puzzle piece 2
Peer Companions
"I can tell you now
that the distinctions
between Deity and humans
will become blurred
as Deity realizes
its deepest urge
to find companionship,
not in fragmentation
as has been the case,
but in wholeness with peers."
"Cosmic Loneliness"
"... The plan, of course, is
that Deity have peers.
"The fragmentation
of Deity
[Old Version:
Deity fragmenting]
so that parts of us could
[Old Version:
can] have separate
has been only a step
in the process.
Fragmentation is not the solution to cosmic loneliness.
Wholeness of
separate beings is."
Spirit Remembers"
there was
any kind of duality,
one whole being,
... complete
and whole
"There were no separations,
no distinctions,
no fragments,
and therefore
no manifestation.
Love was all,
and all was Love.
"... the
Love of Original Heart found something missing
in its experience...
Original Heart
had all the Love it desired,
but for one thing.
Heart had no one else
with whom to share
this Love.
"Heart realized
in its desire
for true,
peer level companionship,
the only way
to find another Heart...
that it somehow
split itself apart,
creating two distinct beings
that could never
reconstitute themselves back
into the one, Original Heart.
"Never, that is
until there would be a way
for Heart to have a companion who was just as whole,
and yet truly separate
and distinct,
not just a part of Self..."
"Heart knew
that sometime much later ~ multiple forms would each reconstitute themselves
and find Heart again.
And this time
there would be more
than one whole being.
This time Heart
would be completely whole ~
and there would be others
with whom
could be wholly shared..."
"Here, very soon,
and for the first time ever ~
Form is to become
the container of New Heart ~
Spirit and Will
in wholly complete union,
without guilt, blame or denial. Original Heart is beginning
to re-member itself again ~
as New Heart,
now in Body ~
and looking out
through human eyes,
moist with
Original Love.
"And yes,
beginning now to see ~
that there is indeed ~
"A Letter from God
to those doing
the Healing Work"
"...they will not
be competitors,
they will be allies.
They will be allies
because each of them
will recognize
the value of having
true friends
who have also realized
their own wholeness.
And they will choose
the values of
and equality of being
over the values of superiority
and the power-over paradigm
that superiority
and belief in hierarchy
hold in place.
"When the fundamental
in the Heart of Creation
are healed,
there will be
no superiority in manifestation,
no hierarchy ~
only greatness and grandeur
of being
for each human manifestor,
each maker of their own salvation."
"And you will have two newly acquired freedoms
as well.
to be together with others
as peers
in a central venue
of true personal freedom,
deep love
and great beauty.
"And second,
you'll have the freedom to join with peers of your choice
in manifesting
your own independent Creation
as fully empowered
Creator Beings...
"Only you and your peers
are capable
of completely realizing
Original Heart's
most fervent desire ~
to be fully present
and whole
in manifestation
with a lover,
and peers
~ each embodying
Spirit and Will
in ecstatic union
as New Heart
in Body.
of the Urantia Book
"Grandfather had achieved perfection
in his Creation
the magnetic essence
that had stayed present
with him
was willing to align with him and his original plan
for perfection.
And in achieving that perfection,
he came to the end of his own evolution.
He and his Creation were perfect
in every way,
all was one and one was all.
And he was lonely.
"And this is
where the local universe creators came in.
In encouraging
the creation
of new universes,
Grandfather sought
to both find
the rest of the Original Mother
and peer level companionship."