The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



Overview of and Links to the Pages of My Community: Desert Vision - Succah Parting from its realization in the exterior World


D E S E R T      V I S I O N

and further down  2012 the last three of



(1) ALT-NEU-LAND 2003 - my old vision:
The Midbaryah:
An socio-economic infrastructure based on
12 Succah-like hosting enterprises and
a Midbaron, an SPS oriented desert hamlet

(2)ALT-NEU-LAND 2003
- Gadi's and Efrat's vision

"The first Midbaryah
does already exist:
and its surroundings!"

(3) ALT-NEU-LAND 2003
my new vision

The Pyramidion or Ohalah or Rihlah
Mobile hosting enterprises, based on
pyramidal tents for guests and hosts,
around permanent service settlements.

Back to First Page of "OLD VISION"

Second Page

2003_02_20 ; last update: 2003_02_23, never completed

I cannot get enough of this view, especially on that cloudy winter day

For people unfamiliar with the desert, following the 2 km dust road to my fata morgana might be boring.
For me every step and every turn opens up new exciting views, close by as well as more in the distance

As dry as these salt shrubs [used as food by the poorest of poorest in biblical times] may look now -
imagine the wadi flooded by rain, so no jeep can pass through this road, and shortly after the shrubs will be green.
One of the many technical inventions, I figured out during my many walks here, concerned a device,
which would make the road passable without the danger of being either swept away or of hurting nature.
A glimpse of the area, which was cultivated in the past, and was supposed to be cultivated again, just for local use.




September 10 and 22, 2012

Exactly 10 years after I began the Desert-Peace-Process ,
in the frame of which I re-visited the site for creating the first "Midbaron"

I'm using the free space on these pages for copying and graphically editing the info from

the last three of the eight books of Right Use of Will
Since the copying and excerpting of the Red Book is completed,
I continue to copy - without any omissions
the Orange Book and the Indigo Book.



I continue to listen to Haydn's "Creation", [with English subtitles of the lyrics),
[it is the only video of a full performance, I can find, but it's outrageous, that almost all Biblical passages about the Creation are omitted].
while continuing to copy
the chapter about
and the chapter "HEART ATTEMPTS TO BRIDGE THE GAP IN PURPLE", or the Jesus-Mary story,
which I've edited already in puzzle piece 47: Mary and the Mother

The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 216

day after day and night after night. She hardly went into the forest anymore because of the vines and other problems there. There was not much else she liked to do in Pan anymore either, and she thought her court had grown quite decadent and boring, which she attributed to its being so much under the control of the satyrs, and yes, insipid, too, from her point of view.

When she mused along in her own thoughts about this, she pretty soon grew enraged at the satyrs for a long list of reasons. She saw them as insipid and foppish contenders for the position of King at her side, where she kept an empty throne that she did not let them sit in for more than a minute. In fact, the moment they said anything while sitting there that she determined to be stupid, she often even knocked them from the seat with her scepter as though they were ejectees from a marriage suddenly gone sour, and enjoyed watching them lose their composure in public where they coudln't do anything about it because she had more supporters in the court than they did, or so she thought.

The satyrs made fun of her for doing this saying she had gone quite daft and didn't know good sense when she heard it. There were many who sought a moment's private audience with her and who dared to sit on the throne, but whenever she had not liked what any of them had to say, and not one of them had lasted more than a few minutes, she bonked them from the throne with her scepter also.

She was very quick to judge, My light noticed, while saying I was very quick to judge her. Even if she did not say anything overtly, she knew within a moment within herself that she was not going to like what was coming next and unseated them from the throne before they got a chance to say it. Any who did not like the results of this were made fun of in the court for a long time because it was not possible to disagree with the Faerie Queen in her court and gain any kind of favor with her at all.

Uproarious laughter, animated and clever talk as well as fabulously inventive and imaginative costuming was what the Faerie Queen wanted in her court and wanted her court to be known for, unlike some boring places, such as the Godhead, she implied, and whenever she did, everyone had to agree with her, over and over, as many times as she required it, that the Godhead she had created right there on Earth was ever so much more lively, interesting, colorful and entertaining than My boring, old, white on white on white Godhead ever was.

To keep up with the pace and expectations of the court was a

p. 217

major task for many of the spirits there, but no one wanted to admit that it was any problem at all. Most of them wanted to say that it was no problem at all, that they were moving at their natural speed and that it all simply came naturally as a result of their innate cleverness, which was the most usual response if anyone ever complimented anyone on anything thay had done, which never happened without unpleasant undercurrents, given how rampant competition was there.

The feeling was that frequent form changes were necessary, not only because the mother [sic] was looking more and more frequently bored, but to show off that they had these powers and to avoid their own boredom too. No one was sure what she liked though, or what they dared present her with since she took swipes at them with her scepter frequently, and with little lashes of her fiery breath and sometimes even with the end of her dragon tail, neither of which she appeared to notice doing.

So quickly did her tail lash out at someone and then disappear again that a momentary lapse of attention could miss the entire event, and since the Faerie Queen did not appear to notice this and did not acknowledge this publicly, everyone else pretended not to notice this either, and since there was fairly open buzz about this in the court, as those who saw it told those who had missed it, and she did not appear to hear it, they all began to play with her about this, pretending that it was not general court knowledge that the Faerie Queen was also the Fire Dragon, and seeing how outrageous they could get and how far they could go with this before she would openly reveal herself there, maybe without realizing it.

This made her rage fragments even angrier, as well as embarrassed and ashamed to be seen as a part of her when so much fun was being made of her in the court and she was more and more being viewed as someone who was not really powerful enough to control things there and even losing her presence and not seeming to have her wits about her. The more this went on and they could not dominate her with their urgings to make a show of power, the more they seemed to believe this themselves and the more urgent they became about wanting to get out, be seen as something separate from her, and make their power play from there.

As her boredom seemed to grow, she seemed more and more unconscious on the throne, often yawning and appearing to be half asleep, or even cat napping, while many, even nearby, talked about her behind her back. When she did not appear to hear and did not respond except with occasional and sudden lashings from


p.216 [quoted first in pp47 Mary and the Mother]

became pregnant and the rest was going to be up to us.
This was not the pregnancy she really wanted to have, either.
She wanted a Will polarized son who would not leave her this way.
Spirit heart did not want any Will presence there
that wasn't going to vibrate very well with this mission,

and sibling rivalry was going on even
as to what pieces of Heart were going
to incarnate as Jesus
and even as to what positions of dominance they were going to have.

Jesus was born according to the prophecies that said he would be,
because having given the prophecies,
besides having healing intent,
Purple wanted to make themselves right then.
From there, you all know the story that has been given to you,
but I would like to make some other points clear,
and the first one is that
when the Romans deified Jesus
to make him the figure they wanted to have
for the religion they were going to use to hold their empire together,

one of the first things they did was make it a crime to assail his image, even if it was the truth.
This was a tool they used often to obscure the truth,
make questions imnpossible,
punish those who asked them
and obliterate memory and records on the subject.

Managed history allows the ones doing it
to have the viewpoint they want put forward on Earth
and all others vanquished or discredited.
The Inquisition and the burning of the great libraries,
including the one at Alexandria, Egypt,
in the name of getting rid of heretics, lies and blaspheny
are testimony enough to that,

so be careful who you tell or show this information to,
because this viewpoint is not gone from Earth,
and do not disregard this warning without realizing that if you do,
your intent is to do harm, no matter what you say it is.

Mary had Jesus to raise until twelve years of age
when she and Joseph of Arimathea, agreed
that he could not stay there anymore
because the things he was saying
were too imflammatory toward those in the power positions,
but she did not want them to go away and leave her there alone, either.
Mary wanted to go with them
but did not feel she could when she had other children at home,
and the guilt reflection there at home for Mary, was purple also,
and was telling her she could not make this journey.
Purple didn't want to have to get involved in early childhood parenting,
but this was the age when purple wanted him brought to them.
She knew this intuitively and felt unwanted then.
She decided she could not make the journes.

Joseph of Armathea did not really remember what the plan was
once he incarnated,
but he didn't need to do it "right."
He had feelings and circumstances,
which are not random, prompting him.


Because of his vision of bringing the two worlds together,
he wanted to take Jesus first to the east to study,
then pass through to let Jesus see his mother one more time
and then take him to the west,
to his old connections near the Tor.
I, Christa-Rachel, visited the Tor at Glastonbury in 1997
- I wonder why....

It was Joseph of Arimathea
who had gotten them safely to Egypt by caravan,
and by this time, he was making a lot of money travelng as a trader.
He was also a spiritual man
who sought other spiritual people in [sic] his travels.
Since he was related to Mary and Jesus' father had just died,
it did not seem unusual that he would take Jesus under his wing
and teach him his livelihood.
He never said anything to Jesus about being his father though,
and Mary had never told him who his father was, either.
Jesus had assumed it was Josph,
but he did not look like Joseph at all,
and he did look like Joseph of Arimathea.
He began to have feelings that this was his father,
but he did not dare say anything unless his father said it first.

In the east,
Jesus got the same kind of training that people still seek in the east,
and he was very good at meditating and all of the other things
they teach in the east.
In the west,
he was going to receive the teachings of the Mother
and the nature-based wisdom that was there,

and in this way, Joseph of Arimathea was going to do his part
in something he had wanted to do for a long time,
bring these two worlds together,
only he did not know who the Mother really was
and had Mary located
at the crossroads between these two worlds,

as though she was the heart love and nurturing
Jesus was to receive first,
but was not really the one he needed to help him fulfill this mission.

These were most interesting trips for Jesus,
and he did not miss home much at all except for occasional times
when he and Joseph of Arimathea would speak of Mary to each other for a little while.
To them, they were moving around in an exciting world.
Mary's presence was receding for Jesus,
and growing into a young man, broadened by travel and study,
was his focus.

In the west, they taught him more about
how to command the elements
than he had been taught in the east,
but many things they taught him were not that very different
than what he had learned in the east,
and so he had the wisdom of only one world,
but they thought that people so out of touch with each other
having so many of the same things to teach
that what he was taught was right.

Mary did not know much
about what he was taught in those places,
but she did know she didn't like
how Jesus felt to her when he returned home.
She did not say much to him about it, though,





29:16          Nr. 13 Chor mit Soli

Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes,
Und seiner Hände Werk
Zeigt an das Firmament.

Dem kommenden Tage sagt es der Tag,
Die Nacht, die verschwand, der folgenden Nacht:

Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes,
Und seiner Hände Werk
Zeigt an das Firmament.

In alle Welt ergeht das Wort,
Jedem Ohre klingend,
Keiner Zunge fremd:

Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes,
Und seiner Hände Werk
Zeigt an das Firmament.

The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 218

her tail, which she did not acknowledge doing, they fell to bickering among themselves about the wisdom of letting this happen, feeling privately enraged about issues of timing and what this was going to mean about respect for themselves if they did step forward. Most saw it as further evidence that they were more powerful than she was and that she was nothing without their help, but a few did not. A few saw this as a problem of disrespect for the position itself.

None let it be known what they had in mind here, though; all of this bickering was in the form of what the mother on Earth should do next to regain her sagging power and authority and the respect she deserved. All listened carefully to see what ideas they cold steal from the others and all slipped out from behind the Faerie Queen when it appeared it wouldn't be noticed, and introduced themselves in the court as faeries who had been lost in the woods for a long time and who wanted to be filled in on the details of the court, by which method they sought to learn even more of what others thought and observed that was being kept hidden from the mother on Earth.

Their positions as understudies made hem feel they must best her (sic) to prove themselves, and so they were always looking for ways to nip at her in the court and safely enjoy the resultant laughter by surrounding themselves with others who might share their point of view. And since she was listening more intently than they realized to see what she could learn, they were often the object of the mother on Earth's tail lashings too, and often responded with a little dash of fiery breath themselves.

Although the satyrs enjoyed giving a lot of trouble to many of the new arrivals, they did not give these new arrivals in court a problem even though they wondered how they had gotten in there. All assumed they had somehow slipped past one of them who did not want to admit he had been busy sexually extracting the price of admission from another applicant at the door. They would have let them pass anyhow because they smelled familiar to them and they all thought, "What have we here?" They could not keep their hands off of anyone who interested them sexually and these faeries were definitely more interesting to them tnan the little faeries they had been using sexually. The satyrs made alliances with these faeries in exchange for mutual favors, and moved along with them as though they might have mates now, which also made the Faerie Queen furiously jealous.

The satyrs played with her jealousy here too as they could not

p. 219

resist any opportunity to bait the Faerie Queen when so much of their held rage was focused on getting revenge for anything they even imagined she might have ever done to them, and the list was long of things she actually had done. They baited the Faerie Queen as much as they possibly could and in fact, the satyrs were the most outrageous in the court in what they said and revealed there, especially about the mother on Earth, keeping up an almost constant stream of comments of a derisive nature toward her, intended to see how far they could go before they provoked her into an open display of rage as though they ad this in mind for some purpose of their own there. The faeries on their arms behaved as though this viewpoint and attack from the satyrs couldn't possibly also apply to them, while playing the game in their minds of which of these satyrs they might like for their King when they took over the throne.

In fact, the game of baiting and side stepping became quite a developed art in the court, and many of the satyrs developed quite a swish in their side step to avoid the tail lashings when they saw them coming, and laughed and snickered amongst themselves as though this was quite a lot of fun, very revealing and quite a game for them, as it was, in terms of what they were planning.

The satyrs knew there was no Fire Dragon who was going to come to the rescue of the Faerie Queen other than the one that lay hidden right there within her, and now the others in the court knew this too, or most of them did, since some of them had not been quick enough to see this or did not want to believe it.

The denied heart Ronalokas did not like this treatment of the mother on Earth and also wanted her to make a show of power, which they were trying to encourage her to do by carrying to her any information they had which they thought might be relevant or of interest to her and fuel her in this direction. They also thought they might have to make a show of force themselves somehow. They weren't sure how to go about it, but they were keeping their eyes and ears open for any new ideas that might come their way.

The satyrs, on the other hand, thought they did not have any problems with their own power play because they had so many different plans and thought they had all their bases covered. It was not even a problem anymore, as they saw it, as to how they could make the Faerie Queen a prisoner right there in the court, before she could become the Fire Dragon and best [sic] them, if they decided to go that way. They had not been sure they could get away with it in front of her supporters, unless they could somehow make


p. 218

because the only things she did say,
he took as nagging, complaining and negativity.

