GOOD The root of pain, in all
its forms, is RESISTANCE.
Resistance. The average soul is very dull in this
regard. A masculine-dominant consciousness
(one that majors in action and logic)
Watching your languaging around
emotions If you are using terms
like "I'd like," or "I am attracted to......,"
From -
http://www.reconnections.net/How_it_began.htm [I can't find this any
[2010_11_30 -this dialog still appears on
the Internet]
[November 30, 2010: there is much more
interesting info in this chapter which I would like to study in time!
November 29-December 2, 2010
Closeups to my Past, Finetuning to my Present, Nourishment
for my Living
- which enhance and enrich my experience of "Mika's
Heaven on Earth"
Arad, Monday, November 29,2010
Sunday, November 29, 2010 excerpted from Abraham’s new Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD The stability of your Earth exists because its change and expansion does not outstrip its ability to find balance. It is not only Earth’s size and the laws of physics that are of enough significance to absorb the shock of any change, but also Earth’s Vibrational nature of Well-Being. While your Earth appears to be a geological sphere of rock and soil and water held together by gravitational forces, it is so much more than that, for within every particle of Earth’s substance is Vibrational Consciousness seeking individual balance—Consciousness aligning with a Broader Non-Physical vision of Earth’s future. Even though the human inhabitants of planet Earth are often outside of their Vortices, in a state of resisting their personal Well-Being, the overwhelming Consciousness of your planet (in soil, in water, in flora and fauna) is incrementally finding balance every step along the way. In time, as you relax and breathe your way into alignment with your Source, you will be able to feel the dominant Vibrational pulse of Well-Being that permeates your Earth and everything it is comprised of, for Well-Being is the basis of All-That-Is. |
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quote from Godchannel>Awareness "If in the moment you have more consciousness
and less sentience, "If in the moment you have more sentience,
and less consciousness ~ "If you experience
any combination of consciousness and sentience ~ "Life, all life has both kinds
of awareness ~ "Your human awareness is vast and
varied. "In manifestation there is much more
sentience than consciousness. "Trees, for instance
are very sentient, but not very conscious. "With the exception of themselves
and their fellow mammals, |
"Partnership Diary", 1977, 97c-98a |
"Liberty through Responsibility",
1975, page 15b-16a The first insert of this document can be found in Learn&Live 6, the last one in Closeup to my Past ![]() |
"Partnership Diary", 1977, 98b |
through Responsibility", 1975, page 16b-17a ![]() |
![]() Your palms on your eyes, that's all that's needed, your heart to heaven your pain will ease. .... New is the vocation of my life: Play and Smile, Play |
my decision yesterday to dedicate one entire day ![]() to training my eyes with the help of "Better Vision" as well as with the help of "Paula", I had the wisdom and the resolution to dedicate an entire week to this training. But only if I see myself as part of an Evolution which will fulfil the prophecy, that the blind will see, and the deaf will hear, and the lame will leap, may I have the discipline to really stick with the training. which I've been procrastinating for more than a year... [But yes, I managed to take my glasses off most of the day, for already 3 months, except when watching TV or when needing to navigate in an unknown area, by foot or by car -of course ,not by driving! I didn't even have the chance to drive. As to the computer, I moved it a bit closer to my body and eyes, both in Arad and in Shoham] While rehearsing songs in the pool, as usual, I tried to recall songs about "Eyes" and "Seeing"! in addition to the "Eye-Song", dedicated to Paula, the deepest, most "far-sighted" song seems to be : "You see in the desert a flame".... The "Better Vision Program" provides a CD with a visualisation, which should help me to free myself from limiting beliefs about my seeing. I think, it will be a blessing, if I sing and visualize and oscillate between this flame in the desert and this love in my heart ----often... |
![]() You see in the desert a flame a flame of the burning bush burning with fire, yet not consumed only radiating on you love LOVE [based on Moses' SEEing the bush burning with fire, and the bush was not consumed Ex. 3] |
indeed, used the visualisation of Martin Sussman, the
director of "Better
Vision", in order to visualise the "Burning Bush" in the "Wadi-at-tauleh", in Sinai, where I created the mobile model of my Vision of Hosting Economy in the Desert, the "Pyramidion", or "Ohalah" in Hebrew, or "Rihlah" in Arabic. I "saw" the mountains above and the sand of the Wadi below, I "saw" the Burning Bush where my tent had been erected, ![]() and I vividly and lovingly remembered my 3 Bedouin trainees, the hosts, and the first and only week with our 6 guests from 6 nations in 6 tents. Towards the end I opened my eyes and this is what I saw on the screen: as if Windows Media Player's conversion of sound - Sussman's words - into wave images had created mystical tent pyramids -"Seeing is natural, seeing is effortless..." |
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Also: Psalm 121:1 - I lift up my EYES to the mountains from whence shall my help come
