I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a pioneer of Evolution
in learning to feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'
pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill>evolve,
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
want you to feel everything, every little thing!"
K.I.S.S. -
L O G 2
0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart
whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete
NACREOUS CLOUDS: As January comes to an end, sky watchers in
Scandinavia are recovering from a veritable storm of nacreous
clouds. After mid-month, hardly a night went by without someone
spotting the phenomenon. "It was incredible! They were
all over the sky," says Morton Ross of Oslo, Norway. This
picture, taken by Ross on Jan. 25th, shows a typical apparition:
Also known as "Mother of Pearl" clouds,
nacreous clouds are peppered with tiny ice crystals that blaze
with iridescent color when struck by light from the setting
sun. It is these crystals that make nacreous clouds so rare:
they require exceptionally low temperatures of minus 85 Celsius
(-120 F) to form. Icy nacreous clouds float 9 to 16 miles high,
curling and uncurling hypnotically as they are modulated by
atmospheric gravity waves.
For much of January, these clouds rolled across
the Arctic circle with puzzling regularity. Why the sudden abundance?
Is the show over? No one knows. Stay tuned!
Though after 13:15 yesterday there wasn't time for writing,
the elation about our communication stayed with me,
first through my feet & bus & train traveling to Shoham,
and later, while falling asleep,
and again while lying awake before dawn,
and most of all, when sweet chatter between Mika
and Imma
caused me to wake up - in the middle of a dream-scene:
I was climbing down a boulder-strewn path in the desert
and suddenly found a huge backpack standing in its rack.
Since it had been left there by Alon,
my grandson, to be taken later,
I felt, I should not leave it there to be stolen.
'But it's heavy!' "Oh not so heavy, just try it!"
'But I wanted to walk on!' "You learnt already to go back, when necessary!"
Oh yes, then in the Pyrennees, in the snow,
I learnt this the hard way...
Now I agreed to return and was pleased that I had learnt the
And when I shouldered the seemingly so heavy backpack,
it was light as a feather...
"I see - you've communicated
with me even in your dream!"
Yes, isn't it cute? I wasn't aware
that I did until now,
when I colored the dream dialog in indigo and white.
Anyway, the second idea, that came to me this morning,
"the second idea, will you share with me also the first?"
The first idea (concerning
Mika's "Go away!")
I may discuss with you later.
Anyway , the second idea was to fill the little pyramid with
a sound!
After the so-called "Closing of Healing-K.i.s.s"
in July
3, 2003
I forgot how to attach sound to a sound-button template.
I never had the courage/strength to re-learn this technique,
despite resuming my creation on my website already in
Dec. 2003.
In the "God has Evolved" puzzle-pieces
the tetrahedron symbol also served as a sound-button.
So the idea is to every day insert another "old"
until I'll be able to re-learn attaching sound to symbols!
What do you think!
Wasn't this my idea?
Seriously! I'm pleased that you follow "K.I.S.S."
and choose the simple way
instead of burdening yourself with another chore,
like re-learning that technique.
And as you could see, when you chose a pyramid-button for
the message is exactly right for the restart of our communication!
Thank you!
And now I'll have breakfast (10:24)
and then "complete" and edit yesterday's page.
Oh no, first a few "updates" concerning Sunday's
- though you are always "informed":
The drama of Tomer has slowed down a bit,
and the synchronicity (see now to the right)
encouraged us.
Efrat was convinced by my letter concerning R.
So no further discussion or self-torture,
I'll simply go on wombing R. in my womb.
I'll do the same with my daughter - at least for the time
Efrat talked to her on the phone -
though only about the "Benot-Mitzvah-project" &
Deqel's behavior.
She said - triggered - that she no longer wanted to be involved. "But
it was your idea, and it concerns your daughter!"
No reasonable response.
Am I running away,
am I rationalizing and denying
or am I "following
Will's lead",
as you asked all of us to do?
"Thank you for wanting to
know my opinion!
I wholly identify with your predicament.
It's indeed a manifestation of The
Mother's anguish,
and has nothing - nothing at all !!! - to do with your behavior.
Who else, if not you, can receive her in your womb,
without re-acting with a hurt ego,
what has to be blurted out and screamed?
I know also, that more than pain it is fear which haunts you,
the fear of not discerning the difference
between the time to go forward and embrace
and the time to patiently, lovingly wait
and move only, when the
Mother asks for it when
she is ready, and in the ways she wishes
ASKS" There is no recipe for knowing
the time for either this or that. We have to feel this perplexity,
this powerlessness, you and I!
last thing I did before going to bed here at Shoham,
was to insert the photo of the
garbage laborers and their truck.
