I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a pioneer of Evolution
in learning to feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'
pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill>evolve,
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
want you to feel everything, every little thing!"
K.I.S.S. -
L O G 2
0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart
I give thanks to our capacity to now sit here,
upright on this chair in front of this fantastic tool,
the computer,
with no discomfort nor pain in any of our parts and organs,
in order to process what's burdening our Feeling.
I give thanks to that part of my present life-drama,
which takes place amidst "my holy trinity" at Shoham,
and especially to the continuous intricate mutual finetuning
between me and my main present actress,
my daughter-in-love,
and the rigorous training in living in wholeness
[I'm not yet able to phrase what this means in this situation]
Efrat fetched Mika from kindergarden,
and I was the driver to Yehud.
When we arrived, I saw the sun sinking in the same unspectacular
manner as I had seen her rising in the morning.
Then the camera said: 'battery empty', as if telling me:
there is nothing to document during your stay in the "House
of Michal".
The annual long birthday phone talk
with Paz
finally took place yesterday.
How grate-full I am
for the chance to live and to report and to sculpt,
the process of training
between "Ruth-Efrat" and "Christa-Rachel".
Paz making fruit salad with my grandson
Alon, on his 13th birthday, 2004_08_08.
on "Rakhaf".
While I couldn't find the way to his heart, Paz, who visited
me "by chance" on that day, could!!
But before I enter the Finetuning of the last 24 hours,
I want to "complete my path" between the
eclipse of the moon and the rising of the sun.
I told that I suddenly found a path, which gave me hope,
that it would lead me back to the road, sparing me part of the tedious
walk along the traffic.
This would have meant also, that in the future I could reach this
natural environment within 20 minutes.
At first my hope was fulfilled, I walked north on that path,
while all the time watching the fine high way bridges to my right.
But, alas -
when I came close to the road, which connects the highway 6 with my
road 444, which passes west of Shoham,
the path stopped abruptly:
an ugly ditch,
a steep though short slope
and - worst of all - a fence
put an end to my "path-joy".
Needless to say,
that this was more than a physical stop.....
On the other side of that road
I could see the industrial area of Shoham.
One business there is "Osem" (pasta, soups etc.),
once known to every child
because of the jingle:
'zae tov- zae Osem'
"this is good, this is Osem!"
At this early hour every minute,
a yellow"Osem"-truck
moved along this fenced-in road
Forget about the future
and a closer access to nature!
Anyway -my groin is hurting more and more,
telling me,
that I just cannot walk such distances any longer!
But how do I get out of here right now?
Parallel to the road there was nothing
but thorns and thistles.
How metaphorical...
So I had to make my own path.
How fortunate,
that my feet - usually in sandals -
were protected by shoes!
There are always little circumstances,
called "fortunate",
which make a difficult situation easier to bear.
"The path that you
the right path for you,
is no path at all.
You will make a new path
that is uniquely your own."
ditch, slope and fence...thistles and thorns
I want to close with this beautiful lily , which grew next to the
path, where the path still existed:
And now my "path" in the last 24 hours.
Finetuning to my Present
"We deserve an entry in the book
of "Guiness"
for the oversensitivity towards each other,
and the craving to please each other!" I said to Efrat during our first interaction
, at 7:10.
She coughed endlessly, looked terrible,
and was in miserable pain of body and soul. "I was so afraid, that my cough
wouldn't let you sleep,
that I sat up all night, to ease the cough,
and whenever the cough attacked me after all,
I was suffocating in panic."
What had I done! "But yesterday night, when I came
out of my room at 11 PM
still finding you in front of the TV, coughing endlessly,
and you said: "Go to sleep",
and I said with humor:
"I can't sleep anyway as long as you are coughing",
I said this only to cause you to finally go to bed,
so that real sleep could heal you!"
I laughed, when I told that, also to
make it easier for myself.
Seeing that this didn't help, I tried something else:
- again with as much lightless as possible: "Actually I wanted to ask your
forgiveness for something else,
though for something much smaller than having caused you that
Efrat sat on her bed, putting her socks and shoes on,
and kept quiet.
"Do you want to hear my apology?"
She twisted her head towards me in utmost pain and despair: "In a few minutes, please!
You forget that I'm not ready for talk in the morning."
Since I seemed to mess up everything,
I left the scene and the house to walk the dog,
but not before having approached Mika on her little mattress
watching TV,
- daring to tell her - despite her usual rejecting behavior
in this situation - "please comfort Imma, she feels
so bad!"
