The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"


See further down  2012 the last three of


Overview of and Links to the Pages of My Community: Desert Vision - Succah Parting from its realization in the exterior World




Dawn on Shabbat morning over the Succayah,
following the full moon night of 2002_08_24

2002_10_13-4 ;
updated on March 3, 2011 following my inserts of old (1991) photos in .integration2001-2003


The dust road on which I would soon walk to Gadi and Efrat

"Leah" and "Ya'aqov" and "Sarah"


A view of the present Succayah
which I don't like:
The formerly so beautiful
"Tent of Appointment",
now reminding me of a hangar,
the compound
of the Abraham succah with its disharmonious crowdedness,
the cars at the parking lot,
which we always wanted to hide under palmfronds,
but never came up with a good idea, or with the time to realize it.
And from this specific perspective even the Rukhara is out of place.

The "altar" on top of the Hill of the Angels' Flight, with its cover of lichen

View from the "Altar" to "Mount Lekh-Lekhâ" and the edge of the RamonCrater

Now - with more light - more details of the wadi (ancient terraces!) to the southern side are visible

I reach the eastern part of the hill and get first glimpses of "Yishma'el"
Emerging from the wadi: "Yishma'el", "Rachel" and "Lea"
And the moon is still hanging over the Hill of the Angels' Flight



Looking down into the wadi again:
an eerie view
of the back of
"Yishma'el" and "Rachel"

But the light intensifies
and the wadi
with Yishma'el and Rachel
opens up
to Leah and Ya'aqov

Still not lit by the sun: Rachel and Leah in the wadi and Ya'aqov and Sarah on the slope

And again the view to the south, the terraced tributary to the Zin wadi-
the dustroad I'm going to walk on soon to Gadi & Efrat ,
Mountain Lekh-Lekhâ and the edge of the Crater

The sun finally made it over the ridge and the "altar" prostrates itself


Was someone dancing in this circle, when the full moon greeted the rising sun?

A slight pink now touches the ridges of the hills across the dust-road, west of the wadi that comes down from the edge of the Crater

I've reached again the edge of the Angels' Flight and am not pleased with what I see
I swiftly turn my eyes to the deepening pink upon the hills that lead to the Crater

Watching the halo over some mighty stones on the edge of the Angels' Flight

The lichen on the stones, the dark shrubs - and on the other side the light hurrying down to the Crater wadi

I climb a few stones - still on the edge of the Angels' Flight - and remember the fire,
which Dani Qish made in the niche, after he had finished building that flown-off succah.
Again looking towards the north:
the mountains beyond the road to Egypt, which hide "our" Nabatean town , are now lit up.

Right now (2003_02_14) I'm struck by the contrast between the tiny human trace in the Succah wadi
and the majesty of the Desert Nature

I walk a few steps and the relation between Ya'acov and Leah has changed

One last time I watch the full moon over Egypt greet the rising light over the ancient Nabatean Kingdom

And there it is a - harmonious - sight of the Succayah, with the renewed "Yitzkhaq" in the foreground, proving that after all-
the Succah is what it's supposed to be - a human trace, touching-not-touching the earth, integrating in it, yes - enhancing it.

The little solar panel is visible.
But the point of the perspective is, that Ya'acov is overpowering his father Yitzkhaq, as he did in the Bible...

The last photo taken at dawn:
Oh, I see, the moon is still visible over the morning light
The Rivqah succah is open.
Little did I know, that we would meet there on this very day.
Yitzkhaq, unlike his father Abraham and his son Ya'acov, had only One wife.
And only about this husband is written, that
"he loved her" .(Genesis 24,67)
But Rivqah plays an ugly part in her son's deception of his father and brother
and had to face the consequences:

"Why shall I become orphaned by both of you in one day?" (Genesis 27,45)





In a group-e-mail from Rabbi Ohad Ezrachi I read an interpretation of "Yitzkhaq",
of which I hadn't thought so far:

The digging of wells - of "
living water" - exactly in this chapter Gn 26
was my own metaphor for many years -,
each one has to dig his own well - discover his own power and meaning.
But what hasn't occurred to me so far, is the secret of Yitzkhaq's name:
Why is he - the least significant figure between Abraham and Ya'aqov-
the one who seems to fulfil "God's" prophecy:
"Laughter is the final stage of healing!"
[see the coincidence today, March 3, 2011, in the puzzle-piece about Laughter]
He loves his wife Gn 24:67, he laughs with Gn 26:8 his wife,
he makes peace with Abimelekh, the King of the Plishtim
Ohad doesn't refer to this fact, nor does he mention,
that the same "Plishtim", who blocked the wells,
are those who bequeathed the name of their people
to the "Palestine" of the Romans
and the "Palestine" of the Turks,
and the "Palestine" of the British,
and to the "Palestinians" today,
those Palestinians who soon will have a state called "Falestin".



September 6 and 20 , 2012

Exactly 10 years after I began the Desert-Peace-Process
I'm using the free space on these pages for copying and graphically editing the info from
the last three of the eight books of Right Use of Will.
Since the copying and excerpting of the Red Book is completed,
I continue to copy - without any omissions
the Orange Book and the Indigo Book.

The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 172


In the days of Pan on Earth, I did not have solutions, and so I could not say much of anything I felt without being viewed as dismally complaining instead of having the fun available to Me everywhere, but from My perspective, I did not see it as fun. I felt that I had been through Hell, and could not understand how others could feel like celebrating if they had also.

Although I could not remember the details, I had the feelings present within Me, and I needed the space to process them in order to gain the understandings I have now, finally, after all this time, gained. I cannot help but feel a rancor about how short a time this might have taken Me if I had had any help at all there that had encouraged My emotional expression instead of exerting a steady, downward pressure on it, accompanied by feelings of superiority for not having it, and how much less suffering would have resulted then. I was still so close to My power then and could still believe that I had some. Now, it is difficult to believe that I ever had power or that there is any such thing as Mother power.

Now, granted you had no other place to go that you were capable of going and that you fell to Earth because the magnetic draw of My presence so far out into space drew you out this far, granted you had a hard time too, although I would like to remind you that Earth is not Hell, it is My home, granted you wanted to party, which I am not altogether opposed to no matter what you may think, granted you were not parented for a long time and so how could We expect you to behave any better, although you claimed to be grown up and not need parenting anymore, granted you could not move past your Parents' understanding level even though you tried your hardest to prove you knew better than we did and granted anything else you want to claim on your side; I want to be granted this:

Earth is My planet, and I was not given space even here to process what I needed to process, let alone any help, support, comfort or sympathy in any way commensurate with the problem. Granted, you did not know what the problem was and that you did not have enough experience to understand it, but grant Me that you did not help at the level you had to offer and the level you had to give. That was all I needed, and you did not do it.

Instead, you ran all over Pan, partying and trashing Pan the same way you trashed Me; with your Will denial. You shoved Me out into Hell even here on Earth, and when that was made

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manifest, you blamed Me and not yourselves at all for bringing Hell to Earth.
You did not care about My pain. Was it because you did not recognize Me? I could have been any little old woman in the forest, as I soon was in Pan, and you would have run over Me the same way. I could have been a piece of your own lost Will, which I was also, and you did not help it.
How could I have found out how you felt about My vibration divested of My image, position and power if you had recognized Me? Why did you need to recognize Me? How could I have learned that you wanted to take My image, positon and power and put it in the place of a real Mother, divested of My vibration, if you had recognized Me? You did not give Me the space to heal My own pain. Instead, you viewed anything that interfered with the party as something to dump, or run over the same as you did in the Godhead when you aligned with running over Me and dumping Me out of there.

You aligned with something very unloving here, and you need to look at it and move it out of you, or I am not going to allow you to stay on Earth. You have behaved ike a bunch of spoiled and over-indulged brats long enough. My rage fragments have been putting children out of their homes and onto the streets for a long time. I am now bringing this rage back within Myself, and what form it is going to take, I cannot tell you, but things are not going to go on as they have been, that I can tell you. Spoiled brats who do not help and spoiled brats who are still into Will denial are going off the planet!

I should have been able to come from Hell to My own planet and process what I needed to process and heal in peace and quiet, and alone if necessary, instead of having to come to a place overrun with squalling, insatiable brats who were never satisfied with anything they were ever given while saying it was only Me who was never satisfied.

The very least you could have done was to move back enough to give Me a place in the forest where I could have had peace and quiet and rest. You did not even do that. I had to always be near the Father of Manifestation for protection, and you never gave Him any peace either, I can testify to that. Demands and complaints, complaints and demands, but if I had any, I was negative. The Father of Manifestation and I had no relationship in which any sufficient amount of healing could take place. There was no time for that. You made sure of it.

You've all complained about what God hasn't done for you, and why didn't the Parents (who weren't parented at all) do more,


p.172 [continuation of "The Isle"]

It did not want to go back toward a head oracle it viewed as having taken the whole scene down there and so, it configured around the man most likely to give it a place and let it speak through him.

This rage wanted to go forward only, and not let anyone mourn too much over the loss of someone who should have known better. It felt scorn and hatred for them both there and decided it was going to have an even better life now because it could breathe freer, have the new temple the way it wanted to have it and accomplish the mission of collecting knowledge even better there, because there wouldn't be anyone with the power of the city state looking over their shoulders.

The man this essence configured around was a part of Heart, who did not mind taking in this essence because he had plenty of rage himself that was already polarized to the head of the temple's point of view. He experienced this only as though he had suddenly come into his own or as though the torch had been passed to him, and he was proud to take it. He was able to guide them to the boat correctly because he had listened closely to the head of the temple before he died, and they moved to board the boat quickly and get away as soon as possible.

They had moved up the coast some distance and sailed that night without passing through the port of Delphi where they might have been questioned. That they accomplished this made them feel they must have the protection of the gods, but the captain of the ship had a foreboding feeling that storms were coming in that were not typical fo the season.

Almost as soon as they sailed, storm winds began to assail the ship and with them came an excitement in the rage polarized women in which they began to have visions that this had all happened because it was meant to happen and that they were meant to be the new group in charge . Right about then, the captain said the winds were worsening enough that he wanted to turn back. Their first thought was to blame their former head oracle for this, as though she was following them with the vengeance that they had always feared she had toward them or had sent someone of the gods to pursue them because they had her belt.

They soon decided, however, that without her belt, she had no real power anymore, and they had it in their possession. They were all trying it on and seeing themselves in her place. As the winds worsened, their held rage said they must control these storms, which they had now decided were being sent by the gods to give them the escape they needed. Soon they were saying that they had


called these storms, and they would not listen to the captain when he said he wanted to turn back.

The turbulence around the boat was terrible, but the rage in the women there would not hear of turning back or even putting in at a port. They only insisted, over and over, that they were commanding these storms and that they wanted to be that storm driven [sic] to escape quickly and to make pursuit impossible. Their rage claimed it did not fear the storms and did not believe they could be capsized or driven onto unseen rocks or sandbars.

They scorned any of the men who wanted to side with the crew and even fought with the crew when they told the men from the temple to get these women under control, because they did not like having women like that on board who wanted to run the ship's business and did not even know what it took to try to sail a ship in storms like that. The crew saw the ship as pursued by storms. They said it was a bad omen and that they were going to put the women off the ship if they got to a port without sinking first.

The women's response to that was to feel even more rage which worsened the storms around them until there were so many changing winds lashing them that they could not either go back or put in to any port. There was no direction they could go except straight ahead toward Gibraltar. The women then said that was an omen and that they must be allowed to prevail.

The temple people were fighting with each other below the deck because they were not allowed up on the top anymore, but it was barely audible over the sounds of the weather all around them. Their rage at each other was intense, but it was mostly in what they said and the way they said it, while above them on the deck, the crew was fighting with lashing winds and drivng rains that were almost capsizing the ship.

They were in disagreement about many things. They wanted a matriarchal, not a patriarchal head of their new learning and healing center and said that they, themselves were the ones who had been destined all along to establish it. Visions were coming to the women of being goddesses, themselves, who were emissaries of a greater goddess.

They were seeing the Moon stone they had had at Delphi as having a more prominent purpose than they had realized before. They wanted to make a twin stone at their new temple and dedicate everything more to the Moon as a feminine aspect than to the Sun as they had at Delphi. They could not even agree on the shape

youtube, Brahms Requiem,4,
Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnungen

 another youtube,
performance with organ only, in English:
How lovely are thy dwellings

Wie lieblich sind Deine Wohnungen,
Herr Zebaoth!
Meine Seele verlanget und sehnet sich
nach den Vorhöfen des Herrn;
Mein Leib und Seele freuen sich
in dem lebendigen Gott.
Wohl denen, die in Deinem Hause wohnen,
die loben Dich immerdar.

(Psalm 84, 2.3.5)

The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 174

know more, help more, give more. You have all fought for the Parental roles and to be adults and parents yourselves and then, when you put yourselves in the Parental spot, you have done less, known less, helped less and given less than We did, and basically used the position for the acting out of your images of power and glory in which it looked like you were basically out for yourselves in a way that did not feel very loving to Me and to run wild and free as though your thought process on parenting hadn't gone any further that [than?] the idea of no one telling you what to do.

Whenever I have been able to help, My first concern has been for My children, and I have helped them as much as I possibly could; so much so that I have wondered if I've been a fool at times as my own denied rage has for so long said. Where has your help been? Have you just sucked up My help as part of your information gathering process in your power play as My denied rage has said? I have hope that this rage was viewing you from the gap that is healing now, and that you will move in response to the gap that is healing now, but I need to know the truth from the way you move not from what you say from your reasonable part.

Why do you think We, the first Parents, had such a problem? It was because we had no one to Help Us by telling Us what to do. I could not say anything about how I felt as the Mother without being viewed as criticizing, lecturing and trying to place limits you didn't want to have. You were in reacton against complaints and rules and in defiance of and rebellion against authority, when, if you had had acceptance for your Wills, there would not have been need for Me to complain or to impose the rules and limits you so self-righteously opposed.
You need to look at what light it is that views authority, not as wisdom, but as power over you and check the reflection of that in the world.

I could not move rage and I could not move terror in Pangea. If I hadn't been able to find places already filled with sounds to cover My movement in which to move some of My deep grief, I doubt I would have been able to move that, and if I had not been able to move even that, I doubt that you would have a Mother to help you now. You did not give Me the space, either in Pan, or within yourselves, in which complaints could have become emotions, could have become understandings, could have become solutions to heal the gap long ago, but you surely could complain long and loud about the pain you were suffering and place the blame all outside of yourselves.

