I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a pioneer of Evolution
in learning to feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'
pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill>evolve,
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
want you to feel everything, every little thing!"
K.I.S.S. -
L O G 2
0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart
whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete
image of the
day My quiet Khaelmonit Street ~~with the
quiet house of the Cohen Family, in which I live
hodayot [thanksgivings] for
7:45 My Body, my Partner,
I give thanks to our ears,
for enabling us to communicate with people,
and to enjoy the twitter of the Tristram-starlings,
and to delight in all the
sounding creation.
My ears give thanks to the people in
my house and neighborhood,
to Ofir&Meital,
my landlords, and their kids Lior and Amit,
to Nizza&Shalom, to Albert&Zacha, to Shulamit&Abraham,
who guard such peace and quiet,
as contrasted by sudden "music" with a heavy beat
yesterday evening
and 10 min. of a car's alarm that went off by error at 6:30
this morning.
Not even dogs are barking.
The neighborhood is called "Shaqed" (almond),
but it it could also be called "Shaqet" (quiet).
Before entering the pain about the "news"
I want to enjoy another "jumping around", (see yesterday about "spiral
this time between different countries on the planet as suggested by this morning's palette of "webshot"
views for my screen-saver slideshow: Holland-Wadden Island~~~~Argentine-Patagonia~~~~Australia-Tasmania
and three forms of water:
puddles of sea-water, water-falls, ice glaciers
Having been woken up - not in a pleasant way - I had the idea to
open the television,
"maybe, it's just the right time for a repetition of yesterday's
"3SAT Nano" program
about that fascinating attempt to learn from the brain-functioning
of hibernating animals
for dealing with "Altzheimer" patients (1 million in Germany
but the TV opened on Channel 2, the morning news and - as so often
- images of war...
Except that this time it was worse than "usual",
19 people killed in Gaza, among them the son of a Hamas leader, his
second son killed by "Israelis",
and "a rare reportage", as they said, where Israeli farmers
along the Gaza border were shown "live",
as they desperately tried to find shelter under shrubs, worrying at
the same time about their children at home. "Attempts of a knock-out on both sides",
said the minister for Social Affairs,
who was invited to the morning news show.
I closed.
For 60 years Israel sticks to her strategy of "deterrment"
against the Palestinians
and - like the Americans - they simply don't get it - that simple
law of physics -
whom you fight against, becomes stronger! "We want the 200000 people along the border
to wake up in the morning,
and start their day without fear, like the rest of Israel".
Yes, of course......
10:30 A jump from Gaza to Hungary!
When I had come this far and just wanted to get up from the computer
and go to the morning pool,
a "Skype" call comes in.
Now this has happened about once a day for the last 3 years,
in 95% from Arab countries ....
and - guarding my holy lonesomeness - I always click "Block this
except once, when a university student from Gaza addressed me personally,
having been impressed by the motto from the Qur'an on
my homepage.
But the communication stopped soon, since his English was so minimal,
that he didn't grasp what I said and he himself could not say more
"How are you, I am fine , the war is bad" or something like
This time I was clicking "call" before I knew what I was
A woman my age ( in fact only 4 months younger),
a "messianic Jew", from the US, but living in Hungary,
listening to "God-Channel".
was attracted by your name "Christa-Rachel", can there
be such a name in Israel?
My Jewish mother called me "Tina", short for "Christina",
and my middle name is "Rachel", pronounced the Yiddish
way 'Ruchl'!
"But how come, you found me in the first place?"
"Oh, you just search for Skype-Users in Israel, and you
get all the profiles!"
"But I've deleted my profile years ago, not wanting anybody
to call me!"
"Really? Well, God who created the world with one word,
can do anything."
"What about God-Channel?" I was eager to come
to "my" point.
Disappointment: Tina listens to a radio
or TV channel from Jerusalem,
broadcasted all over the planet, an "evangelic" channel,
which promotes "God's Word".
Tina, a Jew who became a "believer", i.e. Christian,
was also disappointed, I think,
since I told her, that I walked the opposite path, from being
a Christian to becoming a Jew.
The question was and is,
and I tried to convey this to Tina as much to the point as possible, "if it is right for us to communicate".
