The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"




K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart














Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery


May 10, SHABBAT, at Arad
re-edited on May 10, 2013, at Arad

back to past ~~~~~ forward to future


Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want, then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what may!
I desire that a little healing will occur, when T. will meet his father, stepsister & stepmother.
I desire that the abhorrent situation in Myanmar and the prevention of help from the outside

will bring to light the ingenuity and bravery of the people of Myanmar in helping themselves
I desire for myself - to flow with the peacefulness of my Shabbat in Arad - grate-grate-fully
image of the day: children form the Menorah
(on my TV screen on the Eve of the Day of Independence)

hodayot [thanksgivings] for today

My Body, my Partner, my God
While savoring the gradual, prolonged waking up in my comfortable bed,
it happened that I touched our navel, which stirred up a flood of memories
and with it the gratitude to the doctor in 1986,
who operated the navel-hernia
which had plagued us since Micha's birth in 1966,
and since that doctor - despite strong protest against such a 'combination'-
agreed to my wish to operate at the same time on the veins of our two legs,
I give my thanks for this healing, too, and mainly to you, my Body,
since despite the doctor's prediction that the vein-problem will return,
the swelling which indeed did develop in 22 years - is easy and painless!

Also, while still in bed and letting my mind and feelings wander,
I came to focus mainly on two experiences, which brought up gratitude,
the dancers who created the Menorah&Olive branches with their bodies,
+ the criticism against these symbols which made me more aware of them,
and the one program on Shabbat Eve,which was enriching and moving me:
about the song-writer so beloved by everyone - 3 years after his death,

Ehud Manor. [see the video on the day of his death] [2013 not found]
His last poem is based upon a line in a psalm, which I sing so often:
"As for me - the closeness of God is good for me"
[2013, elsewhere I learnt that his last song was ani shayakh, I belong
but this poem, handwritten 2 week before his death, was handed over by hiw widow
during an event which he had been planning

In the funeral video Galli Atari called him "the extract of Israeliness".

[See also the "Potpurri in memory of Ehud Manor"]
2013 many of the songs I now know!

QIRVAT ELOHIM - see the info next to the video

When searching for one of the most famous songs of Ehud Manor,
"I have no other country",
(tune by Corinne Allal )
so fitting for Israel's 60th birthday,
& so much expressing my own feelings towards this State,
I hit upon Ninet's singing at a Memorial for Rabin's murder (!)
Gali Atari 1986 [see info there]

I have no other country
even if my land is aflame
Just a word in Hebrew
pierces my veins and my soul -
With a painful body, with a hungry heart,
Here is my home.

I will not stay silent
because my country changed her face
I will not give up reminding her
And sing in her ears
until she will open her eyes

I see you at home,
in the street,
I hear your voice
continues me
to hurt.(?)
And as of me -
the closeness of God
is good for me

What do I have
in heaven,
what do I have
in dust?
I am with you
and above the mountain.
What do I have in heaven? What do I have in infinity? I descend in the rain
and rise up in a tree.

If you remember me,
I'll never leave,
even after my death
there is a way to love-
And as of me -
the closeness of God
is good for me

In 2013 I found this video and comment
and also another tune to Manor's poem


When the Seven were visiting me,
Eva, asked to sing a German song, refused:

"Here in Israel all are singing all the time, in Germany it's not like that."
And this is true, and often I'm tempted to feel appeased with Israel
because of the singing which prevails and pervades everything.
The German proverb says:

"Wo man singt, da lass dich nieder,
boese Menschen singen keine Lieder",

"Where one sings, sit down, evil people don't sing songs."
But this is a dangerous illusion.
As far as I know, Nazi Germany was constantly singing.
It even seems to me, that it was the singing,
which lured many young people into "being a part of",
closing their eyes to what they hoped was not true.

I remember a music lesson in my highschool class.
perhaps at the age of 13, about 1951.
Some German song of that time was heard (how??),
and I felt a yearning like "I wished I had lived then",
which appalled me,
though at that time my awareness of the Nazi past was only dim,
and my knowledge of the holocaust not existent or denied.

I'm writing this the next day,
after I've rehearsed
"I have no other country" over and over again,
until I could sing it myself

The more I sang it, the deeper I was moved by both lyrics and tune.
And the fact that most everyone knows at least part of these lines,
does tell something about the people in present Israel!