I have issues with everyone who did not give Me space to

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move the way I needed to move. You have all had gaps that did not want Me to move these problems back into their right places. Anything I said there was met only with statements of how much fun it was to form change, to have sex as much as you all wanted to, which you did anytime, anywhere and with anyone in every way, and with statements about how important it was for you to run all over Pan partying as much as you wanted to, with no parents telling you what to do and what not to do. Most of you who were not parented claimed you liked it that way because you could be immediately adult and not have anyone telling you how you should be doing things. Any suggestions I made about how I thought you felt were met with denials and insistence of how fine you felt and how wonderful it was to be able to run around Pan doing whatever you felt like doing, whenever you felt like doing it. My terror could not let Me press the point then.

Looking around Me, I did not like much of anything I saw, in fact. Everything in Pangea was having problems compared to how it used to be, or how my memory saw it anyway, With no spirits to parent or who accepted Me there, I took to caring for the forest alone during the day while almost everyone else slept. The very forest, itself looked sad to Me and abandoned of Mother presence.
The flowers drooped, and many of them were torn from their places, ravaged and thrown down. I wept for them, picking each one up and holding it as though they were My little children who had been trampled to death. I especially could not stand how the satyrs were treating the forest. There was a feeling of irresponsibility in their wanton abandon that I did not like even then, and a feeling of disregard and disrespect for the Mother too.

It appeared to Me that I had been gone for a long time, and that terrible problems had set into Earth during my absence, but I became easily disoriented by denials and contradictions, wondering if it was Me instead.

"How dare you use My planet this way!" was the reproachment I wanted to allow Myself then, but they controlled the vines and preached freedom for all, not just My version of it. I did not like the power they had in Pan. It seemed to Me it was the power to override everyone else in favor of themselves and call it FreeWill, but I wasn't sure because they claimed I did that. Whenever they spoke about the Mother, there was jeering, disrespect and hatred heaped upon Her. No wonder the Father of Manifestation didn't want Me to reveal Myself, especially in the diminished state I was in. If He didn't have the power to control them, I certainly didn't.


p. 174

of the building. The women there had Greek ideas of columns and such things, but they wanted to give it a round shape this time.

The men from the temple vehemently opposed a more feminine aspecting in their new temple. They wanted to make it just like the one at Delphi with men even more in charge, saying it was because a woman had had too much power in the temple at Delphi that it had gone down.The more the men from the temple kept citing the former head oracle as a perfect example of why the women should not be allowed to prevail and were saying that these women were now acting the same way, the more this was infuriating the women who said it was only the head oracle, not them.

The man who had stepped forward to guide them to the boat directly opposed the women thee. He was not only enraged at the head oracle, he was enraged at these women, too, and wanted to say that he should be the new head of the temple. He said that he had no objection to them being put off the ship if they did not get their rage under control.

When they told him they could not be put off the ship because the ship could not even get to a port, he told them that if they did not look at what was really happening to the ship, they were quite possibly going to end their lives by insisting they had to have these storms. He insisted they had to calm down enough to feel what was really happening to the ship.

When they would not listen to him, he called the men together and they joined in meditation to calm the storms if they possibly could. When the women had no one left to engage with them in this anymore, they began to feel that maybe he was right. They would not admit it, but they joined in the meditation, too.

When the storms calmed and fair weather began to prevail, this man felt he had had the power to do this more than anyone else on board that ship and said this proved that he should be the new head of the temple, because the gods had favored him. The other men looked ready to give him the position because they thought this was right, but the rage polarized daughter who had been the one to confront the head oracle said she was the cause of the storms abating, because she had the help of the Supreme God she saw in her vision because He wanted her to make an offer in compromise to the men. She said that the Supreme God said they were not to judge things in their old ways anymore and that this meant they were not to judge what it was going to be like to have a female in charge of the new temple based on the experience they had had with the previous head oracle.

p. 175

The women felt themselves to be goddesses and did not like the men judging against them or their power. They felt they had plenty of power, more than enough to run the temple. They wanted a chance to try things their way, and being rage polarized daughter and mother pieces, they thought they knew better than everyone else.

When the men did not want to let one of them be the head of the new temple, they felt a resurgence of their animosities toward the men then, as though it was only the men judging the women, not the women also judging the men. They took their position to be reality there and so did the men. The skies began to look threatening again.

The girl said that indeed storms would put them straight onto the Rock of Gibraltar [was called like that only after the Muslim invasion of Spain,. i.e. some 900 years later] if the men did not accept her offer, which was that she was the new head of the temple and that she should have the power to select the male head of the temple. This meant that she would have power over the male head of the temple if she could select him. She said this needed to be the case because she was the one who had had the vision of the Supreme God, and He had power over all the other gods, or she could not have the power she had there. She said she was the most direct emissary of the MOther of All Things on Earth and that if that power was meant for a man, then a man would have had the vision. She implied I told her all of this, but I did not. I had not talked to her since she treated the head oracle the way she did in Delphi.

The captain of the ship did not like any of these goings (sic) on, and now that the weather had calmed, wanted to put them all off at the nearest port, go back to Greece and say he was just on a fishing expedition. The women could not resolve this with him because he would not even talk to the women, and the man who wanted to be head of the temple had to give the captain of the ship, and the crew, too, a lot of gold to make them keep going with them and even feared that since they had so much gold with them that they might think they had more and rob them right there on the ship and still put them off, or even just throw them overboard he was so angy at them. He told the temple people to pretend they did not have anything more, but the rage polarized daughters would not listen to him and still tried on the head oracle's belt and let it be seen.

All the women were fighting about who the new head oracle should be and did not want to let the men have a say in that, either, but the girl was the main one wearing the belt. She said the former head of the temple had given it to her, which was not true, either.

youtube, Brahms Requiem, 5, Ihr habt nun Traurigkeit


[Langsam. G-Dur, C]
Ihr habt nun Traurigkeit;
aber ich will euch wiedersehen,
und euer Herz soll sich freuen,
und eure Freude soll niemand von euch nehmen.
(Johannes 16, 22)

Ich will euch trösten,
wie einen seine Mutter tröstet.

(Jesaja 66, 13)

Sehet mich an: Ich habe eine kleine Zeit
Mühe und Arbeit gehabt
und habe großen Trost gefunden.

(Jesus Sirach 51, 35)

The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 176


I wanted to turn to Him for help anyway and felt blame toward Him for letting things get so out of control when I wasn't there, but when I pictured Myself angrily telling Him how I felt about these satyrs and their horrible rampaging through the forests of Pan, I was afraid all I would hear in return was how I had rampaged in Pan
and hadn't cared what it did to the nature there then either.

"Why so concerned now?" I feared I heard the rest of the satyrs sneering at Me sarcastically, as though they were going to suddenly appear as having a secret alliance with the Father of Manifestation here. Why He was appearing to ignore them so much, I did not know, but then there were so many things I did not understand about Pan, the God, and Pan, the land now too, Why had the Father of Manifestation
taken on such a bestial form for hImself? This He did not explain.

I found the satyrs' sexual behavior obnoxiously outrageous too; the cruel torture and molestation of children, as I saw it. I felt ashamed as the Mother of Everything that this could even be happening to the children and Me be as powerless to stop it as I found out I was the first time I tried, and they victimized Me along with the rest and even more so, laughing and plucking Me up like a hapless Flower, jeering Me as a prude who had tried to stop it, and a party drag too. Giving Me suffocation and drowning lessons and telling Me how much worse it would be the next time I interfered convinced Me I did not have the power to stop them, but I wanted someone to.

I felt I must find some way to stop this. I thought I had an alignment for this from most of the spirits in Pan who complained privately to others about the satyrs, but I found that in their presence, they acted as if they enjoyed it until I was more than confused and began to think that maybe I was alone in My views and opinions, and that others agreed with Me in My presence, but privately thought I was the prude among them.

These satyrs
did not love pure water the way I did either, galloping through it way too carelessly, often muddying it horribly, tearing up its beautifuly framing embankments and leaving behind foul odors and liquids that dribbled out of them so constantly I could not tell if they were still spasming from orgasms as they ran through the woods seeking more orgasms, or if they had some kind of problem causing them to constantly dribble out unwanted essence. Whatever it was, I didn't like it, and I couldn't stand their foul rotten smelling scent being spread as wantonly

p. 177

across Pan as was their behavior.

Everywhere I went in the forest, it was becoming more and more difficult to get away from it. Their scent hung heavy in the air in places, and the more they trampled the mosses and grasses and tore down and trampled the flowers, the more their scent began to override the pure and beautiful air of Pan that had been so filled with the exotic and inviting aromas of flowers, spices, herbs and every other thing that grew or had presence, including the Earth itself, until I felt I could not even become intoxicated on the air anymore because I no longer even wanted to breathe deeply if it was going to have to smell like this.

Breathing deeply and becoming intoxicated on the air was a love of Mine, and I felt bitterness over this. Foulness of sounds, smells, feelings and appearance assailed all of My senses in Pan, and I felt immense bitterness and rage over this, all converted by necessity into bitter, stinging tears as I swept, cleaned, tidied and nurtured the forest all day long, unnoticed in Pan.

I still did breathe deeply whenever I found air where I thought I could. That is how I found other things I considered to be wrong in Pangea. I found stinking pools of stagnating, dark rot in various locations around the forest, apparently created by the satyrs since their hoofmarks were all around them. These pools appeared to be the source of their drunkenness since they seemed to prefer drinking this to pure water. I feared this rot and where it might lead, and I could not understand the sunning of or the fouling of the great, healing and sustaining powers of the pure water by those so obviously in need of healing.

Just now I read in Ceanne de Rohan's (not-channeled) book "Feelings Matter" p. 150
"The energy of emotions is like a lake. When some of our emotions are being dammed up and not alowed the movement and expessin they need, they can become stagnant and toxic. If there is stagnation, toxicity ... no matter where it is in our emotional lake,it can affect our entire lake, impactng every emotion we are gong to feel or express, as one area can be affected by another and one situation confused with another when our emotional waters are not able to keep themselves clear. As more residue from additional held emotions is pushed down into compressed stagnation, sooner or later, this pollution can make our entire emotional lake toxic or even dead. Our emotins need our acceptance. Whatever condition we find them to be in, our stagnated emotions have a message that needs to be received.

Direct expression of emotions as sounds is the missing middle ground between our words and our actions. As it had been, when words and reason fail us, the only other option most of us have seen has been to either give up or take some kind of action, even violent. Imagine what could shift if we expressed our emotions directly instead of acting them out. The powerful effect that giving our emotions expression as sound can have has been almost entirely unknown in our present system of living. '

This metaphor of "pure water" and "stagnating lake" was reinforced by 2 TV programs which both tried to unfold the mystery of water in our body and on the planet. And I could suddenly see that my 30 year old "ideology" of "lekh-lekha", of "the water that goes out from Eden", of "Moav", who did not go into exile and whose waters therefore stagnated ,
therefore his taste remaineth in him, and his scent is not changed." [Jeremia 18:12]
is also, yes first of all and last of all, a symbol for the fact, that my emotions need to move!

I hated these stinking, stagnant pools and saw that the satyrs weren't even careful about what else fell in there along with the flowers and fruits they threw and trampled down into them, drowning them without caring how these things felt about their demise. I hated the idea of taking over other things this way or even eating them at all. It only reminded Me of My experience with the snake and of other dark things that were not able to surface in Me. I felt living on light and air and a little water was the only way to live.

The nature of Pan had so much beauty and gentleness to it I could not stand to see it victimized this way. It wasn't that I didn't like wild and free nature, but I wanted it to have a gentleness and beauty to it, and a grace that delighted My aesthetic sense; the perfect balance really, even down to the harmonioulsy winding pathways through it; certainly not these disgustng satyr-made



She saw where he had put it when he was readying them to leave and gone into his things on board the ship and taken it. She claimed to be the best seer and said it was she who had had the clearest vsion of where the boat was, and that without her, they probably wouldn't be on it yet.

The men were saying they had helped more than the women realized and that they did not even feel recognized by the women as a part of the inner circle of seers. They said that seeing was not just a feminne thing and that they were not just temple scribes; they were healers and seers, too, The girl was adamant that she had to be the new head oracle and that since there was no one to appoint her, she was going to appoint herself.

The heart man who felt he was the one who was really making this journey come together, then stepped forward and said, "Well, we'll just see about that. If you can appoint yourself, then I can appoint myself and disappoint you!"

She looked at him with a "match this one' look in her eyes and then gave her offer, which was that the women got to have their own way most of time, but the men got to have their way on the four days of the year that would still be major ceremonies dedicated to the Sun; the solstices and the equinoxes. She waited until it looked like the men did not like this offer much and then said, "On those four days, you can do anything you want to do, including anything you want to do sexually, especially if the Moon is full, including having as many sexual partners as you want to have on those days."

The girl who wanted to be in charge here was being stirred with old buried memories of the journey of the Ronalokas from the heavens to Earth [sic! heavens with a small letter and Earth with a capital letter as always], and their destination looked to her like an opportunity to have the experience of Pangea all over again, and with this came sexual fantasies. The more she described seeing this place they were going to as soft and lush, green and golden, the moe others were also beginning to be stirred into old feelings of Pangea, too. They could not remember where these feelings were coming from or details of Pan, but they knew something deep was stirring in them.They all openly or secretly wanted to have sex, and they wanted to lay their accompanying uneasiness aside by telling themselves that it would be alright to have sex that way because it was all part of rituals dedicated to the Sun.

The other women all tittered and presented sexual shock and shame when she presented her plan, but they also did not oppose her openly there anymore. They gave the appearance of alignment


with her until they could figure out what else to do, because they all secretly wanted to move along with her sexual plan and did not want to have to take responsibility for proposing it themselves. They decided it would suit their purposes well if they let her plan establish itself as something of a tradition and then take her position if they could.

Her offer began to polarize the men, however. The Spirit polarized men still didn't want to have any sex in the temple at all, but the men polarized more to Body did. This gave the women more power, because it was only The Spirit polarized men opposing them openly now. The Spirit polarized men did not want to admit that they did not want to have any sex in the temple; they just said it wasn't right and that it looked like it would be the women who would have the many partners, more than the men could, but still, they were all titillated by purple fantasies of sex and had fastened onto the word "anything". They did not admit to this, though.

