The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

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I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart














Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery


May 31, Shabbat, -at Shoham
Re-edited on June 2, 2013, Arad
[from May 29-June2, 2013 - with Mika at Shoham,
while her parents spent a holiday at Barcelona with Ronnit and Uri,
in honor of Uri's 50th birthday in June]

back to past ~~~~~ forward to future


Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want, then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what may!
I desire to remain centered and able to balance the demands on me from Mika, E. and Arnon.
I desire to take it lightly, if E. should suffer from her 'Shabbat phobia'. or if I should trigger her.
I desire that Arnon & I be inspired before we meet Micha at the pool, 'how to convert frightful into fruitful",
i.e. the rupture [assumed by me] with Yael & Rotem [Micha's effort to make them join the 'grandma-day' at Shoham failed]
into renewed, more effective, consistant communication with grandma and among the cousins.

7:12 inspired: I desire that when E. will take Mika from the pool home to sleep, Micha will take us to Yael & Rotem

image of today



hodayot [thanksgivings] for today

My Body, my Partner, my God
I give thanks to that part of our brains,
which transmits inspiration to our thinking..



I am grate-full, that the balance I desired, indeed manifested itself,
[just like my untiring effort for the last half hour,
to balance these two photos of 4 and 2 kids balancing - within one image.]

I am grate-full that I took E.'s
"I'm judging you heavily" without reacting,
as well as Micha's blaming me for the same "behavior",
'imposing' on Arnon to coordinate 'my' wishes with his father & with Yael...
I'm grate-full that Arnon cooperated with me as an almost equal partner
and carried out our common decision - diplomatically and by his own volition,
and that though we didn't meet Yael,
[Rotem wasn't home & couldn't be talked to]
I heard the two on the phone voice their promise to soon arrange a grandma-day
I'm grate-full for Arnon's warm love, expressed also in his wish for a song,
"the one about "yesterday-today-tomorrow" and the one about "the red flower".
I'm grate-full for his pure singing, which I heard (& recorded) for the first time.


                           Listen to Arnon's singing and also to my own

Only because of the spirit
May be what may be
I shall yet change
I shall realize my dream
Issues of bad tidings
Blows or more catastrophes
will not change my essence.
I, you and God at my side
will finally win
not because of the power [koak]
but because of the ruakh
[wind and spirit)
which blows in my back
Only because
of the ruakh
in me,
in my brain,
in my soul
Only... in me,
in my blood,
in my soul

What I have to say
I'll yet scream
Even on the moon they'll hear it
Whoever says: "not like that"
this one I'll not forget,
a day will come
and I'll prove I was right.

Secharja 4:6 "Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit"

As to my modifications of this song
, see June 5             


Arnon was eager to show me the photos,
and read to me his extensive diary
about his jeep-tour to Jordan at Pesach,
with his father, mother, sister and with three other families.
He also presented me with the entry ticket to Mount Nebo,
though he probably never heard from me
about the immense symbolic meaning of my 'Nebo-let-Go'...
I myself had climbed Mount Nebo, either by foot or hitchhiking
when I went to Jordan in Dec. 1998, right from the Israel airport,
after my 3 "trying" months in India...


Arnon stayed over night at Shoham,
so we had time to do four things which all had been commenced the evening before:
- work out a plan for an attempt to communicate with Yael
- continue with the virtual tour to Jordan via photos, diary and questions on my part
- record Arnon's singing, of which I had been so impressed, when I heard it while walking Nella together the night before,
- let Mika enjoy more of Arnon's loving attention.
At 10:30 the four of us - Efrat, Mika, Arnon and I - met with Micha and Ayelet at the pool at Kfar Daniel.
The difficult phone-calls concerning a meeting with Yael and Rotem were behind us.
We had not succeeded with any idea, Arnon and I, and yet we were at peace with the fact that we had tried.

Mika so much delights in the water of the sea,,
but again could not overcome her fear of the cold water
in the kids' pond...
But then there was Ice-cream for everyone
In the water I encouraged Arnon to learn my spiral-swinging.
[See about my "Dolphin-Swimming" at Modi'in 2003 and at Arad 2007]
And indeed! He was not only ready to learn it but he "got it",
the very first person except for me who seems to swim like this!

Mika, the lady, with one leg above the other,...
and Micha, not keen on making conversation...

Since everyone was busy with him/herself,
I searched for a suitable tree with a branch more or less suitable in its extension and hight,
and together with Arnon started to figure out, how the tent was supposed to hang and function on it.
I only remembered, that before the last oh so cold night in the Pyrenee forest canyon, in which I was lost in May 2001,
I sowed the 3 removable patches - [to be attached by stripes of "scotch" when sun or cold demanded it ]- on to the tent,
so that the wind would have less of a chance to penetrate my bones during sleep.
The stitches of two of the patches we had undone already at home, for it was hot now,
and we wanted to enjoy the breeze at least through two of the 3 net-triangles.