Now during the 20 minutes I spent in the presence
of Mika
before kindergarden
("in her presence", not interacting,
since she doesn't want that in the morning)
my ears and then my eyes were caught
by the program on her "Baby TV": One morning 4 animated service-cars,
one of them a garbage-truck,
miss Dani, the postal truck.
It turns out, that Dani was so depressed
by having delivered mail to the wrong address,
that he wanted to resign from his job.
Each of his friends, the other truck-drivers,
tells about major personal blunders,
and how often something good came out of it.
But the most important lesson for Dani is: "not
to blame yourself for your mistakes,
but to be happy about all your successes!"
much, much more important synchronicity happened,
during the belated celebration of Immanuel's
birthday yesterday
They had waited another day for me to join in..
After candles, cake and singing with Immanuel playing
the guitar,
Efrat showed him the backside of the 6 cards she had
chosen for him. "I couldn't
help peeping into what was chosen!
It couldn't have been more perfect!"
Now Mika was asked to choose
a small card for each big card,
and this was the oracle:
What about the image of "JOY"?
At first I discerned some violence in it.
But then Immanuel said to his wife:
"It reminds me of the photo about Tomer,
holding grandma's hand,
which my mother sent me yesterday:
Here it is my outstretched hand,
which Tomer holds on to with all his might!"
The oracle composition
between the knees and hand of Mika
and the knees - with the dog in between - of her father
finetuning to my
Now to MY PEER's advice, yesterday,
to apply Mika's Beads&Berries
to a seemingly petty, insignificant, ridiculous life situation:
A phone-call
"Your radio-tape was sent to
us at Herzliya-Industry for repair.
But you must first give us the number of your credit-card."
"I don't have a credit-card, I can go to the shop and
pay in cash."
"You can also send a check!"
So I wrote down the address and all details for the check.
Now I had two "beads"
in my hands:
going to the shop - which would cost precious time -
or sending a check, which demanded an action, which I hate
after having done such things thousands of times in the era
of post-offices:
fill out a check, write on an envelope, find a stamp,
and reach a letter-box in town.
But my "game-drive" added
more beads
to make the game more challenging:
'Shall I have enough money on the bank?
It's the 28th of the month -
pay-day for receivers of National Insurance,
2090 NIS for me.
1050 NIS have to be paid in cash to my landlords until the
3rd of next month.
1000 NIS I want to give Immanuel for the new computer.' (1200 I managed to save already until last
so that I'll owe him only 700, which I may save until next
month). With the 200 left from last month,
I can manage with all the rest.
More beads,
while on my way to the pool: 'Does Immanuel want the 1000 NIS in cash or as a check?
Should I call him?'
'But if he says "in cash",
wouldn't I need to go to the postal bank this morning?'
'But I don't have my identity card with me,
which means I can't take money from the Postal Bank.' 'Since later I have to go out again,
to the pool and to the bus-station to travel to Beersheva
and Shoham,
I definitely won't go to town yet another time in between.
On the other hand combining the bank with the noon pool,
will be impossible, since the bank will be closed.'
'That's settled then: I'll ask Immanuel
to receive a check.'
Can I really afford to give him 1000 NIS,
if I"ll also write out a check for 67 NIS for the radio-tape?'
More beads: 'It's safer, if I pay for the radio-tape in cash.
I could go to the shop before the bus!'
'no, for I cannot know, how much time this will take,
I might be late for the bus.'
Etc. etc. etc. beads and berries, berries and beads,
spilling them, ordering them, dividing them etc. etc.
I was about to synchronize my local website with the Internet
so as to be able to close the computer at 13:20,
so as to leave for town and travel in time.
Was this the end of my game?
Of course not!
For when I just started with the synchronization process,
the connection to the Internet got lost again,
as it had already twice in the morning.
I described this problem already 2 weeks ago and mentioned,
how long it takes on this dying computer to close and reopen
it.. ' But if I don't synchronize,
I can't continue with K.i.s.s.-L og at Shoham!'
So I gave up on going to the pool again as planned, closed and opened the computer,
no Internet!
I closed it one more time, pulling out also the electricity
While waiting another ten minutes for the re-opening,
I made up my mind:
I wrote out a check for the repair shop at Herzliya. 'but how much exactly am I to pay?'
I didn't remember, something between 60 and 70 NIS,
so I was "large" and wrote "seventy
NIS with my blessing".
Envelope, stamp, a note for Gallit, who had called me. Done.
But no Internet.
I remembered another option:
I copied the more than 500 files,
which already exist on K.i.s.s.-Log, started on January 1,
to the mobile drive,
which I always take with me between Shoham & Arad.
