The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.i.s.s.
as stated 10 years ago - was and is
to help me and my potential PEERS
to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,
and - as holograms - all of Creation!
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2011
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "search"]

As the fruit of becoming whole = accepting all of myself, I desire:
to live and explore and evolve   L O V E   in my personal life
and to play my part in creating the conditions for Heaven-on-Earth
by radiating grate-full-ness, zest-full-ness and full-fill-ment
on the actors in my individual life-drama and on all human beings!





K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart








My new Midrash and song in 5 languages
about the prophecy of Malachi 3, 16
["YHWH" is named "HA-SHEM"= The Name]


















Then those who see Ha-Shem, will talk among each other,
and he listens      and he hears

yatakaalamuna     allathina     yarau'na-hu ,
va-yusri        va-yasma'

Dann die IHN schauen, werden reden miteinander,
und er lauscht      und er hoert

Puis ceux qu'ils voient Ha-Shem, se parlent l'un a l'autre
il entends,        il ecoute


Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery


August 27/ Av 26, Wednesday, 13th day after "the Death of my Righteousness" - at Arad
Parting from my obsession to complete this page--- on August 29

back to past ~~~~~ forward to future


Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want, then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what may!
I desire a day of al-one-ness in order to finetune to and integrate the innumerable experiences
which bombarded me during the "Quintet-Day", an act in my drama which was trying in itself,
but into which my Higher self inserted further complications (challenges?) with the one purpose:
to let me practise and train in my "Dying to Righteousness"
I desire that Efrat - over-stressed with the "theme" of 'Tomer between Bne-Arazim & Bet-Nehemya'
on top of 'Quintet-day', 'work', 'washing-machine', 'worry for Mika',
- will find REST with Immanuel

a documentary about the short series:"Good Intentions",
The day of peace will come. Clara KHouri & Orna Pitussi


hodayot [thanksgivings] for today

My Body, my Partner, my God
I give thanks to your incredible support through all of yester-Day:
I could not listen to you, there was no moment to rest, be al-one, sleep,
and then there was this terrible train-travel, with crowds of families,
little crying children, people phoning as if they were alone in their flats,
soldiers listening to music which was hardly dampened by earphones,
and the train at Lod - to which back-stiff Ra'ayah had brought me at 6:25 -
was 25 min. late and then crawled along, stopped, groveled till Beersheva,
where I had missed the bus & had to run, run to reach the following one.
Though you suffered badly - as you did all our life whenever we traveled -
you withheld all specific pain, which I had deserved the way I treated you!
I am grate-full for the great beauty, creativity and lovingness,
I was blessed to experience with the Quintet's togetherness in general,
as with each of them, Mika, Itamar, Ayelet, Yael, Arnon, in particular.
I am grate-full that the immense stress of Efrat and of me, also of Immanuel
did not explode in any way , not did it affect the children.
I am grate-full that I became aware of each and every "incident",
in which my "righteousness" and defensiveness was "at stake",
and that each and every time I could let go of it and TASTE FREEDOM.
I'm grateful, that the kids' parents cooperated to make this day possible.


As a total contrast to my finetuning into one human soul - mine -
I saw part of an overview of the intertwining of the Economy on Earth,
in which the unique human being is nothing but a screw in the machine,
not to talk about the thousand-feelings-a-day of that unique human being.

Still - it excites me,
that the German captain of the container-giant "Cosco-Germany" - made in Korea - chartered in China,
has to work with a team from 8 nations...


SAT 3, Wednesday, August 27, 2008 - 15:00 Uhr (Israel Time)
[Erstsendung Maerz 28-30, 2007, Filme von "Spiegel"-Chefredakteur Stefan Aust und Claus Richter, Redaktionsleiter des ZDF-Magazins "Frontal 21".
Sie untersuchen die Rolle, die Deutschland bei der Globalisierung spielt und in Zukunft spielen kann.]
Wettlauf um die Welt = Race around the World : Germany and the Globalization

1. Das Ende der Deutschland AG
- Markt ohne Grenzen

Seit dem Fall der Mauer hat sich die Weltwirtschaft verändert wie noch nie zuvor. Deutschland nahm mit Verzögerung am neuen Wettlauf um die Welt teil, der von der Revolution in der Informationstechnologie ausgelöst worden war. - In der dreiteiligen Dokumentationsreihe untersuchen Stefan Aust und Claus Richter die Rolle, die Deutschland bei der Globalisierung spielt und in Zukunft spielen kann.