"I don't believe in accidents!"
"Neither do I, but it might not be the right TIME,
it might only be a sign for the future!"
It was hard for Tina to accept my being so reserved,
and hard for me to make it difficult for her.
Her first words were: "I've never been
to Israel,
and they tell me, that a Messianic Jew is not allowed to settle in
I don't know about such a law,
but the life of Messianic Jews is definitely hell here in Arad,
not because of the authorities, but because of the Orthodox Jews.
Still, I needed to be true to my decision,
to not let anybody into my life,
on the contrary to put on freeze even my best friends,
unless I can manifest, realize, full-fill my deepest yearning,
to learn, heal, grow, create and love in
a"haevruta", a continuous peership,
be it with a man, with a friend, or with a group.
I therefore make it as difficult to communicate with me,
as the Jewish people makes it difficult for Non-Jews to belong to
And for the same reason! "You may be happy to become a Jew,
but if difficult times should again come down on us,
you may leave us, even betray us!"
This happened ever so often in the centuries after Jesus.
During the time of Jesus Jews still were ardent missionaries: "you are traveling across land and sea
to make one proselyte",
says Jesus according to the New Testament somewhere.
But when Exile and Persecution made life ever more unbearable,
many a "Proselyte" turned his back or even delivered Jews
to their enemies.
With people coming in my life it's not a matter of life and death,
but they, too, need courage, steadfastness, a certain degree of wholeness
and being absolutely sure about why
they want me as an actress in their dramas.
People have been attracted to me like butterflies to the flame,
only to find out sooner or later, later or sooner,
that they tended to be terribly "triggered"
by me.
Of course, they didn't know, that everybody attracts "a trigger"
to point out "a hole" in his/her "wholeness"
which now wants to be healed.
Instead the pain and anger, which is triggered, is projected on me.
Which would not be so bad, if the person would stick with me,
and let me help with his/her healing.
"You are the world trigger number one"
say my friends Yuval-David
and Tamir(see below)
and laugh.
They were among the few, who did take responsibility for being triggered.
But now they, too, go another way, an easier way,
the way of "teshuvah", of returning to the Jewish religion.
I needed to make it difficult for Tina and said: "Let's not talk any longer!
Let's first find out, if it's right to talk at all.
Open "Godchannel.com"
- and I dictated the address, and see, if the homepage resonates with you.
Do something additional, read some pages
in my "Edited
Godchannel Files",
and then write to me, what your inner voice says.
And only then I myself shall ask my own inner voice,
if our communication today should be continued,
or it was only a sign that "Heaven
on Earth" is close." [Closure of the Tina-story on
January 21 and 22]
Now I know, why I needed to postpone the planned "sculpture"
about the 5 phone-interactions during the last 5 days.
After my "post-communication work" with Tina in Hungary
I must check again,
if I cope and behave the way I want to cope and behave.
I'll start with two calls, which I initiated myself,
both of them, because I needed seemingly "technical" things:
One call
resulted from my SMS to Efrat: "Please buy the scissors
for my hair."
2 minutes later I got a call from Diana,
and couldn't answer several calls from Efrat.
How strange! It's for days on end that I use my cell-phone
only as player or camera,
and then two people call me simultaneously and I must ignore one!
When we finally talked,
Efrat promised (for the umptiest time) to cut my hair.
I'll tell this story after she'll have truly fulfilled this promise
- next week !!!!! "By the way" she also informed
that she would go to Acco only next week,
and that therefore I could return to Arad on Thursday and come back on Monday, when Immanuel will
go on flight again.. "But I wouldn't like you to come back
on Saturday evening
to an empty house!"
"Don't worry, I'll travel back only on Sunday-morning,
after Immanuel will have returned from his ski-holiday!"
She knew, I would be relieved, but she didn't know,
that this would stir up the "grandma-day-issue"
one more time. The "justification" for saying
"No" to Micha despite my "Yes" pattern
was the prospect of staying at Shoham for 14 days, since Immanuel would come back from his
personal holiday in the Alps [together with Alon, his son, with
Micha, his brother, and with his step-siblings],
and already the next day be on flight as a pilot of El-Al.
