The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.i.s.s.
as stated 10 years ago - was and is
to help me and my potential PEERS
to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,
and - as holograms - all of Creation!
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2011
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "FIND"]

As the fruit of becoming whole = accepting all of myself, I desire:
to live and explore and evolve   L O V E   in my personal life
and to play my part in creating the conditions for Heaven-on-Earth
by radiating grate-full-ness, zest-full-ness and full-fill-ment
on the actors in my individual life-drama and on all human beings!





K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart








My new Midrash and song in 5 languages
about the prophecy of Malachi 3, 16
["YHWH" is named "HA-SHEM"= The Name]


















Then those who see Ha-Shem, will talk among each other,
and he listens      and he hears

yatakaalamuna     allathina     yarau'na-hu ,
va-yusri        va-yasma'

Dann die IHN schauen, werden reden miteinander,
und er lauscht      und er hoert

Puis ceux qu'ils voient Ha-Shem, se parlent l'un a l'autre
il entends,        il ecoute


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August 31/ Av 30, Sunday, 17th day of "having died to righteousness", at Arad
Micha's 42nd birthday,
Parting from my obsession to complete this page--- on September 16

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Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want, then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what may!
6:00   a mobile phone alarm-clock - probably of my landlord above, though I never heard it before - woke me up & with it jumped this:
through "T"s arrows from ever unexpected directions I am forced to learn about "asuras" (the 2 mothers who each murdered their child!)
and no "loving peer" [see bottom!] will appear - until I'll be healed & whole enough that at least "asuras" won't have a chance with ME.
I desire to grasp this horrible insight which was also a result of my sharing with Lior, my symbolic "peer", 9 hours ago!
I desire a quantum leap in healing Myself into wholeness and - as a hologram - of All Creation
In this moment - 6:40 - I heard a faint cough from above, outside: "Perhaps Ofir is leaving the house!" I opened the mosquito-screen,
I peeped around the window, I saw Ofir's head rising, I gave him a sign, that I would come, I went around the house, I asked:
"Was it your whose alarm-clock ...?" "No, I woke up at 6, without alarm-clock, and since the kids are asleep, I watch TV here outside!"

Both- the unknown alarm and Ofir's faint coughing outside the house at 6:40 in the morning - puts the insight on a pedestal!

hodayot [thanksgivings] for today

My Body, my Partner, my God
I give thanks to the way our skin is functioning together with our brain,
so that loving STROKING is sensed as pleasant and desirable,
but only for a limited time
( 5 min.-eyelids ~~~ 7 hours soles in erotic situations),
as I've always observed in myself and also in others
(though I taught myself to stroke in the most delicate way,
meaning, that I lift the hand often and place it almost without "rubbing").

The fantastic video [of 3 SAT, "Nano"] which shows
how much stroking our skin wants and can tolerate,
is another demonstration for "my" verse in Ecclesiastes (Qohelet) 3:5,

"there is a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing"
[see also the song which puts this verse in a larger context],
and it's my task to know when "stroking" is right, and when it's not right.
And I know, that as much as I yearn for it - for me it's not right NOW!

I'm grate-full for the last wonder-full 4 days of al-one-ness
contrasted lovely by the play in water and on keyboard with Lior & Amit,
and by the "peer-healing-talk" on the phone with the "big" Lior.
I'm grate-full that she, Lior Oren, is capable of listening so well to herself
through me whom she has chosen as her roaring sounding-board....


to Ya'acov, sent at 7:20


from Ya'acov, sent tonight,
see our letters on my birthday

to Micha, at 7:30
instead of the SMS which refused to be sent because of its length


Micha at the age of five: Moses in the ark

There is no connection between the images of my youngest son Micha, born August 31, 1966
and the texts in the right frame - at least not a connection which I intended!


In order to learn to conceptualize my insight, that "T's" arrows are in fact "asuras",
which can - as I've learnt long ago - enter my life only because of denial of self,
I want to intersperse my work of "completing" the written "Tomer-less Lesson"
- on this last day of the month August, as well as the last day of the moon-month Av -
with quotes from Godchannel about one of the 3 reasons for "Evil" : "Asuras".

From the last channeling: Interview with God V
"The long-standing habit of conscious attention to move away from pain
has built up a backlog of denial energy held in sentience.
Judgment release and deep denial release
are very helpful in the process of retraining your attention
because these practices remove the energy of denial,
the greatest obstacle to conscious loving acceptance."


