The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"




K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart

whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete

Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates

January 30, Wednesday, at Shoham
Parting from my obsession to complete this page--- on February 6

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image of the day

hodayot [thanksgivings] for today

My Body, my Partner,
I give thanks to each one of our ten fingers!
How wonderfully did you heal the four which were so badly damaged,
one when a heavy door closed on it and I was only five,
and three, when I was 15 and got almost killed by an electricity accident,
and the sinew of the third left finger partly burnt away,
and the tip of the small right finger had to be hacked off,

How marvelous was our process of adaption,
so that I could still type on a typewriter and still play a church-organ

I give thanks for the woundrous balance of my daily routine,
today, for instance
the balance between creative lonesomeness with my computer
and loving, not less creative, togetherness with
Efrat, my daughter-in-love, and Mika, my youngest granddaughter,
and the chance to physically walk Nella 2-3 times a day for 10 minutes,
while listening to a Schubert's Missa, which stirs up my intestines.
2013 - now it's on "youtube", for instance : Et incarnatus est


This photo was taken in my bus in 1987.
It was an electronic church-organ,
which I acquired in 1985 for my bus,
a few months before I started to live in it
When - in 1999 - it had become impossible
to park the bus anywhere in Israel,
and I bequeathed it to my young partner Tamir,
I took the organ to my divorced son's hired flat,
where I found refuge for some time.
When Efrat, his later second wife, joined him,
it became too crowded with the organ,
and I found a Catholic Church at Jericho
- just a month before the second Intifaada,
i. e. the end of my visits to that town -
where they gladly inherited my organ.

That accident in 1953, when I was 15,
happened in a church with a traditional organ, but powered by electricity.
One day the tube lamp above the organ
was slanted, since as I found out later, somebody had repaired it and - not isolated it ...
When trying to put it straight,
my fingers were magnitized around the tube
and the deadly current raced through my body.
Reacting as people react in danger of death,
I had the super-human strength
to pull out the lamp from its screwing,
only to fall down on the pedals
in between organ and bench.

On my walk to my organ-practice I had dreamt,
how I would be very sick,
so that someone would care for me.
It was also the period of my first doubting---
----in the God that was known to me then.
To that God I screamed:
"If you let me live, I'll again believe in you."
I could loosen my hands then...
It took a year, until my fingers were healed
as much as they could heal...



Again, it's so good to cuddle in you,
"when my heart is grey" , like my song says
in the night, when I can't sleep,
or any time of grey feelings during the day - - -

"Only when your heart is grey?"

Come on! Not only!
So often - day and night - I feel simply grate-full,
and when feeling grate-full, I'm close to you "by definition".
But lately I've become more aware of my need to cuddle, to hug.
Yesterday night Efrat suddenly said:
"Did you see, how Mika hugs me sometimes?
So sweetly, so intensely!"
"Yes, and I'm jealous",
I said with a smile,
meaning: I yearn for being hugged by someone too!
But she misunderstood me, she thought I was jealous of her, the mother.
So she shared with me two situations during our 3-4 threesome hours,
in which she herself felt jealous, because Mika seemed to prefer "satta".

"I know you are afraid of being considered a pervert,
if you would allow yourself to feel being hugged by me that way.
It's alright to be your PEER, but it's murky to be your child or lover!"

Yes, very much so,
despite St. Theresa of Avila andMechthild of Magdeburg.
I feel ashamed to even write down this conversation....
The more so, as I promised myself already yesterday,
to share with you something "more urgent",
how to handle Mika's moods of rejecting people, even her mother.

"As I can see, you found the perfect approach to solving this problem,
and you don't really need me for this.
But you do need me to undeny your denial of your need to be hugged.
What I suggest is a first step:
Next time in the middle of a sleepless hour at night
imagine to be hugged by me, like Efrat is hugged by her little child,
and then feel and breathe all the terror that will come up."

(I sigh)
That's a heavy one!
How did this morning communication with you lead to this?
I had not the slightest awareness of a denial or even of the issue itself!

"There you are
Didn't your "dialog thinkers", Martin Buber & Franz Rosenzweig, say,
that when people conduct a true dialog,
(as differentiated from a discussion)
they can never know its outcome?
Trust yourself, that the outcome of our dialog will be healing and loving."

I'll train in trusting... Thank you, MY PEER.





On World-Holocaust-Day I told,
how much I love the Theresienstadt song by Ilse Weber (1903-1944)

"Der Regen rinnt", "the rain drizzles".

Yesterday night, 22:30, a rare surprise.
Tomer wrote to me via "Skype":
"I'm home, I'm balanced."

