The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart














Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery


May 18 Sunday, at Shoham
re-edited on May 19, 2013, at Arad


Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want, then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what may!
8:45 [In between re-studying "The Healer's Mind" by John Pateros, I fed Mika her new breakfast - cereals in milk - we had great fun.
I also had a chance to apply the blessings of Earth, Sun, Rain and the Creator in Lior's "Birkat ha-Mazon" on the origin of the cereals]
I desire to apply what I learnt about "The Healer's Attention" to the work with D.&I today.
I desire to accept and vibrate and observe my feeling of not wanting to function in this role:
the role of a counselor, teacher, therapist.
I desire to "help" them, but much more I desire to understand my exact role in their drama!

Coincidence concerning Mika's first breakfast with cereals and milk:
2013, May 19

After a gathering with the whole family (except for Immanuel, who was on flight, and Rotem who preferred her boyfriend),
initiated by Micha at Mazkeret Batya on Friday night, I drove home with Efrat and spent the Shabbat with her and with Mika.
Efrat never took part in the meals, and before each meal it was Mika's suggestion that we bless,
sometimes with singing "Birkat ha-Mazon"
and sometimes with choosing a process which brought a dish or an ingredient in it to the table.
On Shabbat night she suggested, that we should always alternate between these 2 options,
therefore on Sunday morning, the last meal before my departure, we should bless a process.
Yet Efrat woke up too late and Mika had to hurry to eat, - no time for blessing.
So, I too, filled my bowl with cereals and milk and hurried to sit with Mika and eat,
"for", I said, "I don't want to miss the "cereals ceremony with Mika" ,
and this though this time I didn't like the specific cereals of the 2 breakfasts.
When Efrat said: "But you can eat something else,"
I again said, that this ceremony was important for me,
though also triggering, since Mika never finishes the milk in the bowl, just like all the other grandchildren.
Instead of "cereals" - dganim - I said "dganiot"(star-thistles) - Mika laughted heartily and so did it
and we helped each other to remember and sing the song 'anashim tovim', in which appear "dganiot".
image of the day

hodayot [thanksgivings] for today

My Body, my Partner, my God
I give thanks to the joint in our right groin
[the severe pain in it in January 2006 was the message for "Nebo-let-Go"],
for having allowed me the long walk into nature with Tomer yesterday.

On Friday his father, my pilot son, also imported the "JointPainRemedy",
which has helped a lot 2 years ago, and may at least prevent a relapse.
I am grate-full to him and to the people who developed this remedy.

I am grate-full that Shabbat was harmonious despite our fears.
I am grate-full for the ever sweater experiences with Mika, my grandchild.
And as to my grandson Tomer, I'm grate-full for his ability to lead me,
be it through unending questioning about both "the World" and my life,
or be it by sharing with me - via Internet - what interests him most: "Punk",
though, or maybe because! he'll have to hear all kinds of critical remarks.
I am grate-full that he had a "good week", -maybe he indeed is
"in control",
as he once claimed, and can "behave", if he finds the motivation to do so.


Nourishment from Others

At 5:20 my cellphone indicated that it was running out of battery,
the sound was tiny and sweet but enough to wake me up,
and after the attempt to fall asleep again has been unsuccessful,
I'll now do something special - even before sculpting my "altar" above!
I'll re-study the article "The Healer's Mind" in Healing to Wholeness,
- 2013 check for updates since 2008
-delete what I already know well , even if I still don't apply it consistently,
-emphasize the passages, which give me a new perspective of what I know,
-add links to the original text, and -add comments in the form of a dialog.

The Healer's Mind

Whenever you are present as the Healer of yourself,
you are poised to invoke the wholeness principle
of Consciousness in the service of Sentience.

[See "Four Steps to Wholeness", "Awareness", "Ahriman",
and see my puzzle piece pp50 "Let Consciousness Serve Sentience!"]

This means that what will be happening in your conscious mind
will be loving and supportive of whatever you are feeling in the moment.
For instance, if there is pain, you'll focus your attention on the pain,
and then find where it centers in your body.
This is radically different
than what our conditioned mind has had us doing automatically
-either finding a way of subduing the pain or escaping it altogether...

