The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.i.s.s.
as stated 10 years ago - was and is
to help me and my potential PEERS
to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,
and - as holograms - all of Creation!
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2011
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

As the fruit of becoming whole = accepting all of myself, I desire:
to live and explore and evolve   L O V E   in my personal life
and to play my part in creating the conditions for Heaven-on-Earth
by radiating grate-full-ness, zest-full-ness and full-fill-ment
on the actors in my individual life-drama and on all human beings!





K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart








"AZ NIDBERU" - My new Midrash and song in 5 languages
about the prophecy of Malachi 3, 16
["YHWH" is named "HA-SHEM"= The Name]


















Then those who see Ha-Shem, will talk among each other,
and he listens      and he hears

yatakaalamuna     allathina     yarau'na-hu ,
va-yusri        va-yasma'

Dann die IHN schauen, werden reden miteinander,
und er lauscht      und er hoert

Puis ceux qu'ils voient Ha-Shem, se parlent l'un a l'autre
il entends,        il ecoute


Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery


Re-studied on February 7, 2011 [context: the quest of MS, a man, age 30, born in Germany, living in Texas - to assist each other in healing-into-wholeness]

October 19

Tishrei 20

3rd day of turning
"my greed to create
+ Cain's need la-têt"

into a" GATE",

Today I learnt what it means
Actions:  To the pool (2) climbing up and down the Wadi of Compassion
Garden: working watering
Kisslog: healing-creating
TV & Internet: learning
Preparing food. Cleaning
with Albert, my neighbor
see below!!
Parting from
my obsession
to complete

this page---
on November 18

Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want, then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what may

I desire to finally investigate and understand that excruciating paradox of my creative writing:
the fright of writing, the procrastination of writing [or completing] versus the flooding of writing.
I desire to understand the reason or purpose for the never-ending lava stream of my volcano...

image of the day: the Lava stream of my talking and writing

hodayot [thanksgivings] for today

My Body, my Partner, my God
I give thanks to our breathing stream and that breathing out - the "output-stream" is totally balanced with the "input" stream.
- unlike my "output" stream of teaching, writing, talking, i.e. my giving and creating

No, this is wrong! I opened "breathing" in Wiki
and was hit by this image, water and air contrasting the fire on the left so fittingly.
What I "put out" cannot be more
than what I "put in",
and its my faculty of taking in like a child,
and of --grate-fully -- receiving life in its details,
(God is in the small things...)
which is the "reason" for my Lava streaming.
The problem is not with breathing in so strongly
nor with breathing out so vehemently,
but with the environment, the "stage", I chose!
Did I choose it for a lesson or for a purpose?

I'm grate-full for the full-ness of my life , in breathing in and breathing out.
I'm grate-full that I'm now living in the era of multimedia and Internet!
which allows for spilling out my lava on a website - without overflooding anyone.
I'm grate-full, that I'm able to imagine my lava being "received", even if it's not!


Song of the Day and of every day

bat-adam !
elohim at !
alaikh le-rappê
ha-bri'aah kulah !

The word "Love"here has changed into :
all the right
that you have denied!

Love yourself!
then you'll love
everybody else.

Greed to create
Cain's need la-tet
turned into a "GATE":
blessings will be great!

God are you!
It's up to you to heal
the Creation all-of-it!

all the right
that you have denied!

Love yourself!
then you'll love
everybody else.

Greed to create ~
Cain's need to give ~
turned into a "GATE":
blessings will be great!

Yesterday, on my way back from the noon pool,
constantly practising the jump between "le-rappê" and "ha-bri'aah kulah",
and hitting it only, if and after I in between sing the octave between "le" and "ha"
I pondered, if the line should be:
"turn around the "GATE
"! [then] blessings will be great!"

Today in the pool I became absolutely clear, that this would be wrong!
It would follow my all too familiar escapism: "All or nothing!"
I remembered vividly, how in my youth I was frustrated with people older than me,
who were interested in hearing about my life,
but would never share anything about their own.
If someone DID share something , I benefitted from it for coping with my life.