More images about that lovely pool (on land which was once "deserted" by Arabs..) ,
and Arnon's and my experimenting with the 2001 "Pyrennees-tent"
see on June 3
More images of the pool itself, see on October 3

Our two hour outing today was - according to Mika's wish - on her bicycle.
I'm not very fond of this shaky device, it demands much concentration on my part.
But I agreed, also because letting Mika "drive" enabled us to go to the park in the center of Shoham.
I had not imagined, that Mika would fall to the ground 3 times, nor what this implied....

She cries a bit, but seeing that I was not shocked by her faked pain,
she got up and carefully balanced herself, when getting in again

All three times I did not help her to unentangle herself,
get up and get in again.
I demanded that she take responsibility
and this is, what she did: she took responsibility!

On June 1, 2013, at the late hour of 18:30 , her classmate Tal Weisman called: "Will you ride the bike in our neighborhood?"
I said, that we would have one hour only, so I would manage to get Mika to sleep before 21:00, necessary, because the next day would be school and the night before we had left every reasonable "routine" and spend pretty hours together till 1:30 in the morning.
I accompanied Mika on her bike till the -close - neighborhood across the street, and while the girls conversed with each other, more than they rode their bikes, I sat next to Tal's mother outside their house and had a very deep talk with her about the novel she was reading, "The Sins of the Fathers" by Jeffrey Archer, 2012.





Nourishment from Others

Mika received a new DVD with five wonderfully told stories by Eric Carle.
After she had seen the first story about "The very hungry Caterpillar"
in the morning in my presence,
she didn't want to see the next story right away,
but savor this story by seeing it again -
so I left and wasn't there, when she saw the second story,
which in Hebrew is called: "The Princess who wanted the Moon."
After we came home from our outing, she was too tired for a proper supper,
and while drinking milk from her bottle, was allowed to see that DVD again.
Suddenly I heard her calling me, and when I came, her mother said:

"This story she wants to see together with you!"
Now I learnt, that from 1935-1952
Eric Carle had lived and studied in the town,
in which I was born in 1938 - in Stuttgart, Germany!

Driving Backward into the Future

It was then, that I decided to learn about the author of the "Caterpillar",
a book which my children received from Germany
probably soon after its creation in 1969.
It was one of the few items I guarded,
when my children's home was dismantled in 1981
and I began to live with them in a rented flat at Ramat-Gan.
The "Angel-on-the-Abyss", who always appears in my life at the right time,
was - in this case - a rabbi from Bne Brak, called Menachem.
I met him - I don't remember how -
after I had fled from my home in September 1980
and sought rescue at Mona Yahia's flat in Ramat-Gan.
He persuaded me to go back to my husband at Ramat-Hadar,
in order to separate from him with his agreement
or to cause him to leave the house himself,

"for according to Jewish law
- and in these matters, it is the law of Israel
- a woman who leaves her house,
has no right to her children or to anything material at all."

So I did go back, and I won't tell the story of what happened then...

In any case, the children came to me one by one by their own volition ..

A year later Rabbi Menachem helped me with making one of the keys
to the Hebrew edition of my book: kol Yisrael 'arevim zae la-zae'..

It was sometime in those 2 years, that a child was born to Menachem,
and as a gift I gave away our old book of the Caterpillar,
after having written my German translation to each sentence

Papa, Please Get the Moon For Me
By Eric Carle - Illustrated by Eric Carle










In the evening I opened my e-mail for the first time today, and what do I see?
A letter from my daughter, which must have been written shortly after Arnon's phone-call to Yael.
The letter is a response to my finally sent letter about Yael's drashah + essay "My Journey".

I'm glad you enjoyed Yae'ls drashah.
I didn't think that people would absorb it,
what passed - was her spirit
And that passed very strongly.
Usually wisdom like Yael's
is a heritage of a few people,
i.e. only very few can absorb
and understand her depth.
It's clear to me that Eyal (her tutor) was in heaven,
when he received such a pupil
and he also said so.

What is most important, is,
that she passed a unique and meaningful path,
which she'll probably remember for many years.

By the way, only by accident did Eyal hear about her relation to Franz Rosenzweig, we didn't tell him.
As an M.A. graduate in Judaism - "Maimonides, The Guide of the Perplexed" was his thesis and because of this he stopped being religious!) he of course knew F.R. well.

Of the Torah Scroll we got hold with the help of his cousin from Na'ama's community, who is a great admiror of F.R.


By the way, Yael sometimes reads her stories and essays to her friends and they like very much to hear her.

We'll put the photos on a site on which everyone who wants to see them, can do so.
I look at them slowly, there are too many...

See you {[??????????]}           R.



Song of the Day

See Arnon's Song above, though I don't yet know how to sing it well,
and though before being able to learn it by heart,
I must change the last 4 lines,
which do not agree with what I believe in...



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Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery

whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete

Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8




The first fruits from the trees which we planted on April 26, 2012
[In 2013 it was on June 2, that I ate the first 2 fruits, but why is it, that there are much less fruits than last year?]

While I touch and taste 30 fruits of the newly planted Pitanga shrub,
I hope, that the cactus-fruits will one day be eatable, too.
The cactus was in a tiny pot, when Efrat gave it to me 6-7 years ago,
It grew, till I had to transplant it to the garden, and now it bears fruits~


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