Purpose of HEALING - K.I.S.S.
- as stated 12 years ago - was and is
to help me and my potential P E E R s
"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,
and - by extension - all of CREATion!" |
I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a pioneer of Evolution
in learning to feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'
pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill>evolve,
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
want you to feel everything, every little thing!"
K.I.S.S. -
L O G 2
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Keep It Simple Sweetheart
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~ Library of
7 years ~ HOME
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( of Latin characters only!) my
eldest granddaughter's video-gallery
2, Monday, -at Shoham
re-edited on June 2, 2013 - at Arad
back to past ~~~~~
forward to future
Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want,
then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what
I desire - on
this last day at Shoham and free of the planned Living
Water Workshop [no
sign from Deqel...]
- to "complete" the
last pages and with them the chapter of interaction which
were a bit too intense
I desire to heal and mature into the capacity of creating only
dramas which are light and funny,
light, funny, exciting for myself as for the actors who let
themselves be attracted into my play.
of the day
hodayot [thanksgivings] for
My Body, my Partner,
my God
I give thanks to your facial, jaw and throat muscles
and all your systems involved
in laughing,
"neurophysiology states that laughter is linked with
the activation
of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, which produces endorphins
... "
Also "parts of the
limbic system are involved in laughter"
Also "laughter is not confined
or unique to humans,
despite Aristotle's observation that "only the human
animal laughs".
anatomy of laughter: The nature of laughter has recently
attracted the attention of a number of different
diverse as physiology, psychology, linguistics, translation
and literary studies, and sociology, with scant regard for
political correctness."
see "Yoga-Laughter"
on May 29, and puzzle
piece 51 Laughter-
the final stage of healing
I am grate-full beyond any expression,
that beyond life we have chosen to play together in one drama,
as grandmother and granddaughter,
as daughter-in-love and as mother-in-love.
[Years before
Mika came to this planet, Efrat once said to me:
"If I'll ever have a child,
I'll raise it only together with you!"]
Backward into the Future" = "Closeups
to the Past" = Healing&Harvesting my Past
I'm always sad, that even the most vivid
and interesting dream is gone,
once I'm clearly awake.
But while slowly focusing of how I feel and - if its "grey"
- how to lovingly accept it,
I often conjure up a memory which seems to have no connection
to anything.
Maybe, I should put "the lens of perception"
[see 'nourishment']
o n these memories
and heal&harvest what is still hidden in them.
Today I saw myself on a carriage enter the small village Wolfartsweiler,
[see Harmeze
- Harm&Harmony II ]
which had been assigned to us for evacuation from bombarded
It was in March 1944, a cold winter morning, or so it feels
to me now,
obviously after a terrible travel all night through from faraway
where we had found rescue from the bombardments in Stuttgart
and lived with my dead grandmother's sister, Aunt Ottilie, a
social worker.
During those months the four storey house in Stuttgart, and
in it our rented flat,
was totally destroyed.
I tried to reconstruct in this morning's imagination,
how my poor mother managed to cope with such a "move":
I have no idea, where she guarded the furniture,
which we would need in the tiny village flat,
nor how it was transported
but I can see a scene in the train - the 3 little children
(I was born in Aug. 1938, my sister Ursel in Oct. 1939,
my brother Eberhard in Nov. 1942)
and the daughter of friends in Stuttgart, who had been our "Pflichtjahrmaedchen"
under Nazi rule young girls were obliged to serve for a year
as maids in a family.)
I cannot conjure up any other detail,
except that someone in the carriage pointed to a house: "this
is the school!"
It was, in fact, one classroom for all 8 classes, some 46 pupils,
with another evacuated family living above it.
Their name was "Gut", while ours was "Guth"....
[Was the father - a beekeeper
- in the army or not?]
All children believe, that their parents
exist only for them, the children.
This "arrangement" is wise on the one hand,
for how could I have coped with the predicament of my mother,
transporting us from East to South Germany through the bomb-whizzing
and in her heart the utmost pain of not even knowing, if her
husband was still alive?
He was missing since before my 5th birthday, since early August
But on the other hand, how can a weak woman cope with all this
When there was not a single relative or friend to talk to and
cry with?
Father dead, mother dead, brother dead (a victim of Nazi "Euthanasia"),
her only sister - since 1945 in the Russian Occupation Zone
- emigrated to Brazil,
her husband's mother dead, his only brother committed suicide
as a soldier,
and the only one left, her husband's father, in Erfurt, died
too, - lonely in 1946.
Seeing Mika's immense compassion for people's suffering,
I know, I had the same "big heart".
And if my mother had shared with me her suffering,
instead of translating it into constant raging against us
("if only you had died and your father
would have returned alive!")
she might have drawn some comfort and
consolation from me.
So what should I do with this memory today?
Be deeply grate-full that I - in time, in a long, long time
became healed enough to create a drama,
which is not even faintly reminiscent of my mother's drama?
My outing with Mika:
Efrat knew, that I would prefer to walk into
and if it had to be a playground, then at least not the one in our
"Be adamant today!" she
said, "Go to where you want and
not to where Mika drags you to!"