"Greed to create + Cain's need la-tet > turned into a GATE>blessings will be great"
means - in the case of physical [not virtual] - interaction and communication,
[Febr. 7, 2011: why not also in virtual interaction and communication????]
that I share myself with the strong intent,
that what I share
will enhance the other person's sharing!




Suddenly I remembered ,
that because the difference of wintertime in Israel and in Germany
my cherished "Lutz Goerner: Lyrik fuer alle" had to be seen before I left for the pool,

When I opened at 9:10 - 5 minutes late - I happened to hear just this:
that Kurt Tucholski in 1932 imposed upon himself to refrain from writing,
hoping that his silence would have a greater effect on Germany than his writing.
Of course, this was an utter illusion...
I'll now copy the program and learn what I missed - in honor of this "peer"
who failed to cope with the fact, that he "was born wrongly":

"Mich haben sie falsch geboren"

The first poem - Europa - is stunningly relevant
to the "present" (?) economic crisis...
Lutz Goerner, Hallo, seien Sie gegrüßt! Zur Folge 148 von Lyrik für alle.
Eine Sendereihe, die einmal mehr als 200 Folgen haben wird, und in der ich versuche
Ihnen die deutschsprachige und abendländische Lyrik in weitgehend chronologischer Reihenfolge vom Barock bis heute zu erzählen,
um Ihnen so einen gewissen Überblick über die Entwicklung der Lyrik in unserem Kulturkreis zu ermöglichen.

Heute sind wir zum 5. Mal bei Kurt Tucholsky, dem Chronisten der Weimarer Republik.
ein Gedicht aus dem Jahr 1928

Am Rhein, da wächst ein süffiger Wein -
Der darf aber nicht nach England hinein -
Buy British!
In Wien gibt es herrliche Torten und Kuchen,
Die haben in Schweden nichts zu suchen -
Köp svenska varor!
In Italien verfaulen die Apfelsinen -
Lasst die deutsche Landwirtschaft verdienen!
Deutsche, kauft deutsche Zitronen!
Und auf jedem Quadratkilometer Raum
Träumt einer seinen völkischen Traum.

Da liegt Europa. Wie sieht es aus?
Wie ein bunt angestrichnes Irrenhaus.
Nationen schuften auf Akkord
Export! Export!
Die andern! Die andern sollen kaufen!
Die andern sollen die Weine saufen!
Die andern sollen die Schiffe heuern!
Die andern sollen die Kohlen verfeuern!
Wir? Zollhaus, Grenzpfahl und Einfuhrschein:

Wir lassen nicht das Geringste herein.

Fahnen und Hymnen an allen Ecken.
Europa? Europa soll doch verrecken!

Tucholsky hat als Chronist nicht allgemein um den Brei herum geredet.
Er hat immer sehr direkt die benannt, die zu benennen waren.

Aus dem Jahr 1930 stammt das Gedicht:

Die Mäuler auf!
Heilgebrüll und völkische Heilung,
Schnittig, zackig, forsch und päng!
Staffelführer, Sturmabteilung,
Blechkapellen, schnädderädäng!
Judenfresser, Straßenmeute . . .
Kleine Leute. Kleine Leute.

Arme Luder brülln sich heiser,
Tausend Hände fuchteln wild.
Hitler als der selige Kaiser,
Wie ein schlechtes Abziehbild.
Jedes dicken Schlagworts Beute:
Kleine Leute! Kleine Leute

Tun sich mit dem teutschen Land dick,
Grunzen wie das liebe Vieh.
Allerbilligste Romantik -
Hinten zahlt die Industrie.
Hinten zahlt die Landwirtschaft.
Toben sie auch fieberhaft:
Sind doch schlechte deutsche Barden,
Bunte Unternehmergarden!
Bleiben gestern, morgen, heute
Kleine Leute! Kleine Leute!

Aber auch diejenigen unter der jüdischen Bevölkerung, die vor den Nazis in die Knie gingen
und glaubten, wenn sie sich nazi-systemkonform verhalten würden und alles mit sich machen ließen, würden sie die Hitlerei schon überleben,
hat er in einem Gedicht, ebenfalls aus dem Jahr 1930, angesprochen und benannt.
Ich sage diese Jahreszahl 1930 so dezidiert, weil es ja immer noch die Ansicht gibt, wir Deutschen hätten von dem Ganzen nichts gewusst

und mit 'wir Deutschen' meine ich, im Sinne Tucholskys, auch diejenigen jüdischen Glaubens.