The Art of Flying to Kabul
In 2002, the performance artist Simone Aaberg Kærn did what no one thought was possible, flying a small canvascovered plane 6000 km from Copenhagen to Kabul.
FILM talked with Aaberg Kærn and co-director Magnus Bejmar about "Smiling in a War Zone – and the Art of Flying to Kabul",
an artistic statement about freedom sustained by the dream of flying.
By Annemarie Hørsman Published in FILM #47, November 2005

... It can't be done, other pilots told Simone Aaberg Kærn and Magnus Bejmar. Even with a more modern plane and more money, we wouldn't make it halfway, they said. ..

"Smiling in a War Zone – and the Art of Flying to Kabul" is a modern fairytale about Aaberg Kærn's stubborn struggle to build an air bridge across two continents. We follow her persistent negotiations with air traffic controllers and generals about airspace access, and we are with her in the cockpit when she finally takes off for Kabul, despite a definite no-go from the American Air Force. All this to give a girl in Kabul a chance to fly.

The dream of flying

For Aaberg Kærn, a performance artist, the right to fly is a crucial ideal of freedom. Her project emerged in the wake of September 11, when access to airspace was strictly cut back. "I have defined the air as my artistic field. The air should be free. We should be able to send our dreams up there and move around there freely. So I was thinking about how to make a project that would win back the air."

One day in January 2002, as she was sitting in her usual café, she read an article about a girl in Afghanistan who wanted to become a fighter pilot so she could strike back at the Taliban. "All at once, several threads came together at a single point. I immediately knew this was my project. I wanted to go to Kabul and take this girl flying."

She finally got underway on 4 September 2002. With her in her old Piper Colt '61 came Magnus Bejmar, her boyfriend, codirector and cameraman. The flying theme has been an art practice and a productive creative utopia for Aaberg Kærn since 1996, when she began a project about American women pilots in World War II.

"I'm interested in what drives our civilisation.
When you lie down and look up at the sky and you see the birds,
you think, Wow, what if that was me up there?
Basically, that’s what humankind has always been doing,
in different ways, including the use of drugs.
But it also means that we have always been trying
to do something beyond what we are capable of.
It's a sign of the utopian, the sublime.
Sometimes, the result is Stalin or Hitler,
since destruction is an inexorable part of it.
But it also makes room for creative utopians.
Such a person was Otto Lilienthal (1848-96),
the great German glider pioneer,"
Bejmar says.

"Lilienthal proclaimed that everyone should fly, no matter what the cost. He constructed a pair of giant wings and made over 2,000 flights with them before it finally killed him. A few years later, all his data were read on the other side of the Atlantic by two bicycle smiths in Ohio, the Wright Brothers. They got a plane in the air and 66 years later man was walking on the moon. We must allow for creative utopians to have their dreams, if we want society to move on. Here's this 16-year-old Afghan girls who dreams of becoming a fighter pilot. Just think if girls who take up flying in Muslim societies and end up starting a democratic development. You never know."

Naivety as a tool
..... "It provides some distance and also a smile," Aaberg Kærn continues. "People love 'The Little Prince' for the same reason. This little character leaping out and getting a chance to make a statement in the space we've created. ..."
For Aaberg Kærn, naivety is also an essential tool in even making the trip. "For me, it's about using the sensation of falling in love as a spearhead," she says. "...It's the same glow we have when we fall in love, a kind of madness, but it protects us."

Aaberg Kærn and Bejmar finally touch down in Kabul's airport on 6 December after a two-month journey. They meet the girl, Farial, but they also come face to face with traditional Afghan clan culture. Although they do manage to take Farial flying, the last part of the movie makes a virtue of showing utopia stranding on the beauty of its own idea....

"As it turns out, there are already two sisters in Afghanistan who are helicopter pilots," Bejmar adds. "We come to Afghanistan with a completely developed idea that Farial will be the first girl in that country, after the Taliban, to fly. Here we come with our artistic statements and our dreams, and then reality intrudes and pops the bubble. We could have edited that part out, but we think it’s kind of cool to be kicking ourselves a bit. Here we come and, hell, they're already flying!"

Google Earth
Meanwhile, Simone Aaberg Kærn and Magnus Bejmar hope their film will provide an elemental pleasure: the joy, beauty and freedom of flying your own plane. "We're all sitting here now looking at Google Earth. That's what we do in real life: go out and see the world from above," Bejmar says. "If the film is able to convey even the slightest sensation of that, that would be great. Smile a little, live life, stop complaining. You can be upset about the war in Afghanistan or women's rights ...but come on, do something, move in a different direction, make a difference!"