The women who had taught Jesus did not say much
that was directly against his mother there.

It was much more subtle than that.
They just presented their own view as the right view of things
and even in the way they smiled at Jesus conveyed the impression,
that Mary was very simple in her ways
and didn't really know what was going on spiritually.

That she did not like the vision of the future for her son,
Jesus knew already,
and now he found out many other things
that she was at variance with in the spirtual teachings he was receiving.
He began to think that his mother did not really know
what she was talking about
when she said many of the things she said.
Jesus began to be dominated more and more
by his imprinting
and polarized to the position
he was polarized to in original cause,
which was the Spirit polarized side
of the original split

When Jesus came back to Mary
after his long journeys far away to study,
he acted aloof toward her and superior in all things,
especially in spirtual knowing,
but only at the undercurrent level.
The presentation was one of kindness, respect and diplomatic manners toward his mother,
but the tone was patronizingly tolerant only.
It made her feel nearly sick inside and frightened at the same time,
but she had nothing left with which to persist through this,
and so it became a nagging feeling in her
that he began to perceive as bringing on his problems,
more than a feeling of them in advance.
He told her,
"Do not worry; worry draws the object of worry."

When Jesus returned,
he did not know how to go about accomplishing his mission really
He wanted to have the throne that was not occupied at the time
and rule the land as a spirtual and a material man,
but this meant having the ones in power validate him as the right one.
This seemed to him to be an almost insurmountable problem,
and it was a weak point in purple's plan,
because these people were mostly blue.

When Joseph of Arimathea didn't appear to be helping him
as much as he thought he would and hoped he could
and told him, instead, to wait and see what might develop,
Jesus felt he could not stand to wait anymore.
He was anxious to show others what he had learned.
While Joseph of Arimathea was trying
to arrange a good marriage for Jesus
that would solidify his position through marriage
to another powerful, aristocratic and wealthy family,
Jesus was trying to impress these purple heart daughters
by telling them
he could heal them of their various complaints and ailments.

p. 219

Then he began to move around with them as a following.
This did not look good to his mother.
She wanted Joseph of Arimathea to insist he marry one of them,
but Jesus was not ready to listen to that yet.
He wanted the freedom
he had so recently been experiencing in the west,
and Joseph of Arimathea could not say anything to him
that he would listen to there, either.
When he told him this was not acceptable,
Jesus did not relate to this very well,
because he had not been raised there during the years
that these behavior patterns were forming.

Joseph of Arimathea and Mary both feared
that reputation was at stake and that reputation was important
if the mission was going to be accomplished.
Jesus wanted to have some fun and told them
he should not have been taken there
if they didn't want him to take in their ways (sic)
Here he was again,
behaving in ways that his parents feared
were going to outrage the local authorities.
Mary was frightened,
and Joseph of Arimathea was having a difficult time with him,
because he was not even viewed
as his legitimate father,
any more than he really had been in original cause.

[What does this mean?
In "Original Cause" Heart was the offspring of Spirit and Will,
see for instance in "The New Language of Heaven"
not of The Father of Manifestation,
who is incarnated here as Joseph of Arimathea!]

Jesus was listening,
but he was not heeding the advice
his parents were trying to give him there.
He wanted to move about the countryside,
teach people what he had learned and show them what he could do.

He wanted to be the popular king
and have the people demand that he be given the throne,
and he began going around the countryside,
talking a lot about what he had learned
and showing people what he could do. (sic)
Jesus was as excited to show them what he could do
from a desire to help and heal
as he was to win friends
and influence people

He wanted them to recognize him
as someone who would make a great king and give him the throne,
but those in power did not like what he was doing there.

August 16, 2012
A terrible memory comes up
about how I, too, "used" friends, or so they claimed,
for promoting my mission on this planet.
I had to get up and breathe like a dog and I still tremble.
Even if I never said that sentence to Bezalel's wife, my pupil,
it was true, that I did exactly what Jesus did according to the Indigo-book:

There was a pupil of mine in the seventies, named Roni ben-David.
She was in love with me, and, as in other such "cases", became disappointed.
She acted this out, when she gave birth and in announcing it to me,
she - much later - claimed, I had responded:
"What a pity (that you are now busy being a mother)
- I had other plans with you!
Neither then nor now can I believe, that I said something so cruel as that.
But she acted on her belief and judgment against me.
My husband had been present,
when Ronni and her husband, before that birth, had visited us
When the process of divorce began between us, toward the end of 1980,
he found no other lawyer than the husband of my pupil, Bezalel Ben-David.
This had dire consequences for my eldest son,
that son, with whom I had become pregnant
in the same way as Mary had become pregnant with Jesus...
Rafael, Immanuel's father, decided , together with Bezalel Ben-David,
that Immanuel would - unlike his four siblings - get no material heritage.
Only his children would get something, when they would become grownup.
I never understood the reason for this lovelessness..
This verdict did matter in material terms,
but it mattered and matters a thousand times
to the heart of Immanuel and to me.

Joseph of Arimathea thought
Jesus was making too much of a public stir too quickly
without going through the proper channels
who would want the opportunity to recognize him before,
not after, the people did,
and he felt personally angered, disregarded and hurt by this,
because he felt
that he did have the connections to help Jesus gain the throne
that he wanted to have there.

He insisted that Jesus get married.

Jesus healed many people from their problems
with many of the healing arts he had learned in his studies.
Many of them were lost from Greece when the Romans took over,
but he did not know that.
Sometimes these healings needed only simple health understandings
the people were not being given there.
Sometimes people were healed simply from the faith generated by that.


Nr. 14 Rezitativ, Gabriel. Genesis 1,20; omitted
Und Gott sprach: Es bringe das Wasser in der
Fülle hervor webende Geschöpfe, die Leben
haben, und Vögel, die über der Erde fliegen
mögen in dem offenen Firmamente
des Himmels.

34:30      Nr. 15 Arie, Gabriel
Auf starkem Fittiche Schwinget sich der Adler stolz
Und teilet die Luft Im schnellesten Fluge
Zur Sonne hin.
Den Morgen grüßt Der Lerche frohes Lied,
Und Liebe girrt Das zarte Taubenpaar.
Aus jedem Busch und Hain erschallt
Der Nachtigallen süße Kehle.
Noch drückte Gram nicht ihre Brust,
Noch war zur Klage nicht gestimmt
Ihr reizender Gesang.

The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 220

them no longer her supporters, but they saw themselves as succeeding in that and gaining support for themselves everyday. They even felt they might like to try making tail lashings a crime for which they could punish and imprison her unless she agreed to tail lashings herself and gave them lessons in how to do it.

Since the Faerie Queen made no overt noise of rage to accompany these swipes of her tail, the vines were not imprisoning her and so nothing had made her aware yet of what she was doing when she was musing in her cat naps and feeling rage toward those around her and the satyrs had not, as of yet called the vines to control the mother on Earth, without revealing their methods, or that they depended upon or even used any power outside of themselves.

Even though everyone had noticed the Faerie Queen caught in the vines in the woods at times, although, not recently, the satyrs had resisted the temptation to reveal this as their own doings, always acting as though the mother's rage was not right and that was why it was happening. But now, they wanted to call the vines in closer just in case they needed them as temporary restraining devices at least, and have their fire resistant restraining devices at hand too, in case she turned into the Fire Dragon in the court. They had the feeling that surely her rage could not stand much more pressure without doing something more overt.

While pressure was mounting from the power plays that were biding their time in the wings, the form changes going on in court were getting more and more outrageous along with the behavior of the satyrs and certain other key personages present there as though the one mirrored the other. Some of these form changes were consciously controlled, but many of them were not. They were happening in response to held emotions and even expressed emotions, and many who were experiencing form changes did not know how this was happening to them and sought both to hide it when they did not like it and show it off vainly as a power of theirs when they did like it. Insecurity was rampant, as those in the court sought to be entertaining, clever and witty, and the mother on Earth seemed to feed more on their insecurity than their wit, which she often accused of being dull.

The court looked like a fantastically grotesque, bejeweled and lavishly enrobed Halloween costume party that never ended, combined with some sort of presto-chango [I found "chango", the greatest African king , but not "pesto-chango"] freak and magic show with such a repertoire of games of bait and switch , bait and deny,

p. 221

provoke and blame, hit and didge, advance and evade, set one another up, oneupmanship, showing off, gaining favor, impressing sexual or desired sexual liaisons, finding allies, understudies or any others who might be useful and all of the other things that such a seething hotbed of denials and held undercurrents such as this could invent in the war amongst the fragmentation of misalignment and scrambling for power and Parental position as this court or any court has going on in it that it's a wonder it isn't said that all games and sports in the world were invented there.

It was like a menagerie in the court at times, too, because many of the forms being changed into were animal forms or parts of animal forms, but at a subtle enough level that the displayer of such signs could deny them, and often did, if not received as wanted to be. There were signs such a the darting tongue of a snake appearing for a moment in an otherwise human looking mouth, the eye of a predatory bird appearing for a moment on an otherwise friendly posturing face, pawing hooves, horns sprouting whenever the kundalini tried to rise with something angry, and disappearing again as quickly when it fell back, furry cat and fox-type tails appearing, caressing the legs of those the tail wished to attract sexually as the purveyor or such a sign passed by and disappearing again if any threat was felt to letting this be known or seen, the coquettish appearance of feathers and fur, hands becoming reptilian-like as they grasped at something that seemed to have power and becoming soft again when the owner of the hands realized it was not good company in which to let such lust or greed be seen, feelings of vanity, silliness and foolishness showing as cocks crowing their own praises, ostrich, peacock and other feathery appearances strutting brainlessly and unaware across the floors of shifting sands and treachery like meals headed for the traps baited for them, long, tall ears trying to listen from across the room, donkey brays instead of laughter when the person was covering too much fear or stupidity to know how to hold it back, cat's paws and twitching tails ready to pounce on those who stirred these predatory instincts, fangs appearing when it was felt such a strike was called for, many rows of teeth that wanted to eat something alive, or more harmlessly, large cheeks that wanted to hide something that others could not take without it being seen.

Alarmingly, reptilian parts and beasts' snouts took precedence over many other forms in the court, I noticed, as well as bestial lower parts, especially penises, often appearing without



His touch had light in it,
and his presence gave them the confidence to believe in these healings.
That was an important part of it,
but when there was no movement in the Will to accompany that,
they did not always stay healed
without some sort of feeling of dependency upon Jesus for that.

For this reason, more than any other, many of his healings did not stay when he was gone,
and the people began to associate this in their minds
with his presence as being the miracle that had brought them to pass (sic)
As much as this increased his following of people
who needed a constant dose of his uplifting speeches,
there were often people outside his door, even late at night, who gave him no peace.

When it did appear that the people were rising on his behalf,
those in power decided to get rid of him.
To do this they decided to discredit him first.
They called his female companions prostitutes,
even though he had married one of them by then,

and called him a blasphemer
who was making claims that were not rightful claims for him to make.
Jesus said it did not matter to him.

Christa-Rachel's old and new rage against Jesus:
Why didn't you ever think about the consequences
of your righteous behavior
the consequences for the people who loved you and lost you
and for the people who would follow you for the next 2000 years
and believe,
that you delivered them from their sins and their guilt,
and by believing that,
feeling guilty even much, much, much, much more?

He had renounced interest in the material realms,
when it looked to him
like he was not going to be able to get the throne anyway,
and said
he was interested only in the spiritual upliftment of the people.

This bothered the Pharisees and the Sadducees
even more than it bothered the Romans
that he might have wanted to take the throne there.
When it became apparent that they were going to kill him,
Mary prevailed upon Joseph of Arimathea to save him.

Joseph of Arimathea was exasperated with Jesus for not listening to him,
but he did love him,
and so he went to the men of power with whom he had influence
and used every bit of his influence to
make a deal,
but it was not the deal he wanted to make
to have Jesus put on the throne.
It was a deal that instead of a crime against their religion,
it would be made a crime of inciting rebellion against the state.
Jesus would be handed to the Romans to be crucified
instead of stoned by the Jews.
He could be crucified on Joseph of Arimathea's land
but would be left alive at the end.

He was still going to suffer,
because they refused to completely let go of that,
but he would be alive.
In return, Joseph of Arimathea could tell no one,
not even Jesus' mother or wife,
and had to get him out of the country and never let him come back.


Jesus knew his life was going to appear to be ended,
and at the last supper he had with his closest followers,
told them as much, as though it was a prophecy (sic)
including having his followers drink from a cup he thought


was going to have the power to transmute the situation,
but it was not the right approach.
The situation needed to be transmuted
by emotional movement,

and we [sic] were much too late for that..

The rest is part of the story as you already know it.
His pain on the cross was greater
than his spiritual teachings to rise above it had prepared him for.
He thought he was going to be able to handle it better
than he actually could
when it happened to him,as has so often been the case

when purple has actually had to experience physical pain.

I helped him as much as I could,
but I was not able to help much,
because Jesus was listening now to more Luciferian light

than many have wanted to recognize there.
This light was preaching love and loving intent,

but it was not allowing the Will to move,
and I was already moving past that position by then.

Jesus used everything he had learned in his travvels
to survive his ordeal on the cross,
and every healing herb they knew was packed around his body
when they laid him to rest
in Joseph of Arimathea's own planned burial site.
Joseph of Arimathea, as well as many of Jesus' followers,
also helped him as much as they could
by meditating and focusing as much light as they could on him,
especially during the recovery time he needed in the "tomb"
before Joseph of Arimathea was going to be able
to get him out of the country.
Joseph was most grieved by the wound
Jesus had been given at the last minute by a soldier,
who he thought was perhaps trying to end Jesus' suffering,
but who apparently did not know about, or did not care about, the plan.

Although the healing that was done there in such a short time
was an amazing feat just in itself,
I have to dispel another myth
The "resurrection" was something that came because Jesus,
after he reflected on his life in the "tomb" for those three days,
decided he could not and would not leave
without saying something to his mother
and a few other of closest followers,
or without letting his wife know he was alive.
He knew he had to go to the east
where he had studied and never come back,
because the west was in the hands of the Romans already
[only since 44 AD, but since the exact year of Jesus' birth and death is not certain,
the time could fit].

He wanted his wife and their child to go with him.

