I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a pioneer of Evolution
in learning to feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'
pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill>evolve,
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
want you to feel everything, every little thing!"
K.I.S.S. -
L O G 2
0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart
Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want,
then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what
may! 7:58 I desire to live this Rosh
Hodesh, which according to the biblical Pesach
story is also the beginning of the year as a new beginning with my actors
in Shoham following the Song of "Balancing
the Wave".
I desire to use the morning to "complete" all the
pages created in the week of my al-one-ness.
I desire to radiate vigor to all my new plants, so they'll take
root despite my absence[Ofir waters!]
of the day
hodayot [thanksgivings] for
today 9:04 My Body,
my Partner,
my God
I give thanks to our fat
metabolism and the fatty acids,
which are such an important source of energy. "Ruby-throated
Hummingbirds fly non-stop
between New England and West Indies (about 2400 km) at a speed of 40 km/h for 60 hours.
This is possible only due to the stored fat."
And forgive me for still complaining about "too much
fat" on my belly!
I am grate-full for this splendid, superb,
magnificent tool, my K.i.s.s.- L og,
with its end-less stimulations and choices for learning, feeling
and creating,
together with the tools of camera, computer, archive and Internet!
For instance: Working on "Nebo-LetGo" yesterday,
I came across that anonymous poem I found in the Rachel-Succah,
and in it "te-shovev nafshekh", reminding me of
"shuvah ve-nakhat", the
Isaiah song which in turn connected with the
Heaven-on-Earth-Quest! see Communication with Deity
on March 23 and April
Did you see my tears yesterday
on my walk to the pool?
"Of course I saw them.
And thank you for sharing them with me even then!
Also for sharing your anger about me and your frustration
with me
concerning what you see as lack of logic and consistency
in my message."
"What do you mean by, "what you see as"!
Isn't it lack of logic, if you say on the one hand:
[Continuation on
April 10]
living Human will experience
the shattering events at the end of time
and ironically at different 'times.'"
and on the other hand:
and completely unprecedented
experience of the 'end of time'
will come to each Human
when you have become truly whole,
when you have reclaimed all of your lost
and redeemed all of your lost Spirit. "
You give several examples
of potential 'end time' experiences,
and how they will differ from each other
According to the difference in beliefs.
How then will the experience of 'Armageddon'
"come" to those
who believe in that prophecy,
only "when they have become
truly whole"?
Or how will the experience of
"ascending into the new paradigm
of Heaven (not on Earth)
in renewed and less physical bodies
as they participate in the predicted
'rapture' (not in Body's heaviness)
where they are drawn into heavenly
bliss (not in Will's emotions)
to live forever with the God they've
believed in (not with YOU),
come only "when they have
become truly whole"?
Or how will "having become
truly whole",
having "reclaimed all of
your lost Will
and redeemed all of your lost Spirit"
be required [let me be cynical...] for being
"lifted out of their 'imprisonment'
here on Earth"?
Isn't the very definition of life on Earth as 'imprisonment'
the result of denying
Will and clinging to the judgments
of Spirit? Healing
into wholeness,
i.e. "reclaiming my lost Will" and "redeeming
my lost Spirit",
will this not set me free of any 'imprisonment
here on Earth'?
If you had said, that in the
those people will experience the realization of their
and complete their "healing into wholeness"
in the five-dimensional world,
there would be logic to that last sentence:
profound and completely unprecedented experience
of the 'end of time'
will come to each Human
when you have become truly whole,
when you have reclaimed all of your lost
and redeemed all of your lost Spirit. "
on April 10:]
"Let's assume there
is lack of logic in my explanations (which, as you
know, are extremely limited and lacking
because I need to translate them into the concepts of
your 4 dimensions).
Why are you so triggered
by this?
Why does it concern you, how "other people"
experience the 'end-times'?
Isn't it enough, that you know and learn every day and
experience already,
that you "will remain here on Earth"
and as you "endure the unimaginably intense
energy of the transition"
will be "remaining present in your dense
physical body"
and "find yourself on a new Earth and in
a renewed body
capable of manifesting and moving physically in five
and "experience form change in place of
isn't this enough?
"I've let you know that you should wholly focus
our "Heaven-on-Earth-in-Body Quest" [see
March 21, March
22 , April
and right now on the two conditions :
"feeling excited" and "feeling full-filled"!
"......each living Human will experience
the shattering events at the end of time
and ironically at different 'times.'"