When we avoid pain,
we cut ourselves off from a loving connection
with the part of ourselves that is feeling the pain.

This causes at least temporary fragmentation,
makes it impossible for us to heal the root cause of the pain.
The solution is to train our minds to do something extraordinary,
to turn and face the pain
with loving acceptance of its existence
here now, just as it is.

With this loving attention,
and the inner resources necessary

[these 4 words you shouldn't haven added 'just like that'!
What are these resources, without which "loving attention" is impossible?]

for bringing real help to the hurting part of ourselves,
true healing is finally possible.

The Healer's Tools section of the Healer's Guide has many practices and tips
about how to make it much quicker and easier
to bring loving acceptance to the parts of yourself that are experiencing pain.
Before going there, let's do a quick experiment to explore
what the Healer's mind learns to do differently than ordinary mind:
2013: I hate, I hate , I hate the words "quick and easy"!

Pause for a moment after reading this sentence
and feel the support of the chair under you.

As soon as you are paying attention to the sensations in your body
where you are touching the chair,

take a moment to curl your toes,
and pause for a few seconds with them curled.

Now relax your toes and pause
while you feel deeply into the sense of relaxation...

You may feel, among other possibilities, a radiating or perhaps tingling sensation.
What you have just done

is intentionally focus your attention on feeling sensations.
This is the quintessential movement
that distinguishes the Healer's mind from ordinary mind
-to refocus conscious attention from mind and thinking
to sentience and feeling.

The Healer's Attention

The single most powerful faculty of the human mind is
the conscious use of attention.
Almost always, our attention is directed and focused
by forces outside of our conscious awareness.
Events in the outer world grab our attention.
For instance in this moment
your attention may be focused on these words you are reading...


All of the practices and exercises in this manual have the common feature
of helping train the Healer's mind

to change the old, conditioned habits of attention
by bringing the faculty of attention itself
under the conscious control of the Healer.

We cannot truly be here for ourselves
until we can assume the authority
of consciously choosing for ourselves
what we pay attention to.

One common unconscious habit of attention has been
to ignore or dismiss bodily sensations while reading.
Another more problematic habit of attention
is to escape from unwanted feelings and sensations
by paying attention to thoughts instead.

The Healer's attention is focused on feelings and sensations
because that's where the healing is needed.

And ironically it's the attention itself that heals.
Healing happens
when our loving attention falls upon
a previously unwanted or ignored feeling.
In the deeper layers of ourselves as Beings,
a circle completes between the Universal Feminine,
the root of the feeling
and the Universal Masculine,
the attentive lover of the feeling.

In this way
humans and Deity work, play and dance together
to heal themselves
-and in the process, Creation itself.

Directing and Focusing Attention

A camera can be a useful metaphor for the mind's faculty of attention.
We can consciously direct our attention and adjust the focus of attention,
just as we can change the camera angle and adjust the focus of the lens.
Attention can be directed either inside of self or outside,
and it can be adjusted to anywhere from laser sharp to soft and diffuse.
A wide-angle focus allows us to take in the larger picture,
and a sharply focused attention allows us to study something specific in detail.

.... For instance, in ordinary consciousness
the words you are reading and their associated thoughts are in the foreground,

and the way your body feels in the chair is in the background.

As an experiment,
you can continue reading and paying attention to the words and their meanings
while also feeling whatever bodily sensations are available to feel in the moment.
This will likely involve reading more slowly for the same level of comprehension

-while at the same time feeling your body as you read.

Another way to experience refocusing the lens of attention
is to stop reading for a moment,
and when you do -

listen to what your mind says
about what your body has been feeling.

You probably heard something like,
"I'm feeling _____," or "My _____ feels _____."
The main point is that
no matter what your mind said, it was a thought.

By refocusing attention here,
we were able to see that
it was just that, a thought;
and that it or a similar thought was in the background
until you stopped to become aware of it.

You consciously refocused attention
to observe the thought

rather than unconsciously believing it
or automatically identifying with it.