When Jesus tried to go to his wife and tell her
that he wanted them to go away together quickly to the east
where the Romans did not control the land,
she would not hear of it.
She let her rage at what she had just been put through there
carry her away to the west with the Father of Manifestation
and did not even let Jesus know there was another child on the way there.


Nr. 16 Rezitativ, Rafael
Genesis 1:21-22

Und Gott schuf große Walfische
und ein jedes lebende Geschöpf,
das sich beweget,
und Gott segnete sie, sprechend:
Seid fruchtbar alle, mehret euch,
Bewohner der Luft, vermehret euch
Und singt auf jedem Aste!
Mehret euch, ihr Flutenbewohner,
Und füllet jede Tiefe!
Seid fruchtbar, wachset, mehret euch,
Erfreuet euch in eurem Gott!

Nr. 17 Rezitativ, Raphael,

missing in this performance

Und die Engel rührten
ihr' unsterblichen Harfen
und sangen die Wunder
des fünften Tags.


The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 222

apparent notice being taken by their owners, and often appearing briefly in response to the desire to be predatory on others there. Scales, fur and thick hair seemed to be more attractive to most of the people there than many other possible appearances, but there were often scales where there should have been hair or skin, hair where there should have been skin and many other signs of disarray in the form changes. Although feathers had presence, they were not considered to have the status the other appearances had, unless they were predatory birds, I noticed. I also noticed that the reptilian forms had hints and bits and pieces of dragon parts appearing around the court.

Meanwhile, the Faerie Queen was form changing herself, as she sat upn her throne, into a more and more grotesque caricature of her former self, and the more grotesque she became, the more grotesque everyone else was becoming also.

All of this was going on in the court, and still the Faerie Queen seemed bored enough to appear to sleep most of the time as though she didn't care about it anymore, didn't see what was mounting itself all around her, was losing herself somehow, or going senile, even slumping on her throne and looking diminished at times, as though she might have been sinking down into herself as she slept, but those who looked weren't sure if but [sic] what she wasn't losing herself to something or removing her presence from there, perhaps, except at times when the faeries slipped back into her and she awoke with more presence.

Meanwhile , the satyrs, could not form change. When they saw this happening all around them, they thought privately that they must learn to form change too, but were publicly making fun of it as foolishneess, vanity, vapidness and the vacillating, uncertain, insecure and unstable presences of poor self-image and self-esteem, mocking form change as they mocked everything until it was wondered if their best roles were as court jesters or as King pretenders or if there was a difference in the two roles.

They thought it was a matter of learning certan secrets which they were busy creeping around in the court trying to do, but conducting themselves as though form change were some sort of major joke in which they might be planning to steal forms, even perhaps rob the mother on Earth of her Fire Dragon form as though it were some sort of suit of armor or costume they could steal in the night.

The mother on Earth was furious with them, not only as the Faerie Queen who bopped them with her scepter, but as the Fire

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Dragon who lashed them with her tail, not even so much for making fun of her as for not letting her move her rage in response. Her inner desire to move rage was moving outwardly in many ways without her noticing it because she was so focused on the control it took for her to not move her rage when she was being so openly and constantly baited, played with and provoked in ways and places that did not have acceptance for her rage and were using this denial in a power play against her.

Everytime she downpressed rage within her that wanted to express outwardly, faeries moved out from behind her back, many of whom had been planning to go forth with it anyway, thinking they knew better than she did. She made even more splits than that since they fragmented from there by having offspring with the satyrs, the Ronalokas and others, as the satyrs' denied fragments were likewise doing. She also made further splits within herself by going almost only inward, without emotional movement, in order to not respond outwardly to a situation that was provoking her into entrapment.

Not only was she feeling provoked beyond her limit in the court, she was also feeling hatred toward her rivalry with the Father of Manifestation, who never came around to receive her rage for His lack of control of anything in the woods. She hated this almost as much as she hated the control the satyrs were exercising over her and her court, and not being able to move her rage with Him, she found this to be boring too. Had it not been for the satyrs showing up late in the day and often leaving at night to party in the woods, it would have been even more unbearable, although not all of them left at once, unfortunately, as she saw it, since she did not realize they were giving her protection in spite of it all.

As it was, it was unbearable enough, though, and she began to practice the art of deception herself by leaving a part of herself on the throne in the appearance of the Faerie Queen dozing off, while sneaking out with the rest of herself to let her rage go where it needed to be able to rage; sometimes the fire seas, sometimes the open skies, sometimes to seek out the Father of Manifestation in forms she found He didn't recognize, and also to party at night in the woods and see what else was going on there that she might like to experience.

On the nights when she left an impersonation of herself on the throne, she did not know how dangerous this was. She did not know how her faerie impersonators were moving against her by advancing their own opinions in the court, undermining her



In case she would not go with him,
Joseph of Arimathea did not want to let Mary know
where he was going to go with Jesus' wife,
other than to offer to take her with him,
but she did not see it that way.

She felt threatened by her presence now [????]
and unwelcome again for reasons she could not explain.
She had too much guilt
to accept these feelings in herself about her own daughter-in-law.

She did not see the cup
Joseph of Arimathea was going to take with him
as the Holy Grail it became known as later,
and did not understand those feelings, either.

She let her feelings of bitterness about the whole situation set in.
She refused to go to the east with Jesus, also,
and stayed there to see
the consequences of his discrediting set in upon the people.
When she could stand no more,
she turned her face to the wall and died in a bitterness
that took a long time to recede.

She wanted the love of Heart
to be enough,
as I did,
as we all did,
but without the Will side,
it is not enough!



I have another story to tell that is involved in the splits we have been trying to heal.

Now, in the times preceding King Arthur, the Romans had given up on finding the holy Grail [see about the Grail in my life] and had withdrawn from the British Isles. They gave no leadership in transition; they simply left. The people had great trial and tribulation after being subjected to the law and order of the Romans and then having it suddenly removed and left in the hands of those who had capitulated to their side and learned so many of their ways. With their overlords gone, they began fighting among themselves as to who should have the supreme position of domination and rule the land.

Merlin was a Spirit polarized heart person who did not see himself as welcome in the purple Jesus scenario and had been hiding out on the Isle, now known as Avalon, where he had had temple involvement but had not let himself become involved in the sexuality going on there.

The Druids had taken him in because of this, but he was not a Druid. He saw what was happening when the Romans pulled out and watched with angst as pieces of the parental rage fragmentation fought about who was going to have the dominant role in governing the people then. He did not know what he was seeing there in those terms, but he was watching most of the major pieces who


wanted to claim the parental position of the Father of Manifestation fight amongst themselves for that position, as though it was not something that was already decided by who actually had that position and as though he did not share this imprinting.

Merlin had his own rage at the parental pieces and did not let on he had this rage, himself. He wanted to be reasonable, appeal to them from the wisdom he felt he had there and guide the situation the way he wanted it to go, which was to put people in their right place and have the Father of Manifestation rule with the other pieces as subordinate and supporting lords of their own areas. Without his own rage in motion there, Merlin could not understand the depth or intensity of this rage or see that it was not prepared to be reasonable, especially not reasonable according to heart.

Merlin then decided he needed to invoke some greater power they would listen to and began to present his teachings as surrounded and supported by signs and omens, mystical teachings and prophecies and anything else he thought would help support the position he wanted others to take there, including magic. Merlin was already a mysterious person of undetermined origin and age, and he decided it would be helpful to enhance his reputation there.

When he wanted to give an understanding that required reincarnational memory that others didn't have there, he simply said he was alive then, and told them what he wanted them to know about it. When something didn't sound quite right to others according to the point of view they wanted to have, he would point to the heavens and say it was right there to be read by those who could and start giving them lessons about the stars they did not really want to have until they said, "Alright, I'll take your word for it."

Merlin was determined to have the Father of Manifestation born according to plans similar to those that had been made for Jesus, including the right bloodlines to be able to take the throne away from his competitors. He had already heard the story of Jesus and felt that he knew from some place deep inside himself what had gone wrong there.He wanted to avoid that this time by moving along with his own point of view.

Merlin did not mind engineering Arthur's parentage in many ways, including getting Igraine to go places where Uther would see her, because he felt that having the right bloodlines was only an earthly matter, when really, it was the raising of the Father of Mani-

41:20       Nr. 18 Terzett

In holder Anmut stehn,
Mit jungem Grün geschmückt,
Die wogigten Hügel da.
Aus ihren Adern quillt
In fließendem Kristall
Der kühlende Bach hervor.
In frohen Kreisen schwebt,
Sich wiegend in der Luft,
Der munteren Vögel Schar.
Den bunten Federglanz
Erhöht im Wechselflug
Das goldene Sonnenlicht.
Das helle Naß durchblitzt
Der Fisch und windet sich
Im steten Gewühl umher.
Vom tiefsten Meeresgrund
Wälzet sich Leviathan
Auf schäumender Well' empor.

Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael
Wie viel sind deiner Werk', o Gott!
Wer fasset ihre Zahl?
Wer, o Gott! Wer fasset ihre Zahl?


The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 224

consistency and authority even further and confusing the court about what her position really was, and when she resumed her position on the throne, they did not let her know what had happened in her absence, giving her a struggle sometimes in even regaining her Faerie Queen form and her throne, but not overtly enough for her to realize what they really had in mind there.

During the times she was there on her throne, her internal musings often took the form of imagining how she could take revenge on those who enraged her. The more she thought about it, the more enraged she felt that the satyrs had so much control over her and were even in control of her court now much more than she. She hated their control over her and especially over her rage. Something was going to have to be done about it.

She wanted to rage at them publicly and humiliate them in the ways she did in private, but she did not think it befitting of her Faerie Queen image or of a public display, and what if they dared to nab her right there with the vines? That would be too humiliating and revealing, and since they had overthrown her temporarily in the fire seas, she had fears about what they might try next and what that might mean in terms of a power loss in the court. And how far might they take it?

She wanted to be able to rage right there in the court if she wanted to and be protected from both the satyrs and their vines! She was tired of having to go to the fire seas everytime she wanted to rage. How she would like to scorch them with a blast of her fiery breath right then and there, grab them with her claws first and put her face right in theirs! How she would like to see their faces become frightened as she was getting ready to singe them! At least she wanted to lash them with her tail! Wht business was it of theirs of she raged or not, anyway? She wanted to turn the tables on them and make it so that they did not dare to stop her. She felt like a caged beast, and no one cared! She thought of how fortified the fireseas were and of how the vines couldn't penetrate there, and then she had an idea.

She loved her court with its open airiness and beautiful arching, cathedral-like trees overhead, so exotically filled with flowers, animals and birds. She loved the wafting, sensual breezes and pleasantly erotic scents drifting in from hidden places in the forest. She loved the sunlight that did penetrate there, and its colors glowing like stained glass through the dark veins of the tree branches in the evening. She loved the lacier leaves and sprays of greenery interwoven with the rest, and she could even have felt

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good about the vines if they had been interwoven with and supporting of the formation of her chambers instead of infiltrating, twisting and penetrating; poised at the perimeter like vicious snakes ready to squeeze the life from her if she dared rage in her own court! Those vines had to go! And the snakes they sometimes became too!

In her musings there, she not only blamed the satyrs for how boring their control of her rage had made her court, she also blamed her court for not coming up with anything new or interesting often enough. She thought of how she would like to rage at them all and thought of how a good stirring of rage might liven things up, clean out the deadbeats and bubble the cauldron anew. She liked rage. It was exciting and electrical to her and made thngs happen. Without it, something was missing in life, and unable to move it [sic] there, its exhilaration and power was missing from her court!

She began to give her fantasies of revenge an elaborately detailed form. Her idea was to take her court chamber, and her bedchamber too, for that matter, and the passageways between and preserve their beautiful form, but cast them into impenetrable, stone barriers to the vines, which would no longer be able to move anyway because they would also be turned to stone, and do it before she raged and revealed any more about herself.

She began to work on this often, intensely and internally when she appeared to be bored and half napping on her throne. She would get someone to fan the air and waft light breezes around if she had to. She would get someone to carry in things from the forest to scent the air, strew flowers about, vase flowers if necessary, but those vines had to be stopped from controlling her anymore, and the satyrs, too, for that matter, as well as everyone else who was in on it with them!

She had her fantasies of revenge nearly in place when she noticed the vines beginning to creep closer, poking their heads in through the leafy enclosure of her court chamber as though they heard her inner thoughts and felt her inner rage. She felt the vines creeping toward her as though they were the satyrs themselves ready to grab her in some terrible plot of their own of intrigue and power, and she was determined not to let them succeed.

The mother on Earth decided also that she must not let the satyrs force her hand (sic) . She pressured her rage down heavily there, telling it it was not quite the right time for it to appear yet. She wanted to stop the vines this way, and it did seem to slow their



festation to have more softness and openness toward Heart that was going to make the difference. He wanted the Father of Manifestation to be taught by Heart, in other words, namely, him.

Merlin had already succeeded in getting Arthur born by the time people began coming to him and asking him for any kind of solution, help or advice he could give to all the fighting. He told them all that if they would wait a little while, he thought he could produce an heir to the throne that would satisfy them all. This way, they did not know his age or where they going [sic] to find him.

It was Igraine who had given birth to Arthur and had given him up, both to protect hm and because she had a rancor toward the child, Arthur, with she often spoke of to her older child who was Morgaine, a daughter who was not very favorably looked upon by the father who had taken her father's place. Morgaine had a growing rancor toward him for that, and not being able to do anything about it with him, resolved to take it out on his son, whose whereabouts Uther did not know. The more he longed for his own son and gave little to no attention to Morgaine, the more she resolved to do it that way.

Igraine and Merlin had an old relationship together with the Celtic-Druid people. She trusted Merlin that he knew best what needed to happpen there, and so gave him Arthur willingly but she did not really like his plan and hated him, too, for giving Uther her husband's appearance that night without telling her what he was going to do. Women had plenty of power in Igraine's experience as a temple descendent, and she did not see why her daughter should not be given the throne she had hoped was going to be won for their family if Morgaine was simply adopted by her new husband and declared his rightful heir.

Igraine gave the outward appearance of staying out of politics, but she was very much tuned in to the goings on and had her own opinions about how she wanted it to go there. Where she disagreed with Merlin, she had rage at him, but it did not move as rage, and Morgaine took her mother's rage upon herself and wanted to avenge it, also. Igraine did not speak to her daughter about the deception the night of Arthur's conception, but her daughter had been in the room, and the child had seen.