She understood.
So when I came back, the atmosphere was a tiny bit brighter,
though the morning rituals with Mika,
which are always stressful for Imma,
let Efrat's headache escalate even more.
"You may have to drive to Ben-Shemen
without me!"
A habitual negotiation with Mika about
like in this case -"we really
have to go to the kindergarden now!"
Efrat closes her explanation with the rethoric question: "be-seder?"
Except that this time, Mika answers back for the first time: "lo be-seder!" "Not
We are trying to find an appropriate boarding
school for Tomer,
and a relatively good option seems to be the youth-village
which is about 20 minutes drive from his father's place
and has many other advantages.
Since there is an "Open Day" only once a month,
Immanuel, who is on flight, asked Efrat and me to attend it.
Later I tried to convey to him the many things I had learnt via "Skype".
The tour was guided by Dani, the director of the Youth-Village,
and by Shimi, or Shim'on Aviv ,the director of the Boarding-School.
The latter was himself a graduate of the school,
like our President Shim'on Peres as well as his wife Sonya. "When did you graduate?"
I asked Shimi, "in 1977".
"Then you must have known Hanan
the music-teacher, a relative of my husband."
"Oh, now you have returned me to that time",
he said nostaligly.
"The one-armed man,
who could play everything on the piano with his left arm!"
I tried to see the blessing in the
curse and continued to radiate ease.
And then spoiled it again by meaning attention and
causing tension:
Efrat was just ready to take Mika out
to the elevator, when I said: "Can you have a look at Immanuel's
schedule(stuck to the
fridge)"? I think I made a mistake, when I told
that they could fix the first Benot-Mitzva
activity on Wednesday:
the next flight seems to be on Wednesday night, not on Tuesday
night!" Efrat checked, and yes I had - again!
- misread the codes of the schedule.
"This means that I'll return to Arad Sunday morning", I said in my stupidity, "and come back to Shoham already
on Tuesday afternoon".
"Yes, but you don't have to stay
for the weekend, I'll go to my parents." My stupidity wanted to win:
"But if I had understood that I
needed to come only on Wednesday night,
and you'll travel to Acco already on Friday morning,
I needn't have to come at all - just for one day."
"Yes, you don't have to come, think it over!" she said - already at the door.
I accompanied my two girls to
the elevator, singing the usual :
shalom, shalom, shalom, shalom, le-hitra'ot, le-hitra'ot
but my aim - to make it easier for Efrat
- had definitely achieved the opposite.
Why did I make her feel,
that coming here was "a sacrifice", as she fears
What is difficult is only the journey to and fro,
and it doesn't really matter, if there are 2 or more days
between traveling.
Also - why am I still worried, when a plan doesn't work out
as intended? Couldn't it be, that my "mistake" was "staged",
so that I - and others - would experience something valuable?
Efrat came back and was sweet, trying
"to make up" as usual,
and now I'll drive to Ben-Shemen alone!
An overwhelming amount of information at Ben-Shemen.
I left, before the "Open Day" was closed, to be
here in time.
Efrat needed the car to fetch Mika from kindergarden,
as at this hour no taxi is available.
Having driven half way, I called Efrat: "I could take Mika from kindergarden,
so you could stay in bed." She hesitated:
"But do you know how to tie her seat-belts?" I said bravely:"of
course", but this didn't
help me. She remembered that she had to pass
by the office and deliver something
(though the newspaper team does not work on Friday...)
When I got out of the car and let her in,
she was sighing so heavily with pain and hardship,
that I needed all my inner trust to let her go on with exhausting
At least, I can understand this
Formerly - the more I was pressured and exhausted,
the more I "grasped" situations
which were bound to cause even more pressure and exhaustion.
Which brings me to the drama of yesterday.
Albert Einstein's Planetary System - in the little museum
the walls and floors of which are covered with photos
taken 70-80 years ago in this very first "Youth-Village"
founded in "the Land of Israel" 21 years before
the "State of Israel",
Albert Einstein's telescope
My photo shows the group of parents and
pupil candidates
in the old court of the Youth-Village,
built in the style of the early Zionist pioneers.
The girl in front - Ma'ayan - is one of the 7 pupils,
who were chosen to be available for being questioned.
She is in the same 7th grade as Tomer,
but has entered Ben-Shemen at the beginning of this school-year.