Identity and Attention

Identification is ordinarily a subtle unconscious process.
Identification happens
whenever our attention
is hooked by something occurring inside of us.
In the ordinary mind,
the perception of a thought is experienced unconsciously as identification with it.
In other words,

ordinarily there is no awareness of having a thought or of observing it,
only a sense of being the thought.

For instance,
"I am having a thought that I should be doing something else right now,"
is ordinarily replaced by the (likely untrue) realization,
"I should be doing something else right now."

[How strange, that the example you give here
is exactly the most frequent "thought"
in the background of almost everything I, Rachel, do...]

Another way of saying this is
that within the conditioning of the ordinary mind,
we have believed our thoughts.
We have unconsciously, automatically believed
that what we think is right and correct, beyond question.
And of course this is almost never true.

Almost all thoughts arise out of habitual, conditioned patterns
that have not been updated
since they were first established long ago-in childhood or earlier.

This is because
one of the habitual, conditioned patterns of the ordinary mind
has been to unconsciously identify with our thoughts.
Whether the thought is true or not has almost always gone unquestioned.

The quick and easy solution to the illusions and delusions
created by unobserved, unquestioned thoughts
is to consciously move our point of view from identification with the thought,
and instead become the observer of the thought.

When we are not our thoughts we have the power to question them.
"Is it true that I should be doing something else right now?"
can be a good entry
to a more present and real identity as the Healer of myself,
the 'me' who observes and questions my thinking.

The Observer

In the Healer's mind attention continually moves to the position of observer.
Only when we become observant of ourselves and our process
do we have the power to heal.


When the Healer hears the buzzer that signals a part of self is hurting,
you are able to look around to see who is asking for attention.

The quickest and easiest way to do this is to find
where in your body you feel the feeling,
and come into observance of the feeling by feeling into it.

[If you don't add rightaway, that together with feeling the feeling,
I must vibrate the feeling physically,
I may not be able to stay present with the feeling!]

The same can be done with thoughts.
...At an unconscious level this ultimately means
"I believe_______, and therefore it's true."

In most of us this line of faulty unconscious reasoning has gone to
"I am my thought," or rather, "My thought is me."
For example, without any observation or questioning, "Life is hard,"
can very easily go from a thought to a belief,
and become an unquestioned 'fact' with a profound influence on how my life goes. Part of my identity is now a person whose life is hard...

Thoughts, feelings and sensations have captured our attention.
And with that they have captured our identity.

Observing the thought, feeling or sensation
with curiosity
immediately breaks the spell.

[Again: you forget to mention, leave alone to emphasize,
that without vibrating the feeling or sensation physically,
no healing can take place,
even "observing" may be too difficult!]

And since you, the Healer are observing another part that's hurting,
you are at once both the Healer and the part that is being healed.

The specific healing medicine that the Healer brings in this work
is loving acceptance.
Practicing observing ourselves
and loving what we observe in ourselves
is part of every practice in this manual.

For instance, when the Healer rescues the child from a past trauma,
the Healer unconditionally loves the child,
just as she or he is in the moment
without having to change in any way.
The Healer wants to find and reclaim this previously lost part of self
so you can be reunited within,
so you can be more whole,
so you can be more of who you truly are.

Through developing the Healer's skills and using the Healer's tools
we get better and better at doing this unusual and amazing thing
-loving ourselves.
When our minds are able
to give our open, honest complete and unconditional loving acceptance
to the darkest, stinkiest, most desperate and depraved parts of ourselves
we know we have the right medicine.
We have a loving mind. We have the Healer's mind.

[For the third time: you forget to mention, leave alone to emphasize,
that without vibrating the feeling or sensation physically,
no loving attention can be recruited!
I am angry now!
You, John Pateros, who seem to belong to the team of the channelers,
since your website has- technically - the same setup and graphics
and is - in content and language - based on the message of Godchannel,
though you never link to any file,
even if the name of your file is the same as the file in Godchannel
(see your "Index of Articles")
and the very inspiration by Godchannel to which you "admit",
is mentioned only at some obscure place of your two websites
(healingtowholeness. com and
you, John Pateros, have, in this articlte
- brought us almost back to square one -
the preference of the mind!!!!!
even if it is the mind controlling the mind's products.

