Purpose of HEALING - K.I.S.S.
- as stated 12 years ago - was and is
to help me and my potential P E E R s
"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,
and - by extension - all of CREATion!" |
I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a pioneer of Evolution
in learning to feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'
pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill>evolve,
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
want you to feel everything, every little thing!"
K.I.S.S. -
L O G 2
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Keep It Simple Sweetheart
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( of Latin characters only!) my
eldest granddaughter's video-gallery
3, Thursday, - at Arad
Re-edited on July 3, 2013
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forward to future
Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want,
then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what
7:12 Woken up
at 6:15 by the garbage truck, I stayed in bed & while uniting
my grey feelings with my body, realized how angry I was
concerning Ofir's (=his wife's) demand - as usual -'but take
care that Lior won't dirty herself"! I decided to confront
them about this!
He came at 6:55 informing me of some change in the schedule
and then again that sentence. For the first time we parted in
I then knocked at Meital's door ... more anger, but then she
agreed to hand me a set of clothes which would always be ready
for Lior.
I desire to move&accept
the feelings which preceded & followed
these 2 mini-scenes with my landlords.
I desire to have fun with Lior while cleaning the veranda, since
she likes cleaning so much.
Later I desire to "catch up" with the experiences
of the latest dramas connected to Tomer.
I desire to imprint my insight about the purpose of "choosing
an actor" with whom I fail to cope.
of the day: searching for the scissors - see below
hodayot [thanksgivings] for
My Body,
my Partner,
my God
I give thanks to our back parts:
the back of our head, our neck, our shoulder blades, our spine
and last but not least: to our buttocks, so besmeared as "ass"
Yes - thanks to our -ass (this even rhymes!)
for letting me sit and write this!
I'm grate-full, that I had the courage to
communicate my - tiny - desire,
that my landlords should not trigger my childhood-trauma of
when they want me to take care of their children.
"When they are with me,
they are allowed to get dirty, take it or leave it!"
I'm grate-full, that I accept that Ofir turned his back in
interpreting my quest: as a hidden refusal to care for Lior
I'm surprised and grate-full, that Meital this time understood
what I wanted, Meital, who often without
being attacked in the least, becomes so defensive),
and when she brought Lior, said: "I
told Ofir, that your quest is logical
and that it is our problem, that we didn't think of this ourselves."
I'm grate-full, that Meital
thought of an additional gesture, a SMS:
"May it be a wonderful day for all of us!" and
I answered: "Amen".
"I've hidden
the scissors and you must find them,
while I'll photograph you searching!" said
after we had removed everything from
the veranda,
in order to clean it thoroughly.
The story behind the cleaning is
On Tuesday evening, after Howshua, Ola and the kids left, we left
the mess, in order to take advantage of the last light and go
into the desert. When it suddenly turned out, that we had to reach
the bus at 20:45,
in order to meet Tzippi before the night, -Tomer's desire - we
were in a great hurry to prepare for leaving (closing
computer, 2 vents, 2 windows, packing for staying over night,
plus water and food for Tzippi and Tomer, a dish of lentils, I
had cooked a long time ago, from the freezer, cookies and fruits
I had brought from Shoham, - Tomer was watering the garten all
the while - and then we had to run..) I never left flat
and veranda in a mess , nor was the mess too bad, and when I came
back I first put the flat in order and left the veranda for later
. But sure enough, as it always "happens" in my life:
when I, for instance, don't make my bed right away: exactly then
somebody knocks at the door. In this case it was Ofir and before
coming to his point - Lior - he said: with humor and charm, but
he said it: "What's the matter
with you? Don't you clean up this mess?"
And after I justified myself (!!!): "It's
bad enough that you are away for many days and everything gets
so dusty."
So this was his way of expressing, what may have bothered him
for some time: my long absences,
and not only because then he has to water my garden... |
I suggested to Lior, that we clean what
I've kept postponing,
the corner with the shelf and the lamp,
since putting back reordering them was such a difficult job.
Our joint effort succeeded:
we squeezed the lamp and the shelves in between the wall and
the pillar,
and Lior greatly enjoyed to create her own compositions,
of the stones
from "Rakhaf", the giraffe-like camel from Yuval-David
and the five of the six model tents see June
(I had believed that the fifth was lost too, but it was Lior
who found it!)
