The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"




K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart














Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery


"to feel better requires that you become better at feeling"
June 11/ Sivan 8, Wednesday, still 66 days -
at Arad
Parting from my obsession to complete this page---on June 13

back to past ~~~~~ forward to future


Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want, then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what may!
I desire to sharply discern, if a quest for Contact~~Caring~~Communication is right time or not!
If it is right time, I desire to wholly accept being torn between yearning for my holy a-lone-ness
and being utterly open, outgoing, loving towards the other "color(s) of the One Rainbow",

[thanks to my memory for offering me this image from my song - sculpted under a photo of this house!]

in this case to my landlords' children, Lior " to me is light", and Amit "peer", who cried for me so much.
I desire to keep my promise to Amit to be with him [and when now calling his mother, I got a sign!]
image of the day

Learn to create,
and learn to retreat,
ba~lan~cing the flow!
Each is a special wave of
One great Ocean
a color of the one Rainbow.

hodayot [thanksgivings] for today

My Body, my Partner, my God
I give thanks to our brain which - in sharp contrast to the brain of a "savant", whose memory is "exceedingly deep but very, very narrow",
- knows what to ignore and forget and to guard in its memory ONLY,
what -in our present drama - is vital for us to survive, to create & to grow,
and this despite your brain's potential of being a savant , as I learnt now,
since our cerebral cortex registers the tiniest impression and experience.

I'am grate-full to Zipi, that she warned me of dragging Lior to the Dead Sea.
I'm grate-full to my "Angel" who advised me to call Zipi
and thus let me be prevented from getting myself into an even greater mess
than the one with the RedSeaTour, that should have started tomorrow...

Towards my future coping with the dire theme of "Denial in Love"

"Love infected with denial does not feel quite right and is not yet real love" Old Heart - New Heart
I am grate-full - that at least I never lived with a person whom I didn't love.

I'm grate-full for the delightful singing of the blackbird on my neighbors' tree!

Once again that red-red Amaryllis in Nizza's garden,
low-hidden between green grass and green leaves.

Is this symbolizing the love of New Heart
which has begun to blossom now?

In the "Letters to Gritli" , though I'm still in June 1919,
and not yet in March 1920, when Franz Rosenzweig marched into his double hell of an unfull-filled love and a self-imposed loveless marriage, there was a note which referred to that time, and when I read, that on the day of the wedding,
"she was the only person around with whom I had nothing to talk",
my heart felt a sting, which does not stop to pain me.
He also says:
"I'm a dead man now, nothing will ever grow from me again". I remember that Martin said something similar, after he "had to" marry the woman whom he impregnated (her father: "you are not Goethe, you are a normal human being who will never be able to live with the guilt of having forsaken a woman who bore his child.") And when he came with A. to Heidelberg to tell me this, he asked her to leave us alone for a while and then he touched my womb, 5 months pregnant with Franz Rosenzweig's grandson: "this child is so much more mine than the one in A's womb". It had been his decision not to marry me, after I returned from Israel and he returned from the USA. And his decision was right, for it is not enough to love, there must be equality between the lovers, if not, the outcome will be like between me and my husband, Franz Rosenzweig's son, though he said - together with the warning not to get pregnant - "what a wonderful child would come from such a great love".
The greatest love will be wrong, if denial of self will be hidden in it. And denial of self was not only in FR's love to Gritli, his best friend's wife, it was also in Rafael's love to me, towards whom he felt more and more
"invalidated by my very presence".

To come back to Martin's tragedy: after that destiny night between Rafael and me on Nov. 4, 1960, I wrote to Martin every detail of what had happened, - from the perspective I had then
(I did not allow myself to become aware of my self-victimization towards the demands from a man who was a Jew, while I was a German, 15 years after Auschwitz). Martin, in pain, allowed himself to fall in love with a Jewish co-student, Chana Fairstein, and to give himself away in Body, something neither I nor him had ever done. I believe, this was his true love. But Chana would not come with him to the land of the holocaust, while his vocation was exactly there. So just like FR - instead of healing the desire which could not be fulfilled, he drifted into none-love, and despite my warning, when I visited Martin for 3 days before Rafael arrived for teaching an Ulpan at Tuebingen University in 1962 (which resulted in my pregnancy) -after having slept in A's room: "Be very careful, Martin, A. might fall in love with you!"
I see the scene in which Martin said: "
Fuer mich ist's mit der Liebe vorbei fuer immer", I'm finished with love forever.