Morgaine had indigo involvement, displaced from her mother's purple, and she had seen that this man was not her father. She could not let her mother know because she could not talk yet but she also did not want to let her mother know because she did not see how this could have helped her mother anyway, since he


was so urgent and aggressive with his rage driven sex, as if he was taking revenge against Igraine's husband this way. She hated Uther for taking her father's place. All of these things formed in her as unspoken impressions since she did not speak yet.

She did not speak for a lng time after tht, either, until her mother thought she had been traumatized there, but Morgaine preferred to hold her observations as impressions she allowed to form as pictures she held in her mind.She was forming her own rage agenda there that even involved taking over her mother's position if she got the chance, because she saw her mother as not strong enough there, especially when she allowed this man to move in and lord it over her that she was not his daughter. Uther wanted to find Arthur, but he knew he had to let Merlin keep him safe. He did not live long enough to see Arthur become king, and Morgaine had an unseen hand in that.

Merlin had gone to Arthur many times to educate him in the ways he wanted him educated where he was growing up in secret, but it had not gone as well as he had hoped. They had had many disagreemtns until Merlin was not even sure he wanted Arthur on the throne when the day finaly came, but he wanted to finish what he had started and was determined to see it through as best he could. The more he butted heads with Arthur, the more he was not sure if he could make any difference with him. He never tried direct emotional movement, though, only reasoning, and there, imprinted point of view was in a stand off against imprinted point of view no matter how much of a relationship they had in the other parts of themselves.

As most people already know, Arthur had no idea who he really was, until his day came and Merlin suddenly revealed that he was claimant to the throne of the king who should rule all of the other fighting lords. Arthur was overwhlemd by how many fighting , and powerful looking, lords there were. He had felt like a man, but now he suddenly felt like a boy there in their presence and not a boy who was very well respected or welcomed. He saw himself through their eyes and feared they were right. He looked too weak, was only a boy and was illegitimate by birth, he now found out, which was a shock to him. He hadn't even known his parents were not his real parents until that moment when Merlin announced his claim to the lords who were gathered in London there, and suddenly, all around him, people were arguing about when the marriage between his parents had taken place and the other circumstances of his birth that he had never known before.

44:24      Nr. 19 Chor mit Soli

Der Herr ist groß in seiner Macht, Und ewig bleibt sein Ruhm.

Nr. 20 Rezitativ, Raphael, Genesis 1:24 [omitted]
Und Gott sprach:
Es bringe die Erde hervor
lebende Geschöpfe nach ihrer Art:
Vieh und krichendes Gewürm und Tiere der Erde
nach ihren Gattungen.

47:25       Nr. 21 Rezitativ, Raphael,

Gleich öffnet sich der Erde Schoß
Und sie gebiert auf Gottes Wort
Geschöpfe jeder Art,
In vollem Wuchs und ohne Zahl.
Vor Freude brüllend steht der Löwe da.
Hier schießt der gelenkige Tiger empor.
Das zackige Haupt erhebt der schnelle Hirsch.
Mit fliegender Mähne springt und wieh'rt
Voll Mut und Kraft das edle Roß.
Auf grünen Matten weidet schon
Das Rind, in Herden abgeteilt.
Die Triften deckt, als wie gesät,
Das wollenreiche, sanfte Schaf.
Wie Staub verbreitet sich
In Schwarm und Wirbel
Das Heer der Insekten.
In langen Zügen kriecht
Am Boden das Gewürm.

The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 226

creeping advance for a little while.

She wanted eveything to be in place before she risked raging in the court, but now the faeries also knew what she had in mind, and they left her, carefully slipping away, almost laughing openly with uncontainable glee at how she was handing them the right time to make their power play and without noticing it. She was going to make it safe for them to move rage and turn into fire dragons, and they all secretly planned to beat her to it. Knowing she would not perform such a piece of magic in public, and, therefore, had to leave the room to do it, they slipped to the edges of the court, hoping not to be seen by her, and waited.

The mother soon noticed the vines creeping toward her again. Knowing how fast they could move, and not knowing her own fragmentation here and how it really felt about her, she left an impersonator on the throne who was a little more clever than the rest and not quite so anxious to leave, and slipped away to her own chambers to do the magic in private that would quickly cast her court and surrounding chambers into stone.

She did not want to give anyone in the court time to oppose her before it happened. Everything had to be in place. She must move quickly and do everything right, and she must also make sure she remembered everything. She was a little nervous. She didn't want to forget anything such as when she had opened the entranceway to the fire seas and not closed the door properly.

She pushed these thoughts away from her mind in order to focus on the magic at hand. She cast her spell exactly as she had planned it, and instantly, her chamber was transformed. She was almost afaid to look out into the passageway, but she heard such an uproar from the court chamber that she did, and seeing that the passageway, too, was now encased in stone, she gathered her regal robes about her and hurried to open the door to her secret passageway. She passed quickly through it and emerged into the secret place from which she had, for some time, been able to observe the court, unseen.

Before she even got there, the smell of fear and pandemonium assailed her. She felt the steam of her rage snort this smell from her nostrils. She hated the smell of fear. She felt triumphant and smug, but braced herself for a moment before opening the shutter in her secret place to look down upon the court. It was only a moment before she could no longer resist looking, and what she saw was bedlam in her court.

She roared in delight, "Now that's a lot more interesting! A lot

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more lively and interesting!"

How foolish fear may have been to have ever ventured there at all. Gazelle, antelope and deer-like animals were stampeding wild-eyed around the room, giving off the scent of fear onto the very snouts of jackal and hyena-type predators growling and snapping at their throats and heels as they tried to run them down. Horns and antles were butting the walls from many heads, while wildebeast (sic), warthog and wild boar-type bodies were throwing their weight against the walls and pawing wildly at the now stone floor. Birds screeched and soared for the, now cast in stone, tops of the tree branches. Monkeys screamed and leaped for the high places, jumping excitedly up and down on their perches, imitating the sounds and raining things down upon the stampeders. Lion-like beasts roared with rage at being caged, and no vines stopped them. The mother roared with them. Snakes were slithering quickly out of the way, looking for escape and even some worms, the mother noticed, were crawling about looking for holes.

"There are none big enough for a vine!" the mother on Earth screamed in rage that felt free and powerful again at last, proud of the solidness of her vision. "There's no escape!The only doors are heavy, and they are locked, and I have the only key!"

She felt into her robes then to make sure, and was relieved to find that she really did have the key with her this time. It was not lost or forgotten. As her hand closed around it, she felt smug and successful and congratulated herself.

I was surprised the walls didn't come down under the assault or that the sheer weight of them didn't sink into the spongy earth of Pan, but the mother on Earth had thought of everything and had put foundations under them and even some subterranean chambers similar to some of the caverns in the fire seas.

As she saw the satyrs running below her, dribbling urine from their semi-erections and shaking with excitation, she was glad they coudln't reach her where she was watching them from her hidden vantage point.

The mother on Earth looked then to see if she could see who was responding how, but it was almost impossible to tell who was who anymore other than how she remembered casting their form in her magic spell.

"They helped me anyway by putting themselves there," she growled as she gazed down upon the stampeding pandemonium beneath her.

She thought of putting in an appearance in the court to see



Merlin really was not a mother and did not know how this was going to affect Arthur there. He wanted to raise him to be more open of heart and then delivered a blow to his heart like that in public, where Arthur already felt that any display of emotion about it would only make him look even more weak and unprepared in their eyes.

Arthur could hardly handle the situation, and tears were having to be fought back, because he wasn't even sure he wanted to be a king, and least of all, a king who had to fight for his kingdom. He was dependent upon Merlin for his claim, his identity and as his only ally there, since his own "father and brother " were now even seeming jealous. Merlin, who he was at odds with so much of the time, had done this to him and had not even let him know! Arthur could hardly get over i!

[Sept. 23, 2012, "by chance" I saw a doc about "Fata Morgana", and there, of course, much about Arthur and Morgaine. Though Arthur got killed in the end, or perhaps because of that, he became what the program called "eine Heilsgestalt", i.e.-like Jesus- a figure in whom people put their hopes for redemption]

Arthur was not sure how he was going to fight all of these powerful looking lords to gain the throne Merlin was talking to everyone about there, but Arthur was hardly concerned about it. He was thinking about the family he had lived with all of these years and what that meant now, but Merlin did not let him stay there for long. He urged Arthur to stand up and give a speech.

Arthur hardly knew what to say and only mumbled something about hoping he could be a good king. The crowd was stunned to think that now they had a boy as heir to the throne, but Merlin was not moved by any of this and kept insisting that he was the correct heir to the throne.

There was quite an argument, and even some fighting, right there in London as to whether Arthur should be given the throne, but Merlin presided over it and Arthur was given the opportunity Merlin wanted to have there to prove that people in their right places could make things happen the way they needed to happen.

Arthur found, though, that many of those who opposed him would not come to the council meetings he said he was going to have. They preferred to have his decrees sent to them, so they could misinterpret them according to their own designs and claim they didn't know they had misinterpreted them. Arthur became exasperated with the and gave the places at his council meetings to heart pieces instead, who became his Knighs of the Round Table, but Merlin would not sit there.

Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table had to go out and subdue the land, because there continued to be a lot of fighting going on, but Arthur was gaining some allies and some allegiance, and his knights were able to stop many things the people did not


like to have happening to them.
Many of the lords stopped opposing openly, as though they were tired of fighting, but Arthur knew this was not a real allegiance and thought they were just becoming more secretive about their opposition. He was becoming a very popular king with those who were experiencing the benefits of his rule, but feeling that so much was still being hidden from him by the opposing lords, Arthur was not sure how to hold onto his throne.

Arthur still had not married and wanted to marry for love, but Merlin suggested he also try to make that be someone who would strengthen his position and his claim to the throne even more. Merlin had someone in mind, who was the daughter of an opposing lord. He thought this would help a lot, because he could see that this lord would be more helpful if he had some position there that was more than he already had, but Arthur did not like this daughter as much as he liked Guinevere and told Merlin he did not want to have a family that was split already. Merlin did not like this, seeing what it was going to bring to Arthur in the end, but he could not oppose him any more than he did because the more he opposed it, the more Arthur would not listen.

Arthur was enamored of Guinevere's soft sweetness there, and in less than a year's time they were married. They had some years then of peace and prosperity in the kingdom, during which Arthur thought Guinevere had brought him good luck and that all of his problems were solved. He thought Merlin had been wrong then and that what the people needed was a sweet, gentle and loving presence to guide them in those ways and not the strong person Merlin had seen in the young woman Merlin had wanted Arthur to marry there.

Arthur was sure Merlin was not right, because he and Guinevere had good years there at first, together; enough years to build Camelot, to live the lives upon which the legends were based about how good life was there and to encourage the people to believe they could have peaceful and happy lives. Abundance began to return [sic] the land, and the people were feeling happy and joyful, as though they were continuing to celebrate the marriage of Arthur and Guinevere, whom they seemed to have taken to heart as though they were the loving young couple through whom they could live the love and romance that was so often missing in their own lives. The only blight in Arthur's otherwise seemingly happy life was that there was still no heir.

51:01          Nr. 22 Arie , Raphael

Nun scheint in vollem Glanze der Himmel,
Nun prangt in ihrem Schmucke die Erde.
Die Luft erfüllt das leichte Gefieder,
Die Wasser schwellt der Fische Gewimmel,
Den Boden drückt der Tiere Last.
Doch war noch alles nicht vollbracht.
Dem ganzen fehlte das Geschöpf,
Das Gottes Werke dankbar sehn,
Des Herren Güte preisen soll.

Nr. 23 Rezitativ , Uriel,
Genesis 1:27 + Genesis 2:7
[omitted in this performance ]

Und Gott schuf den Menschen
nach seinem Ebenbilde,
nach dem Ebenbilde Gottes schuf er ihn.
Mann und Weib erschuf er sie.
Den Atem des Lebens
hauchte er in sein Angesicht,
und der Mensch wurde zur lebendigen Seele.


The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 228

what would happen then and looked toward her throne. She was aghast and horrified to see a fire dragon sitting on it; or a partial one, anyway, when she looked closer. She had a burst of rage and saw the fire dragon stir the stampede with fiery breath as though in response to it.

"What does this mean?" she screamed in rage that was now frantic instead of triumphant. She was afraid she already knew what it meant; insurrection in her own court!
Whoever did this is gong to pay!"

She looked frantically around the room to see what else might not have gone according to plan, and was horrified and infuriated to see quite a number of other fire dragons also trying to reveal themselves in form. She recognized them all and their identities infuriated her further. They were all faeries in her court, and not only that, allies, she had thought, who had slipped out of her to find things out for her. She studied them quickly to see how successful they were going to be and saw that they were strangely caught between peacocks, foxes, dragons and weasels with enough parts of themselves left to reveal themselves to her.

"They deserve it!" she screamed. She cursed them and wished a horrible fate worse than this upon them, but she was most worried about the one on her throne and knew she must move to unseat her as soon as possible.

"How dare she!" she screamed between clenched teeth, not knowing which was worse; her betrayal or her upstagng of her by presenting the Fire Dragon form in the court first.

She was trying to think fast, and if first occurred to her that no one knew this fire dragon was not her, and that they would not have to know if she could regain her place. But how could she get there as the Faerie Queen and not be recognized? She tried to form change into something that could get there unnoticed, but she was so enraged she kept slipping toward her Fire Dragon form instead.

She screamed in rage at this betrayal until the very stone walls of her so carefully cast spell started to shake. She quickly stopped herself, knowing she didn't want her walls to come down and that she could not turn into her Fire Dragon form there in her tiny, little, viewing chamber because she would be much too big.

She was already too late, she feared, for what she had in mind. She hated having any of her plans disrupted from the perfection in which she had so carefully planned them. Furious that she now had another reason to have to hold back her rage, she could not help raging some more. Containing herself as much as she could,

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she looked around her court to see who else was in on this. She saw dragon parts appearing here and there, and the more she raged, the more they appeared. She felt her rage was helping them somehow and that she must get away from there.

The mother on Earth made for the fire seas as fast as she could open a secret passageway, fearing that she had lost the opportunity for her last, powerful stroke and furious that after all of this, she was having to take her rage to the fire seas again. The entire way, she was seething about the loss of the perfection of her plan. As soon as she reached a cavern large enough , she became a Fire Dragon, but she needed to reach a volcano to go back the way she had planned.

"Funny," she thought to herself, "either this chamber has grown larger or I, smaller."

