The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

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click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"




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InteGRATion into GRATeFULLness

Fine-tuning to my Presence




Mika's FULL-FILL-ments with Imma

Mika's hand in Imma's hand, September 27, Arad

[see Overview of Mika pages until October 13]

Watching and interacting with Mika, my little granddaughter (21 months old),
who still knows, how to create Heaven-on-Earth in each moment of her life.

The Finger Story
June 26, 2006, Arad, at Grandma's, 10 days before the accident



3 months after the accident: October 6, 2006, kfar vradim, in Dina's, a friend's house,
since Efrat cannot take care of Mika yet all by herself
[it's mainly her left hand which still doesn't function]


4 months after the accident, November 6, 2006, Arad, at Grandma's,
checking if it is possible , that Grandma will stay with Mika and Efrat, when Immanuel is on flight,
after the family will move from Dina's house and the Galilee to Shoham , to live near the airport.

Mika is hardly visible here, but the beauty of Efrat who sits under my pomegranate tree, is such, that I need to see her here.

Inside in my only room: Mika, free of the plaster cast, can sit upright on her mother's chest


December 12, 2006, still at Dina's in the Galilee, 8 days before Mika's first birthday,
11 days before she'll move yet to another house , in another town - Shoham.

April 2, Celebrating Pesach with Micha's family in Immanuel's and Efrat's home in Shoham

Now a big jump in time!
Mika in Shoham.
Mika who walks, and somehow (!) talks,
Mika who explores, experiments, expresses,
goes to kindergarden from 8 AM to 5 PM,
but in the 3 hours left until bed-time - lives a life of an additional day...
And Imma, who starts to work as the producer of one of Shoham's newspaper, in May,
and who joined a weekly theatre workshop on which she publishes an interview in that newspaper in June

August 7, 2007 - Shoham,
during one of those periods, when Grandma replaces Abba.

Grandma always finds junk, like this basket, which Mika will put to unexpected uses.



August 29, Shoham
The Lady with the bag












August 29, Shoham
Tall woman and tiny woman dance to jolly music



September 1, Shabbat, Shoham
Breakfast under pine-trees,
the Hebrew word which is much more attractive to Mika than "cones".
[According to "Babylon" there is a similar English term: "strobiles", but I never heard it)


September 2, Shoham

The morning ritual of going
to kindergarden and work:

"Shalom, satta!"
[should be pronounced :savta].
And standing in the open door
I sing
Shalom, shalom, shalom, shalom!
"le-hitra'ot, le-hitra'ot!"
(in German: Auf Wiedersehn! In French: Au revoir!)

a tune,
which touches all 8 tones in an octave,
invented by me for this ritual,

until the elevator swallows them.






September 27, Arad, Grandma's veranda
Consideration for Imma's need to rest is not something Mika accepts easily...

Planets and Galaxies are with us too, on the starry blue cover of mattress and cushion,
as well as blots and splashes of sunlight on the wall...
Mika stretches out her hand, like God to Adam on Michelangelo's fresco,
except that she puts something into her mother's hand, a gift....




to former sculpture of my Present     to next sculpture of my Present