The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"


52 days of Moving and E-volving Emotions Manual - 48th day, October 16, 2002



 I laugh laugh laugh
about the foolish pattern
of this daughter-of-man

A  B  U  N  D  A  N  C  E   
    pushes      into      her     daily     life             
as these branches push into her room,            

but she wants people to know,
that 'objectively' it's not like that at all,
so they should  praise  her for her skill
to transform shortage into abundance.
And the more I laugh, laugh,   
the less I judge the pattern as foolish,
but discover it as just another means
to experience, grow, heal and create.








The FELT days 181, 182, 183, 184 ~ of the next 15 FELT years

1 5   y e a r s  = 5 4 8 0   days   of
g e f u e h l t e - g e f u e l l t e   Z e i t   
"inmitten der Ewigkeit",
f e l t - f i l l e d   t i m e  
"amidst eternity"
from the beginning of my 76th till the completion of my 90th year [unless I'll die after all]
The feeling chosen from a day is exhibited in max. 7 lines per day since August 28, 2013

On 6 days of the week I learn, but Shabbat is dedicated to my main feeling: grate-full-ness.

Since feelings must be vibrated~ wombed, each day closes with a song, fitting the 7 lines

To challenge myself like that -while not knowing what will be "staged"
in my personal and in the world's drama till 2028 , exhilarates me!

2014-03-06-Thursday-still 5296 days

I tremble...after the breakthrough of the HOW, it's now the WHAT, the change of which started as a whisper and now becomes a rolling thunder. Not only the economic distortion must vanish!
The yod-yod-yod = yekhidim-yotzrim-yakhad,
the mushroom-like networking must burst forth
from underground and spread on Earth!

2013Songs March1: alaikh lintotz, lintosh

2014-03-07-Friday-still 5295 days

Nervous! The 4th and last time I was awakened by an extreme time-pressure nightmare. Why this "jet-lag" between my present ease and the plights of the past in nightly dreams? Indeed, I feel pressured towards the visit of Lea, my jacuzzi-"friend", who will help me with erecting the tent, and then be informed, what I'm doing this for.


2014-03-08-Shabbat-still 5294 days

I always feel grate-full, but not today. Intense tent-hours with Lea-("deepest depression August 1988- before the Succah-Vision"), pool, gathering soil of the uprooted trees, helped by Albert. Dead-tired I see a movie about one who has only 3 months to live, If I would be given such a dead-line I would rejoice more than one about love.

song: ve-shavti

2014-03-09-Sunday-still 5293 days

As if I had nothing more important to deal with, I awoke with: "the line in the song: 'baz libi le-rigshotai, baz' is not denying feelings, as you wrote to Yael, but judging feelings, like you judge yourself: I've no reason nor right to feel depressed! And don't judge your judging! Release judgment! Vibrate, womb the feeling!"

2013song Oct. Nr.2: O feelings, we judge...,


Friday, March 7, 2014

Nehemia 8:8 And they read in the book, in God's Torah,   d i s t i n c t l y
and they gave the sense, and caused them to understand the reading.

I thought I would have an hour to prepare my intro for Lea.
But she came half an hour earlier, we erected the TENT,
and then I did, what Nehemia and his peers did 2400 years ago:
Sitting in the tent I explained the Vision in a way that touched her deeply.
I am too tired, to continue the sculpture above. I just list the five steps:
1- Envisioning the physical manifestation
2- What is still missing to complete Zionism
and the example of the Kibbutz with its 3 concepts.
3- Hafrakhat ha-Neshamah ba-shmamah
4-Weizmann: to wake up the creative powers of the Jewish people,
today: Im tirtzu aetgar - hinneh ha-midbar.


March 6, 2014- OHEL 36 from among its 365 appearances in the Bible

He hath set a TENT for the sun
Psalm 19:5

Dem Sonnenball setzte ein Zelt er
Preisungen 19,5
continuing: (34) "Nebo-Let-Go"-slow and "Nebo-Let-Go" - in one go =2006: a sculpture of 21 years of my exterior creating

The Four Nation Tent
from Dec. 6, 1997-Jan.1, 1998.
What a miracle,
that Mali and Albert, the photographer,
became my "partners" then,
- if not,
I wouldn't have these gorgeous photos
- now, ten years later...
see more on the original Nebo-let-Go pages
and in "RedSeaPartnerSHIP"

Then the threat from the ranger came:
"Pull these tents down immediately!
I allow you to leave one tent only!"