The mother on Earth could not let herself take time to examine this, so driven was she to the completion of her plan. She grabbed the air, leaping upward to fly furiously toward her court. She had planned to land triumphantly and scorch all of the surrounding vines out of existence, which she did, and then open the great doors with her key and let everyone out to hear her proclaim herself to be the greatest power on Earth!

She was taken aback, as she landed in her courtyard, to see Father Warriors stationed about as though they had been assigned to their places.

"What are they doing here?" she thought. She threatened them with her fiery breath, but they did not quail.

"Stuatue-like as ever, I see!" she thought.

Nonetheless, their presence was very unsettling to her.

Then she noticed it seemed strangely quiet, and presumed everyone had grown quiet in fear as she was s scorching everything surroundng the court, but when she opened the doors, there was no one there. She raged that there was no one there to hear her mighty speech which she had rehearsed and given internally to herself so many times. Then she noticed the doors seemed scorched around the key hole and she knew immediately what had happened. She raced back to the fire seas as fast as she could, hoping she wasn't already too late there.



Arthur encouraged the people to believe that not only could they live the good life vicariously through their king and queen, they could live this kind of life for themselves by giving them liberal tax laws that allowed hem to prosper as never before. He had numerous festivals to keep the feeling of happiness going, and human rights reached a new high point, not experienced with the Romans who had been there for so long. It gave the people a taste of what it could be like if rulers were fair and really cared about their people.

But it was not that Arthur's problems were really solved. Some did not trouble Arthur during that time because they did not want it to look like they did not give him an opportunity to create his own downfall by being naive and overly liberal and they needed the time to rebuild their own depleted resources, because they were lords who still did not like it that Arthur was making the people feel happy and free, and the longer this went on, the less they liked it that the people were feeling empowered in these ways. They felt that they must do things to stop it or the people were not going to let them go on ruling in other parts of the kingdom in the ways they had gotten them used to believing they were always going to be ruled.

Tales of Camelot were spreading, and the people in the kingdoms of some of these lords did not like it that their own lives were not like the elaborate tales they were hearing. When their rulers tried to tell them that these tales they were hearing were not true but would not let them journey there to find out for themselves, the people only believed the tales all the more, and the tales grew to be more and more fantastic until it began to sound like Camelot was the land of milk and honey, where food dropped off the trees and the people danced and sang in the streets all day, no longer needing to work.

Unfortunately, not knowing who he was for so long did not prepare Arthur to feel kingly in many of the ways he needed to be. There was competition among the heart pieces as to who had the most power there and who was the closest to King Arthur. He thought equality was the solution to competition. Arthur had seated them all at a round table and tried hard to behave as though he was one of the knights and not that much different from any of them. This gave the heart pieces that were there an inflated sense of themselves that he did not really like, either, when they began to give him trouble about some of his decisions.


He felt he had grown up a lot since the days when he had first offered those positions to heart pieces and regretted not having listened to Merlin when he had advised against giving them so much power and equality of position. He felt they did not understand the depth of his consciousness in a number of ways. He did not, therefore, like telling them everything they felt they should be priviledged to know since they sat at the Round Table, and some, who were not the allies they presented themselves to be, used this position to make Arthur feel pressured to give them information they were using against him.

He had a lot of trouble over issues of how to tax the peope Some didn't want any taxes at wll, while others wanted to take way more than he needed or deemed necessary. They were beginning to have more problems again with the invading forces of the rage fragmentation, and defending the kingdom was more expensive than Arthur thought it was going to be. He felt the most important thing was to bring peace to the land to give the people a chance to have their lives and to give the farmers a chance to grow the food they so badly needed there.

He felt they must get the raging opposition to give their allegiance to this throne and stop the infighting. He tried to get them to look to Gaul and other countries to see how inviting their shores might appear to them if it looked like they were going to go on fighting and remaining divided within, but these men were not interested in international politics; only internal squabbling, or so it appeared, until it began to look like they worked for other countries instead of for their own.

The guilt he had present there from not moving his emotions around these issues made it impossible for him to differentiate, too, without seeing it as setting up rivalries and competitons that he feared would be weakening to his efforts to heal the country, and so he had to set policies that should not have included all the heart pieces who were present.

Arthur felt it was not possible to give all of the information to everyone there, especially since some had alliances with families who still directly opposed him, yet not possible to give privileged information only to some, and so some had less information than they really should have had, and some had more information than they really should have had. This gave him a problem in making policies there if they all had an equal say in matters.

King Arthur thought he might be able to turn things in his own favor if he went out into his own countrty and let the people get to

54:01           Nr. 24 Arie, Uriel

Mit Würd' und Hoheit angetan,
Mit Schönheit, Stärk' und Mut begabt,
Gen Himmel aufgerichtet steht der Mensch,
Ein Mann und König der Natur.
Die breit gewölbt' erhabne Stirn
Verkünd't der Weisheit tiefen Sinn,
Und aus dem hellen Blicke strahlt
Der Geist, des Schöpfers Hauch und Ebenbild.
An seinen Busen schmieget sich
Für ihn, aus ihm geformt,
Die Gattin, hold und anmutsvoll.
In froher Unschuld lächelt sie,
Des Frühlings reizend Bild,
Ihm Liebe, Glück und Wonne zu.

Nr. 25 Rezitativ, Raphael, Genesis (omitted )
Und Gott sah jedes Ding, was er gemacht hatte;
und es war sehr gut.

Und der himmlische Chor
feierte das Ende des sechsten Tages
mit lautem Gesang:



The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 230


The mother on Earth reached the volcano. Uncertain, but driven by her rage, she entered quickly. Not knowing exactly what to expect, she entered in attack mode just in case. She was ready to force the issue of power if she needed to because she was so furious with any and all who were in on this plot against her. How dare they question her authority on Earth! After all, she was the one who was here first and had taught them everything they knew about life on Earth! Ingrates, all of them, and not a one of them really that smart, either! She was already giving them her speech in her fury on the way to the fire seas because she believed every line of it.

Once inside the volcano, she moved quickly to find her cavern of power. She felt the problem there the moment she approached it. There was hot steam from fire dragon breath all around it. The passageways to it were nearly impassable. She raged herself then, long fingers of fiery breath leaping from her throat and mouth and reaching down the passageway, seeking the fire dragon who had dared to sit upon her throne. How dare anyone sit upon her throne in the form of a Fire Dragon before she had the opportunity to do so herself and show herself to be the one to have invented that form! Inexcusable, unforgivable usurpment!

She was seething in a rage so hot it was a mighty flash of fire she sent down that passageway, and a mighty blast returned to her from the cavern of power like a fire ball rolling back on her from her own breath of fire. She sent another blast down the passageway and another was hurled back at her. "It will run down," she told herself, "It doesn't have my power!"

But she had underestimated what alliances can do, even if they break apart right after the coup. The treacherous faeries were all together there, moving rage back at her as a group. And the mother on Earth was raging back just as much as she possibly could. They had quite a battle there until the heat got so bad the mother on Earth had to back down the passageway to get some air. If she could not regain her cavern of power, she had already lost the battle. She knew then that the treacherous faerie who had sat upon her throne was not there alone.She did not have the power to do this.

"Fiery breath belongs only to Me, the only true Fire Dragon,"

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she screamed down the passageway, "not to any upstart copycats like you!"

There was no response other than long, threatening, fingers of rage whose fire seemed to be looking for her in a sinister way that made the mother on Earth step back. "There is no love in that! Where is the love in that?" she said. No answer still except more fiery flames, and more fiery flames propelled with a sound like a bellows.

She felt fear and panic for a moment and then got ahold of herself. She must do something, but what could she do if she could not regain her cavern of power? She thought of offering them jewels or other objects of power she kept hidden in the fire seas, but there was no way she was going to lose her dignity doing such a thing as that.

"You have no power except My power which you have stolen!" she screamed down the passageway.

"You have no power except My power which you have stolen," came echoing back.

For a moment the mother on Earth was not sure where this had come from and feared the rest of the Mother might be in on this coup. Then she thought it might be her own echo and her own fireballs rolling back on her.

She decided to risk the more favorable option being true and charged her way down the passageway without hurling out any more fire, hoping speed could get her to the cavern of power before anyone singed her to death first if there was a nest of adversarial fire dragons in there.

Once in the cavern, she saw the whole group of fire dragons, most of the satyrs and some of the other faeries from her court. They looked threatening toward her and were moving to block her escape routes as much as possible. She saw that they had let her come into the cavern because it was their plan. They wanted to move rage on her more directly and make her surrender to them, perhaps even force from her more of her secrets than they already had.

"So, it takes this many of you to overthrow My power!" she screamed, hurling raging fire balls all over the place at them. They hardly stepped back as though they weren't very hot at all. She could feel grief about to come over her and she could not stand it; hated it, in fact, as a matter of pride. "There is no way I am going to surrender My position to you all," she screamed.

She had suddenly realized how alone in her court she had



know him instead of looking to the opposing lords and thinking that the policies they were setting were coming from him when they were not. There was a wicked agenda of taking too much from the local people and saying it was the king's orders, not theirs. Meanwhle, it was they who lived in opulence, not the king.

King Arthur's reign was not a "citizens have the vote situation, but it was a major step forward in giving the people voice, and gaining an audience with him was not that hard. In fact, when he was traveling the land, he often sat in local pubs with the people and did not even let them know he was the king. When he made his positions clear and then revealed he was the king, many of the people would not believe him and kept insisting it could not be true.

This gave him security problems at times when others took note of his presence and decided they could assassinate him on the road later, when he left after a night of drinking with the local people, and after several harrowing escapes, he felt he always had to carry a number of knights with him who would come in later to whatever place he was sitting with the ordinary people like they weren't really with him.

Some of them would get drunk and talk in ways that made him think they were not on is side at all the way they were telling people too much, distorting things or presenting pictures of the powers and glories of court that made him cringe at the imagery of what they must think their positions really meant there.

Arthur began to think that travelng around the land talking to the local people was not really that helpful after a number of incidences like that, and he began to question who his allies really were if he could not even trust his own knights to feel into situations enough to know when to keep their mouths shut.

He felt he was not going to be able to rule his land if he did not get the people's support somehow, and he did not know how to do this when there were local lords constantly troubling the people with policies they said were the king's policies when they were not. He decided to try to accomplish the same thing by just continuing with the festivals and tournaments that would get people to come together outside of their own local area and see that it was not the same everywhere. Then they might see that some lords actually followed the king's policies and that the people were happier and better off in those places. This worked to a certain extent and gave the local lords who were causing the problems a harder time saying it was the king's policies and not their own, but there were those


who were still entrenched against him and would not give in, no matter what he tried.

Arthur wanted these lords to step down, but they were not going to do it willingly. He was going to have to fight them down. He hated to give them orders to step down when he knew they would not, but at least he had a legal basis for fighting them then and a lot of knights to help him, or so he thought, but when he tried to get them to go and fight with him, many of them had lost the desire to fight anymore, and Arthur feared they had gotten too used to life in court, and other than the tournaments, did not want to go out and fight anymore. They told him he had too much ambition to try to heal the country all in one go and to give it more time. He told them they had to go out and fight, because he was not having lords oppose him anymore.

Arthur was especially troubled by an opposing lord in a neighboring kingdom; the very one Merlin had wanted Arthur to forge a family tie with. He was Spirit polarized father in purple, and Merlin had originally wanted him to incarnate with Arthur there as the Spirit light Merlin saw was needed to heal the split between Body and Spirit in purple, but neither one of them could quite do it that way. They said they were going to be allies instead, but they weren't, and Merlin was not able to make them become allies, either. Arthur was deeply troubled by having problems next door. Merlin standing over him saying, "I told you. I tried to tell you. You wouldn't listen," wasn't improving his mood, and Guinevere didn't like hearing Merlin say that the daughter from that kingdom should have been Arthur's wife.

By this time, Guinevere was not loving Arthur any more the way he wanted her to and had admitted to Arthur that she loved Lancelot instead. Arthur was devastated. Now he felt he had no one in whom he could confide. He had taken Lancelot in as his best friend, and Guinevere was his wife.

Arthur did not even know there was any problem with the way they loved each other and still did not understand it, because he had no comparable experience to theirs of his own, other than what he saw between Guinevere and Lancelot, which broke his heart. He had so little experience with "love" when he had taken her as his wife and so little experience with love in his life there, really. He had experienced kindliness from the family that raised him and thought that was what love was.

Kindliness was what he was looking for when he married
Guinevere , and that was what they had together, but she did not

57:43              Nr. 26 Chor

Vollendet ist das große Werk,
Der Schöpfer sieht's und freuet sich.
Auch unsre Freud' erschalle laut,
Des Herren Lob sei unser Lied!

59:00      Nr. 27 Terzett

Zu dir, o Herr, blickt alles auf.
Um Speise fleht dich alles an.
Du öffnest deine Hand,
Gesättigt werden sie.

Du wendest ab dein Angesicht,
Da bebet alles und erstarrt.
Du nimmst den Odem weg,
In Staub zerfallen sie.

Den Odem hauchst du wieder aus,
Und neues Leben sproßt hervor.
Verjüngt ist die Gestalt der Erd'
An Reiz und Kraft.

1:02:44      Nr. 28 Chor

Vollendet ist das große Werk,
Des Herren Lob sei unser Lied!
Alles lobe seinen Namen,
Denn er allein ist hoch erhaben!
Alleluja! Alleluja!

The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 232

become without even realizing it. She had been so busy hating everyone else she had not noticed how alone she felt there and misunderstood for her pain too. There was a moment there, looking around in the fire cave, when My light almost felt sorrier for her than I ever had, but she had to crack for My light to have responded to her there and she did not crack there. She only screamed in rage at everyone there and gave them her speech, which they did not respond favorably to either.

At least she got to give her speech, though, and a good speech it was too, covering all her major points with My light, only directed at those assembled as the ones not listening to her this time. They moved their fire dragon powers against her and she, hers against them, and they had another great battle there which put the satyrs cringing at the edge, but still presenting as though they were controlling the fire dragons giving battle orders and moving a bellows-like gadget to blow fire from the fire sea. The faeries had to flee down the passageways to escape the heat.

When the mother on Earth went the most furiously after the fire dragon who had sat upon her throne, this one claimed to have been giving the stirring of rage she had ordered.

"We were only following your orders," they told her, sounding as if what they said was just to make her more furious.