The info she kept giving me, was immensely valuable.
If I had the time, I would detail it here.
In front of her I now recognize the woman ,
who later approached me,
after I had opened my mouth in front of the group
and said to the two directors:
"The facilities you provide here arouse my envy.
I wished I were ten years old, could live here
and grasp all these fantastic options of learning.
But what about the things that are forbidden here?
What do you do, when you catch a pupil
smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, applying piercing,
leave alone taking grass?"
IN this and the next two - private - encounters between me and
Shimi ,
I was always answered
as if I was the kind of parent, who wanted to hear,
that "we fight these things with utmost force".
I always had to correct the image they had of me: "I'm not so much interested
in the result,
I'm interested in the process:
how do you go about these behaviors?
After all "fighting against"
does always strengthen the one whom you fight against."
The bottom-line of the answers was: "We are a normative school!
There are other schools for treatment and healing".
I seemed to have voiced the concerns of other parents too.
The woman with the yellow bag began to walk next to me: "May I suggest something?
My son has completed one year at Neve-Eitanim [?],
near Rishon-le-Zion.
Completed means, that he has rehabilitated himself,
and must pass on to a "normative" school,
that's why I am here today.
The principle of that school is not:
"if you smoke etc. you are delayed from school,
but: you are delayed from home."
Since the discipline in the school is so harsh,
this principle has an effect on the pupils."
I couldn't ask the woman about her name,
since another woman, who had not heard her,
and who didn't care that somebody was talking to me,
began walking beside me - to the left - and told me
- I don't know if it was about her son or someone' else's son
how a pupil had become free of his destructive behavior
here at Ben-Shemen
and become "the star" of Ben-Shemen.
In my third encounter
with Shimi
- while the group saw a video with a musical produced at the
school -
he was ready to give me about 6 examples of "punishments"
punishments for pupils who go against the rules.
Catching the term "self-esteem" in his stories,
I pinned him down on his values:
"You see, Shimi,
what I've learned in my seventy years, is,
that there are three values,
which determine the happiness of an individual,
and the well-being of a society:
Ribbonut " [the terms in English: autonomy, sovereignty,
do not convey the meaning of this Hebrew term in my personal
dictionary: "Ribbonut" is
the constant knowing,
that it's me who determines my drama and destiny
it's the opposite of "qorbanut" - self-victimization
- the attitude that others - people or circumstances
- are to be blamed for my misery.]
"This is what we give in this
school, and much more."
I stayed adamant: "Much more? All the rest follows
but please think it over:
"Self-esteem, self-acceptance, Self-Love instead of Self-Hatred!
Full-Fill-ment, Satisfaction instead of boredom and emptiness,
Ribbonut instead of qorbanut!"
"Why is my husband never here,
when I am sick?" was one of Efrat's discharges of her
misery today.
The fact is, that she was sick already during Immanuel's presence,
but every endeavor to make her rest and heal was, of course,
in vain.
Yesterday (Immanuel went on flight at 8:40, as I've told)
she seemed to feel better, for she asked me: "After kindergarden I'll take Mika
to Yehud,
there is "Michal's
House", a place of attractions for kids.
Will you go with us and drive?"
I agreed, though I "wondered", to say the least. On February 13 we had witnessed such
a center across our house,
and Efrat fled from the noise and the atmosphere after 20
Moreover - how would she be able to sit next to me
as the driver?
How could the even have suggested that I drive?
The latter question found its easy answer:
Her driver licence has expired long since.
In order to provide the now-demanded digital photo,
she has to go to a place at Ramle ("without Immanuel's help I'll
never find that place"), so she thought it better not to drive
outside Shoham.
On our way - both to Yehud and from Yehud - she erred twice
and we drove twice in a round-about way.
Her pressure and panic and sheer terror of my every movement
drove her crazier and crazier.
She screamed something about headache and bloodpressure
and "never again".
While I am - as I just said - "pressurable to the highest
degree" myself,
the dynamics between us worked in a way,
that I became ever more relaxed and easy going,
except towards the last part of our travel,
when I said in a loud voice: "Now
it's enough."
But , as I said, we should be in the
Guiness book :
Efrat is cruelly aware of her patterned behavior,
and hates herself atrociously, when she is in its claws.
