Purpose of HEALING - K.I.S.S.
- as stated 12 years ago - was and is
to help me and my potential P E E R s
"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,
and - by extension - all of CREATion!" |
I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a pioneer of Evolution
in learning to feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'
pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill>evolve,
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
want you to feel everything, every little thing!"
K.I.S.S. -
L O G 2
0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart

Then those who see Ha-Shem, will talk
among each other,
and he listens and he
yatakaalamuna allathina
yarau'na-hu ,
va-yusri va-yasma'
Dann die IHN schauen, werden reden miteinander,
und er lauscht und er
Puis ceux qu'ils voient Ha-Shem, se parlent
l'un a l'autre
il entends,
il ecoute
k.i.s.s.-l o g + all
~ Library of
7 years ~ HOME
~ contact ~
( of Latin characters only!) my
eldest granddaughter's video-gallery
To the pool
(1) climbing up and down
the Wadi of Compassion
Garden: watering
Kisslog: healing-creating
all day TV about SLEEP: learning
Preparing food. Cleaning |
Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want,
then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what
I desire to savor the "az
nidberu" with Tzippi & Boris, which gave me a chance
to fulfill yesterday's intention to internalize
Godchannel's new message by showing them how I apply it.
I desire to learn from today's 3SAT-Day about SLEEP, a
theme which came up with a BigBrother assignment,
to sleep only 4 hours in 48 hours, and
which intrigues me because I would like to access my dream life!
I desire my starchildren
to accept their "full, undenied
greatness, needed for the healing at hand"!
"imagine something
good - say: I did that - imagine something evil: breathe
& say: I did that "
 |
purpose has this synchronicity with the theme SLEEP: a
week ago the
"Big Brother" Community had to undergo
a most difficult assignment: 48 hours with only 4hours
of sleep. And then, on Sept.
30, when I wanted
to participate a bit in "the house", while eating
breakfast, the camera stayed on the sleeping Ranin at
least for 10 min. (and only for short moments also on
Leon). I've never watched a sleeping person for so long,
not even my children. |

hodayot [thanksgivings] for
My Body, my Partner,
my God
I give thanks to our hypothalamos and the entire system,
which allows us to sleep and regenerate our strength
and focus (?) our memory
and cope with our experiences
and introduce new creative contents (?)
I am grate-full that unlike in my childhood and youth,
leave alone the 6 years , when my 2 baby sons kept me awake
at least one hour every middle of the night,
leave alone also the decades of unbelievable stress
when I tried to realize my "vocation" in exterior
I now can sleep so much better,
at least when I am in my quiet castle in Arad.
Schlafe mein Prinzchen, schlaf ein - a German
song (Mozart), sung
by the Israeli Ester Ofarim 1967
Guten Abend, gut Nacht - a German song (Brahms), sung
in Hebrew and English and German by Ester Ofarim

Brother's hand folded
around Sister's hand....[the
situation with Lior (6) and Amit (3) : see October 6]
Nourishment from Others
The mystery of Sleep
[there was no time to complete]
08:00 Israel Time: Löwenzahn ~~~~ Schlaf -
Aufwachen in Bärstadt
I enjoyed this funny program a lot, not only because of the info
about sleep in it
- by the way, the thief of the apples turned out to be an animal
called "Siebenschlaefer
-Seven-sleeper - in German, since it sleeps longer than 7
months of the year - [the "animal of the year" in 2004
- see
also a pretty video, made by a family]-but because
"the stage" was a caravan in a garden, which nostalgically
reminded me of my
Fritz Fuchs will keinesfalls einschlafen. Und das hat seinen
Grund: Merkwürdige Diebstähle geschehen nachts rund
um den Bauwagen. Ob der schlafwandelnde Nachbar etwas damit
zu tun hat? Um das herauszufinden und um sich wach zu halten,
konstruiert Fritz Fuchs eine genial-abstruse "Bleib-wach-Maschine".
Die funktioniert zwar, doch leider zu spät - zu einem neuerlichen
Diebstahl kommt hinzu, dass der ansonsten topfitte Bauwagenbewohner
unendlich müde ist. Wie kann man das verhindern? Denn eigentlich
ist Schlafen sowieso eine Riesenzeitverschwendung, oder etwa
nicht? Fritz Fuchs macht sich im Schlaflabor der Bärstädter
Klinik schlau.
Die Folge der Reihe "Löwenzahn" beleuchtet das
Phänomen des Schlafs.
Schlafen macht uns fit, leistungsfähig und kreativ.
