The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

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I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"




K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart














Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery


July 7 Monday,- at Shoham
re-edited on July 9, Arad


back to past ~~~~~ forward to future


Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want, then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what may!
8:16 I. went on flight at 23:10; E. returned from work at 0:10, and she and Mika have left now. At 10:30 someone wants to see the flat..
I desire to savor the next 9 hours of total (except for 3 times showing the flat) and whole al-one-ness.
I desire to "complete" the pages July 1-6 & let the experiences of those days nourish & heal me.
Following another frustrated and frustrating, even hurting letter from Gabriele in India:
I desire to gently sever the ties to the last non-family person & ask her to freeze our friendship.
And following a little "hammer" from Arnon: "your ideas about a grandma-day are not at all feasable, since...."
I desire - with regard to my family - to stick to my motto:
"be available, but don't initiate or plan!"
I desire to cast my main actress Mika into a role which is more loving, respecting and nurturing.
image of the day "SUNSET SKY SHOW: On July 5th,
Saturn, Mars, Regulus and the crescent Moon
lined up fetchingly across the western sky.
Amateur astronomer Alan Friedman,
on vacation at a Lake in Maine,
photographed the alignment."

hodayot [thanksgivings] for today

My Body, my Partner, my God
I give thanks to the smooth functioning of our urinary tract,
and though any tension (and there was much of it during the last 10 days)
is reflected as pain in our bladder,
there don't seem to be bacteria which infect it

I am grate-full for the health and relative harmony in all my three families.
I am grate-full for the comfort of a home and material abundance for all.
I am grate-full for the bright mind & physical beauty of each of my Sixteen.
I am grate-full for the degree of awareness I discern in my six children.
I am grate-full, that we all live in secure conclaves in an unsafe country.
I'm grate-full for the respite in the "Tomer-is-Coming" challenge.

I'm grate-full for the technology which allows me to heal by creating:
vent, cellphone, camera, computer, Internet, microphone & loudspeakers, TV.

Three kinds of discordant communication and my way of coping

Hebrew Stories about Grandma's Growing with Mika

I was a bit hurt by Arnon's letter, but I hope I coped with it well and my response will not cause feelings of guilt or anger.
The situation with Gabriele is different. Her harsh sentences even didn't hurt me. We are not dependent on each other.
As to Arnon's sudden boredom, see the fear I expressed on Febr. 11.concerning the day when Mika will become bored,

This is my edition of Gabriele's letter [July 6].
I already responded (see today's "Intention"), but shall wait for some time until I'll send it off.

Dear Rachel,

Let me just say that your mail does not strike a cord in me,

i don't think i can relate to this.
I don't feel il am doing what i am doing out of guilt feeling, self denial
and all the things which you constantly presuppose in me and everybody else.
It puzzles me why you have to jump on every self critical sentence
(e.g.the realisation that much of our work is very sporadic)
and point out with something like glee
that "you yourself know that it's all no use".
On the contrary, i feel it is astonishing
how many things have worked out over the years
and how things grow
without we ourselves having to do all the tending of what has been sown.

I have no disagreement that we have to work on ourselves
and that self acceptance is important, yes, healing ourselves and all that.
But i truly do not believe that this is a full time job
for which we need to cut ourselves off from most other people
and retreat from all activity.

I can't help feeling
that it will give you some sense of satisfaction to hear
that i have fallen very ill
during my last travel for the bi-annual conference of NAPM in UP.
I came back on 12th June
and have been quite flat ever since with a severe chest infection and diarhea,
a very bad combination of things.
I am now crawling back to normal and have to go to Bangalore tomorrow

[Gabriele then goes on telling about her life, - see right frame - and ends:]

I find it difficult to say all these things
because i know that your country is so enormously insular
and the wider connections which are possible in our country
are of no apparent consequence there.
I also feel everybody there switches off from politics
because it appears so totally unsolvable.
But i can't help feeling that the wider relationships,
as far as they are possible, are very important.

I don't like it when you keep screaming at me,
it doesn't work with me.
I am aware that all our organisations are in a lot of crisis,
but we will have to work that out as far as we can.

Love and solidarity, Gabriele


[Gabriele keeps telling about her life, as if this could really interest me
as long as there is no more any common ground between the two of us.]

I am now crawling back to normal and have to go to Bangalore tomorrow to take the Viva of John Jayakaran, who came with our group to Israel way back in 1999. That was also the year when he had just registered for his doctorate, and only now this is over. He will receive his degree after ten years. Anyway, it's the first doctorate in Social Analysis, all the others have been shoved off to Ethics and Theology and all that.
It's also a good thing because it's a thesis on Dalit culture of overcoming violence, based on field research and also making the historical connection with Buddhism.So it is in several ways an important contribution, though we have suffered a lot over it and also gone through phases of great alienation.

