InteGRATion into
Singing&Sounding keeps me Sound
O du stille Zeit
2007_07_28 |
Joseph v. Eichendorff 1788-1857 |
tune: Cesar Brescen *1913 |
O du stille Zeit,
Kommst, eh wir's gedacht,
über die Berge weit,
über die Berge weit,
Gute Nacht!
In der Einsamkeit
rauscht es nun sacht,
Über die Berge weit,
über die Berge weit,
Gute Nacht!
Appendix to the
last page about Mika's Heaven on Earth:
of "8 months trailer" : a selection of Immanuel's photos
February 2011
"Brothers in Blood"
a youtube-video
February 2011
A weekend with all four children of Immanuel:
Elah, Alon, Tomer and Mika
February 2011,
Efrat and Mika accompany Immanuel to the simulator
of El-Al in Berlin
My beautiful Moroccan daughter-in-love among Germans who are probably my age and grew up - perhaps in Berlin- when I grew up in Stuttgart |
End of the sequence of the "8 months trailer", a sequence of Immanuel's
to the new format: Documentation of my - now rarer - encounters with Mika