52 days of Moving and E-volving Emotions Manual - 46th day, October 1, 2002
"We'll call it Color
Sea!" "It's so hot today
and Abba wanted to go to a place with water.
In the last two months the
area of my Salt Sea Springs has collapsed. |
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2014 |
The FELT days 173, 174, 175, 176 ~ of the next 15 FELT years
5 y e a r s = 5 4 8 0 days
of g e f u e h l t e - g e f u e l l t e Z e i t "inmitten der Ewigkeit", f e l t - f i l l e d t i m e "amidst eternity" from the beginning of my 76th till the completion of my 90th year [unless I'll die after all] The feeling chosen from a day is exhibited in max. 7 lines per day since August 28, 2013 On 6 days of the week I learn, but Shabbat is dedicated to my main feeling: grate-full-ness. Since feelings must be vibrated~ wombed, each day closes with a song, fitting the 7 lines To challenge myself like that -while not knowing what will be "staged" in my personal and in the world's drama till 2028 , exhilarates me! |
February 26, 2014-OHEL 28 from among its 365 appearances in the Bible
yeshu'ah ="becoming free" and tzaddiqim ="those who walk their talk." [for the difficult term "tzaddiq", so overused and misunderstood in Hebrew today, as in all translations as "righteous", Buber-Rosenzweig found the word "bewaehrt" from "wahr", i.e. true, i.e. someone who lives his truth. There is nothing like this in English, nor for the other ingenious translation: "le-hoshi'a", "to free", instead of "to save. The English term for "yeshu'ah" = salvation is unbearable today, but neither is there a proper word in English for "setting free". Liberation and deliverance originate in Latin and do not bring up the feeling of "becoming free" or "making free". |
continuing: (26)
and "Nebo-Let-Go"
- in one go =2006:
a sculpture of 21 years of my exterior creating
24- from among 42 days - MORPHING FORMS
... your growing Dream, so much more than a
seed, Take note of new pathways, possibilities |
Now, consider creating a vision board... ... Courageously chart out We see the morphing form of our dreams, ... The vision that you glorify
in your mind, |
That's exactly what we did today! I called Lior
- before I read this advice - asking her,
if she could keep her promise to create a painting for me to my 70th birthday
and, while with me for the weekend, paint a desert landscape with an Ohalah/Rihlah.
She had a much better idea than painting!
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As Gadi had asked me to do, I phrased, luckily already yesterday, because today I wouldn't have had the physical strength, what people, invited for a meeting with me on March 11, [postponed till March 25] in Gadi's Jazz-Club at Mitzpe-Ramon, could encourage to come. I also made a composition of photos, though I'm afraid, it will be too much for the space on Gadi's website or on Facebook. |
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February 27, 2014 -OHEL 29from
among its 365 appearances in the Bible
Though Immanuel yesterday sent me
a video about "what we see from the cockpit in exactly the same plane
that I fly", I wanted to solve the problem on my computer alone.
Only this morning I gave in to being so dependent on him, I called him - met
him in Amsterdam - and his simple solution - to click the arrow "put"
above the lost page, helped.
And he is the son of "the one-who-supported-my-brother"! These names are meaningful! So why does Everet Fox translate "heart" with "mind"? Even twice? |
continuing: (27)
and "Nebo-Let-Go"
- in one go =2006:
a sculpture of 21 years of my exterior creating
25- from among 42 days - FLOWERING BEAUTY As our Unity consciousness
awakens ...Centered and fully present to the gift of
this moment, ...Tranquil in our transition from bud to bloom, |
" ..... Sacred
geometry ignites fire letters and key codes,
By the way, I tend to get sick of
the word 'tourism'. |
Ezri Alon, when he visited me,
said again and again, that humans are the enemies of Nature. And I said again and again: "So far". I now heard, what for me leads to an example in Evolution: The concept of mammals is, that the mother is solely responsible for the young ones: birthing them, suckling them, finding nourishment for herself, so she'll have enough milk, and protecting them. Like when a mouse under the earth senses danger, she'll grab each of the young ones and bring them to a hole deeper in the earth. If this is true for the smallest of mammals, it's also true for the biggest, the rhinos. "If the mothers weren't so perfect, the males couldn't even allow themselves to simply abscond and then involve themselves in contests with other males." ![]() Isn't the very same "concept" true for humans? If the mothers weren't so perfect, the (so-called) fathers couldn't allow themselves to hurry into battles, because where else can they prove their self-worth and where else can they feel less bored. My husband would never have gotten up when a child cried at night (while I did this night after night for six years), but in time - seeing my "perfection" - he screamed: "Now you took away from me even the last thing, I did in this house except from bringing money home." [I had made a Pesach-Haggada for the family to read from, while so far he had conducted the Seder]. Till recently THE 3 MAIN HUMAN NEEDS were naturally met by women, if they were mothers, but if they were men, even fathers, they usually had only poor substitutes to meet these needs. The need of 'Cain', the need for Zest&Full-fill-ment and the need for being held-hugged. A mother - in the past - knew who she was, and what her purpose was. A mother never had to strive for Zest&Full-fill-ment - it was always there, naturally. A mother could hold and hug her children, even