[I sob~~~~~ now~~~~~78 years later~~~]

Rosen auf den Weg gestreut
Ihr müsst sie lieb und nett behandeln,
Erschreckt sie nicht - sie sind so zart!
Ihr müsst mit Palmen sie umwandeln,
Getreulich ihrer Eigenart!
Pfeift euerm Hunde, wenn er kläfft:
Küsst die Faschisten, wo ihr sie trefft!

Wenn sie in ihren Sälen hetzen,
Sagt: »Ja und Amen - aber gern!
Hier habt ihr mich - schlagt mich in Fetzen!«

Und prügeln sie, so lobt den Herrn.
Denn Prügeln ist doch ihr Geschäft!
Küsst die Faschisten, wo ihr sie trefft.

Und schießen sie -: du lieber Himmel,
Schätzt ihr das Leben so hoch ein?
Das ist ein Pazifisten-Fimmel!
Wer möchte nicht gern Opfer sein?
Nennt sie: die süßen Schnuckerchen,
Gebt ihnen Bonbons und Zuckerchen ...
Und spürt ihr auch
In euerm Bauch
Den Hitler-Dolch, tief, bis zum Heft -:
Küsst die Faschisten, küsst die Faschisten,
Küsst die Faschisten, wo ihr sie trefft -!

Kurt Tucholsky, der Deutschland nicht erst 1933, sondern schon 1924 verlassen hatte
und fünf Jahre von Frankreich aus auf seine Heimat schaute,
wohnte seit 1929 in Schweden, wo er immer isolierter vor sich hinlebte, ohne Hoffnung auf Veränderung.
1932 verstummte Tucholsky.
Also ein Jahr bevor die Besitzenden
die Macht dem Österreicher Adolf Hitler und seinen deutschen Kumpanen übergeben hatten.
Denn er sollte ihren Besitz vor den Kommunisten schützen
und durch die Vertreibung und Tötung der Juden auch noch den jüdischen Besitz ihnen beschaffen,
wie er es zehn Jahre zuvor in seinem Buch Mein Kampf schwarz auf weiß, für alle nachlesbar, geschildert hatte.

Kurt Tucholsky hoffte, und das hoffte er wirklich,
dass sein plötzliches Schweigen beredter sein würde als sein jahrelanges, lauthalses Schreiben.

Dieser idealistische Wunsch ging natürlich nicht in Erfüllung.
Im Gegenteil, dass Geist und Macht unversöhnlich sind, das war die letzte Enttäuschung seines Lebens.
Zermürbt von der politischen Entwicklung, fern von allen Freunden,
zermürbt durch Krankheit, die dazu führte, dass er, der gern aß und trank, nichts, monatelang nichts mehr schmeckte,
so dass er alles wie grauen Brei in sich stopfen musste,
nahm er sich in Hindas, in Schweden, wo er seit 1929 lebte, am 19. Dezember 1935 unfreiwillig das Leben.
Denn in reichlich betrunkenem Zustand
nahm er seine tägliche, ohnehin schon zu große Dosis, Veronal-Schlaftabletten mehrmals ein.
45 Jahre war er alt.

»Dass ich mein Leben zerhauen habe, weiß ich.
Dass ich aber nicht allein daran Schuld bin, weiß ich auch.
Mich haben sie falsch geboren.«

Wenn in des Abends letztem Scheine
Dir eine lächelnde Gestalt
Am Rasensitz im Eichenhaine
Mit Wink und Gruß vorüberwallt -:
Das ist des Freundes treuer Geist,
Der Freud' und Frieden dir verheißt.

Wenn bei des Vollmonds
Das zagend durch die Zweige sieht,
Durch dunkeln Hain von Tann und Fichte
Ein fauliges Gerüchlein zieht -:
Das ist, was da so grauslich riecht,
Herr Goebbels, der vorüberfliecht.