Gabi Kadosh, the Major of Eilat, came
and sat with me in the Jordanian tent.
It didn't help...



On this day, March 6, 2014 , with its calling "lintosh ve-lintotz",
["to uproot" -6 times in Jeremiah-see the song]
I came across a tent-sculpture of 2009:
the uprooting of the Myoporum, the "satan-shrubs".
What coincidence with the fact, that Ofir uprooted his ficus shrubs on March 4, 2014

and that I view most of them thrown on the sidewalk outside my fence of passifloras!

See 2007-Song-Game
What is a tent that does - according to Isaiah 33:20 - not wander?
What about the biblical principle of "lekh-lekhâ", which guided me for 21 years?
Image from: My own Living in a Pyramidal Tent 1998-2001
D E S E R T - V I S I O N
hebrew "OHALAH", arabic "RIHLAH"

Only at the end of 2004 the not-wandering tent of Isaiah's vision became a reality for me.
The one-room flat below my landlords is equipped with a veranda large enough to contain my folded pyramidal tent.


What dreams will you bring to fruition this year?

Day 32`- from among 42 days - THE GREAT GIVE AWAY

The wisdom of nature reveals:
strength is found in release

Our bodies are divinely designed
to release each life-giving breath,
in order to fully receive the next.

A fertilized flower drops its petals,
releasing attachment to physical form,
shifting energy towards the next stage of creation,
in order to birth and bear fruit.

As we deepen our understanding
of the laws of conscious creation,
we release limiting habits and beliefs
and create space for evolving possibilities, visions and ideas
to take root, blossom, and become fruit.

Consider ... clearing and releasing thoughts,
material possessions and identifications
in order to evolve, go and grow.


.... to release any beliefs, attachments or ideas
that no longer serve
~ and re-create yourself anew.

releasing with Gratitude who you have been,
in order to more fully embody who you are becoming?

Whatever they may be.... clear space
and make way for the fruits of your Dreams
to come fully into the Light.


What I release and give away,
is my succumbing to "the system",
and all the capitalist tricks and traps,
of how to phrase and how to advertise my vision.

When I look at my old documents,
or even at what I wrote on this website since November 6, 2013,
I feel more and more receding from what I see as
"having succumbed to what I believed people wanted to see:
the economic aspect of the vision.
Thinking of my superhuman effort to"advertise"
like those 4 big advertising photos (s. last page)
and other enormously costly "advertising adventures",
despite Yehuda Hanibad's warning
to not participate - for instance - in the "Israel Tourism Exhibition"
then I'm shocked, once again, how gullible I was,
and I swear, that this time I shall emphasize
the shmurot adam
and the "im tirtzu aetgar - hinne ha-midbar,
much more than the economic side of my Tent-Vision.
In fact I feel disgusted by how deep I fell into the trap.

I'm especially shocked to see on the second photo-advertisement
that someone who would become an omen, a foster-parent, for a succayah
would 'own" a cabin like Ismael there

In the meanwhile Gadi told me,
that he had to postpone my meeting at Mitzpe-Ramon till March 25,
but would have foregone the reason for it, if I wouldn't have agreed.
Of course I agreed!
No hurry - says his tiny turtle on my computer,
mentioned also on Jan. 2!
A Hebrew proverb says "
kol akavah li-vrakhah"!
"All delay is for a blessing!"
Certainly for Lior and my artwork!

Gadi asked me once again : "
because I want many people to come,
it will not cost anything like other lectures,
but shouldn't we say in the title after all,
that Dr. Christa-Rachel Bat-Adam created Succah-in-the-Desert?
I told him, that I was going through an enormous transformation
and that right now I'm shocked
how far I let myself be led astray towards the "system" ,
and that's why I was sure to not do anything to advertise my vision,
leave alone my person,
and that for me it wouold be alright also if only 2 people will come.

