InteGRATion into
Close-ups of my Past
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2007_12_02: Closeup of 2001_05
Is this really a "God-Victorious-Journey"?
re-studied and corrected on March 8, 2010
Still in Enveitg, May 12, 2001, 20:10
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A composition in my
journal: |
Saintes Maries de la Mer
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Rennes le Chateau
"The Magdalene" is actually "Miryam
from Migdal".
"Migdal", plural "Migdalim", means "tower" and
is masculine.
Migdal is up to this day a village at the north-western end of the Lake of
Appendix: My visit to Migdal in August 2003]
As to the tower on this view, called "Tower Magdala",
I wonder, if the one who created it, was aware of the verse in "Song
of Songs" [8:10]
"I am a wall and my breasts are like migdalot".
The form of the plural here is feminine!
[See more at the end of this page and see
my tune to these verses]
Saint Maximin and Sainte Baume
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During the Festival of the Gitans (Gypsies) in Saintes Maries de la Mere,
Gabriele said to me:
Now I understand the line in that song, which I so love:
"et que jamais s'enterre la reine des Gitans"
"and that the queen of the Gitans will never inter (bury) herself".
I wanted to know the entire song, and was so taken by it,
that Gabriele also taught me another song by the same author,
with a line about the Magdalene,
and wrote both songs down for me on our last day,
which was a day and a half before the appointed separation.
In St. Baume I just couldn't bear to stay one more day.
I simply had to set out for the long way to reaching the airport of Nice and
fly home.
But the two songs I cherish and sing , and they are now a part of my 2007
beau que ciel
joue d'la flute
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![]() I also taught Gabriele a song, the last verses of Canticum of "The Song of Songs", in which I saw and see the lover from Migdal: "I am a wall and my breasts are like "migdalot", like towers, [see the tower in Rennes de Chateau above] You, who are sitting in the gardens, friends are listening -maqshivim - to your voice! Let me hear! [and an addition from Isaiah 10:30] Sound your voice, daughter of waves! [Only now - on 2007_12_09 - I discerned, that the word after "daughter of waves" is: haqshivi - listen! - a feminine imperative, the counterpart to the listening of the male friends in Canticum? |
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