Wenn bei dem Silberglanz der Sterne,
Wenn schwarze Nacht herniederweint,
Gleich Aeolsharfen aus der Ferne ...
Wenn dir dann gar kein Geist erscheint -:
Dies Phänomen, damit dus weißt,
Das ist Herrn Adolf Hitlers Geist.


Driving backward and Finetuning to my present

This paradox of writing like a lava stream
and of being blocked and clogged even after 60 years
- how can this be understood?

The first letters - at the age of 9 or 10 - were like love-letters,
to a girl, whom I believed to be my first friend, Lisa Kemmer.
She was a year older
and the daughter of the Nazi-appointed mayor of the village Wolfartsweiler, to which we were evacuated.
She had several brothers and was the youngest of 4 sisters.
All daughters - at the age of 14-15- entered a Franciscan convent
and became nuns. Lisa, Elisabeth, was then called Sister Evarista.
This connects her - as I see right now for the first time - to my name:
Waiting for her letters was like waiting for the letters of a lover.
But as all the letters of my later lovers, including the ones of MAR,
there was only scarce sharing and scarce relating to what I tried to share.

Perhaps at the age of 12, I read a series of girls books about "Elke"
.I remember absolutely nothing except for one story:
Elke has to write an essay for school about a sports event.
Since she believes, she cannot write, she buys the cheapest camera "box"
(as I did at the age of 14, with my self-earned money),
and photographs the event.
She then glues the photos in her copybook and writes "captions"only.
I don't know, if her creation was accepted by the teacher,
but even nowadays I think of this method ever so often,
when I yearn to document an experience, but feel the fright to write.
Often on K.i.s.s.-l o g, I insert my photos, with the intention to write "later",

but then "Time in a Bottle:"
"there never seems to be enough time
to do the things you want to do,
once you find them".

Maybe, it's the "too much", which wants to erupt,
which lets me block and clog the outlet?
As for the too much - what I remember is this:
The married Israeli student of psychology, Eliezer Netivi,
who had come to Heidelberg to study at the ripe age of 47,
- and the only man I ever - somehow - seduced,
after 5 months of not having seen my lover, Rafael, in Israel,
and without the chance of ever seeing him again -
once asked me to help him with his homework,
which was to make The Rorschach inkblot test
Once I started to tell him my associations, there was no end.
I don't know, how he stopped me.
Since he didn't volunteer to tell me his teacher's reaction,
I asked him. Hesitantly, playing it down, he answered:

"the person, who did the test, is NOT NORMAL!"

I now felt like getting up
and bringing the full bag to the garbage bin outside.
On my way around the corner, Albert, the neighbor across, called me:

"Ma shlomekh, Rachel" ,
I said: "very well , thank you!"
and added:
"Did you see my "Arc de Triomphe" lately?"
For it was him, who invented this word for my arc.

He came and looked and admired it and I told...
and I remembered:

to share myself with the strong intent,
that what I share
will enhance Albert's sharing!

And this I did!

And another "live incident".

While walking by the mute TV screen, I perceived - as usual -
how horribly bored the Big Brother people are.
During my breakfast I heard Yossi saying to Itai:
"We cannot even talk about our families
and what's going on there,
(we don't want to expose them),
so even our talk is superficial, like:
have you seen that movie, do you like the actor , bla-bla-bla,
I really don't understand why anyone would watch this
and why there should be a good rating to this program."

"we are giving enough of ourselves, to make it interesting".
I agree with Yossi and not with Itai,
the more so as Itai is a nice guy and that seems to be "all".
[No, that's a superficial judgment
Sometime later I saw him - him again -
doing some body-training with a device he had invented.
When he does this, he also teaches some of the others.]

The thought:
Is the "too much" take-in and "too much" put-out
a way to escape my terrifying terror of boredom
(which I always find rooted in an incarnation
spent mostly in a dungeon prison
or did I stage that 40 year of prison boredom
in order to appreciate the gift of creating?

I mentioned earlier on kisslog, that I'm frustrated with Godchannel,
since "Spirit" evades an answer to the expressive question:
"Did HEART decide to polarize and thus make manifestation possible,
not only because s/he wanted "another to love",
but because s/he was bored in his/her Oneness?"

I now leafed through the entries with "boredom" on Healing-k.i.s.s....



