The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"




K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart














Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery


May 22, Thursday, -at Arad
re-edited on May 22, 2013, at Arad

back to past ~~~~~ forward to future


Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want, then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what may!
I desire to assimilate the memories connected to people I met at Yael's Bat-Mitzvah,
and to deeper savor the experiences with each of my children, children-in-love & grandkids.
I desire to enjoy this day al-one with my website, my castle, my garden, my pool, my wadi,
with input, as much as I can take in, from the "theme-day" about "Real Africa" on TV 3 SAT.
I desire for the African people to become the masters of their lives & to full-fill their vocation.

image of the day





hodayot [thanksgivings] for today

My Body, my Partner, my God
I give thanks to our eyes and our brains,
for being able to take in the beauty of the world,
brought to me - without any effort on our part - via TV



I am grate-full for the technology which enriches my life,
electricity, computer and television
[22:00 I forgot to thank my cellphone. and it took revenge....]
I am grate-full for having enough money to buy these technologies.
I am grate-full to the people who invented those technologies
and who provide and maintain whatever is needed to bring them to me.

Somewhere in Africa two wifes of one man gave birth on the same day [photographed through the TV screen during the program about "Mangata's Dream"]




Nourishment from Others
Though I didn't "have the time" to note, leave alone present,
what I enjoyed and learnt from this "Theme-Day" about Africa,
I want to give some impressions from examplary programs.

The African Spelling Book
was the red thread in the rich fabric of this theme-day on 3 SAT.
The first author - 14 years old - chose the letter 'A'
and interviewed people on the market about
"what is an African".
Here are 3 of the answers I remembered by heart,
before I discovered the above site, on which the videos can be watched.:
"When God created the world, he gave the Europeans the brain,
the Indians took the rest, and we got the hard work."

What is an African? "people who are happy, love and do hard work."
What is an African? "just a normal person".

I am quoting from an English site about The African Spelling Book:

"The African Spelling Book is a compilation of twenty 3 minute films
made by a group of street children living in Nairobi, Kenya.
The film is inspired by stories written by the children.
Each story reflects their view of life in Kenya,
and gives the viewer a unique chance to explore their world and their point of view.

"The viewer’s preconceived ideas of Africa
are challenged by the children’s take on life.
Africa is in turn portrayed as tragic, comic, beautiful, vital, but above all, dignified.

"The African Spelling Book was made with about eighty street boys and girls
living in Nairobi’s suburbs that were trained in the use of video cameras.
Starting from themes chosen by the children using the letters of the alphabet,
twenty short films were developed shot and edited by the children themselves
with the help of a professional film director and crew.
Films within the African Spelling book include: ‘F’ for father,
which explores a turbulent relationship between a family and their patriarch;
and ‘T’ for tradition which portrays a girl and her elderly grandmother
debating female circumcision.
African Spelling Book is in turns surprising, funny, sad and insightful


Two blind musicians from Mali, who make music to dance:
Amadou & Mariam

Sie sind das Traumpaar der westafrikanischen Musikszene und in Frankreich die Entdeckung des Jahres [2005] aus der ehemaligen Kolonie Mali. Ausgezeichnet mit dem "Victoire de la Musique" - dem französischen "Echo" - haben sich Amadou & Mariam unter anderem mit ihrem Album "Dimanche à Bamako" einen Namen weit über die Grenzen ihrer Heimat hinaus gemacht.
Produziert wird die Musik des Duos von Manu Chao. Bereichert durch seinen tanzbaren Groove, besitzt die Musik von Amadou & Mariam durchaus Nähe zu Reggae und Dance-Hall. Wie kaum eine zweite Gruppe, schlagen Amadou & Mariam
die Brücke zwischen westafrikanischer Musik und europäischen Hörgewohnheiten. In den siebziger Jahren haben sie sich an einer Blindenschule kennen und lieben gelernt. Damals waren beide schon musikalisch unterwegs: Amadou als bekannter Gitarrist, Mariam gab Gesangsunterricht. Amadou verehrt Ray Charles: "Den habe ich als junger Mann gehört. Er inspirierte mich, beeinflusste unseren Stil. Ich sagte mir: Das ist gute, das ist majestätische Musik! Das machte mir Mut. Ich sagte mir: Er ist blind, er macht gute Musik, warum sollen wir das nicht auch können?" Sie mischten ihren Mali-Blues mit Elementen westlicher Musik, und geboren war der Amadou-&-Mariam-Sound.