From "Reclaiming Lost Spirit"

Denial is how this all works against us.

First I denied the Will, my true Desire, by objectifying and using her.

Later I denied the parts of myself I thought the Mother didn't like,
and they became Lucifer.

In the process of creating Lucifer, I became Ahriman...

"Spirit is responsible for the presence of the asuras in Creation,
they have come here through the gaps I originally created in myself
when I denied my own essence.



From "Sacrifice"

"I don't believe in that kind of 'sacrifice',
and I don't want you to give up anything you wish to keep.

" However, the idea of giving something up to me
is heading in the right direction
when it comes to my denials.

"It is good to give up the denied light in you
It is good to give up my denials
in the form of Lucifer and Ahriman,

"and the deeply compressed denial energy
of the asuras, Grandfather's denials,
the intensely unloving light that has trapped
the most pained and suffering parts of the Mother.

"What I wish for you to give up
is not something you want,
but rather something you want relief from,
the pain and suffering that is caused

by the unloving light of denial.

"I don't wish for you to give up
the magnetic essence that is holding your pain,
[i.e. your feelings, your will, your desires]
but the denied spirit essence that is responsible
for it [the pain?] being there in the first place.

"What I wish for you to 'make sacred'
or ask me to 'bless'
is your emotional feeling in your Mother essence
that has been holding the suffering,
because in doing so

"you'll both relieve the suffering
and free the emotion
so it may move as it wills




Nourishment from Others

Lutz Goerner, Lyrik fuer Alle, Folge 142
:Joachim Ringelnatz

Zum vierten Mal sind wir bei dem Lyriker,
der von sich glaubte, dass er im vorigen Leben ein Seepferdchen war.

Als ich noch ein Seepferdchen war,
Im vorigen Leben,
Wie war das wonniglich, wunderbar
Unter Wasser zu schweben.
In den träumenden Fluten
Wogte, wie Güte das Haar
Der zierlichsten aller Seestuten,
Die meine Geliebte war.
Wir senkten uns still oder stiegen,
Tanzten harmonisch umeinand,
Ohne Arm, ohne Bein, ohne Hand,
Wie Wolken sich in Wolken wiegen.
Sie spielte manchmal graziöses Entfliehn,
Auf dass ich ihr folge, sie hasche,
Und legte mir einmal im Ansichziehn
Eierchen in die Tasche.
Sie blickte traurig und stellte sich froh,
Schnappte nach einem Wasserfloh,
Und ringelte sich
An einem Stengelchen fest und sprach so:
»Ich liebe dich!«
Du wieherst nicht, du äpfelst nicht,
Du trägst ein farbloses Panzerkleid
Und hast ein bekümmertes altes Gesicht,
Als wüsstest du um kommendes Leid.
Seepferdchen! Schnörkelchen! Ringelnass!«
Wann war wohl das?

Das war ein Gedicht,
das Joachim Ringelnatz für seine Frau Loni geschrieben hat,
die er 'Muschelkalk' nannte
und die mitverantwortlich war für das riesige Werk ihres Mannes.
Denn in nur 14 Jahren von 1919 bis 1933 schrieb Ringelnatz
über 2000 Gedichte, mehr als 20 Novellen,
acht Theaterstücke, drei Filmdrehbücher, vier Romane
und es entstanden hunderte, ja tausende Zeichnungen und Gemälde,
mit denen er auch als bildender Künstler seinen Weg hätte machen können.
Und für 'Musch', für Muschelkalk
hat er immer wieder seine Gedichte

Überall ist Wunderland.
Überall ist Leben.
Bei meiner Tante im Strumpfenband
Wie irgendwo daneben.
Überall ist Dunkelheit.
Kinder werden Väter.
Fünf Minuten später
Stirbt sich was für einige Zeit.
Überall ist Ewigkeit.
* * *
Wenn du einen Schneck behauchst,
Schrumpft er ins Gehäuse.
Wenn du ihn in Kognak tauchst,
Sieht er weiße Mäuse.
* * *
Ich habe dich so lieb!
Ich würde dir ohne Bedenken
Eine Kachel aus meinem Ofen
Ich lache.
Die Löcher sind die Hauptsache
Bei einem Sieb.
Ich habe dich so lieb