This is a photo I made about 3 weeks ago, outside the pool on my way home,
and now I see, that this too, like the scene below, shows the composition of a cypress and a Tipuana Tipu Tree ("mikhnaf na'aeh")

Continuation of yesterday:

What made my fear
of "how to spend my time with Lior"
appear even more ridiculous [no judgment!]:
was the fact,
that in the end we were time-pressured....
We couldn't finish putting back all the books etc.
and we had to hurry with our lunch.

The outside pool would open at 13:30,
and though I hoped, that this time nobody would come and remind me that my time was over
(the deal with old people : from eight to two),
I at least needed to get in some time before 2 o'clock.
We were late, the more so, as we had to wait,
until many kids who waited in line, got their tickets.
(By the way, waiting in line is unbearable for me,
perhaps because as a child I had to endlessly stand in line,
just for buying the 2 apples which were suddenly allocated to families with children under 6 years - my brother)

Finally we began our adventure in the pool.
Only when editing this photo I saw the device
which gives access for swimmers in wheel-chairs, which must have been installed towards this season.


Another thing I discovered for the very first time,
after thousands and thousands of times in the water,
in ponds and in lakes, [Lake of Constance, Orta-Lake]
and in swimming pools, outside or under roofs
in the North Sea, [England, Holland, Scotland]
in the Atlantic Ocean, [Northern France]
in the Pacific Ocean, [South India]
in the Mediterranean Sea, [Italy, Southern France, Egypt, Israel]
in the Red Sea, [from Sharem-e-Sheikh up to Eilat and Aqaba)
and all along the northern Dead Sea:

It is impossible to stand still in the water!

The reason for this discovery was Lior's game:
"When I touch the wall (above), you must dance.
When I touch the wall
(below) you must be a statue!
When you move, you've lost, and it will be my turn."

And see and behold:
I can withhold laughing (unlike Lior),
I can withhold falling or drifting away.
But my arms, knees, fingers cannot freeze!
They keep swaying gently all the time!
What a metaphor for our feeling aspect,
for the Will, the Mother aspect of Deity!
for Manifestation which is Vibration!





Luckily Lior was cold like me
and suggested
that we leave the water for a while.
"Only for a while".

[From the point of view of the weather,
we could have well gone to the Dead Sea,
for the temperature had fallen drastically!
How wondrous, that the terrible heat
had helped me to NOT escape
and stay with Lior in my flat,
and feel all the terror I felt,
and then enjoy all the joy]

I brought her to the huge, empty lawn
above the pool,
with its marvellous trees around:
the combination of cypresses
and Tipuana Tipu Trees
("mikhnaf na'aeh"),

"Try to lie on the lawn
and let the sun warm you,
and sense,
how wonderful that is."

And she indeed lay at my side,
eyes closed, mouth shut,
for at least five-six minutes.

Then she discovered in her bag,
that she had brought sun-protection
and smeared it on herself
wherever it could be necessary.


Back in the water, came another delightful experience, but there was nobody to document it:
Among several games Lior suggested, invented, modified etc. the most intense one evolved,
when I once grabbed her into my arms and started to sing the song I recorded on April 11

From head to feet
this is me, this is me
look into my eyes,
this is me, this is me,
with a smile till the ears,
swinging with both hands
in front of me and from my back,
what do you say to that?

This is me, this is me - I with all my body,
this is me, this is me - I in my entirety.

You can turn around
and sometimes you fall,
You lift your knees,
and jump to the sky.

After the first time she invented a ritual:
She would swim back to the ladder and:
"from there you have to grab me as if you were a witch,
and then you sing that song again."

