The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



Overview of and Links to the Pages of My Community: Desert Vision - Succah Parting from its realization in the exterior World

See below, what I inserted in January 2011!


D E S E R T   V I S I O N

Desert earth, devoted or rebellious
Desert wind, relaxed or tempestuous,
Desert moon, radiating or veiled;
Naked and pure is the desert earth

She conceives, she gives birth
to love and grace,
compassion of Wo/Man,
compassion of Wo/Man
towards him/herself.

see in SongGame



1.Stage: 1983-88 : Becoming Prepared
     2.Stage: Nov. 1988 - Nov.1990 : Conception and Pregnancy   
      3.Stage: Nov. 1989 - Pesach 1990 : Birth of the Succayah as a scientific model of an SPS business
 4.Stage: Pesach 1990-February 1994 : Arrival of Paying Guests and Consolidation of Concepts
   5.Stage: Febr. 1994 - Succot 1994 : Expansion of Responsibility and Experiment with optimal target guests
      6.Stage; Succot 1994-Pesach 1996 : The Succah's "Coming-of-Age"
    7.Stage: Pesach 1996 - August 1998 : Fragile Independence
      8.Stage: August 1998- August 2001 : Forced partnership of Four




Ninth Stage: September 2001-July 2002
Conflict between Partners and Parting-in-Peace
2002_08_20; last update before closure: 2003_06_30; and again on July 24, 2012

The relationship between the partners,
always strained, had deteriorated.

Gadi withdraws to town,
for more than 10 months
a partner only on paper.
No contact whatsoever.

Avi exploits a change in Company Law
and makes himself "inherit" the Company for Desert Resources,
by founding the Company "Succah in the Desert", 2001_11_29.
Efrat&Gadi are "dispossessed" since June 2002. See "Testament"!

From the place
where we are right,
will never sprout up
flowers in spring.

The place where we are right
is trampled and hard
like a yard.

But doubts and loves
make the world loose
like ploughed by a mole.

And a whisper is heard
where there was the house [allusion to the ancient temple]
which is destroyed

Yehuda Amichai
[translated by me]

For Efrat and Gadi
in the month of Elul

[the month before the Jewish New Year is dedicated
to asking for forgiveness and to forgiving]

Towards the (intended) closure of Healing-K.i.s.s. on 2003_07_04

From great distance I watch the three structures on the slope,
which are no longer triangular succahs but house-like cabins.
The beautiful Peace-Process
led not only towards
Parting-in-Peace between the partners Avi and Gadi,
but also to the completion of my own parting
from my Desert Vision as it was embodied in "Succah in the Desert".





Continuation of this "Good-Bye Present" to my 23 years of Grandmotherhood,
i.e. of the sequence of "The Life of Ayelet, which Ayelet has not known",









There was not only bread, there was also fresh rain-water in the ancient cistern next to the ancient mosaic - see on Yael's page


(see context: Learn&Live 15, January 2011]

The"Good-Bye Present" to my 23 years of Grandmotherhood
i.e. of the sequence of "The Life of Ayelet, which Ayelet has not known",

is completed

I am grateful, that for my "mourning-work"

-the letting go of 23 years of grandmotherhood-

I had the idea of inserting the material of both:
90 photos from Arnon's slideshow, prepared for the celebration of Ayelet's Bat-Mitzva,
and the original selection of 5 years of photos with Ayelet, from which Efrat created
"The Life of Ayelet, which Ayelet has not known"

Though this work took many more hours and concentration than expected,
it was healing -"to harvest" at least part of the goodness in those 23 years:
The technical work of -
-discovering many different "old" pages , beginning with Ayelet's birthday page
and ending with this page, which has nothing to do with my grandmotherhood,
but which has much to do with parting, with "going-out", with "lekhi-lakh"!

- adapting the selected photos to the free space in those already existing pages,
so that no page would exceed the limit of 1300,

- and down-sizing many photos, so they could be juxtaposed in a symmetric way

forced me, gave me the chance, to re-experience a great period of my life.

Old Pages with Bat-Mitzva photos and 90 inserts from Arnon's slide-show (344 photos)

Ayelet's page in SongGame

"Grateful to the Seven"

"Yearning for Partners"

"Full-fill-ment in Work"

"My granddaughter and I"

the first page of FULLmoon FULL-FILL-ment

the second page of FULLmoon FULL-FILL-ment

Old Pages with inserts from the material I collected for "The Life of Ayelet which Ayelet has not known"

the 3rd page of FULLmoon FULL-FILL-ment
the 4th page of FULLmoon FULL-FILL-ment
the 5th page of FULLmoon FULL-FILL-ment
the 6th page of FULLmoon FULL-FILL-ment
the 7th page of FULLmoon FULL-FILL-ment
the 8th page of FULLmoon FULL-FILL-ment
the 9th page of FULLmoon FULL-FILL-ment
the 10th page of FULLmoon FULL-FILL-ment
the 11th page of FULLmoon FULL-FILL-ment
the 12th page of FULLmoon FULL-FILL-ment
the 13th page of FULLmoon FULL-FILL-ment
Grandma of Ten
The Four Elements of Tomer
"Guilty without having sinned"
"Don't force yourself to change"
"Desert Vision>the 9th Stage of the Succah"