Arad, Tuesday, November
30, 2010
(My brother Eberhard would have become 68 years today, if he hadn't
been killed in Febr. 1970)
S E E the World in a Grain of Sand"
(William Blake, quoted in one
of the 228 videos about "the Emerging Consciousness
of Oneness"
from the Global Oneness
Project ["project"?] "The Global Oneness Project is exploring how the radically simple notion of interconnectedness can be lived in our increasingly complex world Since 2006, we've been traveling the globe gathering stories from people who base their lives and work on the understanding that we bear great responsibility for each other and our shared world. Our film library is available for free from our website, through select broadcast outlets, and DVD. We hope that by showing diverse expressions of oneness— in fields including sustainability, spirituality, indigenous culture, conflict resolution, and social justice— others will be inspired to create solutions to personal and community challenges from their own lived understanding of oneness." |
woman - also a Sufi-teacher - who wants to live what this means in every day life (not in meditation): " when I'm in the kitchen and when I walk out of the kitchen!" ![]() |
More eye-songs which came to my mind: Let
my teeth grow and let my eyes see |
- on my way from the pool down the Wadi of Compassion - that "the Desire of YHWH" - will succeed in "his the Lord's Servant's hand", (since) "my servant, the righteous one, will make righteous many". I also sang the song about the Oneness of all , rays of the sun, waves of the ocean, colors of the light and its last stanza about "learning to love myself..." I asked myself: Is it correct, that Oneness will come about not by "consciousness", but by a "chain-reaction"?: a) a person loves herself, i.e. is whole, b) therefore she loves all other persons in her environment, c) at least some of these other persons will then love themselves, too, d) and again - these will love those in their environment, e) then a chain reaction will follow... And since the starting point is not only me, but many more humans, f) these chain reactions will one day intertwine and unite and thus the critical mass of Oneness-Consciousness will be reached! I just have to SEE that with my inner and outer EYES. I just have to celebrate it: "It" means: yatzdiq avdi tzaddiq le-rabbim in the Song of the Lord's Servant
I might just as well use the word of my interpretation: The one who is whole, my servant, will make many feel whole. This is meant by the same expression u-matzdiqee ha-rabbim , in Daniel: Those who make the many feel righteous , i. e. whole, i.e. love themselves
That's ALL that we need to do, to make others love themselves and therefore each other and therefore the Earth, |
15:45 But then again, while eating lunch, |
Sunday, November 30, 2010 excerpted from Abraham’s new Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD There is no end to life experience, for you are an Eternal Being with never-ending opportunities for joyous expansion. With each new desire that is launched a nd then allowed to manifest— you will discover yet another platform from which to launch more desire. This process of creation is not about getting the creation finished and finding an end to needed manifestations. It is about the joyous process of expansion. And in the very moment that your intention shifts to a determination to “feel good” rather than a determination of “manifest something,” not only will you become a consistently happy person, but all things wanted will flow easily to you. It seems a paradox to some—in the beginning— while it is not paradoxical at all: “I want these things because I would feel better in the having of them, but my awareness of their absence prevents me from having them. But if I can find a way of feeling better even without having them, then they can be mine.” A powerful Universal truth is simply this: you cannot attract the presence of something wanted when predominantly aware of its absence. |
There's a video " Creation is Calling- are you Listening?"- about the THE STUNNING BEAUTY OF THIS PLANETARY EDEN, utilizing footage from the BBC Planet Earth Series, But except for a newborn holding the finger of a grownup, ![]() there is nothing about humans. And the purpose of the video is to praise God, while my purpose is to make humans love themselves by seeing the beauty in themselves. And then they will also guard the beauty of our planet. The Earth's beauty has been like that for eons and eons and it's definitely a step forward, that we begin to SEE it and make others SEE it. But there is much beauty in humans and in human creations, too. This is what I now want to SEE and make SEE ever more. |
While taking a nap, I read in the booklet of "Better
Vision" just one sentence;
"First, your mind selects what it wants to see from
its total field of vision
(Skill one: Peripheral Awareness and Central/Perpheral Balance)",
and then looked up without "selecting".... finding my eyes resting
on the painting of "The State of Israel",
discerning the overlapping triangles, remembering the sound-waves in the form
of a "tent-pyramid" above,
remembering what my brother said, when he gifted me with this last painting
of his life, in August 1969:
"Israel will cause itself a lot of troubles, but
in the end out of Israel itself will come deliverance",
and only then did I become aware, that it would have been Eberhard's 68th
birthday today.
