The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
A R A R A T  -  H E A R T  [34 pages]
was but a temporary location for my creation,
a branch of my learning-healing on Healing-K.i.s.s.

Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2011
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "FIND"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"

  WITH          DEITY  


2005_02_24; last update: 2005_04_01 [not completed]



Since I "don't have the time" to communicate with you, Folks, in writing,
or at least don't come around to edit our written communication on this website,
I want to use this space for studying aspects of your information!

I re-edited "Four Steps to Healing" and felt
that even concerning the theory
I've overlooked some important aspects in the past,
or maybe the most important aspect at all, like

"When these emotions are free to move,
my Light of acceptance also comes to fill you."

"Free will
dependent on the magnetic essence
being able to move.


In my own words:
If I allow my e-motions free motion,
I'll be able to accept myself totally.

And, as God says in the Introduction to the Blue Book:
total self-acceptance
is the one task of present humankind,
for only if I accept myself,
am I whole,
am I all of me,
am I who I am,
and only if I am who I am,
am I able to be master of my destiny instead of victim,
in Hebrew: "ribbôn" instead of "qorbân".

"Controlling rather than expressing the Will means
you do not have acceptance for it.

If you do not have acceptance for it, you are not loving it.

If you are not loving it, you are denying it.

When you deny, you do not have all of yourself with you,
because you're not accepting all of yourself.

If you do not have all of yourself present with you in a loving acceptance,
then you do not love yourself unconditionally.
You cannot love anyone else unconditionally
if you do not have all of yourself there to love them.

Unconditional love exists when all of you is loving all of that which you love.

Now many people have thought
they were evolving into unconditional love on Earth,
but they have forgotten that they must accept all of themselves first.
There is no way around it.
If you do not totally accept yourself first,
you cannot totally open to anything else."

See about "ACCEPTANCE" on 2005_03_21

In the updated "Four Steps to Healing" the Channelers point to a website "Healing into Wholeness",
which deepens the understanding of the tools for Healing into Wholeness.

I'll start with learning:



See puzzle piece 15
Guilt&Blame are the Same

Healing from Guilt

From the beginning of human history,
each generation has taken on guilt and passed it down to the children.
Parents, children, friends, spouses, partners and others
have use guilt
for behavior modification, punishment and revenge.
Institutions like businesses, governments and religions
have use guilt
to keep people in line.
Guilt is so much a part of the fabric of our culture
that it seems quite radical to suggest that it's been a mistake.


Samira - in complaining about the Bedouin society - concluded:
"Here everything is 'EEB',"
for which in the German "Schande" or "Scham und Schande"
or the Hebrew "khaerpah" or "bushah ve-khaerpah"
is much stronger and more exact than the English shame or disgrace or dishonor.
While tip-toeing in "ARARAT", in the Biq'at HaQannaim, the Zealots' Valley,
I so often come to a point where it seems to me
that I just cannot deal anymore with this monster EEB,
of which the root, of course, is "Cain's : I am not worthy"...

But it has.
and its relations

Shame and Blame

have been a plague
that has cost humanity untold pain, suffering and despair.
They've too often caused us
to feel bad about ourselves
and to do less than our best.

The bad news is that we have loads of this stuff inside us
and lots of people ready to help us take on more.
The good news is that guilt can now be easily removed and kept away.
(Since they are so similar and the release process is the same,
I'll include "shame" in the term "guilt" from now on.)

Many believe that guilt is a feeling.
However, on closer examination
it's clear that guilt is a mental thing
that "infects" feelings.
It's like a foreign substance
that gets into or around emotions,
like an infection in a wound.

even the powerful negative ones,
are meant to be felt and moved.
Without guilt,
feelings like grief, fear or anger
can flow smoothly and move through us.
We feel the feeling
- and then it's gone, leaving a space
that can later be filled
with joy, excitement, power or other emotions.
For instance,
grief without guilt feels warm and smooth, like love.
Fear without guilt feels like excitement or anticipation.
Anger without guilt feels like power.
I've learnt to not call any feelings "negative".
[see puzzle piece 18 - Good and Bad]
There are feelings I enjoy spontaneously
and there are feelings which I have to move physically
in order to transform them from
"mafri'a" to "mafrae"

[a Hebrew pun which gets lost in English:
from disturbing into fertilizing, or perhaps: from frightful to fruitful]
No true feeling (as differentiated from Guilt....) has to go away!
If lovingly accepted and physically moved,
the feeling will transform and evolve.
[see puzzle piece 17e - "Releasing" Emotions or Moving and Evolving them?]



emotions with guilt in them are much more difficult to feel.
They hurt.
Guilt in or around a feeling
causes it to abruptly stop and start again.

This jerkiness in the otherwise smoothly flowing feeling
causes a pain-like sensation we interpret as "feeling guilty".

The easiest way to deal with feelings infected with guilt
has been to deny the feelings.
For many of us this has been crucial
to maintaining self-esteem
and keeping our optimism high enough to go on with life.
The problem with this is that denied feelings don't go away,
they submerge and stay unconscious.
This creates an opening for the split off parts of us
(that experienced the feelings and are now unconscious)
to repeat destructive or unwanted patterns of behavior.

Repeating destructive or unwanted patterns of behavior
is only one of the results of denial.
There are much more catastrophic outcomes!

See for instance puzzle piece 10 - Denial of Will
puzzle piece 27 - Movement of Lost Will





Denial is only a coping mechanism.
Real healing can come only
when the feelings are felt
and the guilt is confronted and removed.
Although the suggested practice that follows is very easy to do,
it can facilitate very deep healing.

The truth is that you and I, everyone~~~ we are all innocent.
Many have believed
that guilt has been necessary
to keep us from doing "wrong" things.
But this isn't true,
a good conscience does not depend on guilt,
but rather on a self-assured sense of what is right and wrong.

In fact, guilt erodes conscience
by degrading self-esteem
and even causing self-hatred.
With enough guilt,
a person can get in a position
where they feel obliged
to prove to themselves and the world
just how bad they are.
because emotions with guilt are hard to feel
- they get denied,
and are no longer available to us.
Without honest feelings to inform us,

it is difficult to achieve
that self-assured sense of right and wrong
that makes a good conscience.
The healing of guilt is
in releasing the judgments that hold guilt in place.

Compare the passage "Judgment Release" in

"Learning is evolving
and mistakes are excellent feedback in the learning process,
if they are used as such.
The solution to the problem of judgments
is not in trying to eliminate the ability to judge,
it is in using the faculty wisely.

"Your culture has taught you
that making mistakes is bad,
but it's not true.
Mistakes are the norm in trial and error learning,
and in fact they are necessary for learning and evolution.
Learning is already hard enough
without being punished for the mistakes
that are a necessary part of the process.


"The punishment and obvious result of negative judgments
is guilt.
Guilt erodes the sense of self worth
and makes it very difficult to feel feelings
that have been infected by it.

Depression is often the consequence of guilt-bound feelings
that can not move and are therefore denied.

"Since you are fundamentally innocent
guilt is not in its right place in you.

[This sentence was missing in the old version.]
Guilt is held in place by judgments.
Release the judgments, and the guilt goes too.


"You can very quickly and dramatically
change your life for the better
when you release the judgments
that have held you captive
and left you cut off from love
and from your true emotional strength and power.
[the word 'true' was missing in the old version]
This is much easier to do than it's seemed.

" Because judgments are mental decisions,
[the word 'mental' was missing in the old version]
they are easy to change.
The secret is simply to decide again.
[In the old version 'decide again' was not in italics.]
Take back your original judgment,
change your mind, undecide, unjudge."

For further comparison , go to "Judgment Release" in