To make it short now:
I did not change my "No"! towards Micha.
I'll not travel to Mazkeret Batya today
to replace Ra'ayah with the kids tonight.
And yes, I'll travel to Shoham already tomorrow early evening,
so that Efrat and Mika will wake up on Friday morning,
and not be too sad, that Abba left in the middle of the night.
But to say it's easy for my feeling-pattern? It's not!
The other call I initiated was to
my marvellous computer expert. For the last week the computer has been
messing up the Internet connection.
Yesterday towards the evening I could no longer fix it myself.
So I called my star Eduard.
I love to tell this story: 2 years ago, when I still used to spend
one day a week at "Noah's
I was attentive to a phone-talk of the driver, with whom I hitchhiked. "Are you someone who repairs computers?"
I dared to ask. "Yes, - is something
wrong with yours?" "Very much so!"
"I'll give you an address in Arad, he is a Russian immigrant."
"Ezriel", my equipment&repair angel, surely did
a good job!
If not for Eduard's repeated efforts,
this computer - bought in April 2002 - would have died even sooner.
I called Eduard's number. "Yes, Rachel!"
"It's amazing, that you are always there, when I call!"
"You haven't called for several months!" "Thanks to your efforts!"
I told him my problem and also told him,
that I soon would have saved enough money for a new computer,
and that my son had already bought a flat screen in Hongkong.
Eduard worked with me on my Internet-problem through the phone,
and when everything was fixed
["now it will last until you'll get
your new computer"],
I asked: "Eduard, though my son
intends to install all my programs and files
on the new computer,
I can't see, that he will find the time.
Could you do this?"
"Of course, easily!"
"Won't it take a lot of time, ~~~~ you know,
I'm afraid to ask you how much it will cost."
"It won't take so much time and don't worry about the money!"
" I worry about YOUR money, because you never take enough
for your work!"
That is Eduard! A grownup starchild, I am sure! I can feel it,
when I'm in his present!
And now I'll be in a dilemma between my son, a lay computer expert,
but far away,
and Eduard, who is unlike my son a professional computer
expert, here in Arad...
Then there were calls from two women,
which I had difficulty to respond to.
I want to listen to myself with concern to one of them. Felicia.
Felicia called on
Thursday while I was playing with Mika. "I'll inform you, when I'll be in
the train tomorrow." This I did and she called and we talked
from Lod almost until Lehavim.
I was amazed, that she had the courage to come back,
after I had screamed at her like hell some weeks ago.
She had voiced her frustration about her daughter-in-law and how she didn't feed her children,
Felicia's grandchildren, properly: "Did you tell her that?
Did you tell this to your son?
If not, you are slandering your daughter-in-law,
even if you only think this in your mind.
Are you afraid of your son again?
Are you going on feeling a victim of your family?"
Etc. etc,
I did not hold my anger back.
I wanted her to leave me alone once and for all,
and live her life as she seems fit.
All my endeavors to support her, led nowhere.
I've been driven "to
drive backward" to 1973 [see
right frame]
and tell the background of my meeting with Felicia.
Until this day I can't understand, why Felicia is attached to
Ever since she re-discovered me - about 3 years ago -
after we had been out of touch for some 15 years or so -
I keep asking her this: "What is Rachel for you?"
She keeps telling me the things I did "for her" 35
years ago. I neither remember those things nor do
I find anything special in what I did.
On the other hand I very well remember, what I, Rachel, owe
One day she came to my "office" in one of the carawans
and told me: "I heard about a new institute,
where people who studied at least 2 years at a university,
but cannot or do not want to graduate,
can complete their studies as teachers."
I immediately called the number she had given me.
It was my first encounter with a man,
towards whom I feel grateful beyound measure:
Yitzhak Peri! "Doesn't your job allow you to come
to me and learn first hand,
what my institute is about?"
So I came and learnt and ~~~~ found myself ~~~ hired! "I ask you to teach ,
though I cannot offer you a teaching job in your profession.
I would need you to teach Zionist History!
But somebody who has accomplished a thesis,
can learn anything else too!"
I was so stupefied that I stammered: "but ... I can't.. I never even learnt
Zionist history at school,
leave alone at the university!"