In the end, they overpowered her with the help of the satyrs those treacherous faerie fire dragons had let into the fire seas along with the other faeries who wanted revenge against her. Those treacherous faeries knew where the key was and knew most of the mother on Earth's other secrets too, but there was one they did not see that I would like to mention now, which is that it is not what her secrets were, or where her power objects were hidden, or even how they were used in terms of ceremony or ritual; it is who uses the power, and what their energy field is like that makes the difference. This is a most important point of magic and one you should never foget. The same power or power object in two different hands can bring vastly different results, not only because of intent, but also because of who they are.

The fire dragons then demanded the mother on Earth surrender her authority to them officially and declare them to be the Royal Order of Fire Dragons, insisting that their achieving of the form of Fire Dragon independent of her and their overpowering of her proved not only that they deserved it, but that they could force her to do it if she refused to cooperate. This made the mother on Earth feel extremely denied and small; still, if they had to have her

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to make them a royal order, they must still need her power somehow.

She refused to cooperate with them, which brings Me to My next point : Just because you have the form of something does not mean you have it or are it, it is important to penetrate the appearance of things; they may not be what they seem.

"But you have finally gotten what you have always wanted," they told her, "and not only just one fire dragon separate from yourself as rescuer, protectorate and power back , but a whole group of fire dragons."

"I don't want a whole group!" the mother on Earth sullenly replied, feeling like this was not at all what she really wanted and that they did not feel like rescuers, protectors, power back ups or even allies to her, which brings Me to another important point: Be careful what you wish for and how you wish it.

They threatened, intimidated and forced until, finally, with fiery breath spent and lashing tails exhausted, claws forced the mother on Earth to say, in a small ceremony they had devised, that they were the Royal Order of Fire Dragons.

Then they told her she had to perform her last act of royal authority on Earth as a Fire Dragon by proclaiming the Fire Dragon who had dared to sit on her throne the head of the Royal Order of Fire Dragons. This made the mother on Earth utterly furious! She at first refused, and fought against this with reserves of energy she didn't know she had, saying she was the only true Fire Dragon and therefore, the head Fire Dragon and would never give up her position of authority on Earth, and that they could not take it from her anyway because it was rightfully hers.

"Power that is mine cannot be taken away," she told them all. Words destined to come back to haunt her, I would like to say, but there and then, she still had the power to prevail regardng her position as head Fire Dragon when she proved to them that they could not take on the form or breathe fire without her help, and most importantly, could not get back out of the form without her help. They did not give in to her authority easily, though. She had to make this Fire Dragon second in command, with treachery and insurrection still looming all around the agreement.

Then they were going to let her go on the promise that she would declare herself only the Faerie Queen in public and not even the mother on Earth. Banashing her was what it felt like to the mother on Earth. This was an impossible promise for her to keep, and she refused to make it, vowing not to keep it if they made her



share his passion for sex, nor could she track his consciousness everywhere he wanted her to go with him, and now, in watching her with Lancelot, he could see that there wasn't the passion they had in his marriage with Guinevere.
Passion was something he feared in his imprinting, and he had wanted to find something that didn't stir it rather than something that did because he had it associated with his rage. Feelings moving was not something he felt often there. He feared it, in fact, and judged against this heavily. Instead, he was becoming physically sick over what was happening to the life he had been so loving not that much earlier.

Merlin saw that this was happening to him, but he did not know how to help him much, because he could not give Arthur the life he wanted anymore; too many things had gone wrong, subtly and otherwise, for Merlin to feel like there was any possibility of it turning out the way he had wanted it to. Arthur didn't see that yet.

Lancelot was making Arthur feel like he had somehow interfered with the possibilities for Guinevere and Lancelot by getting there first, and Arthur did not like this reflection from Lancelot, either.

Arthur tried not to express any feelings he had of jealousy and rage, because he had judged that not to be a loving response. He tried to make it be all about them [???] and consideration about how they felt there,[???] but he did not like it when they did not seem to be equally considerate of him and were letting the love between them become so obvious to the court that it was endangering his reputation. He felt that all of the love and happiness in his relationship with Guinevere was drained out of his life when Lancelot appeared, and as much as he loved him, he also hated him. When he could not take any more of seeing his public image being as damaged as his private life already felt, the most he could do there was heated rage in his tone of voice.

He felt frightened for his reputation
, because his hold on the kingdom was so tenuous that it seemed the opposition could use any little infraction to open giant inroads through the lack of support he was already experiencing there. Even though he had faced opposition from the beginning, it was intensifying so much that when he looked back, those times seemed like pleasant times to him compared to what he was experiencing now. Now he felt dismal and hopeless most of the time. Brooding, he gave long hours to feeling his devastating heartbreak and grief there in his private


chambers, but gave these feelings very little outward expression, except as actions he tried to take.

[Sept. 23, 2012: I'm getting enraged with my question, that - since we were being imprinted with ever so many important things , -why were we not imprinted with the natural instinct, reaction , response to an emoton we did not like by moving it physically??????']

Guinevere had been taking herself farther and farther into Christianity or, more specifically, the Roman Catholic church. The longer this went on, the more it really disturbed Arthur, who had a Celtic upbringing. It was triggering deep and old imprints that God was a limiting, judgmental disciplinarian. Guinevere was making him feel backed down in guilt and the vehicle she was using to do this was Crhistianity. He felt he could find no solution, but then, among the many things she was telling him in her attempts to convert him, she told im about the cup used at the last supper.

She was trying to appease the situation there by giving up sex altogether. This meant that Arthur was getting no sex now at tall, except for one night he did not understand. He kept asking her about it, and she did not remember it. He thought maybe it was the wine they had at dinner that night and tried to get her to repeat that, because they had not produced an heir yet. But she only drank wine for the sacraments now, and he could not get her to drink with him anymore, no matter how many times he told her marriage was a sacrament and so was its consummation in sex. She guiltily refused him, and he always feared it was Lancelot, but it was not only Lancelot; it was his speaking of things that were not within the dogma of the Church she was embracing that was frightening her more and more also and was causing her to view him more and more as some sort of beastial, evil, sacrilegious pagan.

He feared there was no opening for him to have sex the way he wanted it anymore, and he was openly longing for it, as he had been the night it had seemed to him that she had opened her legs to him in the ways he had always wanted her to. Now he had heard that Morgan le Fey, as she had taken to callng herself, had a son and this was even more threatening to him since he had no heir. He feared that this son might have the bloodline that could take over the throne, but not quite, because he did not have his bloodline. He did not know who the father was yet. Morgan had not told him, and he feared illegitimacy in the family again and how that was going to look to the people who were converting to Christianity, but Morgan did ot care about them and said so openly.

He did not know yet that it was his own son from that night, or that she actually hated him so much and was actually cunning enough that she had tricked him by drugging them both that night. She acted sweet in his presence, even sweeter than Guinevere at times.

third part, Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden

1:07:00     Nr. 29 Orchestereinleitung und Rezitativ

Aus Rosenwolken bricht,
Geweckt durch süßen Klang,
Der Morgen jung und schön.
Vom himmlischen Gewölbe
Strömt reine Harmonie
Zur Erde hinab.

Seht das beglückte Paar,
Wie Hand in Hand es geht!
Aus ihren Blicken strahlt
Des heißen Danks Gefühl.
Bald singt in lautem Ton
Ihr Mund des Schöpfers Lob;
Laßt unsre Stimme dann
Sich mengen in ihr Lied.


Space Weather News for Sept. 11, 2012

Amateur astronomers are reporting
a bright fireball on Jupiter-
-apparently the result of a small asteroid hitting the planet during the early hours of Sept. 10th.
As the fireball fades,
attention turns to possible debris around the impact site.

The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 234

promise this.

"How wicked all of you have become over time", she heard herself growl at them.

"How wicked you have become over time," they repeated back to her, just as they had been doing with so many of her statements.

They restrained her and tortured her then, (sic) she expressing what she still could of her raging fury at them and they moving to get the revenge they had so long wanted to have against her. In the end, she lost so much essence in the pain of this torture, in addition to all the essence she had already lost into fragmentation, that she had to do as they said. She made the promise even though she vowed she would not keep it. My warning here is: Try not to take on more than you can handle outwardly, and be careful about what promises and vows such situations may induce you to make because they are more binding than you think, even from life to life, and need removal commensurate to the way they were put in place.

They forced her into ceremonies with them then. In this way, the alliance prevailed over her, and she felt she had a disaster instead of a triumph in the place of her dreams, and a failure instead of a success in reality. Instead of Mother on Earth Triumphant, Fire Dragon Mother Protectorate and Victorious with Ronalokas kneeling at her feet and all the court bowing to her power, authority and majesty, as she had so many times already seen in her fantasies, she was now the banished and diminished mother, and publicly, only the Faerie Queen for now, which meant to her a mere figurehead on her throne, and robbed of the presentation of her Fire Dragon form, cruelly and unfairly, before she had the opportunity to show herself publicly as the first, the creator of and the one and only true Fire Dragon. She was now surrounded by copies, all claiming to be the original, the creator of and the only true Fire Dragon and who could not give her back the moment of triumph they had stolen, and who, without her stolen power and continued help, she still thought, could not take on the form of the Fire Dragon, which brings Me to the next point I'd like to mention: What is truly yours cannot be really lost, but it can certainly be experienced as though it is, and the less you know about how it is really yours, the more convincingly lost it can look.

Without the group, they could not take on the form of Fire Dragon either,which was the basis of their sudden alliance, formed after a fight they had when they had tried to reveal themselves in the court and discovered they were more dependent

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upon their rage moving in concert with the others than they had thought. This was a humbling experience for them, but one that did not cost them the avantage now taken over the mother on Earth, or even now when they let her remain the figurehead without paying homage or giving loyalty to her anymore.

The mother on Earth felt encircled by a threatening ring of power seekers and did not realize how much essence loss had really taken place there. They had forced her into ceremonies and made her take vows and make promises, but the real power loss was in the loss of her essence there. The ceremony made it official, yet as intertwined as the two usually have been, it has often been hard to say that such ceremonies have had no effect. It has often had the intimidating form of making the power loss manifest as though very real, but what needs to be looked at here is that without loss of essence and the power loss that reflects that, such ceremonies, vows, promises and other officializing forms cannot take place, and once this ceremony did take place, without the mother on Earth realizing the significance it had, they did have the power to take on the Fire Dragon form without her help, which meant also that to a certain extent, their alliance could also fall apart, and they could go back to infighting for power and position.

Meanwhile, the court had regrouped, most of them feeling very sheepish and ashamed by what had been revealed in their evening of horror, not knowing if they also were going to be turned to stone in the next moment, scorched out of existence by fire dragon breath in the great fight that had ensued amongst the emerging fire dragon forms in the court or locked into this nightmare with no escape until it played itself out.[????]

Most of them wanted to deny it had ever happened, as though they had just taken bad drugs, but they could not because the court was now a stone castle and their forms had not changed back completely. They had many animals' parts remaining amongst them, and often the most revealing parts too, which made it much more difficult for them to hide feelings they had about themselves and others, yet something or someone had already seen what they had been trying to hide and revealed it in their night of horror, and they feared it might be My light since the Faerie Queen had not demonstrated herself openly to have had a major role in this or the power to cause it. Only the faeries who knew what she had been plotting had known of her role in this, and for purposes of their own, had not even told the satyrs much about it except when they had been pressured for information, and then only that they knew



"As long as she gets what she wants," Merlin had said. "If she doesn't, then you'll see how unsweet she is," but he had trouble seeing that. He [Arthur] was starved for love and took in kindness as love over and over, failing to see the guile behind much of it. She had put a spell on him, too, which was in the potion of drugs she put in the wine; hallucinogenics, while Guinevere's was a sleeping potion. And had't she helped her ever so kindly to bed that night and sat with her until she was deeply asleep!

Arthur was longing for Guinevere so much that night that he actually saw her face when Morgaine had slipped into bed with him when she thought he must, by then, be so drunk and drugged that he wouldn't notice in the dark. She had gotten him involved so fast sexually, too, that he had orgasmed almost before he knew it. He felt it rock his body and fell asleep so fast in an ecstasy that had not felt for so long that he actually wept when it happened and begged Guinevere to please love him and to come to him more often like this.

Morgaine said everything he wanted to hear that night and did not mean a word of it. She was after only one thing; to steal his son the way she felt her mother's son had been stolen from her, and in the way she knew was best to do it, because then she could raise him herself and make sure he had the attitudes she wanted him to have. Her mother had had other sons, but they were not the same, because the first one was the heir on the throne. even though they had protested it, saying they were legitimate because their father had married their mother by then, they did not succeed, because his father had not disowned him, which counted for something in that half Celtic world.

All alone in his chambers at night, Arthur mused over this night so many times in his anguish and heartbreak that he finally went to Guinevere one more time and told her all about it, begging her to remember it. She gave him only excuses such as she had had too much wine that night and did not remember what had happened. They got into a fight in which he insisted that it had to be her and that she must remember it. "guinevere," he said, "you used to love me in that way. Can you honestly say you don't love me that way anymore?"

"I do not love you in that way, andI never have,'
she said, "although I did not know it until I met Lancelot, but now that I know Lancelot, I cannot have sex with you when it is him that I love in that way. It could not have been me; it must have been another woman."

Arthur was devastated and begging her to help him here, because he was afraid he was losing his mind . It was then that she said Morgaine was sitting close by and had noticed when she arose from the table that night that she had had too much wine. She had been kindly enough to help her to her bed so that no one else would notice that the queen had gotten drunk in public. "She is my witness that I did not go to your bed that night but on my own, as my chambermaids are a witness, too!'

Arthur did not need to question the chambermaids. He knew now what had happened or feared that he did. He left Guinevere's chambers in a frightened rage and rode all of the way to Morgaine's without stopping that night. He rode all of the next day, too, only changing his horse when he had to. When he arrived, he was not fit to be greeted by his half-sister, but he insisted on seeing her anyway. He demanded to know who the father of her child was, and when she would not tell him, he demanded to see the child. He was just of the age he woud have been if it had been her that night, and he told her he suspected her of this.

