The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"


52 days of Moving and E-volving Emotions Manual - 23rd day, August 5, 2002

  • Hours later, the kids are gone,
    and I'm still quivering with fear,
    still jumping around in my flat,
    praying my yearning out loud:

    "Please let each of those gathered now,
    especially the trinity Avi & Efrat & Gadi,
    for whom I made space in the desert,
    become parental
    to what they created,
    and peers towards their common goal."

And lo, I become aware that just now I'm editing
my recorded 3 stanzas of "Water in the Desert",
which I sang together with my Salt sea springs

"and their soul shall be like
a watered
Jeremiah 31,11



Avi's Abraham-Succah

Gadi's photo:
rare rain running down
the wadi of the Succahs







2 hours later it's "alarming", how un-"charming" I feel.
Contrary to my present p

The FELT days 91, 92, 93, 94 ~ of the next 15 FELT years

1 5   y e a r s  = 5 4 8 0   days   of
g e f u e h l t e - g e f u e l l t e   Z e i t   
"inmitten der Ewigkeit",
f e l t - f i l l e d   t i m e  
"amidst eternity"
from the beginning of my 76th till the completion of my 90th year [unless I'll die after all]
"A dream is our life on Earth ...we measure ...(it) in space & time" -see 2013 songs August Nr. 4-
Yes, I, Christa-Rachel Bat-Adam, want to measure my life on Earth in space & time!

4 days of feelings will be inserted on each of the 1400 pages [set up between 2001-2008]
continuing with M E E M and then following the order of folders and files on my "local site".

The feeling chosen from a day is exhibited in max. 7 lines per day since August 28, 2013
On 6 days of the week I learn, but Shabbat is dedicated to my main feeling: grate-full-ness.
Since feelings must be vibrated~ wombed, each day closes with a song, fitting the 7 lines
To challenge myself like that -while not knowing what will be "staged"
in my personal and in the world's drama till 2028 , exhilarates me!

2013-11-28-Thursday, still 5393 days

I desire: may my power come from what I radiate

2013 songs: I love my love... .my joy I radiate
2013-11-29-Kaf-Tet b'November-still 5392 days

I feel proud of my bravery on this day in 2003,
- proud of having lived 150 days in Noah's Cave,
I feel whole with the seeming failure of this model of training for creating Peace through my Desert Vision.
"Every experience is valid", also the 3 weeks of striving for my Path at Arad.
It trained me for what I have to do&be NOW!

2012 song Nr. 22: gam shekhikhah hi shkhinah

I feel grate-full for having completed and sent my "te'udah" to my sons and my daughter-in-love, who is swift in judging me, but is often on my wave-length. I'm grate-full for Yoram Yuval's saying to Rona Ramon that becoming older means to be able to contain contrary feelings: I'm full-filled, but I'm also afraid...

song: Elohim al domi lakh ....tzur te'udah
[I tried 5 times, different ways, but the top with the link to my brother just would not appear:
2013-11-30-Eberhard's 71st BD-still 5391 days

2013-12-01-Sunday-Shoham - still 5390 days

Depressed by people's plights (Syria's children,
Bedouins in Israel), but on a small scale I feel, yes! contempt for my landlord, usually such an angel, but such a coward, when I ask for what he doesn't feel able to do, like "will you de-monstrate your 'All-in-One Computer' to me?"
And I feel guilty for having embarrassed him!

song: I wanna see the World united
This is incredible, even after I moved the top line to the bottom, it would not appear:
2013-11-30-Eberhard's 71st BD- still 5391 days

My landlords on Meital's birthday now

continuation November 28, 2013, still 22 days till Mika's 8th birthday

ciple of not init

November 28, 2013

and their soul shall be as a watered garden
Jeremiah 31:11

My biotope
the "Grave of Grace"
on what is claimed as
"private property",
fenced in from above.
It was just desert,
when - in 2006 -I adopted
the ugly gravelike pit
left by soldiers
in the desert earth,
and filled it day after day
for more than a year,
with stones that rolled on the path
and made it slippery.
A hint of a path was there before,
but I improved it
when I began to live
on the other side of the wadi,
which I came to call
"Wadi of Compassion",
since it runs into "Nakhal Khaesed",
Wadi of Grace, its name on the map.
Only in April 2013
I covered the stones
with soil and clippings

The third stage of my life - after marriage and children and house-
began with my "going out"[like the river from the garden of Eden]
with my lekh-lekhâ / lekhi-lakh, go-to-yourself [like Abraham]
The direction painted on the head of my bus was "Thousands of paths".
I must reach a deeper understanding of this.

Why am I to touch the Earth physically only by opening paths?
Paths on the Desert Earth?
As to the authorities, even this was forbidden,
when I once asked - asked to honor the ranger -
if we may make a path to the imagined "Midbaron"
with the young pioneers of an "Aetgar in the Desert".
But in the desert of the Zealots' Valley, between Arad and the Salt Sea
I (or we) made paths, one of them: see Path-Meditation (3 pages)

"They shall be joyous,
the desert and the parched land
and the wilderness shall exult
and blossom as the lily.

"For in the desert shall waters break out,
and streams in the wilderness.
And Dry-Wind shall become a lake,
and Thirst - springs of water.

"And a route and a way shall be there,
Way of Holiness it shall be called."

Jesaja 35
See more of this song in "Water in the Wilderness"

[Diary: It's the day of "Bituakh Leumi", National Security. I received my share (2720 NIS), but the account is still seized!
A part of the long waiting I used for buying food-ingredients, batteries for my recorder, Propolis for my tiny skin-problems.
In the now very beautiful Center of Town, I enjoyed the mix (or is it a true coalescence?) of people, of ethnical backgrounds,
including Bedouin women covered in black except for the eyes, or Jewish men dressed as in the 19th century in East Europe.
On the way back I passed the pool for a short swim and the GATE! My device was still there - I crawled under the metal strip].