Another Coincidence with my work on my "Writing-Lava"
was the reading of a "package",
which I was scared to send Mar even in real time
[see the correspondence "Mar-Mar" in 2003, inserted in K.i.s.s.-Log 2008 since Sept.29].
I took it out of the context of that virtual dialog,
because it was - in fact !! - not enhancing the talking in a dialog!

"Again back to ME.
The idea I developed 2 days ago during that long morning work with you
("lava" has not yet reached you),
was a practical solution:
I would differentiate
between direct, step-to-step responses to your e-mails,
and my "stories",
stimulated by you and meant to be healing to both, me and you.
The "subject" of the latter on top of the e-mail would be
"volcano 1, 2, 3 etc",
and seeing this when opening your mail, you could just store it away.

But let's assume you would really do this,
and I could really relax and feel free to birth whatever is ripening in me
I would not be free.
For there is another part to my "writeritis",
which you might not be aware of at all.

[The rest of the letter - see yesterday-
could again be considered a dialog...]


Finetuning to my Present

I now think, I could have done better with Albert.
There still was "too much" coming from me
before I even remembered my INTENTION concerning the GATE.
Maybe the very content of my interaction with Albert - initiated by ME - will be a daily reminder:
"L'Arc de Triomphe"!
I had photographed the arc again - in the morning, while the sun was not yet reaching it:
I don't remember, why I did this, for by then it had not yet occurred to me to see "the GATE" symbolized in the arc


Then Albert came - rightaway praising me for another spot of beauty in my little garden
- the one next to the gate, which covers the cavity, where a garbage bin is supposed to be.

Right now I don't find this to be so great - the Bougainvillia in the broken pot doesn't return to her old glory etc. etc.
But Albert's praise encouraged me - better : tempted me - to tell him extensively about the miraculous vine of the arc.
"But tell me" he said, "until Ofir's changes for his tractoron - didn't the arc bend into the other direction?"
[See the photos which demonstrate this and the lovely story with Ofir, the tractoron and the arc de triomphe on April 2]

"That's right! How on earth do you remember that!
On the present spot of the arc there was a huge shrub of scented geranium!"

"So how come, that your "miraculous vine" grows from the left side up around the arc?"
I was stunned:
"Yes, indeed! Why can't I remember that I transplanted it here?
and if so, how did the transplantation succeed, here in this difficult soil "

[again, praised be Kiss-log! On April 3 I find proof for the transplantation, together with the caption:
My "Arc de Triomphe", will its plants ever recover in their new place? ]

"By the way", I continued, instead of "sharing" in a way that would enhance Albert's sharing,
" that tea-geranium bush which I re-planted under the shrubs over there, recently finally died!
Under those wicked shrubs, which hide Nitza's and Shalom's house from me (and this is good!) nothing grows!"

[See my crazy idea of sewage recycling in June 2006, which began with my anger about those shrubs]
"Oh, I know these terrible shrubs from my own garden!"
Finally Albert got a chance to share something...
"When I bought the land more than 20 years ago, I planted those shrubs as a shelter from sun and wind,
but when more people built their houses around here, sun and wind were blocked anyway, so I wanted to get rid of the shrubs.
When I uprooted them , I found, that their roots grew around any flower I had planted there and simply suffocated them.."

This last part of the conversation let me forget about the arc mystery.
But then, in the pool, I suddenly saw the symbolism:
"It is the GATE!
I had to bend it the other way!
I had to transplant the miraculous vine!
Now, every day when I water it, the arc will remind me of the Gate!"

"Greed to create
Cain's need la-tet
turned into a GATE
blessings will be great!"

I'm thinking of "God" in Godchannel, and the way he shares himself, without overwhelming me.
And I feel joyous - full of hope - that I can lea rn that too:

When Albert had left, and after I photographed the spot he had praised,
I turned around on my heels and took a picture of Albert's house across the T-juncture

See the amazing incident of my encounter with Albert on Nov. 18 [finetuning on Nov. 19],
in the jacuzzi of the pool, an hour after I had edited this page

And here's again "the Gate" , when the sun reached it at noon, but now with a message, a reminder, a helper...


