The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"




K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart














Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery


April 13/ NISAN 8, Sunday, still 127 days - between Shoham and Arad
Parting from my obsession to complete this page--- the next day

back to past ~~~~~ forward to future


Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want, then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what may!
I desire to live this day of travel and change from Shoham to Arad in ease and lightness.
I desire to heal the fungus on my tongue entirely and for ever and live its lesson from now on.

image of the day

hodayot [thanksgivings] for today

My Body, my Partner, my God
I give thanks to you for having invented a lesson for me
by causing my tongue to hurt in a way,
that I could eat, drink and speak - if at all - only with great pain.
Since there is such an abundance of tasty things especially in Shoham,
but - as gifts from Shoham & from my landlords - also in Arad,
my noshing lastely has become even more indisciplined than before,
and in some way I've asked for help to free myself from this pattern.
I feared the help would be non-availability of those tempting things.
For Arad this would have been possible, since I never buy anything.
But in Shoham there will always be plenty of temptations.
Now with this outcry of my tongue: "Let me rest!" I think I'll be free!
Please imprint in me ~~~~ disciplined noshing!

I'm grate-full to my daughter-in-love,
for having diagnosed my pain so correctly
and cared so efficiently for the remedy,
which would ease my predicament
and even heal its cause almost completely

(though I had to promise her to see a doctor in Arad anyway...)


Finetuning to my Present

An example of my traveling between Arad-Shoham and Shoham-Arad
The journey was, indeed, relatively easy and took only 4 hours and 15 min.
clinic and pool included.
Still I'm unusually tired, despite having rested longer than I ever grant myself.
The Khamseen is also heavier than usual ,
and though I found my "new" garden in a relatively good state, thanks to Ofir,
I immediately watered and plucked off withered leaves from transplanted plants.

Some notes about the journey:
I was irritated, when on my way to Shoham the train circumvented the airport,
and they told me in Tel-Aviv-Haganah Station,

that "since April 1 the train will no longer go through Airport Station."
But when I checked the schedule on the Internet, I found out,
that at least among the southward bound trains there are two which do stop!
And one of the two makes my journey home even a bit more convenient,
since it stops at Airport Station at 9:43, instead of at 9:23 as before.
This means I can take the 9 o'clock bus from Shoham
and have to wait only 13 min.instead of 25 min. (if the train isn't late........!!)

While suffering the nauseating zigzag track of the 9 o'clock bus
through the neighborhoods of Shoham,
I figured out, that next time I could spare myself part of the zigzags,
and enter the bus at a much later station, if I would walk for 10 minutes.
So, while the journey to Shoham will take at least 25 if not 55 min. longer,
the journey to Arad will be shorter and a bit less arduous.
I'm truly grate-full for small favors!
If I journey back on Sundays like today,
there seems to be an additional alleviation:
A crowd of soldiers descended at Lehavim Station, awaited by a bus.
So instead of walking for 15 min. to the road and hitchhike from there,
the soldier bus driver was ready to take me right from the train-station
and from there to the road - to a junction much further east,
from where the soldiers have to turn north to reach their base.
Of course, the first car which will be ready to take me from that junction
- or from the spot which I'll have reached by walking until a car stops -
will mostly go to Meitar, which means, I have to get off at Shoqet junction,
walk all the way to the southern part of the junction in order to go to Arad.
But from there I can also take the bus from Beersheva, if no car picks me up.
Usually a car comes before the bus, and my driver today,
instead of passing Arad like most drivers , in order to go down to the Dead Sea,
even entered the town, which again made it easier for me.

I'm telling these details, because they describe how my intention full-filled itself!
The journey was - relatively ... - easy!