At home I worked with utmost concentration on the sculpting of my te'udah, my "bearing witness to my new assignment" for my children.
Until tomorrow, Kaf-Thet be-November, the 10 year anniversary of my digging out "Noah's Cave" at the Salt Sea,
I have to understand, if I am meant to let go of the "Path-Mekhinah" and the few people, who were involved in it.
One practical preparation is the removal of all edited and unedited "path-photos" from Desktop to Waste-Basket.

This is the overview of the path, beginning from my neighborhood Shaqed,
down through the Wadi of Compassion, up the Wadi, passing by the Grave of Grace,
passing through the lower fence and the Irussim-Road up to the upper fence,
with its turn down to the right and the entry in it - which is still without gate.

This is a view of the site, that is already "under construction", with my neighborhood Shaqed to the right above the Wadi of Compassion
and another neighborhood in the back of the new buildings, a neighborhood which is above Nakhal Khaesed, into which "my" Nakhal flows.
The Wadi Khaesed separates the wider Arad area from the Judaean desert , which a bit further north belongs to Palestine.
To the right in the foreground: an electricity center, which was established towards the building along the Irussim-Road at least a decade ago.

Below: The same scenery from the opposite side of the Wadi of Compassion

So far I can pass the lower fence to its right, but when descending from above it clashes into my sight, which is not pleasant, to say the least

I cross the Irussim-Road and pass between the fence
and the box for electricity connections to a future building.

Then finally the view is free,
I pass by my Grave of Grace
and water it with 2 liters from the pool,
as I watered it with 2 l from my kitchen tap.
Then I walk downward to the wadi,
carefully with my stick,
enjoying every detail on my way

When will it rain finally, so that the wadi will come to life? [on Dec.13]
See more of one of my desert-songs (2012 songs Nr. 17)



In all three domains,
learning, creating, loving
the main learning is Zen's way:
not to say things to their completion
to give an opportunity to the other person
to complete what I start.

[also in pp14, 2001/07/28]

Posted today on Facebook -
and translated in to Hebrew -
by Ra'ayah, my daughter-in-love

By chance I came across this passage in pp14, God's and my Will and Desire, 2001/06/26

.... Take the situation of "Succah in the Desert"
[my major achievement,
but still only the scientific model of a grand, but precise vision]

I could and should have enjoyed what "you" let me succeed in.

But my belief was,
that if I didn't work on the overall vision all the time,
this model wouldn't last.

It has been lasting so far, but in such a limited form,
that it hardly touches my vision and desire.

Now, from my present perspective
I would have preferred to concentrate
on what joy the Succah gave me,
without killing myself by working for the broader vision.

There was the financial worry.
I thought only if the whole idea gets acception,
will it work economicly.

Also, the Succah didn't work the way I wanted to.
It was only when I came up with "Aetgar ba-Midbar"

"Challenge in the Desert"
[a substantial content for mobile desert hosting enterprises],
that I felt faintly satisfied..

My Te'udah....

Continuation and correction of "te'udah", or my response to Immanuel's warning and quest
completed today, on the 29th of November 2013, 10 years after a "similar" letter to my worried children, which I came across today

November 20, 2013: Immanuel's warning and quest , which inspired me to give a sculpted verbal form to my new 'pregnancy'






continuation of my letter to Immanuel:

see Desert Peace Process, the last of 6 pages.
So often had I fallen into this trap : My ardent desire for reconciliation
had carried the adversaries away! Each one overrode hidden feelings.

My lyrics to a song in Arabic,

Are you judging?
Are you judging me, Children?
Are you judging?
Are you judging me, Children?
Judging me
for what I've done to you,
for what I've let happen to you?
|: I was not aware, not aware,
denying what I felt,
nor aware of what you-you felt! :|
Let us now heal all denial,
me and you,

vibrate and womb,
and find goldmines in it!
Let us find goldmines in it!




November 30, 2013, still 20 days till Mika's 8th birthday

November 30, 2013 -
a pleasant all-one Shabbat,
a day before traveling to Shoham for 3 days.
Immanuel - as a stage of learning towards becoming a "captain" at El-Al
will fly to the Simulator for 14 full days.
I felt, I should forward my so carefully sculpted letter to Arnon and Yael,
as an example
of what I "attracted" at the beginning of my new acting in the exterior world,
since I'm out of "fitness" and needed to train again,
both in how to approach enemies and adversaries even among my friends
and people in whom I tend to see potential partners,
overwhelming them and deluding myself.

pilot Immanuel with his daughter Mika, on flight to New-York, 2007
his sister's daughter Yael and his brother's son Arnon, at Arad, 2007
After her Poland-Holocaust journey, Yael stopped playing the clarinet.
The discipline needed for it, suffocated her feelings for the music.
She prefers to freely play the piano, not living up to expectations.

Arnon (not Yael) responded to my letter on Dec. 7,
after his two desert hikes during Chanuka.
It was the final "Sholem!" between us.

Addition on December 13, 2013


December 1, 2013-Mika-still 19 days till her 8th birthday


ting anything,ade a phonecall in orderase a faint feeling of guilt.
When I realized that my voice was h

l alarming

how un


ing I feel.
I asked for a helpful word from Godchannel and got this:

and my speech messy.
I brought the interaction to a swift end,
but it's still alarming how uncharming I feel.
I asked for a helpful word from Godchannel and got this: