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My PH.D.-Thesis, 1966-1982, delivered
in Hebrew to the Jerusalem University 1972
Original Theme,1966 : The Idea of VICARIOUS SUFFERING as an ANSWER to INNOCENT SUFFERING (i.e. my coping with the holocaust). Final Hebrew Title 1972: "The PERCEPTION of SUFFERING and SOLIDARITY with the SUFFERERS in the Thought of the Jewish Sages from the time of the second Commonwealth till the End of the Talmudic Era" (i.e. in Bible, Apocryphes, Qumran, New Testament, Talmud, Midrash)
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First sculpted probably in June 2003;
updated on August 8, 2011
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360 in the Hebrew edition of "All
Israel vouchsafe for each other" [continuation from
p. 359] as an absolute "secure/certain" truth,
thus I met - since the completion of this research - with many people,
in life and in books, which posed "queries" about the message
in it. One of the sharpest queries was, for instance, that of Talli,
one of my pupils, who said: "Through all the year you educated
us towards responsibility! But the only result is, that now we have
feelings of guilt, since we still don't do anythng!"
Here are some hints at additional
dimensions: |
360 in the Hebrew edition of "All
Israel vouchsafe for each other" ![]() |
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361 in the Hebrew edition of "All
Israel vouchsafe for each other" the metaphor of "a voice of fine silence" in the mystical experience of the prophet Eliyah (Kings I 19:12)? How can a burning bush not be burned, how can silence have a voice? - I argued against "the too high morale" (s.p. 153-154), which outstanding thinkers preached, in Judaism as well as in Christianity. But perhaps it's possible to reach a new understanding concerning the claim of tradition that the human was created 'in the image of God' ["Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness", Genesis 1:26 Fox] and that therefore s/he is able to behave towards his/her-other as "God" behaves towards the human? - From the teaching of guarantorhsip of the Sages I conclude, that the worth of the individual is determined by his/her potential power "to keep alive an entire world or to loose an entire world." But why ist it that I saw a contradiction between this claim and the claim of Rabbi Akiba for instance, who said, that "loved (of value) is the human created in the image, exceeding love (value) is bestowed (noda'at) on whom is created in the image." (Pirke Avot 3:14; see for instance p. 143)? In all those concepts which can be included under the title "life beyond life", I did not see but a rationalistic solution for the tribulations of people who did not succeed in coping with the law of guarantorship and therefore suffered from what they coined: "the lot of the righteous is bad and the lot of wicked is good" (so far - Aug. 10, 2011 - I can't find this proverb in the Bible itself!!) and searched for an individual compensation beyond this life. And indeed, even today I think, that most of the concepts about "God" and about "The Coming World" etc. are quite transparent projection of human needs and human greeds. But even the simple logic (not to talk about the experience of the mystics) demands that mutual dependency exists not only between human beings, but also between humans and the plants and the water and the soil and the air on this planet and the sun and the stars in space. These are mutual relations beyond place and time, and it's difficult to assume, that exactly death will interrupt them or is standing outside their validity. - A multidimensional view on reality also enables
us to dispute the most basic assumption in the book, that "suffering"
is something bad in itself and that one has to prevent it in each
case; the uninterpreted assumption, that suffering, without any distinction,
should not exist and ought not exist; and from there the claim, that
the teaching that "sufferings are valuable" is nothing but
an escape from coping. The need to fight suffering is, once again,
just one aspect of the truth, only one color in the rainbow and I
pointed this out that already (s. 336-7) |
361 in the Hebrew edition of "All
Israel vouchsafe for each other" ![]() |
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2003_06_09 I like the vertical composition on the left
side of Boticelli's painting: Beneath are seen two burdened slaves, with
fierce and furious looks, At the base of the vertical triptych there
are again two persons, women,
The scene I remembered, when I fastened the
Tzippora poster to
my door in June 2001, "And what would be your name?" "Tzipporah!" I was surprised and even a little bit taken
and sang him the song of the weeping Mother
of Israel, |
362 in the Hebrew edition of "All
Israel vouchsafe for each other" under heaven.' in order
to quote one other time Qohelet
(3:1 - see Pete Seeger's famous
song "To every thing,
turn, turn"), or as was said 400 years later by Shimon
ben Azai: The rainbow connects between heaven and earth and
there is no contradiction between them. But there was a time in my
life when I saw a need to see only the earth and to ignore Heaven:
The deeper I explored the different causes for the holocaust, the more it seemed to me - and seems to me today - that here, too, the root of the problem with the people who wanted to prevent it or reduce its dimensions, was, that because of their leaning on "God" they did not take responsibility for themselvs and for the world on whom they were dependent. And as then, so today: though we, Israel, already learnt to make our wars alone, as to making peace, we prefer to pray: "he makes peace upon us", "God", not "We!" As I said, the desire of the girl to not grow up and not part from the father in order to be independent and responsible for the coping with every personal or universal problem, characterized me, as well, |
362 in the Hebrew edition of "All
Israel vouchsafe for each other" ![]() |
Bonhoeffer (1906-1945) Images from the Hebrew article in Wikipedia! "Bonhoeffer with his pupils in 1932", "the sculpture of Bonhoeffer in the St. Petri church in Hamburg". ![]() An article in the Jewish Library website quotes a sentence, that contrasts the sentence, which so influenced my life; "Who stands firm? Only the one for whom the final standard is not his reason, his principles, his conscience, his freedom, his virtue, but who is ready to sacrifice all these, when in faith and sole allegiance to God he is called to obedient and responsible action: the responsible person, whose life will be nothing but an answer to God's question and call. " |
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363 in the Hebrew edition of "All
Israel vouchsafe for each other" till that night in November 1960 in Jerusalem, when
from the mouth of the man I loved came this sentence: "You have
first to become strong yourself, before you are allowed to take the
hand of a stronger one!"
363 in the Hebrew edition of "All
Israel vouchsafe for each other" ![]() |
The limitation of photographing
the two prints