This was the passage that opened in the morning-book: Rainer Maria Rilke's Duineser Elegien, German and English
From what follows I understand, that we, whenever we come up with a new idea, a new game, a new system,
we polarize others and the result are hostility, fight, war, destruction, in short REVERSAL.
The metaphor of the migrating birds struck me right away,
since just before sleep I had skipped through the mushroom sequence on 25 of the Masterchef pages in 2011,
and read its amazing end:
"Wir sind nicht weinig. sind nicht wie die Zugvoegel verstaendigt",
the translation "we are not in agreement" is poor and "we are not initiated as migrating birds" is not implied in the original at all.

az nidberu yir'e hashem
, there is no hiddabrut between us
the German sich verstaendigen, even "sich unterreden, sich unterhalten" - with a specific grammar in Arabic,
isn't this that I've always yearnt for?
And though I said: the economic concept will be neither collectivistic nor individualistic, but yod-yod-yod,
I've not thought it through to the end and it's not clear from the presentation of the vision.
Ezri is right;
"it's more of the same!"
not what I envision, but how I presented it to those whom I - unawarely - once again " p e t i t i o n ".

Article in "Calcalist" 11.08.11
What do mushrooms think about?
How did the Internet hide
under the earth
for millions of years?
What does the social network
of the mushrooms teach us
about human intelligence?
"There is no leader..."

End of the article
[2014: the sequence of the original is inserted in Song-Game in between "Masterchef"]

On the other side of the wall,
where once grew the 4 Myoporum-trees,
which overpowered every other plant,
the triple bamboo with newly sprouting passiflora is seen,

By contrast to the uprooted ficus-tree
- the sprouting of the pomegranate-tree

All this babbling about "unity", "One Heart",
but is it understood how it can happen?
How does my Body know, to where the food and water and air I take in, has to be led?
and what is used and what is discarded,
and how what is discarded, streams out of the Body through 2 orderly channels?
If I asked myself a million of times,
how is a world and life possible without polarity,
and therefore - how can I create my vision without bringing up a new polarity,
then I have two enlightening examples: the Schwarmverhalten of migrating birds and swimming swarms of fish,
better: of mushrooms (for they invent new pathes1)
and the living organism of any body, be it a flower or be it myself.

But how can this manifest through the Tent-Vision?
Especially since I don't see any partners and peers?
Are they all underground still, "still"?

The theme-day of 3 SAT with "Women who made history", showed me,
that this is not at all my path:
to fight as an individual for system-change.
At former times they had no other choice.
And for many low-hearted people they are still an example,
but for me this is not right.
Remember Immanuel's mushroom metaphor for me, his mother.

Uprooting and making space, that's my task- a synchronicity with "Blooming Humans" today.
I was moved by the coincidence in Oct. 2009, when I, too, had to make a double "Give-away" -
Nitza, the neighbor, had for years pleaded with Ofir to uproot the trees which I called "Satan-Shrubs".
"What should I plant instead?" asked Ofir, "Ficus-trees"? "Yes", said Nitza,
and now it's his own ficus-trees, which he found necessary to uproot.
The other "letting go" was from much equipment that had accumulated within 5 years,
after the flat had to be emptied totally, so it could be freed from uncountable small cockroaches,
which had crept out of a package with Chanukka-candles and spread everywhere.

Documentation of my "lekh-lekhâ exercise" in October 2009 - scroll down on each of these pages!





March 7, 2014- - OHEL 37 from among its 365 appearances in the Bible

This is to be the Instruction for the one-with-tzaraat,
on the day of his being-purified:
When the one-being-purified scrubs his garments,
shaves his entire
(head of) hair
and washes in water, then he is pure,
afterward he may enter the camp,
staying outside his TENT
for seven days.
Leviticus 14:2 + 8

Dies sei die Weisung fuer den Aussatzgeschlagenen
am Tag seiner Reinigung
Der sich Reinigende wasche seine Kleider,
er schere all sein Haar,
er bade im Wasser, und sei rein,
danach darf er ins Lager kommen,
doch bleibe er ausser seinem ZELT
ein Tagsieent.
Er Rief 14, 1+8
continuing: (35) "Nebo-Let-Go"-slow and "Nebo-Let-Go" - in one go =2006: a sculpture of 21 years of my exterior creating