In fact, I had been
just ready to start the tedious job, when Ofir came.
Now, despite my silly defensiveness, I didn't rush to clean
the veranda.
I called after him: "I'll
do it with Lior tomorrow,
she so much likes to put things in order and to clean.
Can you live with the postponement?"
He hesitated and then said:
"Yes, but she shouldn't get dirty, because after that
she goes to
the general rehearsal of her end-of-the-school-year show."
Last time I explained to her, that these
plants on these stones
grow by themselves and almost without soil,
and that therefore the content of the dustpan
should best be dispersed over that stripe of stones.
Around 5 PM, Meital came with Amit: "He
so much wants to be with you"
(see "finetuning"
first thing the three and a half year old wanted to do,
was , to "wash dishes".
There weren't many but I helped him do this anyway.
Re-arranging cushions on my bed and watering the garden
Meital called us. It was time to prepare
for driving to Lior's show in the Arad Cinema.
I took shots of Ofir and Meital, so as to have the photos of the entire
family on today's page....
In front of the cinema,
while Meital stands in line for all of us,
people sit and Ofir and Amit play.
120 girls - from the age
of 4 - will dance,
and "every parent comes to see his
as Ofir said on our way.
Sitting among the crowd,
Ofir is busy phoning,
and Meital is full of expectation,
which will be badly disappointed,
as the show begins and drags along... |
Lior appears in a belly dance
There was also this dance,
in which Lior participated,
but since I couldn't catch her,
I took a picture
of her beauty
in the middle of 2 other girls,
when all the 120 pupils
bowed to the audience.
The ballet-teacher - pregnant -
appeared on stage as an actress,
inter-acting with the girl, who moved through time in a time-machine.
Finetuning to my Present
I was content with the morning:
1 1/2 hours with Lior, Pool, work on K.i.s.s.-Log,
even a bit of sleep - compensating for the sleep I missed
during 3 nights,
and again pool, lunch, garden, a bit of TV,
but then I lost control over the exterior situation.
This sounds bombastic, and yet "finetuning" means
to look at the small situations.
Meital had asked me, if I wanted to come to Lior's show of
all dance classes.
I didn't want to, the more so, as she needed to buy a ticket
for me - 25 NIS.
But how could I refuse?
I said to myself: be open to what comes to you from the outside.
I thought: 2 additional hours not al-one - I can bear that.
But then at 17:30 Meital came with Amit:
"He screws a hole into our head
since 3 o'clock,
he wants to be with you!"
Already in the morning, when Meital
brought Amit, he made a scene,
he wanted to stay with me, and even after she took him to
the car by force,
he escaped and ran back into my room.
Now I let him stay with me, and it would have been alright,
if not for the command - as if nothing had been agreed in
the morning -
"but see, he is already dressed
up for the show, don't let him get dirty."
Since it was only for 3/4 of an hour,
and since then we would all go to the show
("you don't mind, that we go early
to get places,
since there will be crowds of people?")
I succumbed.
This was a mistake, because for 45 minutes I had to say at
least 15 times:
"no, you can't do that, it will
dirty you!"
and for the rest of the time I had to
watch him closely, even hold his body,
so he would not dirty himself,
for instance when he wanted to wash the few dishes in the
or to water the garden.
It was crazy, and I became more and more angry at his mother.
Later I again made an agreement with her,
that her kids would come to me only
if they were allowed to soil themselves.
("How could you take him out into
the garden, into the sand,
just now before the show!" she
exclaimed in shock...)
Still this part was only nerve-wrecking,
but not boring.
Then came the part of waiting for about 40 minutes until the
show started,
at first outside, but there at least was space, then inside
in a movie-hall.
And then almost 2 hours of one dance after the other,
interrupted - luckily - by a kind of story with some suspense,
a girl getting caught in a time-machine and finding herself
in different periods
of the past and at the end even of the future, in 2050.
I have difficulty to be among people and "to sit through"
which is only "input",
as opposed to creating myself, with people or on the computer.
It was also very hot, and even Ofir complained now and then.
When it finally was Lior's turn on the stage - about 3 short
times -
I busied myself with trying to get some reasonable pictures
- for her parents and me-
despite the distance, the light conditions, the props which
so I had no time to judge the dance itself.
When we finally drove home, I thought,
that it was expected from me to only praise.