After the morning-pool I wanted to have a special breakfast -
- slices of the fantastic bread from Efrat with pure salted butter -
while watching a Swiss Culture Program,
The first item was about the spreading of the DVD+book

"The Secret"
(the Swiss review called it "between nonsense and deception"),

in which MY main argument
"attract what you desire!"
was Not mentioned:

"How do I know,
if what I desire,
is right for me or not,
or will have consequences for others,
which will hurt my own interest?!"

And then - as if contrasting that sophisticated marketing device -
a doc about the unbelievable
"Flight to Kabul"
of the Danish pilot and artist

Simone Aaberg Kaern
now winning more publicity through the exposition in Thun, Switzerland
"Smiling in a war-zone"

The trailer "sky-sisters" of the original 77 min. doc is bad,
- compared to the excellent doc I saw and heard just now
Simone Aaberg Kaern:

I quote from my memory:
"After the war against the Taliban in 2002 it seemed,
that everything bad came from Afghanistan.

" So when I heard about Farial, a girl in Kabul,
whose dream was to become a pilot,
I decided on flying to her- 6000 km
and get her to go on flight with me
at least once in her life,
and thus to prove to the world,
that people in Afghanistan
are people just like you and me."



".......In Micro-Global Performance (2002-03) Aaberg Kærn took off
in her fragile Piper Colt flight from Little Skensved, Denmark,
to Kabul, Afghanistan.
... in collaboration with Magnus Bejmar.
They flew across borders;
crossing the enormous mountain range Hindukush
(the Hindu Killer)..
with the risk of the American Air Force would attack them.

"In the film Smiling in a War Zone (2005)
Simone Aaberg Kærn crosses war zones
and defies the military power
in order to make contact to the girl Farial.
.. .

From a global perspective,
the sky and the airspace are a place of battles
– over power, prestige and politics.
At the same time,
the sky is a place of refuge for individuals,
a place onto which you may project
your own wishes and dreams."

I thought I could skip reporting on the third item in the Swiss program this morning.
But when I swirled the second time in the pool, at noon, one scene haunted me,
and having translated Ehud Manor's "Closeness of God" now,
and in it the line - phrased 2 days before his death:

"If you remember me, I'll never leave",
I feel pushed to "mention" the novel of Nathan Englaender,
which some already classify as "the novel of the century":
The Ministry of Special Cases
about what happened in "The Dirty War" in Argentine in 1976.

Of course I knew about "The Mothers of La Plaza de Maio",
who bravely marched in protest against the disappearance of their sons,
and who keep marching to this day every Thursday.
But I didn't know, that the kidnapped people
were dragged into aeroplanes
and then cast from above - into the ocean.

"There are no corpses", said the Swiss review." It is, as if the person had never existed"
Nathan Englander:
"If I would now kill somebody, I would steal the future from this person,
but if I make somebody disappear, I take from him not only the future, but also the past..."

The review - which I heard a second time on a video in today's "Kulturplatz" - went on:
"The person who never existed, cannot be declared dead nor can he be burried.
Without a grave, there is no memory and no past.
This is for Nathan Englander not only a problem of Argentine."

He seemed to hint at the disappearance of millions of Jews in the holocaust.
"Each human is a universe"

In an additional video on that website, Nathan Englander says:
"It's a story about fathers and sons" - and later:
"It's a story about a father and a mother and a son."
"In Israel I learnt, that the slogan
"it's good to die for one's country" was said by Trumpeldor
Only later I learnt, that the British had used it for 200 years to get people to die
and that it came from horrors before that.
And so I got interested in how governments make story and what is the intent behind that.
The book is an Israel metaphor in many ways...
It takes so few people to make war, it's shocking.
When I was in Israel at that time (2001?) I really thought peace was close,
and I still believe it was."

Poster by the Madres de la Plaza de Mayo NGO
with photos of the disappeared.



3 songs of the day
"Menorah and Olive Branches, good oil and glowing light
- light in the country, light at home and peace on Israel"

"As for me - the closeness of God is good for me"

(3 I have no other country")"
"I will not stay silent because my country changed her face
I will not let her get away with it, I'll remind her and sing in her ears
until she will open her eye"



Second Continuation of the TV images of Independence Day on May 8, which I let enter my feelings and mind,



Only now , 12:20 - after having dedicated an hour and a half to that Danish pilot to Kabul
- do I realize the coincidence with the images, which I intend to insert here
photos I took myself - above Arad - and photos I took through the TV screen
fascinated by the flight show so much, that I forgot to go to the noon-pool.
I tried to forget about the "unpleasant" aspects of this show and simply enjoy it.