The idea of the raft --- so wonderful, so right, technically feasable - -- but nothing manifested

And this is how the projects and experiments and experiences matured me:
On the Dead Sea - to where Tamir Peleg, my young partner, lured me:

"Metzoqee-Dragot" beyond the border, June 1998-February 1999,

"Ein-Gedi-Fieldschool" near the border, February-October 1999,

Below it , on the beach my "Pond of Blessing", March-June 2000,

And after two years with seven of my grandchildren in the town Modi'in,

"Noah's Shore"
, between the borders, 150 days, since November 29, 2003.


















An old composition .... scanned badly.... with the 2 photos which show my tent at Metzoqee-Dragot and a prophecy:
Immanuel (not yet 5) turned the baby-pen, with which we had immigrated, into a pyramid for himself and his siblings,


What dreams will you bring to fruition this year?

Day 33`- from among 42 days - TREE OF LOVE

Imagine your Dream Seed has become a Tree of Love ...
Deep roots anchoring you to the Heart of Changing Mother Earth,
Branches rising to the Heart of Grandfather Sun.

Flowering possibilities have become viable fruit -
- infinite combinations, in infinite diversities
grace the body of this Great Tree of Love.

Use your inner-vision to flow your consciousness
into the sacred space in the center of your Heart,
where the Heart of the Tree of Love beats with Life.
Energy flowing, nourishment pulsing and rising
to Birth New Reality
~one in breath and out breath at a time.

Keeping your focus at the center of the Heart,
listening to the space between each breath,
feel the connection between Heaven and Earth,
dark and light, matter and Spirit, Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine
that is YOU.

....Our journey of activating Dream Seeds,
nurturing and tendering [tending?] each,
catalyzes many shifts in our consciousness and daily vibrations.
These shifts, or state changes,
flow us through many expressions of being
as we BE-member what we have always been - LOVE.

....infinite combinations in infinite diversity
are being birthed right NOW,
in the Hearts of Beloveds across the face of creation.



A few days ago, there was no Internet,
so to look up a passage in the Bible,
I used one of my two paper versions
of the Hebrew Bible,
and read what I had written
between the Books Exodus and Leviticus,
on March 25, 2012
In between watching "Le Temps qui reste" I suddenly remembered, that I hadn't put on record "Receiving Shabbat".
Without seeing a watch, I opened it, and there the program about the Parashat Hashavu'a with Dov Elboim just started.
In time I recalled, that I had heard this dialog with about Tzimtzum with Micha Goodman before, hadn't I just read about it?
Then I applied "self-limitation in order to make space for others", to myself, and I can see the purpose of the synchronicity!

There was also another teaching in this program, which I hadn't grasped 2 years ago: the purpose of this strange biblical book:
It is pagan, because pagan rituals were so exciting, that the Bible wanted to offer them, but without the pagan theology.
It's like a horror-movie: it activates us, though we know nothing is real.
See the image on the website, which introduces Goodman
(the son of a converted catholic mother): the Desert above the SaltSea.

I read more about the Beit Midrash of Micha Goodman and - as always - feel him to be a peer, though he probably doesn't even know I exist

A passionate Beit Midrash
in which Israel's young adults come together
from across the religious and political spectrum
to forge a new paradigm for Israel.

Students learn canonical Jewish and Western texts with one another, drawing inspiration from them for Israel's future.

Israelis in their 20’s grapple with major questions
regarding their Jewish identity,
their allegiance to country,
and their goals for adulthood.
They emerge from military and national service
with more questions and fewer answers than ever before,
seeking ideas, values and associations
to guide them in forging their lives as adults.
Yet they are surrounded by pervasive media messaging and societal rifts that conspire to sow dissatisfaction, pessimism and even apathy
among this crucial young demographic
regarding life in the Jewish state.

Ein Prat addresses this need by providing a platform
for a powerfully positive alternative within Israeli society.
Ein Prat’s programs nurture young adults’
sense of themselves as Jews and Israelis,
promote a sense of belonging and community
among people of diverse backgrounds,
and facilitate activities that express Jewish values and democratic ideals while adding value to society at large.

