K.I.S.S. -
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~ library of seven years
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Monday, -at Arad
back to past ~~~~~ forward to future
Ride the wave, recede with the wave!
Back to March 29, 2008 on Palmachim Beach,
Micha and Ayelet find us and call us, but I am
in no hurry,
One last photo of that beautiful place.
back to past ~~~~~ forward to future |
Anything you do to overcome or prevent, |
I want to quote this again |
Both these grandchildren - they'll be 16 in
May and June - love to cook and to eat.
In addition to their own ideas, I suggested to bake a Challah in my new toaster-oven,
since we would celebrate the Eve-of-Shabbat together
(just when Boris and Dafna "jumped" in for 20 minutes)
"In our kitchen, too, everything is silvery",
Arnon said,
when I showed him the pretty view of the toaster-oven,
above the electrical hot plates
with which Ofir replaced the old one,
which - in synchronicity with the toaster-oven - stopped working
next to the electical water-heater,
also a recent replacement by Ofir,
and all the other pretty utensils.
Arnon Yael Boris magnificent star-children |
10 Hebrew lines daily
between Ya-Ra towards the doomed-to fail shemshem.org 2012_03_31- 2013_03_134 ![]() |
A lovely picture with Yael in my arms and Alon smiling
at her - on Yael's Bat-Mitzva, May 2008
Yael and Mika on Immanuel's 50th birthday, January 2013
on 2013-03-31
As agreed between us, Boris keeps pointing out spelling
mistakes in my copy of the
Right Use of Will books.
This time - in rereading the pointed out page
III of the Intro of the Blue Book I felt urged to add in
"The understanding you need now about how to evolve the Will quickly is, in short:
express everything
you feel,
and do not stop expressing,
emotionally and otherwise,
until you have really finished.
You must not impose this on others that do not want it,
for just as it is not spiritual balance to deny yourself in favor of others,
it is not spiritual balance to deny others in favor of yourself, either.
Then when you have cleared out, truly, all emotional charge any given situation
triggers in you,
you will have allowed release of old emotions
that have accumulated when the free expression of the Will was denied."
[2013-03-31 - setting up "triggering s
i t u a t i o n s" is only the beginning of learning to feel and fulfill.
The tricky part is the subtle "not feeling good" in ever so many
nano-moments of my day and my night!
It is Moving, Breathing and SOUNDING MY VOICE, which transforms those feelings
into full-fill-ment!!!]
on 2013-03-31
Micha sent an SMS, yesterday night, inviting me for the last day of Pesach.
It seemed to come my way as a test of what I had expressed in that
song *)
I asked him to allow me to decide only today till noon.
Though I felt engulfed with fears, I knew, I would come.
This morning it took me 5 hours till I was able to force myself
to search for public transport on the Internet.
After 5 min. I lost patience and listening inside an idea to ask for help
!! came:
I sent an SMS to Micha - to help me with my phobia of seeking for transport,
"please find for me busses, stations and times!"
He did so, and I'll leave at 14:00, pass by the pool and sit in Nr. 388 at
Because I, indeed, expect, that they feel the endeavor of
my coming to them!
This idea also helped me to leave it to Micha,
when he wanted me to come (there surely are later busses),
and when and from where to fetch me (Bilu-junction at 17:10) .
Thus I "did not expect", but neither did I put the guilt on them,
concerning the fact that I was to come instead of there coming to me
["Coming to Arad doesn't suit us, since
Arnon comes back from a 5 day desert trip"]
April 3, 2013 - He,
indeed, said, when he fetched me from the bus:
"Yashav li al ha-matzpun,
It sat on my conscience,
that you spent the Seder-night alone in your home."
"It won't help you, if I tell you again, that I like being alone!?"
Not only on that evening, but
also through the next day and night,
we coped well with the fear of not feeling at ease with each other!
Addition on April 21, 2013, concerning another
I felt triggered by someone's not-reacting to what I had written,
though an answer had been sent.
Surprised by myself,
I mumbled, grumbled, rumbled all the way to the pool.
In the jacuzzi a rhyme made itself up
and on my way home I sounded it into the desert,
until nothing was left in me but laughter...
[see the
song in March 2013: "I want to sound you, my feelings"]
on 2013-03-31
Since there is no "time" to choose
another passage from my Haggadah,
I'll insert a "Pesach-passage" from the book of Micha
[Micah], chapter 6
(I was just opening the passage, when
Micha sent that SMS!)
which is significant:
a) God's "quarrel" [the
word appears 3 times] with his people
b) Mirjam is mentioned without title ("his
sister", "prophetess")
together with her brothers
the Khata'at is so
typical for how "sin" , guilt - was and is perceived:
as something big, huge, gigantic - which angers the God,
and the God can only be appeased by a horrid sacrifice:
my own child!
See also the recent song [SongGame
2013, March, Nr. 2], which contrasts "sacrifice" with "khaesed"