I heard the noise, and this time I didn't miss it, though Immanuel wasn't in any of those aeroplanes.
When this first formation had passed the high tree of my neighbors, I heard those neighbors shout with delight,
so I ran around the corner of their house and took - my first photo ! - of Shalom and Nitza...


Later I learnt that this big plane supplies fuel to the small planes.


I had run barefoot outside and then to the top of the wadi, to catch the best views.
When the great show in the sky was over, I discovered a tiny "show" on the earth:
Some person in this street is trying to make a little piece of desert bloom!
[2013: I did not last!
But now I myself try to make my "Desert Grave of Compassion" bloom! See in SongGame]


On my way back - still barefoot - I was charmed by this spot of beauty

Right then the TV-show started above Tel-Aviv and crowds of people on the beach
(in a later part with paratroopers, which I did not see luckily,
one paratrooper was blown into the crowd, severely injuring two people).

What was fascinating, was the manoeuvering of this rescue helicopter among the boats on the sea.


Again - I ignored the purpose of these planes
and the human stories of those who manage them -
and focused on enjoying the unbelievable teamwork
necessary to accomplish such a dangerous feat.






2013-05-10- all the videos I listed below are "not found",,
but I discovered another one with "the making of Bat-60-Subliminal
I'm a great fan of rap, in any language: see the lyrics in SongGame

In 2008 there was also a video about Bundeskanzler Angelika Merkel's blessings
for Israel's 60th anniversary in Hebrew!

Another uplifting event on Independence Day was the awarding of the Israel Prize
The only winner I recognized was Prof. Sami Smucha,
who was a kind of partner in the years of my Partnership work.
I cherish him even more for one crucial sentence, which is imprinted in my mind ever since:

"The State of Israel wants the integration of Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews.
But before any integration can occur,
each community has to first be sure of her own uniqueness."



Netiva Ben Yehuda, 1928-2011
She wasn't among those who received a price,
and I don't even remember
in which program she appeared,
but hearing her name
I hurriedly grabbed my camera
- what a good photo!
[The next day she appeared again!!!]

She is still alive
[2013: she died in 2011],
this fighter in the Palmach,
and the epitome of humorous critical writing,
In the moments of her TV appearance
I saw her as lively as I've known her,
when I
- after a Tandu talkshow with Yaron London-
wrote to her in 1975,
and a kind of friendship ensued for a time.
It was her who helped me meet Yigal Alon,

one of the kaf-kaf-kaf (koakh-kavod-kesef
whom I kept "petitioning" over the decades
for my cause and vision....
What I now learn for the first time- !!!!! - is,
that she is the granddaughter of
"my" Eliezer ben Yehuda!
[2013: I could not verify this !]


Just like the performance of Subliminal + Gevatron
I enjoyed this "Riverdance"show,
underneath a movie, which fakes a Zionist pioneer , dancing this style on the fields of early Israel...

I don't remember, what and with whom this woman sang, but her beauty is striking even in a photo taken through the TV screen!


The Lazer and Firework show could be seen at the same time in Tel-Aviv and in Haifa.
Like the singing of the "Hatikva" on the Eve of Independence Day all around the globe,
this simultaneity gives an idea of what it will be like, when we shall live in the 5th dimension,
or so I imagine.

As to the Bible Quiz for young people
between 13 and 18, also a traditional event on Independence Day
I did not enjoy it as much as I remember myself and my husband enjoying it in what was perhaps the first year of TV in Israel (1968-69).
[2013: I think we followed this on the radio. There was no TV yet!]
Then it was a Christian Australian, who - to our delight - outwon the Israeli religious combattants.
But exactly this competitive trait - in addition to the poor choice of mainly military situations in Biblical history - now seemed to me undignified.
The facial expression of the girl, who lost to another girl, because of one slip in her answers, was pathetic.
People in general and children in particular should not be lured into such a quiz, especially not in the truly holy-whole book, our Bible!


A relevant grownup was chosen
to read every new question, like here:
about David in 1. Samuel 30:19
The man, whose father I knew well in the late seventies,
was Mukki Betzer, the son of Nachman Bezer,
once a suitor of Ruth Dayan, and then also of me.
Ruth Dayan told him to open the path for us
to the governor of the Northern District, Israel Koenig,
in Nazareth.
I should have told about this in my page about
the Bir'am Project

One of the competitors.
Why such a sad face?

Twins under Mengele...
the question they had to pose,
was about a sentence at the end of book Job

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whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete

Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8