Als Anfang 1933, die Mehrheit in Deutschland nichts dagegen hatte,
dass den Nazis die Macht übergeben wurde,
da wurde Ringelnatz verboten. Seine Bücher, seine Auftritte.
Nicht das Politische störte die Nazis an Ringelnatz,
denn er war ja kein politischer Dichter
- zumindest nicht im landläufigen Sinne des Wortes.
Nein, die Nazis störte seine Offenheit im Geschlechtlichen,
seine ironische Betrachtung des Kleinbürgertums,
und seine Abscheu vor den deutschen Tugenden Zucht, Ordnung und Sitte
- das war das, was die Nazis an ihm störte.
Und nun konnte er nicht mehr in Deutschland auftreten.
Ab Anfang 1933 bis zu seinem Tod.
Einmal ist er noch aufgetreten in dieser Zeit, das war am 7. August,
da hatten seine Freundinnen und Freunde
ein Hinterzimmer in einem Berliner Hotel angemietet,
denn an diesem Tag da feierte er seinen 50. Geburtstag.
Und sie wollten noch einmal mit ihm zusammen sein.
Und sie wollten noch einmal seine Stimme hören.
Und die unnachahmliche Art, wie er seine Gedichte vortrug.
Und es wurde viel gelacht, viel getrunken und viel still geweint.

Was ich noch sagen wollte

so der Titel des nächsten Gedichts
Angegriffen und doch unversehrt
Rollt ein Bächlein zu Tale.
Und ein Stahlhelm ist umgekehrt
Eine durststillende Schale
Mancher Dieb wird erwischt.
Jedes Leben erlischt.
Zu dem Staubgefäß in der Dolde
Schleicht sich auch mancher Dieb -
Ich weiß gar nicht mehr, was ich sagen wollte -
Seid lieb!

Ringelnatz war keiner, der zur Bank ging und ein Konto hatte.
Ringelnatz war einer, der hatte Einnahmen und Ausgaben.
Und wenn er dann noch etwas übrig hatte, was meist der Fall war,
dann gabs immer genügend gute Freunde, die weniger als er hatten
und die bekamen das dann.
Aber nun hatte er keine Einnahmen mehr.
Nur noch Ausgaben und nun ging das wieder los mit diesem Hungern.
Und zur finanziellen Not da gesellte sich dann, wie das oft geschieht,
die seelische Not und die physische Not - er bekam eine Lungentuberkulose,
er musste ins Krankenhaus, er musste gesund gepflegt werden,
aber er hatte kein Geld
und dann haben das irgendwann seine Freunde bemerkt
und haben Sammlungen für ihn veranstaltet,
bei denen sehr, sehr viel Geld zusammenkam.
Aber es war zu spät.
Kurz nach seinem 51. Geburtstag, ist er am 17. November 1934
zu Hause in den Armen seiner Frau
wie ein kleines Vögelchen ganz schwach, ganz durchsichtig, ganz zart

Und auf einmal steht es neben Dir
Und auf einmal merkst du äußerlich:
Wieviel Kummer zu dir kam.
Wieviel Freundschaft leise von dir wich,
Alles Lachen von dir nahm.
Fragst verwundert in die Tage.
Doch die Tage hallen leer.
Dann verkümmert deine Klage…
Du fragst niemand mehr.
Lernst es endlich, dich zu fügen,
Von den Sorgen schnell gezähmt.
Willst dich selber nicht belügen
Und erstickst es, was dich grämt.
Sinnlos, arm erscheint das Leben dir.
Längst zu lange ausgedehnt.
Und auf einmal steht es neben dir,
An dich angelehnt -
Das, was du so lang ersehnt.






Social enterprising - Muhammad Yunus and Xiong Ning

Muhammad Yunus from Bangladesh,
who won the Nobel Price for Peace in 2006

Entwicklungshilfe macht nur dann Sinn, wenn sie direkt beim Menschen ankommt. Aber ist sinnvolle Entwicklungshilfe eine Frage der Geldsumme? Wie seriös ist eine Bank, die Kredite ohne Sicherheiten vergibt? Die Grameen Bank vergibt Kredite, ohne vorher die Bonität zu prüfen. Sie vergibt kleinste Mengen an Geld, sogenannte Mikrokredite - und hilft den Menschen damit direkt. Für diese durchschlagend erfolgreiche Idee wurde deren Erfinder, Muhammad Yunus aus Bangladesch, 2006 mit dem Friedensnobelpreis geehrt.