if their marriage had been arranged without love. But now the "concept of Evolution" is changing: Not only does a man receive more love from his own wife, he learns to become a father, who does everything for a baby except birthing it. Yes, there are homosexual couples who go out of their way to become biological fathers to children. [A few hours later I opened TV at this commercial: a father involved in doing the laundry for his children while a daughter, about 10 years old, approaches him: "Can you make me a braid, Abba?" Tears in my eyes!] Thus also the old "concept of Evolution", that Man is the enemy of Nature will change, and not because of laws and control, not even because of education and conveying "values". The concept will be: "Imma Adamah", "Mother Earth", a song very popular in Israel: Imma Adamah - a video [inserted in 2014songs, January] ![]() |
just inserted a song, Psalm
34, in 2014
Songs,Febr. the singing of which I recorded on my son's 51st birthday. The tune is precious and so is the first stanza, but the second, the continuation of that Psalm 34, it NOT the point of evolving humankind. a song very cherished by Immanuel&Efrat listen to a video with Hava Alberstein, in the New Synagogue of Berlin ![]() Here is an example of what is still missing in the excellent work of excellent people and organizations, like SoL, Society for Organizational Learning, Peter Senge which I came to know (how?) more than 10 years ago: "Collaboration is the human face of systemic change. Effective collaboration in addressing truly complex problems requires more than good intentions. People and institutions working effectively across (intra- and inter-organizational) boundaries need new capabilities which few organizations have: building trust among diverse players and shared visions that transcend individual organizations' interests, fostering shared understanding of complex realities, developing shared strategies, the ability to observe and reflect on what is working and not and to adjust thinking and action. In short, effective collaboration is an ongoing learning process that demands an unusual degree of openness – of mind, heart and will - to challenge taken-for granted assumptions and ways of operating, and cultural norms. Sometimes, what will most limit progress will be the very behaviors that have made organizations effective in the past. " In this last sentence you seem to recognize it yourself: how will people acquire and guard !! these "capabilities", if they have not learnt to integrate thinking and feeling? All this "value-teaching", as I call it, is still external , like the preaching/teaching in that psalm! Even if some people succeed in applying these values, there might be denials underneath, which will cause not only reversals, as you point out, but the denials will move out and infect "weak" souls, and we'll have holocausts, famines, cancer all over again. Leaders who want to build their capacity |
February 28, 2014-OHEL 30
from among its 365
appearances in the Bible
It is an excellent list of the "values" of his time and of our time as well. And yet applying his values did not make him the master of his destiny! Learning how to turn victimhood into mastery was no value nor is it a "value" today! As to the wording, I become convinced, that "ohel" is often simply equivalent to "home". Think of it! As "orakh", the English translation is meaningful, yet I understand it as "oreakh"=guest, or like Buber as "wanderer", which fits that time. |
continuing: (28)
and "Nebo-Let-Go"
- in one go =2006:
a sculpture of 21 years of my exterior creating
26- from among 42 days - FLOW-ERING DREAMS
As you lay yourself to sleep, preparing to
shift As you do, in-vision your Blooming Dream Seed.
As you drift into sleep,
Upon awakening, return to this space of Gratitude, The Dream Space is an open field of possibility,
Consciously entering the Dream in a space of
GRATITUDE What follows is an enhanced ability to lucid
dream, Our dreams play a vital role in Birthing New
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![]() "Prague The golden lane, where the Alchimists lived" A postcard from my father in War, sent on 1-III-40, i.e. probably written today 74 years ago to my mother. "Alchimistengasse. Meine Liebste. Da ja jetzt die Feldpost so schrecklich lang geht, schnell einen lb. kurzen Gruss. Mir geht es gut und ich hoffe, dass du recht tapfer und lieb bist und Dich Deiner Kinder freust. {signature not readable. On the side the greeting of a comrade) |
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short response: "I'm on holiday with all the children. I wish you success in everything. Shabbat Shalom and a good week." ![]() |
![]() I added my self-presentation for March 11, phrased for Gadi, s. above |
March 1, 2014-OHEL 31 from among its 365 appearances in the Bible
continuing: (29)
and "Nebo-Let-Go"
- in one go =2006:
a sculpture of 21 years of my exterior creating
27- from among 42 days - ENCHANTING FLOWERS
Similar, yet wholly unique, Beloveds dancing in the winds, Explore the hidden mysteries and eternal wisdom Allow yourself to be guided to find and meditate Gaze into the Heart of the flower,
Imagine merging with the flower, So, too, are WE. As we contemplate and appreciate what makes
each of us unique, Our flowering Hearts open, we are the Beauty
we see ~
There is one single
language, Magdala
Flowers", one on my veranda, one in the desert-wadi ("instead" of those eaten by those sheep] ![]() my daughter's daughter, [she will be 18 in May] goes on. And this on the day, on which Lior Oren, my deep friend (25), slept in the tent of the blooming Aloe Vera |
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ENVISIONING Tents-Song - Shirat-ha-Ohalim |