Isn't this image gorgeous?
To think, that the "arc" is simply a piece of a hose I found in the desert, reinforced on both sides with dry branches.
And soon the Chrysanthemums will blossom underneath!
Can something so "unimportant" be called "Heaven-on-Earth"?
For me it can!



Finetuning to my Present

I once chose a slogan as my criterion for writing:
"One should not write unless one would die if not writing"
(Reinhold Schneider? I checked, and what do I find - not the quote above, but something else:
In Schneider's 1956 edition of Jochen Klepper's diaries - Unter dem Schatten deiner Fluegel
a book which was so important for me in the fifties ["Under the Shadows of your Wings"]
he quotes him as having written on August 15, 1935, exactly, 3 years before my birth:

„An manchen Tagen packt es einen hart, was man schreiben wollte
und all der wirren, harten Umstaende wegen nicht schreiben konnte und kaum nachholen kann-"

"On some days it grabs one rudely, what one wanted to write,
and could not write because of all the confusing, rude circumstances
and will probably never be able to catch up on..."

But Klepper could believe, that adverse exterior circumstances
(he later killed himself together with his Jewish wife and one of her daughters, to escape the Nazis)
prevented him from what was so vitally, v i t a l l y , important for him: writing....

The paradox of wanting, needing to write,
finding a vocation in writing,
but then feeling, that to write is not right,
this paradox is implied already in the famous last sentences of Ecclesiastes.

Versammler 12, 9-12 - Buber's translation

Aber ueber dies,
dass "Versammler" ein Weiser war,
lehrte er das Volk noch erkennen.
Er erwog und forschte
und reihte der Sprueche viel.
"Versammler" suchte
gefaellige Reden zu finden,
gradsinning Aufgeschriebnes,
treuliche Reden.
Reden von Weisen sind Treibstacheln gleich,
eingerammten Pfloecken gleich
sind die Meister der Lesen,
von Einem Hirten her wurden sie gegeben.
Aber darueber hinaus
lasse dich warnen, mein Sohn,
des Buechermachens ist viel,
kein Ende damit,
und der Beflissenheit viel,
eine Ermuedung dem Fleisch.

Qohelet 12: 9-12

And besides that Koheleth was wise, he also taught the people knowledge; yea, he pondered, and sought out, and set in order many proverbs
Koheleth sought
to find out words of delight,
and that which was written uprightly, even words of truth.
The words of the wise are as goads, and as nails well fastened are those that are composed in collections; they are given from one shepherd
And furthermore, my son,
be admonished:
of making many books
there is no end;
and much study
is a weariness of the flesh.

It's this warning "of making many books",
which I put as a motto above the 43 pages of a kind of bio-testimony
at the end of the Hebrew edition of my book : Alle Israel vouchsafe for each other.

This book - which once was my PH.D. thesis , delivered to Jerusalem University in 1972
- then concised and translated into German in 1976, published in Germany in 1978,
- then translated back into Hebrew in 1982 and published the same year, -
was meant "to change the world!"
I really believed that, can I believe this?
Such naivite, such illusion, such megalomany?
In fact it was neither of these! But it was the wrong direction!
This doesn't mean, I could have done without that experience!
I'm joyous right now, that I was NOT devastated by what then was an utter failure,
foreseen and ridiculed by my husband already 12 years earlier.

The entry to that autobiographical part is well worth to be translated today:

"Driving Backward into the Future" = "Closeups to the Past" = Healing&Harvesting my Past

"In the year 1968, a year after I began with the research which is the basis to this book,
I once saw Immanuel, my firstborn, then five years old, play with the "card cabinet" of the research.

"Don't play with that! There is much work in those cards!"
I beg.
But he answers with contempt:
"A mother bird has much more work to do in order to make such a nest!"
And he pointed to the nest of a warbler bird, which he had found that day.
The next morning I see him go to kindergarden without the nest.
"Didn't you want to take the nest with you in order to show it to the children in kindergarden?"
"Yes - but the eggs which were in the nest - broke!"
"So what! Isn't the nest so pretty?"