The Art of the Griots
Griots sind Barden und Epensänger. Sie sind aber auch Geschichtenerzähler, Chronisten und Verkünder von politischen und religiösen Beschlüssen. Der Film stellt die traditionelle westafrikanische Musik der Griots vor.

Die über Generationen vererbte gesellschaftliche Rolle der Griots als wortgewaltige Mittler zwischen den Menschen reicht bis ins 13. Jahrhundert zurück. Sie geht jedoch in dem Maß verloren, wie sich die afrikanische Gesellschaft verwestlicht. Viele Griots wandern vom Land in die Städte, wo sie sich der aufblühenden Konsumindustrie anpassen müssen. Oder sie gehen nach Paris.

Yaaba - Großmutter

I quote the synopsis from an English site:
"The title of the Burkina Faso-produced Yaaba translates to "Grandmother." That character has been accused of witchcraft by her village. In fact, Sanga is a kindly, serene old woman, perhaps the wisest person in the community. Only Bila , a troubled and troublesome young boy, is respectful of her. Though he isn't related to her in any way, he regards her as his grandmother, and addresses her as such. When Bila's cousin, Nopoko , falls ill, a medicine man insists that Yaaba has stolen the girl's soul. Though it is she who undergoes a grueling journey to find a medicine that will cure the girl, the villagers are still convinced that she is a sorceress of some sort. Only after Yaaba's death do we discover why her neighbors fear and despise her so-and, on a happier note, we are assured that the love and wisdom that "Yaaba" has invested in Bila and Nopoko will live on as long as they do. Yaaba was the 1989 winner of the Cannes Film Festival
Language: Burkinabe
Genre: Drama / UK release date: 1989 / Directed by: Idrissa Ouedraogo
Starring: Fatimato Sangia, Noufou Ouedraogo, Roukietou Barry"

"Yaaba" ist Mooré und bedeutet in der Sprache der Mossi in Burkina Faso Grossmutter. Bila, ein zwölfjähriger Junge, nennt so die alte Sana, die bei den Dorfbewohnern als Hexe gilt und aus der Gemeinschaft verstossen wurde. Langsam fassen der Junge und die einsame Greisin Vertrauen zueinander. Bila setzt sich sogar für sie ein und gerät dadurch mit den Dorfbewohnern in Konflikt. Als Bilas Cousine Nopoko an Tetanus erkrankt, wird Sanas "böser Blick" dafür verantwortlich gemacht. Bila bittet die alte Frau um Hilfe. Während sie zum Heiler Taryam unterwegs ist, zündet ein Mann aus dem Dorf ihre Hütte an.

Der liebevoll gestaltete Film erzählt auf poetisch-märchenhafte Weise vom Erwachsenwerden. Dabei lässt Regisseur Idrissa Ouedraogo Aspekte des alltäglichen Lebens einfließen wie Wasserholen, Sammeln von Vorräten oder Markttreiben und vermittelt ein vielfältiges Bild der sozialen Beziehungen bis hin zu Streitigkeiten unter Eheleuten nicht nur in Bilas Familie, dem Umgang im Dorf mit dem Säufer Noah, der Ausgestaltung eines grossen Festes. Durch den ruhigen Erzählrhythmus gibt der Film dem Betrachter Gelegenheit, einen Eindruck von der Schönheit der Steppe Westafrikas zu bekommen. Besonders zieht jedoch die unbekümmerte Spielfreude der Kinder in den Bann. Bei den Darstellern handelt es sich ausnahmslos um Laiendarsteller, die überwiegend aus dem Dorf stammen, das als Drehort diente. Die alte Frau, die die Rolle der Sana spielt, hatte in ihrem Leben zudem nie zuvor einen Film gesehen. Einfühlsam und gleichnishaft plädiert "Yaaba" für mehr Toleranz und eine vorurteilsfreie Weltsicht. Der Film war die zweite Produktion, die im Rahmen der ZDF-Reihe „Eine Welt“ entstand.

Vom Entdecker zum Eroberer :German Colonies

Congo-Conference of 1884 in Berlin: the Colonial Nations distribute Africa among them

Die Kolonialgeschichte Deutschlands beginnt zwar bereits im 17. Jahrhundert, doch ist diese Phase nur von kurzer Dauer und auf ein kleines Gebiet in Afrika beschränkt. Erst die Missionare, Händler und Forschungsreisende des 19. Jahrhunderts lassen die Rufe nach einem "Platz an der Sonne" lauter werden. Nun will auch der deutsche Kaiser das, was andere europäische Großmächte längst besitzen: Kolonien rund um den Globus.