Die Mitarbeiter der Bosch-Siemens-Haushaltsgerätein Berlin Spandau kämpfen verzweifelt um ihre Jobs. Das Management will Arbeitsplätze nach Polen und Italien verlagern, 600 Männer und Frauen sehen ihre Zukunft bedroht. Alltag im weltweiten Wettbewerb - der Markt ohne Grenzen setzt besonders den alten Branchen der Hochlohnländer zu. Probleme, die sich 300 Kilometer nordwestlich relativieren. Eine fröhliche Gesellschaft zelebriert im Hamburger Hafen die Taufe des Container-Riesen "Cosco Germany". Der Gastgeber ist hanseatischer Reeder, der Chef der Bauwerft Koreaner, die Taufpatin chinesische Diplomaten-Gattin, die übrigen Gäste sind aus fast aller Welt. Es gibt heitere Ansprachen, Champagner und ein Gala-Diner: Globalisierung positiv. Seit dem Fall der Mauer hat sich die Weltwirtschaft verändert wie noch nie zuvor. Während mehr als zwei Milliarden Menschen als zusätzliche Arbeitskräfte auf den weltweiten Arbeitsmarkt strömten, richtete sich die Aufmerksamkeit der Deutschen vor allem auf ihr eigenes Land. Conti-Chef Manfred Wennemer meint: "Die Einheit war ein großes Glück. Sie hat nur den Blick verstellt, was sich anderswo auf der Welt abspielte." Deutschland nahm mit Verzögerung am neuen Wettlauf um dieWelt teil, der von der Revolution in der Informationstechnologie ausgelöst worden war. Gleichzeitig verabschiedete sich auch das alte und bewährte Geflecht aus Industrie, Banken und Sozialpartnern. Es wurde rationalisiert, modernisiert und- entlassen. Die deutschen Unternehmen sind heute in der Mehrzahl so gut und schlank aufgestellt wie seit Langem nicht, die Belegschaften aber sind verunsichert.

2. Deutschland im Umbruch
- Die erzwungene Revolution

Viele Firmen verlagern ihre Produktion in die neuen Absatzgebiete Asiens und Osteuropas. Doch nicht alle gehen diesen Weg: So setzt Miele auf das Gütesiegel "Made in Germany", und die Verkäufe laufen trotz hoher Preise prächtig. - In der dreiteiligen Dokumentationsreihe untersuchen Stefan Aust und Claus Richter die Rolle, die Deutschland bei der Globalisierung spielt und in Zukunft spielen kann.

24/7/365 - das ist die Formel, die Unternehmensstrategen heute benutzen müssen. Die Formel im Klartext: 24 Stunden, sieben Tage die Woche das ganze Jahr über kann weltweit produziert, gehandelt, transportiert werden. Jeder ist jederzeit erreichbar. Der Alltag hat sich durch PC, Internet undHandy beschleunigt, die Abläufe in Industrie, Handel und Finanzsektor haben sich stark verändert. Die "Cosco Germany" ist kein kleines Schiff, vor der Skyline von Singapur und im Gewimmel des Hafens aber wirkt sie zierlich. Singapur ist der größte Containerhafen der Welt. Alle großen Reedereien laufen dort ein, alle großen Logistiker sind dort aktiv. Die Informationstechnologie hat es erst möglich gemacht, dass weit voneinander entfernt liegende LänderNachbarn werden. Immer mehr Firmen verlagern ihre Produktion in die neuen Absatzgebiete Asiens und Osteuropas. Adidas zum Beispiel lässt den Großteil seiner Kollektionen schon lange in Asien fertigen. In Bayern wird nur noch geplant und gemanagt, gefertigt wird im chinesischen Ghuangzho. 12.000 Menschen stellen pro Monat mehr als eine Million Paar Sportschuhe exklusiv für den fränkischen Sportausrüster her. Doch nicht alle gehen diesen Weg: Das Gütersloher Familienunternehmen Miele setzt auf das Gütesiegel "Made in Germany" und kann auch auf den wachsenden Märkten Asiens hohe Preise verlangen. Das macht die Produktion in Deutschland bezahlbar. Die Verkäufe laufen trotzdem prächtig - für wohlhabende Bewohner von Shanghai und Peking gehört Küchengerät aus dem Westfälischen zu den notwendigen Statussymbolen.

