See further down 2012
the last three of
Overview of and Links to the Pages of My Community: Desert Vision - Succah
Dawn on Shabbat morning over the Succayah,
following the full moon night of 2002_08_24
2002_10_13-4 ;
updated on March 3, 2011 following my inserts of old (1991) photos in .integration2001-2003
The dust road on which I
would soon walk to Gadi and Efrat
![]() "Leah" and "Ya'aqov" and "Sarah" |
A view of the present Succayah |
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![]() The "altar" on top of the Hill of the Angels' Flight, with its cover of lichen |
![]() Now - with more light - more details of the wadi (ancient terraces!) to the southern side are visible |
![]() I reach the eastern part of the hill and get first glimpses of "Yishma'el" |
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But the light intensifies and the wadi with Yishma'el and Rachel opens up to Leah and Ya'aqov |
![]() Still not lit by the sun: Rachel and Leah in the wadi and Ya'aqov and Sarah on the slope |
And again the view to the south, the terraced tributary
to the Zin wadi-
the dustroad I'm going to walk on soon to Gadi & Efrat ,
Mountain Lekh-Lekhâ and the edge of the Crater
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A slight pink now touches the ridges of the hills
across the dust-road, west of the wadi that comes down from the edge of the
![]() I've reached again the edge of the Angels' Flight and am not pleased with what I see I swiftly turn my eyes to the deepening pink upon the hills that lead to the Crater |
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Watching the halo over some mighty stones on the
edge of the Angels' Flight
The lichen on the stones, the dark shrubs - and on
the other side the light hurrying down to the Crater wadi
![]() which Dani Qish made in the niche, after he had finished building that flown-off succah. |
![]() the mountains beyond the road to Egypt, which hide "our" Nabatean town , are now lit up. |
Right now (2003_02_14)
I'm struck by the contrast between the tiny human
trace in the Succah wadi
and the majesty of the Desert Nature
I walk a few steps and the relation between Ya'acov
and Leah has changed
One last time I watch the full moon over Egypt greet
the rising light over the
ancient Nabatean Kingdom
And there it is a - harmonious - sight of the Succayah,
with the renewed "Yitzkhaq" in the foreground, proving that after
the Succah is what it's supposed to be - a human trace, touching-not-touching
the earth, integrating in it, yes - enhancing it.
The little solar panel is visible.
But the point of the perspective is, that Ya'acov is overpowering his father
Yitzkhaq, as he did in the Bible...
The last photo taken at dawn:
Oh, I see, the moon is still visible over the morning light
The Rivqah succah is open.
Little did I know, that we would meet
there on this very day.
Yitzkhaq, unlike his father Abraham and his son Ya'acov, had only One wife.
And only about this husband is written, that "he
loved her" .(Genesis 24,67)
But Rivqah plays an ugly part in her son's deception
of his father and brother
and had to face the consequences:
"Why shall I become orphaned by both of you in
one day?" (Genesis 27,45)
In a group-e-mail from Rabbi
Ohad Ezrachi I read an interpretation of "Yitzkhaq",
of which I hadn't thought so far:
The digging of wells - of "living water"
- exactly in this chapter Gn
was my own metaphor for many years -,
each one has to dig his own well - discover his own power and meaning.
But what hasn't occurred to me so far, is the secret of Yitzkhaq's name:
Why is he - the least significant figure between Abraham and Ya'aqov-
the one who seems to fulfil "God's" prophecy:
"Laughter is the final stage of healing!"
[see the coincidence today, March 3,
2011, in the puzzle-piece about Laughter]
He loves
his wife Gn 24:67, he laughs with
Gn 26:8 his wife,
he makes peace with Abimelekh, the King of
the Plishtim
Ohad doesn't refer to this fact, nor does he mention,
that the same "Plishtim", who blocked the wells,
are those who bequeathed the name of their people
to the "Palestine" of the Romans
and the "Palestine" of the Turks,
and the "Palestine" of the British,
and to the "Palestinians" today,
those Palestinians who soon will have a state called "Falestin".
September 6 and 20 , 2012
Exactly 10 years after I began
the Desert-Peace-Process
I'm using the free space on these pages for
copying and graphically editing the info from
the last three of the
eight books of Right
Use of Will.
Since the copying and excerpting of the Red Book
is completed,
I continue
to copy - without any omissions
the Orange Book
and the Indigo Book.
The orange, 6th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 6 LAND OF PAN The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation, that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God |
The indigo, 8th
RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 8 INDIGO - The Search for True Understanding and Balance Dedicated to The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance |
172 In the days of Pan
on Earth, I did not have solutions, and
so I could not say much of anything I felt without being viewed as dismally
complaining instead of having the fun available
to Me everywhere, but from My perspective, I did not
see it as fun. I felt that I had been through Hell, and could not understand
how others could feel like celebrating if they had also.
p.172 [continuation of "The Isle"] It did not want to go back
toward a head oracle it viewed as having taken the whole scene down
there and so, it configured around the man most likely
to give it a place and let it speak through him. |
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Brahms Requiem,4, Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnungen another youtube, performance with organ only, in English: How lovely are thy dwellings Wie lieblich sind Deine Wohnungen, Herr Zebaoth! Meine Seele verlanget und sehnet sich nach den Vorhöfen des Herrn; Mein Leib und Seele freuen sich in dem lebendigen Gott. Wohl denen, die in Deinem Hause wohnen, die loben Dich immerdar. (Psalm
84, 2.3.5) |
The orange, 6th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 6 LAND OF PAN The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation, that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God |
The indigo, 8th
RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 8 INDIGO - The Search for True Understanding and Balance Dedicated to The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance |
p. 174 of the building. The women
there had Greek ideas of columns and such things, but they
wanted to give it a round shape this time. |
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Brahms Requiem, 5, Ihr habt nun Traurigkeit V. [Langsam. G-Dur, C] Ich will euch trösten, Sehet mich an: Ich habe eine kleine Zeit (Jesus Sirach 51, 35) |
The orange, 6th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 6 LAND OF PAN The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation, that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God |
The indigo, 8th
RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 8 INDIGO - The Search for True Understanding and Balance Dedicated to The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance |
I hated these stinking, stagnant pools and saw that the satyrs weren't even careful about what else fell in there along with the flowers and fruits they threw and trampled down into them, drowning them without caring how these things felt about their demise. I hated the idea of taking over other things this way or even eating them at all. It only reminded Me of My experience with the snake and of other dark things that were not able to surface in Me. I felt living on light and air and a little water was the only way to live. The nature of Pan had so much beauty and gentleness to it I could not stand to see it victimized this way. It wasn't that I didn't like wild and free nature, but I wanted it to have a gentleness and beauty to it, and a grace that delighted My aesthetic sense; the perfect balance really, even down to the harmonioulsy winding pathways through it; certainly not these disgustng satyr-made
p.176 She saw where he had put
it when he was readying them to leave and gone into his things on
board the ship and taken it. She claimed to be the best seer
and said it was she who had had the clearest vsion of where the boat
was, and that without her, they probably wouldn't be on it
yet. |
Brahms, Requiem, 6,Denn wir haben hier keine bleibende Stadt (to this piece I couldn't find a video with the score ) Denn wir haben hie keine bleibende Statt, sondern die zukünftige suchen wir. (Hebräer 13, 14) ![]() |
Siehe, ich sage Euch ein Geheimnis:
The orange, 6th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 6 LAND OF PAN The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation, that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God |
The indigo, 8th
RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 8 INDIGO - The Search for True Understanding and Balance Dedicated to The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance |
p.178 man she wanted in that position,
most of the rage that had configured around the other
man when the head of the temple died moved over to this man. It wanted
to accomplish its mission, and to do that, it needed to speak from
a position of power. The heart man thought
he had been unfairly passed over and should have had the position,
because balance was what was needed
more than anything else He saw himself as having
that [sic], but he did not oppose
her openly anymore right then. |
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Youtube, Brahms, Requiem, 7, Selig sind die Toten (Offenbarung Johannis 14, 13) I'll now listen |
The orange, 6th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 6 LAND OF PAN The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation, that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God |
The indigo, 8th
RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 8 INDIGO - The Search for True Understanding and Balance Dedicated to The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance |
p.180 and that if there was any
problem, they would all disembark into his ferry boat
and find the shore themselves, leaving him free, but the problem was
it was impossible to tell which way the shore was. |
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The orange, 6th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 6 LAND OF PAN The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation, that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God |
The indigo, 8th
RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 8 INDIGO - The Search for True Understanding and Balance Dedicated to The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance |
p.182 The local people observed
thee temple people for a while, too, before they revealed themselves.