"How was it, Rachel?" "Fantastic",
I lied,
"But I was very disappointed,
Lior knows to dance,
but the songs and the movements of her dances
did not bring out her potentential
nor what she has learnt the last 2 years.
Well, at least you have been with us, and you enjoyed it."
But this fake self-consolation lasted only a second.
Then she discharged harshly
and together with the other mother, a neighbor, who was with
us in the car .
Meital had seen the show last year and rightly could expect
the same quality,
especially since Lior was older and more "professional"
now, as she said.
"I'm paying 230 NIS per month for 8 lessons, and that
is the result?"
I felt so sorry for her, that I forgot my own 'nightmare'
of this evening.
Probably she also felt ashamed,
because she had glorified the show beforehand.
I don't know what to do with all this, except to feel it.
I tried to listen to a "Delta-Scobel " program,
the theme of which greatly interested me,
but I could not concentrate and returned to editing the photos
of this day.
Now - the next morning (7:59) - I still don't understand,
why I attracted those "nicely-torturing" hours in
my life.
I've no time to immerse myself in the enriching
doc of 3 SAT "Scobel",
but I'll at least remember what little I was able to absorb,
and be aware of the issue of "Neuroscience"
in the future
Philosophie im Abseits?
Ungebeten beantwortet die Neurobiologie Fragen und legt Beweise
Woher kommt der Mensch? Wohin geht er? Welche
geheimnisvollen Kräfte bewegen ihn?
Fragen, die bisher die Philosophie beantworten
wollte und sollte. Doch nun liegen statt Thesen Fakten vor,
sagt die Neurobiologie, und die Philosophie sieht sich düpiert.
Die Antwort der Hirnforscher scheint betörend einfach:
Das Gehirn führt Regie!
Und anhand bildgebender Verfahren können sie es auch zeigen.
Mit einem Feuerwerk an Bildern präsentieren sie ihre Ergebnisse.
Das erregt Aufmerksamkeit: Angesichts der Bilder- und Erkenntnisflut
der jungen Wissenschaft hat es der altehrwürdigen Philosophie
die Sprache verschlagen.
Körper oder Geist?
Dank dieser modernen Verfahren soll diese zweieinhalbtausend
Jahre währende Streitfrage nun vom Tisch sein? Die Philosophie
ist geschockt. Denn ihr droht Arbeitslosigkeit: Beherrscht die
Materie den Geist? Hat das Gehirn den Geist ersetzt? So rüstet
die Philosophie zum Gegenangriff: Zum Zombie ohne freien Willen
degradiere die Hirnforschung den Menschen. Dass nicht sein kann,
was nicht sein darf, ist der bekannte Reflex der Geisteswissenschaft
- Philosophie lebt von der moralischen Entrüstung. "Alles
schon dagewesen", ist ein weiteres Scheinargument. Seit
hunderten von Jahren verspricht uns die Naturwissenschaft die
Erklärung des Menschen als reines Naturphänomen. Ist
das nicht längst durchdiskutiert? Gerne wird auf das "Noch-Nicht-Wissen"
der Neurobiologie verwiesen. Zu früh, zu schnell und deshalb
möglicherweise falsch seien die anthropologisch weitreichenden
Interpretationen der Neurobiologen.
Wo ist die Grenze?
Wer allerdings in einer solchen Situation Philosophie als Disziplin
definiert, die sich mit Fragen befasse, über die empirische
Wissenschaft nichts sagen kann - der fördert die Isolation
der Philosophie. Zuletzt bleibt noch die Komplexität des
Denkens und Fühlens - eine Grenze, die die Neurobiologie
grundsätzlich nicht überschreiten kann. Bleibt noch
die Frage, was zu tun ist? Auch wenn sich die Methoden, Begriffe
und Forschungstraditionen der beiden Kontrahenten denkbar unterscheiden,
so überschneiden sich doch ihre Interessen: Woher kommt
der Mensch? Wohin geht er? Welche geheimnisvollen Kräfte
bewegen ihn?
of the day
Alles ist von Wichtigkeit
alles ist nicht gar so wichtig,
nur die rechte Sichtigkeit
und du wandelst richtig.
is of importance
nothing is really important,
have only the right sight,
and you walk alright. |
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7 years ~ HOME
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( of Latin characters only!) my
eldest granddaughter's video-gallery
never perfect&complete
Keep It
Simple Sweetheart
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