The conference in UP was very good,
and the place where the Lord Buddha died, in Kushinagar, is something very extraordinary and very moving.There is a most astonishing statue of a lying Buddha there, which depending on the angle in which you look, seems to be smiling or meditating.If you look from the end of his feet, you see his eyes breaking.It is unbelievable how the artist has achieved this. One sees it only if someone explains it and makes you stand in the right angle.It's not even a temple, just archeological survey of India, and an old Muslim, a government employee, takes you round and explains it all. This is our secular common heritage. But now the wretched government wants to erect 500 Buddha statues in this area and has acquired 750 acres of agricultural land for the purpose and the peasants fight to retain their land. The U.P. government also wants to erect a gigantic statue of Dr. Ambedkar, the Dalit leader who is the father of the Indian constitution.

I have read the new book by Naomi Klein: The Shock Doctrine.The Rise of desaster Capitalism. It gives a good understanding of the world since the first 9/11 in 1973 when the CIA bombed La Moneda, the presidential palace in Santiago to kill Salvador Allende, and then there were 20 years of fascism under Pinochet.The book shows very clearly how this was all drawn out in different ways in the collapse of Eastern Europe and also goes into the co-incidence of the massacre on Tian an Men Square and the victory of Solidarity in Poland.It then carries on up to the Iraq war and all the post tsunami displacements and it ends on a fairly encouraging note on all the people's movements which are recovering their wits, because "shock wears off".

Diki, whom you also know from 1999, has now had to return to Aizawl after four years of doctoral studies.They could have easily given her another four months extension to finish her thesis, but these institutions love to put their foot down, so they wistled her home and she will have to cope with her college work as well as a major family problem, because her brother is on drugs and his wife has run off, but she also drinks and Diki is landed up with her nephew.

Adlin, my last doctoral student, is also back into college. She too has not been able to finish her research.I also have a very nice girl from Myanmar who does her Mth.It is unbelievable how such people have to struggle to get a grip on their society, there is no information available. People get completely uprooted and desoriented. Myanmar is one of the most absurd forms of militarised state capitalism , next to China, which takes the cake and tries to overrun the whole region. It is really enlightening to have travelled in this region, because without that we can't even understand what is hitting us.


I watched her lying in her bed , still asleep, tall as if she were the age of Ayelet - and in general looking just like her.
The flash may have woken her up, for in the next moment her body curled and rose and Mika's day began.
The day with her mother, not really with me, though I stayed "around" all the time.



At 16:30 a Skype call from New York, from her pilot father.
"Before I go to sleep, I wanted to wish you strength for this difficult evening.
I couldn't reach Efrat at the office,but tell her, that I'm sending "energy" to alleviate her stress."

On one such "dead-line-evening" of Efrat's newspaper , I experienced her unbearable tension
and succumbed to being triggered.
Maybe this is a good time to quote the letter, through which I coped with the situation,
a letter, that was never sent and which from the present perspective is a testimony of our growth..

Driving Backward to February 11, 2008

Finetuning to my Present

But when Immanuel added: "and may you have an easy time with Mika!"
I fell into a trap by saying: "Yes, I hope so, I'm a little apprehensive!"
This was yet another trigger for my son,
to bring up his version of the tiny incident on Shabbat.
My version:
the family arrived and entered my veranda.
Mika hardly gave me a glance, which was alright for me.
But then she said:
"Pipi", and both her parents said:
"Go with Savta, she'll show you the toilet."
Mika looked away, didn't want to,
and that's where I said, what triggered Immanuel:

"She has a problem with me."
Immanuel today insisted three times that I used the word "qetta",
which indicates that two people have an emotional incident between them.
He reproached me harshly, - then in real time, and now again on Skype,
that I was making this too much of an issue,
that Mika was tired after all,
and that my attitude might even reinforce Mika's casual rejection of me.

As much as I'm able to be honest with myself,
I hadn't said that sentence out of ego-pain,
but because I was afraid,
Efrat would get angry at Mika concerning her behavior towards Grandma.
I actually wanted to say: "Leave her alone for now, don't force her to go with me!"

But when somebody "invites" a trigger through me,
my own intention becomes meaningless.
The point is then - am I triggered back? And if so, what is there to heal?

I thought, I had learnt my lesson already, but the interaction on Skype

(which in reality took much less time than analyzing it now...)
proved, that I wasn't done yet.

I said: "You don't have to take care of my grandma ego-pains and protect me!"
"In fact, I wasn't concerned about you , it was Mika whom I wanted to protect!"

I let him and it go with this.

It was through Immanuel , that I learnt, concerning his sister.........
that a mother has no right to share her feelings about her children and grandchildren.
Children and grandchildren can share whatever they want,
if they trust their mother at all,
but vice versa is against nature.

It's not very clear, what I tried to express in writing here - for the first time, I think.
It sounds, as if I'm promoting denial,
or it sounds, as if I felt resentment and self-pity.

What is clear, very clear to me,
is the disparity, the inequality between mother and children/grandchildren.
I'll take it as a challenge to find the balance
between sharing and not-sharing
without denying,
and also without playing the super-mother.



Before we went out , Mika and I, Efrat called Galli's mother:
"Will you come again to the Sunflower Park?
Mika so much enjoyed the company of Galli and Amit yesterday."