When they saw that the temple people were fasting and
were about to run out of fresh water, and still
hadn't acted in any of the ways they did not want there, the
faeries and the local people decided to give them a cautious welcome. |
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The orange, 6th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 6 LAND OF PAN The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation, that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God |
The indigo, 8th
RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 8 INDIGO - The Search for True Understanding and Balance Dedicated to The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance |
p.184 because the temple people
had not mentioned them, which meant that the faeries
had not allowed themselves to be seen by these newcomers. |
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The orange, 6th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 6 LAND OF PAN The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation, that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God |
The indigo, 8th
RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 8 INDIGO - The Search for True Understanding and Balance Dedicated to The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance |
p.186 The temple people wanted
to have the kind of sex they wanted to have, but they did
not want this to be seen as their main focus by the local
people in case they did not approve, and so they were hoping to have
their own procession up the Tor and not go all
the way to Stonehenge the next year. They had
been making a lot of plans, but given the local people's interest
In everything they were doing, they did not want to tell them very
much, because they did not want them to decide to stay home and observe
the solstice with them. |
![]() Rumi: "Living in God" |
2012 I'm still listening to Stabat Mater 1. Stabat Mater dolorosa Iuxta crucem lacrimosa Dum pendebat Filius. The grieving Mother stood Through her weeping soul, 6:34,
Duet O how sad and afflicted
The orange, 6th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 6 LAND OF PAN The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation, that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God |
The indigo, 8th
RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 8 INDIGO - The Search for True Understanding and Balance Dedicated to The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance |
p.188 lot of sex on the
Tor that night that was rage polarized sex and
power sex, and in many ways, the light it generated
was not good or loving light. The faeries
were very upset with themselves for having let these temple
people in and pleaded with the local people to make them leave, but
now the problem was that the temple people had gotten themselves
established there, and feelings of uneasiness did not seem to be enough
to make them leave; but how to make it clear that they knew
about this without revealing the faeries who did not
want to be revealed, especially now when they did not
trust that the sacredness of their hill was really being honored? |
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The orange, 6th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 6 LAND OF PAN The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation, that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God |
The indigo, 8th
RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 8 INDIGO - The Search for True Understanding and Balance Dedicated to The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance |
p.190 viewed these not
as classes, a form with which they had no formal experience
as such there yet, so much as an exchange. The
temple people did not notice this so much as they viewed themselves
as teachers, and the subtle tone
of superiority from them as "teachers"
caused the local people not to let the temple people know
how much they already knew about many things. |
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On September
8, 2012, a day on which my husband Rafael would have become 90, I again listen to Stabat Mater: 8:27 , Alto Who mourned and grieved, 10:40, Duet Who is the man who would not weep She saw her sweet Son |
The orange, 6th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 6 LAND OF PAN The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation, that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God |
The indigo, 8th
RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 8 INDIGO - The Search for True Understanding and Balance Dedicated to The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance |
p.190 tions of her feelings and
that it was they, themselves, who were being unloving and
judgmental, especially when she denied her tone whenever questioned
about it. They would often go away asking one another if
they had heard it in the same way after she would make comments to
them. |
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mater , 16:40, Alto Eia Mater, fons amoris Me sentire vim doloris Fac, ut tecum lugeam. O Mother, fountain of love, 18:32, duet Grant that my heart may burn Sancta Mater, istud agas, Crucifixi fige plagas Cordi meo valide. Holy Mother, grant this of yours, 24:403, Alto [this voice
almost carries me out of life!] Grant that I may bear the death of Christ, 4 months ago only a mother can feel this pain through the heart 1 week ago
The orange, 6th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 6 LAND OF PAN The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation, that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God |
The indigo, 8th
RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 8 INDIGO - The Search for True Understanding and Balance Dedicated to The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance |
194 |
p.194 how they are supposed to
respond. children need to be trained in manners. It is not right to
have them say "please" and "thank you" only when
they feel like it. You must make your children listen to you more
and punish them if they do not do as they are told." |
![]() Rumi-Quotes: Love is the language that cannot be said or heard |
Mater, 28:06, duet Lest I be destroyed by fire, set alight, Quando corpus morietur, When my body dies, 40:00 |
The orange, 6th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 6 LAND OF PAN The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation, that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God |
The indigo, 8th
RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 8 INDIGO - The Search for True Understanding and Balance Dedicated to The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance |
p.195 They began to party
and play music more and more in the woods at night.
The local people weren't sure they liked this, either, even though
they sometimes wanted to join them, they thought the temple people
were way overdoing it and almost always wanted
it to end earlier than the temple people ever ended it. Then, when
it grew to be daybreak, the temple people were not around to help
them with any of the things that needed doing at that time of day.
The temple people were doing almost none of the work
it took to sustain them, and the local people began to resent
this somewhat. |
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The orange, 6th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 6 LAND OF PAN The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation, that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God |
The indigo, 8th
RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 8 INDIGO - The Search for True Understanding and Balance Dedicated to The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance |
p.196 out letting anyone else know,
and some of them involved babies from unwanted pregnancies. |
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Mika in the "encampment" with her parents in the Galilee, August 2012 |
The orange, 6th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 6 LAND OF PAN The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation, that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God |
The indigo, 8th
RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 8 INDIGO - The Search for True Understanding and Balance Dedicated to The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance |
p.198 ple said. There was going
to be no moon that night. When she told them she
had been in these caves and that the caves glowed,
they thought it was going to be perfect. The local people would go
home early because of no Moon, they could still have
the Tor to themselves and yet be more hidden
than usual. Many of the ones who had
been studying at the temple were not happy about this, especially
the ones who now had more of that kind of light. Then, one
of the temple children who had been growing up with Celts as parents
spoke up and said that if there was a |
The orange, 6th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 6 LAND OF PAN The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation, that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God |
The indigo, 8th
RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 8 INDIGO - The Search for True Understanding and Balance Dedicated to The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance |
Continuation of the two books in "DesertPeaceProcess-Succat Sarah"