also the French bi-lingual edition of this page, since June 14
Discussion of God's Messengers II
Why are there contradictions among your messengers?
I've read Conversations with God 1, 2, &
and found it to be totally absorbing.
However, I'm curious about
how it is possible for you to say
that you have chosen only five particular individuals
to communicate to other people on your behalf.
"Every artist, every
writer, every musician and every speaker
who delivers an inspired message is delivering it on my behalf.
Inspired expression of any kind,
and even your own intuition,
comes ultimately from Spirit or the Mother.
And every message has more meaning than the messenger knows.
Isn't it true that you speak to people like
Pat Robertson, Rev. Angley, & Benny Hinn,
and that the message you give
is totally opposite from
what you say to these other five individuals.
Why is there such a conflict of words & ideas?
You give words of wisdom & knowledge everyday to your prophets,
why would you cause such a contradiction?
My yoke is easy, our Lord Jesus said.
Confusion is from the Devil, if God gives us a clear mind.
"The conflicts in meaning you perceive
are due to the fact that reality has many
and not all messages or messengers can address all levels.
" I have pointed out a few modern messengers
because they communicate my messages on more levels than most
and they are more helpful than most
in bringing us into direct inner connection.
Nevertheless, in each human resides
an original piece of Spirit (and Mother, and Heart)
and within those who are open to receiving our direct contact,
each person is in contact
with a unique and genuine spark of divine inspiration.
"However, when humans communicate
with Deity,
there is often a denied doubt
that creates a need to validate our connection,
and so individual relationships with my Light
have often become encrusted with defensiveness.
" If honesty was allowed to prevail,
humans would understand
that their connectedness to me as the Source
is not limited to their own vessel,
their own personality.
And they would realize
that sharing the insights from our connection
must be done in a spirit of openness
and with a true desire of loving enlightenment.
"In this regard,
understanding the need for limits
would relieve many misunderstandings
over what has been felt to be my rejection of those pieces of
which live away from me, and within you as humans.
"My original desire to understand myself,
pin myself down so to speak,
caused the creation of limitedness within myself.
These limits eventually led to the
intentional fragmentation
that spawned the individuals in Creation.
Each individual has the freedom
to fully explore their own scope of awareness.
And in this we are partners,
you experience yourself as an individual,
and I am informed by your feelings, thoughts, and understandings.
This is the process in which we evolve together.
"You struggle with this separation
and attempt to regain full consciousness,
because our separation has often felt like rejection,
and this can trigger deep levels of loneliness and longing.
"The Mother too felt great depths of loneliness
and longing,
and I didn't understand that Spirit had created this in her.
My new awareness of these feelings within the Mother
have moved me
to be more direct
in conveying the original intent of this experience,
"and I now wish to help us all
a place of cooperation in our separation.
"It was not my intent to hurt
for when we were all ONE
you were originally a part of myself
I sought to know and understand.
I now would like to ease the pain
this has caused through better communication,
even though the possibilities of confusion are still great.
"Still, some of the confusion in communicating
with me
does come through the contact with pieces of me
which are broken off from my true center,
and aren't evolving at the pace of the core of my Light.
I hesitate in acknowledging this because
accusations of Ahrimanic
or Luciferian light and evil intent
are the easiest way for humans
to cut off communication with each other,
and the sharing of loving intent.
The only way to discern this is as an individual, for yourself,
and with great amounts of soul searching.
"What does not feel good to you
in the message of another person
may be a denial in that person,
or it may be a denial within yourself.
Please, be willing to look deeply for the answer to this,
and be honest when no understanding is clear
and greater emotional movement is needed
to feel the relative truth of 'God's word'
as filtered through another human.
"Best of all, listen
within yourself.
Listen to me and the Mother,
and to Body and Heart,
as we come to consciousness within you.
This is always the truest, clearest, and most direct source
of divine guidance and understanding."