Answer from God to an e-mail on 1998/11/03;
checked for updates (addition of links) and re-studied on July
13, 2009
Visit with God
Leave Without Absence
Did you take a trip and forget to tell us?
You were doing real well for a while updating this site every
three days.
Then boom, you are gone again.
What's up God? I hate it when you just vanish.
"I haven't really gone anywhere, of course,
but thank you for missing me.
Although I am everywhere,
the easiest and surest way to
contact me is
where I am the most accessible, within yourself.
You can also find me around you,
speaking through the circumstances and events in your life.
Secondary to my direct presence with you
is my presence on this web site
and in other channeled material.
However, these outside connections are much more tenuous and subject
to interruption,
as has been the case here recently.
"The most important point of my communication on this website
that you can always find me within,
where I am most at home with you.
The other major point that I am making here is
that there is a lack of wholeness in Creation and in you,
and that I am asking for your help
in healing the fragmentation
that is perpetuating the gap between the Mother
and me.
"There will soon be more material in the classes
and responses in class discussions,
as well as communication in the Mother Expression
area of the site.
In the meantime you may wish to reread some of the material in
the healing and channeling
Although we have lost contact with each other
in the past,
we are now coming together again,
thanks to your desire to reconnect.
"The exercises in the channeling class
are meant to help you find me within
so you will not need a third party to channel
reminders of my presence.
The information and advice in the
healing class and discussions
is meant to help you find the wholeness
that is the foundation necessary for the full realization of your
dreams and my plan."
note 11/3/1998:
We haven't gone anywhere either, but we have definitely had another
interruption in our work.
Fall is the busiest time of the year offline for most of us,
and we also have some unusual challenges around the channeling
There is some material almost ready to post,
including more of lesson three of the healing class,
the beginning of lesson four,
and responses to several posts from contributors.
However, we have been deep in our own healing
and haven't felt clear enough to put channeling up on the site
for a couple of weeks.
These past few weeks have been quite difficult for some of us
and we've had to be offline more than usual, even for this time
of year.
Probably the biggest issue we
now have in common
is a feeling of dread about having to be intermediaries between
God and readers.
Lately we've been feeling more of the responsibility of representing
God to readers
and we realize that even though it is not our intent,
we have sometimes caused suffering by not acknowledging a contribution.
hope readers will understand
that we can no longer channel responses to p e r s
o n a l questions
as we did when we had more time.
We feel that the channeling class addresses the issue of personal
contact with God,
and we will channel responses to questions and comments about
the channeling process
and otherwise do what we can to help readers become channelers
in their own right.
We believe this is God's most serious intention with the web site.
Over the past few months readership
has doubled three times, and so has the mail.
We have an in box full of excellent contributions
to class and messengers discussions and the Mother Expression
area of the site,
but of course we won't be able to channel responses to most of
because contributions come in at a much faster rate than we can
Also, in the past we tried to keep up by posting some contributions
without responses
and while that was fine with some contributors,
others have been hurt by seeing their comments posted with no
channeled response from God.
We are still not sure about how to best handle this issue,
and we're open to suggestions if you have any.
In the meantime, if you would like a contribution to be posted
without a response,
please include a note saying that it's okay for us to do that,
and we will.
Of course, we may also post a channeled response as well.
If you've already sent a contribution please let us know
if you prefer to have it posted without a response, rather than
not posted.
Another issue is the nature of
some contributions
has been changing with the opening of the Mother Expression area.
Some contributors have been expressing
issues that the Mother has had with God
and these posts have been triggering emotional movement in us
beyond the plentiful triggers in our lives.
We don't want to go past
anything here,
and sometimes it takes a while
before we can be clear enough in our own processes to channel
a response.
We very much welcome
these triggers and the movement they are catalyzing,
even though it also takes us offline sometimes for longer than
we would like.
Our own healing processes are our first priority, of course.
And of course we want to do the very best we can
to put up clear and accurate channeling on the site,
and we feel very honored to be able to work in collaboration not
only with our Source,
but with contributors to the site
and others who are doing the incredibly challenging work
of healing into wholeness.
Also, we
are presently working on a general reorganization of the site,
and this project is absorbing additional energy.
Part of the reason for the reorganization
that it no longer feels appropriate to put out the expectation
that we will channel responses to posts addressed to God on the
"Visit God" page,
so we have linked to this new page from the top of the "Visit"
as a way of explaining that we're overwhelmed with the volume
of mail,
and that we need to be able to focus more on the class material
and discussions, at least for now.
[the following passage did no longer
appear, when I checked on July 13, 2009]
Part of the reorganization will include
a new section in the Channelers' area
that will include personal channeling that contributors are sending
If you have any channeling you'd like to share with readers,
please send it to
And please accept our apologies if we have not yet posted your
We are sorry. As you can probably tell, the site has become much
busier than we had prepared ourselves for.
Thank you very much for being as patient as you have.
instead the following
link was added:
message from the Channelers
Response to Leave Without Absence
Dear Channelers, Thank you for
sharing a little about your process.
I have learned much from the lessons from God and your comments.
While I have talked with God almost every day for years,
I only began to channel formally several months ago.
Practicing the exercises in the channeling class helped a lot,
especially running energy and writing things down.
I feel very fortunate to live
with others who channel,
and I have learned a lot about the process
by exploring the differences and similarities
in our experiences.
I would like to open a dialogue about some of the issues
that I have been working with
that others may be encountering as well.
When I
first began to channel, the first question I had was
"who am I listening to? Is it really God?"
I compared what I got from other sources that I trusted because
they felt good to me:
The Right Use of Will books,
this website,
and the information that my friends were receiving.
It did not take very long to distinguish God's voice from others
(I seem to be receptive to lots of beings).
I found that my awareness and intent enabled
me to stay in the driver's seat
with all of this (driving backwards, of course!)
As my confidence in
my ability to recognize the source grew,
I got more comfortable with the differences in perspective that
others seemed to be getting.
As I have become more and more parental to my own healing process,
I realized that I was developing criteria to evaluate any information,
no matter what the stated source of it was.
I have come to understand that ultimately it all comes from Deity,
its just that we are not yet healed.
So I am appreciating the different points of view
and God and the Mother have told me
that all parts need to be heard.
I am finding
that sources and material that I have previously dismissed have
value for me.
Reading someone else's channeling often opens a door for new information
to come in.
I am amazed at God's ability to
give me understanding
that encompasses positions that seemed mutually exclusive to me.
I like to learn from others
because it alters my consciousness
and allows me to ask questions that I never would of considered
on my own.
Sometimes what I get
seems to have more universal application
and sometimes its obviously quite personal to me.
I believe it's a function of my needs and consciousness at that
particular time,
and I've released the judgments that one
is better than another.
I appreciate the GodChannelers' willingness and ability
to work on this more impersonal level,
and also appreciate your efforts to include more of the Will polarity.
Obviously, there's a relationship
between the individual channeler's consciousness
and the quality and type of information that individual is able
to receive.
Sometimes I think that people do not make any distinction between
the channeler and the channelee,
and the channeler gets caught in the cross-fire
when folks are mad at the source of the information.
I think its important that we recognize and understand
the differences and relationships between humans and the other
parts of Deity
so that we can best facilitate the healing process.
I'm getting lessons on this now
and I look forward to working with others on this in the future.
I trust
God's message on this website
because the primary communication seems to be
that we all have a right, an ability and a responsibility
to hear directly from God on the inside,
and I get that God learns from
me as I learn from him.
I thank everyone that is doing this work
because I can feel Deity evolving
--keep channeling!