Shortly before this meeting something else had opened up:
Among my 120 clients there were 10 musicians and having read somewhere that there was
a lack of teachers for music,
I contacted the supervisor for music in the Ministry of Education,
who was no other but the famous song-writer
Immanuel Amiran [which means:
my people rejoices]. [see
at least 4 songs in my Song-Game>Authors of Tunes>Immanuel
He fell instantly in love with me (so often my problem...),
and suggested: "I'll open a course for your 10 clients,
but only if you yourself teach there : Bible and Jewish History.
After that year as a placement-officer and a part-time teacher,
I began my work at Peri's institute.
Felicia did not register there, but she keeps claiming,
that I found another solution for her ( I doubt, it was ME!)
She had and has no idea,
how her simple info about that institute,
following her not so simple effort to rely on herself
and Not on the government's placement officer Rachel... changed my course and diverted me from
my purpose:Work and World.
I was not blind to this change of course.
But I accepted, that I needed to first uplift my self-esteem,
before I could work on my "vocation".
And soon, after 2 months of teaching "Zionist History"
end of October 1974, I became crazy again:
"How can I teach something and not do it?"
Or as I learnt from the American Indians:
"How can I talk and not walk my talk?"
For Zionist History is all about doing,
doing the impossible,
like Ben-Gurion once said: "The possible we do immediately,
the impossible takes a little longer." Except that they did not apply this to
the conflict with our neighbors, [ see beginning of this page...]
and that's where I had to take up the impossible task.
I have no reminiscence of Felicia at all
with regard to the following years of superhuman work
on "Partnership"
(beginning: November 1974),
- while teaching for 10 years,
[since 1977: Jewish Thought, Arabic Literature]
- while raising my children,
- while trying to heal myself (see
puzzle piece 17),
- while trying to apply what I healed and learnt on my marriage,
and failing....
- while building a new life with my children at Ramat-Gan,
- while dreaming about following Abraham's
Lekh Lekha in a bus.
I let Felicia make the acquaintance of my friend Yanina,
and it must have been there, that we sometimes met.
'The excruciating truth is, Felicia:
You were never enriching my life,
except for your great, unintended deed
- shoving me into Peri's institute, thus saving me from drowningin
the swamp of what I saw as my vocation!
I could not see you as a partner or a friend,
nor can I see you as that today.
'What should I do?
I feel ashamed of my rejection of you,
and I do not want to feel ashamed.
'I've asked you not to visit me. You agreed. I've asked you to not call me more than
once in 2 weeks. You agreed.
I've told you, that I've limited the communication with all
except my family,
to the minimum.
I've - with strong intention - told you,
how I even asked my best friend Yanina,
to freeze our relationship,
until we'll both be whole enough
to allow for the
kind of peership I desire.
You were impressed,
but you did not draw any conclusion from this concerning yourself.
'I'm not close enough to ask you, what I asked from Yanina.
To freeze a relationship with mutual agreement means,
that there is a deep bond between the two people.
I don't have this bond with you.
So what should I do?????'
20:09 Ofir,
my lovely landlord came in, asking with utmost charm,
if I would do them "a little favor" tonight: "It's my 36th birthday today! And
we want to go out!"
So I'll go up in 10 minutes and babysit.
After having listened to some more fascinating programs in "Nano",
I put "Yitzchak Peri" in the Hebrew "Google".
What a surprise! Yitzchak
Peri left that Institute in 1987 -
only 3 years after I resigned - to his great distress,
because I wanted to drive "in
Abraham's bus-steps".
He took care, that I would get monetary compensation,
though I didn't deserve this, having left my job on my own accord.
What I read is, that he returned to studying,
finished two Ph.D.s and was given the title of a professor
because of his 20 books about the Jews in Rumania, esp. Transsylvania.
{Felicia did not know, that Peri was, like her, from Rumania...}
This is how Felicia attracted me into her life:
In Sept. 1973, a few weeks before the
YomKippur War, I started a job.
Nothing in my life was like in other people's life ,
and the statement "I started a job",
will not arouse the proper connotations.
So I must "drive backward" even further.
Which reminds me of a
sentence of "God" which I re-read
2 days ago: "I am no longer wishing to run
things in Creation,
or have it any way other than the way you desire it to be.
