Overview of and Links to the Pages of My Community: Desert Vision - Succah
Maryam, alias Christa-Rachel Bat-Adam, married Rachel Rosenzweig, born Eva-Maria-Christa
2002_07_24; last update: 2006_11_26
Glimpses into the beginnings
of the conception, birth and raising of my Desert Economy Vision
Fragment |
Wednesday, 24.2.93; Adar 3rd, 16.25 How light and loving did I come out of the Silent
Meeting with myself, and now I am entangled again in
I am proud of at least one thing: Already at 6.30 I finished kneading the dough for the bread, which I started yesterday right after more than two intense hours with six unexpected guests in addition to Segal, an Israeli, and Ingelore, a German, who needed translating. Still - in between making breakfast and putting into order or improving some ten smaller things inside "Abraham" and around it, which had been annoying me for a long time, - I rang the bell for the morning mo'ed, the Shakharit. I knew, nobody would come, and this was alright. Ringing the bell anyway is a way of forcing discipline on myself. And while I am in the Ohel Mo'ed, the Tent of Appointment, I withdraw into that space where I can listen and receive~~~ The second feat of discipline is in the fact, that I'm writing now for my soul's sake , though so many papers around me demand a response. I was working like crazy the whole day, first in "Abraham", then in the office, then in "Rivka (Rebecca)" and "Lea", but before I moved on to "Rachel", I said "enough"! It still took another 20 minutes until I could detach myself: Segal suggested to help with something, so I showed her, how to choose and sow a patch on holes in "Rivka" and "Lea". Then four visitors came, didn't want to sit down, but still took a little time and energy. But I have this hour before the afternoon mo'ed, the Mincha. In fact, there is a third
change, of which I am even more proud, now that I think of it: While
torturing myself with that enormous pressure, mentioned above, I did
not beat myself up for being "stupid, crazy etc. etc". I just
watched these intense feelings and thought:
I am grateful, that I finally found a way of expressing in writing what I live now and what I have been living in the past. It is not concise, it is not the kind of diary, which I admire (Father Roger in Taize, France!) nor the kind of miniatures (Heinrich Waggerl, Germany), that I would be able to write, if I had chosen writing as my priority. But I let it go - this yearning for artistic perfection. Oh, it is a yearning, a very deep one. But how many lives in one life can one live? Why is it, that I want to do so many things, and "there never seems to be enough time - to do the things you want do, once you find them", as is said in that beautiful English song, which Immanuel taught me 14 years ago? When I was in the Desert for the first time, and there was no one to teach and no one to welcome, I still had this one problem: I always wanted to do 3-5 things at the same time, what should I choose? I am ashamed to confess, that sometimes I just wish for an "emergency", because then it's absolutely clear, what the priority is. As Fritz Pearl in "gestalt verbatim" said: "Emergency is something which emerges, there cannot be five emergencies". I see the street in Stuttgart, in which I walked - maybe 37 years ago - when I came across this sentence. The sunset is imminent~~~ But before I leave this tired, but still so helpful computer, I must report, what Michal Biton [the first volunteer and later hostess in the Succayah, 1991] told me on the phone yesterday:
What is unfinished - like the story about Michal - will stay unfinished, incomplete. I am not yet in my mo'ed of silence. I am in my hell of suffering. Shame, guilt, fear, exhaustion, despair, worries without end. There are some hints to the first feelings in the handwritten diary - but I'll use this gift of half an hour that I am giving to myself in order to just write down, whatever worries come to OUR mind. Oh, my God, I can not even ask US to take US out of this suffering! For I know, that we attract it in order to let trigger OUR denials. It's about coming in contact with all the feelings that need to be felt and moved and accepted so that they can be EVOLVED, E-VOLVED. I am screaming now, and yawning. But I cannot do this work of "moving emotions", or even of just expressing rationally what I want people to do, without them being affected and triggered. - Am I going to be the GREAT TRIGGER around here? I am so afraid! Is this OUR task now, oh my God. I, who for 30 years wanted to be in this world "to diminish suffering"! - I am suffocating, my God. I don't want to be in Hell, my God. - The stones we brought yesterday, when will I order them? If I don't order them, they will be lying around and the Succayah will be a mess. - There are too many things going on today: How did I create such a situation again! But it is for getting triggered, or is this just another kind of masochism? - What shall I do with Meirav - when I am in such a mess, I cannot teach, I cannot give instructions. No, God, I cannot be a trigger for other people. They do not yet have the tools to deal with it like I have. I want them to feel good and satisfied, and I am not denying this feeling either, my God. - What about just being silent, answering only when I am asked and do myself, what I can do and want to do? But then either people will get frustrated or their time will be wasted or they will do something which again makes me so mad as Yacob's fucking, fucked-up "Pergola" over the bells did yesterday and still does today. - Why can't I be one of these three sparrows that amuse themselves beyond the window on the motor cover? - And what about all the money I've spent, for Allik's alternator 900 Sheqel. Why wasn't I more critical before I let him install it? Why did he have to bring a new one? Chayim said one for 300 Sheqel would have been enough. - Oh, my God, all the many expenses now! Is it, that I need to destroy my own creation in order to "move feelings"? My God, I am in such despair. I wished you would take me from this earth or from existence altogether. I am dramatizing. Where is my sense of humor? Oh my God, at least you are with me, we are together in all this shit. - How can I teach Meirav co-counceling, she is such a hard cookie, I can't even discharge myself in her presence. Why should I waste my time and strength for something, which might only destroy! Why should I care for her so much. She is a fragment of me, the fragment which denies a hundred times more than what I deny. - And the guest, what will she do, if the cerosine-heater doesn't function? Or if no kerosine will be there anymore! It is so cold. - They said on the radio, it would rain today even in the Negev. Renata wants to erect the tents today. How! Are we attracting suffering for everybody? - What will happen, if I just let go of control? If I just let the blaming happen? The blaming that I constantly fear and that dictates so many of my actions, leave alone feelings. - Why did I enter this experiment with worms for composting with Nir Gur! Don't I have too many projects going on already? - My time is running out, and I need still so much to cry, to scream, to yawn. I can only accept US in this deep distress. I cannot change it, I cannot control anything. I just nestle in YOUR ARMS, knowing that YOU love me, accept me, are wholly compassionate towards all this suffering, no matter what I do and how many mistakes I make. Underneath my anger about those "creative men"
there is - mostly - the worry about money. Because if I had 50000 Sheqel
to spend, I want to just be present with my suffering and be as silent and as inside myself as possible. And whatever will happen, will happen. |
Working with Renata.
Preparing to bring equipment to the succahs or tents.
she promises herself...
she rests...
she discerns a blossom...
She feels whole...