The image to this presentation also shows the desert,
yet with people in it, as in
the video of the Elul-program

See the video about the 'Mabu'a Program"



March 8, 2014 - OHEL 38 from among its 365 appearances in the Bible

For they came up with their cattle
and their TENTS,
and they came in as locusts for multitude;
both they and their camels were without number;
and they came into the land to destroy it.
And Israel was brought very low because of Midian.
Judges 6:6-7

...denn mit ihren Herden zogen sie heran,
mit ihren ZELTEN,
kamen heuschreckgleih an Menge,
sie und ihre Kamele waren ohne Zahl,
in das Land kamen sie, es zu verderben.
Sehr verarmte Jisrael vor Midjan.
Richter 6, 6-7
continuing: (36) "Nebo-Let-Go"-slow and "Nebo-Let-Go" - in one go =2006: a sculpture of 21 years of my exterior creating

On my way from the Red Sea to the Dead Sea, the bus was caught!
A trial in Eilat, a fine , and my house was towed to a place above the Dead Sea.
I lived in my tent and my mobile home we converted into a hosting encampment.

My 1999 Vision about Metzoqee-Dragot, which once started as an army stronghold
high above the Dead Sea on Palestinian Land.

For every new place I had a specific project in the context of my overall vision about Peace through Desert-Hosting-Economy.
The fact, that I was dependent on people with the narrowest of minds, did not deter me from trying to turn them into partners.
It seems so pathetic from this perspective (2008_07_24), but I know, of course, that it was all part of my lesson...

What dreams will you bring to fruition this year?

Day 34`- from among 42 days -

Imagine standing on a sidewalk,
concrete stretching in either direction
beyond our ability to physically see its end.

We see rough patches, and areas of distress,
making the Way difficult and unpredictable.
We guess it stretches on ~
though it is a mystery where it goes.

It is our choice now to move,
to choose a direction and go.

Do we go right or left,
following the sidewalk?

Or do we venture into the open fields,
now just come into our awareness?
Flowing in all directions around us,
is a Garden of Illuminated Hearts to explore.
With Gratitude ...

We Be-Member we have activated our Dream Seeds,
growing a Tree of Love in our Sacred Hearts,
and so in these fields, too.
Beyond the concrete world,
these fields represent our collective co-creations -
our Dream Seeds Birthing New Reality
in the collective field of consciousness.

The Spirit of our Tree of Love speaks to our Hearts,
calling us onward, 'Come ... let our Hearts be One.' ...
and so we go, venturing off the concrete path
into the Garden of Illuminated Hearts,
to Unite with our Tree of Love.

Gazing with Heart wide open,
we see the Beauty of All that IS before US.
Following our inner guidance,
we journey through the Garden,
our HeartFire illuminating the Way.

With each breath, each step,
a feeling of Joy and Bliss grows
as we draw nearer to our Tree of Love.

As we come to see our Tree of Love,
in the Garden of Illuminated Hearts,
we gaze from a distance ...
allowing the Great-Full-Ness of its BE-ing
to be seen, witnessed, appreciated.

Ecstasy fills our Be-ing as we move forward
to Unite with our Tree of Love.
With Gratitude,
we step into the shade of its canopy
and sit Heart to Heart with the Tree,
resting after our journey.

Breathing in the Beauty of this moment,
we close our eyes and allow our selves
to energetically merge with the Tree of Love.

In this Divine Union -- A Great Coming Together --
of our hearts and minds, dreams and waking reality,
we become ONE with our creations.

Consider using the above visualization
to guide yourself to your Tree of Love
in the Garden of Illuminated Hearts.

As you arrive, imagine sitting underneath the tree.
Merging your Heart with its Heart,
allow this Great Coming Together
to take you on a Spirit Journey.
Gift yourself the freedom to let go,
and flow with the experience ~ where ever it may lead.

This journey is an awakening,
a Be-memberance of all that you are,
and will offer guidance, clarity and inspiration.



This pretty flower - ben-shaelakh menutzaeh - not only painted my Wadi white
and contrasted the Judaean Mountains, where I daily image uncountable Ohalot/Rihlaat,
it is also one of the plants, Bedouins, and therefore I, Rachel, eat.
But alas, this gift of the desert is now gone, after 3 weeks only,
since it has become hotter from day to day, after a short winter with little rain.