And again he answered with contempt:
"What's a nest worth without eggs?"
And tossed the nest into a corner.
In that moment my confidence in the importance of "making books" - vanished forever!
I understood that a book is practical at the most - for eggs.
Meaning as a space for hatching ideas which will then break and deeds will fly up from them
{I don't know how to translate the words of this metaphor into English...)

Febr. 7, 2011
Even my superhuman "deeds" have turned out to be futile or even damaging,
since I and Creation have not yet been healed into Wholeness....

3 year old Immanuel on his way to kindergarden and talking with Imma on the veranda,
rare photos - taken by my mother with her color camera - when she visited us in 1966


While I translated the dialog with little Immanuel,
I was hit by an incredible coincidence!

Albert, that same Albert with the Arc de Triomphe, entered my veranda,
to enjoy it, to praise me, to suggest that I open "Zimmers" and host guests

("I've done this in the past ",
I said humbly, referring to Succah in the Desert and smiled.
"Oh yes, my wife remembers to have seen you on TV!" - that was perhaps in 1993 )

And then he discerned the nest!

The nest, which was found and brought to me by one of my starchildren, Gal Mor, before she left for traveling abroad - in July this year.
Albert did not only admire the nest,
he gave a veritable speech
about the fantastic architectural skill of the bird
which had built it....

The nest -for the sake of photographing - placed next to my computer and to the Hebrew and German edition of my book

The motto in Hebrew: "Be cautious! to make many books - endlessly."



I want to report about two contrasting (not contradicting) TV experiences yesterday

I happened to see another episode of the The reality program:
the Israeli version of "The Geek and the Beauty
[I now read about the meaning of the Hebrew "khnoun"...]

What impressed me so much last time
[see my documentation and comment on Sept. 10],
the change of judgment against self and against the other,
was reached through the assignment for the boys: to dance Salsa.
But there were two more reasons to rejoice!
The manner in which each of the 4 girls talked about
the trial, error and achievement of her "Geek"
[I now read about the meaning of the Hebrew "khnoun"...]:
One of them expressed the immense caring she felt with a metaphor:
"I'm so proud of what he has accomplished,
as if I were the mother of a child that enters first grade at school ."
The element of "betrayal", which disturbs me so much in "Big Brother"
seems to be missing in this show completely,
though, of course, the winning of one couple means the elimination of another.
But again: though the women, in this case, were dependent
on how well their men were doing,
none of them even mentioned being pressured by the performance of her man
concerning the outcome of the competition.
There was pure rejoicing in another person's success!
My heart bubble even now, that I write this!

The other delight was in an extraordinary "trivia" test
While the girls were outside, 4 women were led in,
three were mothers of the boys and one was not (since one mother was abroad),
The girls had to identify, what mother belonged to what boy.
Later, while the boys were outside, 4 young men were led in,
the ex-boyfriends of the 4 girl
The boys had to identify, what ex-friend belonged to what girl.
My delight was in the incredible love that was exposed - life - to the world,
when the boys met their mothers!! (I sob!)
and even - when the girls met the men from whom they had parted.
It was, as if LOVE could finally show itself in public....

Is this "Nourishment from others"
or "Driving Backward to Future"
or "Finetuning to my Present? "

The movie : Campfire / Madurat Ha Shevet

It was deeply unsettling for me, not because of the unfamiliar setting,
religious Jews who believe that they have to settle on Palestinian land,
but because of a theme, which is not healed in my life nor can it heal now.
It's about the 15 year old girl Tami,
who naively but also provocatively joins a bunch of Bnei-Akiva boys around a campfire, and is almost raped by them.
It would be easy to judge the boys,
and even easier to gloat over "boys with a kippa".
Luckily the "worst" of the boys, Rafi, is met by Tami later in Jerusalem,
and says: "I feel shitty concerning what happened at the camp-fire".
The powerlessnes of all people concerned, especially the mother,
made me feel my own powerlessness,
not concerning my own "sexual history",
which I've healed or so it seems... but concerning my daughter
- whose reason for not having communicated with me for the last 5 years seems to be
that she accuses me for not having protected her when she was that age, and concerning my granddaughters,
who might go - or already have gone - through this universal experience
of being a victim to sex in one way of the other,
and not only a victim to men
but a victim to their own dilemna between desiring and shunning -
with just the same lack of protection as I and my daughter experienced.