And I am no longer planning anything for you
or anyone else in Creation.
I'm driving
backward now,
... and
all of the pain and anguish I've caused"
The first money I earned, when I was 6 years old,
plucking peas on a field together with many people.
At the age of 9 I earned an egg for knitting,
as I told,
but for a sweater I knitted at the age of 12 I got money!
It was no joy, though, it was more of a sword in my heart.
My mother had knitted a sweater for the same woman,
but the design was so complicated and difficult,
that my mother suffered all the way through knitting,
and then that woman said to me, luckily not to my mother: "I like your sweater much better
than your mother's!"
At the age of 13 I started to give private lessons,
and during the last 4 years of school
I "spent" my afternoons walking to pupils
and teaching them Latin or Greek or both.
By that time I also was good enough in playing the organ,
and I often was called to replace the regular cantor
in Sunday services.
In 1957 I worked in a summer-camp for a little money,
stories, stories, stories
and when I switched my studies to theology,
where 6 months of practical work were demanded,
I worked as a volunteer for almost no money
in a hospital ["you are not suited to be a nurse",
I was screamed at ,
because I held the hand of a man who was dying....]
and in Bethel, the town for those sick with epilepsy.
stories, stories, stories...
The only "real" job was selling the first "non-ironing"
at the first huge department store in Stuttgart, my home-town.
How come?
One of the harsh predicaments of my childhood and youth was:
no proper flat to live in!
One day there came an outrageous proposal :
to join a "social building project" of the Church.
Since we had not one penny to even begin with,
I did something outrageous as well - secretly.
I wrote a long letter to the chef of "Brenninkmeyer &Co"
in Hamburg: "I heard that you gave so many
millions for the rebuilding
of the St. Leonhard's Church,
couldn't you give some money to our distressed family?"
Miraculously the big boss answered, "you shouldn't write such long
letters, nobody will read them."
As to my quest he proposed that I work as a saleswoman in
his store,
for the salary of an oldtimer,
and he also commanded the Church
to transfer a small amount of his contribution.
That's how I came to sell and to lie. "Is it really true, that theses
blouses don't need any ironing?"
"Yes, yes, it's true!" I said, though it
This way I sold 90 blouses one Saturday-morning.
Since I didn't want to miss my studies,
I only worked during the "Semester-holidays",
March-April and August-September-October.
Then I was a mother and house-wife in Israel.
I edited the books of my dead father-in-law,
I learnt Hebrew, and after a year Arabic,
I worked on
my Ph.D. thesis for 5 years,
and all the time agreed with my husband,
that I shouldn't start work outside the house,
until the
youngest would be ten years old.
But after I had delivered the final version of my thesis,
DEPRESSION - always a horrid guest of mine - settled in!
I was warned, that this was a common phenomenon
after the completion of a superhuman achievement.
So I was careful to grant myself just one free day,
and immediately started with - what I called -
preparing for my vocation.
What this vocation was, and maybe still is,
cannot be told today.
It has to do with "Work and World": "If human beings learn to do the
work which makes them feel full-filled,
the tasks of the world will find the people which will accomplish
I learnt, I studied, I did research, I ...
a terrible story of frustration and simply wanting to die.
"When Micha will be 14 , I can leave, but not before
and there was this comforting parable:
A man came to a village, wanting to be hosted for the night.
Only a very poor couple received him in their hole.
He gave them a ring: "If you rub this ring and utter
a wish, the wish will be fulfilled!
But only one wish! If you waste it, there will be no other."
The couple felt tempted to wish for a hut to live in. "No", they said
to each other, "we can achieve
that with our own hands!"
And they said this, whenever they were tempted to use the
ring. "One day we'll need something,
which we cannot do ourselves,
then the ring will serve us."
Once the ring was secretly exchanged by some greedy man,
who wished for a lot of money, got burried underneath and
The couple was not aware of having an ordinary ring on their
They built a happy life, and died in good age, both on the
same day,
taking the ring into their grave.
Even now I have tears in my eyes:
for me the ring was the wish to die.
Much later I understood, that death was an illusion,
and that "not existing" was the only thing impossible.