I am disappointed and bewildered
as I was when I first discovered - perhaps 2 years ago,
that itself chose your site as the only one to link to.
which renders your articles the authority of

Still, I'm grateful to you for the term "The Healer's Mind"
and for the advice to train my mind
in observing not only feelings and sensations and "judgments",
but to check every thought,
in case a "judgment" or "belief" might hide behind it.

See the Channelers response to this
in their letter on June 28 and my response on July 26


3 hr work with D.& I about how to create their "Heaven-on-Earth"
by healing towards achieving the conditions in 4 realms:
1) my need for comfortable circumstances: home, food, health, security etc.
2) my need for feeling full-filled by my creative work and chosen learning
3) my need for being myself, i.e. self-accepting & master of my life
4) my need for true love, based on the rhythm of "together" & "apart".

On May 20 I wrote to them:

2008_05_18- 2013_05_19DELICIOUS      DELETION



Yesterday I announced to Mika: "Tomorrow we shall not go to a playground, but out into nature".
In order to not tempt her to override me again by heading towards one of the 4 close playgrounds,
I ,from the moment we left the house, took her on my shoulders.
But - alas! - when the danger of temptation was over and I put her on her two feet,
she invented a drama: "Oh my leg, my leg! It hurts so much", and cried like a baby.
Addition on May 19, 2013: this kind of manipulation is still Mika's powerful weapon, as Efrat told me today.
When we reached the now yellow and thorny field and in it - this comfortable rocky spot,
in order to rest and eat the morsels of apricots, plums and the first grapes of the season
(in the supermarket on Friday: despite their price her mother succumbed to Mika's insistance to buy them )
her face still showed the traces of her "misery".
But 2 minutes later she returned to be her happy, laughing self.

When the sun was about to set, we moved on to the tree of her choice:

She doesn't favor the bought fruits which aren't really ripe
but which her mother asked me to encourage her to eat
because of Mika's ongoing constipation.
But she is again enthusiastic about the tiny wild "apples",
which I pluck from our thorny Dommim Tree, the Ziziphus Spinachristi
and give her, after I've freed them from their pits.

How can I avoid to compare
and safe
with the
and fear
Earth Quake
May 12,

today already
more than
20000 corpses found,
but the number may rise to 50000




song of the day

... be still and listen to your deep deep life...



Continuation of yesterday, Shabbat May 17 - Togetherness at Shoham


A serious talk between father and son and a funny piano lesson between brother and sister

Mika took up piano lessons on her 7th birthday
Dec. 20, 2012,
with an excellent teacher
and , of course, showed to me today,,
how she's learning a "chromatic" piece, as she said


We go out - this time not Mika and Grandma - but Tomer and Grandma.
A discussion where to go - - - Grandma succumbs to her grandson.

"Oh look, Tomer, what rich green yellow delight! Let me take a picture!"
I didn't even have to ask him to stand in front of it.
"But let my boots be seen!" "Of course!"
When he was not satisfied with the first photo, I made a second, emphasizing the boots!




We now view a depression in the old terraces, as if once there had been a pond.
Now - as everywhere on this "Orchard Path" east of Shoham,
the traditional fruit-trees of the Land of Israel are planted in it:
Pomegranates, Olives, Almonds etc.
and - not planted , but wild - a kikayon with an outstanding withered yellow leaf

I don't know, why the English translations of the Biblical book Jonah
use the general term "vine" for "kikayon".
Probably knowbody knows, what kind of plant is meant here,
but Luther boldly inserted "
Rizinus [ricinus] " ,
and this is, what we mean by "kikayon" nowadays.
I told Tomer the story about Jonah -
everyone knows about the "whale" who swallowed this prophet,
but I like the story about the kikayon even better.
When I searched for "Rizinus", this was the first image which came up:

Jonah , Chapter 4

Jonah's Anger at the Lord 's Compassion

1 But Jonah was greatly displeased and became angry. He prayed to the LORD, "O LORD, is this not what I said when I was still at home? That is why I was so quick to flee to Tarshish. I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who relents from sending calamity. 3 Now, O LORD, take away my life, for it is better for me to die than to live."
4 But the LORD replied, "Have you any right to be angry?"