I passed by the clinic -and seeing it quite empty - I sighed with relief.
From the office I was sent rightaway to "Dr. Sarah Rosenzweig",
who is my "family-doctor".
It is also the name by which I was called for many years, Dr. Rosenzweig ...
"Does this have to be?" I mumble, because I cannot help but loathing this woman.
She is the personifaction of self-hatred
and therefore off ugly looks and ugly behavior.
The last time I was in need of Dr. Rosenzweig, perhaps half a year ago,
- I only wanted a recipe for the only pills I sometimes need: against coughing -
they told me in the office, that I was allowed to choose another family-doctor.
But today I just wanted "to get over with it" and not go through additional motions.
I knocked at Dr. Rosenzweig's -
"Wait outside" , she commanded harshly,

"the technician is here to repair my computer."
I made such a sour face, that after 2 minutes she invited me into another room.
As usual, she did not look at me, asked for my magnetic card for the computer.
When she finally lifted her eyes to me :
"So what's the matter!"
I did what I did with her before and do with other harsh people,
I said as humorously and charmingly as possible:

"Please be nice to me!"
Of course she countered: "I'm nice to everybody!"
"No, you aren't!" I said gently, lovingly, smilingly.
It didn't make her less ugly in looks, but it brought out her humaneness.
She checked my tongue, was surprised, that I had been advised so well,
and confirmed, that I needed a smear at the nurse's and a certain medicine.

"The answer from the smear will take 5 days, and then we'll talk again!"
she said as warmly as her masked - un-full-filled - self was able to.
She also said: "How strange, that the computer failed exactly when you came."
I smiled, but didn't share the obvious meaning:
"Relate to your patients! Don't hide behind your computer!"

I left and stood in line at the nurse's door.
When Dr. Rosenzweig came out 2 minutes later, she cared and said:

"Over there is another nurse!"
So I went to the other nurse, which was younger and not as ugly,
but the lack of full-fill-ment radiated from her just as sharply.
She took the smear by thrusting a stick into my throat, - I revolted.

"Come on, you are not a child!"
But in this case I was! Luckily it was over within 5 seconds.
One last chore - the pharmacy! And lo - this too was almost empty.
I got my medicine and out I was from the clinic!

I carried my backpack with the rest of the food Efrat had cooked for Friday night,
and which I had gone through such pains to swallow.

I also carried the fat 850 pages "Gritli-Book" in an extra bag
(for the only place I can read and study it, is in the train,
since holding it, while in bed before sleep, is too cumbersome,
and to sit on a chair and read - I haven't done this for many decades...)
I reached the jacuzzi and the pool, which I had missed for an entire week,
and I came home into my wondrous castle - for 48 hours!

Nourishment from Others

Franz Rosenzweig- letters to Gritli continued
p.53, 7.Maerz 1918
Liebes Gritli.........................
Im Anzeigenteil des deutschen zionistischen Wochenblatts "Juedische Rundschau" stehe ich mit Gustav Meyrinks Gesammelten Werken unter "Neue Buecher" folgendergestalt: Franz Rosenzweig: Zeit ists...
[Gedanken ueber das juedische Bildungsproblem des Augenblicks", Abgedruckt in Zweistromland S. 461-481] Hermann Cohen gewidmet. [Hermann Cohen, 1842-1918, Philosoph, Mitbegruender der Schule des Neukantianismus, lehrte seit 1876 Philosophhie an der Universitaet Marburg, 1880 vollzog er infolge einer Auseinandersetzung mit dem Antisemiten Heinrich von Treitschke seine bewusste Heimkehr ins Judentum, die ihren Auseruck in dem persoenlichen "Bekenntnis in der Judenfrage" fand. Nach seiner Emeritierung 1912 kam er nach Berlin, um an der "Lehranstalt fuer die Wissenschaft des Judentums" zu unterrichten. Dort begegnete ihm im Windersemester 1913/14 Rosenzweig, dessen wichtigster Lehrer er damals wurde.]
Interessanter Beitrag zur Psychologie desjenigen Teils der deutschen Juden, "welcher sein Judentum    i r g e n d w i e   im Rahmen der deutschen Volks-und Staatsgemeinschaft auszuwirken gedenkt" und, fuegen wir hinzu, den rechten Weg nicht findet. - M 1 Porto 10 Pf.


p.54, 8. Maerz 1918
Liebes Gritli, warum kommt die Post nicht wenigstens taeglich? Heut ist wieder der postlose Tag ... auch die naechste rundeste Fuehlbarkeit ist noch keine Naehe. Wir sind immer nur auf dem Weg zueinander hin. Waer es anders, die Menschen koennten sich genuegen und waeren einander genug. Aber sie sind es sich nie.