How mad at "God" have I been because of that !
But that was later.
At that time I still believed that dying was possible,
and I envied all the soldiers who fell in Vietnam.
Then came some rescue.
The director of an institute for vocational counseling said
to me: "Stop learning and studying and
Start doing a job, something that is connected to your purpose."
How could I find such a job?
And how on earth would my husband allow me to go out for work?
I don't know, if I even dared to tell him,
that I envied every young bank-employee etc.
"At least she brings some money home!"
Oh those tears that well up now,
and all because I wanted to tell about my talk with Felicia....
But somebody really had pity with me.
After a few days a letter! from the librarist of that institute
to whom I had talked while waiting for the director. "I saw an ad in the newspaper,
see, if this is for you."
The Ministry of Labor looked for "Placement Officers",
who would work with "Academic Immigrants to find jobs".
From among fifty candiates only four were chosen,
and I was the only one who finished ten months.
Probably because the other three suffered the same frustration:
there simply were no jobs for these immigrants,
and communicating with them without knowing Russian was difficult.
Micha was only six years old,
this was the first time, but not the last,
that I parted from my youngest too soon.
But I knew, that if I wanted to stay alive at all,
leave alone until he would be fourteen years old,
I needed to take care of what little self-esteem a job could
give me.
"My" academic immigrants were gathered in a "Center"
for 5 months,
The first group of 120 people at Kfar Yona near Natanya, in
the second group in Natanya itself, but in a proper building.
Felicia and her husband met me at Kfar Yona.
Unlike most immigrants who came from Russia ,
they came from Rumania.
Felicia's husband was a water-engineer.
I remember exactly that I turned to 27 places of employment
for him,
but nobody would accept him.
Felicia was a teacher in Rumania,
she endeavored to find a solution for herself, and found one
~~~~~~~ for me! [Go on in left
The only image of Yitzchak Peri, is the one on
the cover of my book.
There he is surrounded by 5 of my pupils - from 5 different
To the right: Esther, with whom I traveled to Egypt in 1982, see Nourishment>July
12, 2011
See, how Yitzchak Peri appreciated me~~~ in
1982: Nourishment>July
13, 2011
How soothing, that I have the chance to close this chapter
by reporting about an interaction, which was pure joy!
Two days ago I got the following SMS : "Dearest Rachel, The time which we spent
together was amazing,
and I again say to you "many thank". Longing ~~~~ Tamir." On July 14, 2004, I, Rachel, - together
with Tamir Peleg and Hagai Lev -
am permitted to erect our tent on "Rakhaf",
first in the east, then in the west.
We haven't seen
each other for at least a year and a half.
We haven't talked since his 37th birthday on November 23, 2007.
So the message came totally out of the blue.
I called him- even a bit worried: "Is
something the matter?"
"No! I simply felt such a longing for you,
that I felt pushed to send you this message."
He was waiting at some road to hitchhike to his course , third
about "Healing and Judaism". "I so much want to see you, when
will it finally happen?"
I laughed!
He knows that I won't come to Neve-Eitan, to the Lake of Tiberias.
I hadn't even been to the wedding of Yuval-David
and Paz,
at "Noah's
Shore" at the Salt Sea, December 2006.
He also knows, like I do,
that if an encounter doesn't "happen",
something in him or me is postponing it,
and that is alright, "we are always tied together",
I comforted him. "I know".
Still, I told him that I would be at Shoham next week,
and he promised himself to try and visit me there.
Most of the time only I slept in the tent,
but here it is Tamir,
covered with Efrat's
blanket, supported by my cushions
On March 13, 2005, Tamir and two of my
"starchildren", Zipi and Gal, helped me to dismantle
our tent and take away all its interiors.
In the background - the Salt Sea, to which Tamir
had "brought" me almost 7
years earlier.
This was also the end of our attempts to work as "partners"
on our Desert Peace Economy Vision on "ARARAT
HeART" (Tamir's term).
Tamir (as well as Hagai) have still not found their own path of full-fill-ment.
Tamir is now building a community together with Yuval-David
and Paz south of the Lake of Tiberias - and yearns to build a
family despite being gay.
