2002_08_15 ; linked to pp6b and to pp19b
Mother, have you anything to say to me?
Silly , impertinent address,
I just didn't want to let my mind interfere.
So since this is my birthday,
and since I didn't find the urge to make a decision
as I used to to do for the last 55 years at least,
what is it -
"Don't finish the question!
You already got the message for your new year!
Feel more and more and deeper and deeper,
as intense as you are able to,
but without judgment.
It's the judgments that still keep you imprisoned.
Like - you keep judging yourself
for not being able to savor each moment of your good life.
You judge yourself as ungrateful.
"You got the message from what you did with Rotem.
I was very pleased with the intensitity
with which you could feel your shame and your fear
underneath the so-called guilt
and also your anger about having to feel this.
A little blaming, a little self-justification,
but all in all you were surprised that you could feel such "heat".
And then you took your pride into your hands
and walked with it towards the "sholem" with Rotem
and thus you applied the message of Arnon's flag.
There were minutes when you blamed yourself for having had this outbreak,
and your daughter reflected this to you, when she said, outbursts have their
"But if it hadn't been for your
would you have had this experience of applying Arnon's flag?
There probably wouldn't have been any interaction with Rotem at all!
"But this is not all,
you wondered why you were led to engage in death.
Und you got the answer today through that movie.
Even the most cruel murder can come from - misguided - love
and even those murdered in the most cruel way
are able to seek a way to set free their murderer."
OH yes, Mother,
This is a story, that I want you to help me grasp.
The way you led me to this movie in the first place,
and you then led me to see the synopsis on a site,
the existence of which wasn't even known to me,
so I would open my eyes and mind more to the message,
I, who pull way from all movies of action and murder etc.
I was led through such a tunnel,
to understand the message for this year:
To release myself from the dungeon of judgment.
If I release myself, I'll naturally release anybody else.
So it's this , Mother, isnt' it,
that after I've advanced in feeling all there is to feel,
I should now concentrate on releasing judgments, one after the other,
as you said, Spirit, that once I get into the habit of consciously releasing
my subconscious will do a lot more.
So, I'll finally do, what you suggest to do, God,
when something bothers you, ask, if you have a judgment~~~
ha, ha, ha!"