The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

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I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"




K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart














Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery


July 8, Tuesday, - at Shoham
re-edited on July 8, 2013, Arad

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Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want, then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what may!
8:45 Since it was the deadline of Efrat's newspaper, she returned only at 3 AM and I was allowed to get Mika ready for kindergarden
and bring her there. To make it easy, E. suggested that I give Mika her bottle instead of cereals and let her watch TV in my room.
I desire to cast my actress Mika into a role which is mainly loving, respecting and nurturing.
I desire to no longer attract minor actors, who trigger me or are triggered by me - to no avail!
I desire, that I and all my friends, with whom I froze our relationships, will soon become PEERS.
I desire to live a harmonious day with Efrat, who is not going to work today, and with Mika.
I desire to "complete" the pages July 3-7 & let the experiences of those days nourish & heal me

image of the day: a scene in Mika's Baby-Television in my room this morning at 7:45

hodayot [thanksgivings] for today

My Body, my Partner, my God
I give thanks to your tolerance towards my ongoing criticism of our belly,
and to your advice to ask "Ezriel, my Equipment Angel",
to provide me with loose, not squeezing dresses, which will hide our belly,
without me needing to constantly and compulsively "drawing it in"....

I'm grate-full to Mika for having - gradually - fullfilled yesterday's Intention
"to play a role which will be more loving, respecting and nurturing".
I'm grate-full that I'm learning not to show my ego-pains to Mika's parents
as long as I still attract such pains, i.e. need to heal a hole in my wholeness.
I am grate-full to Efrat, that she balanced her stress with such friendliness.
I'm grate-full to technically gifted Mika in the car this morning, for having helped me out of my predicament with her complicated safety-belt ...
I am grate-full, that after 4 SMS exchanges with Deqel about visiting me
I stopped to react to more messages, instead of screaming at her vocally.

I am grate-full, that in the phone-talk with 77 year old Ilana Offer in Eilat,
I reacted with humor to her gloominess
["The State of Israel is a death-trap for its suffering people! I'm going to pass away at 80, since I don't want to see the end of it all!"]

"Leaves, leaves are falling",
said Mika enthusiastically,
when watching this clip in Baby Channel

Thus a mystical composition created itself with the painting of Ilana
(the female form of "tree"!),
the only painting I ever bought with money and which is now hanging above Mika's piano,

and also inserted as one of the first images on Healing-K.i.s.s. - amidst "God has Evolved",

My Arad-Shoham backpack is seen under my not yet ordered bed


"Driving Backward into the Future" = "Closeups to the Past" = Healing&Harvesting my Past

I told Ilana, the painter, the story about the painting of my brother:
"My brother Eberhard came to visit me only once before his death in 1970.
He wanted to come already in 1966,
but since around that time also my mother wanted to be with us,
my husband said: "No! One of your family is already too much for me!"

Ilana laughed.
"It's not funny!" I said,
but how could she understand my everlasting regret
about having succumbed to my husband then.... and not only then.....

"When he came in July 1969 he handed me his painting
- the last one he ever created -
and explained - (and remember, Ilana, that he was neither Jewish nor Israeli) :
"This is the State of Israel.
See the lightening bolts and the dark clouds:
Israel will cause herself terrible disasters.
but see the light :
it will be from Israel herself, that the light will finally break through.!"

[see below: the flash of the camera brings the light right into the huge cloud...].

I forgot to mention the one sentence - a quote from the poet Hoelderlin - which I guarded from Eberhard's letters to me during my scholarship year in Israel in 1961:
"Wo aber Gefahr ist, da waechst das Rettende auch."
"But where there is danger, there - what will save - is growing too !"

"You are naive,Rachel!"
I didn't waver and added:
"I , too, am a part of Israel, and as a hologram I am all of Israel.
And if I heal and become whole, Israel will heal and become whole."

I didn't tell her, that this is what Hillel, the Wise, said 2000 years ago:
"If I am here, all are here! If I am not here, nobody is here."
but I emphasized:

"And don't deny, that your painting (1998),
which I'm facing this very moment above our piano,
delivers the same message as the painting of my brother (1969)."

"Perhaps the subconscious of me, the artist,
knows more than my conscious mind...."

Eberhard's Painting as it was squeezed into the window frame in the ceiling of my bus - from 1985 till 2004
[I now added a passage to the overview "Bus-Steps" - about the death of the bus....].
Now it hangs, in a new frame, in my flat in Arad, see for instance in "Rotem&Tomer"

I happened to read again the homepage of
and decided to link my personal "Focus of Intention" to "God's Intention"
daily from now on.