And to Mika she talked in a similar way.
So, when we came down the stairs outside the house,
Mika wanted to go left as usual, but remembered, what Imma had said,
and let me lead her to the right.
There were things to pick up on the way, cats and dogs to watch,
but she went along with me until the junction, on the other side of
which she discerned the little park,
which she had first experienced rain (in Nov. 2007), and in which
the "Quartet" had played "Space".
Again I had failed to go to where I wanted, but I hoped she would
soon get bored,
because there are only a few installations there, and shortly after
our arrival all kids & parents left.
But Mika was in no need for attractions/distractions or even for other
She walked straight to the bumpy merry-go-round and then gave out
her commands,
which had little to do with the original purpose of the installation.
"Sit here!" "Sleep here!"
"Now get up and I'll sleep!"
"Let's get out and do [move]
our ship [from the outside],"
It was fascinating and so was the next scene -
some 30 min. later:
After a few descents-by-foot on the slide - with me holding her hand
from behind and above...
she asked us to sit on the lawn - her body cuddled between my knees.
She discerned a tiny wool-knitted 2 dimensional head of an animal,
which I use to squeeze into the front pocket of my camera pouch,
so as to prevent the little reserve battery from falling out as it
did in the past.
She wanted to see, touch, taste ("be-ke-illu"
- "in the as-if manner", she promised) and
understand the battery...
With one hand stretched out around her and in front of her I even
succeeded in making some good images.
 |
At some time she agreed to go with me to
the "Seven Fruits Garden",
which she had enjoyed a year ago, but now refused to climb up the
stairs to it.
I didn't waver this time and promised, that she'll like the different
trees there.
And indeed, she was delighted, when I showed her a fig-tree
and among the many premature fruits on the ground found one, she could
actually eat.
While standing under one of the pomegranate trees she is still nibbling
at it.
(I hoped she wouldn't tell Imma, but it was exactly this detail from
among all our experiences,
which she conveyed when we came home: "akhalti
te'enah", I ate a fig.
Efrat frowned and said to me: "It's
figs which bring worms!"
Then we saw real vines with real grapes around an ancient cavity for
pressing vine.
I let her pluck from the grapes, without even have tried if they were
She doesn't like unripe sour fruits, when they come from the fridge,
but a sour grape right from a vine in nature? that was not to be missed.
[2013: I don't understand, how
there could be figs and grapes at this time of the year?]
 |
 |
"We have to go now", I
said, "we still need to buy bread
and milk in the supermarket".
So we walked 3 steps - but there was a bench,
which had to be tried out,
we walked a little more, but next to the steps down some rocky stones
were too tempting to be skipped.
She wanted me to sit down too, but I refused, saying instead:
"At least put on your sandals finally".
And with lavender plants in her back , she
managed to put on her sandals.
And then we approached the supermarket - so loathed
by me - and entered
and quickly grabbed a bag of milk and a package with the most expensive
bread available
(with this Efrat wanted to do me a favor and she even insisted that
- as usual -
I should take to Arad all the slices we hadn't eaten until I would
3 SAT Die Billigheimer -
- Discounter
und ihre Methoden
Attac-Aktivisten steigen den Discountern
aufs Dach Deutschland im
Schnäppchenrausch. Wer nicht den niedrigsten Preis findet,
ist doch blöd! Die Folge dieses Kundenverhaltens sind riesige
Umsätze bei Aldi, Lidl und Co. Ihre Chefs haben Wirtschaftsgeschichte
geschrieben und wurden zu den reichsten Männern in Deutschland.
Aber sie sind auch extrem öffentlichkeitsscheu, und das nicht
ohne Grund. Denn der Mega-Erfolg hat eine hässliche
Kehrseite - die Bedingungen, unter denen viele Beschäftigte
bei den Billigheimern arbeiten müssen.
Überwiegend sind es Frauen. Sie gelten als besonders arbeitswillig,
flexibel und billig. Sie finden sich mit knappster Personalausstattung
ab, schleppen klaglos die Waren für die Umsätze, verzichten
auf geregelte Arbeitszeiten, schuften auf 400-Euro-Basis, kassieren
und putzen im Accord, ertragen mangelnde Sicherheitseinrichtungen,
Testkäufe und Spitzelaktionen. Die Gewerkschaften
tun, was sie können - aber das ist oft nur sehr wenig.
Wer aufmuckt, bekommt Probleme
Und das hat Methode: Die Unternehmen setzen alles daran,
eine geregelte Arbeitnehmervertretung komplett aus ihren Betrieben
herauszuhalten. Denn eine öffentliche Diskussion über
die Methoden der riesigen Ketten würde viele Kunden nachdenklich
machen und damit Umsätze gefährden. Außerdem lassen
sich die Mitarbeiter einzeln viel besser im Zaum halten. Denn
wer aufmuckt, bekommt schnell existenzbedrohende Probleme: massive
Einschüchterung, oft verbunden mit schweren finanziellen
und juristischen Folgen.