The men gave the appearance of agreeing to the girl's proposal only reluctantly and after giving it quite a bit of thought and deliberation, during which the heart man, who thought he should be the male head, did not oppose her openly anymore. He did not think he could make an offer they would like better that would not look like an amendment to hers. He did not like the position he felt she had put him in there and told himself he was going to temporarily appear to accept this. He said to the men, "Just becauee she has said this does not mean we have to have sex if we don't want to, and we do not have to believe in a Supreme God if we do not want to. We can also let the women think they are in charge by letting them do all of the work for which we did not feel appreciated in Delphi, especially all of the administration work. Then we can relax and feel more like male lions. Then, during the Four Days, we can reverse anything the women have done that we don't like."

When someone pointed out that a female head of the temple would have the power to reverse it again the very next day, he said, "Not if we press it to a vote and make the condition of our accepting this that majority votes made on the Four Days in our favor stand. (sic) "

He had the men's support then and felt that he was going to be the male head of the temple. When the girl said she did not want him as the male head of the temple because he had opposed her there, and instead, wanted an older man; one who would be more of a guide and father figure to her, he was angered and hurt, because they had had sex on the boat. When she appointed an older

youtube, Brahms, Requiem, 6,Denn wir haben hier keine bleibende Stadt
(to this piece I couldn't find a video with the score )
Denn wir haben hie keine bleibende Statt,
sondern die zukünftige suchen wir.
(Hebräer 13, 14)

Siehe, ich sage Euch ein Geheimnis:
Wir werden nicht alle entschlafen,
wir werden aber alle verwandelt werden;
und dasselbige plötzlich in einem Augenblick,
zu der Zeit der letzten Posaune.

Denn es wird die Posaune schallen
und die Toten werden auferstehen unverweslich;
und wir werden verwandelt werden.
Dann wird erfüllet werden das Wort, das geschrieben steht.
Der Tod ist verschlungen in den Sieg.
Tod, wo ist dein Stachel? Hölle, wo ist dein Sieg?
(1 Corinthians 15, including Hosea 13:14+Isaiah 25,5).)

51 Listen, I tell you a mystery:
We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed—
52 in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet.
For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. ....

54 ...then the saying that is written will come true
: “Death has been swallowed up in victory.”
[Isaiah 25,5]
55 “Where, O death, is your victory? [Hosea 13:]

Herr, Du bist würdig zu nehmen Preis und Ehre und Kraft,
denn Du hast alle Dinge erschaffen,
und durch Deinen Willen haben sie das Wesen
und sind geschaffen.

(Offenbarung Johannis 4, 11)


The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 178

alleyways, trampled, not only in look, but in feeling, by too many frenzied, galoping hooves that cared not what they ran over or overran, and littered with death they had created along the sides. At time, I even found little dead creatures amongst the refuse, and I sat holding them and crying until I thought I would never recover, and made Myself stop. It felt like they were literally pounding a beaten feeling of density into Earth in more ways than one.

Pan was being laid waste, and My beautiful children wre being laid waste too, and I felt powerless to stop it. I felt like the Mother as maid who would be running through the forest of Pan forever, sweeping, cleaning and trying all day long to clean up and restore the destruction and mess that had been made partying the night before and left unnoticed, apparently, because they could not see very well and slept where they fell, even if it was on a pile of rubbish.

The feeling I had was that My children were not running with the right gang, and I did not know what I was going to be able to do about it since they did not recognize or respect Me as their Mother and had put a Dragon Mother Protectorate in My place, even emblazoning her false image of power as the right Mother and satyrs as father images in place of the true Father of Manifestation on Earth. I wanted to help Pangea, and I felt Pangea
was crying for My help, but grief and feelings of powerlessness were all I could come up with, other than to soothe the wounds as best I could, which turned out, gradually, over time, to be much more helpful than I had at first thought it was, but I learned by this that everything took longer than it had in My original experience of Pan and seemed to come back with less vitality than I remembered it originally having also.

I wanted to help My children too, but I was not sure if they wanted My help, or if they did, what kind of help they wanted, or if I had any help to give. My arms ached to hold them, but they all looked so big and grown up and adverse to the idea of receiving any mothering, that I did not know where to start if I could not even start with them recognizing Me as their Mother. The only arms of any love they seemed to have enfolding them now were the arms of their lovers, and I did not want to be their lover. I wanted to be their Mother and cry with them in My arms for a long time and find some way out of this nightmare they were insisting was so much fun. I did not see it as fun at all; I saw it as a major reversal of what I had come forth to live in Creation, finding Myself

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in yet another nightmare that I had hoped was going to be a rescue.


I felt so lost and lonely and frightened then, wandering around Pan, seeming to be the only One awake during the daytime. It did not seem right that everyone slept while the merry sunbeams splashed and played their colors across the face of Pangea, sprinkling light as I had originally enjoyed the loving light of God to be,
and that everyone was instead more interested in the dark play of shadows and intrigue, forgotten and hidden identities and dark and hidden rendezvous that felt secret and taboo. I liked the merriment of sunshine, but I also liked the soft blue night too, so I felt guilty that I had these feelings. It was the extremes I didn't like, I told Myself, but static, boring control freak played in My head in response to that idea.

I loved My own visions and fantasies and now wandered alone through Pan with them as I had in My earliest days there, only now I had to gaze upon the rampaging, wanton destruction of the satyrs and infringements by all of the other spirits that I did not like either.
Probably what I deserve for having rampaged Myself," I thought, but I suffered, nonetheless, in the Mother's pain of it all.

I did not like having to look at what I saw there, and going inside was no relief either. I did not like what I saw and felt inside Myself. Disturbing things were present there, even more disturbing than what I saw outwardly in Pan.

"I should be glad, I suppose, that Pangea is not any worse than it is," I told Myself, "but I still do not like the mothering job that has been done while I have been away, and I do not like the behavior of the children that has resulted from it, or the children, either, for that matter."

I was surprised that I could even say this openly to Myself. It did not sound very loving to Me, but it was how I felt. "Maybe I am not a very charitable or loving Mother," I told Myself. "Maybe I cannot and do not give the children any place in which to learn for themselves. Maybe that's why they have wanted to be away from Me."

How could I say they should behave any better than they did when I had feelngs of hating them behind all of their backs and knew I had darker places in Me than any they had shown so far? I could not understand the presence of these places either because love was my intent,



man she wanted in that position, most of the rage that had configured around the other man when the head of the temple died moved over to this man. It wanted to accomplish its mission, and to do that, it needed to speak from a position of power. The heart man thought he had been unfairly passed over and should have had the position, because balance was what was needed more than anything else He saw himself as having that [sic], but he did not oppose her openly anymore right then.

They did not know how to handle her, because this idea of a Supreme God stirred something old in them, too. They did not know how much they wanted to honor this, especially if he was another punitive god who was going to threaten to get his way. They did not know if it meant that her god was more powerful than the other gods or not, but they did not think they could disregard this altogether, either.

After that, sexual tensions and excitements rose, because they all had secret desires for people in the temple that had not been fulfilled at Delphi, and the Spring Equinox was not that far away. They did not know just what day they would arrive and were not sure anymore just what day it was at sea, but if all went well, it seemed they would make it to their destination just in time. It looked like it was going to be a full or bursting Moon, too, and a bursting Moon was good enough, the girl who was now head of the temple said. They could have a grand ceremony to celebrate their arrival at the same time then, too.

They did not think they could make it, though, if they went by land for part of the journey as had been in the original plan made by the head of the temple. They did not see how anyone could have sailed faster than they, as storm driven as they had been, and they did not feel themselves being directly pursued there, either. They made the decision to sail through at the Rock of Gibraltar, assuming no one could have been alerted there yet, instead of unloading all of the heavy treasure they had with them and trudging slowly across Gaul, fearing bandits every step of the way.

After Gaul, their idea of geography was fuzzy. They had been so busy with their own agenda on the way there that they were going, or if so, what they were going to meet when they got there. The captain of the ship told them he did not want to leave the Mediterranean because he feared pirates around the bend. He felt they had treasure on board and did not like carrying that. He wanted heavy compensation for any risk he was going to take there.


This proposed a problem since they had pretended they didn't have more gold and everyone insisted they were not going to give him the belt. They finally told him they had some coins they had been saving for their own expenses when they arrived and that they would give him all of that. He was not happy with the amount they gave him but finally agreed to take them as far as he could, but no farther.

They sailed through Gibraltar smoothly and easily and in fair weather, too, just as their new head oracle had been promsing. They were not stopped or questioned and did not notice that they were observed passing through there. They got around the bend and there were no immediate pirates, but they had not heeded the previous head of the temple's warnings to go by land or listened to the heart man when he said that they should follow their former head's advice and go by land through Gaul because he must have had reasons for it. They did not notice any danger in what they might be creating for themselves by letting it be observed that they had passed that way.

They sailed on, seemingly without incident, feeling that this all meant they were on the right path. They were feeling celebratory that things were going along so smoothly for them, but tensions were mounting when the new female head of their temple kept claiming that all of this was because of her and "her" Supreme God.

They had feelings of almost wishing that something would jar her self-righteous confidence. Then, pirates struck; Viking pirates. The captain said it was another bad omen. He tried to outrun them, but they were low in the water because of so many people on board. He turned to go across the south coast of the Isle where he had said he would not go beause of the mists they had seen from the crow's nest and became almost immediately lost in them. They lost the pirates but found themselves in a new peril now from not knowing the coastline or where rocks might lie just ahead. They pulled down most of the sail and waited, but the mists did not clear, and he began to fear drifting or being washed onto rocks. He was fuming mad.

The new male head of the temple was not helping. He seemed to think it was beneath him to have to do anything except to make the heart man feel sexually displaced with the female head of the temple and talk about the mission of the temple once they arrived. The heart man was holding his own rage back in a feeling that he needed to guide the situation outwardly to save his own life if nothing else. He told the captain that he understood how he felt

Youtube, Brahms, Requiem, 7,
Selig sind die Toten

Selig sind die Toten,
die in dem Herrn sterben,
von nun an.
Ja, der Geist spricht,
daß sie ruhen von ihrer Arbeit;
denn ihre Werke folgen ihnen nach.

(Offenbarung Johannis 14, 13)

Blessed are the dead
which die in the Lord
from henceforth:
Yea, saith the Spirit,
that they may rest from their labours;
and their works do follow them.

Revelation 14,13

I'll now listen
to one of my favorite pieces of music
- youtube- Pergolesi, Stabat Mater 41:07

[lyrics in Latin and English]

The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 180

love was My intent, yet there they were. I tried to love these dark places, but they seemed sickened by this,
the same as the children did. I decided I had better try to go in there and find out whatever more I cold.

I certainly had the isolation and quiet of the daytime in which to do this, plus the reassurance and support of the sunshine when I came back out of My inner dark places if I ever did or could, but I had the limitation of not being able to make any noise, which seemed like an impossible limitation for Me if I really went in there. I was afraid to go in there alone, but since there was no one to help Me, I felt I had to give it a try.

To My startled horror, when I looked inside without any outer interferences around to distract Me, the first thing I saw was lines of energy running from Me to some place so dark and horrible I could not bear to look at it at all. All I could see were hoards of monsters climbing these lines toward Me, looking full of hatred and hellbent on attack. It appeared to Me they were moving rather quickly, the only thing slowing them down that I could see being their own fighting for position on the lines. These monsters looked so overwhelmingly frightening to Me that I jumped immediately out of this as though I had awakened from a nightmare, only I did not feel that I had really awakened. I feared this was real, and then I had the feeling I remembered something terrible that gave Me the urgent feeling I must warn Earth. But why? It did not make sense. If it was My problem, why warn Earth?

I heard Lucifer laughing at Me then and saying that I was so stupid that I did not learn My lessons, and because I did not learn My lessons, he was coming to Earth to teach them to Me again,"and this time" he said menacingly, "You had better learn them."

I wanted to believe this was only a bad dream and wake up from it, but I could not. I heard it in broad daylight when I was sure I was awake. I wished I was asleep then like the others in Pan; asleep in someone's arms which I could not be because of My pain and the feeling of falling that I so often had and which now seemed to be from the pull of these lines. I feared My being awake then as though I somehow deserved this for it.

I felt desperate to escape and hoped My vision had been off and that My feelings about these lines were off too. I thought I was going to go crazy, come apart, even shatter right there and then, not daring to make the noises that were surging all through Me and with not even anyone there to talk to about this and no one who would understand Me if I did. I wanted to fly all the way home then

p. 181

to God and have Him rescue and protect Me as the only safe place left, but I was not sure I could leave My children on Earth without a Mother any longer than they had been already no matter what state of affairs Our relationship was in, and I was not sure God would have Me either, since He had not spoken to Me since I had returned to Earth.

"And not for a long time prior to that, either," the voice of Lucifer reminded Me cruelly.

I was so frightened to hear this horrible, yet familiar voice sounding so present and so near that I was literally flying up into the air, trying to go to God, get free of the lines or out of Myself, anything, when something huge grabbed Me. At first, I foolishly hoped it was a rescue by the direct hand of God, but the feeling of it was so much not that that my heart nearly stopped. What had Me now? One of the monsters? Lucifer? Was it just going to crush Me heartlessly as it so easily could? Did it even care? Would it even notice?

When I saw that it was giant ogres, I was as much terrified as I was relieved, Unfortunately, I had been warned about them but did not prove to have listened closely enough, having caused Myself yet another problem. The Father of Manifstation was really going to be mad at Me now since I did not think He even knew that I did these daylight wandering, clean-up, nurturing forays when I was so restless I couldn't sleep, which was most of the time since I was so tormented.

What was in store for Me now? I had heard such terrible stories I didn't know what to expect was going to happen next. I began crying and shaking in wild-eyed terror. I was babbling things about lines and hoards of monsters climbing them toward Earth to get Me and everyone else and apparently stunned the giants with this so much that they dropped their clubs to their sides and began staring at Me as if I was a ranting, crazy person.

I could tell from the blankness in their blinking eyes that they were not very intelligent, and My heart took pity on them which I had not expected it to do from the terrible stories I had been told of them eating so many things in Pan after first clubbing them into unconsciousness, which was what others thought made them so unconscious themselves. I felt they had this kind of unconscious rage presence alright, but hearts somehow, too, if that were even possible in rage.

I kept crying hysterically and telling the giants they must let Me go because I must warn the spirits on Earth about these



and that if there was any problem, they would all disembark into his ferry boat and find the shore themselves, leaving him free, but the problem was it was impossible to tell which way the shore was.