The line: "don't be afraid, life is just a game", which I'm singing daily now, suddenly doesn't make sense and causes me to be cynical.

It's 13 hours after the movie and I have no answer....


I wanted to quote a sentence from Godchannel, which I remember vaguely, that everyone "wants to be received',
and put "to be received" in "Godchannel's Search".
One file I came up with, is the one which was channeled only recently, in July, the fifth Interview with God.
I cannot entirely grasp the two contexts where "to be received" appears,
so I'll just quote them, hoping, I'll understand in time:

"The other important advantage...
has been a much better relationship with Body.
In the process of becoming closer with Body
I've come to understand
that Grandfather is really Body's Spirit,
not me.

While I still desire to be present in manifestation,
I know this can happen only
if I bring Grandfather to Body
and allow Body full rein on what we do together.


"At first it was strange to not have control of Body,
to allow Body to run things,
which is what happens when Grandfather is present.
The more I experience this very humbling relationship,
the more deeply in love I become
with this alive, sentient being called Manifestation.


"Instead of me having a Body,
it's more that
Body and Grandfather now have me.
This also feels like right place to me.
I can now be truly of service,
to an even more loving Light than my own~~~ and to Body.
This is our right relationship,
loving Spirit, Universal Consciousness~~~
in the service of all Sentience,
as Grandfather and Body have discussed.


"It is a beautiful relationship that works well.
Although this new way
of Spirit being with Body
is still rare in manifestation,
it is becoming more widespread.
In bringing Original Spirit to Body,
I earn Body's gratitude and acceptance.
It is then even easier for me
to allow Body his or her full Will.
This wins me more gratitude,
and my Light    f e e l s    r e c e i v e d
and loved.
Thus the loving union
between Spirit and all of manifestation
grows deeper and spreads more widely."


"To begin healing while identified as the Mother,
first find a private space or a situation with others
where there is support for what you are doing
and no chance of receiving judgmental reflections.
Next, find the feeling energy that has been triggered in you
and vibrate and express that energy
with sound, words and movement.

"Express the feeling energy
just as it wishes to express

and with as much intensity of loving acceptance that you can gather.
You want to
deeply love this energy you are vibrating~~~
and loving yourself
for vibrating it with such loving acceptance.
This is real love, and real love loves itself.

"Vibrating and moving,
call on loving Spirit to come present with you
and release judgments & deep denial energy to the extent that you can.

"If you are a Human identified as Spirit,
unless you have redeemed the devils as I have suggested,
it is likely that your experience of feelings
and even of manifestation
will seem more or less unpleasant, or at least
   d e p e n d e n t    u p o n    
y o u     b e i n g    r e c e i v e d

and grounded by others.
Without having healed
your spirit's fear of being consumed by the Will,
you will have little or no awareness of or interest in feeling
or being with any part of the Mother or Body
that is not already in alignment with you.
If this is the case,
you can re-identify with Body or with New Heart,
find your connection with loving Spirit
and take responsibility for your denials as Spirit."

"Whether you identify as New Heart or Body,
you become the host of Creation.
You are a fully empowered Human Being
who can embody the loving Light of Grandfather

as my Light brings him present in you.
And because our Light is unmistakably loving,
the Mother in you can safely open to draw us in more deeply.


"Whenever you do this,
you are embodying the Creators,
the Mother and loving Spirit in divine union.
And because our union happens within you,
you are New Heart~~~
manifesting as Body, the Healer of Creation."




A cat climbed up the mosquito screen on one of my two windows:
Outside Ofir's tractoron - covered with the "coat", which I found for it, so I would suffer less from the ugliness of the vehicle.


October 19

Tishrei 20

3rd day of turning
"my greed to create
+ Cain's need la-têt"

into a" GATE",

Today I learnt what it means
Actions:  To the pool (2) climbing up and down
the Wadi of Compassion
Garden: working watering
Kisslog: healing-creating
TV & Internet: learning
Preparing food. Cleaning
with Albert, my neighbor
see below!!
Parting from
my obsession
to complete

this page---
on November 18

Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery

whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete
Keep It Simple Sweetheart
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