"One of the first experiences you will have
as you emerge from the vortex of intense energy
in the passage
between your enfolded four-dimensional world
and the newly unfolding five-dimensional world
will be the realization
that you were right about everything you believed and had
faith in.
And very likely your next experience will be the realization
that everyone else has been right as well.
"The Mother of your Creation
has had a Dream for this Creation
since before it began.
The Mother's Dream is
that all sentient beings
realize their greatness
and live in peace
with complete freedom~~~
free of denial in any form
and steeped in deep and abiding love,
joy, passion and excitement
in a safe and harmonious venue
of exquisite beauty and wonder.
If there is a prophecy with any adherents at
who have put their faith in that prophecy,
it will be fulfilled for them in their venues.
"The winter solstice in 2012 is an approximate
date in linear time
predicted for a collective planetary event
that will provide enough energy
to transport most Humans to the next paradigm
in a relatively short duration of linear time.
And along the way though [through?]
linear time from here to there,
many 'end times' prophecies will be played out
in individual venues and on the world stage.
"For instance,
the Christian prophecies of Armageddon are already beginning
to be fulfilled
for those who believe in them.
Many will see
worsening political and economic strife on the world stage
as a cleansing process
leading to the return of the Christ to gather his flock.
And many will experience
ascending into the new paradigm of Heaven
in renewed and less physical bodies
as they participate in the predicted 'rapture'
where they are drawn into heavenly bliss
to live forever with the God they've believed in.
"Others will experience
the same disturbing and catastrophic events on the world stage and in
their individual venues
as harbingers of the extraterrestrials
who say they have come to save Humanity
and bring you 'home' with them.
And in the newly expanded universe of five dimensions
this will happen quite easily for them.
Those who have believed for any reason
that they will be lifted out of their 'imprisonment' here
on Earth
will experience just that.
"However, a much smaller group of Humans
whose spirits no longer call Heaven or the Stars their home
will remain here on Earth
as they endure the unimaginably intense energy of the transition
while remaining present
in their dense physical bodies.
When the dust has settled
they will find themselves on a new Earth
and in renewed bodies
capable of manifesting and moving physically
in five dimensions.
These Humans will be the first in this Creation
to experience form change in place of death."
"The profound and completely unprecedented experience
of the 'end of time'
will come to each Human
when you have become truly whole,
when you have reclaimed all of your lost Will
and redeemed all of your lost Spirit. "
looking east, up to where my path through the wadi
joins the street in which I live,
or - the other way round - where my street joins the slope, which
I climb down twice a day to and fro,
when I go to the
pool, the "morning-pool" (between 9 and 10) and to the
"noon-pool" (between 1:30-2:30)
The giant he-goat and some small animals gather around
the sign "Nakhal Khaemlah".
which I once made, sticking it to an iron pole which was stuck in
a concrete block,
and which I simply couldn't move likeI did with most of the other
building rubble.
The few branches survived, after somebody burnt the beautiful composition
of palmfronds,
which I had stuck into the "artistic" heap I had created
of the rubble
Looking south
Looking west, up the path, which I walk every day
twice to and fro, and which the shepherds had reached during the moments
of my photographing
I can't remember to ever have seen a grey goat
A few impressions from my journey to Shoham today:
While walking through the pedestrian passage
under and between the first houses of Arad (1964),
coming from the noon-pool, going to the bus-station,
I saw this little sad boy all alone on the empty pavement.
As if to comfort me, a few steps further on,
my eyes caught the composition of these colors...
In the bus to Beersheva I was reading the first
few pages in the "Gritli-Love-Letters",
written during the war in 1917 somewhere in Macedonia.
These letters of the Jewish soldier Rosenzweig to the Christian soldier
Rosenstock were written before Rosenzweig met Gritli, Rosenstock's
Since they are so condensed in content and language, I had to pause
after every sentence, in order to think and understand it.
When I read the following:
..Sie meinen,
ein Kenner des semitischen muesste den gemeinsamen Grund
der juedischen Beschraenkung
und der "arabischen" Ausbreitung zeigen koennen .