I succeeded with this, but now had a spare of 10 minutes!
More beads: 'I could still manage to go to the shop and pay in cash!' [since I never use checks except
for getting the monthly insurance,
i.e. I never pay anything by check,
I am suspicious, don't trust, that it will reach the addressee...] I shouldered my backback and handbag,
hang my cellphone/camera/player around my neck,
checked my castle and garden,
if everything would be alright until Friday
(or - I had a hunch - until Shabbat,
if the Shoham family would take me with them to bring me the
locked the door (which I only do, when I leave Arad for more
than a day),
and walked fast - to reach the shop.
Swetlana was there all alone at this
time: 14:15.
We retrieved Gallit's number from my cellphone talks-report,
no answer:
She recommended, that I send the check by mail after all.
So I passed by the letter-box of the closed Post-Office/Bank
and reached my bus to Beersheva and my train to the Airport,
and was fetched by Immanuel, with Mika from kindergarden,
and heard indeed, what I had wished for: "I've worked all day long on installing
the programs on your computer.
I'll return from Los Angeles on Friday 14:00,
and if you want, we can all go to Arad, including Tomer hopefully,
on Shabbat morning."
That was the end of the
Beads&Berries-Game of yesterday!
It wasn't boring, it wasn't irritating, it was funny!
This is the game with tiny beads and berries
which Mika loves to play,
grasping more and more in her agile hands,
placing them somewhere else,
ordering them,
counting them,
spilling all of them onto a tray,
or part of them into another tiny box etc. etc.
Little fingers training their agility and
This evening the "berries" had transformed into garlic-teeth,
which she brought from the kitchen,
where she had "helped" her mother preparing dinner.
What determination, what consistency!
At first she didn't succeed in spilling these huge "berries",
since they got stuck in the little bottle.
So I showed her, how strong she must shake the bottle,
in order to loosen and liberate them through the bottle-neck.
I didn't believe, she could do it - but she tried until she succeeded.
finetuning to my
Mika's first lie yesterday:
While Immanuel and Efrat were sitting
on the sofa and singing,
I was sitting around the corner on the floor leaned against
the other sofa.
Mika hid between sofa, a huge leather chair, and the door to
the veranda.
Suddenly she pulled me gently and said quietly:"come
here, come her", and when I moved towards her, she shoved
my body in a way,
that I came to sit with my back to her, thus hiding her from
her parents.
Or so she had figured out the 25 months old Mika.
Efrat - discerning her little hands in her pink backpack -
guessed the purpose of the clever manouver: "She knows, that a dummy is in there!" Imma comes over and talks to her daughter
above my head: " What do you have in your hands,
Mika?" I don't remember what she claimed to have
but what she had there was, indeed, her dummy.
Efrat was shocked and so was I. "If she needs to lie, it means, she
is afraid!
That points to a dangerous track."
Already at the age of 18 months Mika was
wheaned from her dummy,
gently, with constant communication, but consistently.
She should have the dummy only during the night.
Immanuel was more adamant than Efrat, but she consented,
knowing that dummies damage a child's teeth,
impede the development of speech and encourage addictive behavior.
Now Efrat said: "You do not have to lie, Mika, you
can ask Imma:
'Can I please have the dummy for a short time? '
and then you'll get it for a while until we'll remove it again."
She explained to us: "Ever since I gave her the dummy
during the difficult travel
in the packed weekend-train to Acco, there is a regression."
This image I took at another occasion,
when she again wanted to at least be near her dummy,
but the two photos below were taken right after she got the
dummy for a while.
she was allowed to have her dummy,
she brought her little chair next to her abba,
and then sat there,
is if all her power had gone to sleep.
It is rare, that she needs such rest. Ten minutes rest, and up we got, put on
the music,
and Mika, Imma and Savta danced wildly,
Abba fetched his video not to miss this joy. "But what a pity,"
I said, "that
exactly now she has the dummy in her mouth!"
So we asked her to give up the dummy
for a last video-take of our dancing!
Lior's birthday
and my
with birthdays,
unless they are
special events like Immanuel's 50th birthday put on Facebook by her mother
Meital's answer:
an article forwarded to me by Immanuel Franz Rosenzweig, my son
Muss sich so einer wirklich noch integrieren?
Tom ist schon jetzt israelischer als die meisten Israelis und jüdischer
als viele Juden. Ende 2004 wanderte er aus Köln nach Israel aus.
Zweieinhalb Jahre später trat er nach einem aufwendigen Ritual
zum Judentum über, samt der erforderlichen Beschneidung. Seither
feiert Tom regelmäßig Schabbat und betet drei Mal am Tag.