3. Deutschland global
- Die tägliche Herausforderung

Aktuell findet ein Übergang von der Informations- in die Wissensgesellschaft statt. Darauf muss man sich vorbereiten, wenn man am weltweiten Wettbewerb teilnehmen will - zum Beispiel mit der Ausbildung von Ingenieuren. - In der dreiteiligen Dokumentationsreihe untersuchen Stefan Aust und Claus Richter die Rolle, die Deutschland bei der Globalisierung spielt und in Zukunft spielen kann.

Dass die Bewältigung der Zukunft mit Bildung beginnt, hat sich zwar bis nach Berlin herumgesprochen, doch unternommen wird zu wenig. Daran kann auch die Kür vereinzelter Elite-Universitäten und die steigende Zahl von privaten Hochschulen kaum etwas ändern. "Die Globalisierung ist eine gesellschaftliche Revolution. Sie führt jetzt in den Übergang von der Informations- in die Wissensgesellschaft", sagt der Schweizer Klaus Schwab, Gründer des "World Economic Forums" in Davos. "Wer darauf nicht vorbereitet ist, kann daran nicht teilhaben." 400.000 Ingenieure verlassen die chinesischen Hochschulen im Jahr, einige Dutzend von ihnen bildet Jin Zilin in Dalian aus. "Die besten schicke ich dann weiter nach Aachen", sagt der Professor, der selbst an der Rheinisch Westfälisch Technischen Hochschule studiert hat. Die Universität unterhält lebhaften Austausch auch mit Dalian. Das schlechte Image des deutschen Bildungssystems hat sich noch nicht bis Nordchina herumgesprochen - oder das Bild ist falsch. Aachen jedenfalls liefert, was deutsche Unternehmen suchen: hochqualifizierten Nachwuchs, nur zu wenig. Das bremst das Innovationstempo von Mittelständlern und Konzernen. Doch nicht nur chinesische Studenten kommen gern in die Bundesrepublik, inzwischen suchen auch Unternehmer und Investoren aus der Volksrepublik lukrative Anlagemöglichkeiten. Shenyang Machine Tool hat die kleine Firma Schiess AG in Aschersleben übernommen. 180 Jobs bei der fast insolventen Firma konnten erhalten werden, dieses Jahr sollen 50 Neueinstellungen folgen. Die Mitarbeiter sind mit den neuen Arbeitgebern sehr zufrieden.


Continuation of the "Quintet-Day" at Bet Nehemya


Finetuning to my Present: the "Quintet-Day", sculpted today


The real bug crashed into the house with two calls through the house phone.
A man talked in such a heavy Russian accent, that the first time I said: "Error".
When he called a second time, I understood,
that it was the driver of the promised new washing-machine - having problems.
"Why don't you call the mobile phone of my daughter-in-law?"
His answer may or may not have been "she doesn't answer".
I didn't dare to handle the issue alone and I called Efrat:
"I forgot, that you told me about the arrival of the machine at 10 o'clock!"
"I said: 'between 10 and 3 o'clock".

With this unjust claim started a chain of situations,
which all had one purpose in this act of my drama:
to train me in letting go of my righteousness!
I didn't answer.
With anger and despair in her voice she said, "Then I need to come home!"
Now I truly was afraid!
I barely had managed to integrate the five kids,
we barely had found a way to be together despite disparate wishes

(Arnon and Yael for instance wanted me to listen to their duet of piano & clarinet,
and I wanted that too, but soon we had a dire dispute about their argument,
that a clarinet is tuned one tone higher, and that they could play together,
only if either she or Arnon improvised the transposition of the notes in the book.. ),

and now Efrat would come home,
already on edge because she had to leave urgent work in her office,
angry at the miserable service concerning the washing machine,
not even knowing when that guy would finally arrive,
and now she would see all the little things
I or one of us had missed doing or had done the wrong way -
she would find out , that Mika hadn't eaten the dictated amount of breakfast ,
and worse - Mika might cling to her instead of being with the Four,
in any case the Five would make a hell of confusion and noise, etc. etc.