To avoid any "investigation" , I asked:
"Is there anything I can do for you?"

He answered:
"Just listen to the songs which express what I feel".
and then he send me the link to a song called::

Rain drops keep fallin' on my head

While searching for the lyrics, I discovered,
that the song of1970 is also the soundtrack of the film Forrest Gump,
one of my most favorite movies.

I told him that 2 hours ago I had walked Nella ,
while raindrops were falling on our heads,
and that I had enjoyed it so much,
that I tried to make some photos of street-lamps in rain-puddles.
I also told him about the experience with the Terezin song.
He sent me a smiley and then quoted some lines of his song:

"But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turnin' red

Cryin's not for me

'Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complainin'

Because I'm free

Nothin's worryin' me

"To this I'm connected most of all!"

Only now, while re-reading the conservation, I see this addition..
If I had seen it during the chat, I wouldn't have made the mistake
to inquire how these lines were meaningful for him.

While listening to the song, I kept inquiring about "Cryin's not for me",
"Efrat and I just saw a fantastic program about the singer Rita,
who is so capable of feeling and of expressing her feeling,
she couldn't prevent herself from crying even in front of the camera."

He sent me another song, stressing:
"This one is ONLY beautiful, it has no meaning!",

and then:
"there are 22,863,433 entries, it's crazy!
Here's the tune and here are the lyrics !"

While opening "Hey there Delila"
he - as usual - suddenly cut off::
"I've to go to sleep",
without awaiting my "Good Night".

It's 11:38 ,
and it has not stopped raining for the last 22 hours.
But rain in our region is a blessing



Because of Tomer's song
I searched again info about
Ilse Weber's song : "Der Regen rinnt".
This is what I found....

"At the Theresienstadt
concentration camp
she worked as a night nurse
and wrote about 60 poems,
setting many of them to music
and accompanying herself with guitar.
She voluntarily was transported to Auschwitz
with the children of Theresienstadt
and was killed in the gas chambers
on October 6, 1944,
along with her son, Tommy."

I even found some bars of
v. Otters singing:
"Der Regen rinnt"
and today, Jan. 30, 2013
I detected a youtube
and - most touching
a 3SAT doc (Sept.16, 2008)
"Ilse Weber,
Wann wohl das Leid ein Ende hat"

How strange, that her murdered son
was called "Tommy",
like "Tom Franz",
the new Masterchef of Israel
s. yesterday 2013

Raindrops falling into the light from street-lamps and into puddles on the sideway



Three images taken during
a deeply moving hour with Rita, who decided - after years of media silence - to share !
To share her feelings about
her life and the people in it,
and most of all about her love
to her ex-husband
and co-creator,
Rami Kleinstadt,
a love as alive as ever,
though she did not share
why it can no longer be lived.
What songs, what singing!



Did I talk about Mika's Beads&Berries Game as a metaphor for me?
Well, there is a third "B": the Bubble Game!

Two days ago, 2 hours before Abba went on flight:
Abba blows and Mika plays


Mika doesn't understand the relations between family-members,
she hardly accepts, that three other children are calling her father "Abba" as well.
Today, when Efrat asked her, as she does often: who are your siblings?
she - for the first time - mentioned all three in one breath,
Tomer, Alon, Elah and even corrected herself : "first Elah"
while so far she only remembered one and had to be asked: who else?
She doesn't understand, that "Satta Rachel" is also the mother of her Abba,
and that "Satta Miryam" is also the mother of her Imma.
(which, by the way, is a good way to make us aware,
that nobody can be judged "as being thus and thus",
because everybody is aware of the fact,
that I behave differently with my mother, my brother, my husband, my son, my grandmother etc.)

But she understands and cherishes the "be-yakhad": together.
"All the family together".

The threesome [more photos taken on Immanuel's birthday]:













song of the day

someday we shall be equal


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Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery

whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete
Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8


"Facebook" allows me to follow the life of Elah, my granddaughter.
Like the "status" to the left, to which her German (!) boyfriend, Nikolaus Heyse, wrote:
"knowing how to fly must be genetically inherited", hinting at her pilot-father.
Often she photographs her cat or cats in cute positions, photographed by others.
The "status" of today makes me especially glad. No picture, just these words:
"One says, that in life everything is a matter of choice. How lucky I am that I chose the most gifted people for being next to me daily and whom I can proudly and with much love - call - FRIENDS!"

Efrat, today, posted a picture with Mika in a rare position

The Sea of Compassion
modified on 2013-01-30


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