God's Intention

"I have asked that this material be published here
so that you and I can communicate more fully.
While my truest presence and voice is within you,
my intention is
to help strengthen the experience
of our inner connection
through this outer form of communication.

"Talking to you is like me talking to myself.
It is, in fact, my own eternal presence within you
that I am addressing.
I am waking up inside of you,
which is like saying
that you are waking up to realize
that I am you.

" I should say that you are waking again,
because you have been here before.
Your deep Self has always known
that All Is One
and you are in a constant process
of becoming All That Is.
For a very long time
your evolution toward wholeness
has been the great mystery.
It is now to become the great awakening.

"I would like to help you
become aware of your true identity
so that together
we can resolve the problems you are facing.
I am now moving to correct the imbalances
that have existed on Earth
and in the rest of Creation
since before the beginning,
and I am asking for your help and collaboration
in doing this.

"Above all, you have free will.
It is my desire that you and only you choose
who you will be and what you will do.
I hope you choose to be my host [see there "venue"] here on Earth.
I hope you allow my presence within you to express through you.
And I hope you and I will work together collaboratively
to bring the healing
that your deepest Self and the Earth have been calling for.

"If you choose that we work together,
it will be most helpful
to have strong and certain inner communication
with each other.
This web site is one of several outer forms of communication
that can support us in establishing and strengthening our inner union.
You can, if you choose, channel my Light
and use it to help heal yourself
and the ills of this planet,

and help prepare the way
for my coming to Earth.
If this is your choice,
a good place on this site to begin is
with the Four Steps to Wholeness."

I also came across this personal channeling in Oct. 2004:

"But your doing was immersed in so much suffering,
that it often counteracted the benefit for those people,
for the world at large,
for which you cared so much.

"Now it is different.
Now your neediness,
yes that's the word - neediness not need! -
for "doing" something to reduce suffering ,
which despite all your rephrasings still hid behind everything you did ,

this neediness is gone.

"What is left is that great joy in meeting challenges,
and in creating with the materials of life and with people,
which you have advocated at the end of your"Partnership" time
as the sole motive for any action and activity,
but you were a bad model then.
You'll be a good model now...

"and feel the benefits you reaped from time-pressure and dead lines, after all,
and then you'll not need these measures anymore,
for you'll be trained in living moment by moment
with that intensity of learning, creating, loving,
which is needed to truly and profoundly feel
satisfaction and contentment,
accomplishment and fulfillment,
and great great joy. "


I read again in your "Letter from God to Those Doing the Healing Work":

"The makers, like the seekers... know that a train should be coming...
but the makers know that it won't come unless they manifest it.
And they have dedicated their lives to making it so...
that indeed a train does come.
Among the makers of humanity are those of you
who are doing this healing work...
manifesting your own healing into wholeness
and by extension,
the healing of all Creation.

Manifesting the coming of the train!
Being among the Makers!

How is it that you put me in between these extremes:
the "efficiency" of Offer Dehan
and the "inefficiency" of my partners, Tamir and Hagai, and the Bedouins?
How can I resonate with both
and bring about a fruitful marriage between west and east?
Between those who make things happen ,
while overriding their feelings and other people's feelings,
and between those who "let" things happen,
but not from choice,
but from succumbing to fear and lack of self-esteem?

"We listen with great compassion, concern and hope."

A third message, which I came across today - from a third source, Archangel Michael - may complement the two messages above to a wondrous triptych!

Nourishment from Others: 2007_10_13

"It is only through your creations that you will know yourself!"



  Finally a good movie again: Reife Leistung!

Fernsehfilm, Deutschland 2005: Thomas Wünsche, ein wohlsituierter Bauunternehmer in den besten Jahren, gerät in eine Lebenskrise. Mit 54 Jahren ist er weder jung noch alt, doch den sympathischen Paranoiker beschäftigt die bange Frage, was auf ihn wartet in den Jahren, die er noch vor sich hat. Die Angst vor dem Älterwerden treibt ihn in die Arme von Nina, einer attraktiven, vermeintlich karriereorientierten jungen Frau, die seine Tochter sein könnte. Und die ihn, obwohl er bereits drei erwachsene Töchter hat, überraschend ein weiteres Mal zum Vater macht. Thomas riskiert für diesen Neuanfang seine bis dato glückliche Ehe mit Sandra, die Nähe zu seinen Töchtern und seine unternehmerische Existenz.
Ein Film über einen "Best Ager", der begreifen muss, dass er unausweichlich älter wird.





song of the day

Wie denn kann ich
Du All-Einer
in der Stille
werden inne
Deiner Fuelle
How can I
You All-One
in the silence
perceive of
your fullness.