Aber warum wir schlafen, ist letztlich immer noch ein wissenschaftliches
Rätsel. Der 3sat-Thementag "ausgeSCHLAFEN" beleuchtet
dieses Thema aus verschiedenen Perspektiven in zahlreichen Dokumentationen
und Spielfilmen sowie einer Ausgabe von "nano spezial".
Katrin Bauerfeind moderiert den Thementag aus einem eigens für
sie eingerichteten Schlaflabor - und erfährt am eigenen
Leib, was passiert, wenn der Mensch keinen Schlaf bekommt
 |
One program included Prof.
Peretz Lavie from the
Sleep Research Laboratory
of the Technion Israel Institute of Technology at Haifa
Search The Lavie Sleep Library is a collection of close
to 17,000 reprints of papers on dreams, biological rhythms,
and other sleep-related subjects. It originates from the year
1971, when Peretz Lavie was a PhD student in WB Webb's sleep
laboratory in the University of Florida. It includes a large
number of reprints and papers from the pre-electronic journal
era, and historical papers, some dating back to the 19th century.
About the
lab and its team in Hebrew:
Peretz Lavie, Prof. Technion sleep-lab
"Sleep is the great equalizer,
when we are awake we are different,
when we sleep we are all equal
I can tell you how many times you'll dream, for instance,
it will be the same for everyone "
 |
10:00 Israel Time: Schlafes Geheimnis.
Etwa ein Drittel seiner Lebenszeit verbringt der Mensch durchschnittlich
schlafend. Weltweit versuchen Wissenschaftler herauszufinden,
warum das so ist. Die Erklärungen sind dabei zahlreich. Forscher
vermuten, dass das Gehirn beim Träumen besonders wichtige
Erlebnisse des Tages verarbeitet. Dabei bildet es oft Assoziationen,
für die der Träger am Tag vielleicht zu unentspannt
wäre. Albert Einstein, so heißt es, habe seine besten
Einfälle am Morgen nach einem gesunden Schlaf gehabt. Forscher
von der Universität Lübeck untersuchen, ob man diese
Schlafarbeit des Gehirns verbessern kann. Denn wer schlecht schläft,
lernt offensichtlich auch schlechter. Eher normal ist dagegen
die Müdigkeit nach dem Mittagessen. Des Rätsels Lösung:
das sogenannte "Powernapping" - schon bei einer Viertelstunde
Schlaf kann sich das Gehirn hervorragend regenerieren. Den Drang
zu schlafen sollte man übrigens in keinem Fall unterschätzen.
Denn irgendwann holt sich der Körper, was er braucht - 25
Prozent aller Verkehrsunfälle gehen laut Experten auf den
Sekundenschlaf zurück.
"Schlafes Geheimnis" aus der 3sat-Reihe "hitec"
stellt die neuen Untersuchungen vor, die Aufschluss darüber
geben, warum alle Wesen auf diesem Planeten schlafen, und versucht,
hinter das Geheimnis Schlaf zu kommen.
Wiederholen im Traum
speichert Gedächtnisinhalte ab
Aktives Träumen kann helfen, Albträume abzubauen und
Handlungen einzuüben
Sehen Sie diesen Beitrag in unserer Mediathek
"Durch Wiederholen im Traumschlaf sind wir in der Lage, Gedächtnisinhalte
abzuspeichern und dann im Wachen besser zu sein", sagt der
Wiener Traumforscher Dr. Gerhard Klösch. Das
Gehirn wiederholt und übt in der Nacht selbständig,
was es tagsüber zu lernen hatte. Es werden die gleichen Hirnregionen
noch einmal aktiv. Während der nächtlichen Traumphasen
braucht das Gehirn genauso viel Energie wie während aktiver
Tageszeiten. So ließen sich in einem Wiener Versuch
auch Vokabeln besser lernen.
"Im REM-Schlaf wird eine biochemische Maschinerie in Gang
gesetzt", sagt Klösch. Im Traumschlaf produziert das
Gehirn Proteine, die Nervenstrukturen umbauen. "Das Gedächtnis
prägt sich im Schlaf besonders Inhalte ein, die es mit Belohnung,
Bestrafung und starken Emotionen verbindet." Beim Träumen
ist das Limbische System, der Hauptsitz der Gefühle, besonders
aktiv, darunter besonders die Amygdala, die sich Ängste merkt.