Der Kunde hat die Wahl
Der Film von Mirko Tomic versucht eine Bestandsaufnahme, zeigt
die Arbeitsbedingungen und die Methoden der Discounter, aber auch
den wachsenden Widerstand gegen die Auswüchse dieser Form
von Geschäftserfolgen. Und er geht der Frage nach,
warum die Frauen bei solchen Unternehmen arbeiten: Eine formuliert
es deutlich: "Ich
hab nix Besseres gelernt, da bleibt nur das."
Das bittere Fazit: Solange die Kunden weiterhin in die Läden
strömen, ohne sich für die Situation der Menschen zu
interessieren, die dort arbeiten, wird sich wenig ändern.
Literatur: Franz Kotteder: Die Billig-Lüge.
Die Tricks und Machenschaften der Discounter. 268 Seiten, Verlag:
Droemer/Knaur 2005, ISBN-13: 978-3426273715
"The low price"
can be read behind Mika's back -with an arrow pointing somewhere
What a coincidence!
My children never demand from me to go to the supermarket.
They know that the sheer sight of this consumerism nauseates
But today I agreed to buy milk and bread, at the end of our
When I was about to pay, I put Mika on the counter and left
her hand for a second,
to let my camera document my rare appearance in this environment.
The panic in her face symbolizes what I feel about these "discounters".
That there even is such a term, I learnt 1 hour later in a 3
SAT program,
to which I listened after a sweet good-night ceremony just between
Mika and me.
I ceased to watch the program after 20 minutes, it was just
too unbearable.
The aspect of the program had nothing to do with my disgust
with consumerism,
nor with my great pain about the producers of the merchandise,
especially those abroad,
who do not get paid what they deserve for their hard work or
what they need to survive,
nor with the catastrophic results of the dumping prices for
Third World Countries,
whose local producers have no chance of selling their products
on the local markets
[the next day I learnt about the disappearance of 90% of the
poultry production in Ghana,
because their "whole chicken" cannot compete with
the parts of chicken,
disliked and discarded by Europeans and therefore sold at dumping
prices in Africa]
The specific aim of this program was,
to show horrid aspects of modern oppression
and self-victimization.
Most discounters don't even have unions,
and when some courageous people establish a union,
there will be the most vicious sanctions against them.
And why is such a regression into pre-socialist slavery possible?
Not only because "the most important thing is to make money"
on the part of the entrepreneurs, as someone said,
or "to get as much as possible as cheap as possible"
on the part of the consumers,
but because the workforce of the discounters are mostly women,
who lack a minimum of self-esteem:
"I haven't learnt anything better, so this job is my only
2013: "Do
you know that kernels have antioxidants
and are anti-aging?""Yes I heard, how
healthy they are. Soon we'll offer also grapes with kernel(I
eat the leaves of Passiflora and Maluakh in my garden) "why are they so cheep?" " oh , they are alright""I see that they are alright, but
I'm worried about the people who grew them,
how can they make any money from this?"
I do not want to close this page with this painful issue.
May the three portraits I made on the merry-go-round
point to Heaven-on-Earth-in-Body
for all those self-victimizing women,
without whom the perpetration of the discounters
and the madness of the consumers would not be possible.
of the day: A Chant for a Hyazinth
Mika today sang the second stanza
to herself
"and the moon says to
the clouds:
give a drop and another drop to the gardens,
so the hyazinth may blossom.
in our little garden..."
Continuation of Friday, May 30,
on which Arnon and Ayelet visited us |

"Look, look", exclaimed
Mika, "there is a cricket".
Arnon's ingenuity found out, that she meant a fluorescent lamp far
down at the entry of a house.
Efrat later guessed, that she mixed up two of the Eric Carle stories
on the Caterpillar DVD.
In any case, the three of them ran towards the "cricket",
checking if the light was hot or cold.
There were also low walls and bars around the "tzrartzrar"
- for Mika's acrobatics ...
On our way home - along the houses of our street
- every single "cricket" was checked.
Soon the crickets had white light, and this was hotter, and Mika faked
fear, when she came near.
And there were crickets which were dark, didn't work - no light coming
from them at all.
Finally Mika was tired and asked to be taken on Arnon's back.
At home I fried the "Pfannkuchen",
the dough of which I had prepared before we left for our outing.
Mika lit the Shabbat-candles, she and I sang our "birkat
mazon", and Ayelet insisted to also bless
the "Quartet's" way.
And then, in the middle of our meal, Arnon's and Ayelet's parents,
Micha and Ra'ayah,
came to fetch them.
They stayed for a while and what I savored was this situation - isn't
it lovely?
"Oh, my
piano", exclaimed Micha.
"The only piano, on which I ever
knew how to play".
It took some persuation on Arnon's part (secretly animated by me),
to get Abba to experience ,
that he did remember something after all.
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( of Latin characters only!) my
eldest granddaughter's video-gallery
never perfect&complete
Keep It
Simple Sweetheart
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