"And if it were to be true?" she said. "What are you going to do about it now, Arthur? Ah, sweet guileless Arthur." She was facing away from him when she said this and turned toward him suddenly, startling him, because she looked like a witch,

"You had it coming Arthur! Oh, how you had it coming! Now the tables are turned! Now it's another person trying to gain the position of the bloodline by any means necessary!"
Arthur was devastated for the third time in as many days. He had nothing to say to her. What could he say? He thought of saying "But Morgaine, did it have to be like this?" only he could not. There was no openness toward him there. She was cold toward him; so very cold!

He got on his horse and rode away, facing two days back with no food, since he had brought nothing with him but his sword. He feared for his own life now and tried to ride as fast as he could, but his horse was tired, and he could only lose himself in the woods, hoping he would be hard to follow that way. He wandered for days, lost in what seemed like a hostile wilderness of brambles and thickets until his horse's flesh was so ripped up, he was not sure if they were going to make it or not.

During that time, it was as if he was lost in the wildernes of his own soul. He feared he was going crazy because he was having thoughts of having to kill his own son, feeling his heart heavy, because he did not hink he could really do that, but he was hearing


1:10:25      Nr. 30 Duett mit Chor

Von deiner Güt', o Herr und Gott,

Ist Erd' und Himmel voll.
Die Welt, so groß, so wunderbar,
Ist deiner Hände Werk.

Gesegnet sei des Herren Macht,
Sein Lob erschall' in Ewigkeit.

Der Sterne hellster, o wie schön
Verkündest du den Tag!
Wie schmückst du ihn, o Sonne du,
Des Weltalls Seel' und Aug'!

Macht kund auf eurer weiten Bahn
Des Herren Macht und seinen Ruhm!

Und du, der Nächte Zierd' und Trost,
Und all das strahlend' Heer,
Verbreitet überall sein Lob
In euerm Chorgesang.

Ihr Elemente, deren Kraft
Stets neue Formen zeugt,
Ihr Dünst' und Nebel,
Die der Wind versammelt und vertreibt:

Lobsinget alle Gott, dem Herrn,
Groß wie sein Nam' ist seine Macht.

Sanft rauschend lobt, o Quellen, ihn!
Den Wipfel neigt, ihr Bäum'!
Ihr Pflanzen duftet, Blumen haucht
Ihm euern Wohlgeruch!

Ihr, deren Pfad die Höh'n erklimmt,
Und ihr, die niedrig kriecht,
Ihr, deren Flug die Luft durchschneid't,
Und ihr im tiefen Naß:

Ihr Tiere, preiset alle Gott!
Ihn lobe, was nur Odem hat!

Ihr dunklen Hain', ihr Berg' und Tal',
Ihr Zeugen unsres Danks,
Ertönen sollt ihr früh und spät
Von unserm Lobgesang.

Heil dir, o Gott, o Schöpfer, Heil!
Aus deinem Wort entstand die Welt,
Dich beten Erd' und Himmel an,
Wir preisen dich in Ewigkeit!


The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 236

where the key was, but were not ready to reveal its location yet.

The majority of the court knew little of the plots and power plays of the inner circle, having their own concerns at a more trivial level of partners and mates and oneupmanship for position in the hierarchy of the court, but having been minor characters there may have been a saving grace since they emerged with more minor damage from the evening of horror in the court.

Evening of horror is not a misnomer either, since most of the felt fear they had been avoiding and had not felt move (sic) openly in themselves for a long time since they had no real place of acceptance for it in themselves, disliking its presence so much it was denied into a kind of self-hatred turned outward as a hatred for others who had fear.

One of the unspoken agreements in the court was a hatred for fear, viewing it as victim toward which they felt predatory. No one who was in the stampede of frightened animals wanted this revealed, but it couldn't be avoided anymore because of the animal parts that remained.

Something needs to be said about Blue here. Blue made an agreement at the level of imprinting that it hated fear, and has forced others into it whether they agreed or not. This agreement needs to be looked at, and at the right time in personal process, formally removed, not only by all blue people, but by the blue in everyone. It is not possible to move fear in the presence of hatred for it that is not moving to respond with love. No matter how appearances may make it seem, blue people do not, at the imprinting level , accept fear movement, and it is dangerous to move it in their presence. The danger is backlash from the gap. Rage needs to move in Blue to really remove this agreement from their imprinting, but they need to start with a formal declaration of intent to remove this agreement from their gap, otherwise moving fear in their presence means going past the imprinting here, which does not work.

Blue had a rage in the beginning which the Mother barely heard at the word level , but I heard it and it needs to be brought out into the open now. This rage felt hatred for anything that wanted to hold it down or back and anything that even looked like it might try to do this. Blue hated this feeling of being held down and back and felt it had already suffered this for long enough when it broke loose into the ascending spiral of consciousness that caused the explosion in Blue and the resultant strikes, or smacks.

It has not been possible for something to look like a limit to

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Blue without an argument from Blue and a refusal to accept it. Meanwhile, Blue has been imposing limits on everyone else in its own favor. This must end. It is not possible to move along with this sort of imbalance anymore, but to end it, Blue is going to have to realize that the thing it has most hated is going to have to be felt, which is the fear it had from feeling held down and back.

moved only rage there and has not moved this fear yet, forcing it, instead, to be held by the Will Polarity and forcng it back down the Will's throat if necessary, while also making the Will hold the rage it has had at Blue for this, which is really only Blue's rage, denied by Blue, but still trying to roll back to its place in Blue because it has hated being there with the fear it has been pressured to hold down.

This is denied heart in Blue people; fear being held down by rage. It is a pitiful place for Heart to have to be, and this needs to move into love for both feelings in order to have the Heart presence needed in Blue.

All the inner circle in the court was Blue people. even the fauning Ronalokas the mother had gathered near her throne as her closest admirers were on the denied Will side of Blue heart and not really Ronalokas, their gold light being only the denied gold needed to make the Heart so missing there in Blue.(???) These fauns, along with some others, including certain faeries, had become most of the stampeding animals that night, and they did not like it that this might become known about them since they had returned almost completely to the forms they preferred, except that they found parts of the other animals still present with them that revealed them more now. This prompts Me to say that things may presenting themselves more as they seem than you think, and to know, you have to feel it.

All those who had embarrassment about any parts of forms they were caught in now wanted to conceal themselves as though wearing garments like costumes, and all wanted to learn form change so that they could move back more toward the forms they liked better for themselves, and they all wanted to disguise their reasons for learning form change by having this take the form of games and contests which they claimed were to please and amuse the mother and have her see them as clever after all. They wanted to pass this all off as only having fun, but they also all wanted to learn as much as they possibly could from watching all of this. The shame Blue made them feel about their fear especially made them want to place form change under conscious control and make it



voices say, "He could do that to you, and will, unless you kill him first." He had many voices telling him many things there, but he could make little sense of it and was afraid that it was all too much for him and that he was taking sick because he could not hold his body together under the weight of it all.

He finally made it back to Camelot, so bedraggled, dirty, scratched and downhearted that he was almost unrecognizable as their King at first.[see "the Lord's Servant"] He had found nothing but brackish water for so long that his first cry was for help getting down from his horse, and his second was for water. If his was not such a hospitable castle, they would have turned him out and never looked to see who he really was.

He got to his chambers and never recovered really. He feared he had caught some kind of a fever in the swamps, and it never seemed to go away after that. He had no heart for living, but he did not know what to do with his heartbreak; it seemed to be too huge. As time went on and Arthur was not recovering, he called his knights to him over and over, telling them he saw no hope but to somehow recover the Holy Grail, because he was not going to live much longer without it. He became fixed on this as something that could help him there. Some did not want him to live and did not look for it, but others tried their best and still did not find it.

He said a lot of disjointed things in his deliriums that frightened them, but the more he said things about having no hope without the Holy Grail and about having to kill his own son, the more frightened Guinevere and the knights became. The Church told Guinevere Arthur was becoming obsessed, and many of the knights believed it when she told them this.

Merlin was watching all of this, feeling less and less received by Arthur when he tried to advise him about anything, but he said nothing more there. He simply told Arthur he was going away and might not return, with a sort of "resigned to fate" presentation that was going to let Arthur interpret it as implying whatever Arthur was going to take it to mean there. Arthur did not know if this meant Merlin was going to die, or what it meant, but it gave him another feelng of abandonment and withdrawal of help and advice, right when he felt he most needed it, and he blamed Merlin for it.

Arthur certainly hadn't always agreed with Merlin and didn't like it when Merlin tried to override him. Arthur also did not like it when Merlin wasn't there, but their blueness, and the other ways in


which they were polarized, seemed to be making it too much for either of them to bridge the gap they had there.

Arthur responded to Merlin first by imploring him not to leave him that way, and then, when Merlin did not respond to this with anything Arthur wanted to hear there, with the hardened heart they had allowed to form between them here. Arthur told Merlin, "Go ahead and go then. You have not been giving me very good advice for a long time anyway, or I would not be where I am!"

Merlin did not like feeling blamed by Arthur in this way and responded wtih, "You never listened to any of my advice or implemented it the way I meant for it to be implemented, so how do you know where you might be if you had listened to me!"

There was some arguing back and forth about who did not listen to who, and then Arthur turned away from Merlin, and Merlin walked away from Arthur and removed himself from Camelot.

Guinevere removed herself to a convent, not able to face what was becoming of her husband and began to pray for him, which she could not do in his presence anymore, because he was so furious over her disapproval of his Celtic ways. She regretted having hurt Arthur like this, but she could not bring herself to do differently, she could not embrace his Celtic ways along with her Christianity, she could not have sex with him when she did not love him in that way, and she could not make herself love him in that way. She was watching her husband be destroyed and watching his kingdom fall with him, but rather than thinking she could help by coming out of the Church and giving him the divorce he needed there [up to this day there are countries in which the Catholic Church doesn't allow divorce] , she believed it when the Church said it was all because he was not really a Christian.

[The rage I still feel and even more andmore - against the Church in all of its history ~~~~~~~~~I don't know what to do with it except for growling and screaming whenever I'm triggered - like now~~~~~]

It would have been a simple matter if they were both Celtic, and this, Arthur could not understand. How had he gotten himself so entangled in a foreign Church that did not even serve his needs, equated his beliefs with paganism, enslaved and imprisoned him sexually and, in so many other ways, made his own life and the lives of so many other people so miserable that he began to think that ignorance was bliss, since the Church said he was living in ignorance before.

When they had talked about divorce, Guinevere had said there was no way, once she had taken the vows of the Church, to come out of it without being an excommunicated woman whose soul would then go to hell for eternity. Arthur could not understand how the loving God they talked about could treat people like this, and besides, what had happened to reincarnation?

  Nr. 31 Rezitativ - omitted

ADAM: Nun ist die erste Pflicht erfüllt,
Dem Schöpfer haben wir gedankt.
Nun folge mir, Gefährtin meines Lebens!
Ich leite dich, und jeder Schritt
Weckt neue Freud' in unsrer Brust,
Zeigt Wunder überall.
Erkennen sollst du dann,
Welch unaussprechlich Glück
Der Herr uns zugedacht.
Ihn preisen immerdar,
Ihm weihen Herz und Sinn.
Komm, folge mir, ich leite dich.

EVA: O du., für den ich ward,
Mein Schirm, mein Schild, mein All!
Dein Will' ist mir Gesetz.
So hat's der Herr bestimmt,
Und dir gehorchen bringt
Mir Freude, Glück und Ruhm.

1:20:40     Nr. 32 Duett

ADAM: Holde Gattin, dir zur Seite
Fließen sanft die Stunden hin.
Jeder Augenblick ist Wonne,
Keine Sorge trübet sie.

Teurer Gatte, dir zur Seite,
Schwimmt in Freuden mir das Herz.
Dir gewidmet ist mein Leben,
Deine Liebe sei mein Lohn.

ADAM: Der tauende Morgen,
O wie ermuntert er!
EVA: Die Kühle des Abends,
O wie erquicket sie!
ADAM: Wie labend ist
Der runden Früchte Saft!
EVA: Wie reizend ist
Der Blumen süßer Duft!

Doch ohne dich, was wäre mir -

ADAM: Der Morgentau,
EVA: Der Abendhauch,
ADAM: Der Früchte Saft,
EVA: Der Blumen Duft.

Mit dir erhöht sich jede Freude,
Mit dir genieß ich doppelt sie,
Mit dir ist Seligkeit das Leben,
Dir sei es ganz geweiht!

The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 238

more like taking apparel on and off.

When the court showed up to reconvene, the Father Warriors let them in since they were following the orders they had been given which were from the first Fire Dragons they saw. The Father Warriors' presence was very unsettling to the court as well as was the absence of the mother on Earth, whom they did love in their own curious way in spite of it all. They did not know what any of this really meant, or where the inner circle of the court had gone, and this mysterious silence and absence spooked them even further.

The court wanted things to return to normal, whatever that meant, and the party to begin again. Most of them were even more interested in the party than the return to normalcy if they could hide their form change problems, since they were still denying they had form change prblems. They insisted they did not prefer normalcy of any particular sort as long as they were all similar and having fun.

Once the Faerie Queen was free from her torture, it took her some time, however, to feel ready to return to the court. She did not like how she felt and had to take some time to try to restore herself as much as possible. She did not like to look distraught or disempowered on her throne either. Even if it was a hollow throne now compared to what she had envisioned it was going to be, she still insisted she owed it to herself and all of her patronage to resume as much as possible. After all, there was always next time, and her rage still insisted that if she regrouped, she would be able to reclaim not only her lost power, but her lost Fire Dragon preemption as well. But it did not turn out that way, which brings Me to My next point. Not only is it right person and right place and right form for magic to be performed well, it is also right time, which it was no longer for the Faerie Queen, and is no longer for rage as power.


Meanwhile, the Mother in the woods was being held present on Earth by the Father of Manifestation. She was having major problems with the pressure of the lines from Hell and the weight of the monsters climbing them. She did not see how She could

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avoid mentioning this to the Father of Manifestation, who had mentioned already how heavy She felt to Him in spite of Her thinness. She feared mentioning the lines because She feared His blueness there and felt sure His response was going to be rage toward Her that She had not managed to let go of them on the way to Earth as He had told Her to do, and as She had unsuccesfully struggled to do in the Plane of Reversal.