Die Hirnareale für logisches Denken, Ich- und Zeitgefühl
sind dagegen weitgehend inaktiv. "Klarträumen
kann Fähigkeiten aktivieren und Therapie sein"
"Klarträumen": aktiv in die Traumhandlung eingreifen
"Klarträumen", bei dem man sich bewusst ist, dass
man träumt, kann ungeahnte Fähigkeiten aktivieren, meint
der Heidelberger Sportwissenschaftler Dr. Daniel Erlacher. "Wenn
der Klarträumer erkennt, dass er träumt und sich in
dem Traumzustand an die Instruktion erinnert, die wir ihm vor
dem Schlafengehen gegeben haben, kann er im Traum diese Bewegung
ausführen und trainieren, als ob er das im Wachen machte.
Eine Vision wäre, dass der Klartraum für jedermann zugänglich
ist und die Menschen für bestimmte Zwecke den Traumzustand
nutzen können, um Dinge zu üben und Ängste abzubauen.
Wenn Leute sich verletzt haben und dadurch ans Bett gebunden sind,
dann können sie nachts den Traumzustand nutzen, um die Beweglichkeit
weiter zu trainieren, was den Genesungsprozess beschleunigt."
Die Wiener Psychologin Brigitte Holzinger arbeitet mit der Klartraum-Technik
als Therapie. Ihre Patienten beeinflussen bedrohliche, immer wiederkehrende
Trauminhalte aktiv und verarbeiten sie so. "Zu erkennen,
dass man träumt und auch zu wissen, dass man jetzt handeln
und frei entscheiden kann, kann für jemand, der unter Albträumen
leidet, erlösend sein."

On the surface, Mathilde is a happily married young woman, working
in her mother’s law office whilst her husband pursues a
successful career as a surgeon. Yet she is scarred by her childhood
recollections of her father’s death, which is beginning
to manifest itself in her frustrated sex life and frequent bouts
of fainting. By chance, she meets a strange middle-aged man who
starts to offer her a course of hypnotherapy. As Mathilde’s
condition improves, her husband’s suddenly starts to deteriorate…
Le Septième ciel is characteristic of Benoît Jacquot’s
individual style of cinema, a compelling portrait of troubled
yet seemingly ordinary individuals who find themselves driven
to the edge by events beyond their control. The plot references
to mysticism and Oriental healing techniques are reflected in
the film’s unusual style, which manages to combine an
acute sense of realism with hazy dream-like asides. This conveys
a very palpable sense of disorientation, allowing the spectator
to see the world through the eyes of film’s two lead characters,
and hence form a tangible bond of attachment with them. This
is what cinema should be about - discovering inventive new techniques
for communicating with an audience without obviously subordinating
the film's content to cinematic style.
Although low-key and largely uneventful, the film has little
difficulty sustaining its audience’s attention. This is
in part down to its unusual visual style (which offers a refreshing
variant on the psychological drama genre), but also because
of the exceptional performances from its lead actors, Sandrine
Kiberlain and Vincent Lindon. Kiberlain, renowned for playing
unconventional strong female leads, is perfectly cast as Mathilde,
conveying both the absurdity and tragedy of her character’s
predicament in equal measure. Vincent Lindon is no less impressive
and it is the strength of his performance, forceful yet restrained,
which makes the latter half of the film so compelling and poignant.
One of Benoît Jacquot’s most striking and unusual
films to date, Le Septième ciel is a work that appears
to defy analysis but yet appears to say so much about contemporary
life. In its depiction of a married couple experiencing an inexplicable
domestic rift, it is convincing yet also strangely mysterious.
Although superficially very simple, it soon becomes apparent
that this is a film with hidden depths, where the divisions
between comedy and drama, between reality and fantasy, are subtly
blurred, and nothing is really quite what it seems.
© James Travers 2002
an interview with Benoit
It’s with the upper-middle-class wife Sandrine Kimberlaine
in La Septieme Ciel/Seventh Heaven, that women start to fight
.....In this film, it seems that characters say some very bizarre
things upon meeting others, like, "Do you have orgasms?",
what people might not normally say so quickly, and the audience
If you are very attentive, you can hear very strange things
in life. Also, though it’s not a good answer: the dialogue
occurred to me, so it could happen. But I do like familiar situations
with strange things in them, like fairy tales, the German idea
of "the uncanny." I like to film that. My narrative
form is "the tale." I try to film bizarre tales.
.....Q-What does your title mean?
I don’t know if it has the same connotation in English
and French. In French it has a sexual connotation. When a man
and woman go to "seventh heaven," that’s a sexual
Q-Is this film autobiographical? The husband feels like a very
strong man until his wife becomes strong, and then he is threatened.
It’s not autobiographical but something I feel in general
about men and woman. In a way, I live in the opposite condition
from these people. They are married people, I’ve never
been married. Unlike me, they have a place they go to work every
day at the same time. I wanted to film people very far from
me but who are acted upon in a way that anyone can experience.