Brother/Sisterhood: "Frau Schuergs erstes Wort war, als ich zur Trauerfeier
nach Grossaltdorf kam:
"Eberhard war so sehr beeindruckt von der Solidaritaet
und der nahen Gemeinschaft unter den Menschen in Israel.
Genau das wollte er verwirklichen. Die Menschen sollten einander gegenueber
nicht gleichgueltig sein.
Er wollte Gemeinschaft schaffen. Wenigstens durch seinen Tod ist ihm das hier
in Grossaltdorf gelungen."
Er wollte die Menschen, mit denen er in seinem Lebensbereich
zu tun hatte,
einander zugeneigt und dadurch froher machen.
Wenn irgendetwas dieses Ideal verwirklichen kann, so ist es das gemeinsame
wo jeder Einzelne aus seiner Passivitaet heraustritt
und doch seine Aktivitaet erst durch die Zusammenarbeit aller Sinn bekommt
eben sein eignes Singen erst durch das Singen aller andern den Klang gewinnt,
der umgekehrt wiedrum auf die Seele jedes Einzelnen einwirkt
und wenigsten in diesem Augenblickdarin Zu-Frieden-heit schafft.
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![]() The purple color now came into the painting as a reflection from my red curtains. It makes this moment unique, and no photo of this prophecy will reproduce this. After I had taken the photo, I glanced over to the opposite wall with this picture! For the first time I realized, that the two paintings of Eberhard in my room symbolize my double origin: Christian and Jewish, and the merging of both in me. And when I read a few passages in "Brother/Sisterhood" I discovered a poem, the third stanza of which expresses all I know and desire regarding humankind: Uns gab der Schoepfer ganz aus seinen Haenden, Jeden allein und alle unvollendet, Setzte uns aus in fremdesten Gelaenden Und hat uns doch zur Heimkehr ausgesendet, dass nur, wenn wir fuer alle Heimat faenden, Geschaehe, dass fuer uns der Weg sich endet Rudi Ehrenberg, Franz Rosenzweig's cousin, and like him in love with "Gritli"... He was a baptized Jew, whose only son fell for a "fatherland" which excluded him "And yet HE has sent us out for returning home, so that only, if we would find a homeland for all, would happen, that the way will end itself for us!" |
"Partnership Diary", 1977, 98b |
"Liberty through Responsibility", 1975, page 17b |
"Partnership Diary", 1977, 98b |
"Liberty through
Responsibility", 1975, page 17c-18a |
Wednesday, December 1, 2010, once
again: Eve of the first day of Chanuka
about my brother, dead since 40 years, this morning
from a poem sent by Yanina When great (?) souls die the air around us becomes light, rare, sterile, We breathe, briefly, Our eyes, briefly, see with hurtful clarity Our memory, suddenly sharpened' examines, gnaws on words, unsaid, promised walks, never taken. |
about that shame about my un-love in the pool yesterday a letter to Yanina ![]() |
When you understand |
according to RUOW
"Angels" are pure spirit beings, i.e. without any "Will"
essence, i.e. feelings, I keep mentioning "Angels which appeared
on the abyss" - in my life. I therefore want to quote "Matthew",
a trustworthy source which I've often
quoted before. Note from Jean Hudon (who sends regular compilations by e-mails): In preparation for this Meditation Focus (about angels), I asked Suzy to see with Matthew (who once was Suzy's son...), if he would like to share with us all his perspective about angels. Here is the message he gave to Suzy on Nov. 22, 2010 ... They were co-created by the archangels and Creator and are the only souls who never separated spiritually from the Oneness. As collective energies of light whose missions are safeguarding, assisting and comforting, they are constantly vigilant so they can instantly respond as needed. Although a guardian angel, or gatekeeper, is assigned to every person as the primary constant unseen and silent protector, helper and guide, most angels are free agents, always available as reinforcements for the guardian angel whenever the need arises. Of course you can call upon the angelic realms for assistance at any time, but even when you don't, the energy of your anticipated need shoots out into the divine communication system and instantly God's emissaries respond appropriately. Many people in life-threatening situations have been saved by angels' intervention in accordance with soul contracts, but if the consequences of dire circumstances are within the souls' chosen experiencing, the angels cannot interfere. They are, however, permitted to relieve extreme mental or emotional anguish. Without that angelic buffer between clear thought and desperation, wise behavior and irrational action, or miscalculation and its results, many physical lifetimes would be much shorter than soul contract choices. ... At times angels may appear to be as solid as your bodies seem. They can work through entities in a human form but with suprahuman capabilities, and some of the lower angelics can spend a lifetime in Earth's density. They manifest a human form and, with great diligence and tenderness, serve wherever they see the need-if you think of someone as being an angel, you may indeed be right. |
began to create new lyrics of celebration to a song of mourning about dead soldiers: DID YOU S E E WHAT BEAUTY....?