It was now impossible for Her to let go of them and get rid of the problem that way because of Her resolution in the cage of the ogres, Her vow to Herself as She was leaving Hell and also because the monsters had passed the Plane of reversal and were now near Earth. She wanted to hide someplace and not be found, but the lines led straight to Her no matter where She went. She did not know these lines were a part of Her or that the monsters climbing them were all lost Will that had been pushed into Hell by the combined denials of everyone on Earth, or that they were all climbing toward Her because She was Parental to all of it in ways She did not understand.The lost Will didn't know why it was doing this either. It was subconsciously imprinted to blame the Mother and overlook the fact that no one else was allowing Her to move any of this lost Will into the Light, and even more importantly, not allowing it by exerting a major downward pressure against it.
[I've reached copying this on September 12, 2012, after an intense "NIDBERU" - "then those who see Ha-Shem will talk among each other and he listens and he hears" - with the two starchildren, Boris and - after 8 months of her disconnection - with Gal Mor]
Things move rather quickly now, so try to stay focused and not go past emotional triggers that may be lurking in the lines here, as you have major involvement in all of this even more than you realize consciously now. You must allow your subconscious to surface here, or you will not be able to know how to heal and will find this path to be another failure for you.

Lucifer and his hoards were nearing Earth at the same time the mother on Earth was having her battle with the Fire Dragons in the fire seas. Immediately after that, her public proclamation of the Royal Order of the Fire Dragons and their presentation in the court left so many questions unanswered that the Faerie Queen wanted to get them out of the way as fast as possible, somehow, and not let others have access to questioning them.

Meanwhile, the Mother had felt desperate urgings to move past Her fear of telling the Father of Manifestation about the lines. When She showed Him what was happening to Her, He was not immediately furious as She had feared. He was frightened and horrified and then furious, mostly it seemed, that She had not told Him sooner. She told Him She had had no time to mention this,



They had all talked about that and believed in that before.What about that now ? Didn't she believe in that anymore? She said only that the Church mentioned it but that they did not place any importance on it anymore, because the most important thng was to become free of sin and go to heaven. "Wherever that is," he would say to her. "ascend from Earth, I mean," she would say to him then.

This troubled Arthur very much, because he was trying to bring heaven on Earth in the sense of trying to bring a good life there that would be as pleasant as anyone could imagine. [September 23, 2012: This is my goal , too, see how often "Heaven to Earth" or "Heaven on Earth" appears on Healing-K.i.s.s. - except that to me it doesn't make any sense to imagine "a good, pleasant life" etc. It's the conditions for this to happen, that I have been working on until July 4. 2012. I learnt then, that even my defined conditions: "feeling grate-full, feeling zest-full , feeling full-filled" are too early to aspire to, since Body and Sould and Heart are so crowded with Lost Will and The Guilt. First Lost Will has to be redeemed and The Guild to be dissolved, before it makes any sense to create the conditions for Heaven on Earth!"] It was his goal in uniting the kingdom, in trying to bring peace, in building Camelot and in everything else he had done or tried to do.

It was extremely perturbing to him to see a religion taking over his people that was shunning Earthy existence and the Body and calling all of the pleasures they had previously enjoyed as natural and a celebration of physical existence, sin: one in which his own religion was being called the cause of sin and one in which his queen was participating more and more to the point of withdrawing from him, from her position as his queen and from her own kingdom to the extent of retreating into a convent, giving nothing to him anymore or to her people. She gave no balance of leadership. There was no more mother presence; only an aura of sin, withdrawal and shame at Camelot now.

[While again listening to "Stabat Mater", I'm sobbing. But, of course, King Arthur should have asked himself: why did his religious let itself be overrun? ]

It was too much for Arthur along with his heart sickness over his own child being born the way he was instead of with Guinevere and all the rest of it. He had not even felt able to tell Guinevere about it, but others did, and she then trusted Arthur even less, not knowing what to trust or how this had happened since they weren't speaking to each other with any trust anymore.

Arthur, too, began to withdraw his essence from that lifetime and to wither at a rather young age into an old man with the feeling that he had failed everyone, failed at everything he had tried to do there, and failed himself, most of all. He was very hard on himself there, and in his deliriums, he made many journeys toward My light , asking Me what he should do thee, what he could do there and even begging Me for help.

He was quite pitiful, and I wanted to help him, but there was not much I could do, because he was not ready to understand the complexities of the situation he was finding himself trapped in. They were too many and too big. [???????]

He was hearing the increasing bad news of Mordred's attitude toward him and felt sure his mother had poisoned him against him


irreparably. In the state of mind he was in, there was no rest or peace, and he was becoming more and more haggard day by day. He had lost his desire for life and all his dreams. He did not know what to trust or how to sort out what he was seeing and hearing in his deliriums, except his own inner feelings that kept returning him to the idea of finding the Holy Grail and saving his people that way. It had become an obsession with him now and only his caring for the people that made him try to keep going [sic], but it seemed like even they did not want him anymore.

He had wanted, more than anything on Earth, to have the life he really wanted to have and did not like all of the movement of rage around him that was making this so difficult. This went on for many long years, during which time he was receiving increasing reports of the land withering around Camelot. They had had such a period of peace and prosperity in Camelot when he and Guinevere felt like they loved each other. Why couldn't this have lasted! He did not know what was causing this, but the people were becoming as disheartened and depressed as he was.

There had been too much fighting for them to be able to farm adequately. Their houses had been destroyed too many times for them to feel like rebuilding anymore. They had had too many years of not enough good food or comfortable shelter because of this They had had two generations grow up knowing almost nothing but strife in their homeland. They were losing heart themselves and their faith in King Arthur's ability to heal these problems.

They were being taken over by another religion that was telling them their own ways weren't any good and that they were such sinners that they feared they deserved this and more, but even more than that, many people had a strange illness like Arthur's that many of the Celtic people were saying was because the Romans had started draining the marshlands there and had disturbed something in the natural balance of things. [some 1400 years later, Israel, too, experienced the "mixed blessing" of having drained the swamps of the Hula Valley...]

The land's water table sank slowly when the Romans began to drain it, and there were many dead bodies decaying in the open air, yet kept continually damp; things that had lived there when there was more water and could not live there anymore. The land had been covered with shallow sea water and marshlands and was now only brackish. It no longer supported the rich marshland fish and bird population, nor could it bring forth crops. There were many carrion eating birds circling in the air, which was further disheartening and frighening, and even they did not want to eat much of this flesh, because there was too much of it. There was dis-

Nr. 33 Rezitativ URIEL
[I'm glad this piece of threat was omitted!!!]
O glücklich Paar, und glücklich immerfort,
O happy pair, and happy forever,
Wenn falscher Wahn euch nicht verführt,   
If false conceit does not tempt you,
Noch mehr zu wünschen als ihr habt,
To want even more than you have,
Und mehr zu wissen als ihr sollt!
And to know more than you should!

1:28:13       Nr. 34 Schlußchor mit Soli       FINALE with choir and solist
These lyrics I don't like either,
"my" "God" doesn't want to be praised,
they want to be my partners, or at least my coaches.
But I accept it as a projection of humans to feel praised .

Singt dem Herren alle Stimmen!
Dankt ihm alle seine Werke!
Laßt zu Ehren seines Namens
Lob im Wettgesang erschallen!
Des Herren Ruhm, er bleibt in Ewigkeit!

The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 240

having been captured by the giants almost immediately upon noticing it, except for having seen them in one dream which She recalled only then, in which She had seen the lines and the monsters climbing them and had awakened in terror only to have mixedup beasts charge at Her where She slept, confusing Her into not knowing what reality She was in or where the monsters were really coming from in Her dream. In Her scramble to escape, She had forgotten Her dream and the monsters She had seen as any other than the mixed-up beasts.

She told the Father of Manifestation that no matter how much
She was moved to want to save Earth, She was not able to do it by making Herself go back to the place She had been before He brought Her there. He could sympathize with that since His own imprints about how He had come in from the void were being stirred by Her feelings there. He felt undercurrent blame toward Her that did not like the situation at all, but also felt they must find some way to protect Earth and still be able to keep Her there.

They could not go to the court directly and feel received, but they planted the idea that the Earth needed protection from unseen forces, potential invaders and spirits who were not welcome there on Earth and that the Royal Order of Fire Dragons might be able to provide this protection if they were to take turns, wrapping themselves around the Earth in the skies above it.

The mother on Earth seized upon this idea when it hatched in her mind as not only the way to get the Fire Dragons out of the way, but also as probably the perfect solution to the invasion problem she already hated so much.

She saw potential problems there similar to the ones created by the satyrs at the doors to her court, yet the potential of getting the Fire Dragons away from hounding her and away from the court, and especially from those who might like to admire them or question them more and into a place where they could be seen but not heard had huge appeal, especially since she had hatched another plan that she thought might get rid of them entirely and which involved energy she had been communing with in the skies.

She knew the Fire Dragons could be flattered into this because of their power hunger and lust for positions of dominance which she counted on there to blind them to any other aspects. Not realizing how blind she, herself, still was, the mother on Earth decided that if she took a turn with them in the Heavens, she could watch them more closely than she had watched the satyrs at her doors. The Fire Dragons did seize upon the idea of expanding and

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encircling the Earth in the skies as the image of power they wanted to have. They viewed this as placing themselves in control of the entire Earth, and a place to rev up and expand was just what they wanted to have. After quite a bit of infighting, they agreed to do this in pairs, saying it was better protection for Earth, but their distrust could also watch one another that way.

This was how the Fire Dragons got placed in the skies with the idea that they would protect Earth from invasions of unwanted spirits, and since they all snuck off to do other things at times, and left their forms hanging mostly empty in the skies, often without realizing the drift taking place in their consciousness, this is how the mother on earth gained the opportunity to make a deal with light she did not recognize as Lucifer, to let in his hoards (as though she would have had the power to stop him) as forces she had the fool"heart"iness to think she could command against those who opposed her on Earth.

Once again, her blind spot did not let her realize all the other Fire Dragons in the Royal order of Fire Dragons were als making the same deal, and all of them without realizing the others were all making the same deal with Lucifer. They were all being told by this light that they were the most powerful and important part of the Mother presence on Earth and deserved the position of rulership there, and not only that, all viewed this deal as an advance in their power position toward My light and the confrontation they wanted to have there.

None of them saw a problem with this either, since they viewed themselves this way already, and since nothing had been seen or heard of from the rest of the Mother for so long, they thought She had gone someplace and was all but forgotten and no longer a problem for them. They did not any longer even consider Her as a possibility in the Mother presence on Earth. They did not want or need Her anymore, or so they thought. They had Fire Dragon power now and weren't even concerned if the rest of the Mother did show up. They could best [sic] Her and they knew it because She had fear and grief and they had rage. Rage was power and the Parental part of the Mother. They were all sure of that, and controlled and directed rage was more powerful than merely expressing rage. They were all sure of that too.

Remember this rage is not true power, and any who use it as such will find out soon enough how false it is.

The Fire Dragons stationed in the sky all thought they moved in autonomous power that was greater than anything else. They



ease coming forth from this and from people who had died from the fighting in the marshlands and were not buried.

Truly the dark ages that have been described as descendng in the aftermath of Rome's withdrawal were descending upon the people in spite of King Arthur's attempt to make it better than it had ever been under the Romans. Since many of these problems were not so vividly apparent until after the Romans withdrew, Arthur's opposition tried to say it was all a result of his poor leadership and convinced many people that this was true

They made his problems with Lancelot into a scandal and used it against him, instead of having any heart toward Arthur's pain there, even saying the king was impotent. They hoped to goad him into saying Mordred was his son so they could have a further scandal.

The Church played a role in telling Guinevere that she should not have sex with Arthur anymore, because they did not like his non-Christian leanings. They did not say it that way though. They said it was not right to have sex with him unless he became a Christian. This brought a lot of pressure to bear on their marriage that was not necessary, except that the Church was playing a manipulative role there, and even when Arthur did finally "become a Christian," they did not accept him, and Guinevere did not have sex with him anyway.

The Church had an agenda,
which was to use Guinevere to cast him in the light of a sinner in front of the people and make them see him as the cause of their problems and the cause of the blight upon the land. Then they could discredit him, unseat him and put another in his place; one who would be more compliant with where they wanted things to go, which was back toward Roman ways more than Arthur liked.

Mordred was only fourteen when Morgaine, having already given Mordred the training she wanted him to have, felt it was the time to attack Arthur because he looked so weak to her. Mordred wanted to just leave his father to die and then claim "his throne," as his mother had always told him it would be, but Morgaine still wanted her revenge and wanted Mordred to kill Arthur for her.

When Mordred tried to oppose her, she would not listen.She gave Mordred many pieces of information designed to incite him into a fury of hatred toward his father and then pushed him out to do battle with him when Arthur was the most ill and the most forlorn over everything that was crumbling in his kingdom. Mordred's fury was sure he hated his father, but he was not sure at the


same time, and when he delivered his blow, it was a blow of divided intent that did not kill his father outright n the battlefield.

Although many of his knights had left him by then, the ones who were still loyal to Arthur managed to get him to the Isle of Avalon, where they hoped the healing arts that were known there could save him still, but Arthur never recovered. His heart for living was gone. His skull was cracked and his brain damaged. They did what they could for him there, but after a long period of uncertainty as to whether he should leave that life or not, he gave it up and was buried there at Avalon.

Mordred was never taken seriously as a possibility for king there and never had been. He was declared illegitimate by the standards of the new religion, the Roman Catholic Church, which Morgan le Fey refused to recognize for the power it had to take over the land and sweep away the old Celtic ways. She had tried to make Mordred be the one to save the old ways for her.

She did not recognize Arthur as having realized that Christianity could not be stopped there, and Arthur had not realized that the Church was going to be so intolerant of Celtic ways. Morgaine blamed him for allowing this to happen through Guinevere.

Morgaine had told Mordred he could save the old ways for her by killing Arthur, but the old ways could not be saved unless more people recognized the importance of having both sides of these seemingly opposing viewpoints, as both sides of the gap, find the balance needed between them to really make the bridge between the two worlds that needed to happen there. Green is that bridge between the upper and lower chakras, and this needs to happen now.


When Merlin left Arthur, he had reached the chapter in his life where he went to Morgan le Fey. He had a deep resentment by then that did not mind the idea of displacing Arthur, but he did not admit this to himself. When Merlin saw what was configuring there in Morgaine, Merlin thought she was right, Arthur didn't know what he was doing, but he did not want to admit this to his conscious mind, either.

Morgaine was buidling power within herself and was feeling power come into her. She thought she was gaining power through the practice of her magical arts, but she was taking in lost Will rage

The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

continuation towards the last parts of the two books in "A Desert Timeline 1988-2003"