They tried dropping anchor, but it was not shallow enough for that. They tried meditating, but there was no lift in the fog as it had now become, except to catch a glimpse of what was either rock or land nearby. It was clear the captain had no more patience for this and wanted to pull away from what they had seen but he wanted to get these temple people off of his ship first. Several of the men felt sure that in a smaller boat they could row with someone at the helm, they could find the shore and not be dashed upon the rocks, but they did not understand the waves there which were great swells that could carry them onto rocks as easily as land them on a beach. The captain said, "No."

The next time they caught a glimpse of land, they were even closer, and the captain had to let them go because it was not safe for him to get any closer. It was treacherous, navigating the shallow waters, but with the help of the heart man and the psychic perceptions of several other of the men, including by now, the male head of the temple, they were able to reach a marshland, but they could not find any dry land there.

At times, they would think they saw some dry land, but when they tried to ferry themselves to it, they could not find it. They only found themselves circling, apparently,lost in the mists of what looked like such a dismal marshland to them that they could not even believe it was really their destination. They finally found a little patch of dryland, but not knowing if there was any more, they did not want to unload. They were only able to rest, and in the morning, they still could not find any more dry land.
The faeries, who were controlling the mists, studied them all night long without the temple people knowing it, other than having perceptions of being watched and wondering if they were going to be attacked by local people they had not seen yet. The faeries were both fascinated and made uneasy by the temple people because they had not seen light like theirs for a long time. They wanted the mists to lie upon the land until they had made their decision about letting them stay or making them go.

Several temple people wanted to go to another place on the coast. They had feelings of being watched that were making them nervous, but they were running low on prepared food and water already, and the now male head of the temple and the heart man both insisted that they had to find some dry land right there.


The faeries saw the rage light with these people and did not like it, but they also saw other light there that they did like and were unsure what to do about them. When they did not go away, the faeries wanted to make the mists lead them away, but when the temple people did not push their way into the marsh looking for land and sat meditating instead and began to look toward their inner perceptions to help them find some dry land, the faeries thought they might be wrong about them.

When they persisted in their meditation and almost cleared enough mist to show them another patch of dry land, the faeries saw the temple people as having some powers similar to their own. The faeries saw that they were not violent people and that they had not come to make war. They still felt cautious and uneasy about them for reasons they could not explain but let them see a little more land to see what they were going to do there.

The temple people did not like what they had to go through there, or the dismal surroundings in which they found themselves, but by the time they saw more dry land, they were glad, felt they had some spiritual power helping them and had begun to love the idea of being that hidden, as though that was meant to be, also. It stirred something old in them about being hidden from My light also that they did not even realize they still had in them. They felt excited for some reason they could not explain, as though there was magic in the air. The faeries liked that feeling in them, too.

When they found this piece of dry land, the female head of the temple said she was glad, because that was the place she had been guided to and did not think it was right to say anything unless others were guided there also, because the land needed to open to them all, not just her.

The others didn't like this. It was her tone more than anything else that bothered them there, and many of them thought she was trying to make a prediction after the fact to look good. She then said that this was all meant to happen, too, because otherwise, the ship would not have brought them to this place.

When they landed, the temple people did not realize there were any faeries involved in what was happening to them, or that there were any local people who might be watching them, but the faeries told the local people about them then and said that they had given them a cautious reception to see what they were going to do. They knew the faeries protected them from being found by making them invisible whenever necessary, and they were very surprised to hear that the temple people were there.

The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 182

. The giants found this immensely funny, as if I thought they should let Me go free so I could warn others about them.They let Me know that they could not let Me do that, and that they could not possibly eat Me either because I was much too thin. They decided they must put Me in a cage and fatten Me up.

They carried Me with them to some lost and tangled part of the forest where they apparenty lived. I was hysterical with terror the whole way. They were surely taking Me to some horrible place, in which I would never be found, to fatten Me up for their dinner. I had really done it this time! Why didn't I listen to the Father of Manifestation and stay closer no matter what I thought of the satyrs' rampaging and His not helping Me to tidy up after them? I really was stupid.

I begged the giants' forgiveness for inruding on their part of the forest and begged them to let Me go ["appeasing" instead of moving fear], telling them I would not be anymore nourishing to eat than a butterfly and couldn't be fattened up because I didn't eat. Frantic to warn of the monstrous hoards climbing toward Earth, I did not even think of how others would react to what I had to say or the implications of My involvement in it. Nor did I think about how the ogres would react to My statements. I was totally frantic and promised the giants I would do anything they wanted if they would just let Me go afterwards.

They told Me I must teach them to fly, and then they would let Me go. My heart was stunned into terrified silence. What was I going to do now? The problem was I didn't think before I spoke; instead, My mouth and My terror always seemed to get Me into trouble, and if they didn't , then My rage and My mouth did.

One look at them had told Me how far they were from being able to fly. They looked way too deense, slow, clumsy and stupid to be able to fly. How was it these creatures always had such a knack of asking for the thing most difficult to give them? Couldn't they be happy with a story telling them more about the origins of their existence or something like that? But no, they could not be interested in anything more subtly helpful like that. They were either going to eat Me or learn to fly, no two ways about it.

The giants put Me in a cage. and as soon as they put Me in the cage, I had a feeling of falling down again as though I was so thin I could slip right through the bars and even, I was frightened now, off Earth from the pressure of the lines pulling on Me. As I began to fall through the bottom of the cage, the giants hurriedly put a platform underneath Me and began lashing additonal pieces into

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place. I was clinging to the cage, by then, as though it might be the only thing keeping Me from being pulled down and off Earth, but also, I was still screaming hysterically about lines and monsters and pain, holding My belly and begging for the giants' help.

The giants were peering at Me very curiously as though they found this to be very strange behavior for someone who had just moments earlier so vigorously protested being put in a cage. They watched Me intently as I tried to get it across to them that I needed help getting these lines off of Me. There they stood with the great, big hands, strong arms and huge bodies that I felt, especially as a group, had the strength to shake the monsters off of the lines and pull the lines back into Me, or pull the lines off of Me and cast them back down, or even haul the lines up and club the monsters unconscious one by one as they came, and I could not get it across to them what kind of help I needed.

I was desperate to get the lines off of Me any way that I could, rolling around by now, ripping at My belly and all of the other places I felt the lines hooked into Me while the giants stood there, staring dumbfoundedly, making noises among themselves and seeming to be only interested in making sure the cage was secure against My escape, which was a help, but not the full measure of help I needed by any means. I was not even sure the cage could hold Me if the lines kept pulling the way they were.

I felt Myself being ripped apart from the pull of the lines. No wonder I was looking so tattered and that My lower parts had lost so much presence. Most of the lines were hooked into My belly, and the more I tried to release them, the more they gripped in there, like rock climbing grips, as though the hooks were burrowing in more deeply and gripping more angrily at the very thought of casting them out to fall back down. My desperation was mounting the closer I saw the monsters getting, and their angry determination was mounting also.

I was struggling with the lines , wigglng and shaking, ripping and tearing at Myself, writhing around in agonized motion, trying to get the lines loose from the places where I felt they were hooked into Me, and when I could not, pounding these places in a terrified rage that was full of desperation and feelings of powerlessness. I was screaming at the hoards on the lines to let go and being jerked around the cage by them in response, nearly being pulled down through the floor and out through the bars.

I felt like they had been sneaking up the lines earlier and now that I had seen them, were mounting an all out assault. While I had




The local people observed thee temple people for a while, too, before they revealed themselves. When they saw that the temple people were fasting and were about to run out of fresh water, and still hadn't acted in any of the ways they did not want there, the faeries and the local people decided to give them a cautious welcome.

The local people came then to offer them first water, then food and finally, invited them into their homes when they saw how cold they were from lack of shelter. It was a relief to the temple people to have help finding the means to sustain themselves, but the local people did not like the way they felt themselves subtly, but almost immediately, cast in servant roles.

They said nothing about the faeries but they felt sure the faeries must have let the temple people find this place or they could not be there, and so the temple people had their respect and acceptance more than they knew from the beginning and for reasons they did not know, but the contrast between the polished stone the temple people were used to and the "mud hugs" with thatched roofs the local people lived in did not lead them to believe that these people could even be provincial cousins to the powerful Celtic people they had heard about, or that they could be a people who already knew a lot of the things they knew or even a people who had any power or magic at all.

The local people were not ready to let them know any of these things, either. They presented as they had always presented; humble green and gold people living in a marshland and nothing more.

When the temple people soon said they wanted to live there and contract with them to build them a temple, the local people told them they needed to go slower with their plans. When they heard the plans of what the temple people wanted to have built, they could only laugh and tell them they had no use for gold except that they liked the metal and wanted to make ornaments from it and that there was no rock nearby they had plans to haul or were going to haul, but they felt more than reluctant.

The local people and the faeries felt deep stirrings of old memories that seemed to be of another temple that had been there in ancient times. It was Atlantean times, but they did not remember it clearly enough to know that then and did not want to judge these people because of old memories, but there was something similar enough that it was provoking old memories. They told them they already had a temple and would take them to see Stonehenge at the Spring Equinox, instead.


That spring, the equinox celebration they had planned was not as grand as they had hoped. The weather was rather cold and dismal compared to what they were used to in Greece, and they did not have their own place to live, but that was when the local people showed them how they marked the dates at Stonehenge and where the Sun rose that day.

The temple people thought it was crude compared to the way they marked the dates at home, but it worked, nonetheless. They were allowed to participate in the local festivities, and they were able to sneak away and have sex after dark fell early that day; it just was not the kind of sex their fantasies had envisioned, because they did not feel free to abandon themselves to that yet.

After the Spring Equinox, when the temple people saw how crudely Stonehenge was formed compared to temples at home, they gave up their plans for a large temple and decided to settle for anything the local people were willing to build, which was one small, round room and dwellings nearby. They wanted to move along rapidly with their plans, however, and they wanted to be more ready to have the celebration they had envisioned when the time for observance of the Summer Solstice came.
They were living at the foot of a hill and had seen another one nearby that they thought would be perfect for what they had in mind. It was the Tor of Glastonbury, but they did not know that. When they said they wanted to go there, the local people at first said that it wasn't used for anything because it was too hard to get to. "All the more perfect," the temple people thought and made plans to find a way to get there.

When they could not find the way through the marshes, since the faeries protected this place, too, they went to the local people and told them they wanted them to take them there because they had made plans to terrace the hillside and try to grow graps. Grapes were not a familiar food to these people then, and they thought the temple people must be crazy to want them to do this.

When the temple people told them all about wanting to do their ceremonial processions through vineyards lieke they were used to doing at home, and how they wanted to make wine for their ceremonies and rituals, the local people were not familiar with this as a drink, either, having only meade [sic] there.

The more the temple people insisted they wanted to do this, the more the local people did not know what to say. The faeries had already come to them said they did not want these people on the Tor, but the local people did not want to mention the faeries yet.

The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 184

no allies or help of any kind, there were more of them than I could count; so many of them that the sheer weight of them was dragging Me down into the hopelessness of a lost cause; a cause lost in the midst of those who had the power and strength to help Me, but no intelligence with which to understand the help I needed so that they could give it.

I was surrounded by an entire ring of giants now, all breathing on Me with fetid breath that was nearly suffocating to Me, and all staring at Me as though this was some sort of a performance, the meaning of which they did not understand. It became apparent to Me from the questioning looks on their faces when I pointed to the lines that they did not even see the lines or the monsters who were getting so close to Me, or else they did and they didn't want to let Me know it.

I stared futilely and desperately back at them, still trying to get them to understand My plight and that even they could be pounced on at any moment by countless monsters, but they stood there blinking and staring dully back, cracking a smile here and there and elbowing one another and pointing when they wanted others to notice what they were looking at. My mind could not get ahold of much mental activity in them by which to read or understand them, and I could not feel their feelings either. This struck Me into a new terror of whether they could really be such empty forms, or if they really did know what they were doing and were hiding it from Me. They were so huge, and I was so little and powerless. What were they really plannng to do? They seemed so close to monsters, themselves in that moment , or at least monstrosities, that I feared they were already monsters on Earth who were holding Me for the rest, and I had not realized it.

I was frantic with terror, and in a last ditch effort to save Myself, I began wildly whirling about. I guess I thought I could possibly throw off the lines this way, or whirl them out into space and the monsters with them, or at least tangle them up badly. I was madly whirling this way and that, throwing off energy like little fire balls or little lightning bolts and sparks, whirling like a little energy vortex of gathering speed, raging and crying furiously all the while about why I couldn't have any real help. Where was God? Where was the Father of Manifestation? (probably with others and not missing Me) Why did I have to struggle and suffer so much?

I was throwing off energy so fast in My effort to throw off the lines that I couldn't even tell for sure if it was being cast Off of Me

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or if it was escaping from Me as fast as it possibly could to get away from the situation. I was moving terror, rage and grief and it did not seem to be saving Me. Nothing seemed to be saving Me. I felt so alone and unhelped, and nothing really has been able to save Me in all this time until I was really able to move enough to understand the imprinting problem.

I bgan to run down from the exhaustion of this energy expenditure into a terrified hopelessness that there would be nothing left of Me if this kept up. The giants were all pointing and looking at Me too, as though they thought doing this was going to make Me disappear as My means of escape. Apparently, they thought this was some sort of ritual or performance of magic of which they felt frightened or possibly threatened because they had all been averting their heads and peering at Me sideways when it was happening, but now that I was quieting down again, they crowded back in more closely as if to see what my next move was going to be, or perhaps to prevent Me from escaping.

The hooks were still there. I could feel them, although the weight of the monsters seemed a little less on the lines. I thought now I must try to unhook the hooks while the lines weren't so heavy feeling, but I still could not do it.They felt as if they were a part of Me, and I could not let go of them. I tried again then to haul the lines up and shake the monsters off as I drew them in, but I did not have the strength. The giants' mouths were hanging open as they stared at this like it was some sort of a pantomime routine, or else they were drooling over the idea of eating Me. I wasn't sure, but I again tried to tell them I would be no more nourishing than a butterfly if they tried to eat Me.

Immediately, i felt it was a grave mistake to have reminded them of food at all.
It seemed to break the spellbound quality that was holding them so magnetized there. They began to look around at the others again and make noises and gestures amongst themselves that I didn't like.