Last Continuation of the experience with Tzippi, Tomer and the goats on the Family Farm of Keren&Meron Eren, July 2


The History of "Hityashvut Bodedim"
= the Settlements of Individuals"
or "Family Farms in Israel
This article by Moshe Har-Shemesh
is the only serious reference to "Farms in Israel",
which I could discover on the Internet.
Since the article is written by the chairman
of the NGO "Hityashvut Bodedim",
the perspective of the problematics of these farms
is different from my, Christa-Rachel's, perspective...
Today I want to say only this:
If my Desert-Hosting-Economy Vision,
[see also another page]
based on the desert's resources SPS,
Space, Purity, Silence,
and on SPS-compatible technologies,
would be realized,
all the concerns which led to the "Farms" would be met,
without the perilous side-effects
inherent in the Government's policy or non-policy.
Bedouins would not be discriminated.
Families like that of Keren & Meron Eren with their 5 kids
would be given water for SPS compatible agriculture
and would not live in fear to be evicted one day, etc. etc.

After I had "completed" this sculpture, I discovered a paper in English about "Family Farms in Israel between 1971 and1995",
but it's so academic in language and so far away from what bothers me or the Eren family, that I left it to itself.





Tomer and Tzippi behind bars... inside one of the pens.


The simple "estate" of the Eren Family: caravans covered up by mud (what's the English term? Adobe?)



Also the hen-house is made of mud
And despite an extremely limited allotment of water (from "Mekorot")
the other owner family - No'am and Gal -
manage to grow healing-plants for selling
and vegetables for the consumption of all "inhabitants" of the farm.
Tzippi finds something to eat for Tomer

The view from the mud-wood house reminded me so much
of my "Succayah" and made me home-sick...

The desert reflected in the window of humans...

Tomer enjoyed the environment
but did nothing to show that he was grate-full
or to connect with any of the children.
My judgment says: "He is a taker..."




This time Tzippi, who behaved as withdrawn as Tomer, objected to my "paparazzo" behavior.
That's why I took only a quick, unfocused picture of the family breakfast
to which Keren had invited the three of us,
on the edge of the house facing a splendid view.

The result is this picture, which is as dreary as the atmosphere during that meal,
at least that's how I sensed and interpreted it.
At first I tried to cheer everyone up by "making conversation" as lively as I know how to do,
but then I sensed, that my very presence was overshadowing everyone, so I at least shut up.
Meron offered to return me to the road to Arad,
and since this was helpful to two of his children too, I accepted gladly.

On our way I inquired, if he wanted to stay silent, of if I could ask him some questions.
"Both", he said.
I asked, what I had asked his wife Keren before:
"Is the reason for having this farm that you want to live like that,
or is there a wider purpose, message, ideology, dream behind it?"

When he was reluctant to answer, I gave him the example of

"kids like Tomer who could live and heal here".

He eloquently explained, why the overload of work on the farm allowed nothing of the kind.
So I made it clearer:
"I didn't mean that you have to organize this yourself.
You are creating the space and someone else will create the content."

I've told only recently on K.i.s.s.-L o g , how that German "Journalist of Tourism" ,
a guest at Succah in the Desert, probably in 1993,
reproached me harshly:
"You have created the place, the space - which should be a man's work.
You have done nothing to create "content" - which should be a woman's work."

Though I was full of ideas about "Content",
and some of them were even realized in an exemplary form
(the "Silence Meetings", and "Aetgar ba-midbar"
Challenge in the Desert)
the consistent realization of "Content" was impossible,
as long as there was just this one, limited and limiting model of the first Succayah.
I don't know if and how Meron responded to my proposal...
we had reached the road and we parted.
Tzippi had said before I met Meron:
"He's the most wonderful person I ever met!"
As to me, I couldn't make him show interest in the commonality of our Desert Creations,
in fact, I felt not really "wanted" by that family,
though they did not know about my critical opinion of "Family-Farms" ,
allowed by the Government mainly in order to limit the movement of Bedouin,
Nor does this opinion contradict my admiration for what that family has accomplished,
and we could have shared many experiences.....



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Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery

whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete

Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8