The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

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click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



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InteGRATion into GRATeFULLness
Singing&Sounding keeps me Sound



Peace upon you, Angels of Peace



Eve of Shabbat

in all Jewish Communities
-sung on Shabbat-Eve before Qiddush
and family-dinner,
but sung also by Jews
who do not attend prayer in the synagogue
and who do not sanctify the uniting of the flames.

On the website "Piyutim"
12 different tunes are presented.

I chose four
in addition to the one,
which we ourselves sing,

"The Angels of Peace are weeping bitterly"
Isaiah 33;7 [quoted also on Febr. 15, 2009]
During the "last" Israel-Lebanon war, July-August 2006
this verse from Isaiah 33 in its terrible context
was pounding on me constantly.
The happier I am for this Hebrew Jewish Israeli song,
which in its many different versions demonstrates,
that we are all unique and still all one.

This Ashkenazi version presents
The Tune and the text,
which I was taught,
while a hostess in "Succah in the Desert",
except for the last stanza, which nobody seems to sing.
But the verse from Psalm 90 appears in my own song


The same tune sounds very different in an oriental version,
(Turkey - USA - 20th century)

From "Succah-Glossary"
Sophie, a guest from Holland, in November 1998,
stayed in "Yitzkhaq" for several weeks in solitude and silence.
This succah is the closest to the "Hill of the Angels' Flight",
as I called the hill which on maps is indicated as its height: 884 (meters)
when I climbed it in deep depression in Dec. 1989 and "heard":
'Angels fly, because they take themselves so lightly.'
Angels- having no Will/Emotions According to God's info - can afford this!
Still, I needed some angelic lightness, in order to survive while creating.

Sophie, as Avi told me, opened her succah early at dawn,
and this is, what she saw - and photographed.
It was a night without moon!
The photo was checked by professionals!
During my recent stay - the first time as a guest - in "Sarah",
I laid the framed picture in the shade where it was brightest.
Still, I didn't succeed in suppressing the flash, when I photographed it.

The effect is, that the flashspot on the above photo is above the angel,
while on the photo below the flashspot comes in like a spaceship

Shabbat-Eve in the Succah was, and as far as I've seen, still is very moving.
One day some guests told me,
that the Sephardic Jews would not bless the departure of the Angels,
on the contrary, they blessed them for staying!

But in the Moroccon version I found the fourth stanza left out altogether!
Instead there is a very welcome "specialty" , which I found nowhere else:
the Angels are not only "Angels of Peace", and not only "The most High",
they are the Angels of Compassion!



In another Ashkenazi version
both blessings are sung,
the blessing of the departure of the Angels
and the blessing of the staying of the Angels

Then there is a third Ashkenazi version, sung in the Land of Israel
This time I color the wordings which differ in the different versions.




A Chassidic version
and especially moving performance
also blesses both,
departure and staying of the angels,
but instead of blessing the "Angels of Compassion",
like the Moroccons do,
they bless the "Angels of Service",
[in their European Ashkenazi pronounciation:"shoros"],
following the legend in the Talmud,
that on Shabbat-Eve two Angels-of-Service
Accompany the man from the public domain, the synagogue,
home to bless the Shabbat within his family.

It is a transition not only between public and private space,
but also between the time of differentiation ,
the six days,
and the Oneness,
symbolized in the one day,
on which nothing was differentiated,
nothing was manifested,
nothing was created.


From the introduction to this song on the website "Piutim"


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