Purpose of HEALING - K.I.S.S.
- as stated 12 years ago - was and is
to help me and my potential P E E R s
"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,
and - by extension - all of CREATion!" |
I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a pioneer of Evolution
in learning to feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'
pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill>evolve,
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
want you to feel everything, every little thing!"
K.I.S.S. -
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Keep It Simple Sweetheart
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2 / Rosh Chodesh Aw 1, SHABBAT, still 13 days until my 70th birthday
first day at
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Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want,
then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what
I desire to heal this formidable
hole in my wholeness that was triggered so horribly on August
I desire to live my belief, that I have a right to "take
space" in this world, i.e. in E.'s cupboards,
and that when I still attract reflections of
my "I should not exist since I'm
only disturbing", I'll react with humor
I desire to become
free of punishing E. covertly by reducing
the space for my equipment even more
of the day,
too many feelings....
hodayot [thanksgivings] for today
no time, no strength
The first of August - the first day in the year
2008 without a K.i.s.s.-Log - page,
was the day of a total solar eclipse in part of the world: no sun
It was also the eve of Rosh
Chodesh Av, no moon!
On July 31 I decided to not take
pictures in the presence of I & E,
unless they ask for it expressively.
Except for one scene on August 1 and two scenes on August 2
there is no documentation of these extremely full days,
full with action and interaction,
action: transforming the new rented house (and my room in it) into
a cosy home;
interaction: not only with the new Foursome: Efrat & Immanuel,
Mika & Tomer,
but in the evening also with Micha,
Ra'ayah and Ayelet (Arnon
was on a camp),
who had invited the exhausted family for the Eve of Shabbat
(Efrat had been sighing during the day: "I
wished someone would invite us for dinner!"),
and today also with Tomer's siblings, Elah
and Alon,
who came to visit and to help.
In the morning of August 1, 2008, after the first night at Bet Nehemya
Tomer is still sleeping - and still - for the last time - on the sofa
in the living-room.
Later that day he will help his father to put together the new bed
(width 140 cm!) and desk
bought with Tomer together as a welcome into the Threesome of his
father, his stepmother and his stepsister.
Today was also outstanding because of a technical
accomplishment of "mine"...:
Efrat had bought an inflatable little plastic pool for Mika
- with an inflatable slide attached to it.
She told, that Immanuel wasn't pleased with her purchase,
"it will be used
once, and then discarded, like the one last year at Shoham".
"But there on the veranda there was no possibility to
drain the water."
She now wanted Immanuel and Tomer to inflate it,
and after an enormous effort - since they didn't have an effective
air-pump -
the pool was ready to be filled with water from the garden-hose.
While Mika had a gorgeous time - partly with Elah, partly
with me or her parents -
(what a pity I could not photograph this according to my decision..)
the question came up where the pool would be stored.
After all it was out of the question to deflate and inflate
it every time.
"the animals will cause havoc to it!"
Animals: cats and even a hedgehog, which
enter under the fence in the evening,
and of course Nella, and not only herself, because if the
wobbly gate to the road is not closed properly, Nella will
attract other dogs and run wild with them).
It was then, that I heard myself making a megalomanic proposal:
"If I had a proper string, I could
make a kind of net to be hung up here,
and Efrat could store the pool there herself and also take
it down herself."
When Immanuel didn't react, I heard myself provoke him:
"Or don't you trust me, that I
can do this?"
Again - he didn't react, but Efrat said: "I
davka (for all that)
do trust you."
Now there was no way back .
I simply couldn't believe that I was so stupid to promise
such an invention.
Behind it was a strong desire:
that the pool issue shouldn't burden the relationship between
Immanuel & Efrat!
Immanuel didn't give much attention to my crazy idea, but
gave me some string.
Alon was the only one on the veranda, busy with trying and
frying 'Malauakh"
in an electrical frying pan, once a gift to Immanuel which
he had never used so far.
I tried to encourage Alon to help me with the seemingly unsurmountable
of throwing the string beyond the concrete horizontal pillar
above the veranda,
which I had chosen for hanging on it the "net".