I don't know what Natalie said, but later Efrat claimed to have said to Mika:
"Mika! Imagine, Galli will come to the Park PERHAPS".
In any case, nobody should ever say to a child, small or big:
that a beloved person - family or friend - would appear PERHAPS!

Mika took my hands and actually ran the entire way to the Sunflower Park.
No Galli, leave alone Amit, (Efrat didn't have her mother's phone number).
It was heart-breaking to see the little girl's disappointment,
though she made no scene, did not whine, did not pester me with questions.
She walked through the many children, parents, lawns, installments,
mumbling quietly: "Galli, come! Galli come!"
But no Galli came, leave alone Amit.

In addition to this pain for the soul,
the heat was unbearable.
Since the sun stood low already,
the shades over benches and installments were of no use.
I didn't know how to help Mika except for walking behind her all the time.
After half an hour she was at least ready to take out our blue box,
and - since there was nobody to share with - eat the grapes and pear-pieces alone.

Then she found herself an occupation.
Underneath a bench popcorn was dispersed.
She picked it up, as much as one hand could hold,
and carried it to the garbage bin.
It was sad, but it did her good.

She showed no interest in the slides and swings etc.
but had the chance to watch a bigger boy race upon this barrel.
She asked me to hold her and pedalled as fast and long as she could.
It was a big strain for both of us.
When I stepped aside and had already focused the camera,
she suddenly jumped upon the barrel herself.
A click, and I ran towards her to save her from some desaster.

Now she had resigned herself to being without her friends.
The barrel-challenge pushed her towards another challenge:
sitting on the "second floor" of a lantern pole,
as she had seen a bigger girl do.
Of course she couldn't climb up herself like that girl,
but with my help she could sit there and be proud.
By now the sun had gone done, the heat had lessened,
and Mika's spirits woke up.
She walked up to the installments on a higher level of the hill,
first placing herself above a "car" and then inside of it.

By now - after most parents and kids had left -
and the air had became pleasant,
Mika finally awoke to laughing her charming laughter.




song of the day

"Make me a song about the moon"




Last Continuation of Efrat's Birthday at Arad, on Shabbat

Efrat to her husband: "Please take a real good picture of me and Mika, for I can't find any photo in our archive which I really like".
My ego wanted to protest, - but then, why shouldn't there be some special images of mother-daughter on mother's birthday.

I admired Efrat's method to encourage Tomer to write up a personal blessing for her.
"Actually I only wanted to see, if he can write at all, since I haven't seen him writing for years.
I was surprised to discover only one spelling-mistake, and, of course, I was deeply moved by the content":

"To dear Chiefee:
Good luck to your birthday.
I've known you already for 10 years

[he had checked this with me before and could hardly believe that he was only 3 3/4 years old,
when he met "Chief", as his father started to call her, since her name was the same as that of his ex-wife, Tomer's mother: Ruth]

and I don't regret any year.
You are nice, smiling, funny, beautiful, generous,
and most important: loving and not giving up even when it's difficult.
You are a wonderful mother and I wish the best in the world.
with a gigantic {heart] - Tomer


Tomer with my and his angel Zipi

Tomer's flowers, Immanuel's traditional cake (from the Rosenzweig family a100 years back) and his specialty of muffins.

Late in the evening Efrat came into my room, just when I was editing this photo, and she exclaimed:
"Oh what a nice picture!" -
Luckily she looked at her beautiful self, crowned by my wreath, and not at her discontent daughter.



This also happened on Efrat's Birthday in Arad, in the same Khaelmonit Street:

Before the family arrived, Zipi had called us: "I'm alone with my mother, could you, please, come over and take Sunny out?"
While Tomer walked the dog, I stayed with Zipi and her mother, whom her daughter has to remind all the time:
"I'm Zipi!"...



Also on Shabbat: photos from Ofir, from which I created this composition. I had a short, sweet interaction with each of the kids, Lior and Amit




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Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery

whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete

Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8


Exactly 5 years ago I wrote about Arnon's BOREDOM [s. above]
On this day, 2013, Mika whispered on my digital recorder:

On my journey back from Shoham
(Thursday: Mika's piano-concert with her teacher and other private pupils
Friday: Efrat's 47th birthday [s. "Freude, Freude" in SongGame]
Shabbat - the four of us at a Bowling-Center at Modi'in,
which I truly enjoyed
Sunday-I stayed till 15:30 (taxi to the railway-station at Lod),
because Efrat was invited to a job-interview at "Yad-Rachel"in Lod)

On this journey I read passages in my 1993 diary,
written in my bus in Succah in the Desert.
I tore most of them,
but one I'll translate and insert here:

"19/3/93/ no time to write.
a murderous day from 4:30 to 23:00
A talk with Dorit Rivlin,
during which both of us cried:
compassion with us women
who have to fulfill the tasks of men
without giving up
the touch with our feelings and longings
----to lean on the shoulder of a man
who wil take from us
everything technical and administrative...".