.....Ich glaube du tust Mutter gut. Ich hatte zuletzt ein boeses Gewissen gegen sie. Es ist mir zwar eine unmoegliche Vorstellung, sie mit dir ueber 1914 sprechend. Sie weiss zu wenig davon. Ich kann jemandem doch nichts erzaehlen, wenn ich nicht das sichere Gefuehl habe, er weiss es auch ohne mein Erzaehlen. Das ist ja auch der Grund, nebenbei bemerkt
( und   n i c h t   nebenbei bemerkt), weshalb man sich Gott "allwissend" vorstellen muss
- was sonst doch ein blosses privates Fuendlein der Philosophen waere.
....Der braune Klex da oben stammt von einer der mitgenommenen Trixzigarren, die ich ganz sparsam aufrauche, weil an jeder das ganze gruene Zimmer
[in Kassel] haengt und zwanzig nach Tisch-Stunden. Ach was sind das alles fuer schwanke Brueckchen. Ich hatte doch nicht recht mit dem was ich vorhin schrieb. Naehe ist wenig und doch alles!
o du Nahe! Dein.

p.55, 9. Maerz 1918
...Und nun kam die Post vom 2. u. 3. Wir haben uns zur gleichen Stunde das Gleiche geschrieben, du hasts gefluestert, ich habe geschrien ist so und es soll so sein wie du es sagst und wenn ich nicht in deiner Liebe ihn mitlieben kann, jeden Augenblick und ohne Unterschied, so bitte ich den, den man bitten kann, dass er mir die Kraft gibt, auch den Schluessel zu den nun [unsicheres Wort, vielleicht auch: neuen] erlaubten Tueren von mir zu werfen ins Nichts wo es am tiefsten ist.
Den Finger, Gritli, den Finger! Hilf mir und hab mich lieb. Gritli~~~~liebes Gritli~

p.55, 11. Maerz 1918
Liebes Gritli, ich bin stumpf heute, in der Unsicherheit ob ich hier [in Mazedo-nien] bleibe oder nach Warschau gehe . Der Verkrustungsprozess wird durch so etwas verzoegert - obwohl ich die Kruste ja in Warschau genau so noetig habe wie hier, aber der moeglicherweise eine Tag Deutschland dazwischen - das ists. "Ort und Stunde" ziehen immer neue Saiten auf, um uns zu beweisen, dass sie wirklich "das Wichtigste bei jedem irdischen Ding" sind.
[Zitat aus Schiller, Wallenstein, Die Piccolomini, II,1: "...Nichts in der Welt ist unbedeutend. Das Erste aber und Hauptsaechlichste   Bei allem ird'schen Ding ist Ort und Stunde."]
....In den letzten Tagen habe ich viel über meine eigene Chronologie in der Vergangenheit nachgedacht und fand sie viel einfacher als ich wusste; die Erdgeschichte und die planetarischen Konstellationen in klarster Übereinstim-mung. Die Knoten, vor 1913, liegen 1909/10, 1906/07, 1900/01 - so alt bin ich schon, denk! [read more online!]

    p.57, 11. Maerz 1918
... Die "Ahnungen" [Gertrud Oppenheim berichtet (Briefe und Tagebuecher S. 515), dass Rosenzweig Ende Februar 1918 - wohl im Zusammenhang mit der ueberwaeltigenden Liebeserfahrung dieser Tage - bei ihr gewesen sei und von seinem Gefuehl erzaehlt habe, in der bevorstehenden Maerzoffensive zu fallen. ] deren ich mich uebrigens jetzt schaeme, nachdem sie auf dem Weg hierher immer bestimmter geworden waren. Ich habe naemlich frueher nie welche gehabt, und auch diesmal war es mehr Vernuenftelei, mehr das alberne "Ring des Polykrates"- Gefuehl ( ein wirklich dummes Gedicht!)
[Schillder, Der Ring des Polykrates. Das Gedicht hat die Missgunst der Goetter zum Thema, die jedem gluecklichen Menschen droht:
"Mir grauet vor der Goetter Neide
/ des Lebens ungemischte Freude / Ward keinem Irdischen zu teil"]