March 9, 2014- OHEL 39 from among its 365 appearances in the Bible

Now it was on the morrow:
when Moshe entered the TENT of the TESTIMONY,
here: it had sprouted, the staff of Aharon,
of the house of Levi!
It had put-forth a sprouting-flower,
it had blossomed a blossom,
it had ripened almonds~
Numeri 17:23

Es war am andern Tag,
Mosche ging ein ins ZELT der VERGEGENWAERTIGUNG
da hatte Aharons Stab, der fuers Haus Lewis, gesprosst,
Sprossen gebracht,
Blust aufgeblueht,
Mandeln gereift.
In der Wueste 17,23
continuing: (37) "Nebo-Let-Go"-slow and "Nebo-Let-Go" - in one go =2006: a sculpture of 21 years of my exterior creating

Metzoqe Dragot and the Ein-Gedi Fieldschool I didn't leave out of choice.
But I knew every time, that it was right and "in its right time", what "happened".
With the last lekh-lekhâ I ceased to hope that I would find a place to park.
The bus passed on to Tamir, who found work at the southern end of the SaltSea,
until it was - in 2003 - towed away and confiscated.

At Ein-Gedi Fieldschool we were asked

not to live in bus , caravan or tents.
Tamir was given a room
[see the image with his family in the original]
and I begged to be given 2 "rooms" next to his,
but unfinished - without doors, windows, floor etc.
[After we had to leave,
they were completed as guest-rooms.
see my visit there on January 2, 2008]

I covered the "Concrete Succah",
as I came to call it,
with palm-fronds
and a parachute,
found by somebody in the desert.
My own "room" and the "guest-room"
were truly beautiful.
And we had electricity for fans!

We had moved to the Fieldschool on Febr. 24, 1999.
Only towards the end of August we got permission,
to "build" the David-Succah
as a place for full-filling another specific dream.
A few weeks later I got the ultimatum
for Oct. 31, 1999...

It is too complex, too painful to describe this "project",
may it suffice to see these pretty photos
with Tamir sitting under the fantastic dome,
which he had only recently created
between bus, caravan and a pyramidal tent,
and with me playing on my organ for the last time
since I had already bequeathed my bus to Tamir,
who did not want the organ.

What dreams will you bring to fruition this year?

Day 35`- from among 42 days -


Be Love.
Nothing more,
nothing less ...
For Love is All that IS.

Every person,
and every thing, around you
is an energetic reflection
of some aspect
of your inner state of being.

Choose to BE Love and watch the world
transform, amaze, delight and inspire!

The Heart accepts without limitations,
it is open to all things,
the small and the great,
the king and the beggar,
the bad and the good,
the precious pearl
and the insignificant pebble on the beach,
the tiny acorn and great oak tree,
the dancer and the dance,
the visible and the invisible,
the lover and The Beloved.

The Heart does not differentiate,
it does not take sides,
t does not see opposites,
it sees no separation,
it is One with all things,
it embraces all things as One,
there are not many hearts,
there is only One Heart
and that One Heart is the heart
that dwells within your own breast.

The difference between judging feelings and denying feelings,
the correction of a letter to Yael concerning the song "The Star"
and in it the words:
"My heart despises my feelings, despises"

The only guest in the tent during this Shabbat
was this street-cat.
Lea came this Sunday morning, as promised,
to help me dismantle the tent.
I found Ushu's patchwork around the mattress a bit torn.
I'll have to repair it and think about a solution,
for I'm happy with the cat choosing to rest in the tent.

Another animal, a camel, was inserted in the visit-card,
which my granddaughter Rotem chose to make for me,
not knowing, that at exactly the same time I was advised,
"to cease to manifest on the exterior level".-Jan. 26, 2006

Sunday, March 9, 2014


Move to next page --------2oo2 + 2014


Tents-Song - Shirat-ha-Ohalim
I want you to enhance and to not distort,
what the Vision of Tents intends to evolve
the earth of the desert will stay free and pure
and host us humans ~~~~~ to find ourselves.