2004_02_23 - this page is remembered in Kiss-Log January 7 This is the last entry in Noah's Diary. "az nidberu yir'ee
YHWH ish el re'eehu va-yaqshev YHWH va-yishma'
And to aggravate the lack of solar electricity
from my one solar panel,
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my regret I couldn't catch 4 days later, |
To my relief , they replaced it for 45 $.
But I kept asking :
what does the drowning of my communication device mean?
There were more storms to follow with Yuval-David
and even during the usual two days in my flat in town.
They all resulted in one overwhelming feeling: "I talk too much,
I write too much,
I am too much."
There was a "Family Constellations"
workshop scheduled for the end of that week,
arranged by our AUschwitz-BirkenAU group
with facilitators of the Bert
Hellinger method.
At first I had not even the intent, leave alone expectation or quest
to look for help.
I wrote to myself:
I'm investing too much energy and hope in achieving
communication through words.
Isn't it ironic, that I reached this conclusion exactly at a time,
when I fulfilled the dream of being able to communicate with the entire
planet from my tiny cave?
If communication happens, it is sheer grace.
it has very little to do with my effort, talent and skill.
There is an abyss between the context, in which something
is said and the context, in which something is heard.
I know: there are at least three "wedges" which hamper my
communicating with people:
a) my panic, people might not listen to me, which makes me talk and
write in a way that I create just what I fear;
b) my need "to discharge" the pain in my experiences, without
first asking people's consent to listen to my feelings;
c) my ego need to be appreciated for what I do, or my ego need to
be recognized as "sane" and "normal";
But even if I would "get rid of" theses wedges,
even then I would not be able to really convey and communicate, what
I want to convey and to communicate.
45 years ago I blamed the biblical prophets
for not having given consideration to the way they communicated their
They reproached, they blamed, they threatened.
"No wonder, they made people furious instead
of making them change their self-destructive ways."
How pathetic has been my ongoing attempt to apply
the Theory of Communication:
"Communication is not added to the message, communication IS
the message. "
45 years of refining my ways of communication have finally brought
me the sad understanding:
Mental, verbal communication is intrinsicly, inherently, impossible.
I remember a poem by Hermann Hesse about a Zen-Master,
who - in time - refrained from all words.
But sometimes, when he would just lift a finger,
a pupil would be shaken to the depth of his being and transformed.
How can I, who believes in the healing through physical
how can I who heals through writing/sculpting my experiences,
how can I just lift my finger?
I cannot.
But I can - on my way to non-verbal communication - cut out two of
my ways of communicating:
I am closing "Noah's Diary".
It hardly served communication with people.
Except for the appreciation of the inserted pictures by some people,
there was either no feedback at all, or rejection altogether,
It's true, there was also Ya'acov, who said:
"It is as if you are writing it just for me",
but this only proves my point:
When words do reach the heart of another person, it's a matter of
not the result of my superhuman endeavor to reach it.
Nor can the healing and training work between people be really communicated.
Even if two people, like I and Yuval-David, who train each other,
agree to expose ourselves,
the "report" about our process will be deficient and twisted
It will , at best, mean nothing to others, and, at worst, cause them
to judge us, or one of us.
As to the second purpose of Noah's Diary - the elaboration
of my experiences:
The writing/sculpting did, indeed, serve as a means of vigilance and
healing for my soul,
for which the struggle on and for Noah's Shore means still much pain,
fear and shame.
The sculpting of what I did and lived, did help me to become more
aware of what I felt,
to prevent the ignoring or denying of the feelings, which
need to be vibrated physically.
But it's a poor means after all.
I must exchange it now for direct, immediate breathing-moving-sounding.
And I must win over the people on Noah's Shore to listen and support
me ,
just as I listen and support them in their own healing.
The second deliberate change I want to make
in my ways of communication, is:
I shall no longer put dreams in people's
I must not invite potential dreamers
to Noah's Shore by seducing words.
It was wrong, for example, that I told those two physicists,
whom I met on separate occasions before and after I started "Noah's
"You could reinvent the method of rainwater
I have always been seeing a person like Michelangelo saw the sculpture
in a rock.