Muhammad Yunus on my TV screen between 10:15-11:00

An interview in the series "star-hours of philosophy"
brought into my small room in the desert town Arad

Muhammad Yunus,
a man who seems to exemplify everything I've wanted to do for the world,
when I still believed,
that my vocation had to with changing circumstances in the exterior world.
This human being brings Heaven to Earth
by teaching poor oppressed women,
that they have skills and that they can help their families,
and that they can do it better than the men,
"because for women it's most important to make others happy
- when men ask a bank for credit, their first purpose is always they themselves
and because they have learnt to manage minimal household money
[for when the little money the man brings in isn't enough, he always blames it on the woman],
From amon 7 1/2 million of credit takers 97% are women,
and 99% of the money is given back (the biggest credit: 150$),
for this "banking" is built on trust, with no rules, no contract,
The 22000 employes do not wait for the client in an office,
but meet them in their houses at least once a week

(that's the reason, why only 8 % of the staff are women,
tradition would allow them to work in an office, but not to go from house to house)

After the small example of Beate Westphal in Berlin on Friday,
now the gigantic example of Muhammad Yunus in Bangladesh!
I was NOT allowed to realize my vision about Man and Work ...
I am in awe, that I'm priviledged to learn about people who did!

Though my vision was not about "poverty and hunger",
but about "the satisfaction of people through their work",
[knowing, that if this was the purpose,
then many people would anyway choose to do what Beate and Muhammad do,]

I want to quote the letter of a woman who was, when she wrote it and died,
only 2 years older than I was when I had that strong nightly vision
about what my vocation was:
to establish learning and working environments,
where wo/man would find the work which would satisfy her/him,
and how then the world would find the wo/man who would do what was needed.
I wanted people to do two things: to find out what they most loved to do and were good at,
and to find out, what the world most needed, needed from their talents, their creativity and their caring.


Micha's drawing of his beloved dog Navat

Micha and Imma

Micha and Ronnit, his sister

Nourishment from Others

Miss Xiong Ning, 1978 to Mar 10, 2008,
died in a traffic accident on her way to Qinghai to help the poor people there. Below is the translation of a draft letter in Chinese
that she wrote to Professor Yunus,
which was found among the belongings she left behind.)

Xiongning's Letter to the Nobel Peace Prize Winner Yunus

Dear Professor Muhammad Yunus,

Hello, how are you?
First please forgive me if I take the liberty of writing this letter to you.
I am a Chinese girl, named Xiongning, 29 years old this year,
and born in an ordinary city intellectual family.
Since I was young, I have had an ideal
that I will set up the same “social conscience-oriented enterprise”
as you advocated in Banker to the Poor.

During the period of my high school and college,
I have been continuously attempting at my plan,
and striving to put it into practice
in order to start my own “social conscience-oriented enterprise”
and have more grass-root people able
to enjoy equal chances to survive and be free from poverty.
For this reason I have even stopped accepting a higher education;
refused the work in the government departments
arranged by a friend with authority;
also resolutely given up the white-collar position in a foreign-invested enterprise, which everyone envies today in China.
Perhaps many people think that I tend to go to extremes,
but when I see the poor like me or even more outstanding than me,
and the rural people,
it is not known how much effort they will make,
or even give up their dignity,
and then can obtain the same opportunities as the rich and the city people.
Since having known about you and Grameen Bank
through your book "Banker to the Poor",
I have been deeply attracted by you and your undertakings.

Also I have nothing but praise and admiration for your wisdom and ability
from the depth of my soul.
In the book I have seen my ideal, my role model and my teacher.
Through your excellency and the success of Grameen Bank,
and all you have done for the poor in the continuous thirty years,

I have been more determined
to improve the living conditions of the poor
and strive without cease for their human rights.
But so far, I have encountered many obstacles,
on one hand, because of my own limited capacity
and on the other hand, due to other social causes.
Therefore, I would like to seek for your help,
and hope you can treat me as your student
and give me some recommendations like my father generation.
I do not know whether you have a deep understanding of China.
China has a population of nearly 1.4 billion (of which 1 billion rural population). Taking my own experience,
I have been unceasingly exploring and experimenting
“social conscience-oriented enterprise”,

but such enterprises have to compete in the market to make money,
or at least maintain a balanced budget.
Facing the fierce market competition, if I have chosen the “conscience”,
it means more efforts needed to grasp the game rules of the market competition. As a Chinese, I love my country very much,
and I shall “fight” like a soldier to change the status of China's poor people.
Here I am wondering
how I can start Chinese Grameen Bank under present national conditions,
and how this Chinese Grameen Bank,
like your Grameen Bank in Bangladesh, is not just a bank,
but it can care about all aspects of the poor people.