So I grabbed her into my arms, swam around
and learnt to dramatize the lines of the song .
She wanted a repetition of this ritual at least 7 times.
More and more she insisted,
that my tone of voice should also be like a witch's.
It was then, that she gave an instruction,
which had to do with a prison (kaelae).
The witch whined:
"no kaelae! I have been in one once!"
Suddenly Lior became serious:
"really?? When? How?"
Usually she is not (yet) interested in stories of my life,
but here I was made to tell her about that dungeon
which meant I needed to explain her about reincarnation.
While swimming around and cradling her in my arms,
I answered her questions as best as I could for her 6 years.

I also heard myself saying:
"But now we may no longer need death"
and - to her question - give an example of
how there is so much more love in her life,
than there was when I was her age,
when there was nobody except my mother,

"and this mother could not love me,
because she was absolutely alone
and not loved by anybody herself."

In another context I asked her:
"Why did you say to Abba on the phone: don't tell Imma?
I don't think there should be secrets between Abba & you."

"Because once Abba said: don't relate to Imma!"
"How could he say such a thing, Lior?"
"Because Imma is nervous!"
"I see! But he should have said it like that:
"Don't be hurt by Imma. Imma has difficulties.
They have nothing to do with you."

When she showered - alone in her cabin , for at least 10 minutes ... - she asked me:
"Take a picture of me!"
And so I got this image of her whole wet body.


Waiting a few moments for Imma to take us! Lior again savors the delicious bread braid she baked in the morning.
"You cannot imagine", Meital said, "how long it took until Amit stopped to cry, when I drove him to the kindergarden."
Again she promised him to see me later, again a promise, which wasn't kept, but it will be full-filled today!
That's what Meital and I agreed on this morning, "At 6 there's a parents meeting of Lior's class, so Amit will be with you!"

10:30 A skype letter from Muhammed Asif in Pakistan
Hi, I am one of them who believes that love and friendship to all because we can make heaven to this world with love and friendship. With out love and friendship this world is a hell. Let us come make heaven to this world. I am here to find friends. You know that good friends are like diamonds and roses? They are very hard to find, harder to lose and impossible to be forgotten. Would you like to friendship?
Shalom-Salaam, Muhammed Asif in Pakistan,
I, indeed , am working on bringing "Heaven-to-Earth-in-Body",
see my site>K.i.s.s.-Log, but in the 70 years of my living and loving and suffering I have learnt, that at this time it does not make sense to disperse my love and friendship. There is so much to heal and to learn, Muhammed, and this can be done effectively only in what I call relationships of Mutual Dependency, like in a family. So thank you for asking for communication, but please understand, that it has to be postponed until the time will be ripe. Christa-Rachel Bat-Adam, Israel.

Skype noted: "message not delivered yet. But the next morning I found this:


How strange, that right after I told my discovery about water
and after I rehearsed the song "Ride the wave"
while in the noon-pool
- I opened the TV during lunch against my will
(for I have "no time" for new input,
which will may excite me into transforming it into output)

and what was the program?
The Magic of the Drop.
A deep and vast documentary about water!
First Part: "Standstill and Movement"

Die Magie des Tropfens

Zweiteilige Dokumentation von Petra Thorbrietz
1. Stillstand und Bewegung
(aus der ORF-Reihe "Universum", 1990)