Q-Is the husband missing something?
He’s blind. That’s why I wanted him to be a surgeon,
someone passing his days opening bodies. He believes everything
can be cured or fixed, just like the motor of a car. He can’t
see what she’s trying to show him, but I do think he loves
his wife.
....Q-The wife, Mathilde, seeks a cure through going to a hypnotist.
And you?
I’ve never experienced it, though I’ve seen people
hypnotized and I was very impressed. I chose hypnosis to be
in the center of the film because to me there’s a very
obvious analogy between cinema and hypnosis. When you pay your
ticket to go into a dark room and be immobilized in a seat with
a light behind you and a screen in front of you, and you have
to forget the world outside, you are exactly in the position
of hypnosis. You are asleep and awake at the same time.
Q-So is it a deficiency in the husband that he can’t
be hypnotized?
At this time, he can’t do it. Maybe at a later time, he’ll
be able. I think if the film was continuing, his wife would
hypnotize him! (Laughs)
Finetuning to my Present
If not for my phrased "Intention" this morning to
benefit from the 3 SAT theme-day,
I would stop following the programs now.
Too much input with no balance of output is like renouncing
the "Siesta"
(one program which played in Barcelona...),
I ran to the pool and back , sat in the jacuzzi, surrendered
- fast (surrending fast?)
to swimming and swinging but without singing,
and after 30 minutes sat-lay in front of the TV again.
I had to fight sleep, and often surrendered for a minute or
Now I even have a slight headache.
I was in the garden for a minute, enjoying it immensely.
And yet, I feel, I should stick to my intention,
and feel all I feel, - when I learn something,
or - most of the time - when I don't learn anything concerning
sleep, but other things.
Like the sentence of an artist :
"I would like to be like a child,
who doesn't know that time passes.
He wakes up, he goes to sleep,
and everything he experienced the day through, was new to
him. "
That is indeed how I live my life, and like a child, like
my Mika,
my routine must balance about 4 parts creativity - output
- with 1 part input.
Like the funny moderator Kathrin Bauernfeind
who after 24 hours without sleep finds herself in a sleep
for another 22 sleepless hours
- I'll go on with my intention, and breathe breathe breathe
and heal my headache
Now the program is about two children who wake up from a coma.
In the beginning I used the last light of the day to water
the garden.
(Tomorrow night they'll change the time to winter-time)
I'm very glad, I went on with the "Sleeping-theme".
A wonderful movie followed, my headache left,
my heart became very happy about this kind of movies,
which I like best , almost the only kind of movies I like:
the transformation of people in a couple or a family
and the transformation of their relationship.
It had the title: "The seventh Heaven"
songs of the day
Yiddish Lullaby
The only song I taught myself from a book.
I never heard anyone sing it.
The wind has stilled itself
and has enwrapped the earth
Stars with their glitter
wink to you, fall asleep, fall asleep
Of your destiny don't be scared,
I' your Mamme, guard you, guard
I, your Mamme, sing to you,
ay liu liu, liu, liu, liu, liu, liu, liu.
Whoever knows of
sorrow and pain,
is allowed in the night to rest,
whatever breathes on the earth
sleeps now sweetly and carefree.
They dream now, birds, flowers and wind,
rest and sleep you too, my child,
I want to guard your rest,a
y liu liu, liu, liu, liu, liu, liu, liu. |
It's already past midnight,
one still hasn't put out the moon,
for before the putting out of the lights,
the lights of the stars,
one more little moment is given to lovers,
"tomorrow will be a new day,
on which we'll meet
a new plenitude of experiences,
[in the original:
"and what can you expect from a new day"]
therefore give us another moment
only another moment
though it's already past midnight.
Since I couldn't complete this page about
"SLEEP", and there is much space on it,
I'll insert a theme, which seems to have nothing to do with "SLEEP":
images I've taken of the pool at Kfar Daniel, when we spent some hours
there together,
Micha and his children, Efrat, Mika and I, on
May 31.
It is October 28 and it has been raining almost continuously all day,
what a contrast to the day in May.







To the pool
(1) climbing up and down
the Wadi of Compassion
Garden: watering
Kisslog: healing-creating
all day TV about SLEEP: learning
Preparing food. Cleaning |
k.i.s.s.-l o g + all
~ Library of
7 years ~ HOME
~ contact ~
( of Latin characters only!) my
eldest granddaughter's video-gallery
never perfect&complete
Keep It
Simple Sweetheart
- L O G 2
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