When we arrived safely at the parking lot of "Michal's
she voiced her appreciation for the fact,
that I brought us hither "despite the pressure I put
on you." But I, instead of appreciating her
of having survived it, I said:"I
could only bear it by saying all the time:
The "backside-driving" was
only part of our staged drama.
The other part was the kids' center.
It goes without saying, that I never would enter such a place,
and anyway, I fear that Mika is being badly overstimulated.
But I feel, I should always be available, when I'm needed.
And even now I am sure, that it was right,
that I agreed without arguing:
'But shouldn't you rest and not expose yourself to such "adventures"?'
I only wished, I had been as accepting a f t e r the
things that I foresaw...
[Febr. 25 -
After having experienced the worsening of that "headache",
which since then has not receded,
I doubt, that I was right in "making myself available"...]
No sooner had we intermingled with the
kids and their caretakers,
than she said:"I hate such
but if Mika enjoys herself, it will not be such a sacrifice!" Here I interfered sharply: "Efrat! Never ever sacrifice yourself
for your daughter,
never ever ever ever, do you hear me?
Remember, what my mother - like so many mothers - said,
when she felt, we children didn't "pay her back": "One mother can take care
of seven children,
but seven children cannot take care of one mother."
By sacrificing yourself for Mika,
you put a burden on her, which will be very painful to carry."
Was it coincidence, that after our arrival at sunset,
the camera announced: "battery empty?"
With my cellphone camera inside shooting doesn't come out
So the only photo worthwhile saving is the image of today's
which shows mother and daughter as if in a cage, separated
by wires.
We left after less than half an hour
and Efrat exclaimed, nervous to the edge: "This is not for me, nor is it
for Mika!"
And that's where I succumbed to that ugly urge of
"I told you so",
for which I still haven't had the chance to apologize.
I laughed - to lower the tension
the tension of what Efrat had been through in the kids' center,
and the tension of what she was going through now by seeing
me drive,
and said: "this was a total unnecessary experience." and explained that she had gone through
this lesson more than once. This way "to bring it home",
was just as unnecessary. It incited Efrat's defense mechanisms
and distracted her from looking at her lesson.
Eventually we agreed,
that the lesson was not unnecessary,
but that the next time she would not fall into the trap again.
One of the results of this specific finetuning which I long
for, is:
'Never ever point out a lesson to a person, unless asked for
On the contrary,
when something you foresaw but couldn't prevent, will happen,
support the pupil of her/his self-staged lesson
by radiating love and serenity
and infinite trust for her/his process of learning.'
In this moment they are entering the
door, Efrat and Mika. 13:00
In the area of the dormitories of the 380 pupils.
Some houses are fantastic villas, beautifully designed for their purpose.
For the first time in this
winter it was warm enough
to take Mika out - towards the Eve of Shabbat.
We were all alone with some 15 different activities on a bench,
when Mika sang the song, I had created for Mother and daughter:
"I love you with all my heart"
(1997) e-mail quote on February 22, 2012
You cannot worry about someone and love them
at the same time.
Most people mistake the emotion of worry for the emotion of love.
They think that worrying about somebody means that you love them.
Though our agreement was, that they would initiate,
organize and manage everything,
I reminded them several times of my only wish, of which I did not want to
let go:
to again co-create a song. [other wishes, like that they would
clean the path down and up the Wadi of Compassion,
I gave up, when I saw that they didn't feel like doing it]
Yael's singing, with Arnon's
chords on my keyboard
will hopefully appear on shemshem.org
In the meanwhile I'm learning and rehearsing
this wondrous song.
One last flashback to the desert East of Arad,
while "in reality" they walk through the desert West of Arad -
in order to take the bus together to Beersheva, from where they would take
different routes to their homes.
End of the experience with Arnon and Yael from March 30, 13:25
to April 1,15:15, 2012 .
Forward to K.i.s.s.-log April 1, 2008/2012
After I - for hours - learnt about the youtube meme "Harlem Shake"
(and within this also about the former "meme" "Gangnam-Style")
seeing in this phenomenon the symbol of a significant step in evolution,
I found a "sharing in facebook" from my grandson Jonathan Shai: "Harlem
Shake (in the TV program of ) London&Kirschenboim" *people move around crazily without shame
* people move not on a stage but wherever they are
* people move without choreography
* one person starts and many join in
* people are giving up on presentation faces, -bodies and -clothes
and fool around in spontaneous costumes and with weird props.
Old Yaron London (see
him on this website) jumps in Israel on the background of the parting
Pope !