I didn't know what my next move could really be, but I tried to disappear another way then. I tried to relax and breathe and go int a meditative state in which I planned to disperse Myself until I was so lacking in density that the hooks fell out because there would be nothing left for them to hold onto, and that way, the lines would all fall back on themseles and the monsters would all fall to their own deaths or at least into oblivion or, failing that, the far away and dark reaches of distant space.

I grew quite determined in this, and the meditation felt good



because the temple people had not mentioned them, which meant that the faeries had not allowed themselves to be seen by these newcomers.

They tried to deter them by saying it made more sense to do all of this someplace that was more accessible. The temple people said that that was the point; to do this someplace that was not accessible, because this was going to be sacred wine and sacred vineyards and a sacred place that was only going to be used for their sacred processions.

The local people went to the faeries and told all of this to them.The faeries had to consider all of this for some time and sent the local people back to question the temple people several times, because there was something they did not trust about this or about the light they had there when they saw them speak about this. They were trying to remember something here, too, and could not quite remember what it was.

It bothered the temple people when they could not get the local people move, because they were anxious to go ahead with their plans. They said that a new vineyard should be in the ground already and that they had seeds they brought with them that were already sprouting and needed some place to grow or they were going to die, and they had no more seeds.

The local people did not want to feel pressured to give them the Tor. They decided to tell the temple people there was one day that they did use the Tor, which was their annual fertility ritual and the only time they used the Tor. They told them they did not want it all torn up by digging because of that and that they had their own work to do before then, instead. They thought they might shock the temple people, who did not appear to have sex, when they told them that they danced nude in the sunlight and that the youth were allowed to have sex with partners they thought they might marry.

The temple people had a meeting and then gave the local people a proposal to join in on their festivities, because they didn't see themselves at variance of conflict with them if there was welcomeness fo them there. The local people were feeling somewhat rolled over by these temple people, but the pleasantness with which it was being done was confusing the   g u i l t   they did have there into feeling that that feeling was wrong. [I 'm finding these sentences marked by me , with a note : 2006-02-05. I probably implied, that someone was feeling rolled over by ME the same way]. They didn't want to judge the temple people because that didn't feel loving to them and, thus, invited them to participate in their own ritual which was then "annexed" by the temple people onto their Four Days.


The temple people liked the idea that they only had to wait half the time from the Spring Equinox to the Summer Solstice to have their next ritual in which they could have sex, but they didn't say that to the local people. They did say that they still wanted to grow grapes there and that they would make sure they were not in the way of anything else the local people were going to do if they would only show them what that was.They also said they would do the work themselves and put back all the grass they moved, which made the Celtic people feel a little more lenient toward their proposal.

The local people and the faeries both liked this light that wanted to grow things and have sacred places, honor nature and all of the other many things the temple people were saying. When May Day, or Beltane, came, the temple people were allowed to participate, and the sex they had was very discreet. The faeries let the local people have the hill that day and danced on other hills if the Full Moon fell upon that day.

The temple people were very careful to be pleasant instead of pushy about their plans, getting the local people interested and even enthusiastic about them and showing intestest in what they were doing also. The local people and even the faeries had pleasantness confused with honesty and more and more began to feel that they had been wrong in their uneasiness about these people.

The faeries finally decided that if it really was going to be only sacred processions, sacred wine grown and dancing in the Moonlight, and only on certain days of the year, that they could still dance there on Full moon nights, even though they considered this their own hill for their own moonlight dancing, and not be noticed by the temple people since they had showed no sign of noticing them yet. They were willing to try this out rather than have the local people reveal the faeries' presence as the reason for their continued reluctance.

The temple people did get some local help after all, and the hill was terraced and the grape plants in the ground before the Summer Solstice. The rains were favorable, the grapes took hold,
but there was no procession up the hill that year because they could not walk on the grass yet. The temple people went with the local people to Stonehenge again and made even more contacts than they had in the Spring for the classes they planned to teach. Once again, the sex they had took place some distance away from the local people.

The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 186

to Me. I felt less pain and a lifting in Myself that released the feeling of pressure from the lines quite a bit. I felt Myself lifting as though I was lifting out through the top of Myself. I thought there would be nothing left of Me and that I was lifting out through the top of the cage this time. I was almost ready to feel successful and ready to congratulate Myself on having escaped this terrible problem. My heart was already leaping with joyful pictures of this impending success when I became aware of something that was not lifting with the rest of Me.

At first, I thought it was only a jerk from the lines and that I should let go of it, but then it began to pull at Me, crying and complaining bitterly that I was leavng it there to suffer this horrible fate all alone and that it couldn't go with Me and didn't know how to move this way anymore. I felt so horrible about leaving anything behind to suffer what I knew was coming toward it that I couldn't leave this way anymore either. I saw a grotesque, unmoving, statue-like face flash for an instant in My inner vision which disappeared as quickly as it had come. I could not remember where I had seen it before It was trying to say something I couldn't quite hear that gave Me a creepy feeling that I could not let go of any more of Myself and live.

I plummeted back down into Myself and sat there, feeling dismal, frightened and desperate, but knowing that I was going to have to let go of these "unable to lift" parts of Myself to leave that way, and that I could not do it as long as there was any other possible way this problem might be solved. I felt in Me that these were the places where the hooks were in Me. I could not release them, and I realized that I was going to have to let go of pieces of Myself along with the lines if I did it this way.

There wasn't much good for Me to look at as I sat there in the cage the giants had prepared for Me with My mind feeling too panicky to think about how I could either perform the impossible task of teaching these giants to fly or to help Me, let alone manage to get away somehow with My life still intact. My mind was consumed with urgency about at least getting to the Father of Manifestation to warn Him about the impending attack of these monsters, even if I couldn't escape the fate Myself. I continued to feel hysterical that there was precious little time left before they reached Earth, and that now, the little time left that there was was being consumed by being held prisoner in a cage by giants who wanted Me to teach them how to fly and who could not understand that they needed to help Me too.

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The giants, meanwhile, had come to some sort of a consensus among themselves that I was too thin and lacking in substance, and that my activities had been an effort to convey to them a need to eat, that this was the help I needed and wanted, and that only then would I be quiet. They had apparently concluded that I was going to disappear on them, either by getting so small I vanished or so dispersed I vanished, which was thin to them, nonetheless, because it was a lack of substance. They kept plucking at themselves with their huge fingers and wigglng the fleshiness in their grasp back and forth and then poking at Me to show Me how wispy I was.

Perhaps they thought it would give Me substance by making Me bigger, fatter or more solid, perhaps they thought they could keep Me from disappearing this way, perhaps they thought I could not teach them to fly and so they might as well fatten Me up and eat Me, perhaps they thought I was trying to disappear as a means of escape without teaching them to fly, perhaps they thought it would keep Me from disappearing or perhaps they just thought I was howling and holding My belly because i was hungry, perhaps they thought it would calm Me down or even that it was what I wanted, perhaps they thought I had been doing some sort of ritual or magic that was dangerous to them and that the noise I had been making was part of it and was making Me disappear, or that I was disappearing as a result of making so much noise, perhaps they feared I was going to attract unwanted attention with all the noise, which thought made Me hopeful for a moment that perhaps I wasn't so far lost in the woods as I had thought.

I didn't know, but whatever it was, they had decided that I must be made to be more quiet and that I must eat and that the two were somehow intertwined together, as though feeding Me was going to make Me be more quiet, and being more quiet was going to make Me feel like eating.

Just the idea that I was going to be made to eat terrified Me into utter silence. I tried to show them that I would be very quiet if they would just leave Me alone and let Me try to teach them how to fly. I did not even want to make any noise anymore because I could see that opening My mouth was a highly dangerous thing to do since they seemed to take it as a sign that I wanted to eat and advanced on Me with horrible things they were holding in their hands and even hiding behind their backs. I tried to get as far away from them as I could in the cage, which was a silly idea since the cage was round and I was surrounded by them. I tried to show them that I



The temple people wanted to have the kind of sex they wanted to have, but they did not want this to be seen as their main focus by the local people in case they did not approve, and so they were hoping to have their own procession up the Tor and not go all the way to Stonehenge the next year. They had been making a lot of plans, but given the local people's interest In everything they were doing, they did not want to tell them very much, because they did not want them to decide to stay home and observe the solstice with them.

Many had wanted to come dressed in the images of the Greek gods and goddesses, but given the local nature-based approach to these rituals and the feelings of Pan that were stirring there, it did not take them long to get the idea that they could dress up like animals, trees, flowers and other things in nature. They wanted to make the focus of the Sommmer Solstice power; the power of nature as it was rising into its full force, or presence, as they preferred to call it. They had decided that dressing up like plants and animals and role playing was an excellent way to tap into the power of nature and the land there and ~~~ to behave like animals, themselves.
[I remember the Purim-costumes I invented for my threesome, once "Sun, Moon and Stars", and once - a shepherdess with 2 sheep]

The festival was going to be dedicated to the Sun and to the Greek god of fertility, wine and drama, Dionysus. Many wanted to dress in his image, but the head of the temple said he should be the only one who should be allowed to dress that way. The rest of them decided to be satyrs then. A number of the other men wanted to be predatory animals. The heart man wanted to be a lion, and when the local people said they did not know that form, he told them all he knew aobut the lions of Africa.

The local people thought they were really showing an interest in their nature-based approach and were encouraging toward them there, but the temple people did not think they were ready or expecting to see the Pan-like celebration that was unfolding in their plans. The local people were planning to have a procession all the way to Stonehenge, followed by merry-making and eating as usual, and when the local people left in their procession to Stonehenge, the temple people, who did not see the faeries yet, thought they were alone there. They were glad, because now they could have the celebration they really wanted to have. This was their long awaited, and first, Summer Solstice of this sort. They wanted to make the most of it, but they did not want to outrage the local people, either.

The temple people started early, as soon as they decided they could feel the forces of nature rising to greet the sun, with their pro-


cession, slowly spiraling up the hill, calling upon the favors of the various deities they wanted to invoke there and were at the top of the hill when the Sun rose.

Although they could no longer do form change, they had gotten heavily into costuming themselves as animals and trees, plants and flowers. They had no wine yet, but meade would do this first year, and they had learned a little about local plants, and especially the mushrooms, and decided to include some in their meade to "inhance its properties," as they said then.

They began to have the sex they really wanted to have there, role playing as though they actually were the flowers and animals they dressed up as, doing whatever they wanted to do and making whatever noises they wanted to make, as though they were animals. There were more flowers among them than it appeared from their discussions there was going to be, as well as many animals who would fall prey to the lion and other predatory animals they were dressed as. The ones dressed as prey, in the end, did not feel like they had had any choice about how they were going to dress, They were the fear polarized ones in the temple, but the men who told them how they were going to dress felt it only as the ones they wanted to prey upon. They considered it fun to take these temple members down, as though they were staking or hunting them and then have sex with them.



Rumi: "Living in God"
Sept.7, 2012
I'm still listening to Stabat Mater

1. Stabat Mater dolorosa
Iuxta crucem lacrimosa
Dum pendebat Filius.

The grieving Mother stood
beside the cross weeping
where her Son was hanging.

4:40 Soprano
2. Cuius animam gementem
Contristatam et dolentem
Pertransivit gladius.

Through her weeping soul,
compassionate and grieving,
a sword passed.

6:34, Duet

3. O quam tristis et afflicta
Fuit illa benedicta
Mater unigeniti!

O how sad and afflicted
was that blessed
Mother of the Only-begotten!


The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 188

I didn't like the idea of anything going into My mouth, but they interpreted My gestures to mean the opposite. I tried to let them know that I did not eat, but I could not get it across, or else they did not care and had decided they were going to make Me eat anyway.

They brought over what looked to Me like battered pieces of things. Just to look at these remains made Me feel sick and they smelled worse. Where they were able to get such things in Pan, I did not know, I tried to imagine the forms these pieces had once had, but happily, perhaps, they were nothing I could recognize.

I begged them not to make Me eat. I told them I could fly because I did not eat. I gagged and My stomach spasmed as in vomiting and I sank downward in the cage in an effort to show them that if they made Me eat, I would get sick and pretty soon not be able to fly and not, then, be able to teach them to fly. Apparently, nothing was going to make any difference to their decision that I was going to eat.

When I started to gag on the smell of the horrible things they were planning to feed Me, the giants took the opening of My mouth as a sign that I wanted to eat. When I didn't respond to their entreaties, they forced My mouth open and began shoving pieces of these horrible things down My throat. When I gagged and threw them back up, it was terrifying to Me, and I almost could not do it. It was an agonizing experience to hang there between the immense terror I had of throwing up and the horrible feelng from what they had forced down My throat. If I kept it, I felt nauseated and sick and unable to think. Just when I would be getting over it, they would come and force Me to eat again. If I threw up instead, they made Me eat these things again, showing Me insistently that I must chew them first by opening and closing My mouth forcibly many times upon these things and then holding my head back until I swallowed them. If I still threw these things back up, they made Me eat them again, acting like this was nothing unusual and that they did it all the time, even demontrating it for Me so I would know how to do it.

I hated this experience totally. I could not stand the look of it. I could not stand the smell or taste of it. I could not stand the feeling of these things in My mouth. I could not stand the chewing. I could not stand the swallowing. I could not stand the holding of these things in My stomach. I could not stand the throwing of them back up or the smell of that. I could not stand the passing of them down and out of Me. I could not even stand the smell of the giants who

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were forcing Me to experience this torture. What was going to happen to Me? Was I going to becme like them, or were they going to eat Me first?

When finnaly it appeared that I had gotten it across to them that eating and flying did not mix and that eatng was going to make it so that I could not fly and they they could not fly either if they were going to eat and that if they wanted to fly, they were going to have to stop eating and get less dense like I was, they began feeding Me only things that flew and showing Me that they had a belief that if they ate enough things that flew, it would make them able to fly. I could see that this was a belief that I was not going to be able to dislodge easily, and in fact, I was not going to be able to do it at all.

I did not know what to do then. Since the giants were apparently not going to stop eating or feading Me, I tried to think of how I might be able to get them flying or to try flying in different forms than their giant configurations. I tried telling them that they might have to get smaller in order to be able to fly, but they were not interested in this. I could see that there were many spirits involved in their configurations as giants, and I was hoping to break them up into a more manageable opposition, but if these giants did not like an idea, they dismissed it and insisted I get another idea.

