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InteGRATion into
Nourishment from Others
Last Entry in the Fourfold Path of
InteGRATion into GRATe-FULL-nes in the year 2007
Living with Joy-full GRATe-FULL-ness
interspersed with notes and diary-entries written in
and photos of one part of one joyful - exterior - event:
the Celebration of Self-Love :
Mika's second birthday.
This last page of 2007 suits all the three pathes of
Closeups to my Past~~~~~~~~ Finetuning to my
Present ~~~~~Nourishment from Others
wonderful to have two parents!
Living with Joy, p.79
Living with Joy, p.85 Another way to have more love is to look backwards, Imagine there are many telepathic messages that exist on your planet, When doubts come up, Living with Joy, p87 Love is… seeing the larger picture of people's lives |
Abba baked her birthday cake in the form of a miki-mouse
Between eating her birthday cake with her small peers
and lighting the Shabbat candles with Tomer, her step-brother
You can help transform the planet.
For a moment, think of three people
and that you yourself broadcast a beam of love
Being the granddaughter and great-granddaughter
But this Shabbat has only
just begun!
2008_01_01-before dawn, remembering a
Yiddish song:
An hour before all the guests arrived, Mika and I
left the house,
walked some 5 houses to the left in our street,
and reached one of our
many playgrounds,
and very important for Mika:
a tree with millions of purple fruits
with tiny black seeds in it.
former source of "Nourishment from Others" to
K.I.S.S.-L O G 2008