This is only an example of this very day, which should point to my sequence about "Celebrating what is right with the World" between Jan. 10, 2010 and Febr. 18, 2010 |
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![]() ![]() « Human Rights Day 10 December 2010" »Skate Aid & Green Helmets in Afghanistan / http://www.skate-aid.org/en/projects The Titus Dittmann Foundation – In January 2010 I established the Titus Dittmann
Foundation. |
e.V. (GREEN HELMETS) was founded in Germany in April 2003. The association is working as a humanitarian agency and consists of nine members. Dr. Rupert Neudeck ( founder of the NGO Cap Anamur), Aiman Mazyek (spokesman of the Central Committee of Mulims) and Josef Grundner (a logistician and specialist in houses & school onstruction who worked several years in Kosovo and Afghanistan on humanitarian base). The dialogue between different religions and cultures is not new. There is no lack of conferences, summit meetings, papers and good intentions. But what is missing is the aim to transfer these intentions into real actions. Our main interest is the reconstruction of villages, schools and ambulances in destroyed regions. We always collaborate with the local population. We want to revive John F. Kennedys idea of a Peace Corps and we aim to unite young christian and muslim Germans as well as other people with the same understanding and the intention to work together and create something. We are looking forward to get the best collaboraters who are able to work practically and who are willing to invest radically three months of their life for this work. We are not looking for dreamers, each collaborator has to be psycholgically and physically stable and able to bear the challenges of our work. Afghanistan: In Totechi (engl. “the flutist”), a village of 369 families, two schools for boys and girls were built. At the same time, the 750 pupils undertook to plant one tree respectively as a sign against erosion. .... |
"Partnership Diary", 1977, 98b |
"Liberty through Responsibility", 1975, page
18b-19 |
"Partnership Diary", 1977, 100b
"Liberty through Responsibility", 1975, page 20a |
Arad, Thursday, December 2, 2010, first day
of Chanuka
From 2-3:30 PM, Amit (6), my landlords' son, will be
with me - "he is crazy with joy"
From 4 PM till the end of Shabbat, Rotem, my granddaughter (17 1/2), will
be with me.
I desire to breathe and blink and celebrate and integrate my turmoil of feelings
and fear!
So far I deemed
this passage in "Right Use of Will" --- the most practical
way - of "Now I want
to explain what I mean by emotional release. The understandings
you will receive from doing this [See
the passsage also in Hebrew in puzzle
piece 13, Feel All There Is to FEEL] |
I myself: Let go of resistance and judgments ("I should be only happy about my guests!") Breathe and blink and en-joy -pressure and excitement and ALL! |
When expectations from others cause tension,
I'm giving my own eyes more loving attention!!
Monday, December 2, 2010
"Partnership Diary", 1977, 100b-101a
"Liberty through Responsibility", 1975, page 21-22a |
"Partnership Diary", 1977, 101b
"Liberty through Responsibility", 1975, page 22b |
22:00 ~~sweet 95 min. with Amit, baking bread and "navigating"
in the desert ~~~ intense soul-work with Rotem and not intense-enough Chanuka
~~not consistently sticking to my goal of "feeling all there is to feel"
~~~ terrible bus turn-over on Carmel mountains (41 prison employees dead),
fire still racing on.
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![]() Amit, who was in his mother's womb, when I moved into the flat underneath my landlords exactly 6 years ago, on December 3, 2004 kneads the dough (for my bread) - for the first time in his life, with the professionality of a baker! ![]() |
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"Partnership Diary", 1977, 101c-102a |
"Liberty through Responsibility", 1975, page 22c-23a
"Liberty through Responsibility", 1975, page 23ab-24a |
of Closeups to my Past, Finetuning to my Present,
Nourishment for my Living -
- which enhance and enrich my experience of "Mika's
Heaven on Earth"