I even tried to think of how I could get them to jump off of high places as a way to try flying and dash themselves to pieces so they would not be a problem for Me anymore, but when I suggested this, they told Me they had already seen Me fly from right where I was. When I told them I learned by jumping off of high places, they told Me they had already tried that and that it had not worked. I told them then that nothing would work as long as they were so dense, and that it was not fair to hold Me to My end of the bargain if they were not willing to do any of the things required to fly, such as to stop eating, which was what I firmly believed was what it was was going to take for them to be able to fly.

At first, they looked like they thought that was fair enough, but when I told them they might have to let Me go then, they said they had to have time to think about it and gathered in a noisy, grumbling, growling huddle. When they came back, they let Me know they were not going to let Me go because they liked having Me there and because they were either going to eat Me or learn ot fly, and that they did not have to let Me go because they did not believe Me about what it took to fly. What if I was lying the way other clever faeries had lied to them, even causing them to jump to pieces off of high places such as I had also suggested?



lot of sex on the Tor that night that was rage polarized sex and power sex, and in many ways, the light it generated was not good or loving light.

This first celebration of their own went off without a hitch, as far as the temple people knew, and they were jubilantly happy. The weather was warm, the Sun was shining, the rains were falling gently down, the mists were hiding them at night and all was well with life and the good earth. The local people came home from their pilgrimage to Stonehenge, and when they saw the happiness of the temple people, they thought that this day had been a good experience for them all.

Then the faeries came to the local people and told them they had gone to the Tor that night and did not like the feelings there. To them, they were not loving, and the light was more of the kind they had felt cautious about when they first saw the temple people. The faeries feared this light and gotten quickly away, but this light , they told the local people, had been turned loose on the land, and the faeries feared where it was going to settle in. By then, the local people were already feeling something they did not like and did not understand its source.

The faeries were very upset with themselves for having let these temple people in and pleaded with the local people to make them leave, but now the problem was that the temple people had gotten themselves established there, and feelings of uneasiness did not seem to be enough to make them leave; but how to make it clear that they knew about this without revealing the faeries who did not want to be revealed, especially now when they did not trust that the sacredness of their hill was really being honored?

Their guilt would not allow them to stand firm that vague feelings were enough. After all, they had let these temple peole in, and even liked them in many ways. Instead, the local people decided they must find out for themselves what was really happening there. It did not seem right to stay home from Stonehenge because of these temple people, but the local people had a curiosity that wanted to know more about what the temple people were doing.

They decided, that since the next time the temple people would be on the Tor was the Autumnal Equinox, they could stay home for the equinox and go to Stonehenge for the solstice if they needed to see what was happening for themselves. In the meantime, they were going to go to the temple people and tell them that


they had uneasy feelings surfacing about what had happened on the Tor that day.

When they approached the temple people, they were more than polite and accomodating. They told the local people that they had only been role playing things that needed to speak to them from nature and that now, they would be more mindful of these things.

They told this to themselves, too, but that is not what happened at the next of the Four Days when they drank more of their potions, which were more developed by then.
They told themselves they were drinking these things as part of their rituals, but inhibitions were going to be even more seriously laid aside than they had been before.

They told the local people they did not want to offend them and that it had not been their intent to stir hostility toward themselves. They assured them that they had heard their complaints, would look into them and would make any position shifts that were necessary to keep the good relationship they had been having there, but it was only form changes they gave them; it was not a real position shift. The local Celtic people had been letting the faeries protect them for so long that they did not know how to protect themseoves. When the temple people presented themselves as so cordial and helpful, it stirred a    g u i l t    in the local people they didn't even know they had that they were somehow blaming them unfairly and even being hostile.

The temple people began to give classes in many different subjects involving all of the knowledge they had brought with them from Greece. Although not many came at first, they were not expecting the Celtic people who did come to these classes to know so much already about what they had to teach there, and so at first, it was very exciting and intellectually stimulating to find that others in the world , without any prior contact with them, were thinking and feeling so many of the same things. They knew many things about the stars in common, except that they did not see the same skies in Greece and had to recalculate some of their observations. They found that the Druids among the Celtic people seemed particularly knowledgeable in these ares, as well as in many others.

The local people who did come to these classes at first were particularly interested in what the temple people knew about science, physiology, mathematics, astronomy, calculations of the planets' movements around the Sun, atomic theory, geomancy, etheric body healing and other subjects of similar nature. They

The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 190

I did not know what other faeries had told them so I was afraid to suggest anything more. They told Me that they were going to stick to their idea that if they continued to eat things that flew, they would one day also be able to fly.

I told them I appreaciated it that they liked Me and that I liked them too, but that they should let Me be free just because I wanted to be free, and that I hoped they would do this and not eat someone they liked. They told Me that was all the more reason to eat Me because they liked to take in things they liked. Then I was really out of ideas and growing panicky from the again increasing pressure from the lines.

Worse yet, I did seem to be gaining substance from the giants feeding Me. How fat was going to be fat enough for them to eat, and how long was going to be long enough without them learnng to fly to decide I was not going to teach them, I did not know. I did not know either who might pounce on Me first; the hoards of monsters climbing the lines or the giants with their clubs. I certainly didn't want to try the stall tactic of suggesting they eat flying things alive. After the horrible experience I had had with the snake, I could not wish such a fate on anything and certainly not Me if they decided I should be their first experiment with this.

I was sitting in My cage, quite depressed, thinking that any moment might be my last chance to escape the tortures I feared were closing in on Me when the Father of Manifestation boldly strode in with a bunch of birds which He turned loose to fly all around the giants who began chasing them. In this moment of their distraction, He grabbed Me from the cage, hid Me in His hairiness as though He had put Me quickly into a pocket and strode out of there as quickly as He had come.

I was immensely relieved, frightened for the birds, and also terrified of His wrath, which I was sure I deserved. I was also grateful He had chosen to hold onto Me and run since I could not have run with Him, having so many problems with weakness, terror and falling down.

As much as I feared the Father of Manifestation's anger at Me, I also had issues with Him that I was too afraid to bring forward and felt He gave Me no open space in which i could bring them forward.

As He ran away with Me there, I was crying tears of relief and clinging to Him in gratitude for His rescue, but I was also terrified of His blueness here again. I felt terrified of a denied rage I felt He had, but which He denied having, saying I felt Him wrong and that

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it was only My own rage I felt there. It was the same with My terror and My grief. I felt feelngs swirling within Me that I did not dare to present because they felt like rage at HIm for reasons He had repelled Me for over and over again in the past, saying either I was not right or had no reason to feel as I did.

I felt his unlovingness toward Me in those places as judgments against my ability to feel anything accurately if it encroached into areas, that for reasons I did not understand, He was heavily guarding by saying I was unloving to even have such feelings toward HIm when He was the One rescuing Me and trying to keep Me safe.

I could not understand His reasons for guardedness here, and the feeling that I had to hold back emotions made it impossible for Me to go any further than the movement I was allowed could take Me because my way of understanding is to move emotion first and understand later. Otherwise, nothing seems real to Me, but I felt all around Me a guardedness that didn't want to let emotions move freely unless there was understanding first, which wasn't possible since reason always argued down the validity of these emotions I didn't have the strength for this or the interest in it either. I just needed to move emotion and felt, for reasons of my own imprinting, that I could not, at least not to the extent I needed to.

Now, as the Father of Manifestation carried Me away from the giant ogres, I had all the issues triggered in Me that I needed to move into imprinting recall and get lost Will out of Hell, [Sept.8, 2012-my husband Rafael would have become 90 today - : I feel I should understand this last sentence and then apply it, but I still don't understand it] but I felt the Father of Manifestation would not receive Me on this. I felt already that His blueness would only let Me move a little bit before He would intervene in some way that I feared would even stop Me if He had to and at least include upbraiding Me for having gotten into the situation in the first place, as though it was only a matter of staying away from it and not a matter of it coming to find Me.

This is a major matter of imprinting that needs to be seen for what it is, because the entire Spirit Polarity has beset the Will with this guilt reflection for a long time, and it is time to end this struggle with Ourselves that it is not alright for Us to feel as We feel without having to fear the Spirit Polarity's reaction to this.

If they think it is just a matter of not being in harm's way, of moving away from, keeping away from, lifting out of, avoiding, being in the magic flow of things or whatever they want to call the way to avoid trouble, then they were moving away from the Will in original imprinting, and there is no way they can argue this without being hypocrites.



viewed these not as classes, a form with which they had no formal experience as such there yet, so much as an exchange. The temple people did not notice this so much as they viewed themselves as teachers, and the subtle tone of superiority from them as "teachers" caused the local people not to let the temple people know how much they already knew about many things.

The Celts were much more direct emotionally, as a people, and had not found the necessity to surface many of their feelings in words because they understood one another quite well at the feeling level, but they were confused by these subtle feelings of superiority and guilt they were feeling there. They thought they had gotten away from this by going so far out and away from the center of that kind of world so long ago that they had actually forgotten about these kinds of people and forgotten about why they lived where they lived. They were letting it go on now because they did not know quite how to surface their feelings in words even to communicate what it was to one another, but they did know they preferred letting the temple people see them as they felt they were seeing them to showing them much about what they knew, especially any of their power or magic.

Even their stories had become confused on the subject, because it had been so long since they had had to deal with other than green people that their storytellers did not remember why they had been telling some of these old stories or what they were really about and had stopped telling them. Now, when they tried to remember them, they could not even remember them anymore.

The Greek people, on the other hand, withheld many things from them also and gave them no knowledge of what they considered to be their own magic and power, but for different reasons. The temple people wanted to have the knowledge and wisdom of both worlds, but they wanted to be the most powerful and to do this, they wanted to gain the trust of the local people, who they intuitively knew did not trust them for reasons they did not remember, either.

The Celtic-Druid people did not necessarily want to be the most powerful. They wanted to be able to trust who they gave any information about power to. When the temple people asked them questions and seemed to be writing down what they were told, the Celtic-Druid people did not feel honored and respected as the temple people thought they would be. They did not want to give all of this information to people they did not thoroughly trust and did


not trust the writing down of this information, because then it could be had by other people they did not know.

The temple people wanted to gain their trust and thought the way to do this was through a presentation of mutual respect there, which they thought they had been doing by showing as much interest in the local natue-based approach as they had been.

The temple people thought their approach was building a good relationship with the local people and that they were encouraging them to show them anything they were willing to share, but they did not notice the many patronizingly subtle currents of superiority that they sent out toward the lifestyle of the local people and their emotionality, especially when they were not as mental in their approach to problem solving as the Greeks.

When tempers flared, the temple people usually withdrew into meditation to focus on imagery of getting the local people more in alignment with them and did not notice how the way in which they did this left the local people with a feeling that they were being viewed as spiritually inferior or wrong- somehow in what had taken place there.

The presentation the temple people were giving was not building the trust they thought it was because of these persistent feelings of distrust the Celtic-Druid people got when they came there, but there was a progression to the deterioration, instead of the building of trust that needs to be looked at here.

Nonetheless , the reputation of the temple people as those who taught classes in many subjects was growing, but they did not know they were being listened to all the way to Rome. Gradually, students began to travel there from other places, and some of the local people continued to come to the temple for the knowledge the Greeks did have and showed respect and enthusiasm for what they did learn, unless they did not agree with it.

If the temple people did not listen to them with what they considered to be mutual respect [see this condition for "Partnership" in my work since 1974] and understanding and made them feel wrong instead, the local people became more silent and often left at the end of class and did not come back or did not come back for a long time.

Many times, it was because of the female head of the temple whose rage-laden comments felt terrible to receive, and all the more so because she did not say anything they could get a hold of in words; it was much more in the feelings they felt when she spoke to them this way, [September 21, 2012: there is something very important missing in this exemplification of a relationship: if that teacher is perceived by the students to "speak to them in this way", it is a trigger, atrracted by a hole in their wholeness, that now wants to heal, see pp4 Triggers.. On the other hand, if that teacher has a "hole" of needing to feel superior, she will be triggered back by the withdrawal of her students.]and many of them were becoming confused into fearing it was they, themselves, who were making these interpreta-

On September 8, 2012,
a day on which my husband Rafael would have become 90,
I again listen to Stabat Mater:

8:27 , Alto
4. Quae moerebat et dolebat,
Et tremebat cum videbat
Nati poenas incliti.

Who mourned and grieved,
the pious Mother, with seeing
the torment of her glorious Son.

10:40, Duet
Quis est homo qui non fleret,
Christi Matrem si videret
In tanto supplicio?

Who is the man who would not weep
if seeing the Mother of Christ
in such agony.

13:48 , Soprano
Vidit suum dulcem natum
Moriendo desolatum
Dum emisit spiritum.

She saw her sweet Son
dying, forsaken,
while He gave up His spirit.

The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 192

We are imprinted that trouble comes and finds Us because the smack did and the psychopathic killers did and have ever since. This has to change, and when it does, it has to be because the Will must move toward a light that loves It and not toward One that makes It feel guilty for having the orientation that It has.

It is no more necessary to feel guilty for having this orientation than the Spirit Polarity has found it to be for the orientation It has. We are turned 180 degrees from One another in terms of orientation in Original Cause. If it is not possible to bring this together now, it is not possible to heal the gap, but the imprinting there has made it feel impossible to ever bring this together without sparking at least, if not open warfare.

There is a change that needs to take place in the Will there to heal the loss of magnetism that took place, and to do this, emotional movement must take place. It is not possible to heal this otherwise, and that's all there is to it. Anyone who is not ready to see this isn't ready to move past the imprinting in the mind or the guilt in the Will that filled in the places where magnetism was lost.

Riding safely, it seemed, away from the ogres on the back of the Father of Manifestation, I had many feelings and issues swirling forward in Me around this blueness I feared that I could not present to Him, and I need to present them now. They were all triggered there, and they were all moving in Me. They all needed to come forward, and they were all prevented from coming forward by His blueness's lack of openness and willingness to receive them. You will have to see where your unwillingness to receive this lies and what your resistance is because that will let you know where unloving light resides in your blueness.

This was a gapped place between HIm and Me, and when I could not stand feeling so unreceived, My denied rage has fought with Him there. This is where it has turned around to his Main Body being perpetrated upon by My denied rage instead of His denied rage perpetrating on My Main Body. Alliances were formed there between the denied rage of the Main Body that was perpetrating against the Other and OUr own denied rage that was perpetrating against Ourselves, but not always for the same reasons as the denied rage of the Other and therefore, making them tricky and treacherus alliances which have played themselves out in the power struggles on Earth.

