.31: the photos of my visit with Yanina two weeks later, on Oct.29, are not yet inserted]

October 17, 2010:
This sculpture of BIRTH-BRITH-BURIAL closes this page, but I "pray" for "a day of small" things in the next days!
When after our mother's burial in Febr. 1985, I proposed that design of the intertwined cross and Star of David:
my sister wrote:
"Yes! this is exactly what you and I, the two sisters of mother Maria Guth, are: a Christian and a Jew."
What now has to happen is - the loving intertwining of Ursel's sister, me, and Ursel's daughter, Regina.....
October 31, 2010
The prayer was answered: perhaps there was not yet a loving intertwining, but Regina removed the block between us,
and our last hour of singing German canons and the farewell hug in a narrow street of Safed - give hope for the future.
[See a hint in the scene, which introduces "1960_11_04~~~Christian & Jewish -Israeli&German~~~2010_11_04]


Continuation of Closeups to my Past, Finetuning to my Present, Nourishment for my Living -
- which enhance and enrich my experience of "Mika's Heaven on Earth"