And I often couldn't help showing the person his/her potential.
Now , towards the realization of Noah's Shore Peace Dream,
I am tempted to tell the person, how s/he could dream his/her own
dream in this situation,
just like a small percentage of Jews in Europe understood 100 years
that within the Zionist dream they could dream and realize their own
individual dreams.
I must just be myself , here on Noah's
create what I feel like creating and enjoy.
Then people will find their own way in their own time.
words are needed, I should heed Max Liebermanns' definition of painting: "Malen ist weglassen ", "Painting is to leave out". Like a Japanese painting or like "Succah in the Desert": What's important is what is NOT there. |
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nidberu yir'ee YHWH ish el re'eehu va-yaqshev YHWH va-yishma'
Bible, Maleachi 3, 16
Then those who fear YHWH are talking among each
other, and YHWH listens and he hears."
Then came the workshop.
I was invited to work on my issue of "being too much, talking
to much, writing too much".
Watching the process between the people who represented me and my
a fast metamorphosis took place in me.
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I had brought Tamir
with me, and his mother and |
"My problem is not at all about talking
too much, or being too much,
it is about the relation between message and communication.
It is is not a problem of my biography, not even of my karma,
it is an intrinsic problem connected to any message, to any vocation.
"Nor is it about being effective in my work,
nor is it about myself being in the way of myself.
Sure there are aspects of Ego:
I want to be seen and recognized and acknowledged.
Sure there is the need for discharge,
But even if these aspects would be eliminated
[and why should anything be eliminated,
since the very message is Total Self-Acceptance
and the very vocation is discovering life in FEELING]
there would still be the unbridgable abyss
between the context of my own language
and the context of anybody else's language.
"The unfathomable pain which welled up today in that workshop
and flooded me with tears,
has to do with this impossibility.
There must have been innumerable incarnations in which I struggled
with this impossibility.
It must be God's problem, Spirit's problem.
And finally Spirit understood, that pouring his wisdom on the canvas
of people's capacity to grasp and apply, is of no use.
He must recognize and redeem the canvas first.
[This is, what the
first part of Healingkiss is about...]
"It suddenly seems to me,
that all my writing and most of my talking is overriding the feelings
of my readers and listeners.
I feel ashamed.
If there has been given a message at all, like the stories in Genesis,
it has been written in a language,
which could be understoood by the generations of 3000 years and by
hundreds of millions of people in all languages and cultures.
How whole must the writer have been, that s/he was content with giving
just a few pieces of the puzzle,
never attempting to put the puzzle together him/herself!!!
"It is not about being too much,
it is not about finding the proper communication.
This is impossible.
Right communication , a method, principles, tactique can not be given.
It is a moment of grace when there is communication and it does not
depend on me alone.
There is abundance, like this nature around me now (in
the green mountains of Nataf, near Jerusalem),
and if someone comes and finds a flower or a herb or a fruit for himself,
it's beautiful.
"I must let go of this heartbreaking struggle.
It cannot be won.
I must write and say only what I enjoy saying or writing in a specific
Not for any purpose, vocation, not for communication.
This sounds terrible.
To give up on communication?
Remember, thoughts of love..."
Paz celebrates her 29th birthday on Noah's
Shore , with Yuval-David and me.
"az nidberu yir'ee YHWH ish
el re'eehu va-yaqshev YHWH va-yishma'
Bible, Maleachi 3, 16
Then those who fear YHWH are talking among each
and YHWH listens and he hears."
On my way to get a lift to Jerusalem -2004_02_18
- the glorious sun over the sea colors the Qedem Falls in the Mountains
quartet - as usual - demonstrated, how Heaven on Earth will look
Here they sing to a slide-show which Arnon
had created to a beautiful children's song about "what I love":
"I love chocolate~~~ I love the moon and the sun~~ I love mummy
and daddy and my sister and grandma,
but most of all I love MYSELF
- akh hakhee harbeh ani ohev oti."
I remember a scene in a Stuttgart tram, on
the way home from highschool, |
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