...dass im Judentum der Eigenname Gottes YHWH Begriffswert bekommen
( vgl. die ueblichen "Uebersetzungen' kyrios [written
in Greek letters] usw),
waehrend umgekehrt im Islam das Begriffswort Gott
mit dem Artikel in grammatisch ungebraeuchicher Weise
zum Eigennamen "Allah" - statt alilah - verschmolzen
that an expert in semitic languages would be able to point out
the common reason for the Jewish [self-?]
and the "Arab" expansion .... [I answer]
....that in Judaism the proper name of God YHWH
received the value of a term
(compare the common "translations" like 'kyrios' ('Lord')
while inversely in Islam the term God melted with the article
- in a grammatically unusual way -
and became the proper name 'Allah' instead of 'Alilah'....
I lifted my eyes in order to let sink in this stunning observation,
which I had never made myself,
and it was then that my eyes fell on the heads in front of me:
A young orthodox man with ear-locks, sitting next to what was probably
his mother, who read in a Hebrew prayer-book.
In front of them I discerned two Arab Bedouin Muslim women with scarfs
around their heads - talking to each other.
The bus-driver, a man, could be both, a Jew or an Arab.
And if this is not delight enough
- there now, while I was sculpting these lines, was a knock at the
door, something which has happened not more than twice in 16 months.
When I opened, a scarf-covered tall woman stood before me - here in
Shoham! - as if she had stepped right out of the photos below... (see on April 8, since this page is already
too "heavy" according to the
rules of the K.i.s.s.-log Game)
[When I read this quote, I had horrid associations and deleted
the e-mail.
2 hours later the very same quote was forwarded to me by my peer,
with the underlining of one sentence, and his comment: "Isn't it
amazing, if one connects it to the context" [he obviously means the context of our garden-project two
days ago
and the principle of my vocation of "not doing anything on the
exterior level"
can also mean, that there are other people who are yearning for "doing",
what grants them "grate-full-ness and zest-full-ness and full-fill-ment"'
and if I have a surplus of money from my National Insurance allowance,
it means that I can even pay Or, the professional gardener,
who was sent our way just when we loaded the young fruit-trees]
Anything you desire, the Universe can find
a way to let it happen
within the context of people’s natural, joyful desires.
It must be, for this is a joy-based Universe.
And so, as you watch children playing in the
and having great joy in it,
you might not enjoy playing in the mud,
but they do.
And so, there’s somebody enjoying
doing something you don’t want to do.
And that pretty much applies to everything.
There’s someone who would enjoy doing every thing
that you don’t want to do .
And if it really came down to
where there was really not one person willing to do that thing,
you would develop another way of approaching it.
There are a lot of things that were in your history
that you no longer participate in.
You left them behind because no one wanted to do them.
April 6, 2012, Eve of Shabbat, Eve of Pesach, Arad
My daughter-in-love announced their
website "sh-taim",
a co-creation: "Two are tasting life. Through look, humor,
argument and - food"
When I put "Atemkolen" in Google,
I found a correct definition in English: "As speech follows the cadences of breath,
the new Bible-translation
was structured and divided
according to Atemkolen [breathing units]."
When I opened this
site, I hit at a relevant motto:
"The poem of a poet, or the offerings of a thinker
remain in their very own, one-time, unique word.
These compel us to receive this word ever again
as if we heard it for the first time" [Heidegger]
Another sign of how "Evolution" is evolving
ever faster:
"GoodNews" points to an
extraordinary event in science.
I recall the chorus in a
song I adapted 2011_04_02
"In a parallel world, there we love always
in the distance of a touch from here",
A coincidence: in the same "Gallery Daniel " ,
Dita's exhibition will take place on April 9, 2012,
in honor of the 60th birthday of my stepdaughter!
Why is this goodness
that you are worshipping now,
these "gods" of
righteousness, morality, beautiful concepts and principles, rules and regulations
- why are these "gods" preaching detachment from physical values
when they themselves are not detached from spiritual values?
If they are so concerned about your "excessive attachments",
why are they themselves attached to your worshipping and praising them?
Why are they always seeking to look perfect and flawless in your eyes?
Why can't they let go of that image of honor, status and perfection?
Because they want to be your God?
Aren't these "goodies" also idols - only on the invisible, spiritual
Isn't it obvious already that the real God is not attached to perfection
but accepts imperfection as perfection and gives it His love?
Isn't it obvious already that it is the spiritual
that will eventually be "magnetized" towards the physical
and manifest through it -
and not the other way around?
That it is "Heaven on Earth" - not "Earth on Heaven"?!
10 Hebrew lines daily
between Ya-Ra towards the doomed-to fail shemshem.org 2012_04_06- 2013_03_13DELICIOUS