But I saw my chance, I saw the challenge, the chain of challenges,
and did not become crazy with doing or avoiding, as I would have done in the past.
So when - during the 10 or 15 minutes until Efrat arrived - I discerned,
that Itamar, Ayelet and Mika were on her way out through the entrance door,
"Mika wants to go to work with this wooden suitcase,so we accompany her",
I let them go, suggesting that they should walk on the dust track behind the house.
It was very hot, and I was scared, Efrat wouldn't be pleased with this "outing".
I ran back, grasped Mika's hat and a bottle of water,
a bag, my mobile phone, and the mobile house phone,
in case that driver would call again
("did you think, the house phone would work over this range?")
informing the two at the piano, that we were outside -
and followed the Three - so they were out of risk,
and if Efrat wouldn't find me at home, she could call me, [which indeed she did].

I called them back to the shade of a tree, opposite 3 horses which they had missed.
And we had a few lovely minutes, the four of us..



A drama within a drama

Finetuning to my Present: the "Quintet-Day", sculpted on August 28


The washing-machine arrived, only to cause more frustration to Efrat.
"The man said, that his assignment was to bring it here, not to install it!"

In all the chaos I tried to focus on making the pancakes as quickly as possible,
since I saw, that Efrat wanted Mika to eat and go to sleep, so she could leave.
My righteousness said inside: "But why doesn't she trust me, that I can do that?"
Little bombs came down on me about once in 5 minutes, but I was on the alert!
"You girls, why don't you help grandma to set the table!"
I wouldn't have dared to ask Ayelet to do it, but I had asked Yael already.
Arnon was helping me with frying - on a stove, with which neither of us was familiar.
I constantly warned him to be careful, since already on the day of moving flat,
an expensive plate slid to the floor from the tricky stove cover and broke.
Finally Arnon had an insight:
" the flame is so high [=frying fast] , that we can manage with one pan only.
It will be easier then to place the bowl with the dough next to it
as well as the plate with the fried Pfannkuchen ."

The table was set, I intonated the birkat-mazon,
which the kids are still not good at singing and Mika was eager to eat rightaway.
Still - the Four wanted to have their fun with blessing over the food one by one.
Arnon: "I say thanks for this house,
in which we can now have this dinner together with Mika".

Efrat got up in the middle, I don't know, what the pretext was this time...
When she returned, Arnon repeated his blessing, since he wanted Efrat to hear it.
Itamar, to my regret (caution! a challenge for righteousness!) chose, (not the first time)
to ask forgiveness from the maple-tree, which has to be hurt to give its juice,
and also thanked it for giving the juice itself
(I didn't remind him, that the maple juice on our table was almost entirely artificial).
This was already akward enough for me in the presence of Efrat,
whom I wanted to have "a good impression" of this often praised ritual.
But then Itamar added something he heard from his elder brother Jonathan,
about people in Africa having or not having DVDs.
I couldn't let this go through - and what's almost never needed - corrected Itamar:
"This saying, Itamar, seems to be a parody on people like us,
who care for the fact, that while we have all the food in the world,
the people in Africa don't!
But it's a difference if they don't have DVDs or don't have food.
They can live without DVDs , but they can't live without food."

It was then, that I heard a disgusted mumbling of Efrat next to me:
"Poor guy, all he wanted, was to say 'sorry' and 'thank you'."
Here I lapsed into defensiveness, faint as it was, probably not even audible:
"I couldn't let him get away with this one."
Because of this little upheaval I now can't remember the blessing of Ayelet and Yael.
It was beautiful and also mainly intended to cause happiness to Efrat and to Mika.
What was making me nervous - i.e. scared of "not being righteous in Efrat's eyes -
was the procedure of whispering between the girls, until they had their line ready.
By then Efrat had almost completed to feed Mika a Pfannkuchen,
but asked her: "Is there something you want to say thank-you for?"
I don't remember the answer, because by now I realized,
- after everyone had a Pfannkuchen on his or her plate -,
that there weren't enough!
And I couldn't help saying this to Efrat:
"I'm afraid, either the new cup, with which I measure flour, milk & water, isn't big enough
(the old exact one had been thrown away with so many, many other utensils when they moved flat),
or the children have grown and eat much more."
I was afraid, she might interpret it as a lack of taking Mika into account too.
This was probably a pure projection, and in any case, Efrat did not react to that,
and only I refrained from eating until in the end, when half a piece was left after all.