No matter where you look, you are going to find instances of this being played out; the people involved may even say they are only playing roles because they are not real people playing these

p. 193

roles and do not sense themselves to be real either, but Our own denials playing hearts in a play instead This has happened because of the heartlessness of the gap where Heart has only been allowed to be present in a denied state, and thus, we have not been able to bond there. This denied state of Heart needs to be looked at more closely now too. Presence can play a causal role, but a lack of presence can also play a causal role; the Unseen Role of Denial.

Many times, I have felt deep regret over fighting this way with the Father of Manifestation only to have my rage refueled at HIm from what felt like a sameness of attitude in Him toward Me. I did not realize it stemmed from imprinting He received from His experience in Blue when He barely even knew who I was.

He had felt held down and back for a long time, according to Him. He blamed Me for this, but I did not think I had done it. I saw His divided intent about whether or not to manifest, and felt He was not allowing Me to manifest either because of this. He seemed to blame His feelings on Me as though I were the cause of them and that without Me, He was feeling fine; thus, I saw Him as blaming Me for His divided intent to manifest.

This meant to Me that He did not like Me, but it also meant to Me that He did not like having feelings He did not like to feel, and that rather than look to see why He was feelng them, He had chosen to either avoid these feelings or to get rid of these feelings if He did manifest, which meant He was trying to kill Me in those places.

Then, since He was killing HImself without knowing it, He said I was trying to kill Him, but We did not recognize this at the time, and still haven't in certan areas of the gap because He did not know that I was Him, nor I that He was Me. We thought of One another as separate beings who had met by bumping into One another in space where We had previously been floating in isolation. This would have meant that consciousness came from someplace other than from within Myself and feelings, likewise, came from someplace other than from within HIm.

Whenever we tried to approach this place to find out if this was really true or not, We always got into arguments about who was there first in which the Father of Manifestation would always insist that He was there first. He never considered the possibility that I was there first, saying only that He remembered being there without Me. I felt He was saying this meant He was there first.

Form is what I contacted first in the Will side of Body, and consciousness later, and Heart, for Me, was blurred in origins



tions of her feelings and that it was they, themselves, who were being unloving and judgmental, especially when she denied her tone whenever questioned about it. They would often go away asking one another if they had heard it in the same way after she would make comments to them.

Herbs were an important study. Medicine was good there at the time, and the temple people were very interested n the herbal knowledge of the local people. Their studies began innocently enough as the exploration of local plants for food and medicine but as time progressed, got sidetracked by old stirrings that Pangea was a place of partying and lots of sex; wild and free sex with unnamed partners out in the woods at night, and if not unnamed, then masked would do. Soon, they were not as interested in herbs as medicine for healing as much as they were in what became a quest for brews to prevent or end pregnancies or to produce more and more powerful orgasms, along with psychedelics and other sensory distortion. If they could not return to Pangea, at least they could produce the illusion of such.

While at first they felt sure they could make unwanted pregnancies abort by meditating, as time went on, they were having more and more problems with pregnancies, because they were having more and more sex with less and less spiritual focus and consciousness involved. The temple people had thought they were abandoning the results of their unwanted preganancies, as had often been done in Greece at that time, in such deep and hidden places in the marshes they did not think they could be found.

Since they were not admitting they were having these pregnancies at all, and only went into "meditative seclusion," as they referred to it, it was a problem to these temple women to think of asking the Celts for assistance with this or even letting them know they needed to use herbs the local women used to abort. Instead, they began to listen without admitting they were doing this and even to eavesdrop on local women whenever they were talking about herbs and and other practices they had developed for handling their own problems with unwanted pregnancies. They began to ask them questions in their classes under the guise of doing research.

The Celtic women were suspicious of this. They could feel they were being questioned indirectly about problems the temple people were not admitting to openly , while still maintaining, instead, that they never had unwanted pregnancies and only wanted to write this information down for the collected works of herbal and


medicinal information they were working on there. They did not always get the formulas right or the procedures either, especially when they tried to write things down later that they had overheard earlier and perhaps not correctly or thoroughly.

These feelings of suspicion particularly arose around the presentation the temple people were making of not having sex, except very occasionally as a part of ritual. The local people did not word it to themselves this way but they viewed ritualized sex as sex without love, and they did not like it. Since the temple people claimed to have spiritual practices that kept them from getting pregnant, the local women had been listening in the hope of learning something they did not already know wthat would help them to limit the size of their own families, but they did not want to have no children, and did not regard it as a spiritually superior position. They regarded the raising of children as a sacred function.When the females present in the temple thought they had a lot to teach the local people about child rearing and the proper spiritual training of children, they did not like it or trust it.

The local people did not see these temple women as speaking from experience and did not even believe their spiritual practices were real, because they had begun finding little "lost' babies in the marshlands, which the temple people completely disclaimed knowing anything about. When the temple people would not claim any knowledge of these babies, the local people had begun to raise them themselves because, in their hearts, they could not leave them out there exposed to the elements like that to die and decided to not let the temple people know about it.

Since these temple women were raising no children of their own, the local people did not see how their ideas were anything more than something to put off onto other people, rather than as something they really knew about. They often felt this as criticism by the temple women, from watching the local people with their own children, disguised as spiritual teachings.

They even felt this as temple women indirectly telling them how they wanted their own abandoned children to be raised by the Celts, as though they had already recognized, in some way, that this was what was going on when they said things such as, "Most children do not know the difference between good and evil unless you set the example for them. Telling children how to behave is necessary, or children do not know how to behave. Children do not understand things in a real way or know how they feel unless they are told by their parents. Children need to be told by their parents

Stabat mater , 16:40, Alto

Eia Mater, fons amoris
Me sentire vim doloris
Fac, ut tecum lugeam.

O Mother, fountain of love,
make me feel the power of sorrow,
that I may grieve with you.

18:32, duet
Fac, ut ardeat cor meum
In amando Christum Deum
Ut sibi complaceam.

Grant that my heart may burn
in the love of the Lord Christ
that I may greatly please Him.

20:2o, duet
Sancta Mater, istud agas,
Crucifixi fige plagas
Cordi meo valide.

Holy Mother, grant this of yours,
that the wounds of the Crucified be well-formed
in my heart.

24:403, Alto [this voice almost carries me out of life!]
Fac, ut portem Christi mortem
Passionis fac consortem,
Et plagas recolere.
[I don't understand the text of the second part]

Grant that I may bear the death of Christ,
grant me the fate of His passion
and the remembrance of His wounds.

Comments to this performance of 2009
4 months ago
only a mother can feel this pain through the heart

1 week ago
Thank you for giving access to what is perhaps
a little precursor to our ethereal future. :) Mickysina

The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 194

because what I felt was comfort, gratitude and pretty quickly, what felt like love for Form and what its contributions were to My existence. I couldn't imagine living without Form, after feelings Its presence come creeping quietly and enfolding Itself around Me, other than as a return to the nightmare I had been in before Form appeared. So, how Form could have thought I didn't love It was beyond Me, and I was terribly hurt by these accusations, and later, angry, when I had the means to know it, which was consciousness. By then, I didn't know who had originated this anger; feelings or consciousness. First, I was very frightened of Blue's rejection of Me as a valid part to have presence with it, and I felt like consciousness was also rejecting Me as a part of its Heart because it could not and did not love Me or find any reason to try since it blamed Me for its feelings of being held down and back, which it saw as the source of its feeling bad. This was not seen as a problem of unlovingness in the conscousness there.

Blue then saw limits and restrictions on its consciousness as the problem, and Me as the cause of those limits and restrictions without examining this further or seeing any reasons why those limits or restrictions might need to be put in place, which weren't really limits or restrictions, but was electrical grounding instead, because it did not see Me as any valid part of it. This meant that Will presence, already judged against as complaining, critical, disapproving and trying to place unfair, unnecessary and invalid limits and restrictions, was being denied out of the presence of Blue.

I, meanwhile, was lying with Form on My side and feeling like Blue did not have anywhere near the peace that I did. Form had its arms around Me, which had made Me feel like it had gathered Me into the enfoldment of its loving arms, thus, saving Me from being lost in the sea of darkness in which I had been drowning in My drifting, amoeba-like attempts to move arund in search of something, anything to help Me understand My situation in the dark void. I didn't gain understanding from Form's presence so much as the experience that being enfolded by It felt betetr to Me than being open to the darkness coming in on Me, like unwanted water coming in on a drowning peson. I felt safer this way, much safer, and love was born of this because it felt good, and I quickly began to love feeling good.


how they are supposed to respond. children need to be trained in manners. It is not right to have them say "please" and "thank you" only when they feel like it. You must make your children listen to you more and punish them if they do not do as they are told."

They particularly hated their ideas about discipline, which the local people never felt they had to impose on their own children. Instead of getting violent, the women left, saying they didn't care if their children behaved the way the temple people thought they should behave. As far as they were concerned, their children just behaved because they felt themselves to be a part of their families and of the community.

The temple people continued to tell themselves they had no prorblems in the world that couldn't be solved by correct spiritual practices . They did not think they had any emotional problems with the local people. When the local people left any functions of the temple they were attending, the temple people viewed them as "reverting" to their old ways and not really ready to understand what the Greeks had to offer them there.

When they couldn't avoid noticing that there was a conflict or a problem, they thought it meant that something was remaining hidden there that the local people were not willing to share with them yet and thought it was for reasons of some sort of power struggle. Meanwhile, the temple people felt that if they just encouraged the local people more, if they did really have any of the magic and power they wanted to learn from them, they were going to find out.

The temple people wanted to have fun at night and still do their normal temple functions and spiritual practices during the day, including plenty of meditating, but more and more, their nature interests were in how to tap into the power of the land and its plants and animals to have more body lust and physical plane powers for themselves, and more and more, their spiritual vision quests were becoming dependent upon consciousness altering substances rather than the development of their own psychic perceptions. Less and less were they able to tell the difference between real seeing and drugged experiences that were projections from their own subconscious; which was a start if they had known where to go with it, but they were going the wrong direction and disconnecting these from their conscious mind rather than integrating them. More and more were they taking their own drug induced visions to be reality, and less and less were they guided by the real presence of purple and indigo [?????].

Rumi-Quotes: Love is the language that cannot be said or heard

Stabat Mater, 28:06, duet

Inflammatus et accensus
Per Te, Virgo, sim defensus
In die iudicii.

Lest I be destroyed by fire, set alight,
then through you, Virgin, may I be defended
on the day of judgement.

30:04, duet

Quando corpus morietur,
Fac, ut animae donetur
Paradisi gloria. Amen.

When my body dies,
grant that to my soul is given
the glory of paradise. Amen.

Amen, Amen, Amen

After people clapped -
a beautiful piece that does not belong to Stabat Mater

The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 195


At first, there was no consciousness particularly involved other than that this enfoldment was giving Me a feeling of being protected and gathered together. That feeling felt good to Me, and rather quickly, the feelings I was beginning to feel there began to feel like love to Me. Whether or not other essence was left out, I do not know because We did not yet have eyes to see, light to see in or consciousness by which to determine this, other than a feeling of careful groping for what might be nearby that felt like it wanted or even might like to come into this enfoldment with Us. In the beginning, it felt like there was pretty much of an alignment on how We wanted it to feel there, or else pretty much silence that was not differing openly with Us, but We did not feel resistance to how it felt there or to what felt good to Us. In fact, the gentle murmurings We heard sounded like alignment with Us and with what felt good to Us. These murmurings increased pleasurably to Us when We began gently undulating and rippling in response to the feeling good and the desire to feel, or move, closer into these feelings.

We did not have feelings of differentiation as definition in form then other than as responsiveness to feelings there. Although Form was getting defined a little bit by sound and movement, we did not have thought process about it. Our feelings were of wanting more unification. It may have been only a little piece of the Will there, or only Ourselves there, We did not know, but it was not Our intent to leave out anything that wanted to feel good with Us. Quite the contrary, in fact. We were feeling as intently as Our level of awareness could for anything around Us that wanted to come into this enfoldment and find the escape that We found there from the nightmare of earlier existence in the void.

We became what felt like a warm encampment of vibrating Will essence, enfolded and protected by Form in what felt like the dark and vast surroundings of the void. We welcomed all to Our camp who felt like they entered in friendship and alignment and had found nothing around Us that made Us aware of feeling otherwise. It felt as though Our acuity of feeling was evolving or growing from doing this, and We felt what later might have been called a little pride in Our feeling that We were growing in Our ability to feel things after so long a time of strugglng in the dark void.

We were just beginning to glow colors in Our warmth and to




They began to party and play music more and more in the woods at night. The local people weren't sure they liked this, either, even though they sometimes wanted to join them, they thought the temple people were way overdoing it and almost always wanted it to end earlier than the temple people ever ended it. Then, when it grew to be daybreak, the temple people were not around to help them with any of the things that needed doing at that time of day. The temple people were doing almost none of the work it took to sustain them, and the local people began to resent this somewhat.

The temple people claimed they were busy at night celebrating their rituals of the Moon, which had many phases and to which their temple was dedicated. This meant at least once a week and sometimes more often if they were in the mood to celebrate the two days of the Full moon and maybe the two days of every other shift in the phases. These were always celebrated by the female head of the temple and the other females there. Their rituals involved music with drumming, song and dance, during which they enjoyed tantalizing the men. They had begun to involve sex in these rituals, too, but on their terms and, along with the Four Days, which had now become the Eight Days, to include the mid-points between, and then sometimes even the mid-points between those, this was a lot of partying, a lot of herbal potion using and a lot of sexual activity.

They told themselves this was alright because it was all ritual of some sort or another and all dedicated to something. Still, they felt they were honoring their agreement with the local people because the Tor was only being used on the Four Days. They preferred the woods for their other rituals.

They moved along this way for quite some time, without addressing any of the undercurrents they really had there. The female head of the temple had found the caves under the Tor though .She did not let anyone know at first, and then, only the few people she trusted most in the temple to be aligned with her and not the local people at all, because she did not think they used them, as hidden as the entrances were.

She had old fire dragon memories stirring and had been looking around to see if there were any caves nearby. That they glowed was really stirring something in her, and she thought she might even find fire deeper in there. She began to conduct some rituals in these caves with a few of the people she trusted in the temple with-

The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 196

luxuriate and expand a little bit into enjoyment of them, feeling a need to feel this way
after so long in Our problems in the void, when we were, at first, disturbed by other sounds We began to hear that had a buzzing, annoying quality to them, and then later, frightened by these sounds as they intensified and began to feel angry, threatening and even dangerous to Us.