I too had this "Polycrates-feeling"
in the first five years of my marriage,
and expressed my fear "too good to be true" ever so often
with exactly this metaphor, the ring of Polycrates
towards my husband, Rafael Rosenzweig

But nothing happened to my happiness from the outside.
What was destroying it like a slow but sure cancer,
were monsters from the inside:
- my denial to my true feelings,
- my pattern of my self-victimization,
-my terrible error,
that my love could make the loved one love himself.
not only in the beginning but more the longer I loved him..,

see more on Franz Rosenzweig on April 15 and mainly from Aug. 5 onward


von Friedrich Schiller (1759-1805)

Er stand auf seines Daches Zinnen,
Er schaute mit vergnügten Sinnen
Auf das beherrschte Samos hin.
"Dies alles ist mir untertänig,"
Begann er zu Aegyptens König,
"Gestehe, daß ich glücklich bin!"

Du hast der Götter Gunst erfahren!
Die vormals deines Gleichen waren,
Sie zwingt jetzt deines Zepters Macht.
Doch einer lebt noch, sie zu rächen,
Dich kann mein Mund nicht glücklich sprechen,
So lang des Feindes Auge wacht." -

Und eh' der König noch geendet,
Da stellt sich, von Milet gesendet,
Ein Bote dem Tyrannen dar:
"Laß, Herr! Des Opfers Düfte steigen,
Und mit des Lorbeers muntern Zweigen
Bekränze dir dein festlich Haar!

Getroffen sank dein Feind vom Speere;
Mich sendet mit der frohen Mähre
Dein treuer Feldherr Polydor." -
Und nimm aus einem schwarzen Becken,
Noch blutig, zu der beiden Schrecken,
Ein wohlbekanntes Haupt hervor.

Der König tritt zurück mit Grauen.
"Doch warn' ich dich, dem Glück zu trauen,"
Versetzt er mit besorgtem Blick,
"Bedenk', auf ungetreuen Wellen,
Wie leicht kann sie der Sturm zerschellen,
Schwimmt deiner Flotte zweifelnd Glück."

Und eh' er noch das Wort gesprochen,
Hat ihn der Jubel unterbrochen,
Der von der Reede jauchzend schallt.
Mit fremden Schätzen reich beladen,
Kehrt zu den heimischen Gestaden
Der Schiffe mastenreicher Wald.

Der königliche Gast erstaunet:
"Dein Glück ist heute gut gelaunet,
Doch fürchte seinen Unbestand.
Der Kreter waffenkund'ge Scharen
Bedräuen dich mit Kriegsgefahren;
Schon nahe sind sie diesem Strand."

Und eh' ihm noch das Wort entfallen,
Da sieht man's von den Schiffen wallen,
Und tausend Stimmen rufen: "Sieg!
Von Feindesnot sind wir befreiet,
Die Kreter hat der Sturm zerstreuet,
Vorbei, geendet ist der Krieg!"

Das hört der Gastfreund mit Entsetzten.
"Fürwahr, ich muß dich glücklich schätzen,
Doch", spricht er, "zittr' ich für dein Heil;
Mir grauet vor der Götter Neide:
Des Lebens ungemischte Freude
Ward keinem Irdischen zu Teil.

Auch mir ist alles wohl geraten;
Bei allen meinen Herrschertaten
Begleitet mich des Himmels Huld;
Doch hat' ich einen teuren Erben,
Den nahm mir Gott, den sah ich sterben,
Dem Glück, bezahlt ich meine Schuld.

Drum, willst du dich vor Leid bewahren,
So fliehe zu den Unsichtbaren,
Daß sie zum Glück den Schmerz verleihn.
Noch Keinen sah ich fröhlich enden,
Auf den mit immer vollen Händen
Die Götter ihre Gaben streun.