Let the poor find their dignity in labor;
participate in social affairs equally;
and create their own destinies through their own efforts.

Would you please tell me
whether Grameen Bank has ever have in the past
or still have some projects now in China?
What can I do in the future for Grameen Bank in China?
Or can I work with you to start a Grameen Bank in China?
I am an ordinary person,
but my innate conscience spurs me on to live for my ideal
(to help the poor and the suffering people);
I have no power and influence,
but I have a sense of social responsibility and mission;
I am not an economist,
but I am always striving to end the poverty and sufferings of the poor people.
I sincerely hope to have your guidance and help.
I hope that China is also to have Grameen Bank for the poor and of the poor. No matter what kind of countries, races, religions,
as long as in this world, they are all eager for equality.
But “poverty”, like a tiger (a stumbling block) in the way,
is a lasting impediment to its realization.
However, you Excellency and your Grameen Bank are coming,
which has rekindled the hope of the numerous poor people for a better life;
and had many entrepreneurs of a social conscience
encouraged and learn the experience.
You Excellency and your Grameen Bank are of no national boundaries,
but the wealth and hope of the whole world and all human beings.
You are also the role model for my life-long learning and efforts!
Finally, please forgive me again if I take the liberty to trouble you.
Fervently look forward to your reply!

Best wishes of health and happiness to your family!

Your new friend: Xiongning June 26, 2007

Micha on a trip with me and Mona and Yanina's daughter Yael to the Lake of Tiberias, while his father was abroad. 1979.
I'm so sorry, that at the time of scanning all these photos from the album I made for Micha's Bar-Mitzvah in 1979,
I didn't understand, how to scan at a higher resolution.


Finetuning to my Present

I feel uneasy, not "righteous", sad, sorrowful, since my talk with Micha.
He didn't understand, what I had asked for in my SMS-e-mail:
that we may be whole enough to treat the great embarrassment between us!.
When I asked him directly:
"don't you feel ...."
he evaded me and said: "I don't make an issue of it."
He was ready, though, to answer my birthday questions:
"For what are you most grate-full regarding your last year?"
In addition to the purchase of his mountain motor-bike
("for which I long very much,
since after having broken my hand I still can't use it"
and the change of his carreer within his High-Tech company,
he emphasized all the good things in his and our lives,
the children, the health of our entire family, even "peace",
and expressed his awareness, that we are priviledged to worry about small things,

"not being forced to put those in proportion by bigger problems...".
As to his wish for his next year,
he mainly wants to be able to respond to the immense challenges of his new carreer.
I suddenly dared to ask him about his relationship with his wife.
He granted me only a general statement, that it was alright,
but it could benefit by some improvement.

Having written all this, I don't understand the feelings of the first line.
At least not their intensity.
Having read the document, which I wrote to him - but may not have given to him -
in the weeks before his Bar-Mitzvah,
I see, that this embarrassment between us is not new.
He was always there for me - the best of sons in the classical sense.
And until that psychologist said to him - during the divorce-process, when he was 14-

"you know, you don't have to tell your Imma everything",
the relationship was close.
But something is missing, and has been missing for most of our common drama.
I'll feel and breathe my sorrow,
and at the same time be grate-full for all he is - for himself, for his family, for Me.

Little Micha with little Ronnit at Ramat-Hadar , and big Micha with big Ronnit at Ramat-Gan

Micha with his firstborn brother Immanuel at Ramat-Hadar

Micha with his siblings at Ramat-Hadar, ca. 1969,
Micha with all the family at the circumcision of Itamar, his sister's youngest son, at Sitriya, 1994
and Micha with his children, his mother, his sister, his nephews and nieces, at Modi'in
, 2002



Song of the Day: Psalm 150, which we sang, when we put little Micha to sleep on Shabbat-Eve.
The first stanza is popular, the second was added by me only recently:





This is the most fitting day, to present more of the Quartet's Presentation for my 70th birthday,
which was, after all, mainly created by Micha's son Arnon, of whom Micha can truly be proud!



Yet another composition about Grandma's food and the Quartet's eating in ever so many places in houses and in Nature



The hymn of the Quartet, - created during the last Grandma Day in Arad, August 2007
on the background of another outing to the same place above the Dead Sea on Pesach 2007



The House of Grandma
The End





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whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete
Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8