I went to Efrat and asked: "Is
there a ladder around?"
And strangely enough: the prior tenants, who had not left
anything at all ,
not even the Mezuzot
at the doors - a spiteful behavior against the landlady...-
had left a ladder! Except that it wasn't very high!
Alon threw the cord once and succeeded and tied it, but then
gave up:
"You should let Abba do this!"
I explalined to him, that my purpose was to take the pool-issue
off his mind,
and not add more work to his already superhuman toil.
It was then, that I turned to Ezriel,
my "angel" for providing equipment and solutions
for technical problems.
And there "he" was - within half an hour "I"
had found the kind of solution,
which I had neither imagined nor planned nor the skill to
carry it out.
First I tried to place the ladder between two of the heavy
wooden chairs,
which belong to a set of a huge wooden table and 14 chairs,
- most probabably also a gift from "Ezriel".
It is a set exactly fitting for the "veranda", i.e.
the roofed place outside,
between house and lawn,
and its size and material are creating an atmosphere of togetherness
not only for the Foursome which will now live in this house,
but hopefully, sometimes, for my entire family of 17 members:
my 3 children, my 3 children-in-love, my 10 grandchildren
and me.
Even though the ladder miraculously fitted into the two chairs,
it was risky to stand on it and I joked with Alon,
that soon he would have real work at hand.
[He has just finished a course for the Red Star of David
and today arrived dressed proudly in the shirt of the organization.
To his regret so far he hadn't be called to any accident to
prove and train his skills.
(That's an example of how the calamity of one person is the
satisfaction of another)
"At least come here and stem your
body against one of the chairs!."
He sat on that chair with his back to me and savored his fried
I'm very bad at throwing a "lasso", but after several
failures I succeeded.
The string was long enough only for four slings,
the last sling "I was advised" to throw over the
horizontal pillar
which was constructed against the first one at an angle of
90 degrees.
The very last end of the string was just enough to be tied
around the vertical pillar which carried the first horizontal
With the help of the plastic piece, on which the string was
I deviced the knot in a way, that it could easily be undone.
To take the pool down, the opened end of the string needs
to move up
so the double string, which holds the slide of the pool, can
move down
and the pool can be taken out.
I am amazed at this simple solution
and how the ladder was there and the string long enough.etc.
Tomer helped me to spill the water (we didn't see that it
had a draining hole),
and then I - all on my own - placed the pond into the two
middle slings.
When I tried it the first time, I was sure, it could never
but already the second attempt was perfect ,
perfect in relation to the result, not in relation to the
for there was no plan!
After I had tied the end of the string,
and the pool was hanging savely - even in case of a strong
wind -
in the corner of the veranda with the least sun,
I felt exhilarated and deeply grate-full,
as if on sea - I had rescued a load of people about to drown
Finetuning to my Present
Friday, August 1, was "designated" to be remembered
as the day of a huge trigger.
And Shabbat, August 2, gave me a chance to heal at least its
immediate effect .
I'll postpone the reporting and further healing to
the peace and quiet at Arad.
of the day: Dunkel
die Waelder...
"Dark are the forests
and the sky is blue,
only the stars shine brightly
and my young heart is heavy
of thoughts which are in the distance.
"Others I don't tell
about my sorrow,
I carry my heart's grief in silence,
the dark forest, the bright sky
are the only ones to know my sorrow.
More of the
2004 paintings of Tomer
This is a 3-dimensional creation, which does not come
out well in a photo |
And since - according
to my rules - there is still space on this last page before
my 12 day break -
I'm inserting some images, taken in April and May this year, once
copied from Immanuel's folders
I'm proud that I'm capable of exhibiting
these pictures despite my shame about the protrusion of my belly here
The Eve of
Pesach at Acco with Efrat's Family
Mirjam, the hostess
Rachel, the guest... |
at Mika's kindergarden at Shoham [I
was at Arad]
The first time in this season on the beach of
Tel-Aviv (I wasn't with them)
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never perfect&complete
Keep It
Simple Sweetheart
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