Gott legte Himmel und Erde zwischen die Wasser, heißt es in der Bibel. Im ägyptischen Mythos stieg der SonnengottRa täglich neu aus dem Chaos der Urgewässer auf, und die Griechen verehrten die Mondgöttin Eumonia, die ein Ei in den Ozean gelegt haben soll und damit die Welt erschuf. Die erste Maschine der Welt war ein Bewässerungsrad, und die Fähigkeit, das Wasser in geordnete Bahnen zu lenken, legte den Grundstein zu den ersten Hochkulturen. Die älteste Schrift, die bekannt ist, enthält Anweisungen zur Feldbewässerung, und bereits in der Antike musste sich ein moderner Beamtenstaat entwickeln, um das technologische Know-how entsprechend zu verwalten. Aber das Wasser lässt sich nicht so einfach beherrschen: Die Erfindung der Dampfmaschine revolutionierte zwar die Welt - aber in der ständigen Beschleunigung der Produktion verlor der Mensch den Blick für das Maß der Natur.
Am Anfang war das Wasser: In den Schöpfungsgeschichten der Welt ist das Meer der Ursprung aller Dinge, das Wasser das lebendige Chaos, aus dem alles entstanden ist und entsteht. Die dreiteilige Dokumentation "Die Magie des Tropfens" begibt sich auf Entdeckungsreise in die Welt des Wassers. Im ersten Teil geht es um den Mythos Meer.


And if this was not enough, before being able to close 3 SAT and the TV, ("because I have a plan to follow"...)
I see an issue, which definitely can not be missed by me, though most of the info was not new to me.
But the Dead Sea is my home, isn't it? My most homeliest home on the planet.
Will the Dead Sea die?
I learnt, that the greatest danger of the sinking of the water - 1 m per year - is,
that all around the Dead Sea the ground-water is running into the sinking sea...
I also learnt, - from Eli Raz, of course - that the exact reason for the opening holes everywhere
(in Israel he discovered already 2000, but it's the same on the Jordanian side) is this:
around the Dead Sea there are layers of salt every now and then in the earth.
When the sinking groundwater reaches these layers, the salt melts and the soil above collapses...


And then - among at least 5 spiritual not personal e-mail messages, which I simply deleted, because "I have no time for so much imput",
I got caught on the one from Celia Fenn's ,
Celia is the woman,
whose "Earth-Log" inspired me to create "K.i.s.s.-Log"

The composition of the two faces above the invitation touched me.
And I even felt a yearning to take part
in that "Heaven-on-Earth" workshop
But of course, this is not for me at all, at all, at all...

.....So, please join us for our Workshop "Heaven on Earth" as we will explore ways that you can make the personal choice to move into Higher Consciousness and experience the inner Joy and Peace of Heaven on Earth at this time. We are planning a wonderful day of information, channeled messages, meditations and music to lift our Consciousness into this expression of inner Harmony and Unity that is called "Heaven on Earth". Celia will be offering a section called "Peace on Earth, Peace in our Hearts, Awakening to Love", in which she will share the transcendant experience of the "Sacred Heart Meditation" that was given through Archangel Michael in France in 2007, and which has been shared with people in Holland, Germany, South Africa, Argentina and Brazil.

Together, we will also discover the Golden Chalice of Love that lives within each one of us, and by learning how to access the Chalice within and the Golden Flame of Ascended Love, we will learn how to create Abundance in our Lives, with the assistance of Archangel Michael and Mary Magdalene.

Here is some more information on the co-presenters for the workshop:

SARUPA SHAH is a modern mystic, channel, healer and teacher. Her work is passionate, inspirational and transformational and she has been often called the healer of healers assisting people wherever they are on their journey to reach the next step. Sarupa's belief that spirituality is not a separate aspect of ourselves and outside of our daily lives weaves through her work as she assists clients in finding that spiritual and cosmic essence in everything. She works very closely with Mother Earth and her Angels as well as the brotherhood, bringing forward messages and assistance to support personal evolution.

EDWIN COURTENAY is a clairvoyant, channel and spiritual teacher working throughout the UK and Europe offering consultations, lectures, workshops and retreats. Although a non traditional, solitary, eclectic Wiccan by religion he works largely for the Ascended Masters and Angelic collective, bringing forwards their messages, empowerments and guidance for mankind. Edwin is also the guardian of several contemporary Crystal Skulls and as such is sometimes used as the messenger of the Crystal Skull collective the Conclave.


At 4 PM Meital called me:
"We are on our way home from work and kindergarden
and I told Amit that he could come to you at 6, but he wants to come to you right now, is that possible?"