5 Jonah went out and sat down at a place east of the city. There he made himself a shelter, sat in its shade and waited to see what would happen to the city. 6 Then the LORD God provided a vine and made it grow up over Jonah to give shade for his head to ease his discomfort, and Jonah was very happy about the vine. 7 But at dawn the next day God provided a worm, which chewed the vine so that it withered. 8 When the sun rose, God provided a scorching east wind, and the sun blazed on Jonah's head so that he grew faint. He wanted to die, and said, "It would be better for me to die than to live."

9 But God said to Jonah, "Do you have a right to be angry about the vine?"
"I do," he said. "I am angry enough to die."

10 But the LORD said, "You have been concerned about this vine, though you did not tend it or make it grow. It sprang up overnight and died overnight. 11 But Nineveh has more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left, and many cattle as well. Should I not be concerned about that great city?"

Jona, Kapitel 4

Jonas Verdruß und Zurechtweisung

Das verdroß Jona gar sehr, und er ward zornig und betete zum HERRN und sprach: Ach HERR, das ist's, was ich sagte, da ich noch in meinem Lande war; darum ich auch wollte zuvorkommen, zu fliehen gen Tharsis; denn ich weiß, daß du gnädig, barmherzig, langmütig und von großer Güte bist und läßt dich des Übels reuen. {2 Mose.34,6} 34,6
Und der HERR ging vor seinem Angesicht vorüber und rief: HERR, HERR, GOTT, barmherzig und gnädig und geduldig und von großer Gnade und Treue! So nimm doch nun, HERR, meine Seele von mir; denn ich wollte lieber tot sein als leben. {1 Könige.19,4}
Er aber ging hin in die Wüste eine Tagereise und kam hinein und setzte sich unter einen Wacholder und bat, daß seine Seele stürbe, und sprach: Es ist genug, so nimm nun, HERR, meine Seele; ich bin nicht besser denn meine Väter. Aber der HERR sprach: Meinst du, daß du billig zürnst? {Jona.4,9}
Da sprach Gott zu Jona: Meinst du, daß du billig zürnst um den Rizinus? Und er sprach: Billig zürne ich bis an den Tod. Und Jona ging zur Stadt hinaus und setzte sich morgenwärts von der Stadt und machte sich daselbst eine Hütte; darunter setzte er sich in den Schatten, bis er sähe, was der Stadt widerfahren würde.

Gott der HERR aber verschaffte einen Rizinus, der wuchs über Jona, daß er Schatten gäbe über sein Haupt und errettete ihn von seinem Übel; und Jona freute sich sehr über den Rizinus. 7Aber Gott verschaffte einen Wurm des Morgens, da die Morgenröte anbrach; der stach den Rizinus, daß er verdorrte. 8Als aber die Sonne aufgegangen war, verschaffte Gott einen dürren Ostwind; und die Sonne stach Jona auf den Kopf, daß er matt ward. Da wünschte er seiner Seele den Tod und sprach: Ich wollte lieber tot sein als leben. 9Da sprach Gott zu Jona: Meinst du, daß du billig zürnst um den Rizinus? Und er sprach: Billig zürne ich bis an den Tod. {Jona.4,4}
Aber der HERR sprach: Meinst du, daß du billig zürnst? Und der HERR sprach: Dich jammert des Rizinus, daran du nicht gearbeitet hast, hast ihn auch nicht aufgezogen, welcher in einer Nacht ward und in einer Nacht verdarb; und mich sollte nicht jammern Ninives, solcher großen Stadt, in welcher sind mehr denn hundert und zwanzigtausend Menschen, die nicht wissen Unterschied, was rechts oder links ist, dazu auch viele Tiere? {Jona.3,3}







back to past ~~~~~ forward to future 2009/2012

Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery

whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete

Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8

See my experience with Mika and Ya'acov on May 18, 2012

e-mail quote on May 18, 2012:"Abraham 1997"
"Every physical being on this planet is your partner in co-creation,
and if you could accept that and appreciate the diversity of desires and beliefs,
all of you would have a more expansive, satisfying, fulfilling experience."

Bamboo-Structures in what I thought would be "our" Garden-of-Eden


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