Gegen See gerichtet, um gegen konkurrierende Kolonialmächte bestehen zu können: die Kanonen der Großfriedrichsburg

Ghanas legendäre "Goldküste" zum Beispiel verdankt ihren Namen jenen Tagen, in denen europäische Entdecker und Eroberer auf der Suche nach Gold, Elfenbein und Sklaven ihre Hände nach dem Reichtum Afrikas ausstreckten. Ein Zeugnis des deutschen Kolonialismus in Ghana ist ein grau-schwarzes Bauwerk, das die tropische Landschaft noch immer mächtig überragt: die Großfriedrichsburg, gegründet 1683 von Friedrich Wilhelm I., der sein marodes Kurfürstentum Brandenburg mit dem kolonialen Abenteuer sanieren wollte.

Kamerun war seit 1884 eine Kolonie des Deutschen Reichs. Vom Gouverneurspalast in Buea regierte Jesco von Puttkamer mit einem derart besitzergreifenden Selbstverständnis, dass spöttische Zeitgenossen das Land bald in "Puttkamerun" umtauften. Die Bevölkerung wurde enteignet, ganze Dörfer umgesiedelt, Arbeitskräfte zwangsrekrutiert. Große Plantagengesellschaften sollten den Boden möglichst effektiv ausbeuten. Haupteinnahmequellen waren Kaffee, Kakao, Palmöl und Bananen. Entdecker wie Heinrich Barth, Gerhard Rohlfs und Gustav Nachtigal hatten den Kolonisatoren den Weg geebnet. Aber auch christliche Missionare waren nicht minder eroberungslustig.


Babacar Mbow, A man who made a difference. See an English site


Thomas Sankara, Burkina Faso


"France still behaves like that"
(as if they were the bosses)
Though I missed the beginning of the program
about this leader, the "Ché of Africa"

[about the original Ernesto Che Guevara
and his failed dream see Ché in Africa]

and didn't see the last 15 min., since - after all -
my Body preferred going to the noon-pool,
and though the later actions of Sankara
were too dictator-like, i.e. not to my liking,
I was so impressed by the humor, charisma
and real changes achieved by Sankara,
that I tried to catch photos through the screen.

2013: I deleted the photos and quoted the captions

"There must be two versions
for the Bible and the Kor'an"

(one for rich and one for poor people)
"Our land produces enough to feed us"
"These supplies of foodstuff
paralyzse us
"They solidify in our heads ..."
"... the idea, that we are
beggars and supplicants"

When persuading people
to only buy local textiles,
he picked on this boy
wearing imported trousers

"We can use our potential to develop Africa..."
"to produce in Africa, to process in Africa..."
"... what we produce, instead of importing it."
"which were grown in Burkina Faso,
woven and sown"
"Not a single thread has its origin in Europe
or America"

He demanded from all government officials
to wear such kinds of shirts, produced locally
"Only thus can we live in freedom and dignity!"

2008_05_22- 2013_05_22DELICIOUS      DELETION

I'll close with a few photos from the so moving movie "Jaaba".
When Bila, the boy, brings (secretly taken ) food to this "grandmother",
an actress who had never seen a movie in her life, leave alone played in one,
I was reminded of "Tomer", and all the connotations to this angel-devil in my drama
[scroll down on one page which I just discovered through my new "Search" ]
While I was so over-busy on Yael's Bat-Mitzvah, he - unlike his usual egocentrism - took care of me:
He brought me food, he brought me coffee, he directed to me people I wanted to meet.
I didn't even manage to take a picture of him, except on our way home, but then he hid from the camera...

Bila defies his father's warnings against his involvement with the "witch"
and brings her food, while she in turn warns him,
that the knife, with which his cousin and friend had been scratched,
was dangerous and could lead to tetanus.



When Bila pleaded with Jaaba to safe Nopoko,
she knew, that they would not receive her help
(instead they blamed her for the tetanus and burnt down her hut],
So she had the idea to convince another healer, to act as a mediator ...

Bila's mother, who takes care of the sick girl, finally believes her son and finds a way to let the two healers transmit their medicine.

Nopoko drinks more of the medicine and recovers


At about 4 PM my concentration on Africa was severely disturbed
because of a strange chain of hazzards which smashed my cellphone
and forced me to sidetrack my attention to the one technological device,
for which I had not given thanks in the morning....


The strange story how my cellphone got smashed:

2013 my room looks exactly the same, only the TV was replaced.



song of the day

"My hands on my eyes, my heart to the sky ...
and life will no longer be toil but play and smile...




back to past ~~~~~ forward to future 2008/2012

Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery

whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete

Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8