So Amit [became 3 in Febr.] jumped from the car and ran so fast into the house, that I feared for a second that I had lost him.
He had already taken away his sandals and sat on my bed. All children are crazy about my bed, but Amit most of all.
I brought him the apricots from "our" tree, which I had guarded in the fridge and now cut for him.
During the next hour he kept calling them "peaches", though "afarseqim" is much more difficult to pronounce than "mishmishim".

I showed him a kind of grasshopper.
He begged:
"Can you take it in your hand?"
It was not until I began to live in the desert,
that I could touch animals like that. I'm proud of myself.
Later it was a big ant, which he wanted me to take in my hand
and then he dared to take it himself...

On the other hand he didn't want to wait, until he finished them.
He was in ecstasis: "to go out la-shetakh to the field,".
So I put the apricots in a box,
"don't forget a box for the snails", he reminded me,
- a lesson learnt from the one and only time
he had been with me "ba-shetakh" in the field on February 18,
and at that time had gathered snail houses
("the empty houses only!
In this house, for instance, lives an animal, a snail,
it has cemented the entry in order to survive the summer!"

So he was very careful about leaving those living snails in the desert and even hid them carefully under stones.)

We walked to the top of the Wadi of Compassion,
but since I had climbed down and up already four times today
(twice to the pool to and fro), I looked for a path further north.
We finally descended without any path,
and though Amit is so unfamiliar with walking in nature,
leave alone on a stony slope,
he did very well while holding my hand.

When he had enough of gathering snails, he wanted to gather stones,
he emptied the box, but was careful not to trample over the houses.


Then, when he had enough of "closeups", he lifted his eyes,
and what he saw, was exactly what I saw: ugly garbage in the wadi.
It was the part further north of what I had cleaned two days ago.
It seemed, that he was just disgusted as I was,
and when I gave him the word he lacked:
"I hate this dirt",
he repeated this over and over with some variations.
and it was his idea - can I believe it - to start gathering the ugly things.

I found 2 usable nylon-bags, but this didn't bring us far.
So the little chap gathered ugly bottles and claimed,
that he could carry them.
That wasn't realistic, but a rusty iron "ladder" he didn't even leave,
when we in the end had to climb up a short slope, but so steep,
that I, with all my experience, hardly could hold on to it,

with Amit's hand in one hand
and the overflowing garbage bags and his box with stones in the other.
Amit cried with panic !
"throw the ladder away", I shouted, but he held on to it,
Soon we were out of danger and we both sighed with relief.


His mother had called: "Bring him home, I need to shower him."
"I want to shower in your house!" he said strongly, and stronger:
"I want you to shower me!"
When I told him, that this was impossible,
he found a pretext, why he still had to enter "my" house:
"We must clean the stones!"
Yes, if his mother was supposed to permit him to keep the stones,
they must be cleaned first.
When I agreed, that we would , indeed first enter my house
he radiated with happiness.
[The next day I learnt, what a nightmare showering must be fore him:
Every day, right after kindergarden at 15:45, his head is shampooed and every time he cries...]

Then he found all kinds of other sophisticated pretexts,
why he still needed to sit on my bed - without sandals, of course.
More 'peaches' was one of his ideas to make me let him stay...
Finally I took him almost by force,
and when he met his mother, he said to me:
"But after the shower I'll come to your house again!"
"No, not today, maybe we'll fix another hour next week!"

And since Amit, just like Lior,
seems to have given me a role in his drama,
and maybe even more than Lior, because I "settled" in this castle,
when Meital was pregnant with him in her seventh month,
I'll truly think about making this outing with Amit a weekly habit.

On the other hand, when Meital asked him, to hug and kiss me,
he could not do this, and for me this was perfectly understandable.


I again was fascinated by the series "Good Intentions",
and now discovered a long article in English which tells about the stage of work in February this year
(At that time a horrid title was planned for the series - how good, they did away with it)





song of the day

... each is a special wave of one great Ocean,
a color of the one rainbow


back to past ~~~~~ forward to future 2008/2012

Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery

whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete

Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8