The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"





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InteGRATion into GRATeFULLness
Singing&Sounding keeps me Sound

Abba Haidschi bumbaidschi


Abba Haidschi bumbaidschi

updated: 2009_12_01

lyrics and tune:
a popular German lullaby,
based on a Greek lullaby
"Heude mou paidi"

I based my singing (in my own, Suebian, dialect,
not in the Bavarian dialect as written below)
on a tune that can be heard

on the website for all folksongs

There is also a video with Placido Domingo

singing this song, but the words are quite different
On 2009_11_25 the link no longer works:
"This video has been removed due to terms of use violation"

Abba Haidschi bumbaidschi schlof lange,
Es isch ja dei Mutter ausgange,
Sie isch ja ausgange Und kummt lang net hoim,
Und läßt des kloi Büable alloi net dahoim.
Abba Haidschi bumbaidschi,
Bum, bum, bum, bum,
Abba Haidschi bumbaidschi, bum bum.

Abba Haidschi bumbaidschi schlaf süeße,
Die Engele lasse di grüeße,
Sie lasse di grüeße und lasset di frage,
Ob sie des kloi Büeble umanander sollet trage.
Abba . . . .

Aber Haidschi Bumbaidschi, in Himm'l
Da faehrt di a schneeweißer Schimm'l,
Drauf sitzt a klois Engle mit oiner Latern,
Drein leicht vom Himmel der allerschenst Stern,
Abba . . . .

Und der Haidschi bumbaidschi is komma,
Und der hot mer mei Büeble mitgnomma,
Und er hot mir's mitgnomma
Und hot's nimme bracht,
Drum wünsch i meim Büeble a recht guete Nacht.
Abba . . . .

Synchronicity on December 1, 2009

I use to record a sequence of songs, which I need to rehearse, on my Digital Recorder.
Then, on my way and climb to the pool and back, twice a day (if I am in Arad), I learn.
Today, after I had worked on MY DESIRE TODAY - strongly thinking of my brother,
I, one last time, listened to a song, which to re-learn took me 3 days.
It begins: "If the day fell upon you, if something terrible happened!"

Then I moved on to this sad lullaby, which I like, but which is not suitable as a lullaby .
'I must make a new text to it', I thought, while climbing down the Wadi of Compassion.
But the closer I came to the pool, and then inside the Jacuzzi, great grief overcame me!
Wasn't this lullaby a metaphor for my story with my brother? - tears came to my eyes!

When he was little, I used to carry him on my back to make him laugh.
When he visited me for the last time, and we went to swim in the Sea,
he heaved ME on HIS shoulders and faked to drown us both together.

Suddenly I understood the paradox of the two lines:
"She has gone out and will not come home for a long time,
and doesn't leave her little boy alone at home":

How gentle is this roundabout manner of stating the fact:
The mother can go out and not come home for a long time,
for at home there no longer is a little boy needing her care!
In heaven a white horse is riding him,
a little angel sitting there with a lantern
The "Haidschi bumbaidschi" who in the first line is the little boy himself,
in the last stanza
has become the one who took the child away and never brought it back.

With Eberhard in my mother's garden, Boeblingen 1963.

My little boy is alive and will soon be 47 years old.
while my little-big brother left us at the age of 27
This was the only experience of death in my life -
how blessed am I !!!-
which made me feel, as mourning people say,

"that the world will never be the same"!

This morning, when my eyes were turned to the painting above my bed,
I pondered once again
about this threefold deadly entanglement with American soldiers:
Three years after my father's death, we were informed,
that he was killed on August 5, 1943, 10 days before my 5th birthday
during the invasion of the Allied Forces into Sicily/Italy.
It must have been an American soldier,
who helped my father to leave this plane.

The driver, who killed my brother, was a drunken American soldier,
from a base close to my brother's town, Schwaebish Hall.
I visited this base, when I flew to Germany for the funeral.
"I don't want to think of you as of the murderer of my brother",
I said to the meek man, who later got himself killed in Vietnam.

When I was ten years old,
my mother used to send me to the market in town,
to buy vegetables and fruits as cheaply as possible.
It was a long way, walking and riding the tramway.
One day I saw the tram arrive and ran to reach it,
trying to cross a street without looking left.
Had I done so one tenth of a second earlier,
I would have been overrun by a big car.
But I only collided with the right fender
and flew about 15 meters through the air.
A shocked American officer checked me.
The child was alive and not even wounded,
except for what soon would be "blue spots"
on the outside of my left hips and thighs.
He drove me home and gave me chocolate.
When he was gone, my mother decided,
that I was still able to go to the market...

Synchronicity in 2007:

Though I appointed this song to this date at its date: 2007_04_17,
I worked on its page in "Healing-K.i.s.s." only today: 2008_05_17.

And what do I find?
Every day I'm re-reading my diary written on "WORD"
on the same date the year before.
So, on 2006_05_18, I find "A True Story from Life"
-sent to me by e-mail-
about Placido Domingo!

[hear his latest singing in 2009 in the Kennedy ceremony: "Panis Angelicus" - Angelic Bread on youtube]


to former song to next song


2010_04_24: Mika's and my Heaven on Earth
Since 2009_08_01, I employ song-page after song-page
for documenting and exploring the evolution
of Mika, the youngest of my 10 grandchilden,

whose assignment seems to be:
to exemplify to humankind
by her own  living - doing,
how to  play - fully  create
from moment to moment

"zest-fully and full-filled"


"....Manifestation is meant to be a playground
where being and doing are fun..."

[Godchannel, Second Interview with the Folks]


Continuation of the Dancing with Levi on Shabbat, April 24, 2010

In the back-row: Efrat to the left and Talli to the right, in the front-row: Ronni and Mika.
Levi's daughters are still too small for demonstrating Levi's methods.

Before the next section Efrat asks me to replace her,
telling me her childhood-trauma concerning dancing..
I regret this very much,
but cannot help her heal this in that moment.
So I join in with the mothers as the only grandmother,
and am granted to dance together with my granddaughter.


What was extremely teaching
for me,
in addition to the fun of dancing,
[and dancing with
my granddaughter (see below) !]
was Levi's easiness.
Each of the performances
were practiced
- by parents and children
who didn't know each other-
just for a minute or so,
and then it was already filmed.
Far from perfectionism!

And when once a mother asked:
"Should this step be
to the right or to the left?"

he said simply:
"For children it doesn't matter,
- right or left!"

This really hit me!
It's so similar to Mika's ease:
A week later,
when I wanted her to remember
the 28 imaginations
of "good night dreams",
and she couldn't, nor could I,
she simply said:
"Then let us invent new dreams,
whenever we cannot remember
what I imagined last night!"

And also Tomer,
when he shared with me
his new interest in
"psychodellic music",
and kept pronouncing

I kept correcting him.
Finally he said:
"In Hebrew you cannot know,
how it's pronounced,
since I'm talking Hebrew,
it's alright,
that I say "psychodallic",

and he went one
pronouncing it like that.
"You'll never get it done,
and you can never get it wrong",

says "Abraham"....


While other dance artists are filmed
by that company,
our children play "Hide and Seek"
and I discover,
how Mika carefully drags Noam out of her hide
behind a pretty column.

Then we are back for another section




This time it's me,
whose feet are caught in the air,
just like I caught Levi in the air
during that dance activation
in a religious school in March






Continuation of Mika's "Heaven-on-Earth" , in March 2010, on the Song page of April 18, 2007