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Discovered on and edited on Healingkiss on 2005_01_17
Studied again: 2006_02_13:
Though I don't smoke, I identify with the message about moving "hopelessness".
How can I get my power back from addiction?
Hi God, I want to thank you
(and the people that are making this web site possible)
for this fantastic opportunity to connect with you in a more real
and to connect with people of like mind.
Finding this site comes to me as a beautiful gift.
Thank you.
My main concern these days is healing my addiction
to marijuana.
I would like all the help you can give me.
How can I get my power back.
I have discovered many of the denials and judgments that keep me
But apparently not all. What else is there?
One judgment I have a hard time seeing as a judgment is
that I cannot get the same state without the drug.
Is that so?
"Yes, it's generally true that the substance
will be necessary to get to the same state.
However, other states of higher awareness that feel even better
are awaiting you,
and your judgment may be preventing you from experiencing them now."
If I feel like getting high, then is it my will
that wants that
or have I created a false will out of my denials?
"'Getting high' is what your will,
the magnetic essence within you, wants.
It is your desire.
The Mother wants union with my Light,
and drugs have been a way for her to show you this.
Continued use of a substance, however, is counterproductive.
It creates a dependence on the substance and undermines your will,
as you have discovered.
The real purpose in using the drug is to model the state you desire,
and now that you know the state, the challenge is to find it again
without the drug."
If so, how do I end this denial and get back
my true feelings.
On the other hand, if it is my will that wants this,
then do I have to accept this and go from there?
That is, do I need to accept this part of me that wants to get high
and move any feelings around accepting this?
Is this what you mean by practicing Right Use of Will.
"Yes, accepting what is is the first step to
changing it."
The most difficult judgment I face is that I
cannot evolve my will if I smoke marijuana .
Is that true?
"Your will doesn't need evolving
so much as it needs freedom.
Smoking marijuana is not the problem.
Being addicted to it is the problem,
because it limits your freedom
and because it undermines your will,
making you feel weak and unmotivated to change."
There is obviously a gap within my self,
but after all this time trying to heal this,
I am feeling extremely hopeless.
"The hopeless feeling is very
and getting to it may be worth the pain that's brought you here.
This is the feeling that is now most in need of movement within
the Mother."
Sometimes I wonder if I should use some control to quit.
In other words, I feel that it is guilt (or unloving light) telling
that it is not right for me to quit.
But I am afraid of denying my will by making the decision to quit.
"This is a manifestation of the undermining.
The way out of this is to make
a decision
to find a way to unite the Mother and me within you
that is not dependent upon using a substance.
When we are in union within you,
there won't be a feeling of something lacking,
and there won't be a desire for anything else."
If it is unloving light telling me to get high,
why couldn't I use some control to quit.
"In many cases, this is true.
However, with you and most of those who are doing this work,
it's not unloving light, but an undermined will telling you to get
I don't know whether it is my will that wants
to smoke marijuana
or a false will I have created out of my denials.
Intellectually, I feel inclined to believe
that I have created a false will out of my denials
and that when I get high,
my true will is denied under all of the guilt.
However, I am afraid
that using control and discipline will not really heal this
and will not be honoring my will.
"Self control and self discipline are of course
functions of spirit essence,
and when used against the will, are not honoring it.
Why does part of me feel like it needs to smoke
How can I release the need for it?
How do I honor the part of me that wants to get high without denying
the part that doesn't and vice versa?
Do I need to honor this as part of my self, or is it just a "fold"
I have taken under the weight of my denials?
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