This sent up an increase in murmurings among Us as we tried to feel what this was and feel into whether it really might be dangerous to Us, or was in pain or being hurt by something. Unfortunately, We were unable to feel sure from our perspective, but the general feeling I had was that there was a problem of some sort. Today, I would say it was electricity about to explode from lack of grounding, but then, what I was getting back from My exploratory feelings was that the problem was Me, not the sound.

The tone felt repelling to Me, and although I did not understand words, I felt like I had angrily been called an "old biddie," and lots of other mean sounding names. I did not have thought process then by which to think that I might have been able to help the situation by going toward it anyway, nor was I able to go toward something that was making Me feel repelled, I sank back down into Myself, feeling repelled and rejected by something that did not sound or feel good to Me, did not like Me and even felt threatening to Me.

I did not know it, but the psychopathic killer was aleady loose as snappings and cracklings breaking loose from this sound, I daresay, on the wave of this nasty feeling toward Me, and striking at Us where We had gathered together. We were not getting any other information from this sound, other than what felt like judgments, misinterpretations, bad signs and increasing anger, all of which were new and frightening to Us as well as feeling unfair and wrong to Us in its interpretation and assessment of Us and Our intent. This is why We were hurt in a way that later felt angry, and only a little bit relieved when this sound circled in on itself without making Us fell welcome there.

We had felt the building of warmth there in the Will, and it was a very welcome feeling. We remained huddled together there in the enfoldment, sharing the warmth and enjoying the feeling of safety. We did not know what firelight looked like, but We were moving toward seeing those colors within and around Ourselves and they were becoming more defined. They were beautiful colors and We loved them and the warmth they had. We felt a glow starting to happen in and around Ourselves. It felt like love, but We

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did not know. We just knew We felt good and were getting better; much better than We had been feeling before Form enfolded Us and made Us feel secure from the moonless black night of the void.

When there began to be terrifying sounds from the darkness of the night, We did not know how to handle it. We were mostly enjoying the motion of pressing Ourselves together for how comfortable and good it felt and for the comfort in doing it, because it let Us know One another was there and responding. It just felt good and spontaneous, arising in Us according to how We felt and subsiding that way also, I felt like a growing attunement amongst Us and one we cherished; the warmth of it especially, along with the feelings of comfort, safety, companionship, feeling of communicatin, closeness, bonding, trust for One another, interrelatedness and dependence, intimacy and even the beginnng of sexual feelings that were arising mildly from the undulating motions and beginning to tingle within Us as the desire for more even though we had no actual words or thought process around any of this then.

We were not sure how to get more happening there. It was already so much more than We had had going for Us in the Will essence before that that We were not even sure We really needed more, although there was some feeling there that We did. I felt We really just needed some time to understand Ourselves more and to feel Ourselves more thoroughly there to see what We might like to do next, but mostly to just savor the warmth and friendliness of it all after so long a time of feeling so miserable and frightened, drowning, overcome and overwhelmed. We were like shipwreck victims coming in from a long ordeal and needing a long rest and recuperation around the fire in Our safely enfolded encampment.

When the Blue sounds began, although We did not know it was Blue yet, We were immediately alarmed that there were others out there having problems, but moving as far out of Our encampment as the sounds seemed to be coming from felt too dangerous, too risky and too uncomfortable to Us. I, for One [sic], did not want to go back out into the perils and risks of the void to see if there was some problem there unless we had first ascertained as much as possible by other means that it was really necessary, but the buzzing sound was giving Me an uneasy feelng about being able to do this and the feeling that I must resolve the problem this sound was creating in Me before I could go on as I wanted to.

I could not see externally yet, or did not know that I could. With nothing to see, or nothing ever seen yet outside of Ourselves,



out letting anyone else know, and some of them involved babies from unwanted pregnancies.

The more things went on with the temple people, though, the more the faeries began to complain to the local people that they did not like noise and people all over the woods at night, because it was not letting nature rest the way it needed to, and in the end, was not respectful to nature at all, no matter how much they said all of this was dedicated to it. They also complained that the populations of certain plants were being decimated and only the ones they knew to have certain properties, so they knew what the temple people were really doing, and they continued to complain about the light being generated there.

The faeries had found that there was now light of this sort under the Tor and complained that the temple people were going into their caves there, too. The faeries had become used to humans having sex because they were not immortal and feared this was the only way they had to perpetuate themselves. The faeries stayed away and never moved sexually in those ways, fearing that to do so brought physical entrapment, but they could not get used to sexuality the ways these temple people were doing it, and it seemed to the faeries that they were all in danger of being taken over by this light.

The local people could not see everything the faeries saw and saw the faeries only when the faeries let them, but they aligned with the faeries on this. They did not like all of the noise and hoopla going on the woods at night and were growing weary of losing sleep when they heard the pounding of running feet and screams that alarmed them suddenly. They particularly did not like having their children hear this.

The male head of the temple was much too drugged to meet with the local people when they came and had become more interested in his satyr life at night than in the temple during the day. The female head of the temple and several others came out to talk to them. The local people listed all of the problems they felt they were having with them, including the growing problem with the light that was increasingly surrounding these activities. They particularly singled out the rage polarized sex, the pounding, running feet and the sudden screams of distress and vulgarities, but they did not mention the caves under Tor in case the temple people did not already know about them and their light was only settling in there somehow.


The temple people were polite and friendly in their response to them, telling them they understood their problem with it, they would try not to let it happen again and that that was the best they could do, implying that it was not them doing it by reminding them there were not just Greeks participating in these rituals now.

The female head of the temple talked a lot, but the others did not say much. They watched how what she said settled with the people. If they did not like their response, they did not reveal their own position there. They wanted to make a favorable impression so that if the Celts did have anything they wanted to learn for themselves there, such as power and magic, they would be able to do it. She reminded them again that it was not what they thought it was; it was just role playing in which they meant to separate their lower nature from themselves and told them the light was not a problem and that it would soon go away. The tone of it was as if the were idiots to think there was any problem at all.

What she said made some sense to the local people, but they still did not like the way it felt, which is what they went by more than what was said. Their response was, "it is a problem. It is settling in on the land and on us. Why don't you stop and be more respectful and honoring of nature the way you say you have intention of doing in these rituals and ceremonies?"

The men had no answer for this, except that in such drug induced states they often didn't even remember what they had done, and the satyrs in them, recognized or not, were not willing to give this up. They decided to satisfy the local people by making another form change in the temple. This was when they decided to go further and further away from the group, and the further they went out into the surrounding area, the more perverted and twisted their activities became.

Then came the Autumnal Equinox when the local people announced that they planned to stay home and wanted to participate in the temple people's observance and festivities. They were all expecting a good harvest of grapes and told the temple people they wanted to find out what good wine was going to be like, too, The temple people were happy about this and not happy about this at the same time, but they did not know how to show the local people anything other than happiness about it.

Privately, they felt that now they were going to have to make plans to have their sex somewhere away from the local people. The problem was that there was nowhere to go other than marshland around the Tor, "except under the Tor" the female head of the tem-

in the "encampment"
with her parents
in the Galilee,
August 2012
The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 198

how could One know such a thing?

I had a way of looking internally, though, that had become so good without My ever realizing it that it seemed even preferable to Me to the idea of opening up what would now be called eyes to see what might be happening around Me. I was afraid of what I might see also, and did not want to look. The sounds were scaring Me so much I wanted to huddle and not look and have someone else deal with them. I was hoping they would go away or gentle down and find some sort of softer sounds that would be more harmonious with what We already had.

I felt as reluctant, frightened and dismayed about being disturbed, unless I really had to be, by what was happening with these sounds from Blue as a person could who is warmly and comfortably eskonced [sic] in a soft, pleasant smelling bed of furs by the fire, snuggled in an outdoor encampment with those who felt entirely compatible, like loved family members, comfortable in body and in feelings, and so much so that the mild sexual excitation taking place might lead to something if given time to develop in the right way, which was a soft, loving, gentle way, and if not, sleep would come, softly and gently, comfortable and gradually, into the pleasant drifting between mildly sexual undulations, warmth, comfort and drowsiness by the fire.

Not all felt the same as Me though. I felt a growing distraction and restlessness in Form near Me that felt like stronger pull or attraction for these sounds than I had. I conveyed to the Form near Me, since I felt It had eyes for some reason, that I would like It to look and see what It could see, if anything at all, and report to the rest of Us. For some reason, even lifting My head felt like too much for Me. I might have been too comfortable, or too frightened or maybe I didn't know how. I didn't know then.

Form lifted His head and reported that He saw something that looked more defined to Him than We were. As He conveyed what He saw there in the terms we had then, which was conveyance of pictures along with the feelngs that went with them in a way that was rather direct and quick compared to the cumbersome passages it is taking for Me to try to convey this in words and still not be able to convey the full spectrum of what was felt without a feeling of burdensome complexity, I felt He was more excited by and drawn toward what He had seen than I was.

As He was conveying what He saw, I was internally seeing something as vividly as if I had seen it externally. He was conveying to Us the impression of Light there with a rather well defined

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but He did not make it clear that He had seen faces, both male and female, and that He wanted to join them. He did not make that clear until later, so much later that it is only now, in healing this gap, that He has finally made this clear to Me. I saw a bright, white, with some bright, light blue, electrical, lightning-like, arcing light. I then seemed to realize that I internally saw this light as arcing up out of something, but lacked the concepts to consider that it could have been arcing up out of us. I saw this arcing light as threatening, as if it was a snake about to strike, and I associated this form with the sound I had asked Him to check on. I felt frightened that He was excited by something that I saw as threatening.

It did ot occur to Me, or the responsiveness around Me, that what We were seeing internally might not be the entire picture, or that We might be seeing only what He had conveyed, but because We had different feelings about it than He did,We began to have something of a discussion about it in Our own empathic way. It then seemed more likely that We might not have seen what He was conveying since this form seemed more penis-like, or at least sexually exciting, to Him and more snake-like and threatening to Me.

I did not know that Form was a He there yet either, but in asking Him to look, I noticed that I had formed a dependence upon Him that I later associated with male. He also moved in a way that felt more male to Me there, as male has later become defined, but He may not be sure if He really is male or had the space to decide for Himself, since He was depended upon in these ways before He ever let us know if He felt Himself to be male. We just felt Him and treated Him according to how We felt about HIm, as it seemed He also did with Us, although we had no really conscious ideas of sexual definition or roles then. He seemed like My patriarch, protector and defender, and He was next to Me so I naturally consulted and conferred with Him.

I felt more frightened of these sounds than He did and also found them to be more unpleasant and disturbing than He did. We agreed on these points; that something might be really wrong there, although I felt stronger on this point than He did, that We weren't sure if We could get anything more going for Ourselves than We had already and that We might need something more, especially sexually, and that this might be it, although He felt stronger on this point than I did, that something more needed to be found out about this and that it could not be ignored anymore



ple said. There was going to be no moon that night. When she told them she had been in these caves and that the caves glowed, they thought it was going to be perfect. The local people would go home early because of no Moon, they could still have the Tor to themselves and yet be more hidden than usual.

They were fully costumed as predators and prey, flowers and the other forms they took on at this time. Their costumes left their sexual parts exposed as in nature. When the dusk of evening began to settle around them, the temple people stayed on the Tor for awhile, drinking wine, merry making and playing music with the local people, but their wine was "enhanced" and what they gave the local people was not.

Then the temple people said that they were going to do some rituals of their own that only temple initiates could attend. They filed away somberly. "So early?" the local people thought. This did not make sense, given their usual behavior, but they soon started home, themselves, having seen almost nothing of what the faerie king had complained about taking place on the Tor at the Summer Solstice.

"Perhaps it is because the Moon is not full," they said to themselves, but they had hardly started for home when they began to hear sounds that seemed to be coming from the Tor; horrible screams, raging and growling; all of the sounds they had already heard in the woods and worse.

The faerie king came to them in the morning, and he was most furious that not only had the temple people gone back onto the Tor, but also into what he considered to be the faeries' caves under the Tor. The temple people had obviously only promised to honor their agreement and were not doing it; only promising to change their ways and not changing them.

He felt that they were going to have to run the temple people out, but run them out to where? He did not want to make other people have to suffer this horrible disease. The only place he could think of was to make them go back to wherever they came from. When he told the local people that they had to get rid of the knowledge from the temple people as well as the temple people themselves, those who had the sight said it was true, that gradually there was more of this light surrounding them.

Many of the ones who had been studying at the temple were not happy about this, especially the ones who now had more of that kind of light. Then, one of the temple children who had been growing up with Celts as parents spoke up and said that if there was a


problem , they needed to solve it themselves and not put it off on other people. He did not know he was a temple child, but he spoke right to the guilt the Celtic people had there.

Many times, the Celtic people tried to talk to the temple people about their concerns, but they did not have even as much success as they had had in their classes. Many times, they talked only among themselves about trying to move the temple people out of their area. Always, it was the temple children who talked in favor of letting the temple people stay; children the Celts viewed as their own children, having raised them and grown to love them by then. The temple chldren told them not to be so rigid and old fashioned.

The local people did not know what to tell these chldren, because they did not dislike everything the temple people were doing. These children had such a way of pointing out the good things the temple people were doing, and their parents did not know how tell them the specifics of what they didn't like there, fearing that even in talking about it to them, they might catch the disease. These children heard their parents talking anyway and did not like hearing them talk against the rage polarized sex that was going on with the temple people, because they found it exciting.

They tried to deter their children who wanted to go and study there by saying, "Any people who claim to be seers and can't see the faerie king can't be seeing much."

The temple children often responded with things like, "They didn't grow up with the faeries the way we did. We like it that people come here from other places to study with the temple people. We want to meet them, too. What is wrong with the reputation of the temple classes spreading to other places? What is the big deal about protection anyway? Protection from what? You think the faeries are so wise you let them tell you what to do all the time. The faeries let them come here, so it must have been meant to happen."

Their parents did not know what to say, other than that they had feelngs about such things, sometimes long in advance of them ever really happening. These children scorned such things and said that if they sat around expecting the worst, sooner or later, something they didn't like would happen, and then their parents would say, "See, we told you so,."

Now, the local people felt that they really must speak to the temple people again, because many of the temple children they had raised as their own children were getting old enough that they wanted to go to the temple people to study, as if they were being drawn back to their own kind, and their parents, who loved them

The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

Continuation of the two books in "DesertPeaceProcess-Succat Sarah"