Mika was put to bed, Efrat left, and I started to clean up everything.
The Four were among themselves and immediately became creative.
They played one scene after the other, while they recorded it with Yael's phone.
I didn't have the time or strength to really understand the content,
since I had to think of so many things, like how to give special time to Arnon,
how to prepare for the 4 o'clock meal, how to organize my backpack,
while the food leftovers from Ra'ayah and Efrat had to be kept in fridge and freezer
until the last minute -
and "this last minute" when Ra'ayah would come to fetch her kids
and to take me with her to the Lod train-station - already began to pressure me.




Finetuning to my Present: the "Quintet-Day", sculpted on August 28


Then Immanuel came home from Los Angeles,
and except for a short exchange about the issue of Tomer's "Afternoon Holiday",
(Efrat had called me: "I had a terrible quarrel with Immanuel when he landed,
for he told me, that after coming home he would drive to Bne-Arazim
and bring Tomer for a few hours - as Bne-Arazim suggested - and take him back.
Please say something to him, if you can"
which was another exercise in "letting go of righteousness",
I only felt uneasy, that the Four would be noisy around the house,
while he - unable to sleep - would sit in his study on the computer.

When I realized, that a dissonance was creeping into the interaction of the Four,
and Arnon withdrew: "When you're ready with your planning of the play,
I'll come back and record it",

I used the time - or so I thought - to listen to what he had written in his diary
during the last camp with his Noar Oved.
I couldn't really listen, - not only because I was too pressured anyway,
but because the dissonance, though I tried to ignore it, became stronger,
and when also Yael retreated from the cooperation, I stopped Arnon:
"It doesn't work like that! Sorry, Arnon."

It doesn't happen often, that I "work" with the Four,
but when I deem it necessary, I usually feel full-filled and satisfied.
And so it was this time !
After a while of Ayelet's tearful report about what had happened,
I asked them, if we could talk on the veranda, - hot as it was there.
But I couldn't do this work in the presence of Immanuel,
not only because I was scared of disturbing him,
but because I always feel judged - like in the Itamar-maple-DVD-incident -
that I "go too deep" with the grandchildren - or - with the children for that matter...

What I got was this:
In the beginning
there was simple playing around, moving, touching, acting
between Ayelet and Yael,
then the outline of a plan developed and the boys were asked to take part.
"But we were simply improvising - not planning anything."
Then the girls, particularly Ayelet, began to give directives, who should do what.
This was still alright, also that each scene had to be repeated more than once.
But then, after more and more "cuts" and "takes" the game became boring,
at least for Arnon and later even for Yael.
Though it turned out,
that Ayelet hadn't been the only one, who had demanded another "take",
it became clear to me, that her management had suffocated the older ones.

I began to praise the Quartet first for their fantastic co-creating .
"I've never seen children play together for so long without quarreling.
This, by the way, is only true, when you are the four of you.
Arnon and Ayelet alone quarrel a lot - right? "

[Arnon confirmed this],
and Yael and Itamar, well - Efrat says about Yael, that she is without ego,
and that's not such a good thing either

{Yael nodded, as if she knew this all too well).
But when you are together, the four of you, you are true "star-children",
living something which humanity has yet to learn.

And then, when a dissonance comes into the planning and playing
(I explained the term to the younger ones),
it's not a quarrel, but a chance to learn something important.
In this case it's the fact,
which I've been teaching Arnon ever since he was 5 years old
that people have a great need to be creative
and are not content with being staged all the time.
I'm glad, that this time it was Arnon, who was staged,
so you'll better understand, how it is for others, when you stage them.