But again and again, like in this sudden SMS, Tamir has expressed
his gratitude for his process of growth and becoming himself ~~by
having met me.
Spring flowers in Nizza's and Shalom's
(those neighbors who don't fence themselves in....)
In the morning there was Hungaria: the talk with Tina.
In the evening there was again Hungaria:
Yitzchak Peri published two volumes with 1153 pages
about the History of the Jews in Hungaria....
But then I was transferred to yet another country,
which surely has been missing on my journey today:
Namibia in Africa.
To my regret I opened the TV only 5 minutes before 23:00,
for what little I learnt , demanded to learn more:
I hadn't known, that Namibia was the German colony "West-Africa",
and that the mixture of German bourgois "culture" and "Africa"
produced a state, which could be Africa's "first pupil in class",
as was said.
And then , of course, I went to bed with "Gaza", here, closeby...
of the day
dedicated to Tamir Peleg: "peleg elohim malee mayim"
"rivulet of God full of water"
never perfect&complete
Keep It
Simple Sweetheart K.I.S.S.
- L O G 2
0 0 8
Continuation of "Modae
be-khol-Me'odi", winter 1994-95
A triangle dance on the background of a cliff
of the Ramon-Crater.
Itamar Kechteil, Muhammed Adam-Universali, and Moshe Klein,
a veritable representation of Israel,
were among the 14 people who took part in the "Succah Experiment"
on July 20-22, 1989, the 20th anniversary of the landing on the moon,
and the 45th commemoration of Hitler's execution of the German rebels. A
delightful photo of Moshe Klein
An idyllic illusion - Brigitte/Channah
and I in front of the Abraham-Succah...
I finally had to evict her, but she did not remove her minibus and
herself within it. A constant pain for me.
When in Nov. 1989 we had moved our mobile homes into the wadi, where
I was inspired to erect the Succayah,
I demanded a distance of 150 m between us. She kept this distance
also on my later locations....
Even when I left the Succayah in Oct. 1994 and from "Succah in
the Desert" altogether in April 1996,
her minibus (the "wreck") was still disturbing the landscape
and the view of my vision.
If I would have known,
that this "moda" would be the only one,
and no sequence would follow,
would I have ended it differentl?
2013-01-18 .
song, which I sing 3 times on this casette,
was the creation of 3 months in 1984,
close to beginning of preparing for my Lekh-Lekhâ
and was modified only recently, in
June 2012
On June 23, 2012, I changed the word
"nikhshal (fail) by the word "shogae" (err, make mistakes).
Also - after having resonated with the message of Right
Use of Will and Godchannel.com since
Jan. 1, 1987-
I see the aim of the song not so much as "the function of the
Ego", but as the function of Manifestation,
co-created by Will (feeling, desire, intuition) and Sprit, by the
magnetic and the electric essence.
But yesterday,
when the decision had ripened,
that I wanted to edit and insert
"Modae be-khol Me'odee",
I did want to take a photo
of the casette.
When I transferred the photo
to the computer,
I discovered 4 other photos,
which I must have taken
sometime during the last 6-7 months.
3 of them show a phenomenon,
which fascinates me time and again.
A double reflection,
like the mystical reflection
on the ceiling of my veranda,
caused by the shiny roof
of my neighbor's car.
This was on Nov.22, 2009, (see
this page and put "reflection" in Ctrl/F)
and the even more astonishing fact was / is,
that my photo of this reflection
became - without any intention or action -
the screen-saver image,
and it is the screen-saver image up to this day!
What is reflecting light and shade
to the ceiling of my kitchen,
are the mirror-doors of the inbuilt closet.
By the way,
this very old TV died 3 weeks ago,
and I bought a new one!
No photo!
This double reflection
must be a metaphor for something,
but for what?
Has it somehow to do
with the only other photo
I found on my camera?
The old strife and victimhood
of both:
employers and employees!
A page [96] from
Hologram-Rachel 1984 (mentioned on former
in "Modae-be-khol-Me'odee" p. (2))
Perhaps I wanted to show it to Micha,
here - on May 26, 1984, when he was not yet 18
a poorly paid worker
in the hothouse of Alexander and my friend Yanina,
and discriminated
in comparison to the Arab Fatma!