Und wenn's die Götter nicht gewähren,
So acht' auf eines Freundes Lehren
Und rufe selbst das Unglück her,
Und was von allen deinen Schätzen
Dein Herz am höchsten mag ergötzen,
Das nimm und wirf's in dieses Meer!"

Und jener spricht, von Furcht beweget:
"Von allem was die Insel heget,
Ist dieser Ring mein höchstes Gut.
Ihn will ich den Erinnen weihen,
Ob sie mein Glück mir dann verzeihen."
Und wirft das Kleinod in die Flut.

Und bei des nächsten Morgens Lichte,
Da tritt mit fröhlichen Gesichte
Ein Fischer vor den Fürsten hin:
"Herr, diesen Fisch, hab ich gefangen,
Wie keiner noch in's Netz gegangen;
Dir zum Geschenke bring' ich ihn."

Und als der Koch den Fisch zerteilet,
Kommt er bestürzt herbeigeeilet
Und ruft mit hocherstauntem Blick:
"Sieh, Herr, den Ring, den du getragen,
Ihn fand ich in des Fisches Magen,
O, ohne Grenzen ist dein Glück!"

Hier wendet sich der Gast mit Grausen:
"so kann ich hier nicht ferner hausen,
Mein Freund kannst du nicht weiter sein.
Die Götter wollen dein Verderben;
Fort eil' ich, nicht mit dir zu sterben."
Und sprach's und schiffte schnell sich ein.


by: Friedrich Schiller (1759-1805)

Upon his battlements he stood,
And downward gazed in joyous mood,
On Samos' Isle, that owned his sway.
"All this is subject to my yoke;"
To Egypt's monarch thus he spoke,--
"That I am truly blest, then, say!"

"The immortals' favor thou hast known!
Thy sceptre's might has overthrown
All those who once were like to thee.
Yet to avenge them one lives still;
I cannot call thee blest, until
That dreaded foe has ceased to be."

While to these words the king gave vent,
A herald from Miletus sent,
Appeared before the tyrant there:
"Lord, let thy incense rise to-day,
And with the laurel branches gay
Thou well may'st crown thy festive hair!

"Thy foe has sunk beneath the spear,--
I'm sent to bear the glad news here,
By thy true marshal Polydore."
Then from a basin black he takes--
The fearful sight their terror wakes--
A well-known head besmeared with gore.

The king with horror stepped aside,
And then with anxious look replied:
"Thy bliss to fortune ne'er commit.
On faithless waves, bethink thee how
Thy fleet with doubtful fate swims now--
How soon the storm may scatter it!"

But ere he yet had spoke the word,
A shout of jubilee is heard
Resounding from the distant strand.
With foreign treasures teeming o'er,
The vessels' mast-rich wood once more
Returns home to its native land.

The guest then speaks with startled mind:
"Fortune to-day, in truth, seems kind;
But thou her fickleness shouldst fear:
The Cretan hordes, well skilled in arms,
Now threaten thee with war's alarms;
E'en now they are approaching here."

And, ere the word has 'scaped his lips,
A stir is seen amongst the ships,
And thousand voices" Victory!"cry:
We are delivered from our foe,
The storm has laid the Cretan low,
The war is ended, is gone by!"

The shout with horror hears the guest:
"In truth, I must esteem thee blest!
Yet dread I the decrees of heaven.
The envy of the gods I fear;
To taste of unmixed rapture here
Is never to a mortal given.

"With me, too, everything succeeds;
In all my sovereign acts and deeds
The grace of Heaven is ever by;
And yet I had a well-loved heir--
I paid my debt to fortune there--
God took him hence--I saw him die.

"Wouldst thou from sorrow, then, be free
Pray to each unseen Deity,
For thy well-being, grief to send;
The man on whom the Gods bestow
Their gifts with hands that overflow,
Comes never to a happy end.

"And if the Gods thy prayer resist,
Then to a friend's instruction list,--
Invoke thyself adversity;
And what, of all thy treasures bright,
Gives to thy heart the most delight--
That take and cast thou in the sea!"