Im säkularen Tel Aviv ist das schon fast ungewöhnlich. Und
sein Hebräisch ist zwar nicht fehlerfrei – aber es gibt wenige
Ausländer, die es besser sprechen als er.
Dass Tom angekommen ist in Israel,
zeigt auch seine Ehe mit Dana. Als die beiden sich kennenlernten, spielte
Religion im Leben der Israelin kaum eine Rolle. Aus Liebe zu Tom ist
sie gläubig geworden. Der gemeinsame Sohn David kam vor elf Monaten
auf die Welt und wächst zweisprachig auf.
Und am Ende der langwierigen Prozedur lernte er
seine heutige Frau Dana kennen. "Sie saß auf einer Bank in
der Yirmiyahu Street. Ich bin vier oder fünf Mal an ihr vorbeigelaufen,
bis es peinlich wurde. Dann habe ich sie angesprochen. Am nächsten
Tag waren wir ein Paar."
Dana ist eine Frau, wie man sie auf den Straßen
des hedonistischen Tel Avivs selten sieht: Arme und Schultern der 35-Jährigen
sind bedeckt, ein Kopftuch versteckt ihr dunkelbraunes Haar. Ihr Rock
reicht züchtig über die Knie,
Tom konkurriert mit einer Muslima
Ginge es bei der Show allein ums Kochen, Tom
müsste sie gewinnen. Das sagen seine Konkurrenten und offenbar
sehen es auch die Küchenchefs so. Schon vor dem Finale am 29.
Januar hat Juror Chaim Cohen die Variante des Deutschen von "Ptitim",
einer Art israelischen Couscous, auf die Speisekarte seines eigenen
Edelrestaurants geschrieben. "Weil es das beste Ptitim war, das
ich je gegessen habe", sagt Chaim.
Aber wie in jeder richtigen Castingshow spielen auch
andere Aspekte eine Rolle. Tom konkurriert unter anderem mit einer
Muslima und einer religiösen Israelin, die bei den Zuschauern
extrem beliebt sind, weil sie beide aus einfachsten Verhältnissen
kommen. Die Frauen bedienen die Sehnsucht der Menschen nach einem
erfolgreichen Underdog. In diesem durchschaubaren Sendeschema ist
aber auch Tom ein Exot: Ein deutscher Riese, der seine jüdische
Seele entdeckt.
Weshalb geht einer, der in Deutschland
schon erfolgreicher Anwalt war, nach Israel, um noch einmal ganz von
vorne anzufangen? Tom selbst erklärt ... Bei einem Schüleraustausch
als 12-Jähriger habe er Israelis aus Holon kennengelernt. "Nach
zwei Tagen hing ich nur noch mit Israelis auf dem Pausenhof herum.
Ich kann nicht beschreiben, warum das so war. Die Mentalität
hat mich angezogen: Die waren fröhlicher als wir und haben getanzt."Der
Gedanke an Israel hat ihn seither nie wieder losgelassen. 1995 ging
er als Zivildienstleistender 18 Monate lang nach Tel Aviv, um dort
in einem Krankenhaus zu arbeiten. "Ich hatte schon immer das
Bedürfnis, jüdisch zu sein."
After the Finale at night:
It's unbelievable:
not the "successful underdogs", Jackie and Salma, were "chosen"
by the manipulators of the show,
but Tom, the German Jewish convert!
Parallel to the show I watched a holocaust
movie in 3SAT:
"Not all of them were murderers",
which seemed to be bearable, but wasn't and I got out of it after half an
In the movie a woman and her son went underground in Berlin 1943.
Now - exactly s e v e n t y y e a r s later
Israel has the stamina and the courage
to present a blue-eyed gigantic German
as the winner of the most popular castingshow in Israel: one million watchers!
This is something gigantic to celebrate.
And it is a completion of the show
in which Immanuel, the son of a German mother,
had - naturally - to yield to a successful underdog.
[See the
last of the 63 pages with my sculptures about Immanuel's show - and how
it suddenly connected to "Mika and Anna Frank"]
The following article by Rabbi Ohad Ezrachi,
January 29, 2013,was inserted finally on May 8, 2013.
By now my exciting dream about creating something in line with the
Voca-People has vanished....
decide if to insert these memories
which somehow are related
to my daughter's 48th birthday on Jan. 4, 2013,
also took time, "spherical time", till May 8, 2013, after
I had detected on Facebook Nov. 18, 2012
that she shared her worry concerning Jonathan,
when he was recruited for that Gaza War.
It was probably Yael, who drew a scetch of her
brother going to the war.
The picture that had been published by my daughter in March 2011
shows a very sad Yael (then not yet 15)