" I do NOT know the solution to the problem,
for Arnon cannot and should not hold back his ideas,
nor should you, Ayelet or Yael or Itamar,
nor should I, your grandma.
But if we all know all the time,
that people have a need to create and to give,
and not only to be managed, to be staged and to receive,
then we at least understand, what happens,
when a dissonance spoils the game,
and there will be less superfluous ego-pains."

We then talked about the new element in their acting,
the video recording.
I advised Itamar - since Arnon is already an expert in Powerpoint presentations -
to study the program of "Window Movie Maker", which Tomer had shown me,
and start to apply simple editing methods to make a real movie from their material:
"What use is it, if you have it only on your mobile phone and will delete it soon!"

With this advice I hoped we could put the cause to rest.
But I hadn't taken Ayelet into account:
"But now I beg you, Arnon and Yael, if this is developing into something serious:
why not do the last scene as we had envisioned it,
nothing but presenting each of us actors in a funny way,
something really short, less than a minute and without repeating it,
only to complete it somehow."

To help her make her point, Itamar emphasized:
"if we go back to improvising , instead of planning a 'script',
then it could be real fun."

To my surprise both Yael and Arnon agreed and they went ahead and completed!

They didn't ask me to see what they recorded,
nor did I have the time to watch it,
since already Itamar asked the question - familiar to us, since he was 3 years old -
"when do we eat the 4 o'clock meal?"

"Now!" I said, because it was exactly 4 o'clock,
and I did want them to have more time with Mika,
before we all would split up at 6 o'clock.
[continuation tomorrow]



While baby-sitting at my landlords', I zapped into an enjoyable romance with a lot of barefoot Salsa dance:
"Body's Rhythm" (I don't know the original title),
- the "peer" I'm longing for, should also know how to dance...

This movie reminded me of the movie I had seen - partly - the day before, a romance between people in their fifties,
in which the woman, a psychologist in a TV talkshow, quotes Freud as having said about therapists,
that they can accomplish almost nothing, but they can help a little,
dass der Mensch sich mit dem Menschen versoehnt,
[that the human being will reconcile himself with the human being]
which I understood as: that humans will learn a tiny bit of self-acceptance!

When I had finished seeing "Polygraph"
(a reality show which I seem tp see from a totally different perspective than those who intend this to be an entertainment..)
I, by chance, left the TV open, though I returned to my computer.
Suddenly sounds and words reached my ear, which made me jump!
The voices of "Good Intentions", the series which I appreciated so much,
that I inserted an image on top of a kisslog page on the days, on which I saw an episode!

It was a doc by Ayelet Bargur

(see the sculpture of my experience with her film "The House in August Street" on Remembrance Day

Behind "Good Intentions"

I finally understood, that the series was not "removed" because of bad rating, but that it had "simply" ended.
"When - in the parents' circle -
I saw two bereaved women,
who had no common language,
holding hands,
I knew, that this would be the closure of the series!"

The last scene in a Jerusalem hospital: the Jewish woman cries on the shoulders of the Palestinian woman.
Only the audience knows,
that it was not "a usual terrorist", but a veiled woman
who had stabbed the Jewish woman's son and wounded him in a way that he might not really recover,
and that this "terrorist" woman was the fiancee of the Palestinian woman's brother,
who had been seriously wounded by Israeli soldiers,
and who - because of his hatred, which let him refuse any help - had died shortly before.

It was the Circle of Bereaved Parents - Palestinians and Jews
(I cry...) - which had given birth to "Good Intentions",
which had ended with no continuation, no development, no hope except for the solidarity of people in pain.
[while editing this on August 29, my tears run...]

the Parents Circle presents the entire series - but I don't succeed in watching it




song of the day - I could call this beloved song of Rilke: "Fine-tuning!

/:Vor lauter Lauschen und Staunen sei still:/
du mein tieftiefes Leben;
/:daß du weißt, was der Wind dir will,
eh noch die Birken beben:/

/:Und wenn dir einmal das Schweigen sprach:/
laß deine Sinne besiegen.
/:Jedem Hauche gib dich, gib nach,
er wird dich heben und wiege.:/





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whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete

Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8