Then speaks the other, moved by fear:
"This ring to me is far most dear
Of all this isle within it knows--
I to the furies pledge it now,
If they will happiness allow"--
[original: if they forgive me my happiness]
And in the flood the gem he throws.

And with the morrow's earliest light,
Appeared before the monarch's sight
A fisherman, all joyously;
"Lord, I this fish just now have caught,
No net before e'er held the sort;
And as a gift I bring it thee."

The fish was opened by the cook,
Who suddenly, with wondering look,
Runs up, and utters these glad sounds:
"Within the fish's maw, behold,
I've found, great lord, thy ring of gold!
Thy fortune truly knows no bounds!"

The guest with terror turned away.
"I cannot here, then, longer stay,--
My friend thou canst no longer be!
The gods have willed that thou shouldst die
Lest I, too, perish, I must fly"--
He spoke,--and sailed thence hastily.



Continuation of Friday's outing with Mika

Again a centiped or milliped!
No more and more,
"entire families" , as Mika saw them.

[Several times she became sad:
"His head is broken",
and indeed, though no vehicle seems to come along here,
some of the creatures were smashed]



I carried her home on my shoulders and let her down only shortly before our house:


She still carries the "hanukias" in her hand:

"Do you know, that Mika embraces trees and talks to them?"
Now I experienced myself, what her parents had told me..



The mystical Mika:
she hides under the outer transparent layer of Grandma's skirt,
and when she reappears, she looks like a bride...

[I took those pictures with one hand, which I held in front of us two.]





Yesterday - Shabbat!
In the morning her mother went with her to a playground, where they met Galli again, this time with Galli's father.
After Mika's afternoon sleep, it was my turn to take her out, but, "of course".... , not to a playground,
but to "our place" in nature, on the "Abba-Elah-trail", between the northern outskirts of Shoham and Bareket.
Since I didn't feel strong enough (my tongue-lesson...) to carry her on my shoulders, I used the old stroller.

Though we have passed this junction of the main street in Shoham every day,
it was the first time I paid attention to the beautiful layout of the center strip.


Then we went to the part of the trail, bordered by houses,
where we had left our supermarket cart the day before.

Since it was Shabbat, people were at home and in their gardens,
and in one of them we saw girls making fun with a dog and a rabbit.

When I let Mika stand on the iron railing on top of a low wall,
the eldest girl, Rotem, immediately took the rabbit and brought it to Mika.
And when she saw Mika's delight, she even opened the railing (no gate!),
and there they sat, MIka, Rotem, her sisters Noga and Talli and a friend.

I wondered, if the girls weren't afraid,
that "Lady" the dog (who had only one eye) would hurt the rabbit.

Mika seemed to share this apprehension
for she time and again said:
"Lady, go away!"
though she loves dogs so dearly.

The girls pointed to the magnificent view from their house
across the wadi
- to the modern outskirts of the old (1952) Bareket on the other side.
"Especially in winter its so beautiful", said the younger one.
Now, of course, the thistles and thorns had grown already so high,
that one wasn't free to roam around as they probably were in January.
I said, how much I regrettet, that we had discovered this trail only now.
"Do you have any contact to the people in Bareket?"
- they hesitated - "not really! We only hear their prayers "
[as Mika and I had heard them the day before, on the Eve of Shabbat].

I was sad about this "segregation" between villagers and the town people.




Mika's greatest excitement are again the millipeds.
Next to another concrete sewage outlet we discover creature which creep not on the ground but on plants.
I place Mika on the concrete (this time we can't hear any water running underneeth),
and she plays her beloved ones, which again she calls by the names of her family members.

"Memme!" she exclaimed, when she saw this animal.
"Meme" is the title/name of Efrat's grandmother,
Mika's Morokkon greatgrandmother!

Continuation tomorrow


song of the day [
a metaphor for Rafael, Mika's dead grandfather, once chosen for himself

The hedgehog wanted to dance with somebody,
but since noone wanted to be his friend,
he danced with himself


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whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete
Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8

copied from "Documents":
on which we practiced our planned website
on April 13, 2012

link that is mentioned here

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